#kagura packs
poorlittlevampire · 9 months
BY THE WAY... new touhou musedash collab and it has some bangers including one of my favorite songs
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dyaz-stories · 6 days
'You smell nice' — Day one of Inukag Fluff Week
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Just a fun lil one-shot for day one of @inukagfluffweek! There is a hint of background SessKagu too because I love them.
Mild warning for Inuyasha's potty mouth and that should be it.
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Public transportation was the bane of Inuyasha’s existence.
First of all, whichever human had come up with the idea that half the population would stuff themselves into tin cans to get themselves to and from places, following the same precise and regular schedules every single day, deserved a trip straight to hell. It was easily the dumbest fucking concept known to man, and no self-respecting demon would have agreed to it.
Then there was the fact that there were people everywhere on public transportation, and man, did Inuyasha hate people. Gross, stupid bastards with no self-awareness and no regard for others. There were the students who’d bump into you without even noticing, the women recounting their day far too loud over the phone, and, the worst of them all, the gaggle of salarymen drunk off their asses after some reunion at work. Those ones were rude, entitled, clumsy, and, what was by far the biggest offense, they fucking stank.
And that part was what took the public transport experience from shitty to downright awful. The smells. Inuyasha was no fan of cities in general, their pollution, the sheer amount of things everywhere, whether restaurants, stores, or, of course, public toilets, and, well, the people. It wasn’t always the lack of hygiene, though that was an issue for sure, but the sweat after a day of work, the deodorants, the perfumes, they all came together to produce the foulest of stenches. He hated it here.
The train veered sharply to the left, and Inuyasha tightened his hold on the overhead bar he favored using. Fewer human hands had grabbed it, and since his height meant he had no issue reaching for it, he preferred that to other solutions. In front of him, Kagome hadn’t been so lucky, standing right against the door with nothing to hold onto. With a squeak, she stumbled backwards on her kitten heels, her back colliding with Inuyasha’s broad chest — not that there was really anywhere else for her to go, with how tightly packed the train was.
His free hand closed around her hip, stabilizing her. It came naturally, just instinct, no need to think about it or how nicely her body slotted against his.
She tilted her head back, pretty eyes looking up to him pleadingly.
“Sorry, Inuyasha,” she apologized, lips forming a cute pout.
“You’re good,” he replied, voice gruff. He sent a nasty look to the man on her right, who’d bumped into her. People usually steered clear of him, so the closer she was to him, the better. “You’re getting off at the next stop, right?”
“Yeah,” she beamed, and as always, he marveled at how easy it seemed to be for her to smile and distance herself from the mess of the world around her. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shut down the noises, the smells, the flashes of people’s screens — well, unless he had her to focus on. “I can’t wait to get home.” An eyeroll. “Today was the worst.”
A smirk tugged at his lips.
“Really? You didn’t enjoy Kagura making a scene?”
He knew he had. His sister-in-law was probably his favorite person in the family, actually, with his nieces a close second, and watching her strut into her asshole husband’s office to yell at him about him cancelling their anniversary dinner had absolutely made his day. They could never stay mad at each other very long, so he was sure a very expensive reconciliation was coming, but he’d had his fun for sure.
“No, I like Kagura,” Kagome replied. “But I got cornered by Hojo at the coffee machine and he wouldn’t stop talking about some miracle diet he thinks would cure my allergies and it took me forever to free myself.”
“Want me to do something about that? He never bothers me with that shit.”
“That’s because you terrify him,” she sighed, “so no, that’s not necessary, don’t—” Another turn, but this time he kept her pressed against him, clawed hand on her waist, and her voice barely wavered. “—worry about it. And thanks for that, Inuyasha.”
A knot formed in his throat at the way she leaned back into him without hesitation. He swallowed around it. Where most people cowered away from the hanyo, Kagome had never acted like he was a threat. Sometimes, he felt she was even a little too trusting. Made him feel and think all sorts of things he wasn’t very proud of.
“’s nothing.”
From how he stood behind her, he couldn’t help but catch her scent, especially when she moved and her hair were right under his nose.
And, fuck, she was a breath of fresh air. He’d known that from the first day she’d strolled into the office, of course, gust of wind blowing through the open door and sending her smell throughout the whole office. He didn’t know what it was, if it was the reiki he could guess at under her skin, that gave it such a pleasant flavor. Either way, it could become overwhelming even in the wide open space. Here, on the other hand, it was the perfect distraction against everything else, and it took more willpower than he’d like to admit to not just sniff at her.
“Everything okay?” she asked, catching him off guard, her big inquisitive eyes staring up at him.
“Yeah, it’s—” Damn it, he’d known she was always noticing things no one else cared about. “That’s— You smell nice,” he blurted out at last, and immediately, he wished he could slap himself in the face. What a fucking weirdo. Turned out, everyone who had told him his mouth was too big for his own good, usually before they got their asses handed to them, had been right. Couldn’t he have kept it shut this one damn time?
“Oh,” Kagome said, and her expression turned thoughtful. He waited for the inevitable judgment to fall down. “I read that demons often find perfumes difficult to deal with, so I haven’t worn any since getting hired at Taisho Inc. Is that really better for you?”
There was the knot again, but this time it wasn’t embarrassment, and rather another, deeper emotion. Of course she’d pay attention to that kind of stuff.
“Yeah, it is,” he answered, clearing his throat. “Makes it hard to be around too many people.”
“That’s good to know,” she said with a nod. “Let me know if I can do other things to help you, alright?”
He would not be telling her anything about the thoughts that were running through his mind at her proposal. Nuh-huh.
“That’s my stop,” she grinned up at him, grabbing the hand at her waist and squeezing it gently in hers. “Thank you again, Inuyasha. I’ll see you tomorrow!”
She waved at him, and a second later, she was lost in the crowd, and his world was just a little darker, duller, blander. He let his hand fall back to his side, flexing it reflexively as if to remember how it had felt, touching her.
Keh. He couldn’t believe she was making him look forward to another day in the office.
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As a lot of you know, it's been ages since I last wrote for this pairing that's still near and dear to my heart, so I'd love to hear your thoughts on it! Don't hesitate to scream at me about it in the tags, in the reblogs, in my askbox... anywhere your heart desires lol. Thank you for reading!
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souglias · 4 months
People Say To Take Things One Step At A Time For A Reason [GINTOKI]
OR: Gintoki makes a dire mistake about you in his drunken state
Gintoki x f!reader
c/w: gintoki has been drinking, alcohol mention, use of pet names (but for humour effect), all fluff no angst :>
word count: 1.2k
note: something I wrote for fun and sheesh finally a fluffy gintoki fic rather than my usual bittersweet fics. For my followers who saw my post about a gintoki multi-chapter fic a while ago, just in case you thought this is it, this is not it. Inspired by this (I couldn't find the image from the original artist's twitter 0-(-( )
All likes and reblogs are appreciated!
The phone rings at your bookstore at 1am as you're finishing up some administrative logs. It must be a prank for a call that’s way beyond opening hours. Even if it isn't, you decide you don't want to deal with queries at this time. The phone quietens after 5 rings.
Not long later, the phone starts ringing again. It sounds like urgent business for someone to be calling a bookstore twice in the middle of the night.
"Hello, this is Kabukicho books. How can I help you?"
An all-too-familiar voice comes out from the receiver. His words are slurred and you press the receiver to your ears as you strain to listen to him.
"Heyy, are you free for... dinner?"
"Gintoki. It is long past dinner."
"Dinner is any time after lunch and before breakfast."
"I want to sleep and you should too."
You hear whining from the other end of the phone. "Can't you have at least a parfait with me? We haven't met in a while!"
Is this a secret, roundabout cry for help from him? Coming from the very lips of Gintoki, those words feel like stark yellow paint on a white wall.
Regardless, you are a little concerned he's going to die in a ditch somewhere instead of making it home. Even if he's gotten this drunk multiple times before he called you today. 
He prompts you again with a "hello" before you hear some crashing on the other side.
You suppose once is fine. It is a solid reason to see the person you harbour feelings for. On top of that, he's right that the two of you have not seen each other for a while. And just maybe, it is a sign that he chose to call you out of everyone else.
(Okay but maybe you're just being delusional. Who else he could even call? Kagura would simply smash the ringing phone at this hour. If he calls up the Shimura household, Otae would tell him to die rather than let her younger brother pick him up.)
You sigh, "Where are you now?"
He hums a little before telling you the bar he visited. You pack up your work (that is still 1% unfinished) and head out into the cold winter night to find him. Gintoki should thank his lucky stars that you like him, otherwise, you would have left him to freeze. Almost no one gets to interrupt your work.
You easily find the telephone booth near the bar he patronised. As you approach the telephone booth, you see a scene you find somewhat humorous. He's bent over backwards in the cramped space, face pressed against the clear glass of the booth and feet propped against the other side. His eyes are closed, mouth slightly open with drool.
Taking out your phone, you snap a photo of him before you knock on the door. He's so ridiculously unsightly, but it endears you.
One eye of his cracks open and his lips upturn. You swing the door open and give him an unamused look. That doesn't shake his half-lidded eyes and a wide smile.
"Yo, you pretty thing."
Your heart skips a beat. Gintoki is possessed, or he's lost it. All Gintoki has been calling you is an ugly hag and a shit-faced bitch. To call you pretty is... out of this world.
"You're way too fucking drunk. Get out of there by yourself, I'm not helping you."
As he twists and turns to get himself out of that difficult position, he whines again. "Help me, woman! You can do this little thing for me right?”
Seeing him struggle, you decide to milk this scene. “Well, who am I for you to assume this is ‘little’?”
“My girlfriend.”
You're sure your face is visibly red at this point, and your heart is beating in your throat. You manage to stammer out, "What?"
"You're my girlfriend duh!" He exclaims without an ounce of doubt in his statement.
He's lost it. He's lost it.
"Since when? Huh? Huh? Why was I not informed about this?"
"Huh? Why are you-"
Gintoki freezes and he narrows his eyes at you. It dawns on him that you are not his girlfriend. 
To be precise, he has not asked you to be his girlfriend. 
Suddenly, he's able to stand upright in the phone booth. He remains rooted there, his body turned away from you. What has he done? His heart beats at a thousand per hour and he thinks he might collapse.
"Did you mistake me for a girlfriend or something? Anyway, you should have told us you have one."
He could pretend to black out now. Or maybe he should try to be smooth.
"Well, no... I don't. I just forgot I wasn't in the future, that's all!"
Gintoki timidly looks over his shoulder to check your reaction. From the puzzled look on your face, he fucked it. He doesn't even remember the exact pick-up line if one like this actually existed. Something about a girlfriend but in the future. 
"What are you talking about..."
He averts his gaze again. The obvious way to clarify everything is to be honest with you. It's that easy. It's that easy. But he can't say it. Even in his half-intoxicated state, he feels like he'll keel over saying those three or five words. He did plan to say it some time, but not in this manner.
You watch his broad back slowly shrink inwards, and you hear him mumble something you don't catch. A gut feeling fills your chest. You breathe, slowly regaining your composure. Meanwhile, he decides he should pretend to black out.
"Look, if you wanted me to be your girlfriend, you should have asked me first. I would have said yes. Don't skip steps, please. I'd like some order."
Already amid Operation Pretend-To-Collapse, Gintoki falls backwards and lands on the ground. But his eyes are wide open instead of shut as he lies on the ground, searching for a sign of a joke from you. You lower into a crouch, continuing to stare into his bewildered eyes. 
“So, what will it be, darling?” 
The weight you put on what you just called him makes him shudder. His face is too distractingly hot compared to his body for him to come up with any kind of retort. He mumbles again with his eyes looking elsewhere. 
“Huh? I can’t hear you, you have to speak up.” 
Words come out in a murmur. All you hear is the word “girlfriend” but you egg him more. “What?? Is this all you got, Sakata Gintoki??”
His hand reaches for your face and he pulls you towards him, pressing your lips against his. You can smell a sweet alcohol scent on him. When you pull away, you find a fiery, intense gaze in his eyes.
“You’re my girlfriend now, stupid.”
Just like that, he renders you speechless. But a smile tugs on the corner of your lips, and you stifle a laugh.
Gintoki picks himself up from the ground, still a little woozy. You grab his arm to steady him, then decide to wrap your arm around his back. He stiffens slightly but eases into your arm for support. When he rests his arm around your shoulders, both of you begin the journey to his home.
“Just so you know, I have unfinished work thanks to your ‘little’ favour. You owe me now. Maybe you should be the one buying me a parfait instead, honeypie.”
He glances at you only for a moment, unamused, before he turns away. You laugh, getting a kick from the whole night of teasing your friend-turned-boyfriend. Suddenly, you stop laughing.
“You didn’t throw up before you met me right?”
“I didn’t.”
Disgust starts creeping onto your face. “Are you sure? Are you sure?”
“I didn’t, you shit.”
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cakewritez · 2 months
cw: nb/fem/masc! reader
Parings: Kagura x reader, Yuki x reader <3
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You laid next to Kagura, scrolling on your phone in one hand as your other laid a cold pack to her forehead. She had overworked herself by cooking a bunch of food for the Sohma's ever since Kyo got back.
♡ "What am I going to do with you? Once you set your mind towards something it's like I can't even stop you!"
You let out a small chuckle and she reciprocated by playfully shooing you.
"You're so lucky I can't show you my gratitude in this condition!! How will I thank you?"
Sighing a nervous breath you reached over to place your hand in hers, thankfully she hasn't pulled her hand away yet. You looked at her with adoration, the time was now.
♡ "How about, an outing? We get together and we go watch this new movie! Or you could.. consider it a date? If you want. I really like you Kagura, you're beautiful and considerate. I just want to show you the affection you give other people, you deserve it."
She looked at you with a shocked expression, a mix of melancholy and relief. Like she had been waiting for you.
"Of course! I can't go like this now can I? I might transform in the middle of the theatre!" Kagura giggled before sneezing and looked at you.
"Stay with me?" She held out a hand, you gladly took it.
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You caught him sleeping in the living room futon with a high fever, you told him it wasn't a good idea to go out in the rain but he persisted. He sat up to talk to you as the hot soup you were heating up wasn't ready yet.
"I'm fine, truly! I.. aah ACHOO!"
You rolled your eyes playfully at him and gently pushed him back so he was laying down.
♡ "Sure, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night."
He sighed and shook his head. "I can't be late tomorrow, can you help me? I'll do my best to repay you, of course- choo!" Another sneeze.
♡ "No way, you are definitely not going in this condition. Besides, I'm happy to help you! You mean a lot to me."
He felt his heartstrings being tugged at, or was that because of the sickness? Who knows. You got a bucket and filled it with cold water, you sat next to Yuki and dipped a towel in. After squeezing the water out; you placed it on his forehead.
♡ "Sorry, you're gonna be here for a while Sohma."
He sighed, he looked at you with a grateful smile though. Always kind.
"Thank you anyways, I appreciate your help. It has been more manageable with you here." You gave a little smile to him.
♡ "In my opinion, everything is a lot more manageable when you're around. That's why I'm so drawn to you, you're so sweet to be around."
It's now or never.
♡ "I really like you."
His heart raced, Yuki stared at you with a bit of worry and unease. But it soon turned into a soft expression, a longing one. "I was worried you didn't feel the same, guess I was wrong." He reached up and caressed a piece of your hair near your face.
"I suppose a date is in order then?"
You happily nodded. "You gotta get some sleep though! I'll be waiting, Yuki."
"Y..Yuki.." He mumbled as he fell backwards.
A giant poof appeared as blue smoke appeared, a rat landed onto the pillow with a small 'plop'. He was asleep.
♡ "Sweet dreams."
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// hope you enjoyed!! I felt like it was ooc, but that's just my opinion ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡ //
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mugenfinder · 1 year
Back when me and some guys would play Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart, I was the one took care of the character packs we used.
We had Bugs Bunny and I didn't like his voicelines which were all too loud or weird, so I swapped out his voice for more appropriate lines.
At some point, someone asked for Mirai from Senran Kagura to be added to the pack. No one, including me, wanted this character.
I agreed to do it, but I was inspired to make some changes.
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iinuyashaa · 1 year
just thinking about a non-HnY plotline in which…
Rin marries Kohaku and they name their firstborn daughter Kagura out of respect for the wind demoness who saved Kohaku’s life…
Sesshoumaru watches over Rin and Kohaku’s family for generations to come… He ends up being an absolute pushover of a grandfather. You think he spoiled Rin? Pffft. Child’s play. You’ll never hear him admit it, but he shows up every month or so with candies, toys, new clothes, etc. from his travels for his adopted grandkids. Maybe Sesshoumaru has never had a “pack” in the traditional inuyokai sense, but he sure as heck has one now. (Don’t worry, he also brings gifts for Inukag’s kids, too.) I feel like his love languages are definitely acts of service + gift giving. Not a big “words of affirmation” guy. Deep down inside, he loves this little (yet growing) pack of humans who run up to him and give him hugs and beg him to take them flying in the sky for a minute…
Understanding that Rin has been used against the both of them as bait in the past, Sesshoumaru (begrudgingly) teams up with Kohaku when he’s in the village to teach her some basic demon-slaying and self-defense techniques when she enters her mid-teen years. (Before Kohaku and Rin are married.) Both males understand that she doesn’t have to be perfect or excel at them (nor does she ever become an expert fighter), but they at least want her to know a few moves in case she ever encounters trouble, you know? We love a cooperative future father/son-in-law relationship.
I also imagine that maybe Kohaku was like… 👀👀 “oh man, she’s cute…!” at Rin when he saw his childhood friend dressed in demon slayer garb for the first time. It’s even funnier to imagine Sesshoumaru, the protective dad he is, being insistent on lowkey chaperoning Rin’s training sessions with him and Kohaku as he watches their blossoming “puppy love” romance play out. He doesn’t want things getting too crazy over there.
There’s more to come on this. I would love to write a little drabble series about a KohRin family and gramps Sesshoumaru… 🤲🏻🤲🏻
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pyropsychiccollector · 8 months
Natsu Harem: Fairy GET! 9/14
We're reaching the tail end of the pack~... Let's put in some hustle. (๑╹ω╹๑ )
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The next spotlight goes to... Yes~... The other half of the Sky Maiden Sisters~... Wendy Marvell~! \(๑╹ω╹๑ )/
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When did they meet?
This one is pretty standard... I don't have to mess around with it too much. Natsu met Wendy during the fateful mission to crush Oracion Seis. The guild that took care of her, Cait Shelter, regrettably had to pass on... They couldn't keep watching over her forever. But this left Wendy-chan open to join Fairy Tail... And they became her new family. Wendy-chan particularly drew close to Team Natsu because of their first meeting. (❋•‿•❋)
There isn't that much to elaborate on, as far as first meetings and whatnot go. Wendy saw that Fairy Tail was pretty powerful, if not prone to going overboard. A bit much for her mild-mannered self... But they proved dependable. They fought to protect Cait Shelter... And Natsu kept his promise~... (❋•‿•❋) It's little wonder she jumped at Erza's proposal to join Fairy Tail... Cait Shelter moving onto the afterlife made her sad, but Wendy resolved to carry on. And it's gratifying to find another Dragon Slayer in Natsu. (人◕ω◕)
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When did they get closer?
Fairly obvious, but Wendy adapted to her new guild pretty quickly. Everyone adored her for being so cute, gentle, and kind. (人◕ω◕) Wendy wasn't much of a fighter herself, though. She knew some offensive-type spells, but she was mainly a healer and an enchantment wielder, which effectively relegated her to support type in battles.
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... And she was pretty joined to Natsu at the hip. (人◕ω◕) I mean, why wouldn't she? They're both Dragon Slayers. Wind and Fire complement each other. Happy and Carla get along... sorta... *let's just sidestep Happy's repeated flirty attempts that Carla shot down~...* (人◕ω◕);;
Honestly? Wendy sees Natsu as a big brother figure. That defines the nature of their relationship for much of the time they're fighting Dark Guilds and kicking butt in the Grand Magic Games. She'll occasionally help alleviate his motion sickness, but repeated use of her Troia spell makes it less effective... And besides, eventually Wendy comes down with the same dumb illness. Wendy-chan really doesn't like transportation, just like Natsu-nii. (人◕ω◕)
When Fairy Tail disbanded after Tartaros, Wendy was left crestfallen, her home once more torn away from her... That brought her to Lamia Scale, to be with Chelia for a year... And then Natsu came back, even though she was pretty determined to stay with Chelia. (人◕ω◕) We know how that turned out, though~...
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When did friendship turn to something more?
This is the million dollar question. (人◕ω◕);;; See, up through Alvarez... Wendy was focused on this idea of Natsu being her big brother. That's why she came to love and adore him so much. (人◕ω◕)
... But as time went on, Natsu became much more... popular. Cana-san. Kagura-san. Yukino-san. Natsu-nii even won over Juvia's heart...! And not to mention former enemies like Brandish-san, Sayla-san, and... others. *spoilers* (人◕ω◕) This doesn't even cover Lisanna, who's been close to Natsu for ages - same with Erza-nee and Mira-san... It was getting harder and harder to spend time with Natsu, and Wendy couldn't quite figure out why a part of her was frustrated and... furious.
And then one day, a while after the war with Alvarez, Chelia asks Natsu out. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;; That was definitely the proverbial final nail in the coffin. Chelia's a few years younger than Natsu, who's about the same age as Erza. He's 20, Chelia's 16. ... Wendy is 13. Wendy should be older (even if that placed Natsu-nii even older, too), but because of Fairy Sphere shenanigans... Put simply, Wendy got shafted. Hard. (人◕ω◕);;; It's bad enough she has to be around big boobs so often... But for all these well-endowed women to be eating up all of Natsu-nii's time and affection...?
Wendy thought long and hard on it. While other girls gave their vetoes to Chelia's request for a date with Natsu-nii, and her beloved Natsu-nii agreed to go out with Chelia, Wendy stewed in her corner and mulled over why she was so miffed. It's not like she didn't want Natsu-nii to be happy. Or Chelia. (人◕ω◕);;; Wendy just... She was tired of getting sidelined by all these other women that weren't even Dragon Slayers!! ... Erza-nee is debatable given her mum, but really. Every single one of these "love interests" for niisan didn't have that pedigree that Wendy thought she had.
... Carla told her she was going a bit loopy from thinking too hard, but Wendy knew she wasn't crazy. Where was her Natsu-nii time?! It's not fair!!! (人◕ω◕);;;
So Wendy came to the conclusion that, at some point, she'd fallen for Natsu. ... And she had. She just didn't want to admit it because of the... age gap between them. Seven years apart was pushing it. But can you blame the poor girl? Natsu was her most important person, besides Erza-nee and Carla. And all these hussies... *cough* All these other women eating up Natsu's time and energy... (人◕ω◕);;;
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But this is fine. Wendy is... fine. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;;; While she doesn't have... much... of a problem with her petite size, the issue for Wendy-chan is closing that age gap juuust a little bit. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;; And since she specializes in Enchantments, Wendy researches long and hard... And finally invents a spell to age her up. ... But just aging up to Natsu-nii and Erza-nee's age feels like cheating. So Wendy does the "honorable" thing and makes herself on even footing with Chelia. That tramp... Er. Her bestest friend in the whole wide world. (人◕ω◕);;; Wendy ages herself up to somewhere between 16 and 17. Why? Because screw you, Wendy-chan deserves this after Fairy Sphere robbed her. That's her line, and she's sticking to it. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;;;; Now, while she gets a little taller, she's still about Chelia's height. ... But regrettably not as well-endowed. Because of course her genes hate her. (人◕ω◕);; Her spell made her age naturally, so she had no say in how curvy she was.
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Of course everyone noted what Wendy did to herself... And how she practically pounced on Natsu and showed the depths of her love for him with a passionate kiss.... (人◕ω◕);;; Wendy-chan would love to ask Natsu out, but for right now this is all the courage she possesses. She's not as brave or confident as Chelia. ... Or Erza. Or... (人◕ω◕) You get the idea. Wendy doesn't ask him out, but she stumbles over a very nervous confession to Natsu...
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... Which Natsu rolls with. Wendy's pretty important to him, and she looks pretty cute regardless of age. But it's certainly less weird if she's as old as Chelia. (人◕ω◕) The other members of the harem are... leery of Wendy coming forward so boldly, but it's not like she had much choice. Not with territorial Sayla, bossy Brandish, clingy Juvia, determined Kagura... Wendy might have blindsided them all, but you better believe they won't lose to her. Natsu belongs to everyone~... (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) At least Chelia-chan is pretty accepting of Wendy's advances on Natsu. Their bond is still strong.
Although that bond of theirs does nudge other members of the harem to find tentative partners... Assuming they don't already have one. (人◕ω◕) Cuz with Wendy and Chelia teaming up to hog time with Natsu... Measures must be taken to ensure the scales stay even. ... Or else. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
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officialinuyasha · 2 months
Yashahime - Takashi Shiina Blog Translation - Sunday S February 2022 [Part 2]
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The first step in the princesses' journey is the village of the exterminators. The spotlight is on the grown up Kohaku-kun, and we look back at the story of “Inuyasha” from his point of view.
This comicalization starts with an entrance like "me and the reader visit the world of 'Inuyasha' with Towa-chan", and reconstructs the anime as "a story that explains the character of Sesshomaru from the perspective of a new set of characters". Therefore, “the testimonies from different perspectives of those who were there in ‘Inuyasha’” are an explanation that serves as a prequel and, at the same time, a guidepost. The past that boss Kohaku has been burdened with is also fully disclosed in the manga, deepening the interest in the complex shades of the father Lord Sesshomaru.
I interpreted Kohaku-kun as “another Sota-kun who lives in a harsh world”, so in the comic version Sota papa is an over-fond father and boss Kohaku also pampers the three princesses (laugh). I wanted to depict him as a grown up praying in front of the graves of his father and companions, whom he killed while he was manipulated by Naraku, and the fact that he hasn’t completely escaped from his past, but that would make the story darker so I modified it.
In the original Inuyasha version, Kirara-chan is a child who doesn't have speech balloons or anything like that, but in the anime version she is quite vocal, and it feels like she talks a lot when she is imported back into the manga. After wondering what to do (about this) in the comicalization, I interpreted it as “from the human Kagome’s point of view, she’s silent, but from the perspective of the princesses Kirara is relatively talkative”. While I was at it, I tried to make her more cat-like, but it turned out that if I made her too much like a cat, she would become a different person (or beast?), like "she's long when you pick her up" or “she presses your face with her paw pads and sticks to you if you are too sticky". For the time being, I drew it like this (laugh). 
I couldn't have a very large group of people riding on Kirara-chan, so a horse was provided for the boss (1) for the later development. When I drew it, I was able to capture the dignity and authority of him as an adult, so I think it was the right choice. By the way, this is just my personal, unofficial backstory, but I think the name of his beloved horse might have been “Kagura”. 
Kagura’s final scene is one of the most outstanding, famous scenes of the series, so I really wanted to pick it up, but the dilemma was that if I went too far into it, the balance of the story would swing too much in that direction because it is so impressive. Therefore, after consulting with Takahashi sensei, I decided to limit it to a small cut from the perspective of Kohaku-kun, who had rushed (to her side) and was watching her. In other words, I really wanted to show how she lived her short life to the fullest, even if it was just a glimpse. Her way of life overlaps with characters who appear later.
The centerpiece of the new chapter is the participation of older brother Kouga, who only appears in the anime original work (2). If the anime word line is extended, Ayame-chan should also be there, but due to page reasons she couldn’t appear. It may be that she is in charge of protecting the pack and house-sitting. 
As I wrote before, Master Yawaragi has been rejuvenated while slightly changing her standing position. This time she has no (spoken) lines, but in the next chapter she will be speaking in the Kansai dialect, so please look forward to it (laugh).
The first volume of the manga, which contains chapters up to last month, will be released around the 18th of January (3). The first print run has been reduced to a small number, so it will probably run out of stock… That’s what I hope… No, running out of stock means that there will be people who want it but can't get it so it’s not something good. It would be nice to say to Shogakukan “Hey!! You should have printed some more!! Hurry up with the second edition!!” with a smug look on my face. Well, there is also a digital edition, so in case you can’t buy in a shop please consider that option in addition to pre ordering and ordering it. Buy it.
Source: https://cnanews.asablo.jp/blog/2021/12/27/9451212
1- Kohaku. 
2- He refers to the original anime and The Final Act.
3- January 2022.
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Kagura Bachi Chapter 1: Mission
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At this point, I'm sure everybody's seen all the memes and jokes about Kagura Bachi. #1 New-Gen Shonen manga that's better than God himself, or whatever. A funny joke at times, but a little overdone.
Kagura Bachi would never live up to that hype, but it's also not a series that's going down the gutter right this second. It struggles, as a first time mangaka will, but at the very least has the potential to turn things around. So, let's take a look at this first chapter then and see what it can do.
The art. All the teaser images you've seen around make it look surprisingly good, and in some places it is. But the default? It's not really that good. It's not awful, but it's far from something you'll routinely comment on.
Simple designs, simple faces, and not a lot that changes about them. Honestly, I'd put it on the same level as the Fantasy Bishoujo manga that I talked about earlier, but even then I think the average quality of the art in Kagura Bachi can struggle to keep pace. Anyways, it certainly doesn't hold a candle to other recent SJ additions. Not awful to be at the bottom of the pack, but the art itself certainly isn't an immediate selling point for readers.
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Diving further into the art and style, same-face is a real struggle with the shape and designs of characters. Eyebrows and pupil/iris shapes are some of the main ways the mangaka forces distinction between their characters. Truthfully, it's not something that's a deal breaker by any means, but just points to the struggles of an early on artist (though it's not like I can really say anything when I can't draw to save my life).
A more important issue however is the action. It's got solid layouts and ideas, but the choreography can feel.. plain. Not a bad thing, but you need art that can fill those gaps, that can provide pace and movement within. Kagura Bachi does not have the benefit of art that can help with that. And so, because of that, the action ends up stuff, and even lackluster.
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Well, I suppose that's enough about the art, let's talk story.
... it's essentially on the same page as the art. Some good, some bad, lotta mediocre. Bog standard revenge plot meets unique but highly underutilized power system.
Chihiro is the son of a famous blacksmith, at some point his father dies and Chihiro is out for revenge against an organization of sorcerers that, we as readers assume, are the ones that killed his father. But Chihiro's just a boy, how could he go up against sorcerers? Well, he's got some special katanas from his departed father.
Very typical, no? Which I think is a shame, because the chapter deeply limits itself. It starts with the story stating that "only" Chihiro has magically imbued Katanas, but anyone with half a brain knows that as the series goes on, villains will wield similar katanas as well. To clarify, we know that Chihiro's father has made more than just the katanas that Chihiro has. The core of the gripe is that only Chihiro's father was able to create them, and that there's no information about how many there are or who might wield them (spoiler, it's gonna be all the bad guys).
The second, and more problematic issue is how the power system is approached. It separates sorcery from the katanas themselves, which is a painful mistake. The magic should be tied to the swords, it would make for a way better power system to explore. Swords vs magic has been done a thousand times over, so I'm just not thrilled to see its opportunity squandered.
That's not where it ends though. Despite being a magic sword, and despite readers knowing, thanks to earlier exposition, that it has the ability to "ward off evil", the manifestation of that ability is... to turn the sword black and slash people really hard.
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I really can't get more disappointed than this. You lead with this super cool visual of the goldfish that the katana is imbued with, and you follow with a single slash. Not even a fancy one. Just a big, fat, shonen manga slash.
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So, at the end of it all. There'll be an audience for this type of story, there always is. Violent revenge plot centered around black haired swordsman fighting non-sword wielding enemies. About as generic as you could make it, really. I just hope that the mangaka sees the potential that they wield and changes it up. Different schools centered around various imbued properties. Allowing Chihiro the use of sorcery to attempt to create his own blades. Distancing itself from the revenge plot. The art will undoubtedly grow and improve if the series is allowed to live, but in these early chapters.... well it's now or never for shifting the focus of the story. It has the ability to go the distance, but by the hand of the mangaka, the story is going down a path that will destroy its potential.
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lostusagis · 3 months
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@jiraipink asked:
Headcanon Time~! ☆
How are the Yato sibs when they play video games? Are they in silent focus mode? Do they voice their thoughts outloud?
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Oh god..... I love this question. 😂
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Kamui is the type to voice his thoughts, no matter what he plays. Kagura has told him to 'shut the fuck up' numerous times. How bad his comments are really depends on what he's playing. You'll only catch Kamui playing fighting games & Pokemon.
Pokemon: He's going to judge your choice in a team, if you don't EV train your Pokemon you'll get belittled for that, and he's unbeatable in Pokemon too like he is in rl, and WILL make fun of you for that as well.
'You didn't even EV train your pokemon? You're so worthless, it won't even be fun beating you'.
Fighting games: A lot of trash talking, making fun of the choice in character you'd make, and just... he's REALLY mean lol
Kamui also rarely rages when playing, the only time you'd witness that is if Kagura managed to beat him at all. Odd Jobs goes through a lot of controllers whenever Kamui comes over.
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With Kagura, it depends on what she's playing. If she's playing a less action packed game, you'll find her surprisingly quiet, and focused. Which is unsettling when she's playing the sims, because SHE'LL be quiet but all you hear from the screen is screaming.
With fighting games, she voices her thoughts more ESPECIALLY when playing against Kamui. She tends to yell insults a lot, especially when losing. Don't have anything close to her, because she WILL throw the closest thing at you when playing.
She rages A LOT. Kagura has a foul temper and it shows. Controllers will be thrown at faces, if she doesn't use her own fist instead. Make sure you have a warranty on that TV too.
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chemmerson · 2 years
primaveral - chapter six
Hokage!Kakashi/Doctor!Reader, post-war, canon compliant
Chapter summary: Suna is going well, Kakashi fulfilling his duties and you fulfilling yours. And somehow, you keep running into each other to share moments that leave you both reeling, breathless, and confused. The last day in Suna is quickly approaching, but what better way to spend it than at the Stars Festival (and a date?).
Words: 4.1k
Warnings: none!
Read on ao3
chapter six - it's a date!
“Good morning, Doctor!”
Ritsu’s energy in the morning could easily take the place of your usual coffee. You had just opened the door to see his bright, smiling face as well as Kagura’s less enthusiastic one. You could guess how she felt about mornings just by her expression.
“Good morning, you two,” you smiled the best you could through your grogginess.
“Did you sleep alright I hope?” Ritsu shot you another big smile.
You swallowed the truth, which was that you barely got any sleep with your mind keeping you up. “Yes, it was very comfortable.”
“Great! Which means you’ll be ready for a day packed with lots of adventure!” Ritsu pumped a fist into the air.
“Yes, but if you don’t mind, I’d love to take a stop to get some coffee,” Kagura let out a yawn and a sigh. “It’s much needed.”
You chuckled, shutting your door behind you and locking it. “I can say the same. That sounds great.”
Ritsu and Kagura (mostly Ritsu) were giving you the rundown of the day, what it would look like, what types of protocol and patients you would be witnessing. You tried your best to listen but truthfully, there were many other things on your mind.
I have feelings for Kakashi. I have feelings for Kakashi. I have feelings for Kakashi.
It was this persistent feeling that had grown in your stomach, a feeling that you had been burying deep down until now. And you realized as you laid awake last night, tormented by the growing feeling in your stomach and the millions of thoughts in your head, that it began that day you and Sakura gave your presentation.
It was those eyes and that look. It was like Kakashi was seeing you, really seeing you in that moment. And up until now, you were doing your best to focus on the important things rather than silly little crushes. You pushed it down, down, down.
But there was no use anymore. Your heart was screaming the truth at you. You could no longer hide from it.
“Uh, Doctor? Everything okay?”
You scolded yourself spacing out and worrying your new friends, pasting on an apologetic smile towards Ritsu. “Oh yes, I’m sorry. I think I really need that coffee.”
“There’s a stand just down the road. They make the best lattes,” Kagura sighed contentedly.
You smiled and then forced yourself to get out of your head. The main streets were already busy with people and shops and businesses opening, as well as the market that sat at the end of the main drag. In this way, it felt like Konoha. Everyone waking up together and starting their days. The heart of any village is its people.
Looking around, something else caught your eye. There were several people setting up what looked like to be decorations, stringing lights across the buildings and setting up intricate wooden stalls. It looked like…
“I love the day before the Stars Festival!” Ritsu squealed. “Everyone starting to set up, all the decorations. I’m already dreaming about the food…”
“All I can think about right now is coffee,” Kagura mumbled. “But I also can’t wait to snag some Stars Festival dango. The flavors are always so good.”
You finally spoke up about your curiosity, leaning forward to catch their eyes. “I’m sorry but…Stars Festival? What’s that?”
Both Ritsu and Kagura snapped their heads in your direction, Ritsu’s expression dramatic as always and even Kagura’s eyes slightly wide.
“YOU CAME TO SUNA DURING THE STARS FESTIVAL AND DIDN’T EVEN KNOW???” Ritsu exclaimed loudly, which made you shrink back a bit. “I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS!!!”
“Ritsu! Volume, please!” Kagura shoved her hand on his face and then sighed. “The Stars Festival is a Suna tradition, of course, she wouldn’t know!”
Ritsu grabbed Kagura’s hand and slid it down to his chin. “Yes I know but…this is just…this is just so wonderful! I can’t believe she came during the best time of the year! 
“Um,” you laughed lightly. “I’m so glad but…what is the Stars Festival?”
Ritsu jumped in front of you, stopping you in your tracks. “The Stars Festival is a Suna annual tradition! Once a year, a meteor shower will grace our village. We will celebrate all night with food, drinks, games, anything you can think of…until the time of the shower, all of Suna’s villagers looking up at the sky and watching the stars! It’s the best day in the whole village, everyone dresses up and celebrates the night away!”
Kagura stepped in next to Ritsu. “All of that is true, but the meaning behind the festival is not only celebration. The meteor shower, because it happens annually, is thought to be a blessing over our village. When the shower begins, it is a time for reflection, prayer, and good thoughts over the village and its people.”
You felt honored to be in Suna to witness such a wonderful tradition and touched that Ritsu and Kagura were sharing about it with you. “Wow, that sounds…incredible.”
“Wait until you try the food!” Ritsu squealed again, the biggest smile on his face.
“Is all you can think about food?” Kagura rolled her eyes, walking away with Ritsu trailing behind.
“I can’t help it! I love festival food…”
You followed behind, thinking about how lucky you were once more to be in this place, to meet these people, to experience new things. Your heart felt warm with gratitude, and a touch of sadness knowing after tomorrow, you’d have to leave.
You’d come back. Some day…maybe Kakashi really would bring you back here…
You were brought out of your thoughts by bumping into Kagura’s back, the pair stopping in their tracks. Looking up, you realized what stopped them.
The Hokage and the Kazekage were side by side in their regular shinobi attire, and they looked like they were taking a casual walk.
Your cheeks immediately began to burn when you realized Kakashi had met your eyes.
“Kazekage!” Ritsu exclaimed, bowing immediately. Kagura followed more gracefully, and you followed suit. “It’s wonderful to see you this morning!”
The Kazekage, Gaara, chuckled. “I can say the same, Ritsu. Your energy is contagious.”
Though you were standing slightly behind, Ritsu stood a bit taller. “Thank you, sir!”
Gaara then looked at Kagura. “Good morning, Kagura.”
Kagura nodded back. “Good morning, sir.”
“I hope you two are taking good care of our esteemed guest,” Gaara smiled at you, causing your cheeks to heat even more. “Lord Sixth tells me good things about her, and her importance to the village. I trust she’s in good hands?”
Your entire body was on fire, and Kakashi’s eyes crinkled mischievously. Oh, he really enjoyed making you so flustered, didn’t he? In your opinion, he continued to speak way too highly of you. But then again, he was thoroughly enjoying seeing you so flustered. You looked away from his eyes with a slight pout you couldn’t help, and you felt that made him even more satisfied.
“Y-Yes, of course, Lord Kazekage sir!” Ritsu stood at attention, a determined look on his face.
In front of you, Kagura cringed slightly at his dramatics. “Of course, Lord Kazekage. She’s going to be observing our rounds today.”
Gaara chuckled again. “I’m only giving you two a hard time. I trust no one more to welcome her to the village. Well, the Hokage and I better get going as well."
Goodbyes were exchanged and as you began to walk past Kakashi and Gaara, your eyes found Kakashi’s once more. He was giving you another mischievous look as he passed you and then…
He brushed your shoulder with a wink.
It only made you freeze for one second when you whipped your head around, mouth agape. But all you saw was his back next to the Kazekage’s like nothing had happened.
Oh, he’s really going to get it. How can he keep doing this to me? Does he…know…?
“Doctor, are you okay? You look flustered.”
You whipped your head back around to Kagura and Ritsu’s slightly concerned looks.
“O-Oh, yes!” You sputtered. “Sorry, I’m just—“
“Ah, I understand,” Ritsu smiled. “The Kazekage is a highly respected individual, it’s understandable you would feel so flustered in his presence!”
“I think you’re the only person who feels that way, Ritsu. He’s a person too, not a celebrity…”
“He basically is! I wouldn’t be surprised if he was in a movie someday…”
“You’re ridiculous…”
Following Ritsu and Kagura again, you forced yourself to focus on the day at hand, no matter how hard.  You pushed the silver-haired man out of your head and followed the two doctors into another busy day.
Being a doctor or medical ninja is a vital part of any shinobi system, of any village, really. Without it, shinobi would not be able to find their ground again and protect the village. To fulfill their duty. The medical professionals behind any battle or hospital are one of the most necessary roles to ensure the well-being of others which in turn guarantees the protection of the village.
You would say that any medic-nin or doctor knows this to be true, and is part of the reason why they show up to fulfill their duty every day. To support others. To help their comrades. To see them thrive on the other side.
For you, you think it runs deeper than that. There is something about your duty as a doctor, a researcher, and a medical professional that is ingrained in you. There is something about the moment you cross the threshold of any medical setting that solidifies a sense of purpose and duty.
You never really wanted to be a shinobi. There was always a part of you that knew.
The moment you crossed the threshold into Suna’s medical facilities that morning was a reminder all over again that this was what you were meant to do.
You learned a lot following Ritsu and Kagura on their rounds. After the war, Suna had sectioned off a chunk of the hospital for rehabilitation efforts. It had naturally morphed into a more permanent system of how the hospital ran with the amount of shinobi needing some form of cognitive or physical rehab. Most of your morning had been spent there, observing, recording, consulting.
As you could have guessed, there were a lot of the same cases back in Konoha. Brain injury was one of the biggest, cases of mild to severe aphasias, memory loss, and overall cognitive changes that many struggled with. The trauma of the war itself left many with cognitive deficits along with major physical injuries. 
The other major cases were hearing loss and tinnitus that accompanied other physical and cognitive losses. Complaints of ringing in the ears and significant decline in one or both ears were common as you made your way around the hospital.
You got to talk with other doctors and their treatment. You got to hear from medical-ninja, how they refined their ninjutsu to treat specific war-like injuries. It was so much information, so many new ideas sprouting in your brain at once. You had felt like it had only been an hour when so many had already gone by.
The day was almost over, and you had found yourself with the research team again. After a day of seeing Suna’s amazing facilities, you had many questions yourself. Logistically, they could implement a speech and hearing clinic with no problem, and you knew that Sakura already had plans for a mental health clinic in the works. It seemed that even a whole land away, everyone was on the same page regarding medical care.
But, night came again and everyone started getting ready to go home. You were chatting with one of the researchers particularly interested in your research, and she mentioned the hospital’s medical library. You excitedly mentioned your interest in ancient Suna medical texts, and she offered to lead you there.
Kagura and Ritsu were planning on heading home, however. “Will you be able to make your way home later, Doctor?” Kagura asked.
“Oh, yes I won’t be long!” You reassured them. “Thank you for today. I’ll see you tomorrow!”
They smiled and said their goodbyes as the researcher led you to the library.
“I’ll leave you to it, Doctor. I hope you enjoy! Good night!”
No one was in the library except you, now. The sight was beautiful. It wasn’t a very large space, but it was beautiful. Rows and rows of medical tomes and texts lined the many shelves, and you felt your heart light up. You dove in immediately, heading right for the ancient texts. One of your favorite things to do was compare ancient practices to what was in place now, to see how methods and theories have changed over time and what was still in practice.
Pulling out several tomes and texts, you settled down at a table and got to work. The moon was already high in the sky as it shined through the window above you, but you were in too deep to notice the time passing. Even as you continuously yawned, you couldn’t find it in you to tear yourself away from the literature in front of you. You really only had one day left here, so you felt the urgency to soak up as much information as you could.
Your body, however, had different ideas. Though your mind was busy with information, the exhaustion, mental and physical, took over. You fought your drooping eyes and more frequent yawns as much as you could, but it was no use. In the midst of reading about upper and lower motor neuron connections in the spinal cord, you had fallen asleep, hand propping up your head over a medical tome.
And meanwhile, a certain silver-haired Hokage was looking for you.
Kakashi really shouldn’t have been surprised to find out you were at the medical library.
When you weren’t in your room, Kakashi went to the hospital to see if you had stayed late. The two doctors in charge of hosting you, Ritsu and Kagura, were also nowhere to be found. So he began asking around to see if you were anywhere. Finally, a young woman heard him asking, the patch of a Suna researcher on her white coat.
“Oh! She’s at the library, Lord Hokage. Would you like me to take you there?” She asked.
Ah, of course, he thought. “Yes, thank you.”
The researcher led him through a few hallways before stopping at a door, bowing, and leaving. Kakashi thanked her and opened the door.
The library was not large by any means but it was filled with shelves upon shelves of books, tomes, and scrolls. It was slightly intimidating, knowing he would not understand anything behind the covers of these books. But he had a feeling that when you walked in, you had one of those big, lovely smiles on your face.
The aisles between the shelves were small and winding, and as he began to make his way through to find you, he guessed if you had the time, you would probably read every single book in the room. He knew the same was probably true for the medical section of Konoha’s library.
It didn’t take him long to find a corner in the back with a small table next to a window. There you sat, surrounded by books and scrolls, looking down at one open in front of you while you rested your head on your hand.
Your back was facing him and you hadn’t moved, maybe hadn’t heard anyone come in. Probably too caught up in your reading, he guessed.
“Burning the midnight oil, Doctor?” He couldn’t help but smile, leaning against one of the shelves.
But you didn’t answer. You didn’t even move a muscle. It was then Kakashi noticed the slight rise and fall of your shoulders as you leaned on your hand.
Quietly, Kakashi made his way toward your side and leaned over to take a look.
Fast asleep.
Your cheek was slightly squished by your hand as you leaned most of your weight on it. Your mouth, barely parted, let little snores escape as you breathed in and out deeply. Your other hand rested a finger on a line of text, one you couldn’t help but abandon for sleep.
You looked lovely. You looked beautiful.
Kakashi’s heart melted at the sight of you, and that feeling in his chest pulled at him again. Like last night. And the night before. And every night and every day since he’s gotten to know you. It had grown significantly since the stay in Suna, and as it grew, Kakashi was feeling something else.
Fear. Uncertainty. It made a part of him want to run.
Kakashi had always run from his feelings. He pushed others away. He retreated when things got too close, too personal, too real. Over the years, he had been called out on it and tried to make the changes. Little by little, he let his walls down, let others in, and let his loved ones close. Gai, Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and others showed him there was nothing to be afraid of.
But it has been a long time since Kakashi felt anything like this. Really…he’d never felt anything like this.
Gai’s words echo around in his mind. “Whatever you do, just be yourself, Kakashi. I could see in her eyes, too, that you mean something to her!”
That day, Gai had given Kakashi the push he needed to explore whatever…this was with you. Kakashi was thoroughly enjoying getting to know you, maybe pushing your buttons a bit to see you flustered, seeing you experience your first journey out of the village, and out of the Land of Fire.
At first, it had been a crush. But now, it was running deeper, followed by this persistent feeling in his chest and…Kakashi was…
You stirred slightly at that moment, nuzzling your head in your hand and breaking Kakashi out of his thoughts. You didn’t wake though, just murmured something in your sleep and continued to slumber.
Kakashi smiled. His thoughts could wait for now.
Gently placing his hand around your shoulders and leaning down close to your ear, he spoke. “Doctor.”
You barely moved. Kakashi tried again, giving your shoulder a squeeze and a soft shake. But nothing. Whatever dream you were in must have been a good one. He hoped at least, anyway.
Kakashi dared to think for a moment that maybe he was such a comforting presence to you, you detected no threat and felt safe to continue your sleep. Because he tried several more times to wake you up, only for you to murmur nonsense and then eventually lean back into his hold on your shoulders.
The close contact of your head against his chest made him stiffen for a moment, and he even felt his cheeks heat. But you just melted into him further, and his heart melted all over again.
Alright, then, he thought with a smile.
Kakashi maneuvered slowly and gently, careful not to wake you. He made sure to keep your head on his chest while he slipped his other arm underneath your knees. He lifted you up, holding you close against him.
You didn’t stir once, just curled your arms up and nuzzled further into his chest.
Whatever thoughts had been plaguing him moments ago had disappeared fully as he looked at you. The hard-working, dedicated Doctor, asleep in his arms.
You were going to freak out once you found out.
Kakashi chuckled to himself thinking about your reaction, but he needed to get you to your room to get proper sleep. It wouldn’t do for the hospital staff to see you in his arms like this so he decided to swiftly hop up to the open window and jump out, making his way to Suna’s headquarters via the village’s rooftops. 
You dreamed of flying through the night sky, a warm embrace, the smell of rain and laundry and home.
You dreamed of Kakashi.
His face was suddenly there, through your bleary eyes. “Kakashi, what are you doing here?”
You could see him smile, and suddenly you were met with softness against your back. “Get some sleep, Doctor. I’ll see you in the morning.”
You couldn’t argue with him. So you continued to dream of the night sky, a warm embrace, and him.
Late late late I’m so late!!!
You scrambled to find some clean clothes after your very quick shower, panic rising in your chest as you looked at the time. Ritsu and Kagura would be here any minute to come get you, or maybe they had already come by. You had no idea. All you knew was that you woke up in your clothes from the previous day and were so late!
“What kind of medical representative…some professional I am…” you mumbled to yourself, quickly pulling on some pants.
Pulling on your white coat again and deciding it best to wait for them outside Headquarters in case they were waiting, you burst out of the room—
—and froze in your tracks when you found Kakashi leaning against his door, a smirk shaping behind his mask.
“Good morning, Doctor.”
“Wha—uh, good morning, Kakashi,” you gulped. “I uh, I’m really late—“
“I told Ritsu and Kagura they’d be expecting you late this morning because we needed to quickly go over some Konoha business.”
You just stared at him for a moment before the wheels started turning. “I…oh.”
He covered for me.
“And that they shouldn’t bother coming to pick you up because I would be escorting you to the hospital.”
You couldn’t help but sigh, a smile shaping your lips before you closed your door behind you. Kakashi smiled back, holding out his arm for you to take.
“Thank you, Kakashi,” you looked down bashfully. “I appreciate it.”
“Ah, of course, Doctor,” he lilted. “But, your shoes are on the wrong feet.”
“Wha—!” You snapped your head down, panicked. But as soon as you realized his terrible joke, his deep chuckle rumbled in his chest.
You huffed. “That is the worst. You’re the worst.”
“Ah, so mean, Doctor. And I thought we were becoming friends…”
"How did I get home last night anyway? I don't really remember...did you walk me home?" You asked, curious.
"Yes," Kakashi answered, and then lowered his voice. "Although I did most of the walking..."
"Oh, nothing."
As you stepped out of Headquarters and into the village, arm still linked with Kakashi’s, the streets were even busier than yesterday as well as almost fully decorated for the festival that would begin later tonight.
“The Stars Festival,” you said remembering what Ritsu and Kagura had mentioned. “Did you know about it?”
Kakashi hummed. “I only remembered when Gaara had mentioned what a perfect time of year it was for a visit.”
“Have you been?” You inquired, looking up at him.
Kakashi shook his head. “No, but I’ve heard about it. One of Suna’s oldest traditions.”
“Kagura and Ritsu told me about it,” you smiled. “I’m looking forward to seeing it for myself.”
“Yes, me as well,” Kakashi said.
It fell silent between you as you looked around at the people decorating, planning, and setting up booths and stalls. You loved festivals as a child and as an adult and felt excited to see what it would be like in another village.
The path to the hospital approached quickly, and you made your stop there with Kakashi, snaking your arm out from his. “Thank you for walking me, Kakashi. I appreciate it.”
“Of course,” he said simply. “Have a good day.”
You waved at him and returned the sentiment before turning around and making your way down the path, almost to the doors—
Kakashi’s sudden voice made you turn around immediately and met his gaze, wondering what he called you for.
He stood with his hands in his pockets, eyes locked on yours but…uncertainty marked his features. And then, you thought maybe, just maybe…you saw the slightest tinge of pink creeping over his mask.
“Would you like to accompany me tonight?” He called. “To the festival?”
You felt frozen, processing what he had just asked you before your cheeks erupted in warmth. And then, the biggest grin you couldn’t help followed.
“I’d love to!” You called back, almost breathless.
Something flashed in his eyes and he quickly turned around. He began to walk away and threw up a hand. “Then it’s a date, Doctor!”
You felt like you could almost collapse, right then and there.
It’s a date!
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musicalfanfiction99 · 2 years
Are Yuki, Kyo, Tohru, Momiji, Kagura in a relationship with the reader and how do they react when someone declares themselves to the reader in front of them?
Word Count - 3k+
Yuki Sohma
You were in the school trying to find Yuki and then you stopped in front of a classroom with girls screaming Yuki's name. You start opening the door while saying, "Yuki, are you in he-" you were stopped short seeing girls clustered around Yuki trying to confess their love to him. Multiple girls were trying to crowd you so you couldn't get to Yuki. Eventually you get tired of them so you just screamed at then to be quiet and to let you through. "Yuki, let's go. We have class to get to." "Sure." When you got to class you were surprised to say the least. Your desk was decorated and covered with small and large gifts. "What is going on?" "Y/n, isn't it your birthday today?" "Oh! Is that today? I completely forgot about it to be honest." *Ding* "Ok kids, the late bell has rung so get in you seats now. Also, happy birthday, l/n." "Thank you very much." Once class was over and you were packing up your things to get to lunch, you were stopped by someone. "Um, l/n, I just wanted to give you this." "Oh, thanks a lot." "Your welcome. You also probably want to open it during lunch." "Ok, will do." Once you sat down at a table with your lunch, you opened your gift. Inside, there was a letter. Dear l/n, I hope this year brings you good health. If you could meet me up on the rooftop at 4:15 pm. Sincerely, Your Lover. "Oh, I better find Yuki and tell him that I can't walk home with him today." Once you found Yuki you told him that you couldn't walk home with him but he said that he could wait after school because he has student council duties today anyways. After school, you go to the rooftop. Little did you know, Yuki was going to the rooftop for some fresh air and a short break from student council duties. When he got to the rooftop he saw you and someone confessing their love to you. He hid behind a wall so he could see your answer and reaction to the confession. "Um, I'm flattered but, I have to say no. You see, there's someone else that I like." "Oh, I see. You like Yuki better than me don't you?" You turned beet red and Yuki could tell. "Y/n likes me? I thought they hated me," He whispers. When you started to walk back inside, he ran back inside and made it look like he was walking up the stairs. "Oh! Y/n it's nice to see you here I'm just finishing up student council duties of you want to walk home with me after." "Sure I'll walk home with you." "So, I saw that person's conversion to you." "Oh, you did?" You started blushing and hoped that he didn't see when you practically confessed your love for him on the rooftop. "How much did you see?" "I'm pretty sure I saw almost all of it." "So you saw me confess my love for you then didn't you." "Yep, I saw it all." "If that's the case I'm gonna run home now. See you tomorrow!" "Wait! Y/n! Come back here!" He started to run towards you and eventually caught up to you. You were crying and sniffling in a corner. "Why haven't you pushed me away yet? Why haven't you hated me for loving you? You don't seem to hate me but I know this is probably gonna affect our friendship." "Yes, it will affect our friendship but I don't care." When you got a sad look on your face and started tearing up, he kissed you on the forehead. While you were surprised, he kissed you on the cheek. "Y/n, I love you. Not anyone else in the world. You. So don't ever leave me please." "I won't ever leave you, Yuki. I love you too."
That's the end! I hope you enjoyed this story and I'm sorry that I didn't do all 5 of the requested characters, I don't want to go over the character limit and this was a longer story than expected.
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nephilimmoretti · 3 months
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Head & Makeup / HEAD / lel EvoX Briannon 4.0 platinum - "kagura" skin fatpack Jack Spoon. Delina Lipgloss polarbunny. onyx dyed fingers. New! @ Anthem Manson - Bloody Face + Chest Star Pack
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Clothing [Brior] Amerie Set New! @ Collabor88
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Accessories ! BUFFY'S ! - Oishi Ear Set New! @ The Vault ! BUFFY'S ! - Umai Nose Chain New! @ Gothcore
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Body Reborn - Waifus - Addon v1.0 Reborn by EBODY v1.69.6
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kyuuxmizu · 1 year
Pics from my visit to the Gintama x Animate Only Shop, which is held from 2023/04/08 ~ 2023/04/23
The collab is part of Animate Main Branch (Ikebukuro)'s grand renewal opening celebration and is Host Club-themed XD
The subtitle is 〜銀魂とアニメイトは永久に不潔です〜 which means "Gintama and Animate are forever filthy" XD
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Kagura-chan and Patsuan welcoming clients at the entrance X3
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Welcome to Takamagahara~ 😂
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Takamagahara's host lineup XD
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Tax robbers as hosts XDD
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Gin-chan beside the screen which introduces each host and also plays a video of the Ginpachi-sensei anime teaser. (We weren't allowed to take pics of the screen tho~)
There was also a special message for the collabo from Gintoki that plays on loop.
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Kamui, Takasugi, Sakamoto
Takasugi looks good (as usual XD), but my faves in this lineup are Sakamoto and Kamui~ XD
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I've never been to an actual host club before but I love their setup! XD
(everyone looks チャラい tho 😂😂😂)
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Zura in the dressing room >w<
I'd like to think he is the makeup artist and hairstylist of the hosts =))
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I wonder who slept in the Justaway sleeping bag XD
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Frames from the Host Club Arc~
I love this arc a lot~ It's one of my fave comedy arcs!!! 😂😂😂
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Eli!!! This was the Elizabeth mascot at the matsuri, ne~🥹
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Message corner~🥹🥹
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I took pics of messages from international fans!! 🥹🥹
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Merch I got XD~
Gintaka clear file folders (440 each)
Gintaka card cases (550JPY each)
Gintaka icing cookies (540 each)
Joui4 acrylic stands (1650 each)
3 packs of photocards (440 each)
Yorozuya, Kiheitai, Yatozoku mesh pouches (2420 each)
Freebies: Invitation ticket-style cards (for each 1,100JPY of purchase)
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Result of the photocard pull~ There are 3pcs inside each pack
I might sell or trade the police XDDD
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All in all, I am quite satisfied with this collabo. I was only expecting standees on display tbh but to my surprise there was a huge setup~ 🥰
I love the whole concept- the host area with the tables and all plus the dressing room XD
(but my mind kept shouting チャラいチャラい!! XDDD)
Their suits remind me of y4kuza suits tbh XD
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sailorshadzter · 2 years
some more inukag.
man i am definitely back on my bullshit when it comes to them lol
The remark comes sharp and tart, the arm she tends to being yanked from her grip. She sighs, but draw backs all the same, staring at the disgruntled hanyou with sharp but steady eyes. "It burns," he says as if this explains all. Now comes a roll of her eyes as she takes hold of his elbow and pulls him back towards her, shaking her head.  
She must wonder how someone such as him- who withstands sword swings and death blows- cries out when all she's done is apply antiseptic. "It wouldn't sting so much if you'd just hold still." She admonishes as she returns to dabbing this wound of his.  
They had narrowly escaped Naraku and his minions, this particular wound had come from Kagura, a single wind blade nicking him in the final moments. He’s tough, she knows as well as anybody just how strong he was, but she can’t help but to worry about him, to want to ensure his wounds are clean and bandaged. That tomorrow he would wake up as strong and steady as he was today. “Kagome, I’m fine,” he grumbles, but this time, does not pull his arm away. Rather, he sighs and watches as she wraps his arm in something she calls gauze; truthfully, it does feel better now that she’s finished. “Thank you,” he says a moment later as their eyes meet and a smile tugs at her lips. He loves the sight of it, even if he can’t admit it.  
“Next time be more careful,” she says with a wag of her finger, thinking back to that moment. The one where he’d thought it was over, that he’d thought they’d won. But when the smoke had cleared, it was Kagura coming for them, those devilish wind blades making their way towards the both of them. As always, InuYasha had protected her at the cost of his own injury, and she wishes she were stronger, like Sango, like Miroku, like him.  
“Hey,” he says, head tilting, golden eyes narrowing ever so slightly. “What is it?” He asks, knowing something was off, something has changed. He’s known her long enough to know her every mood, her every thought, her every move. “Tell me, Kagome.”  
She blinks, but chuckles, because despite his usual demeanor, of course he knows. Of course, he notices. “I just wish I was stronger... So, I could protect you and the others.” She admits softly, speaking the words she’s yet to admit to anyone. “In fights like that one, I feel useless.”  
“Keh,” comes his reply, followed by a roll of his eyes. But then as his gaze returns back to her, he realizes this is something that really eats at her. It’s something that really bothers her. “Kagome, you are strong,” he says without hesitation, thinking of every moment up until that one where he’s astonished him with her strength, with the fight that lived there within her. “You’re the strongest person I know,” he goes onto say, softer now, gentler now, turning his body so he might fully face her. She was the only person to have nearly killed Naraku, the only person to retain control of her own soulless body, the only person to stand up to Sesshomaru without fear in her eyes. He thinks of her shouting his name in the thick of a fight, thinks of her shedding tears for him, shedding blood for him... There was no one that had done that for him before her. He doesn’t know quite how to say it, but she was strong in other ways, ways beyond wielding a sword or fighting an enemy. She’s making a face now and he’s sighing, shaking his head. “I mean it.” 
Hearing his words sends chills down her spine. 
“You’re stronger than you think,” he says then, softer than ever before, in a tone she’s not heard before. He’s staring at her with such intensity she thinks for a moment that the world has stopped spinning around her, that the breath in her lungs will not come. Perhaps more words would come, but it’s Miroku and Sango entering now, interrupting as they so often do. Kagome can’t help but to chuckle as she turns to pack up her bag, but his words echo within her mind: you’re the strongest person I know. 
Maybe that was enough. 
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
Touhou Danmaku Kagura: Phantasia Lost for PC launches February 8, 2024
Gematsu Source
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Touhou Project rhythm game Touhou Danmaku Kagura: Phantasia Lost will launch for PC via Steam on February 8, 2024, Unknown X announced.
A Switch version is also planned, but was not dated.
Unknown X also announced that Touhou Danmaku Kagura: Phantasia Lost will feature a collaboration song between Undertale creator Toby Fox and Touhou Project creator Zun as free downloadable content.
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
Phantasia lost everything. Thoughts, memories—nothing was left.
Touhou Danmaku Kagura: Phantasia Lost is a rebuild of Touhou Project‘s first officially approved smartphone rhythm game Touhou Danmaku Kagura as a standalone version.
Play Danmaku Kagura and collect the Mitama Cards, the Fragments of Memories to find the key to rebuild the now barren Phantasia.
Two Different Rhythm Game Experiences
-Kagura Stage
In this mode you hit the notes at the right moment!
You can stack up combos and get a high score by hitting the notes consecutively, coming through the six lanes.
Over 160 arranged Touhou music will be playable with four different difficulties! (Includes music from paid downloadable content.)
-Danmaku Stage
A totally new game experience that combines danmaku shoot ’em up and rhythm games!
Hit the notes on the sides rhythmically and deadly great damage to the boss!
Complete missions set for each stages and beat the stage!
Wide Variety of Music
Contains 68 songs including the original Touhou music. Scheduled to release four downloadable content Music Packs (a total of 102 scores)!
To rebuild Phantasia, Reimu journeys to find the Fragments of Memories. The key to rebuilding is Danmaku Kagura. To rebuild the Phantasia and unveil the truth of its destruction, Reimu have to gather Mitama cards, the Fragments of Memories.
Reimu’s unending journey, begins.
Marisa begins her own journey to find Reimu. Will the two, ever meet eye to eye?
Watch a new set of trailers below.
Trailer #3
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