#kahei imagines
donferret · 1 year
Imagine Vivi turning you into a sour patch kid and carrying you in her pocket all day. You sit there collecting lint, dirt, and hair while you get all mushy and gooey from the heat. At the end of the day, Vivi takes you out and feeds you to Yves.
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heeberry · 2 years
Wong Kahei | Sealed Lips
Request: I can definitely imagine a #19 fluffy scenario with vivi!
Prompt: “your lips look cold, want me to warm them up for you?”
Gender Neutral Reader!
A/n: apologies for it being somewhat short but yass first vivi fic !
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“Sorry I took so long the line was longer than I expected it to be” you smile apologetically toward your girlfriend, handing her a cup of hot chocolate.
Kahei hummed, the shivers down her spine dying down when she held the cup with both hands, feeling the warmth of the cup travel through her body. She thanks you before taking a sip.
You lean back in the bench, taking in the white scenery around you. It was one of the coldest weathers you had dealt with. The wind caused goosebumps to appear over your body, teeth clenched hard and eyes squinting when the cold hit your face. You began rubbing your palms against your thighs in hopes of the friction to bring warmth to your frozen in place legs while you watch Kahei finish her drink.
Silence filled the air between the two of you, enjoying the background noise of children throwing snowballs at each other, screaming when the built up ice ball hits their backs.
Kahei turned to face you practically shivering, your cheeks rosy red and nose runny. Your breath was shallow, desperate to find contact of warmth but failing to do so.
She slightly giggled at your lips quivering, “y/n? your lips look cold, want me to warm them up for you?”
You smile and nod rapidly in reply as Kahei sets her cup behind her, cupping your cheeks. You pucker your lips when she leans in to kiss you, the warmth of her lips after drinking the steamy hot chocolate transferring to your lips as the two of you moved in sync.
Your hands snake around your waist to pull her closer, bodies flushed against each other.
Though the moment didn’t last long, Kahei pulled away but you kept your hands where they were, “feeling any warmer?”
You shook your head with a small frown making her eyebrows crease in confusion, “how come?”
“You pulled away” you say, “maybe if you kiss me longer I’ll feel more warmer.”
Her eyebrows rest, blushing slightly at your somewhat of a request to kiss you again. She cupped your face once more, taking in all your features and pecked your lips before actually latching her lips onto your own again.
Your lips linger onto hers a little while longer before pulling away once more.
“Definitely feeling a lot warmer now.”
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gaypeople4itzy · 2 years
Business partner
with Loona's vivi (Kahei)
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Wordcount : 1,5k
Warnings : kissing, slight touch (no explicit content, only fluff <3)
Another one of my favorites muhaha !!
Since you were a little kid, you had always valued the importance of family, especially when it came to spending some quality time with them. For as long as you could remember, you were always out there, bringing your parents on dates and accompanying them to different events they had for work
Which is why exactly you were here at that moment, sat down next to your father, attending an important business conference. You were used to doing that, sometimes catching yourself get interested in the boring monologue of the people that were presenting. You usually spent your time laughing with your dad’s colleagues, who knew you very well as they had been seeing you frequently for years. They were almost like a second family, and considered you like one of them, like you were too, a worker by your father’s side
Time passed by and finally, people were allowed to leave the room. “Thank god” you told yourself, it wasn’t even that uninteresting, you were just too excited for what was coming next: you and your father were invited to a dinner in a fancy restaurant, as well as a few other business partners and their respective relatives
You didn’t know exactly where you were heading as you entered the taxi that had been ordered for you and your dad, but you had heard many compliments about the place you were going to spend the evening at. It was known for its great service, as well as its space. Furthermore, you knew in advance that there was a room reserved for you and the few people that were coming, meaning that you wouldn’t be bothered by others or disturbed by loud noises
You got yourself quickly there. Thanking the driver, you walked towards the inside of the building, your dad following your steps as he had just given the man the money he owned. It was a vast place, cozy but as it was described to you, very wide in terms of space
It didn’t take long before a waiter came to you guys, asking you what could be done for you. As the reservation was being checked, you looked around you, seeing who would be eating at the same table as yours
Leading the way, the server headed upstairs, followed by a dozen of people which included you and your father
The room you had been assigned was beautiful, you didn’t even have the words to describe it. You felt extremely lucky to get to eat in such a place, forever grateful for the close relationship you shared with your family
Seating next to your dad, you watched other people taking their seats. One of the colleagues you knew best, almost like he was your father’s brother, sat in front of you as the others took place around the table. After everyone was sat down, you noticed that there were two empty seats
Of course, as curious as you had always been, you asked the people around if they knew who was going to sit there, or if it was just a mistake
“Ahh yes! It’s one of our new men, him and his child are supposed to join us later. He told me he had a deal to conclude before coming, but I think he just doesn’t want to be around us” your almost uncle winked meanwhile the others laughed
You didn’t even have the time to question it as the main door of the room opened. A tall man and a beautiful girl walked in, greeting each one of you as they sat down; the father next to one of the workers, and who seemed like the daughter, next to you
You couldn’t help but feel a little nervous as she gave you a warm smile. She was significantly pretty, and god, you were praying that this new business partner would stay along for a long while, at least, if it meant meeting his daughter more often
“I’d like for you all to welcome my daughter, Kahei, who will be joining us for today” the new man said
“She’s the only other young one with L/N” one of the colleagues replied, as you and Kahei looked at each other, grinning
“It’s an honour to meet you all” she then said, looking at the others
As the men started to talk about politics, she turned to you. You couldn’t explain why exactly, but there was something suspicious about the way she was eying you, almost like there was something forbidden going on in her mind
Leaning in towards you, she came close to your ear
“You’re quite beautiful miss L/n”
You blushed at her words, which made her smile widen a little
You thanked her as you returned the compliment, trying to keep your composure. Just why was this girl having such an effect on you? 
The waiter then came to take your orders. As you knew your dad was the one paying for you, you chose something that wasn’t too overly expensive. Although your were perfectly fine with the dish you had picked, Kahei spoke
“Add this for L/n, I’ll pay myself” she pointed at that delicious looking meal she had seen you look at earlier. It costed way more than you’d ever let someone pay for
“Oh no it’s fine! You don’t have to” you replied, but she was quick to interrupt you with a finger on your lips
“Oh it’s my pleasure darling, just let me do” she declared, and well, you weren’t going to refuse such an offer!
Time passed by as little talk was made between you and Kahei, as well as the other people present around the table. The conversation just then, was about politics and upcoming elections that were right around the corner. As you were speaking your mind, getting the men to agree with you, you felt something on your thigh 
Trying to ignore it, you finished your point, and your father began speaking, as you looked down on your legs. Kahei had her hand wander there, looking at you to get your approval. As you nodded discreetly, she let her warm hand rest there. Sometimes, she’d remove it, only to put it back later. And quite honestly, you weren’t going to complain as you felt a little more comfortable than you did earlier
Food came in no time and you were amazed with the amount of plates you had in front of you. Forever grateful to miss Kahei, you decided to thank her once more, which she responded to by that shy grin that made her so, desirable 
As the conversation changed to a topic you didn’t bother remembering, you started feeling a little bored. The plates were empty and so was your mind. Your eyes wandered around, looking at Kahei who seemed to be sharing the same feeling as you. You were quickly caught staring by her, which resulted in her looking at you back, deeply in the eyes
Maybe it was what you had drank or maybe it was because of her intoxicating perfume, but when she asked you in a low voice if you wanted to get out, you immediately accepted. Excusing yourselves saying you had to deal with a little problem, you got out of the room
You had always loved these meetings, but there was something much more exciting than sitting at a table waiting for you
Kahei lead you to a smaller room, that seemed to have much more intimacy than the previous one you guys stayed in. Your heartbeat increased as you sat down next to her, waiting for her to say something
“You’re so pretty” she suddenly said, kissing your forehead
“You’re the prettiest” you replied, kissing her hands
“You’re so adorable, makes me want to treat you so good, just to see that smile of yours” she kissed your cheeks as you grinned
“And you’re making me nervous” you admitted, kissing her cheeks back, ghosting over her lips
“And you’re making me want to kiss you” she declared, a glimpse of timidity in her voice
“I’m not going to stop you. Kiss me Kahei, please”
And like it was the most natural thing in the world, like you had been born and went through the entirety of your lives just for this moment, like the world was ending, like nothing else mattered, she grabbed your face and pressed her lips onto yours, kissing you softly. There was something sweet about her movements, gentle and clearly restraining herself, you couldn’t lie and say you disliked it, how come was she so perfect? 
In that very moment, you thanked the world for making you meet the best future “business partner” you could ever wish for ;)
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flooffybits · 3 months
What The Heart Wants
Idol: Wong Kahei (Loona)
marshmallow: So again hi, I here scenario coined, so 13 member in the first time fell in love with girl, and she fell in love with Vivi, and it account for contain emotions under itself, because she fears that its love not will accept, so she writes all their feelings in diary, and also she wrote letter for senior. And once s/o is a little late due to schedules, and her diary read, Junior, and then 12 girls were waiting for s/o to talk to her and then when she came the girls told her that love is normal and accepted it, and then all flushed s/o and Vivi well understood in senses (I'm sorry, but then my imagination flew away). The fluffy end. P. s There are no scenarios for Loona where there is a love line with Vivi, and if there are then there are few of them.
Word count: 2.7k
A/N: What’s up guys??? i know it’s been a long long  while and it might take me another century before i finish something but i hope you enjoy this little Vivi fic. i had to change a few things but i hope the mallow who requested this likes it 🥲
☕buy me a coffee☕
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“Is there something on my face?” You blink a little when a sudden voice penetrates through your thoughts and you find yourself face to face with the eldest member of your group. Her gentle eyes have a hint of curiosity and mirth within them as she awaited your answer and you felt heat rise to your cheeks when you realized that you had been caught staring again.
“I, uh, sorry, I was just lost in thought.” You try to say, mentally cursing yourself for stuttering, but she only giggles before ruffling your hair. “You’re so cute, Y/n.” The compliment makes your face burn brighter and you duck just to hide the now very obvious blush as you muttered a thank you.
You can’t find yourself to say anything more after that, and you’re just relieved that Kahei doesn’t find the silence awkward when she rests her head against your shoulder. She’s always had a calming aura around her.
Which was what made you fall for her in the first place.
You knew that you were screwed the moment you realized that what you felt for her had surpassed the same friendly emotions you felt for the rest of your members. There was just something about her that just enraptured you and you would constantly find yourself on your toes just to keep up with everything she did and said.
You were in deep.
But instead of talking about your feelings to anyone else, you resorted to writing it all down, too embarrassed to let your feelings be known. Since you weren't exactly out, or sure about your sexuality to begin with, you opted to write every thought into your trusty notebook just to relieve the little bit of panic you felt when you realized your attraction towards the eldest.
All those feelings, all that confusion, every little detail was put away in a little notebook that you made sure to keep out of the curious eyes of your members. At first, you'd opted to write in your own mother tongue, for extra precautions in the event they do catch a glimpse.
But after a while, you'd gotten more and more comfortable with the Korean language and you ended up writing it halfway.
It was tiring having to keep it a secret, and it was even more exhausting when you realized that maybe you weren't straight. You had to be careful with the things you said and did, still finding it hard to pluck the courage to tell at least one of your members since Korea wasn't exactly a very welcoming place.
Over the years, you managed to hide your affections for the eldest, admiring her from a distance and even convincing yourself that you'd gotten over that silly little crush, even going out on a few dates with a few other idols you'd gotten to know throughout your career. But after everything, your eyes would still search for her.
Your heart still longed for her.
Putting your pen down, you stare at the latest entry to your worn out notebook, humming as your fingers gently traced over the pages.
It's been a while, but writing again ended up spurring new and old feelings in your chest. The nostalgia made your lips quirk up a little before letting out a breath and stretching your limbs. The satisfying pop brought out another sigh from your lips before you checked the time.
"I wonder what the others are up to…" You mumbled to yourself, rising to your feet to head out, making sure to put your notebook away in the corner of your table.
The girls have learned to respect your privacy so you're confident that no one would come snooping in here to see. And even if they did, you doubted that anyone would be able to understand a single thing, considering that the majority of your entries were written in your own mother tongue.
You did pick up after Kahei though and opted to write your members' names in Korean, for extra measures.
The memory made a smile effectively creep up your lips when you remember Jungeun whining when she managed to see her name mixed in with unfamiliar words. She didn't stop bugging you for minutes until someone else managed to steal her attention away, but she did bring it back up when the two of you were on a live together, telling Orbits that you were probably saying something to tease her, which you only laughed at before assuring her that it was all good.
Hyunjin had seen her name at one point, too, and her brows pinched together before she was calmly asking you about what you'd written about her. When you refused to budge, then she began to act and you found yourself trapped between her and the cold floor, whining and trying to escape her onslaught of tickles as you gasped for air.
And it was just a domino effect from there.
At some point, you would share with the girls what was written in some of the pages, but they noticed how you would skip others. They've learned not to push after you and Yeojin almost had an argument about it. Luckily, Haseul was able to intervene along with the others before it got too bad.
Flinching, you stopped in your tracks as Sooyoung popped up from the corner, smirking when she sees the look on your face before she's full on laughing, Hyeju recording the whole thing from behind with a giggle of her own. "Not cool!" You whined out, pushing the taller girl a little as you walked by to reach the kitchen and Hyeju ended the recording as the pair followed you in.
"It was pretty funny, unnie." The wolf claimed and you shot her an unimpressed look. "You, siding with Yves unnie? Now that's something." You joke, making the older girl playfully scoff. "Oh, please, she does everything I tell her to." Sooyoung sassed with a flip of her hair, causing the younger girl to scrunch her nose up.
When she wasn't looking, Sooyoung failed to see Hyeju sticking her foot out in front of her, catching the yyxy leader and causing her to trip, earning another set of laughter from you and Hyeju.
"What's going on here?" A calm voice mused and you damn near shut up when your eyes landed on Kahei smiling at the three of you. "Hyeju tripped Yves unnie." You answered and the younger girl pouted at you. "Why are you snitching?" She complained and Kahei only giggles at your antics before patting your head. "Just try not to get yourself hurt."
For some reason, your face flushes at the affection from the eldest and the pair are quick to notice, silently giggling at your display.
Once Kahei has exited the kitchen, Hyeju speaks first. "So… when do you plan on telling Vivi unnie that you like her?" You nearly trip over yourself, the red becoming more noticeable this time as you spun around to look at the pair who were already staring at you.
"I don't!" You say a little too quickly, voice raising an octave and Sooyoung mock sighs while shaking her head. "Oh, Y/n, you have to be more honest with your feelings or else you're not getting any girls." She stated like it's the most normal thing in the world.
"Who told you I liked girls?" You retort and the pair both give you a knowing look. "Unnie, you're not that good at hiding." Hyeju tells you while taking a seat. "Maybe you're a little more subtle after being around everyone, but we can still tell. Even Lip unnie is tearing her hair out whenever she has to see you become a mess just so you can talk to Vivi unnie."
Now you're sure you're as red as a tomato. Even Jungeun could tell? Were you seriously that obvious?
"Don't worry, Vivi unnie doesn't know, and neither do Yeojin and Haseul, though she does have a bit of a hunch." Sooyoung informs you, quickly squashing down your hopes of possibly redeeming yourself from this embarrassing situation. “Oh, don't worry so much. All you have to do is confess your undying love-"
“Who said I was confessing anything?" You ask with wide eyes and Sooyoung cocks her head in confusion, almost as though she thought you were on the same page. “I thought you wanted a way to tell Vivi unnie how you feel about her?"
You said nothing of the sort and Hyeju just busts out laughing when she sees the incredulous look on your face.
“Are you out of your mind, unnie? I'm not doing that!"
Due to your increased volume, it's not long before Hyunjin hears the commotion and walks in, puzzled as she does.
“What are you being forced into doing?" The cat questioned and you spun around, letting her see your face which was a deep shade of red. “Nothing! I'm going out!"
You don't even wait, just rush out of the room before you're cornered and Hyunjin’s confusion only amplified before turning to the pair.
“What was…”
"Don't worry about it, unnie. She's just stressed." Hyeju promises, sensing that you needed the space, but Sooyoung only frowned in response. “It's gonna keep stressing her if she doesn't say anything soon."
Hyunjin blinks before she's quick to piece things together. “You mean Vivi unnie?"
Yeah, you weren't obvious at all.
“Vivi unnie can you please help me?" Jiwoo asked when she saw the older girl. “I think I left my notebook in our room after I finished writing. Can you please get it for me?” Seeing that her arms were full, Kahei was quick to agree, smiling gently at the younger girl. "Sure thing. Give me a moment.”
Upon entering your shared bedroom, Kahei was quick to search for the said notebook, humming when she checked the desk and smiling as soon as she saw the opened notebook.
However as soon as she picked it up, the eldest of the group blinked at the words written on the pages before quickly realizing that this was not Jiwoo’s notebook.
She recognized your handwriting right away and when she looked at the words spilled on the pages, she was quick to shut the notebook and then looked around.
When she sees the notebook with a penguin sticker and various doodles on it, she immediately picks it up and hurries out of the room. Kahei doesn't say anything when she gives Jiwoo the notebook, just hops into the van and looks around.
Her eyes are quick to land on the other van parked outside and she realizes that you're not riding the same van that she was in. It's likely due to how she took a while to get to the parking lot because usually you would be seated somewhere near her if you could.
So when you all arrive at the company for your scheduled practice, you can feel eyes on you as you converse with some of your members. When you attempted to look, Yeojin whined about you not paying attention to what she was demonstrating, causing you to quickly turn back to her and apologize.
“Sorry, kiddo, I'm paying attention now. I swear." You tell her and Haseul chuckles while the maknae puffs her cheeks out, earning a poke on the cheek from Jinsol before a new voice cuts in.
"Can we talk?"
Your head turns and a smile is quick to form on your features when you spot Kahei standing there. However upon seeing the conflicted look on her face, your smile was quick to fade away.
“Is everything alright, unnie?"
But instead of a verbal response, the older woman presents you with an all too familiar notebook, catching you off guard as you carefully took it from her grasp. “Where did you-" But she cuts you off before you can even ask, fear settling in your stomach as she speaks.
"You… " She looks slowly among the members currently present before she's gently taking your hand and leading you to a more secluded area in the room, earning confused looks among yours members. Though Heejin does throw you an encouraging things up whilst Yerim gives you a wave.
Once you're both alone, you're becoming antsier with each second. You're only assuring yourself that you're alright because there was just no way that Kahei would understand a word you'd written aside from her and the others’ names.
“Is there… something you aren't telling me?” Okay, so you could still play this out. "Did you see your name on here again, unnie?” You nearly cringe with how you force a chuckle out but Kahei doesn't budge except for a nod of her head. "I did… and I was able to read some of the other things written about me."
Your smile faltered and your fear was steadily growing. She's joking. She had to be.
“Okay, so maybe I wrote about how much I appreciate you a lot, but there's really nothing wrong with-"
"... I've been doing some studying, Y/n. I understand what's written on it.”
Your stomach dropped and your face grew pale at her proclamation.
Seeing how you've lost your voice, the eldest only frowns before letting out a sigh. "Hey, talk to me." Kahei had zero intentions of harming you. She just wanted confirmation for what she's read. It was impossible for her to just keep her mouth shut. Not when she's seen something so personal.
“I…” Chewing on your bottom lip, you can feel yourself start to tremble because there was just no way you could come out and tell her just how you actually felt about her. Not like you could do much now that she's read basically the depths of your heart with just one accident.
“I'm sorry." You croak out and Kahei is quick to wrap you in her arms when she sees the tears threatening to come spilling from your eyes. “I don't… I tried to brush them off, I swear, but they just wouldn't go away. I didn't want you to hate me so I wrote all my feelings down just so I wouldn't end up exploding.”
The latter only rubs your back as you sob into her shoulder, listening to every word even when some might now be too comprehensive for her as you continue to pour your poor heart out.
"I could never hate you.” She whispers once you've calmed down, but she makes no move to separate from you. "There's nothing wrong for feeling the way that you do, so never feel sorry about it.” She assures you before slowly pulling away but keeping you within arms reach.
Her eyes meet yours and she gives you the same warm smile that she always does. The same smile that's made you fall for her in the first place.
“Do you wanna know why I studied speaking and reading your mother tongue?" Shaking your head, she only smiles more before cupping your face, wiping your tears away as she studies your features. “It's because I like you and I wanted to impress you for when I could tell you that in your own language." She explains softly as your breath hitches. “But then I read your little letter and I realized that neither of us would be ready unless one of us actually did something instead of continue to let doubt control us."
All this time you'd been hiding, but Kahei had already been looking for a way to find you. You felt utterly embarrassed at the fact, but she's quick to throw all your worries away when she places a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“Don't ever be afraid to come to me, okay?"
“I won't." You finally manage to say, finally calming down from your crying and gripping at Kahei’s shirt.
There really was nothing for you to be afraid of. Your members made sure of it when they found out. Kahei made sure of it as she held your hand through it all.
You could love who you wanted to love.
And you loved all of her while she did the same with you.
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k-comfyspace · 3 years
Star: Wong Kahei (Loona)
Idea: Yes
Love: hiiii!!! i’ve been on your blog for a while and i want to request but i get scared thinking it’s not good enough. Soo is it okay for a request about Vivi from Loona? It can be Vivi and non idol reader hiding their relationship from everyone, where they sneak around in the dorms or meet outside when the girls would leave and they act like they don't know each other? Sorry if it's too boring, thankss!
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Sneaking a look around the corner, your head retracted back when a group of girls came out of the building. Going inside black vans, talking amongst themselves, you could hear the faint sound of the door being shut.
Taking that as a queue, you walked around the corner, while two vans went the opposite way. As a precaution, you lowered your head, on the chance that one of them was looking out the window.
You entered the building they recently departed from, walking through the lobby, you reciprocated a smile from the guard by the door.
Upon setting foot into the elevator, a breath left your lips when you pressed the number, doors shutting as a ding informed you of your departure.
When you exited your floor, you walked along the halls, already memorizing the arrangement of the numbers before you arrived in front of the door.
Your hand barely made contact with the wooden surface when it burst open, a force pulling you forward, followed by a warm sensation greeting your lips.
Your eyes closed unconsciously, leaning into the kiss as your hands wrapped around her waist. Returning the kiss with as much passion as was given to you, it went on for a few minutes, yet the sensation felt like it had been going on for hours.
Pulling away, you rested your forehead on hers, your noses brushing against each other.
A swarm of butterflies fluttered in your stomach. Opening your eyes as you were met by her rosy cheeks, a smile graced your lips, leaning once more to meet her sweet lips.
"I missed you," the smile that appeared on your lips didn’t seem to disappear, leaning your head onto hers, feeling her arms around your waist pulling you closer to her.
"I missed you too, Kahei," she nuzzled her head under your chin, warmth spreading in her chest because of your claim. Giggling at her adorable antics, you mirrored her actions, nuzzling your cheek on her head as you pulled her closer to you.
There was no existent space between the both of you, diminished as you cuddled with each other on her bed.
Far too long have you been kept away from each other. The restraints of her schedule and dorm made it hard for both of you to find the time to meet up.
Partnered with the fear of being caught by her members, it was safe to say that both of you had spent more than a month without each other’s presence.
It would be easier if both of you were to reveal your relationship to her members. But your girlfriend requested that they keep a blind eye, your relationship hidden beneath everything.
You didn’t mind it in the slightest, following her request, you knew Kahei wasn’t ashamed of calling you hers.
You are her safe space, the person she could go to when everything else was getting overwhelming, you are her comfort person. You understood her when she said she wasn’t ready, you could wait for Kahei.
For now, you enjoyed your moments where you found yourselves alone. Just the two of you, not acting cautiously about the chances that her members might be around the corner.
Both of you lay on the bed, talking about everything and nothing, spending hours catching up. You told Kahei about the funny moments you had during your working hours at the cafe, while your girlfriend told you about her schedules.
You held Kahei the whole time, letting your girlfriend bury her face in your shoulder, there were a few moments of silence. No words were exchanged, just the two of you cuddling, enjoying the warmth that your bodies provided.
The rest was all natural, the way your legs tangled together, your arms around each other as the warmth of her breath fanned against your skin. A feeling you couldn’t get anywhere else, much like Kahei, you thought of Kahei as your home.
She was everything that you thought you never wanted, everything combined into one person.
In your eyes, she was perfect.
Feeling a tickling feeling on your cheeks, you opened your eyes, glancing to the side, you were met by Kahei’s smile.
The cute grin she had when you figured out that the ticklish feeling was caused by the butterfly kisses that she scattered on your cheek.
"The others are on their way soon," a frown graced your lips, a small pout forming because of her announcement.
Your girlfriend noticed the frown, your eyes wandered away, but she prevented you from spiraling down.
Grasping your jaw, she crashed her lips onto yours, the tingling sensation once again spread through your skin when you felt her warm lips press against yours.
Pulling away, she had a comforting smile on her face, using the pads of her thumbs to stroke your cheek.
A sigh left your lips when you opened your eyes, nodding your head as you moved to sit up, breaking the position that you had stayed in for hours.
Kahei helped you get ready, helping you with your coat as you tied your shoes. She gave one final hug before walking you out of the apartment. Linking your hands and breaking off when you exited the elevator.
She watched from the lobby as you left, turning your head as you gave her a wink, walking outside with a smile on your face.
The girl giggled when you did that, rolling her eyes playfully, yet the smile on her face said otherwise.
She turned on her heels and walked back to the elevator, going back to their dorm to clean it, hiding any signs that there was someone else inside their dorms.
A few minutes later, she heard the keys jingling in the door, her attention shifting as it opened.
Her members' voices filled the quiet dorm, all of them smiling when they saw the eldest girl fixing the cushions on the couch, gesturing to some of their bags that they bought for their unnie.
Kahei smiled, cheering as she thanked her members, hugging them with glee.
"Order for Ben?" You called out, putting the drinks on the tray, waiting for the man to take his drinks, smiling before going back to the register.
Hearing the bell ding on the door, you raised your head, your eyes widening when you saw a familiar group of girls entering the shop.
They had masks and caps covering their faces, but behind those, you could recognize each one of them.
Their group split off, three girls approached the cashier, but the one in the middle was the only one you kept your eyes on. When they stopped in front of you, the smile on your face was bright, but you could excuse that as your regular smile when greeting your customers.
"What could I get you ladies today?" You heard the small giggle that escaped her lips, looking down at the machine, hiding the smile on your face.
They started to say their orders, making sure to list each one, the smile on your face did not disappear as you listened to her voice.
"Order name?" You uncapped your pen, holding the cup, though you already had an inkling of what the name would be.
"Vivian," nodding your head, you smiled at them, going back to your station to start their orders.
Various types of drinks and their specific requests. It was a nitty-gritty type of job, which most workers would hate. However, you didn’t mind, you could blame the reason for knowing the girls.
Though they never knew you, it was a secret between you and their eldest member.
When you finish their order, normally you would set it down at the end, call them by their name and hand them their receipt.
But seeing as you didn’t have any more customers, you placed their drinks on a tray, getting your pen as you scribbled on one of their tissues and placing her drink on top before walking towards their table.
You could see their surprised and confused faces. Normally, the servers wouldn't come and give them their drinks, yet you placed their drinks on the table.
Kahei was to your right, her gaze locked on the side of your head. You acted like you didn’t pay attention to any of them, doing your job, and placed each drink on the table.
In the corner of your eye, you saw her hand move to the side, grasping the side of your pants. It was a simple gesture, something that only both of you would notice, yet it still put butterflies in your stomach.
Putting everything on their table, you asked them if anything else was needed, smiling one more time before you left. Going back to your station, the smile does not disappear from your face.
Kahei followed you with her eyes on your way back, a smile behind her mask. When she lifted her cup, her eyes widened when she saw the heart drawn on her tissue.
Beside her, Haseul saw the drawing, her lips curving into a teasing smile as she nudged the older girl. The leader started to tease her, poking her sides, garnering the attention of the other members.
She covered her cheeks when the rest caught on when they saw the drawing in front of her. The girl turned her head towards your station, catching your eye before you sent her a playful wink, turning back to take another customer’s order.
It earned another round of squealing and teasing, their group trying to hush themselves yet still trying to tease the older girl.
Taking her hands off her cheeks, she took the small tissue, placing it inside her pocket. She had a shy look on her face, but she also had a loving smile on her face.
The butterflies in her stomach made her blush seem brighter, which made the others think that she was also interested.
She was affected, but a little different from what her members would assume.
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st4rsoo · 3 years
Hi 👋🏻
Can you do a LOONA reaction to their S/O kissing them in public?
totally not writing this @ school . . . layout creds: @yoonk5ok #
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╰┈➤ pov: kissing loona in public
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・ would be really flustered because she doesn't expect it, holds your shoulders, tries to keep the kiss innocent, laughs it off but is really touched by it, might pull you aside to be more romantic (she doesn't want other ppl to see aww) " you know you can wait till we get home, silly "
・ kisses you back with way more energy, smiles against your lips, also would push up against you, doesn't mind that you are in public but still isn't too affectionate, pulls your shirt 100%, would try to embarrass you by making you flustered lol " all these people are watching us, i wonder what they think "
・ likes that you're in public, would kiss you several more times, wants to be held, tries to reassure you that its fine, makes you look at her even if you try to look away, would bring it up when you get home. " don't look at them- focus on us, focus on me "
・ just gushing with love, takes the move really to heart, holds your face when she kisses back (a/n: im gone), very very smiley, tells all her friends about it after, kind of surprised that you did it, thinks about it a lot " i've always dreamed you would kiss me like that "
・ just a little surprised but doesn't complain, lippie is a sucker for kisses </3, would give you a bit of a glare afterwards, gets mad if you point out her blush lol, really obsessed with kissing in public but doesn't want you to find out " you're so eager sometimes... "
・ smothers you in kisses, she's a total beggar for you to hug/kiss her more, doesn't feel all that embarrassed, gets pouty if you don't give her more, chuu is the type to make it really romantic so she probably acts like she's in a movie " another kiss please, cmon i've been nice ! "
・ also a sucker for kissing, in her head its only you two, gives you a lot of compliments in the moment, hugs you afterwards, doesn't mind if you're nervous she actually finds it cute, thanks you for always being there for her :( " the best thing i could have ever asked for "
・ makes it quick and simple but she's really flustered, tries to change the subject if you bring it up, ends out kissing you again just to get you to be quiet again, will never admit that she loves kisses, soft gf hyun wbk " it's just a kiss why am i so shy aaaa "
・ also really really flustered, holds on to you for wayyy too long, acts dramatic as a joke but she is really taken aback, demands hand holding lol, kisses you a lot more when you're alone because she wants to get back at you for making her shy in public " i'm not letting you get away with this ! "
・ totally wanted to kiss you, really smiley and excited bc you did (a/n: i <3 her jeez), calls you pretty or just compliments you in general, eye smile !, kisses your cheek as a thank you, probably talks about it for the rest of the day " i'm so lucky to have such a pretty girlfriend ! "
・ she likes it way more than she thought she would, surprisingly romantic, probably holding you close, i think she would be really intense with it, she's kind of quiet but you can tell it's something she wouldn't mind doing again " maybe i do wish you would kiss me more... "
・ doesn't want to embarrass herself but also desperately wants to kiss you, actually really clingy too, pretty much melts under you, really blushy and she doesn't want to be, she seems like the type to like getting kissed all over her face :( " what do you mean my face is red, idk what ur saying... "
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[A/N]: i wrote like half of this during a lockdown lol (also everything is fine no need to worry) but yes i hope you enjoyyyyy !!! gonna try to post as much as i can do this week so please stay tuned
(im also really happy with the growth of this blog yall are amazing mwah)
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tzuyuscloud · 3 years
long distance viseul meeting for the first time? like one of them gets off the plane and jumps in the others arms and then just fluffff
Haseul and Vivi have been in a long distance relationship for the past two months. Loona wasn't preparing for anything and they had finished promotions, so she decided to go visit her family. But because the pandemic was getting a bit bad again her parents had suggested that she head back to Korea before anything bad happens.
She had wanted to surprise Haseul when she got back, but instead decided to call Haseul ahead of time so that she could be picked up at the airport. Vivi was dozing off because she had to get up at 4am. But she knew if she fell asleep now that when she woke up she would be able to see her girlfriend.
Vivi woke up to the sound of the intercom going off, "Attention please take your seats for landing." A jolt of excitement filled her tummy as she knew they were already in South Korea. She entered the semi crowded airport walking towards Starbucks when she spotted a familiar face.
"vivi!" Haseul shouted sprinting towards her girlfriend. Vivi dropped her suitcase and lifted Haseul in her arms spinning her around. "I missed you so much baby" the older woman whispered. Haseul couldn't stop smiling. The two tired women grabbed some coffee and Haseul drove them both back to the dorm where they took a nap together.
Vivi rubbed the sleep out of her eyes looking over to see Haseul watching a movie while still cuddled into her. "You could've woke me up. You didn't have to watch a movie by yourself" Vivi yawned. Haseul smiled, "Why so you could fall asleep during the movie?" She joked.
"yup" vivi replied popping the 'p'
"do we have to do anything today? I just want to lay next to you all day. I missed you so much" Vivi pouted while snuggling herself closer to Haseul basically laying on top of her. Haseul chuckled at her girlfriend's adorableness, "anything for you baby. I know you're tired from the flight. We can watch movies and snuggle all day" Vivi loved the sound of cuddling with Haseul all day it was her favorite thing to do.
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barb-l · 3 years
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Even they get confused by the Loonaverse and they're the characters involved in the whole thing. It's hopeless for me ☠️
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notsofloofy · 3 years
Secrets Never Last
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Secret after secret after secret. It's never the best choice, but it is a temporary safety.
Warning: mentions of violence, blood, and death
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A/n: i don’t know why i didn’t think of this sooner but hello! the continuation of this series will continue both here and on AO3
Jiwoo fidgeted in her place as she looked at the two girls that continued with their little discussion, unsure what she was supposed to do while waiting for the younger girl to come back. It had been nearly a day since the girl they had referred to as Yerim left to visit the Jo kingdom and she’s nervous the longer she stays away.
If it wasn’t for Jinsoul’s authoritative figure or Jungeun’s somewhat intimidating appearance, then maybe she wouldn’t have an issue. But the princess was far from the image Jiwoo had thought she was, and Jungeun was more protective than anyone she’s ever met.
“You can rest, you do know that, right?” The princess’ thoughts were cut off by the same voice that was filled with worry when she was in the presence of the princesses and Jiwoo quickly shook her head while plastering a smile across her face.
“Yes, of course! But I’m not tired, so please don’t worry about me.” She rambled, making Junguen’s brows furrow before she slowly nodded her head. "Well, you look as stiff as a board, and that's usually my role." Jinsoul snorts at her friend's remark, but makes no comment as she looks at the princess.
"What Jungeun means is that, maybe, you want something to do while you wait. I know that it might take a while before we receive any news, especially with Yerim's adventurous nature." Jinsoul explains with a meaningful look that has her friend grumbling. "But I hope you can feel comfortable with your stay."
"Unless you decide that it's better to go home and find someone else to help." Jinsoul lightly smacks the younger girl's arm. "Be nice." But the younger girl merely huffed in reply. “I am. I’m trying to offer comfort.” Jungeun retaliates but Jinsoul merely rolls her eyes. “Be less grumpy, be more happy about it. You’re scaring the poor girl!”
“Oh, no! I’m not scared!” Jiwoo quickly intervenes, hands waving in front of her face. “I was just a little worried about this whole arrangement.” She explains, cheeks puffed out and brows furrowing. “We aren’t sure if the princess can be found, especially after nearly two decades. I’m worried how this will affect my uncle and the kingdom in general if they ever find out the truth.”
Hearing that caused the two to go silent, but Jinsoul smiled reassuringly before she patted Jiwoo’s arm. “It’ll be alright, no matter whether we find her or not. The truth always comes out in the end, so the best you can do right now is to think of what to do for various scenarios instead of worrying about just one outcome.”
Junguen kept silent, not usually one to involve herself with the politics of royalty, but hearing the pair made her a bit curious because she’s never really cared for the rules or what happens to the kingdom. So long as Jinsoul and Yerim were safe, that was all that mattered to her.
So now with the rising danger that was presenting itself, she couldn’t help but to listen to everything.
“I know that. But my uncle, he’s convinced that his daughter is still out there, somewhere.”
Jinsoul leans back against her seat and hums, lacing her fingers together before Jungeun speaks up. “Do you know anything about the day the princess was kidnapped?” She questions. “I know that you were just a child without recollection of what happened, but maybe the king mentioned something or there were recordings of what occurred during the incident?”
Jiwoo purses her lips before she pulls her phone out, though this one is completely different from the one she held earlier. “There’s only two copies of the video. One with the king and queen, and the other with me.” She explains while opening the device, punching in various numbers to unlock it and then navigating to the file she was looking for.
She looked up briefly to look at the two, quietly assessing them before exhaling and then pulling the video up. “If this is necessary for the investigation, then I think it’s okay.” She spoke more to herself, but the pair heard her clearly, understanding her hesitance with showing them something so confidential.
“No one could identify the man, but with how easy he managed to get in and out of the room, it was clear that he was someone who had access to the mansion.” And true to her words, there was a man dressed in black that came into view. But with the darkness of the room and how he made sure to keep his head down, it was difficult to identify who he was.
“It looks like your princess was familiar with his presence, given she didn’t even start crying when he picked her up.” Jungeun observed while squinting at the screen, seeing the male pick the little girl up into his arms, even gently cooing at the princess before he looked around and silently slipped out of the room.
“Have any of the family’s workers been questioned after reviewing the footage?” Jinsoul inquired when Jungeun replayed the video, attempting to see if there was a way to make the quality better. “None of the workers at the time had a child in their possession. Those that did, didn’t have her.”
“Were there any that have left before or after her kidnapping?” Jungeun questioned as she paused the video, seeing that there was no good playing it again and again. “Not that I’m aware of. The only person to leave the manor was at least a year after the incident and everyone was asked to sign a contract that prohibits the mention of it.”
Jinsoul looked thoughtful for a moment, tapping a finger against her chin as she hummed. “F/n-ssi does have a good reputation. I don’t think anyone would hold a grudge against him ever since he took over.” She stated before bringing her laptop closer.
“I think we should brush up on our reading, Jungie. Having one of the first witches’s abilities would be really helpful with this situation.” The crowned princess hums while her friend huffs. “That’s going to take years to master. Yerim’s lucky that her abilities are even similar to one of them while yours isn’t that too different.” She said with a roll of her eyes and Jinsoul pouted. “At least try to look at the brighter side! If we can get some sort of clue or help, then this would be far easier.”
The door burst open and a younger girl came running inside, hair a bright shade of purple that glowed in the sunlight, matching the expression the young girl wore on her face as she bounced on the balls of her feet. One of her eyes, Jiwoo notices, has a purple ring fading away until it goes back to normal, looking as though there was absolutely nothing different between them.
“Oh, thank god, you’re home.” Jungeun sighs in relief and the girl beamed a smile, bowing quickly to Jiwoo before she sat down. “Well, I got the princess’ attention for now. I just need to draw her out.”
Her words caused the three older women to look at her in confusion, Jungeun looking far more worried with what she was planning. “What do you mean, ‘draw her out’?” Jiwoo asked and Yerim showed them the pictures she had of the Jo household, along with the Queen and princess.
“From what I’ve gathered over there, the princess doesn’t like staying indoors, but Queen Haseul prohibits her from leaving the mansion, unless supervised.” She begins to explain, looking for the picture she had of the two women. “I’ve also heard some of the staff saying that they aren’t exactly close, but the Queen does her best to look after the princess. So with that, I thought the best way to get her attention is if we bring Yeojin-ssi out of the mansion.”
“Are you crazy? That’s not going to get her to help us, that’s going to have her wanting our heads on a silver platter!” Jungeun panics, but Yerim shakes her head to calm her friend down. “It won’t! Plus, if it’s Yeojin-ssi following me, then it’s not something she was forced to do.”
“Yerim, I don’t think this is the brightest idea you could have come up with…” The older girl muttered, earning a pout from the bright haired girl. “I promise, it’ll be okay.”
Jiwoo looked like a deer in headlights as she listened to the three suddenly enter a heated discussion regarding the Jo family but chose to keep quiet, respecting the trio’s privacy as she looked down at her phone, seeing the paused video again with a small pout on her face.
“I’m going back tomorrow and I promise I’m not going to let the princess get hurt.” Yerim raises her hand, almost as though she were making an oath and Jungeun can’t help but groan when Jinsoul lets out a tiny giggle.
Yerim’s eyes then fall on the other brunette before she’s waving her hand. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting long, Jiwoo unnie.” Said girl merely shook her head with a friendly smile, appreciating Yerim's more carefree personality and releasing some of the tension in her body. "Oh, no. I'm the one asking for help, so waiting isn't that bad." She dismisses, causing the younger girl to giggle. "It'll be a while, that's all I can tell you."
But Jiwoo doesn't mind. After all, waiting is what they've been doing for most of her life.
Squinting at the bright light, Hyejoo grumbled as she turned in the driver's seat, yawning as she stretched her arms in front of her before looking around.
After how many hours of driving, she's not sure how she had ended up in some forest. Maybe it was due to the darkness of the night, or that she didn't know the area. Because looking around now, she notes how there's nothing else but nature surrounding her.
"God, where am I…" She muttered quietly, seeing that there wasn't exactly a clear path for her to take. And checking the car's fuel gauge, she could only grunt when she saw that there wasn't much left, so she had to be smart about where she was going next.
For a while though, she just sat there, her mind finally processing what just happened not even ten hours ago. The bodies, Minho, her parents… every single one of them died and all because of one person.
Ha Sooyoung.
Hyejoo doesn’t even realize the hot tears running down her cheeks as she grips at the steering wheel, the sadness, betrayal and frustration all bubbling up inside of her before an angry scream tore through her throat.
She hits the wheel, once, twice, three times before she slumps forward, pressing her forehead against it as heavy and ragged breaths left her lips. “Why…” Is all she can utter out, but the silence that answers only reminds her of just how alone she truly was.
Glancing at her bag, Hyejoo quietly reaches for it before rummaging through the items Minho had left for her. Aside from the clothes and money, she saw the photo she always had perched up on her shelf, her parents standing on either side of her with broad smiles on their faces while Hyejoo stood between them, a shier smile on her face as she looked at the camera.
Sucking in a deep breath, she puts it away before trying to see what else was there, only to notice that her phone wasn’t there. In actuality, there was a completely different phone in the bag, one she could only assume as Minho’s.
Did he slip that in by accident?
No, Minho always knew what he was doing. It was most likely his way of keeping her whereabouts unknown in case Sooyoung was still after her. And judging by how the device was basically wiped, it looked like her guess could be right.
Sighing, the young girl then opened up the phone’s map to try and find her location and the nearest place she could stop and probably refill the car in case she had to keep travelling. And much to her relief, there was a small town not too far away from her.
She only hopes that the car doesn't die before she reaches the place.
“Okay, let’s try and find help, I guess.” She muttered to herself, finally allowing herself to collect herself and then turning the engine back on to depart for the tiny village. She keeps the phone within reach just so she can keep tracking of where she's going, and by sheer luck, her car only dies a few meters away from the village.
Grabbing a cap to cover her head, she pulls the hood of her jacket up and then reaches to get her wallet and the phone. Exiting the car, she made sure it was locked before pocketing the keys as she made her way towards the quaint looking area.
The houses had enough space between them and there weren't that many people, she noted. However, due to her urgency, Hyejoo decided that the first she needed to find was where she could get gas for her car while also keeping her identity hidden in the event that anyone recognizes her.
Looking around, Hyejoo spots an elderly couple and thinks that she would least likely draw attention from them, so she quietly walks over before lightly tapping at the man’s shoulder. “Excuse me.” The couple looked to the princess, offering her kind smiles as she bows her head. “I’m sorry to disturb you, but is there a place here where I can get gas for my car?”
“Oh, the place you’re looking for is probably Jeong. His house is the farthest down this path.” The woman pointed to the left and Hyejoo saw a few more houses lined up and the lone house the couple had pointed out wasn’t exactly too far away, though she’d appreciated it if it were much closer.
Holding back a sigh, the young girl forced a smile on her face before bowing one more time. “Thank you.”
She’s relieved that no one notices her, at least. As she makes her way to the isolated looking house, she can’t help wondering about the sudden unease that builds up in her chest. She blames it on what happened with Sooyoung. But when she comes closer to the house and lightly knocks on the door, she blinks at the thud that comes from inside the house before trying to knock again.
Trying again, there’s nothing this time and Hyejoo wasn’t sure what to do. Looking around, she takes a step away from the door to glance at the window to her right, seeing a bit of movement, so she’s aware that someone is home.
“I’m… not trying to be a bother, I was just hoping to ask for some help!” When no one responds, Hyejoo lets out a sigh of frustration before she reaches for the door in hopes of letting her presence be even more known, only to be surprised when she finds it unlocked.
The door creaks open and the princess looks around, one more time, before she carefully pushes it open, poking her head through the door before calling out again. Stepping inside, she notes that the house looked like any ordinary house that fit the small village it accompanied. There weren’t many things to show that the person had more or less than the neighboring houses.
But when she moved to head for the open doorway where she had earlier seen movement, Hyejoo had to stop dead in her tracks when she saw red handprints on the frame and even more red splattered on the wall and floor.
She didn't need to think to know what it was because the flashes of her home were more than enough for her knees to start buckling and she had to grab onto the chair behind her to keep herself from falling to the floor.
Steadying herself with a deep breath, Hyejoo tried to come closer. “... Hello?” But maybe nothing could have prepared her for the sight that was about to greet her.
As soon as Hyejoo stepped through the doorway, more blood coated the tiled floors, a knife laying in a small puddle in the middle of the room, right next to a fallen chair. But that isn’t what makes her stomach sink.
Right above the fallen chair, there was the body of a man, slowly swinging from a rope, his hair over his eyes, neck bent at an unnatural angle, and blood staining his clothes and hands. The young princess had to jerk back from the sight, falling on her butt while she tried to put as much distance between her and the body.
Tears pricked at her eyes as she tried to shake the picture of bodies away from her head, but there’s no wiping them away when one was just a few feet away and ready to greet her the moment she decided to open her eyes again.
There’s a faint wheezing that catches her attention, and Hyejoo forces herself to look, recomposing herself due to the dead man before she’s looking for the source of the sound. “Is anyone there?” She calls hesitantly before a tap comes this time.
It’s weak, faint, but she hears it.
“I need you to make another sound. Where are you?” She asks, quickly moving around the body, avoiding it as much as possible before the sound of something hitting the walls meets her ears and Hyejoo quickly moves, seeing that the trail of blood seemed to lead somewhere that wasn’t to the man.
Hyejoo tries calming her heart as she tries finding the source of the sound, and as much as the sight of blood was making her nauseous, it was one of her leads as to where whoever was calling for help was.
“No, no. I need you to keep going.” She senses the interval of each tap growing longer and Hyejoo realizes that she’s most likely running out of more time than she initially believed. She kept going back and forth in the same room, but couldn’t pinpoint where exactly it was coming from.
The blood was everywhere at this point so she wasn’t sure where to look. She checked the cabinets and everything was empty aside from the food and other necessities the man had in the house. The tapping finally stopped and Hyejoo could feel her own blood run cold as she began to frantically look around, panic building in her stomach before she started pushing a few items away just to see what it was she was missing.
Her saving grace was when she had accidentally knocked down a chair and caused its contents to spill over the floor. One of the cans rolled over to the little corner by the door and Hyejoo noticed how the wall creaked slightly as it came in contact with it. She also notes the blood trailing to the wall, so she immediately rushes over and pries it open.
When the small door finally opened, it felt like the air was knocked out of her lungs and Hyejoo was greeted by your barely conscious form, looking not much older than herself, covered in blood.
And judging by the state that you were in and the man earlier, it didn't take her long to figure out whose blood was scattered everywhere.
Without thinking, she reaches for you and attempts to pull you out, being careful while also hurrying out of the house and calling for help.
Maybe her luck was turning around, she thinks, when a few people came out of their houses to see what the yelling was about and a woman came running over whilst she had ordered for someone from inside to call for the doctor.
"Please, you have to help her." The princess pleaded and the brunette nodded her head as she tried to calm the girl down.
You were soon taken into the woman's house and Hyejoo tails after her in fear that she may not have gotten to you in time. She also knows that people would want to question her about what happened, so she'd rather not get herself accused of being a murderer.
"You should eat something." Hyejoo looked behind her when the same woman from earlier came and offered her a plate of food. "You haven't moved much since you got here. I assumed you'd be hungry by now."
It's been at least three hours since Hyejoo's found you and the doctor has yet to come and inform them about your condition that it's beginning to make her even more anxious than she already was.
She just couldn't seem to catch a break.
"I'm alright." But the grumbling of her stomach seemed to say otherwise, making the woman smile sympathetically. "You don't have to worry so much. The doctor is taking care of Y/n, and I'm sure she'll be okay."
The name catches her attention and Hyejoo manages to look back at the older woman, confusion clear on her face. "You know who she is?"
The brunette nods her head. "Y/n was still very young when Mr. Jeong found her somewhere in the forest. He thinks her parents must not have had the proper lifestyle to have a child if they decided to leave a toddler out in the woods like that." The woman explains with a sad look and Hyejoo frowns at the story before she looks out the window, seeing the house now being put off limits for the police to investigate.
"Seeing that you're not from here, I can see why you don't know her. Y/n likes to befriend the people in the village, and you aren't exactly a familiar face." The brunette speaks up. "My name is Soojin, by the way. My friend earlier is Shuhua." She introduces and Hyejoo takes a minute before slowly nodding her head.
"... I'm Olivia."
Soojin gives her another smile before nodding her head. "Well, Olivia, I think you should have at least something to eat. I'm sure Y/n would appreciate that I, at least, take care of her hero while you're waiting." She tries again and Hyejoo can't seem to deny the offer this time around, considering her last meal was the dinner she had before her entire household had been assassinated.
It's quiet for a while as Hyejoo eats and Soojin observes the girl before she finally remembers the latter's clothes. "Oh, right. Do you have any clothes with you? If not, I can lend you some." She suddenly speaks up. "I think fresh clothes would be more comfortable to wear."
Hyejoo looks down at the clothes she's wearing and she grimaces when she sees the blood staining them. However, she remembers that her things are in her car, parked outside the village.
It would cause unwanted attention if she walked all the way back with blood all over her.
"My, uh, clothes are in my car. But it's parked outside your village since I ran out of gas." She explains and Soojin nods in understanding. "That would make sense as to why you were heading to Mr. Jeong's house." She breathed out before her eyes scanned the room and an idea popped in her head. "Give me a moment."
Soojin exits through the same door she used to enter the room and Hyejoo was given the time to properly assess herself. The blood had dried on her hands and clothes, but it still caused her stomach to twist and churn as flashes of her previous home came to mind. She had to take a deep breath to steady herself before the sound of footsteps came closer.
When she looks, Soojin reenters with clothes neatly folded in her grasp before she’s handing them over. Hyejoo looks hesitant but the older woman gave her an assuring smile. "Don't worry, these are clothes Shuhua doesn't wear anymore. We were planning on getting rid of them, anyway."
It was better than being a walking crime scene. So Hyejoo reluctantly accepts before Soojin points her in the direction of the bathroom.
Hyejoo is quick to wash off the blood on her skin and she discards her soiled clothes before putting on the shorts handed to her, followed by the shirt that looked like it was one size bigger than herself. But it was decent compared to what she had earlier.
By the time Hyejoo exits the bathroom, she sees Soojin speaking with the doctor that came to check on you. And when her eyes land on the princess, she offers her a small smile.
"Well, it seemed that you got Y/n out of there in the nick of time." The woman addresses her and Hyejoo can see the relief on Soojin's face. "Had Y/n been left unattended any longer, she would have most likely died from blood loss." She explains, sending Hyejoo a grateful look.
"Olivia, this is our resident doctor, Miyeon." Said doctor waves a hand before she looks at her phone. "I've left some medicine in the room for when she starts to feel any discomfort. Make sure she takes the antibiotics and that she doesn't move around too much unless she wants to undo her stitches." Miyeon explains and Soojin is quick to nod. “In the event that she feels anything more, contact me.”
“Of course. Thanks, Miyeon, and say hi to Minnie for me.” The woman grins before collecting her things. She shoots Hyejoo one more smile. “Y/n’s awake, and I think she would appreciate it if you would see her. She’s been asking for you since her consciousness came back.”
As soon as the doctor left, Hyejoo’s lips pressed together before Soojin turned to her with an understanding look on her face, and the princess could only feel like this woman was much like an older sister that would worry and dote on you if something ever happened.
“You can stay here for a while until you decide you want to see her. But if you don’t, I can tell her that you were in a hurry.” Hyejoo is grateful for Soojin’s kindness and hospitality, and she knows she should get going in case Sooyoung is tracking her, but when she remembers your pale and bloodied face, she can’t help the feeling of wanting to stay and just confirm for herself that you were alive and well.
“I’ll see her in a bit.”
And Soojin lets her be. When she's done with everything and able to collect herself, Hyejoo bumps into the person Soojin identified as Shuhua and the girl points her in the direction of where you're located before offering her a kind smile and then walking away. She doesn't wait for the princess to thank her and merely leaves without a word.
When Hyejoo enters the room, she braces herself for the chance of seeing more blood, but when she sees the neat room and you, peacefully in bed, she lets her muscles relax while you turn your head.
The princess sees you cracking a small smile before waving a hand. "Hi." She greets softly and you chuckle at her timid approach. "Hello. I'm sorry for the scare, not the best way to first meet someone."
She's taken aback when you joke about your condition, but the smile on your face makes her calm enough when she carefully walks inside. "It's fine, are you feeling better though?" She questions and you nod your head. "I'm a little weak, but Miyeon unnie said I'd live." You tell her, moving to sit up, and Hyejoo is quick to your side to help you.
"Careful." She mutters quietly, fixing the pillows and letting you lean against them when you're sitting. "She said you shouldn't be moving too much or else you're going to ruin your stitches." She reminds you and you huff. "I know. Unnie wouldn't stop you saying that until she was a hundred percent sure I was listening." You pout, making the girl fight back a smile when she comments. "You should listen to her, y'know? She is a doctor after all."
And for the first time, in the last ten or so hours, Hyejoo doesn't feel like her life was in danger.
While she was typically a shy girl, Hyejoo found it easy to talk to you despite the circumstances you were both in.
And if she weren't a princess on the run and you weren't on the brink of death when she first saw you, she believes that you could have been good friends in a different life and she'd happily welcome it.
"I know, don't worry. I don't plan on going anywhere soon, even if I wanted to." There's something about the way you say it that makes the princess a little curious, but she doesn't ask you to elaborate. Instead, she leans back, hands resting on her knees. "Well, this place seems nice. It's quiet and peaceful." You nod your head in agreement, humming with a smile that doesn't quite reach your eyes.
"Can you tell me about it?"
She notices a few things when you start talking. Your shoulders are tense and your eyes constantly move to the window, spotting the blocked off house that she found you in. Your fingers play with the fabric of the blanket resting on your lap.
But the more she asks about the life you have - the friends you have, your smile becomes a little more relaxed and your body isn't as rigid as when you started. Eventually, you're more comfortable speaking about yourself, so long as she didn't bring up the man who was with you inside the house.
"What about you? Soojin unnie mentioned something about you and I can tell you're not from here." She smiles a little at the clueless look you sport. Somehow she remembers the same look on Sooyoung's face when she and Chaewon were playing some game at her home and she couldn't understand what the latter was saying.
When reality comes back around, Hyejoo looks down at her shoes before shrugging her shoulders. "It's going to sound like some fictional story, if I'm being honest." But her words only pique your interest further and she can see that you're more than willing to listen to what she's comfortable sharing, even if she had to alter parts of the story.
"For saving my life, I think listening is the best I can give at the moment."
Hyejoo can't help but chuckle as she looks back at you, nodding as she sucked in a deep breath. "Then get ready for a bit of a long story."
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twiceblackvelvet · 4 years
loona reaction to having a crush on the 13th member. thanks!!
A/N; alright let’s see if i still know how to do this stuff lol. thanks for the request anon!
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In the middle of an interview, all of you could sense where the questions were heading, and yet, ViVi ended up zoning out into a world of her own. “What’s your ideal type?” The question has been asked so many times, but previously, she could easily give a basic answer, yet on this occasion, as soon as the words pierce her eardrums, her brain screams your name. She’ll stutter out something about someone who is kind but all of you can sense there’s an awkward atmosphere with her. It will take her a while to build up the courage to speak to you about it. 
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Yves will have noticed that the two of you have been hanging out a lot more recently, secretly enjoying the one on one time with you perhaps a little bit too much. So much so that when schedules restart and the two of you are no longer free to do whatever you wish, she’ll miss being able to go on what she considers in her head dates with you. Rather than get upset by this, she’ll just pull you to the side one day and inform you of her feelings and ask whether or not you feel the same way about her. She won’t want to waste time and potentially lose you or keep feeling things towards you if you only wish to have a friendship with her. 
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Despite the very obvious flirtation between the both of you, which the other members tease you about, Jinsoul will refuse to face the deep down feeling within herself that perhaps they’re right about it being more than just an inside joke and instead something that makes her heart rate pick up whenever you smile at her. She’ll convince herself that this is just a passing crush and won’t last, however, once she realizes those feelings are there to stay, she’ll slowly come to accept that she has to be brave and talk to you about it.
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Realizing that she has a crush on you will be a strange experience for Haseul. Her role as leader will make her want to forget all about the butterflies she feels whenever you enter the room or force herself to stop staring at you whenever you’re merely smiling at something random. However, the person beyond being Loona’s leader will desperately beg for her to just confess her feelings and get it over with. She’ll take her position within the group more seriously, unfortunately and allow her crush to eventually fade to a what could have been feeling whenever she sees you. 
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Many games are played within the dorm in order to entertain yourselves, however, never did you consider that one of them would lead to Kim Lip being dared to kiss you and her going through with it as if awkwardness had been erased from the world entirely. As if that wasn’t enough, when she pulls away only to smirk and say she’s wanted to do that for quite a while now, it’s like your entire life has been morphed by her words and actions. She was just waiting for the right opportunity and this happened to be it.
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Being flirty comes natural to Chuu, it’s part of her entire personality. However, actually following through with her flirtations? Not her strong point. Thus, after spending months complimenting and then teasing you, when you decide to do the same in return to get her back, she’ll instead crumble inside and worry about whether or not you’ve figured out that she has a crush on you. The scary feeling will overpower her want to confess and she’ll instead retreat back into her shell and distance herself from you for a little while in hopes that she gets over her feelings for you. 
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After being paired together in a variety show, both you and Heejin will have caused a little bit of a stir among fans for how much chemistry the two of you have together, a ship name for you both having trended the entire day. Upon finding this out, Heejin will have begun to think about just why the two of you stood out the most compared to other pairings within your group. Only then will things click into place for her that perhaps it’s more than just a bond over being a fellow member and that there’s something deeper that she feels for you that she doesn’t for anyone else. 
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At first, Hyunjin didn’t realize that she even had a crush on you. It wasn’t until some of the other members pointed it out to her that she spends a little bit too long staring at you or talks about you so often that they planned to gag her if she mentioned you once more. Once it all clicks into place for her, she’ll avoid you for some time, wondering whether you’ll approach her first and wonder why she’s being so cold. She’ll think that space between the two of you will give her the answer she needs in regards to how you feel about her, instead she’ll alienate herself entirely from being close to you. 
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During a random dinner at the dorm is when Gowon will strike with her confession of having a crush on you. Whilst everyone is enjoying random conversations about the latest comeback and the potential for getting a win, Gowon will just blurt out the fact that she likes you by accident after pressuring herself internally to do so. One by one the other members will leave the room to allow the two of you to have some space to talk it over, however, they will all secretly be listening beyond the door for whether or not you’ve accepted or rejected her.
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Whilst many people rely on the saying what will be will be, Choerry instead will prefer a much more straightforward approach to life. She won’t let her crush on you fester and come between anyone within the group if they have even had time to realize that she feels this way because she moves quick. Instead, she’ll simply tell you one day how she feels and that if you don’t feel the same way it’s okay and she’ll move on. It won’t be an uncomfortable atmosphere at all, instead she’ll want you to feel relaxed around her and able to tell her anything whether it be a positive or negative response to her confession. 
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The second you both met each other, Olivia knew that you were special. She couldn’t just blurt out and tell you that though, it would be weird to confess to someone you’d only just met. However, she convinced herself from that day forward that you two had some kind of soulmate connection. She managed to remember all of your earlier conversations, paying close attention whenever you’d bring up how you’d like to be confessed to whenever interviewers would ask, and she’ll have it all planned out in her head to match up with exactly what you want, hoping inside you’ll see her dedication to her feelings for you. 
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Being the youngest member of Loona, falling for a fellow member would not be something Yeojin would plan or want to happen, it would just end up hitting her one day when you’re both doing the most random of tasks at the dorm that she’s grown to fall in love with you. It will terrify her at first, unsure of what the correct action in regards to her own feelings is exactly. She’ll decide to ask some of the older members for advice before she acts upon anything and will consider their opinions on the matter to be greatly important as she won’t want to jeopardize the group or her position within it in case those feelings aren’t reciprocated. Because no matter how strongly she feels towards you, she values her career and yours too. 
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worstlovesong · 4 years
Actually I just think that Kahei deserves way better
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girlgrouptrash101 · 5 years
Vivi (Loona) as Your Girlfriend
Request: “Once your requests are open, would you consider writing Vivi as your girlfriend?”
“hey!! omg i found your blog about a week ago and i've been straight binging ever since 😭👊 your work is so fUN TO READ,,!! and i was wondering if you ever had any extra time would you maybe consider doing a ,,vivi as your girlfriend" (loona)? your loona posts are the BEST”
A/N: well it's been a hot minute,,, but I'm alive, surprise!!1!1!1!
- C
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the! most! caring! and! kind! baby! EVER!
no matter what she does she's always thinking about you
making her the most thoughtful girl that ever lived
like when she sees something that reminds her of you she's like YES this will make my baby smile
and she brings it home and hides it behind her back
"I have a surprise for you... I'll give it to you for the price of a kiss!"
what a CUTIE
forever gushing about you to the members,,, and they understood why the first time Vivi introduced you to them
you two are just so perfect together that they knew it would last for a long time
lowkey gets really shy when you compliment her
so you do it all the time just to see her blush and giggle
even when Vivi does the bare minimum you can't help but feel butterflies in your tummy and your heart speed up
omg artist queen Vivi drawing you 24/7
you could just be reading a book in bed and she'd sketch you until you fell asleep like how cute is SHE
has a whole sketchbook dedicated to little doodles of you and everything else that makes her feel happy
for your first anniversary present, you bought Vivi new watercolours and pencils and everything and she! WAS SO HAPPY
she jumped around and wiggled her arms and. she is just baby
loves cuddles
she's the lil spoon tho
loves cuddling in bed and talking all night long about the little things on your mind
and then sleeping in all morning, the sun peeking in through your blinds as you pull Vivi closer to you
even though she lives in a dorm with her members, after you start dating your apartment always has hints of Vivi to it
from her favourite candles, to the scent of her perfume, and the clothes she leaves behind her
baking dates uwu
matching aprons, back hugs, kissing off the icing that gets left behind on your lips
plus girlie has the best recipes, everything you make together tastes like HEAVEN
god damn I'm hungry
picnics too uwu
says I love you like 477372 times a day because she really does
Vivi always getting you in your feels whether it's been 10 days or 10 years
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NSFW From Here:
an angel in the sheets too wbk
so soft and loving, it's her duty to make sure you feel loved, appreciated and confident about your body
leaves the cutest little love bites on your skin
Vivi in baby pink or white lingerie >>>>>>>
really fucking good at everything she does but she's still super duper shy around you sometimes
sensitive and whiny uwu
has a thing for collars and she always sends you pictures of her wearing them
lOves being called baby girl and princess
sometimes goes into bad bitch mode and completely turns the tables
having you shaking beneath her within minutes
when she stops being so shy and finally becomes cocky lil Vivi, your world changes
she will not hesitate to whisper all of her dirty little fantasies in your ear
leaving you weak in the knees as she walks off, knowing the effect she has on you
gets all giggly when she comes
followed by reminding you how much she loves you and falling asleep in your embrace
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imaginechuu · 5 years
imagine you and vivi spending your day out ina forest and having a picnic while listening the birds
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k-comfyspace · 3 years
Star: Wong Kahei (Loona)
Idea: Yes
Love: Hi! I noticed a lack of Vivi on tumblr recently, or I’m just looking in the wrong place but could you write one about her and reader haven’t gone out on a date in a long time, so when they do reader would spoil Vivi so much and show her affection that she would get so shy? Thanks a lot!
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You’ve been struggling for the past few weeks, your parents constantly on your back with work, friends wanting to get drunk, and on top of that you haven’t seen your girlfriend in weeks.
You couldn’t call Kahei because you were hesitant because you didn’t want to interrupt her schedules. While when she was the one that could call you were too busy attending a meeting or you were resting.
It made it increasingly irritating that your schedules were just shy of catching up with each other, which annoyed you that when an opportunity showed that you could talk to Kahei, it was time for you to leave or start something.
Now it was different, walking out of the elevator you padded down the hall, a smile on your face before you knocked on the door.
Kahei sat up when she heard the door, her heart hammering against her chest as she got closer, grasping the doorknob she took a deep breath before opening it.
Truthfully she has been waiting for today. Having planned it the previous week she couldn’t help but be giddy. After weeks of not seeing each other today she could finally see you.
Opening the door, a bright smile made it to her face when she saw a colorful bouquet. You peeked over and saw your girlfriend, smiling happily, you lowered the flowers and offered it to her.
Kahei took it happily before inviting you inside. Right as you sat down, you felt something crash into you suddenly falling on the couch, feeling someone on top of you as you immediately hugged back.
Kahei sighed, embracing your warmth as she tucked her head in your neck, finally after weeks she could finally hold you. Your scent fills her senses while your warmth and comfort spread to her. Your arms around her tightened, leaving a kiss on her head, saying the first words to start a great day.
“I missed you so much.”
You got out of the car, opening the door for Kahei before taking her hand in yours.
You planned on taking her out to the mall, since you knew you were both tired, a movie would be enough for both of you to relax and not get too tired from.
On your way to the cinema you and Kahei spent a good amount of time arguing on who would buy the food, while Kahei wanted to split it, you insisted that you could pay for all of it but she wasn’t too fond of the idea.
After a little more arguing, it resulted in you two agreeing that she would pay for the tickets and you would pay for the food.
Picking the seats both of you whispered quietly, talking about your theories on what would happen during the movie while also commenting about the trailers that would pop up on the large screen.
When the lights dimmed and the movie started you leaned back, relaxing since for once, you were doing something that wasn’t related to work.
Doing something that your parents didn’t ask you to do, that you were here because of the girl beside you, the thought made you smile. Your hand reaches for Kahei’s before intertwining your fingers, your thumb rubbing the back of her hand and lifting it near your lips and giving it a kiss.
Kahei raised her head, looking at you in question for the sudden gesture while you could only smile lovingly at her, she could only thank that the lights were dim because you would’ve seen the blush that seared her face while you wore that bright smile of yours.
During the movie you and Kahei would watch attentively but sometimes one of you would pause, seeking for each other’s hand or leaning against one another. It was a small gesture but it still made your heart do flips because of the sweetness.
After the movie both of you would walk out with smiles on your faces. Roaming around the mall as you spoke with each other about random topics you could think about. Sometimes stopping inside a store if you or Kahei saw anything that you could buy.
After a few hours you eventually got hungry and instead of reserving a restaurant you thought you could reminisce all the times you went out on dates at midnight, going into fast food restaurants where you could order and eat everything that you wanted to.
“This brings back a lot,” you said before picking up a fry, but instead of eating it yourself you moved it towards your girlfriend, who Suddenly grew shy, lowering her head as a pink hue spread on her face.
“You don’t have to give it to me, Y/n,”
You giggled at her but you didn’t pull away, until she took it eventually, though avoiding your eye contact after she ate it. You tried to look at her in the eyes but Kahei kept glancing away, still the red tint on her cheeks while you only smiled as you tried to catch her.
Then you noticed the red tint slowly disappearing, her face raising gradually, which sadly didn’t last when the desert arrived. When anyone is eating ice cream no one could really avoid making a mess, so when Kahei took a spoonful she left markings around her lips.
Due to your unconscious actions and caring nature you suddenly leaned forward, startling your girlfriend as she sat back, her face suddenly exploded with blush when you wiped the corner of her lips with a tissue, your other hand holding her chin.
Your face inches away from hers and while she was burning, you were too busy to notice, not until you sat back and placed the tissue down.
Glancing at your girlfriend who is frozen in place, her face beat red before you burst out in laughter, now clicking in your head as to what you did before you smiled at your girlfriend, wiping a rear that slipped past your eyes as you laughed, “You’re too cute,”
You laced your fingers with Kahei, walking down the park as you both giggled to yourselves. After you spent a few more hours in the mall, Kahei wanted to end the day peacefully so you drove to the park near their dorm.
Catching up on what’s been happening to each other, “...then Jinsoul bumped her head, it was too funny,” you laughed at the end stopping at the top of the bridge and leaned against the side, your girlfriend linking her arm with your as she rested her head on your shoulder.
You enjoyed her presence before you remembered something. Placing your hand in your pocket and feeling the box, you smiled to yourself before pulling it out, Kahei’s eyes widened. Her body stiffening when she saw but you were quick to speak before she could freak out.
“Don’t worry it’s not what it looks like, though I would be happy to spend the rest of my days with you, I know we’re not ready for that yet.”
You felt her relax a bit though there was a part in her that became giddy at the possible future. Releasing a sigh, you opened the box revealing two golden rings, “I know it might be cliché but, I wanted something to represent you by. A promise that should be kept at all times, a lover who I know would always be there for me as I am with them,”
Kahei felt her eyes water, eyeing the rings as you took it out and slipped it on her hand, wearing yours after as you wrapped your arms around her, kissing the top of her head.
Kahei was happy, a tear falling down her face as she closed her eyes. You pulled away and cupped her cheeks, wiping the tears before leaning in and placed a soft kiss on her lips.
“With the way things ended up today, I feel like we haven’t been apart for so long,” she said after a while, letting the silence of the night linger, both looking at the sky.
You hummed, closing your eyes, listening to her voice, “That even if we spend weeks apart, the love we have won’t ever disappear. Make it a few months or a year, I would always love you.”
“I love you too.”
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st4rsoo · 3 years
hi, I was wondering if your request were open and if so, may I request Loona's reaction to getting caught kissing their s/o?
also, I hope you have a great day! ☺️
sorry for the delays lol layout creds: @waterrr + @sseungsmile
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╰┈➤ loona getting caught kissing you
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・ super embarrassed but i think she would be good at hiding it, expects you to say something so she doesn't have to, a little mad that she got caught, expect her to be a more aggressive kisser when the person leaves " i don't care if we got caught once, there's no reason to stop "
・ she would apologize calmly but would still stay near you, stops and waits for the person to leave before she continues, polite but also not ??, holding your hand for sure bc shes possessive " ah sorry,, that must've been embarrassing for you "
・ doesn't care at all, you would have to say something to the person because she just keeps kissing you, you both would laugh it off later, jinsoul likes affection so expect her to be really touchy even if she got caught " not my fault they had to interrupt our moment"
・ she would be really sorry for them even if it wasn't her fault, feels bad bc she thinks she embarrassed you, kisses you a bunch of times as an apology, more careful in the future because she's really embarrassed about getting caught " oh gosh nooo, i just embarrassed me AND you "
・ she would either be really embarrassed or would not care it depends who catches you, when they leave she keeps kissing you though, i could see her being really touchy so she would be extra embarrassed when the person walks in lol " it's too late to stop now, might as well keep going "
・ she would embarrass you, spends way too long talking to whoever caught you, would leave and go somewhere else after, does something nice for you to make up for the whole thing, bunches of little compliments (a/n: im soft :<) " sorry bout that,, maybe we could get ice cream, babe ~ ! "
・ she is just so cocky, literally full of herself, wouldn't be surprised if she straight up makes out with you in front of them, still makes sure if you're ok with continuing, might actually feel bad about it later and apologize tho " oh what- that's not gonna stop me from kissing you, dear "
・ a bit embarrassed, just enough for her to stop, might mumble a sorry or two, practically counting the time for them to leave, really pouty afterwards and demands kisses, even though she got caught she considers doing it again " you can still kiss me you know... even if we got caught "
・ if she made the first move she might not want to stop, gowon really likes kissing in general, i wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't say anything and just continues like nothing happened, laughs it off later " i can't believe we made out in front of that person haha-! "
・ apologizes for both of you, asks you if you still want to continue after that, she really wants your feedback on everything, might give you little "i'm sorry" kisses, just really caring in general, has no problem keeping it going if you want though wink wink " i'm so sorry !! we can stop if you want, sweetheart "
・ most people it wouldn't stop her one bit, she may actually like that you got caught, she's really intense especially if you're semi in public, kind of wants to embarrass you but also doesn't want to go too far, apologizes eventually " i feel like i'm losing my breath around you "
・ apologizes to the person but when they leave she acts like the victim, probably a lot of complaining, you have to keep going just to get her to be quiet, mad later because she wanted to be confident around you and getting caught made her lose it " i can't believe they had to interrupt us like that !!"
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[A/N]: yikes sorry that ive been literally dead for a week but im back !!! thank you for continuing to support me during the hiatus and i am really happy with how well the blog is doing ^^
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gaywheesa · 6 years
loona 1/3 spending the night with you ♡
i add yeojin to my 1/3 reactions/headcanons!
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really happy every time you invite her to stay over or when you say yes when she asks you to stay at the dorm with her
she knocks on the door already in her pajamas
plans ahead of time what she wants to do
she always wants to be doing something
heejin likes board games so she brings those a lot
she leaves some of her board games at your house for when she stays over
she always plans to stay up the entire night doing activities but in reality she falls asleep at 8pm
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comes over kind of early but you're not complaining
either brings over dvd's or has a netflix show planned to watch because she likes showing you her fav movies
she also likes to show you her shows
tickle fights A LOT but also includes a lot of kisses
touches your butt when you're cooking or preparing dinner
compliments your pajamas
while trying to fall asleep she has to shush you because you talk too much but she lowkey loves it
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brings a recipe book over every time and tries new ones all the time even if she screws up
after cooking, you eat in the living room with a movie in the living room
you two cuddle on the floor with a mini blanket fort
always saying 'let's sleep in the room tonight' but you both end up falling asleep in the fort
she moves a lot in her sleep and always wakes you up
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you're young so you're limited to your room unless your parents/guardian aren't home
but they're usually home
you both immediately get into your pajamas
then you study for a while RIP
after a nice actually comfortable dinner, you go up to your room to sleep
but yeojin won't stop talking all night
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very simple and sweet
brings over movies and snacks
you guys watch rip vine complilations for a few hours before going to your room to sleep
cuddling is the best part of it because she has her arms rested around your stomach waist and her legs around your lower waist with her head on ur chest
"i love you so much, y/n"
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