emeraldxphoenix · 7 months
@kahterina continued from here
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Loki returns her displeased look with an entirely unbothered expression. That look doesn’t work on them anymore. “Darling you know you can’t play the age card on me as if I were some sort of mortal.” Nimble fingers lift their glass to their mouth, coating thin lips in a deep red they choose not to brush away.
Hand reaches out and twists, pulling a set of keys from their pocket dimension and suspending them in the air above their palm. They nod in the direction of the red ferrari parked across the street from the cafe they're seated at. “I don’t suppose I could interest you in a repeat performance? Perhaps preceded by a little trip?”
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perzysprumia · 10 months
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@kahterina said: i’m not going to kill you, but i’ll make you wish you were dead.
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Everything burns, everything hurts. Pissing off Katherine was probably a bad idea, but it's not like Caroline can take it back now. She's been deprived of blood and covered in vervain and her lungs feel like they're on fire with every breath she takes. The bitch really doesn't do anything halfway, does she?
"I said I'm sorry, Katherine!" Her voice is hoarse but there's a desperation to it that Caroline knows won't appeal to Katherine in the slightest. Still, she has to try. "Why are you doing this? Did I piss you off that bad? You can't handle somebody standing up to you so you kidnap and torture them?" She winces, and coughs, but her eyes stay on Katherine. "You and Klaus have a lot in common."
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kahterina · 1 year
#KAHTERINA: highly selective, low activity katherine pierce from the vampire diaries. placed in the marvel cinematic universe. 21+ only. sideblog to @othunderous. rules found there; read them before following. (please follow the main blog so i can track mutuals.) portrayal notes below.
inbox, resources.
name:   katerina petrova
alias:   katherine pierce
date of birth:   june 5th, 1473
date of death/transition:   april 6th, 1494
species:   human witch (by birth).  vampire.
relationships:   viktor petrov - father (deceased).  maria petrova - mother (deceased).  anastasiya petrova - younger sister (deceased).  nadia petrova - daughter (deceased).
powers & abilities:  compulsion (mind control), super-human strength, super - human durability, super - human speed, super - human healing, super - human senses, extremely skilled combatant, summoning (animals) & shapeshifting, teleportation (through shadows)
weaknesses:   sunlight (wearing lapis lazuli jewelry combats this), invitation only (she cannot enter a private human dwelling without invitation), fire, wood, beheading — all as a vampire.
full bio:   (feel free to reference the canon bio; it’s pretty much all the same) 
important notes:
katerina gives birth at age 16 and is disowned immediately after.  she takes any jobs she can find to make her way to england over the next few years.  this is when she begins to learn to bend people to her will — saying the right thing, looking at someone the right way.  particularly men.
katerina is 21 at the age of her death.
fleeing from klaus, she prays to thor for the physical strength to keep going.  the mikaelsons told her the tales of the gods they believed in.  the christian god didn’t answer.  thor does — she doesn’t know this for sure, but she believes.  when he arrives on earth in 2011, the belief only solidifies.
following the slaughter of her family at klaus’ hands, she becomes colder, more vicious and selfish.
just as he made a legend of himself, katerina — eventually going by katherine — does the same.
SHIELD began to keep a close eye on the vampires from the time they are founded; many of the known vampires are deemed threats.  however, katherine is known to help the ‘good guys’ if she finds it beneficial — often meaning it ensures her survival.  she is more of a grey area; she is willing to do the right thing, just for selfish reasons.
because katherine is about her own survival above all, she can be enlisted in helping neutralize threats.  of course she doesn’t want to see earth destroyed or taken over by superpowed aliens; she lives on earth.  anything to save her own ass.  helping the greater good is just a happy coincidence.
unlike the avengers, the existence of vampires is kept well hidden from the population.  she is known amongst SHIELD agents and avengers as the vampire, but civilians are unaware of her moniker.
divergent from here onward: at the end of season 4, katherine kills elena, and she has no choice but to start acting right unless she wants to spend centuries locked up in some secret government prison. besides, she realizes elena was never what was truly wrong.
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marredmarvels · 3 years
negan 📲 katherine.
katherine: my dad's being a total asshole, can i hang out at your place?
negan: what's that bag of dicks done now?
negan: and yeah sure
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phantasmtastic · 3 years
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@kahterina​​ gets grinched
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                           “Has   anyone   ever   told   you   how   magnificent   your   terrible   attitude   is?   The   way   you   put   people   off   –   is   truly   an   artform.”
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stonedgilbert · 3 years
hi stonedgilbert
hi i’ve missed you
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sinsoakedsaints · 3 years
oi, follow me back ye feckin loon
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lcstpaths · 3 years
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@kahterina​ said :  “don’t tell me to be quiet.” @ damon
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his eyes flicked over her,     ASSESSING AND DISTANT,     trying to figure out what it was that he wanted to say. lips pressing together just a touch, damon reached out, hand bracing against the wall beside her head as he leaned over her. “by all means, keep talking and reveal where we are to     them.”     his gaze flicked over towards the doorway, gaze darkening for a moment.     “i’m just trying to keep this away from prying eyes for the time being, alright?”     he hoped, at least, that she could understand that.
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leechtouch-arch · 4 years
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○ ━  𝗳𝗹𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗲𝘀 ! accepting
[ TOUCH ] + squeezing his arm  - @kahterina​​
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      Katherine was a mischievous devil in an immaculate little package. There was something exhilarating about a woman who was almost as devious as he was. Though he was aware she was a threat, he showed no signs of hesitation. In fact he seemed mirthful at the fact she approached. As her beautiful yet strong palm rested on his arm, he placed his hand on hers. A returned gentle but firm squeeze. “Ooh. So what do I owe the pleasure Kitten?” Cheekily he winked in her direction. “Tell me it’s a plot.I love a good plot.”
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perzysprumia · 1 year
@kahterina liked for a starter.
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"I don't remember requesting Queen Bitch for lunch, but here you are."
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headsaves-a · 4 years
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@kahterina​​​​  :     “ 💬 ”
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“   she’s  been  missing  since  friday  and  you’re  not  worried?   ”
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lunaersoularch · 3 years
“  huh.  ”  she regards the other woman with surprise,  lips parted in slight awe as her brows gently lift upward.  anchored in place by curiosity,  the wolf tilts her head.  “  that was kind of cool.  ya’ gonna bite my head off if i ask to see it again?  “  she clicks her tongue against her cheek.  “  i’ll even say please.  ”
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@kahterina​  /  sc.
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seacret · 3 years
"you're not a very convincing liar."
❝    it was enough to fool those it needed to.   ❞       or perhaps they simply 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗'𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚝𝚘𝚘 𝚍𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚕𝚢 so long as she was obedient and quiet. either way, she’s drawn up all haughty and tight  :  hands in fists, chin lifted, a flare of defensive annoyance within seafoam eyes.   ❝    what do you want?   ❞ 
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                         𝚍𝚒𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚞𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚜    *    𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐.
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stonedgilbert · 4 years
at what age did jeremy realize he was almost exclusively into men, and how did he react to it?
in a lot of ways, jeremy sort of... always suspected? it was very confusing for him, of course, because i do write him as having had quite a long-winded childhood crush on caroline, so he is very much in this sort of position where... when people in his age group started being interested in people romantically, “finding girls hot”, whatever, he went “i don’t really like girls like that” but then would look at caroline and go “but her i like like that”, so he... didn’t understand any of that. in many respects he always internally suspected he was gay, but then would never make that connection because of his crush on caroline. very “i can’t be, because i like her”, and growing up in a small town, he really only knew about heterosexuality, homosexuality, and maybe bits and pieces of bisexuality - but he never felt any connection to the label of ‘bisexual’ because again - it was only caroline he felt that for.
it only feels REAL, though, during s1-slightly before s1, where him and tyler are at each other’s throats all the time, and in a roundabout way, he finds fighting more...... stimulating? erotic? i don’t quite know the right term, but something like that - than anything with vicki has ever been. and in a lot of ways, jeremy is disgusted by it, by himself - not because he’s finally confronted the fact that he was gay (or, more correctly, heavily more preferential to men), but because he doesn’t understand what’s so wrong with him that getting into fist fights with another guy makes him happier than having actual sex with vicki has ever done. so, really, he knew to some degree even before his relationship with anna - but his relationship with anna was focused more about ‘she’s the only person who pays attention to me, and she seems to like me, so i need to do everything possible to keep her happy’ than any attraction on his part.
after season one, he sort of resigns himself to “okay, i’m gay, caroline is just a fluke, if i ever dated her i’d probably end up hating it even though i actually kind of like spending time with her now”, and because he’s not the type to hang out at a GSA or anything (not that i even think mystic falls had one), he had to tell himself to be okay with that label, even though it never felt right to him. 
in DENVER, he sort of gets more knowledgeable of the LGBTQA+ community, because it’s a bigger place, a city, basically, so he learns about terms he never would have dreamed of in mystic falls. it’s there that he learns about the term “homoflexible” and “heteroflexible”, and that’s sort of when he feels right with a label for the first time in his life. because yes, he likes men - he likes them a lot - but every once in a while, (once in his life, so far, since he’s still a teen/16-ish) he meets a girl/woman who he can have that connection with. if he really wanted to break it down, he’d probably say with men he’s homosexual, and with women he’s demiromantic - someone who only feels anything after he’s built an actual bond with them/has known them for a long time. but that, in his mind, is way too complicated of a breakdown, especially when ‘homoflexible’ fits him perfectly well. finding that label was very much a sigh of relief for him, a sense of ‘i’m home’ because it finally explained all of the conflicting feelings he’d had for most of his adolescence, and that’s all he really needs.
GRANTED, he does just ‘i’m gay’ people when they ask, because since his attraction to women is so rare, he doesn’t want to get people’s hopes up. but yes, in denver is where he finally learns the term for his sexuality, and it was very easy for him to slip into it, but the realization of “i vastly prefer men” was actually really hard on him, not because of internalized homophobia, but because the situation that MADE him realize was extremely toxic, and he didn’t understand how that was what he wanted (or preferred, technically, with the two options he had at the time). it also definitely is a bit of a precursor to his more unhealthy relationship tendencies later, so it’s FITTING for him, but still a very difficult situation for him to process at the time.
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daelupyre · 3 years
@kahterina sent : ' is this all you can do ? '
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the words spoken reverberate through the air , resound in her ear as if they were said right against it . they are taken as a threat , a challenge to her own ability . gaze narrows , mischief and mayhem making themselves at home in vibrant cerulean gaze . a curt shake of her head ; for indeed it was not . " oh no , i'm just getting started . "
infernal enochian incantation is whispered beneath her breath , the lock upon her demonic power temporarily removed . hands raise before her , sending the vampire back against the wall . at an almost torturously slow pace , she approaches her before clenching her fist . it forces katherine's frame away from the wall , levitating her . " _ you have no idea what you're messing with . "
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crowpyre-a · 3 years
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"    for    some    reason,    i'm    attracted    to    you.   "
@kahterina​ :   💬     (  not accepting ! )
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