#kai renald rawle
bestbonnist 1 year
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The special illustrations for episodes 11-20.
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Headcanons about Bonchien x Kai because it is my favorite fnae ship and there is no content for it because I am, as far as I know, the only person who likes it
- Bonchien was the one to ask out Kai, he basically went up to him and said "we're going on a date in 30 minutes, get dressed" and Kai just went along with it.
- Kai wore a t shirt and cargo shorts for their first date
- Bon always tries to get Kai to dress nicely for dates but he genuinely doesn't know how so before the date, then Bon always spends at least an hour helping him do his hair and pick a nice outfit
- Bonchien talks a lot, it bothers the others but Kai always likes listening and would let him talk for hours on end
- Kai would try to learn to make jewelry for Bon cause he's a blacksmith. It wouldn't look that pretty but Bon would proudly wear it just because Kai made it
- Kai plays with Bon's hair every single chance he gets
- they'd treat the others (at least the ones under 18) like their kids and fuss over them like parents
- March, Gugu, Hairo, Eko, Yuki and Aiko were all very quick to accept it
- Bon doesn't treat Tonari like a kid cause she basically babysat him Kai absolutely does and she finds it obnoxious
- Kazumitsu thinks Kai and Bon are strange (he thinks they're weird, he is NOT homophobic 馃槶) but is just happy that they're so willing to help around the house and take care of the others, especially cause it allows him to take a break
- Kai doesn't really care much about modern technology but Bonchien would use it and would always try to teach Kai how to use it
- Kai asked Bon if he could help him set up a website to sell things he makes and it took them a month to make it because Kai had to learn how to use a computer
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bestbonnist 2 years
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What Kahaku says here is just so wild to me. Both because the way he uses religious rhetoric is mildly disturbing (occasionally Kahaku will say something about god and I am forcibly reminded that he was indoctrinated by a cult) and also because technically, he's correct. Kai, Hylo, and Messar are loyal to the Beholder and not Fushi (whereas Kahaku, being better than them [heavy sarcasm], is of course loyal to Fushi and no one else). Let me explain.
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Kai has to pretend that he doesn't know who the Beholder is in front of Fushi, but he, Hylo, and Messar did have a conversation with him behind Fushi's back, with Bon's assistance, because he's the one "steering this ship." Not Fushi. Kai, Hylo, and Messar (and Bon!) believe that this battle is out of Fushi's control and that the Beholder is the one who's actually pulling the strings. And to take advantage of that situation, they're using Fushi's power to resurrect them to its full potential. Bon, and Kai, Hylo, and Messar believe that this is the best option they have.
Kahaku describes this as the three of them being loyal to the Beholder and disdains them for it, but that's horseshit. Fushi never asked for their loyalty nor did Kai, Hylo, or Messar offer it. They're comrades, working together towards the same goal as equals. The way Kahaku seems to think all relationships have a leader and a follower and that Fushi is naturally deserving of others' loyalty says, uh... way more about him and his life with the Guardians than it does about them. Just because he personally had to swear his devotion to Fushi doesn't mean everyone has to. However, what Kahaku defines as loyalty鈥攖he trust between comrades鈥攈as still been misplaced. Kai, Hylo, and Messar have seriously broken Fushi's trust, ironically because of their dedication to their shared goal.
Kahaku doesn't have a damn clue about their conversation with the Beholder, he's just intuiting all of this because he doesn't like Bon very much and doesn't want to believe that Bon's a good person. All of his logic is entirely based on himself, his distrust of Bon, his desire to be the only person Fushi needs鈥攐ne way to get there is by encouraging them to ditch Bon鈥攂ecause somehow that proves he's worth something, his religious upbringing. And yet somehow he still manages to make a valid point. Even when he loses he wins <3
The only things he gets wrong are that Bon has genuinely changed since Uralis, and Kai, Hylo, and Messar are well aware of what they swore fealty to. Bon's not decieving them, they know exactly what's going on. But Kahaku assumes that they have no clue, or else there's no way they would have done that. Because that's crazy and a violation of Fushi's trust. So obviously they wouldn't, right? :|
And again, obviously, Kai, Hylo, Messar, and Bon have their reasons for doing this. In their own way, they're trying to protect Fushi's humanity just like Kahaku. And the other option is, what? Letting more people die?? Because that's what'll happen if they don't do this, it's not an option at all. But they've still crossed a fucking line, not just with Fushi, but also with Kahaku. Right before he starts spouting about demons and curses, he begs Kai to let him go, because they're supposed to be comrades. Kai refuses, and that's when Kahaku (correctly) guesses that Bon wants him out of the way.
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Although Kai, Hylo, and Messar had the chance to learn what was going to happen to them before the battle, as well as the chance to opt out, Kahaku and Fushi have been lied to this entire time and are only now learning that no one actually trusted them. To be blunt, they didn't sign up for this shit, and there's a limit to how much they can take. The immortal soldiers, too, have a limit to how much they can die for their cause before they break.
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bestbonnist 1 year
#171 "Where Power Goes (1)"
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Bon calls Tonari his big sister I'm gonna be so crazy about this for forever and ever.
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bestbonnist 2 years
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Eko and Fushi's text message history.
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bestbonnist 1 year
Chapter 171.2 Rough Summary
As a reminder, I won't be translating the chapter this week. But since the official release won't come out until Wednesday, I thought I would do this for anyone who can't wait.
Kai asks who gave the doll her tagchip. The doll doesn't know what he's talking about, and he says she's wearing one around her neck. She pulls out the tagchip that we've seen in her memories.
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The doll doesn't know what it is or when it got there. Kanitarou gives the run down on tagchips: every human has one inside them and they give humans their freedom and rights. The doll is ecstatic.
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The doll thanks Kai for giving it to her, and he explains that he didn't do it. The doll wonders where it came from for a second, maybe it was the ramen stall owner, but decides it doesn't really matter. She asks Kai to show her how to use the tagchip, but Kanitarou rains on her parade by reminding her that they don't work on toys.
Cue long explanation by Kanitarou on how tagchips are implanted that I skimmed because it hurt to look at. The doll gets pissed at him and complains that he always talks too much (I felt a sense of kinship in that moment). Kai wonders whose tagchip it is and why they removed it from their body.
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The doll says it must have been the ramen stall owner again. On the subject of the ramen stall owner, she thinks of ramen, and then of the dream she had of ramen, and then the dream she had of the tagchip.
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That train of thought leads the doll to her dream of the girl with the blindfold. Kanitarou calls her stupid because dolls can't dream. Kai asks her what the girl looked like and Eko brings her pot out so the doll can show her her memories. But before they can do that Eko notices that the tagchip is saying something and snatches it away.
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The tagchip displays the image of a 5-star girl whose name is listed as Number 32, and says that she's dead. The doll notices that this is the same person who appeared in her dream and Bon notices that she looks exactly like Mizuha.
Gugu asks what happened to the Guardians, and Bon says that Mizuha dissolved them but the remnants formed Kaibara Cybernetics. Hylo says that Mizuha was dead by the time tagchips were implemented (meaning she couldn't still be alive by the life extension affect of the chips). Gugu asks if that means 32 is one of Mizuha's descendants, but Tonari says no, it's clone of Mizuha.
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Tonari reveals that she learned of this some years ago, when she spied on Kaibara as a ghost and saw that they have a number of children who resemble Mizuha. She told Fushi, but they apparently already knew about it.
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In order to keep Hayase's bloodline alive, they have a ton of Mizuha clones working at Kaibara as employees. Bon realizes that Number 32 means the girl is the thirty second clone.
Tonari wanted to get rid of the doll because Kaibara can track the tagchip to their location, but getting rid of the tagchip should work as well. Hylo and Messar agree with her.
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The doll tries to get them to change their minds, because she needs the tagchip to become human. She believes that 32 gave it to her so she could do that. But Tonari asks her why she wants to do that in the first place.
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The doll is taken aback and feebly starts to reply that it was because the ramen stall owner told her to, but Kanitarou butts in and declares that if Tonari, Hylo, and Messar try to take the tagchip, he'll stop them with his super arm.
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March and Eko join him. Bon and Kai try to deescalate the situation, but March makes them join her. Gugu is still undecided. The chapter ends with the two teams facing off.
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bestbonnist 1 year
#170 "Exit Plan (4)"
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Please share the link to the MangaDex upload and add a comment! It would make me really happy and I know you all just love making me happy.
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bestbonnist 2 years
#170 "Exit Plan"
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If you want to show your appreciation for our translation, by all means please share the MangaDex link around or comment on the chapter.
By the way, the official translation's getting rebooted in May! So get excited for that!
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bestbonnist 2 years
Chapter 168.1
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Now that we know that the people who picked the doll and Kanitarou up are friendly and just happened to see them, that means that the person who was chasing them in the last chapter was someone else. Probably the guy from Chapter 167.1. And probably gonna track the doll to where she's currently hiding out.
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Two things. One: we can see a bit of a scar on the mechanic's nose that matches the one on Kai's. The mechanic being amiable with the doll while maintaining a wariness towards her is also a very Kai thing to do. He's very observant. I think at this point he's older than he usually appears once resurrected, and judging from the apparent ages that we saw on their wanted signs, I'm guessing they were freshly resurrected a few years ago.
Second thing: Kai's probably referring to the Beholder/Satoru when he talks about someone who wanted to become human, and not Fushi. Because Fushi's never described themselves as human or discussed their desire to be human after the Takunaha arc. Satoru, on the other hand, was very upfront about wanting to be human, and Kai was there when Messar insinuated that the Beholder wished he was mortal.
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I really like that Kai and Eko have both become mechanics. Or Eko has become a mechanic and Kai is her assistant, it's a bit unclear. It's so nice seeing Eko having something that she's passionate about, and that her dream of being able to communicate her thoughts to others has been fulfilled without her having to sacrifice an important part of her identity. And Kai is a blacksmith, so he knows a bit about working with metal and maybe that translates over to engineering somehow? I don't know.
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A few notes about this part of the chapter: first, the script that hasn't been translated (because Ooima made it up) says the same thing that appeared in Chapter 166.2 before the doll's flashback.
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The only difference is that the percentage that's been restored is marginally higher.
In the original Japanese, the text for the dialogue is in a specific font that's only been used for the person with the blindfold. I've included the raws for comparison.
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And finally, the pill is the same one that was around their neck.
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Based on the evidence, we can conclude that the doll's "self-identification system" is for her memories, we'll get a flashback every time a bit more of that system is restored, and the pill was an essential part of the process of making her human. We'll probably get the full story when the system reaches one hundred percent, but at the rate we're going it's gonna be a while.
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Kai says earlier in the chapter that the mud only responds to human brainwaves specifically and on the final page we see the doll controlling it. df;dfa;dafslkadfs;dasflkj NICE.
How the doll has brain waves and no brain is a bit of a mystery, but the point is that they're implying that it's human already and just stuck in a different form. Which :\ is part of the mystery I guess, clearly the doll has a past involving efforts to become human that it can't remember. I don't love the idea of its backstory being "well, it's not a normal doll, it's a special doll that was secretly human all along." I'm hoping we get something else, because I think the doll being a piece of technology who's human anyways is more in line with what the manga's had to say about humanity so far. Like, maybe experimenting to make it human failed, or the experiment was just to make a program that thinks it's human, because thinking you're human = actually being human. I would imagine that learning that would really fuck the doll up, because in that case everything it's been trying to do in the name of proving that it's human was just more proof that it's not. And that's what I would do if I were Ooima because she loves to think of the worst possible thing that would happen to a character and then do that (compliment).
Still, no matter what the doll's backstory turns out to be, I'll be into it as long as it adds more layers to her character and to the story. Which it will because this is Ooima we're talking about :)
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bestbonnist 2 years
#169 "Human Choice (1)"
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Share the link to the MangaDex upload and/or comment on the chapter to let me know you liked it!
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bestbonnist 2 years
#168 "The Doll's Potential (2)"
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Please share the link to the MangaDex upload so more people can see it! Also, if you want to comment on the chapter as well, that's very much appreciated :)
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bestbonnist 2 years
#168 "The Doll's Potential (1)"
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The doll really is ridiculous, I love her <3
If you wanna support our translation, please share the link to the MangaDex upload around or leave a comment on the site. I like hearing what everyone thinks about each chapter!
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bestbonnist 2 years
#169 "Human Choice (2)"
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Rocket punch!!
Share the MangaDex link and/or comment on the MangaDex upload if you like the chapter!
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What's up fellers I wrote a to your eternity fic. It takes place during chapter 168.1 and .2 though so careful if you haven't read those yet.
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To your eternity chapter 168.2 spoilers
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I love every part of this yes they are father and daughter. I like that this arc will expand upon Eko's relationships with characters other than Fushi. Eko and Kai specifically is perfect though cause Kai feels like a dad and Eko needed a parental figure anyway. Also my do a redraw of this page later, I liked this chapter a lot.
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To your eternity chapter 168.1 spoilers
So that Jii guy is probably Kai, I hope, and the girl is Eko and she uses the helmet to communicate in a similar way to the pots (they also both use mud which is pretty interesting too. Jii has a scar in the same place as Kai and I could definitely see Kai becoming an inventor if given the funding. Also Kai and Eko were introduced in the same arc + got along so I could also see them becoming friends again later. Hopefully then the rest of the immortals are nearby with similar disguises. Maybe Tonari is an illegal medicine seller and March is a fruit vendor. Gugu could maybe be a street performer?? Or make and sell alchohol. I like this arc a lot so far, even if its strange as shit
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