paragons-saga · 1 year
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*shows up late to the party with Biggby because Starbucks is overrated*
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cubic-watermelon · 1 year
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I redrew something from my early days of Deviant art. I think it was for a challenge, like your first digital drawing VS now. this wasn't my first digital drawing but I lost a lot of art because my computer at the time died. my Digital art skills were, scanning a drawing and painting it with some coloring program my mom got me. this brought back memories of me drawing these two during class instead of paying attention. they're Moonwings and kaiah, and they were my children.
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sassyandclassy94 · 28 days
You don’t realize how immature teenagers are until you try to end an argument with one.
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lavenderrpages · 4 months
closed starter. // @goxinsane
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❛ do you need anything ? ❜ a pause lingered while kaiah turned their cheek on the cool door frame. it felt good after a night of drinking. heavily. they couldn't remember the last time the reigns had been let go. kaiah was normally wrapped in responsibility. stoic. accountable. ❛ i know it may sound unappetizing right now, but i've got a breakfast plate out here with your name on it. ❜ the care would extend. she would continue a soothing offering if the other accepted it or not. it was just in kaiah's nature. eating would help. consuming any amount of food would absorb all of the toxins the night accumilated, emotionally, or in the form of alcohol.
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vintagefrog · 3 months
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Art fight my beloved <3
1st slide is asimov_gray Baruz, Felfinn and Caneja (Instagram)
2nd slide is @miikrowelle Wisp (GIF)
3rd slide is @alt0stratuscloud Ochrewillow
4th slide is framuga.okienna Rejell and Arnold
5th slide is @emowithafather Blair
6th slide is king._crow Bonez (GIF, Instagram)
7th slide is @ghostlakan Kaiah (GIF)
8th slide is @zombugz _ Malibug (GIF)
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clearwillow · 5 months
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March reward for @paragons-saga featuring original characters Kaiah 🤍 and Damascus 💛
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cheaprv · 7 months
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Crested Butte, Colorado. Photo by Live Kaiah.
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Root blinks as she awakens. Or does she?
She looks around, surprised, but at the same time not. Walls, large and imposing, tower over her. And yet she doesn't panic, she isn't afraid — because this felt familiar and almost homey. The same feeling she felt whenever she was thinking of the Mallory's home.
She blinks again, confused. She looks down at her hand, slowly turning it over.
Why was she having these dreams of her past life? She was a Beyonder, wasn't she? Beyonders weren't meant to remember their past lives. At least, that's what Hilde told her. When Beyonders fall into the world, the intense magic either wipes their memories clean, or suppresses them to the point where its impossible even for any of the Celestial Mages to bring them back. (Aside from Alexander, though. Root was pretty sure he lost his memories because he was mauled.)
So why? Why was she remembering?
Root lifts her hand up to her face to feel tears falling.
Why.. was she so upset at remembering?
The world around her changes and warps, and she's brought to a memory of Xavier and Lyon helping her to prank Arun.
Oh, this was why. She had a new family. People to love and to laugh with, to enjoy the adventure and journey. To grow and shape new memories.
Because if she remembers, she'd have to choose.
The memory shatters like glass, and the small, twinkling dust falls around her like snow as she stands in a dark abyss. Her tears continue to fall, and her chest aches and twists with emotions she didn't even know the name of. Her faces scrunches up, teeth gritting as the tears fall quicker and quicker.
She didn't want to choose, if it ever came down to it. If Root remembers, then that means she'll have to choose — find a way home, or accept her place here. And she had, she had accepted her place. But now these memories were rearing their heads, clawing away at the barriers of her mind, and it aches her inside.
Root didn't want to choose, at all. She knew she couldn't have both, but would it be so bad to want it? Would it be so bad to want both worlds, to hop between them and not have to choose between the family she once had and the one she had at the moment?
The Beyonder falls to her knees, her tears finally having sobs to accompany them.
Xavier grumbles to himself as he sits up from his sleeping bag, rubbing his face. Magic formed sleeping bags were fine, but man he would kill for a regular one.
He looks around the campsite, recognizing the magic of Hilde and Arun surrounding the party, meaning that no one was keeping night watch. He shrugs with a sigh, and goes to lay back down, before soft sniffles catch his attention.
Turning his head, confused, he spots Root laying in her sleeping back. Her small form was shaking a bit, in the manner that Xavier knew was crying.
He pauses before sighing. With a flick of his wrist, the Beyonder and her sleeping bag was next to his. A few more twists and turns of magic and it was a small sleeping mat for the both of them, and a blanket was formed from magic to rest over them both. He pulls her close and strokes her head.
The Celestial Mage watches as, slowly, she calms down.
Beyonders were so strange to him. People from not this world who came here via strange means, but at the cost of their memories. Living out their lives not remembering who they once were.
And yet here was Root, showing signs of remembering. She claimed that it was still fuzzy, but she could remember a life lived. Which, if Xavier remembers right, is impossible. The divine magic of Mar and Kaiah, that permeated the land, made it so.
"Are you really Equinox reborn?" Xavier mutters to himself, raising an eyebrow as he strokes Root's hair. "Or are you something else?"
It was in his nature to figure these kinds of things out, and yet, oddly, Xavier couldn't help but want to let Root come out and talk at her own pace.
How odd, he thinks with a soft chuckle as he closes his eyes. Hilde is right, I am going soft.
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ansu-gurleht · 9 months
okay dream sequence below
It was early morning, and the sun was yet to peek through the window into their home. All that lit the room was a small candle on the table between them. Its flame flickered across her father’s face, dancing across his features: his round spectacles and the dull green eyes behind; his large, bulbous nose, a mountain dividing his face into two separate landmasses; and underneath, the thick mustache covering his upper lip completely, a dense dark broom of hair. His clean-shaven scalp even caught the light, casting vague orange smears across his head.
She admired his looks. He looked like a father ought, she thought. She pitied her childhood friends and their imperfectly paternal fathers.
Sometimes, at night when she couldn’t sleep, she tried to imagine what her “true” father looked like. Would he measure up at all? Surely he was greener, and with prominent tusks, but what of the mustache? The spectacles? It was usually at this stage that she began to feel intensely ashamed for considering it at all. Da was her father, and that was that…
Da slapped her hand away from her mouth – she had been pressing her fingertip into her tusk again. “Stop that,” he muttered sternly.
“Sorry,” she whispered. “Lost in thought, again.”
Da huffed. “Don’t think so much.” Pivoting quickly, he said, “Don’t be afraid.” From the satchel leaning against the legs of his chair he pulled out two items. She squinted to make them out in the darkness: one seemed to be metal, gleaming in the candlelight; the other was some loose assemblage of leather strips.
“A parting gift?” she asked, incredulous.
“No, Kaiah.” (She loved it when he called her that.) “Eight forbid you ever need to use this.” He delicately handed her the objects; as the metal one passed nearer to the flame, she recognized it as a dagger.
“What is this?” she asked, startled.
“I said don’t be afraid,” he rebuked. “It’s protection. You go alone into dangerous lands. Eight forbid you ever need it, but…just in case.”
She slowly reached for the blade’s grip, her hand shaking ever so slightly. As her fingers wrapped around the hilt, Da let go. She was surprised by the lightness of it; she had expected heavier.
“And this,” Da said, holding up the tied leather strips, “is your sheath. It will tie around your thigh. Keep it concealed beneath your robes.”
She nodded numbly as he gave her the sheath. The leather was soft under her fingertips.
“How will I know when to use it?” she asked.
“You’re a grown woman now, Kaiah,” answered Da. He began to rise from his chair. “I trust your judgment.”
She began to rise as well, expecting an embrace. But he turned his back to her, and approached the smoldering ashes of last night’s fire in the furnace. There he stood, quiet, hands clasped behind his back.
She wanted to hug Da, for him to tell her she was doing the right thing, that she would be okay. She started to slowly shuffle up behind him –
But the dagger was still in her hand, and her fingers tightened around it. She surged forward, blade first.
His lungs deflated with a sudden gasp, and poppies welled around the wound in his back, piercing right between his ribs.
She cried out, “Da!” She let go of the dagger and tried to back away from this murder.
But his hands unclasped themselves, and reached up to grab her arms – joints popped and bones cracked from the unnatural extension required. He began to turn his head back, further and further, vertebrae shattering as it swiveled to face her. But it wasn’t his face.
The candle on the table behind her seemed to roar into a conflagration, fully illuminating his hideous visage, a demented ashen demon, teeth glistening with gore, lips spread wide with malice and rage. It shouted, “Killer! Killer! Killer! Killer! Killer!”
- - - - -
She woke up screaming, “I’m sorry!”
She grabbed the talisman around her neck and, through her tears, saw father’s twisted, angry face in the icon. She ripped it from her neck and threw it across the rented room, and wept.
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eliosimsworld · 1 year
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Cheyanne is pregnant ! Her baby daddy decided to make things official between them. They’re now dating and Cheyanne introduced him to Kaiah. ❤️
Ah ! I forgot to mention that Cheyanne’s baby daddy is also expecting another baby with his other girlfriend.
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storyline : Xavier and Erika have been dating for a couple of years already. They wanted a family young and started trying for a baby within a few months of dating each other. One big problem : Erika is extremely infertile and everytime she did get pregnant, she’d end up having a miscarriage. This one time, she’s hoping to finally give birth to the baby she’s been praying for. So far her pregnancy is painful and exhausting and Xavier not being much around isn’t helping… :(
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paragons-saga · 1 year
🥑for kenan 🍍 for everybody/at least five of your choice
This meme.
🍍 [PINEAPPLE] Pineapple on pizza or not?
(Why is this one harder to answer than literally anything else in this list???)
Kenan Ferros: if it's remotely edible, he'll eat it
Shù Shānyuè: she would probably enjoy the novelty, but I can't see her being a fan of pizza
Nanek Ferros: she'd pick the pineapple off and eat them separately
Samuel Caraway: what fresh hell is this
Kinamel Holyblade: sure, why not
Dusk Brightstar: under protest
Sellus Caraway: nope
Taraphilia Luna-Caraway: definitely not
Errare Moonraker: hates pineapple
Damascus Sunscorch: oh hell yes
Omoutake Nazokuroi "Nazo": I don't think he'd like pizza
Rén Māolóng: she's adventurous, would try it at least once
Kaiah Moonraker: it grew on her
Fuyuta Shirofuīdo "Sylph": nope
Karamori Akatsume "Diameth": the man has no taste, he's an outlier adn should not be counted
Camilla Raywing: this would definitely be a favorite on Helios, what can I say?
Lunara de Luminia: had it a couple of times, it's fine
Solarn Helios: yeah, but he's not exactly enthusiastic
Kinnou Hakari "Oberon": would try it once, would find it a waste of fruit
Praul Kal'deron: oh hell yes
Jayd M'tan: loves it but won't admit it
Kyro Woodfall: the texture is Bad™
Errus Moonraker: ve's a vampire, ve can't eat it regardless
Ciera Faelynn: once in a while it's the best thing ever
Veil Shadowsage: a little weird, but okay
Hoshisou Fuyu "Zelroth": sharing a pie with Ciera right now
Hoshisou Arashi "Tempest": will try it because her brother likes it, but hates it and can't tell him that
Megumisei Hotaru "Cerron": No. Hates it entirely on principle
Fuyuta Izumisho "Undine": it smells weird and unappetizing
Kinnou Koukyu "Karvo": it's what killed him in the Year of Falling Stars
Kinnou Asahi "Dawn": the woman is mourning her late husband, have some respect
Kyobu Rei "Ray": this is poisoned isn't it
Garrot Altair: take it or leave it
🥑 [AVACADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
Kenan: At least for the foreseeable future, he hates the person who murdered his mother. Absolutely fucking feral, rabid dog levels of anger. This definitely puts him at odds with some other people.
If he ever actually meets his father, he definitely will not like him. And there probably isn't a way to reconcile that, even though his friends think he should try to get along. Not only do they have personalities that clash, they're also painfully alike. Unstoppable force meets immovable object. Both very stubborn and opinionated and damaged. Kenan would not be able to tolerate Nazo's emotional stonewall and Nazo would find Kenan's explosive temper intolerable.
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ourpetco · 2 years
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Dyani and Kaiah
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sassyandclassy94 · 2 months
Disclaimer: these were based on the MOVIE CHARACTERS and NOT the actual boys.
Me and Michaiah: talking about Don and Bobby in what we thought was a super subtle way
Me: “So… ya know how Don and Kate have a height gap right? Well apparently that makes things rather… limited. Then you add Don’s back problems on top of that and it limits them even more.”
Michaiah: “Yup. And then there’s Bobby. The only thing that stops him is his asthma.” *smiles manically*
Me: “Yeah well his lady is a bit taller than him so the sky’s the limit, he can do it all, big woop.”
Michaiah: *says something about Bobby needing a lady who’s gonna spoil him or whatnot.*
Me: “He’s a needy dude; he’s gonna need a lady who can meet his needs and he’s gonna have one in my fic—.”
Nolan (who is 16, sheltered, and who we thought he was zeroed in on the surfing): “Don’t you two think I ain’t catching what you’re talking about. I hate GenZ lingo but right now I’m gonna use it. You’re a little suss.”
Me: 👀
Michaiah: 👀
Me: “Uhh, Kaiah? I think someone knows a little more than we assumed he knows.”
Michaiah: “I think so too… Oops.”
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lavenderrpages · 4 months
closed starter. // @wlwhq
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a sip of beer. a common gesture - the bar stool they sat upon was one they'd sat upon many times before. in a very traditional occurrence, kaiah only ever had two beers. if the day had been rough, she'd down a whiskey on the rocks, brood in silence. those days were less frequent. ❛ that group wasn't causing you any distress, were they ? ❜ what would kaiah mccoy do about any of it ? ❛ i don't need to rough them up for ya' do i ?? ❜ couldn't even be spoken with a straight face. while her smile cracked, kaiah muffled her soft expression with another sip. violence couldn't be detected inside of her bones. not even in the marrow. it didn't coincide with being a paramedic, patching the bruises, not causing them. ❛ think they'd be intimidated by some stern words ? ❜ before the grin could stretch any further, kaiah shook her head. a more serious tone shifted towards the bartender. ❛ you're good though, right ? ❜
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insomniumhq · 2 months
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bags2rags · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Inc Kaiah Croco Bucket Bag - Black/Gold.
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