artnijna · 2 years
Did an art stream on Twitch today. Ended the stream with puppyshipping so it was a good one. Have a CEO falling for a bleach blond with a lopsided grin.
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setokaibarp · 4 years
“..i’m here if you need anything, okay?”
“Yes, thank you, Jou. You know I’ve been mean to you in the past, but it’s only because I didn’t know how to tell you how I really feel.”
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xkuramaxhieix · 8 years
I need some good gundam wing ( 1x2 ), and puppyshipping fanfiction to read(sasunarusasu too). Suggestions+links?
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greenmariosmansion · 12 years
I've never felt like this before.
All these special feelings.
Is this... Is this what it feels like to have an otp?
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xkuramaxhieix · 10 years
What's your favorite inucest, puppyshipping and NaruSasu fanfic(don't forget to leave the title+author of the fic)?
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xkuramaxhieix · 10 years
Give me some fanfiction recommendations for the following pairings? Puppyshipping, (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Naruto x Sasuke
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xkuramaxhieix · 10 years
"The moment we stop talking and start DOING is the moment things start to get done." - Walt Disney
So for everyone else’s fyi this is Puppyshipping! 
Anyways, enjoy~! I haven’t written puppyshipping in ages! Ah, and I used Joey instead of Jou, cause I woulda used Jounouchi, and I kept typing Joey anyways, so, it was just easier to use Joey. xD
But, if you squint, you can change it to Jou. xD
"I don’t know who keeps sending me this shit, Yugi. If I knew, don’t you think I would have done something about it by now?!?" Joey ran a hand through his hair as he tried to ease Yugi’s worries. Don’t get him wrong, Yugi’s his best friend, and he likes the kid well enough, but sometimes, Yugi’s worrying could be a pain in the ass.
Joey made a few non-commital sounds as he twirled a blue business card with a silver trim between his fingers. When he’d come home from his college class at the local community college with Yugi, the business card had been taped over the peephole of his apartment door. Joey hadn’t batted an eyelash when he’d plucked it off the door, but Yugi had asked questions.
Joey had made up some fib about it being some secret admirer and had, after numerous reassurances, sent Yugi home. He didn’t want the little guy worrying any more than was necessary. After murmuring a few more reassurances, Joey made a few excuses before he hung up on his friend.
Flipping the business card over, he grinned. The business card was blank except for a single quote printed on the front of it. 
“The moment we stop talking and start DOING is the moment things start to get done." - M.K.
This was usually the signal that his lover was free and wanted to meet up. Because they wanted things to be discreet, they used this quote as their signal. Although…. The fact that the initials were M.K instead of the usual S.K. had Joey worried. Mokuba shouldn’t even know this code, much less what it meant to them….
Joey’s long time lover was indeed Seto Kaiba, hence the secrecy. Joey didn’t need to get in the way of Kaiba’s business, and he wanted to go to college. If his name became attached to Kaiba’s, college would be impossible, so discretion was best. At least, that’s what Joey wanted. Kaiba wanted different things, and the stubborn moneybags would get his way eventually. 
It really wasn’t a pretty story for how he got together with Kaiba. It had started after a random fight at school. They’d ended up hooking up in a bathroom stall, and after some time, they’d done it again and again, until before they’d realized it, it was senior year, and they were still….together.
The morning after they’d spent the night at a hotel going at it like rabbits, Joey had been getting dressed, rushing to get to school while Kaiba, genius and jerk he was, was looking over his homework, proofreading it for him. “Oi, mutt…. I didn’t know you were such a kid.” Joey’s head whipped up from where he stood, pulling his pants on. Shooting the man a confused look, he said “Huh? I dunno what you’re talking about.”
Kaiba carelessly gestured to the paper, and said “Walt Disney. Why did you write your paper on him? He doesn’t have anything to do with film history.” Joey bristled and said “Not true! He built an empire off of Disney, and you should know, considering they’re your bigg- Oh!” Kaiba’s smirk told him that he’d been giving Joey a hard time. Yanking his pants up, he said without bothering to button them “Har. Har. You think you’re so funny asshole.”
He stomped over to yank the paper from Kaiba’s hand, but instead, Kaiba pulled him on to the bed and his lap. Gesturing to the paper, he said “It’s not bad mutt. But why did you use that quote on the title page, mutt?” Joey looked over at Kaiba and said with a shrug “I liked it. Besides,” he nudged against Kaiba pointedly “It reminded me of your stubborn ass, asshole.” 
If Kaiba was surprised, he didn’t show it. Instead he released Joey to let the male continue getting ready to go in silence. Kaiba said, just before Joey left the hotel room “That’ll be our code then, mutt. Look out for it.” With that cryptic sentence, hanging in the air, Joey had left, puzzling over Kaiba’s words.
When the first business card showed up, Joey hadn’t gotten it at first, but after a day, he’d gotten it and had shown up at Kaiba’s office fuming, and demanding a clearer message. But, after some talking, err, arguing, they’d hashed it out.
After that, things had progressed to a steadier relationship and they had gotten closer. Joey had never been happier. Even now in college, things had been great. Sure they fought, swung punches and shit, but they got through it, over it, whatever.
Joey studied the card for a moment longer before he let a sigh escape his lips. Stuffing the card in his pocket, he pulled out the customary baseball cap, and after pulling the cap low on his head, he left the apartment. The apartment was a lot nicer than what Joey could ever dream of affording. Kaiba paid the rent at first, much to Joey’s annoyance. Still, these were nice digs, and he wasn’t going to complain. What he’d later learned was that Kaiba didn’t pay a cent. He owned the damn building. 
Joey secretly, suspiciously thought that Kaiba had bought the building just so that Joey wouldn’t worry about it. Still, Kaiba at least let him pay for the utilities. It’s not like Joey used them much. He spent more time at the Kaiba Mansion than he did in his own apartment. It was getting harder and harder to find clothes in his own apartment that it was in Kaiba’s closet. Yeah, he had it bad. Most of his stuff was at Kaiba’s place, but sheer stubbornness kept him from moving in.
Joey walked the fifteen minute walk to Kaiba’s office building, another reason he was suspicious that Kaiba owned the building, it was so close to Seto’s office, and quite a number of his employees shared the apartment building with him, that it would be strange if Kaiba didn’t own the building.
Joey didn’t walk in the front door when he arrived. Rather, he took the service entrance, slipping in through the back with ease. Never mind the fact that he had the codes, and took the private elevator straight up to Kaiba’s office, he still was secretive and discreet about it.
When he stepped out of the elevator, he walked the few feet to Kaiba’s office door, bypassing the pretty secretary with his customary wave. She knew him by now, so she didn’t bother checking his credentials. Besides, there was an express memo that he was to be allowed in regardless of anything.
When Joey slipped into the office, removing his hat, he was almost surprised to see Kaiba reclining in the seat, passed out and looking like shit. So that’s why Mokuba sent him the card. Kaiba looked like shit. Walking over to the desk, he set his cap on the desk and shook Kaiba awake. He watched Kaiba jerk awake, and said playfully “Boo!”
Kaiba, exhausted, dark and heavy bags under his eyes glared at Joey. He asked “What the hell are you doing here mutt?” When Joey held up the card, his eyes narrowed and he spit out almost like venom “Mokuba. He worries too much.”
Joey laughed and said “I dunno, you look like shit, so maybe he worries enough? Anyways, I’m here to drag your sorry ass home. Call your driver and lets go.” Kaiba said in protest “I can’t yet, mutt. I’ve got to finish these documents up, check on the production of some new KaibaCorp. products and sign off on a package. When they’re finished I’ll —” Joey cut Kaiba off and said “You’re the boss get someone else to do it.”
Reaching over, he was quick to use Kaiba’s office phone to call for the limo. Kaiba said when Joey had hung up “I’m fine mutt.” Joey stuck his tongue out and said “Too late, limo’s coming around, and you can’t cancel it.” Kaiba countered “Fine then. I’ll just take this home and-“
Joey shook his head and said firmly “Not happening either Seto.” After that, he’d practically dragged Kaiba out of the office and into the elevator. After that, dragging one tired Seto Kaiba, and tucking him into the limo had been a lot easier. Joey was surprised when Kaiba ended up falling asleep with his head on Joey’s shoulder. Joey just grinned fondly at his sleeping lover and snuggled close, enjoying the limo ride.
It had taken a servant, and Mokuba’s help to get Kaiba into bed. Kaiba hadn’t wanted to wake up. Of course Joey had shooed everyone out of the room to change Kaiba into a comfortable pair of pajama pants. He would have put the shirt on, but that had been too much effort he wasn’t willing to put forth.
Shutting the door to the bedroom, he met the anxious Mokuba in the hallway. “Jeez Mokuba, How did he get this bad? How’d you even know to send the card?” Mokuba threw his hands up and said sounding far more frustrated than normal “I couldn’t get him to come home Joey! It was always work. I know he’s working to close a big deal at the moment, but he just wouldn’t stop, wouldn’t sleep or go home. I could hardly get him to eat! I know about the card cuz I heard one of the staff let something slip about it, and I figured it out. Put two and two together and all that. I think-” Mokuba broke off, hesitating.
Joey didn’t get it. “Alright smarty pants, You think what?”
Mokuba said looking down for a moment before looking up “I think he can’t sleep…. With out you there. I know it sounds stupid and cheesy, but he hardly ever sleeps when you’re gone. I-I know you need your space and want to live on your own, but- but maybe, you could live here? Just on the weekends? That way, Seto will come home and sleep and eat more?”
Joey stared into Mokuba’s pleading eyes, pausing to consider it for a moment. He sighed and said “I’ll have a talk with him when he wakes up, okay?” He ruffled Mokuba’s hair, and said “Anyways, go order pizzas, we’ll eat junk food tonight while your brother crashes. In the morning, I’ll see about getting him to take a break soon. Okay? Now scat, I’ll be down in an hour.” Making a general shooing motion, he watched Mokuba run off before Joey turned and slipped back into Kaiba’s bedroom.
Kaiba looked so restless on the bed, tossing and turning, as if he were unable to sleep. Kicking his shoes off, Joey quietly slipped into bed, pressing himself against Kaiba’s side. This action was rewarded with Kaiba’s hands automatically, instinctively wrapping around his waist and relaxing. Kaiba’s breathing evened out, and he seemed to sleep deeper than before. Joey, watching his sleeping lover’s expression, sighed. He grumbled “Kaiba, you idiot.”
Leaning up, he said against Kaiba’s lips “I love you too, you asshole.” Joey pressed his lips firmly against Kaiba’s before he pulled away and settled down to take a nap, curled against Kaiba’s side.
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