#let the rich boy fall in love with the rough and tumble poor boy.
artnijna · 2 years
Did an art stream on Twitch today. Ended the stream with puppyshipping so it was a good one. Have a CEO falling for a bleach blond with a lopsided grin.
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Hello! I have a request for the obey me bro! Could you write some hc abt a MC who would see the boys as lovely (each for their reasons) and would considers them more like cute little beans rather than demons, spoiling and pampering them as if they were children, giving them candy or patting them on the head to calm them down, buying them stuff... and so MC would be completely oblivious to their attempts to flirt! (like : you want a kiss? what if I pinched your adorable cheek instead?)
Ooooh boy this is both adorable and hilarious! I’m gonna do just the brothers for now, but if you want to see others lmk!
Content Warnings: References to spoilery stuff for Lucifer, Asmo, and Belphie’s sections, Asmo’s section also contains alcohol/clubbing
MC Treating the Brothers Like Cute Little Beans
MC hits Lucifer like a fucking freight train. They’ve been kidnapped and dragged to Hell, and their response to living with seven demons is... Well, he’s not sure what to call this.
The behaviour isn’t malicious or threatening, beyond dealing some serious damage to his Pride(tm), so what is he really able to do? Is this some human custom? Will he offend them if he asks them to stop? He’s supposed to be accommodating of them for the sake of the exchange program, but the last person to be so soft with him is...
He decides to deal with it. The heart-shaped foods when it’s MC’s turn to cook, the little presents, the... headpats, and other doting measures MC deems necessary. He only asks that they refrain from doing so around others, especially outside of the House of Lamentation. If Diavolo saw him like this, he’d never live it down.
And it eventually becomes quite endearing. Lucifer finds himself anticipating MC’s affection, and notices if they stop. It’s while he’s been swamped for an especially long time in paperwork that he realizes he misses it. Who knew a human like them could stir up these feelings in him...
Lucifer comes to the conclusion that if MC is so essential to his life, he should let them know. But the Avatar of Pride isn’t about to say, “Your babying has made me fall in love with you,” so instead he opts to start flirting. He gets MC fancy gifts, his touches start to linger, and he even invites them out to dinner.
And none of it gets a reaction. They coo over the gifts and smile at the increased attention, but the idea of romance seems to fly right over their head. He offered to take them to Ristorante Six and they pinched his cheek! He is The Lucifer, the son of the morning, the embodiment of pride, and a human just giggled at him and called him “such a sweetie” for trying to ask them out on a date!
Oh no. He will not let this human get the better of him. Lucifer will find a way to make his intentions clear, and this human will see him as a serious candidate to be their partner.
Mammon lives a rough and tumble life. He’s energetic and loud, and his schemes to get riches often put him at odds with those around him. He can con people, and he can survive hostility, but MC is not the type of thing he deals with often, if ever. Part of him is convinced this is fine: he’s the GREAT Mammon, of course this human is all over him! Another part of him is flattered and greatly appreciates the attention.
But there’s a growing part of him that’s concerned that they think he’s some kind of adorable pet rather than a powerful demon. And he’s not sure if he really minds that.
He flips between grinning broadly and boasting about receiving MC’s attention, and putting on an act of being upset at being coddled by some weak human. Stop packing him lunches, MC, he can make them or buy them himself! No, don’t take it away! ...yes, he likes the apple slices.
Whenever he’s upset, Mammon will storm over to MC’s room and start grousing about whatever is troubling him at the moment, be it some plan of his that failed or his brothers’ teasing. When MC starts stroking his hair and making shushing noises at him to calm him down, he’s initially flustered and offended - he’s not a child, MC! - but his weak spot is his head, and the pats win him over in the end.
It’s become something of a ritual if he’s being honest.
MC also leaves him all these little gifts, and - that’s it. This human’s wormed their way into his heart, there’s no way he’s letting anyone else have them!
Mammon tries a variety of convoluted ways to try and “confess” to MC, but it never works out the way he wants, either because of some outside force or because MC themself just... isn’t taking the hint. He’s going to have to be as direct as possible about his feelings... Shit.
This must be some Normie Tactic, Leviathan thinks as MC ruffles his hair while he complains about his older brother not paying him back yet again. His crippling lack of self esteem won’t let him view MC’s intentions as genuine, and he reacts to every gift or compliment with immense suspicion. The only people who are this nice to someone always do it because they want something, and once MC figures out he’s just some yucky otaku, they’ll lose interest.
Except now he’s at a convention, dressed in a handmade and Completely accurate Lord of Shadows cosplay, and MC is dressed in an equally impressive Henry cosplay, and they’re holding his hand and asking him what merch he wants. And it hits poor Leviathan right then and there that MC is just doing this because they think he’s...
Well, he’s not sure what they think of him. The gifts, the comforting, the kind words, they all would normally read as flirting, but MC never seems to actually go anywhere with that? They’ll hold his hand, but just to make sure they don’t get separated. They’ll hug him, but only to cradle him when he’s feeling upset about something. They even gave him a kiss once, but it was on the forehead!
Is MC bad at flirting? Are they teasing him? Is this just how they are with everyone, and he’s perverting their friendship because he wants something more?
“So, have you made up your mind yet, Leviachan?” MC asks, giggling at the cutesy nickname for their favourite little bean.
“Will you just stop TEASING me already?!” the bean shouts in response, breaking their Platonic Hand Hold for dramatic effect. “If you really l-like me, just tell me! And if you’re just doing this to make fun of me, then cut it out!”
Leviathan turns beet red as he processes what he actually just said. He scrunches his eyes shut, unwilling to face MC’s rejection.
Instead, he feels a soft hand take his. “Silly Levi, of course I like you!” MC says. “You’re so adorable when you’re all flustered like that.~ Now come on, best friend, I saw a TSL poster that would be a great fit for your room!”
MC promptly drags him off towards a booth, having clarified absolutely nothing for the poor Avatar of Envy. Of all the genres his life could have become, he had to be stuck in a rom com...
Oh No. Satan tries very, very hard to be taken seriously, despite being the personification of Lucifer’s wrath and the youngest of the brothers in terms of actual age, and a human treating him like an adorable kitten or beloved grandchild is going to get on every single one of his nerves. His self-control is famously ironclad though, so he’s able to get through it with fake smiles and clenched fists.
It doesn’t hurt that MC also flusters his brothers, especially a certain someone, to an unprecedented degree, and Satan finds this very amusing. When he’s not up to humouring MC’s bizarre affections, he’ll proverbially wind them up and point them at whichever brother most recently slighted him, saying “Oh, Mammon’s been feeling a bit down lately... MC, you should go make sure he’s okay,” or, “Lucifer seems really overworked, doesn’t he?”
But his anger can’t be contained forever. Eventually, on a particularly bad day when MC is being especially persistent, Satan snaps. With a crackle of power, his demon form rushes to the surface as he vividly recounts all the horrible things he’s going to do to MC if they don’t stop with their incessant coddling-
MC responds by waltzing up to him and petting between his horns, saying that it’s healthy to vent your frustrations, and oh isn’t his feather boa so handsome!
Satan freezes. He forgets why he was mad. He forgets why he’s ever been mad, or ever felt anything else ever. Either MC is completely fearless or they... they’re not scared of him. They trust him.
He spends the next week catatonic under a pile of blankets or pacing his library of a room, sustained by tea and biscuits brought to him by a cheery, if somewhat confused, MC.
Dammit MC, ya broke him
Unlike his brothers, Asmo is very familiar with this kind of attention, and he eats it up! He’s used to people giving him gifts or calling him pet names or even getting handsy with him, and he knows exactly where this is going to lead. So everything MC throws at him, he sends right back with flirting of his own.
“Asmo, your skin is so soft!”
“Thank you, darling! If you want, I can show you how I keep it this way... But I might need some help getting the moisturizer everywhere...”
“Awwww, you can’t reach your back? But you’re usually so bendy!”
They don’t quite respond to his attempts at getting spicy the way he expects, but the delayed gratification just makes it even more exciting!
Except... it keeps going like this. MC hasn’t responded to any of his suggestive pick up lines or his lingering touches with anything more than a fond smile and a peck on the cheek. This causes Asmo to do something he usually hates to do: reflect.
MC’s gestures were all very sweet, yes, but if they were trying to ply him with sweets and little fashion shows and going out dancing with him, they would have tried to sleep with him by now. But that seems to be the farthest thing from their mind.
Does MC just happen to... like him? Not to lust after him, or find him beautiful, but really, genuinely think he’s worth their time, no strings or favours attached?
The next time they go clubbing together, Asmo goes overboard with the Demonus and ends up piss drunk at the bar, sobbing in the arms of a much less tipsy MC.
“I just don’t understand!” he laments as MC fondly strokes his hair. “What do you want from me? Am I not enough? How is that possible?! I’m-I’m the- *hic*- I’m the embodiment of Lust!” His words slur more and more as he continues, his rant becoming unintelligible. “I can give you anything you desire! Who wouldn’t want that?”
MC pulls out a makeup removing wipe and carefully removes Asmo’s smeared mascara from his cheeks. “Don’t worry, you’re still the most beautiful demon in the Devildom to me, Asmo-chan~” they say as they boop his nose with the wipe.
What is he going to do with them? And what are they doing to him?
When MC first meets Beel, he’s very hungry, and thus very grumpy. They quickly figure out that a steady supply of snacks drastically improves his mood, and make it their personal mission to keep their favourite giant beanstalk happy and munching. Beelzebub, for one, is completely on board with this, and will in turn tolerate MC’s... unique brand of affection. How can he really complain, anyway?
Even if they fling themselves at him at high speeds, he doesn’t mind catching them because he knows they probably have some homemade goodies on their person ready to reward him. A part of him wonders if this is some way of training him to respond to their commands even without being able to call on their pact, but they’re so unwaveringly doting that his suspicions can’t stick.
MC is also his biggest cheerleader at his games, and there’s something really sweet about seeing a small human in a stadium of demons screaming louder than anyone about their precious lovely Beelzburger’s athletic prowess.
The clinginess, the gifts, the relentless adoration, and yes, the many snacks all warm Beel up to MC very quickly, and he decides that he really likes being around them and wants to return the favour. Unlike his brothers, Beel’s quite emotionally intelligent, and goes for the direct route in his confession.
Which completely flies over MC’s head. They don’t flat out reject him, but they also don’t exactly respond in a way that suggests they even fully understood exactly what Beelzebub meant when he said, “I really love you, MC, and I want to make you as happy as you’ve made me.” He thought he was clear, but apparently not.
Maybe he needs to speak their language?
MC begins finding half-eaten treats accompanied by notes written in Beel’s blocky handwriting, and notices that the Avatar of Gluttony has been vocalizing his feelings about them a lot more than usual. They find this absolutely delightful, and relish in the attention, but even still, there’s no moment of realization.
Have they been flirting with him the whole time and take his reciprocation of their affections as an unspoken acceptance of their feelings? Or do they still not understand what he’s trying to convey?
Beel wonders if he’ll ever know the truth.
At first, Belphie couldn’t care less about how the human treats him. He just needs them to get him out of this stupid attic. Their babying is easy to play into: he leans into the “poor helpless small bean baby brother locked away in the attic :’(“ sob story to get MC to work on freeing him faster.
But of course, organically making pacts with six powerful demons is going to take a while, so MC has plenty of time for their coddling shenanigans in the meantime. Despite the threat of Lucifer looming over them at every turn, MC still manages to sneak Belphegor small gifts or fresh linen. One time they even bring him a cow plushie from his formerly shared room with Beel. It has a new collar though, with a tag that says, “I hope this puts you in a good MOOd! :D”
That cow joke would be later known as the thing that kickstarted Belphegor’s existential crisis.
The denial is easy to keep in place, at first. Belphie is faking his whole persona, why wouldn’t this human be doing the same thing? They could just be trying to win him over in hopes of making a pact with him as well; they seemed strangely keen on the concept of collecting them from his brothers, after all. And besides, MC is human, and he hates humans.
Yes, that is familiar, that is safe. Humans are awful, and this one is no exception, even if they insist on kissing his forehead through the bars to the attic and giving him presents with increasingly terrible and saccharine puns on them. The denial runs so deep that he ends up getting angrier and angrier as MC continues their coddling.
It all culminates when they finally open the door to the attic. Free, furious, and ready to enact his revenge, Belphegor makes the first move to kill the idiotic nuisance that’s been a thorn in his side since he decided to start hating them day one. He offers to hug MC (to get their guard down so he can kill them, not because he actually wants to or anything...), but when he moves to wrap his tail around their throat, they spasm out of his grip, shrieking.
Terrified that they’re somehow aware he was planning on taking them out this whole time, Belphegor tries to back away in search of a weapon or an escape route, but is stopped by something latched onto his tail.
It’s MC. On their knees, stars in their eyes, hands wrapped around the base of the fluffiest part of the Avatar of Sloth’s tail, tickling themself with it and giggling violently.
Belphegor blanches. “Are you really this stupid?! Do you know what I just tried to do to you-” He lets out an undignified shriek of his own as MC gently, but insistently, tugs on his tail to force him to come closer to them.
He finds himself in MC’s lap, being held like a child. They cuddle him closer to their chest and say, “I know you want to be a big scary demon-” he is dammit, if it wasn’t for his hesitation their stupidity, they would be dead right now, “-but I know you’re just sad, and angry, and alone. So you can’t scare me, Belphie-bean.”
Belphie-bean. The Devildom’s biggest traitor has been defeated by cow puns and Belphie-bean. Belphegor falls asleep in MC’s arms, the first of many naps taken to process this development in the sick joke that is his life.
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Fanfic - Death Cannot Stop True Love - 1/1
Summary: Princess Iris confronts the Dread Pirate Roberts who killed the man she loved. Westallen!Princess Bride au written for Westallen At The Movies: Romance Edition
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1662
A/N: Happy Valentines Day to my lovely Westallen shippers❤❤❤
“Sit right here your highness.”
With a shove from her kidnapper Iris stumbled onto a nearby large rock.
Iris took a moment to catch her breath. The adrenaline of being kidnapped several different times over the course of one day thrumming through her veins. She glanced up to her new captor but it was not fear she felt. Contempt and hatred instead burned inside her. As her eyes fell upon the pirate who had killed the man she loved.
He was a striking figure Iris had to admit. His tall form dressed entirely in black. She could not make out his features with a black mask covering the upper part of his face. A black bandanna cinched at the base of his skull concealed his hair. To Iris he looked less like a man and more like a demon. The figure that had haunted her dreams for years as the one who killed Barry.
“I know who you are,” Iris glared at him. “Your cruelty reveals everything. You're the dread Pirate Roberts, admit it.”
“With pride,” He grinned and took a mocking bow. “What can I do for you?”
“You can die slowly.” Iris said her voice devoid of any warmth. “Cut into a thousands pieces.”
Pirate Roberts tutted at her in amusement. His mockery of her only increased Iris's hatred of him.
“Hardly complimentary your highness,” He replied sarcastically. “Why loose your venom on me?”
“You killed my love,” Iris said in a soft but hard voice.
“It's possible,” The pirate shrugged. “I've killed a lot of people.”
He then folded his arms over his chest. His long legs moving forward as he started to circle around her. Iris felt like a mouse caught under the gaze of a cat waiting for the right moment to pounce.
“Who was this love of yours?” He asked dismissively. “Another prince perhaps? Handsome? Rich and ugly?”
“No a farm boy,” Iris answered hotly but her features softened at the memory of Barry. “Poor. Poor and perfect.”
Iris dreaded the vulnerability that crept on her. As memories of their time spent together on the farm bombard her. She could still recall in her mind Barry's bright smile, and how it crinkled his whole face. The warmth of his green eyes when he looked at her. The gentleness of his lips when he kissed her.
It made something ache painfully inside her to know her sweet Barry had been killed by the monster before her.
“On the high seas your ship attacked,” Iris's channeled her hatred to give her the strength to speak these words. “And Dread Pirate Roberts never takes prisoners.”
“A pirate can't afford to make exceptions,” the pirate spread out his arms in a 'what can you do?' sentiment. “Once word gets out on your mercy people will take advantage. Then its nothing but work, work, work all the time.”
“You mock my pain,” Iris spat out.
“Life is pain princess,” Any pretense of being jovial was replaced by a harsher tone. “Anyone who says differently is selling something.”
Iris turned her head away unable to bear looking at him any longer.
“I remember this farm boy of yours,” Dread Pirate Roberts walked towards her again. “What was this five years ago?”
Iris didn't respond but she could feel the tears welling in her eyes.
“Does it bother you to hear this?” The pirate asked lightly.
“Nothing you could say could upset me,” Iris refused to look at him.
“He died well, that should please you.” The pirate walked passed her, he gazed out towards the rolling hills that surrounded him. “No bribe attempts or blubbering. He simply said please.”
Iris's heart clenched at the image of Barry facing his death at the hands of this pirate.
“It was the please that caught my memory,” The pirate turned to look directly at her. “I asked him what was so important to him. 'True love' he replied.”
Iris's brown eyes finally gazed up to this pirate. She expected to see him sneering at her. A devilish grin across his features as he continued to pick at her open wound. Instead she saw wistfulness as he gazed at her. Though it was hard to tell with the mask.
“Then he spoke of a girl with surpassing beauty and faithfulness,” The pirate's eyes flitted across Iris. “I can only assume he meant you.”
Iris frowned at the indifference in his voice.
“You should bless me for destroying him before he found out who you really are,” He spat out.
Iris finally rose to her feet. No longer would she sit below this man and allow him mock her and the love she shared with Barry.
“And what am'I?” Iris demanded.
“Faithfulness madame, he talked of your enduring faithfulness.” The pirate's cool demeanor broke as his anger came through.
If Iris wasn't so angry herself she would have thought it odd that a stone cold killer like Pirate Roberts would care one bit for Barry.
“Now tell me truly,” The pirate said coldly. “When you found out he was gone did you agree to marry that prince that same hour? Or did you wait a whole week out of respect for the dead?”
“You mock me once, never do it again!” Iris shouted back at him in rage. “I died that day!”
The pirate's searching stare was interrupted by the distant sound of horse hooves. His head turning away from her for a brief second. The fury inside Iris continued to build. Nothing mattered more to her in that moment then getting rid of the man who destroyed the happy life she was meant to share with Barry.
“You can die too for all I care,” Iris hissed. Her hands raised up to push against him with enough force to topple him over. The pirate let out a surprise 'oof' before he fell over edge of the long slopping hill they'd be standing on.
Iris watched him roll down the hill with satisfaction but was caught off guard as he called out 'AS YOU WISH' during his painful descent.
“Oh my sweet Barry,” Iris breathed out in realization. “What have I done...”
Without a second thought Iris flung herself over the ledge of the hill. Grunts of pain escaping her during the entire rough and tumble journey downwards. Her elbows hitting rocks and hard landings on her back making the entire thing awful. But these were small pains to deal with it meant she could be with Barry again.
After much longer then Iris would have like the steep hill finally leveled out. Both herself and Barry did a few more tumbles before landing heavily on their backs at the bottom.
Iris lay there still for a moment. The wind knocked out of her lungs from all the tumbles. Her vision spinning while her body struggled to recover.
When the world righted itself again Iris turned her head towards Barry. The first thing she noticed was his face. His fall down the hill had cause the mask and bandanna to fall away. Iris could now see the familiar angles of his face that her fingers had once adoringly traced. His thick auburn hair a tousled mess. The lightness of his green eyes she could stare into for hours.
The second their eyes met Barry moved towards her. His body shuffling across the short distance until they were pressed in close. His arm went to wrap around her waist. While the other slipped under her neck to cushion her head.
“Can you move at all?” Barry breathed out in concern. His voice the same sweet and tender candor Iris had feared she would never hear again.
“Move?” Iris breathed out as Barry's hand went to gently cradle the side of her face. “If you want I can fly.”
The two of them propelled themselves into the other. Iris wrapped her arms tightly around Barry and pressed her face into his shoulder. Barry in turn wrapped Iris's body securely in his arms. His face buried into her long black hair breathing her in.
After a moment they pulled apart.
Barry gazed down at her lovingly. A stark contrast to the sneering pirate he had been minutes before. In a twist of fate her tormentor had turned out to be her savior.
“Told you I would come for you,” Barry ran his hand through her hair down to gently wrap around her neck. “Why didn't you wait for me?”
“Well,” Iris said softly. “You were dead.”
Barry smiled at her which came at a great relief. She had worried the anger she had seen from Pirate Roberts would continue through Barry.
“Death cannot stop true love,” Barry grinned like he knew a secret. “All it can do is delay it for awhile.”
“I will never doubt again,” Iris vowed.
“There will never be a need,” Barry promised.
Barry's hand then cupped the side of her face. The reverent tenderness in his touch making Iris's heart race in her chest. The closing of the distance between them was a sweet agony. Even though it passed in seconds to Iris it felt much longer. Finally she felt the warm press of Barry's lips on hers. A sweet chaste kiss that soon deepened with the intensity of two long lost lovers reunited.
Suddenly the years of separation disappeared. The nights spent crying alone in bed. The days spent living with gnawing guilt after accepting the Prince's proposal. All that Iris cared about in this moment was being back in the arms of the man she loved.
She hoped that nothing, not even death, would ever separate them again.
A/N: I'm just now realizing the line “Death cannot stop true love” really applies to whats happening to Westallen this season ;_____;
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