#kaidan hawke
meggannn · 4 months
my worldstate for if hawke gets left behind depends entirely on if bioware does something interesting with it. i sacrificed stroud but if the fade martyr does have relevance in the game we are now being told will deal heavily with defending the veil, good on them/i’ll eat my words, cause i was genuinely skeptical anything would come of the hlta decision. and if it’s juicier for hawke to be that person in retrospect, that’s awesome and i’m glad the theories were right. normally i would just live with my choices if stroud is the more boring option and deal with the consequences, but i really don’t feel guilty at the prospect of maybe retconning this one specifically considering the behind-the-scenes decision was because bw wanted specifically to have the player make a hard emotional choice in hlta, not cause it fit the story or characters, and that rationale for game-crafting will always bug me.
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anaiqn · 1 year
I need to interact with people who likes - Vampire Academy - Dragon Age - Mass Effect
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Have we considered. Kaidan taking the LDBs last name and being rlly happy about cause he went so long not knowing who he is and now it really feels like he’s truly got an identity and a family
I fucking LOVE that trope.
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hawkeykirsah · 7 months
"Another snippet?" you ask? Why yes, because I also worked on the next chapter of The Long Road yesterday for the first time in like five months.
“EDI,” Nick said, “what’s our ETA to Lesuss?” “ETA is twenty-five hours,” came the prompt reply. “Have we heard from Samara?” “There has been no correspondence from the justicar, Shepard.” “Thank you, EDI, that was all. Shepard out.” She turned her attention back to Kaidan. “So, we have roughly a day. I hope that Samara gets back to me before that. I’d sent her an inquiry as soon as I got the mission brief from Thessia. Either way, I wanted to give you a heads-up.” She snagged his mug and sniffed at it, debating whether to steal a swallow or not. She lowered her voice, “You coming up for dinner later on?”  The corner of Kaidan’s mouth twitched. “I think I can do that.” “Yeah?” She propped her chin on her hands. “Mhm. Just dinner? Or did you accumulate a report backlog again and need help slogging through it?” He smirked at her. Nick rolled her eyes at him, bumping her elbow against his. “That was one time. It’s not a backlog yet but I guess you could help me stay on top of things? I’ll make it up to you.” “Are you propositioning me, Captain?” Kaidan purred. “I might be,” Nick replied nonchalantly. “Is it working?” “It might be.”
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angelicsjn · 1 year
how would the yanderes react if we gave them the silent treatment?
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At first, he wouldn't react. He'd continue as usual, brushing it off as a bad mood.
Roman can deal with a bad mood. We're all human. He doesn't push it, and if you want to speak, he'll let you do it.
Until it turned into days of complete silence, he questions why and at first tries to pull you out of it. As you refuse, he gives up.
He can play at that game.
He's the one in control here, and if you want to act like a child, he will treat you like one.
He ignores you and walks past you without a single glance. Doesn't say good morning or good night. He acts as if you don't even exist. Placing your plate down without much thought towards you when he usually rubs your back or even has you on his lap.
If you keep up ignoring him, he will leave for work and even spend up to a week without any contact as he races, and the only interaction you have from him is watching him on screen, when usually you're there with him because he doesn't like being away from you at all.
You felt like it backfired way too much, that he stopped caring, and that's where the switch flicked. He didn't need you. You needed him.
In the end, it's you who crawls back. The silent treatment doesn't work with Roman because if you want to be left, he will leave until you beg for him to even look your way.
He may be petty when annoyed and the sweetest when happy, but his lack of emotion at times is borderline terrifying.
He hates it. HATES. IT.
Laten won't leave you alone, telling you anything and everything, even brings up people you don't like to try and gain a reaction.
He buys you your favourite foods and puts on your favourite movies. Each day, he comes back with something he knew you'd like and nearly breaks everything with frustration as you completely ignore him.
He watches you like a hawk, more than usual. Why are you acting this way? He slowly backs away to see your issue.
But he misses you. He misses being close. So he tries other ways. Holding you extra tight on nights, staying in bed longer in the morning. Kisses you more, tries being more playful with you, maybe you're bored.
Your attitude pretty much takes the space in his mind to the point where his coach screams at him to focus.
His breaking point was your lack of presence or even care at his game. It was a big deal for him. You're his lucky charm.
He walked away from the game with a bloody nose, sprained wrist, and busted knuckles from pretty much fighting the opposing team rather than actually playing.
When he returned back in that state, he didn't even get dressed. Walked right back to you, and you saw his frustration and hurt, and worry took over the silence.
You gave in after seeing how hurt he was, physically and mentally, from your silence.
Jae is a wild card. At first, he uses his idol mask. Treats you as if you're a fan at a fansign, gentle and patient. Smiley and sweet.
'What's wrong? Did I do something?' With his famous sweet eyes and gentle touches.
When you refuse to even look his way, he quickly loses his patience.
He makes a scene, shouting, accusing you of hurting his feelings. He treats you so well? Why are you being so horrible?
He's risking so much being with you. He's an idol. If people find out he's done, career over, so why are you being so fucking ungrateful? You're so hard to deal with. You're so damn selfish.
He has sacrificed so much. He could have chosen anyone. Anyone. Yet he chose you. A childish brat.
He talks you to the ground, 5 trips you into believing your actions are all your fault rather than a reaction to his.
He holds you as you cry, saying sorry. Stroking your hair, kissing your cheek, wiping away your tears, 'it's okay. You'll learn, you understand I do all this for you. For us.'
Heh, he's delusional. He doesn't even notice at first. To him, you're perfect, and so is your relationship. He does something wrong? No. He didn't. Huh. You're both so happy!
You're giving him silent treatment? No. You wouldn't do that.. would you? No. You're just ill. You're not well. Is your throat sore? Or maybe you're tired. That's probably it.
He makes every excuse to exist rather than see you're actually ignoring him. He will speak, even if you don't reply. He will kiss you, even if you don't kiss back.
You don't hug back. He hugs harder. You refuse to eat with him. He will place you on his lap and feed you. Obviously, you're too tired to eat. Poor baby.
If anything, he annoys you more. He babies you, does literally everything for you to the point where you feel suffocated and start speaking to shut him up..
He still then doesn't see how you were truly acting, he almost drives you insane with how delusional he was and even if you told him you were ignoring him he'd find away to refuse the truth and create his own story.
He picks up on the vibes before you even do it. He freezes up because why? Why are you ignoring him? What did he do wrong?
Hayden walks on eggshells around you, speaks carefully. Tries not to annoy you. Does anything in his power to make you like him again.
He doesn't see it as silent treatment. He genuinely believes you hate him. So he does anything and everything to make you like him.
As time passes, he doesn't change. He's persistent and wallows in the sadness completely. At some points, he joins you. Sitting there quietly as he wonders why, what does he need to do to bring you back to him?
He eventually cries. Literally begging you to go love him again. Saying he's sorry for everything and whatever he's done to hurt you.
He'll never do it again. He loves you so so much! Please, please love him again. Don't leave. Don't ignore. Speak to him. Hug him. Kiss him. Don't go. Please do not go!
You hold him and give in. Seeing his sweet face cry, his heartbreaking words. How could you? You end up feeling guilty for making him feel that way.
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biowho · 2 years
Bioware Blorbo Beat Down
>>> ITS OVER <<<
We’re doing 70 npc’s from Mass Effect and Dragon Age and buckle up because first they’re going against each other! Check back in with my pinned post (this one) for updated links or go through the tag ‘bioware blorbo beat down’ on my blog to get to each poll faster
The winners of each round are polled against each other randomly but within their respective games!
[I recommend blocking the tag mentioned above to keep it outa explore pages/main tags if you don’t want to see any of it]
Garrus Vakarian
Zevran Arainai
MASS EFFECT - ROUND FIVE Garrus Vakarian VS Tali’zorah vas Normandy
Zevran Arainai VS Fenris
Karin Chakwas VS Tali’zorah vas Normandy
Garrus Vakarian VS Jack
Fenris VS Merrill
Alistair Theirin VS Zevran Arainai
Jack VS Miranda Lawson
Steve Cortez VS Karin Chakwas
Tali’zorah vas Normandy VS Urdnot Wrex
Mordin Solus VS EDI VS Garrus Vakarian
Varric Tethras VS Fenris
Zevran Arainai VS Isabela
Alistair Theirin VS Dorian Pavus
Sera VS Merrill VS Krem
Suvi Anwar VS Karin Chakwas
Steve Cortez VS Kenneth Donelly
Urdnot Wrex VS Thane Krios
Legion VS Mordin Solus
Jack VS Liara T’soni
Garrus VS Joker
Javik VS EDI
Urdnot Grunt VS Tali’zorah vas Normandy 
Miranda Lawson VS James Vega
Dog (dao) VS Isabela
Fenris VS Josephine Montilyet 
Merril VS Vivienne de Fer
Nathaniel Howe VS Krem
Anders VS Alistair Theirin
Sera VS Sten
Dorian Pavus VS Wynne
Zevren Arainai VS Morrigan
Shale VS Varric Tethras
Ashley Williams VS James Vega
Jacob Taylor VS Miranda Lawson
Samantha Traynor VS Tali’zorah vas Normandy
Urdnot Grunt VS Morinth
EDI VS Kaidan Alanko
Cora Harper VS Javik
Nakmor Drack VS Joker
Garrus Vakarian VS Kasumi Goto
Jaal Ama Darav VS Liara T’soni
Jack VS Liam Kosta
Mordin Solus VS Samara
Peebee VS Legion
Thane Krios VS Zaeed Massani
Vetra Nyx VS Urdnot Wrex
Suvi Anwar VS Gabby Daniels
Steve Cortez VS Kallo Jath
Kenneth Donnelly VS Gil Brodie
Karin Chakwas VS Lexi T’Perro
Cassandra Pentaghast VS Shale
Varric Tethras VS Sigrun
Morrigan VS Bethany Hawke
Zevran Arainai VS Cole
Dorian Pavus VS Velanna
Solas VS Wynne
Tallis VS Sten
Oghren VS Sera
Alistair Theirin Vs Cullen Rutherford
The Iron Bull VS Isabela
Anders VS Blackwall
Krem VS Scout Harding
Nathaniel Howe VS Sebastian Vael
Carver Hawke VS Vivienne de Fer
Lelianna VS Merrill
Josephine Montilyet VS Aveline Vallen
Fenris VS Loghain
Dog VS Dog
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privatebooth · 9 days
Okay, so years after its release I finished DAI, but tbh I only ever played it to see Hawke and hear what the world had to say about him and my warden. ok, also to meet the new companions personally
I did not enjoy it very much (don't want to say hated it because it had some fun bits), despised combat so much I chose to skip it altogether by using a cheat to instantly kill all hostiles, because dammit I just wanted to see the story for myself and the casual mode was not casual enough for me. No, I'm not going to rant about that game, that's not the point.
Even if it was not as emotionally engrossing as the previous 2 games, it still fucked me up. These last few days I spent trying to come to terms with it.
That Hawke was the one to stay in the Fade is a given for me now, because the story simply doesn't work otherwise. Yesterday I was thinking about how much I'd love to see Fenris and Carver working together, possibly somehow going into the Fade themselves to get Hawke out.
Then my stupid brain proposed to make it so only one of the three of them could get out (don't care about the details, those are basic concepts), and of course it had to be Carver, because we must protect him at all costs, and Fenris would choose to stay with Hawke no matter what where and when anyway. They would never be parted again, and i don't really understand how the Fade works, but maybe they could actually settle there? ascend to another plane of existence together, and how the hell do beings of flesh manage in the realm of spirits? And how do they die there and what happens to the bodies and aren't souls of the dead supposed to go to the Fade or something? I am so not good at processing Lore...
And then I thought to myself, what the hell, aren't I a pro at bending canon to my will? I overwrote the Mass effect universe to have Shepard, Kaidan and Ashley happily settle down as a throuple and my brain now accepts it as canon and nothing else matters.
Then why can't I overwrite the tiny relevant plot of Inquisition, and simply have Hawke and Fenris appear there together and work as a battle couple and solve the problems together like they're supposed to? Don't need to account for other variables and worry about fitting any technicalities.
I can make it happen.
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shadoedseptmbr · 3 months
tagged by @dandenbo, thanks!! <3
How to: Rate your OCs based on how they handle cuddling/being cuddled.
well let's see
Jacen Shepard: 10/10 loves cuddling, loves to be cuddled- out here being a 6'4" golden retriever little spoon anytime someone halfway offers, gives the best good hugs and big guy that he is, is always *very careful* of his strength when he's snuggling Tali but loves when Kaidan nearly cracks his ribs for him, heh.
Scout Shepard: is about a 5/10, she finds it a little undignified but is always willing to offer a cuddle to a friend and discovers she does quite like that Garrus is taller than she is, if a bit spindly, and does a good full body wrap when required Aedan Shepard: hmm. from a 1/10 to a 6/10 over the course of her story. She's just...not *used* to it, doesn't really get it, certainly will fold herself into a pocket of non-existence if one of her hookups tries. Has never offered a hug in her life. Gerte figures out that she's a little like a feral cat; feed her and she might lean against your shinbones before skittering off. Manages to work up to shoulder pats. Kaidan's the one who really breaks down the wall- mostly with his post-migraine need to touch and once she gets that it's acceptable- she's even willing to be the big spoon once in a while Aeryn Hawke (proper kirkwall version) 8/10 will big sister hug anyone who sits still long enough. She and Fenris have a toe tap system but she will be in anyone else's lap in a heartbeat, given time and opportunity. tagging... @threewhiskeylunch @keriweird @faejilly @laelior @nightmarestudio606
or if you haven't done, feel free to feel tagged!
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timptoe · 1 year
Finally started playing ME Andromeda, I’m about thirty hours in (so no spoilers!), and…it’s kind of lovely? I get the sense from the fanbase that it’s pretty hated but I’m kind of liking it. First impressions:
It’s very much like if Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Inquisition had an adorable baby. Is that why people don’t like it? Because it’s so much less hoo-rah military?
I also heard no one likes the Frostbite graphics but they don’t bother me? The asari are a little cutesy, but everything else is gorgeous.
I do miss Shepard and the crew, tbh. Love the Liara cameos. Will always want more of Kaidan and Joker and Tali and Vega and everyone.
Do like the new crew, especially their interactions with each other. Hardcore shipping Drack/Lexi. And the Drack-Vetra friendship is really sweet.
I just met Reyes and hooooooo boy. Scott’s been flirting with Gil but he’s suddenly falling hard for Reyes—sorry Gil, don’t hate me forever.
Also Gil just go kiss Kallo already, ugh.
Also also (because Reyes’ voice actor is also male Hawke’s voice actor) my new Dragon Age II headcanon is: after Hawke meets Zevran and does his quest, he will only speak to Isabela in Zevran’s accent for the next six months. She hates it but finds it weirdly sexy. (Much how I am reacting to Reyes’ voice.)
Did the Nexus really not carry a QEC to talk to the Citadel? They traveled to a different galaxy and didn’t think, hey, we have tech that’ll let us say “yo descendants we just woke up!”?
Exaltation is a sufficiently creepy plot point, right up there with indoctrination and Reaper liquidation.
I miss quarians.
I do not miss missions. The open world style is my jam, I love the viability/colonization aspect, love the way this game does side quests.
I find the concept of the exiles to be weird. You sign up for the Initiative, are deemed worthy of being sent ahead on the Nexus instead of an ark (so you’re presumably all in), and you flake out in less than a year because…it didn’t all go to plan? That part of the narrative’s kinda weak.
Though I just got the first part of the Jien Garson whodunit and I’m super invested already.
Really intrigued by the Remnant.
Andromeda does feel less high-stakes than the original trilogy, which is too bad. Sure you’re not dealing with galaxy-wide apocalypse, but survival in Heleus should feel a lot less Laura Ingalls Wilder and a lot more Oregon Trail.
Overall, I’m liking it. Less than halfway through so still plenty of time for it to go sour, but I’m intrigued.
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olath124 · 1 year
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My Shenkosummer2023 entry! I've drawn the lovely Hawke Shepard and Kaidan Alenko. I wanted to represent a brief moment between them during the final battle on Earth.
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nowandthane · 8 months
OC Name Meaning
got tagged by @sillyliterature to do this! thank you <3
Rules: google and post the meaning of your OC'S name (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! bonus if you can find something for their last name too.
this is gonna be long i have a LOT of children 🧍
Sarani Shepard: meaning protector, guardian or path (gotta be honest, i knew about the first two and it's why i chose the name, but the third is a surprise to me when i googled again for this). I already kinda HCed Sarani (who had a different placeholder name at the time) as being part Indian so I was intentionally finding an Indian name that would fit. her LIs call her Rani sometimes which means 'queen' and 'joyous song' and that second one feels especially fitting as she doesnt let anyone else use her first name, and she is very happy to have people she loves and trusts 🥺
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Mars Shepard: my new child i just made last night whose face isnt done yet xD got the idea of using space names from @xoshepard (thank youuu <3) and I went with Mars because roman god of WAR and also gender fuckery 😌 she's gonna be romancing Kaidan!
Nayima Surana: means gentle, delicate, tenderness. this is kind of hilarious because while that's how she starts off being her experiences have hardened her a lot 😔 i dont have a pic for her im gonna remake her when (if) i ever get back to playing dragon age. also goes by Naya (renewal, fresh). we can say that shot of darkspawn blood renewwed her and freshened her up!
Riyaad Hawke: my canon hawke is garrett riyaad is a random dude the hawkes adopted dfjkghk. name means 'beautiful garden'. if you cant tell, i almost stole his name for myself xD
Bintang: 'bintang' is the Malay word for star
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Arianwen Trevelyan: means silver, blessed. she's an andrastian and blessed made sense because of that, and her hair is like blue-silver so yeah (silver when she was born, darkening to blue, was the canon i made for her i believe)
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Bronwen Trevelyan: similar meaning, fair/white and blessed. she's aria's twin so it made sense.
Veara Lavellan: my lavellan used to be Valora and pretty much just chaged her name for veara. the most i found on the internet is that it means 'special' lmao
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anyways i do have more OCs around here somewhere but i'll stop there kjdfhgkd
no pressure tags: @mxanigel @xoshepard @poetikat @sweetmage @azurechicken @malabadspice @illusivesoul @westernlarch @menacingmetal <3 <3 <3
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master-dellamorte · 5 months
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Julien Travelyan x Dorian (da:i) / Kaidan x Lucy Shepard (Mass effect)
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Lauriel Mahariel x Morrigan (da:o) / Marise hawke x Isabela (da2)
Thank you @illusivesoul I'd love to see also your Brosca and Leliana 😍
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n0rmandysr1 · 9 months
Fic Masterpost
Probably beyond time I did one of these!
Mass Effect
A Sea of Stars
Series focusing on Emilia Shepard, paragade Vanguard. Ashley romance, milscifi flavour with some changes to canon because dear god Alliance ranks give me conniptions.
Main Storyline: Elysium (pre-canon, complete) | Encroachment (ME1, complete) | Respite (post-ME1, complete) | What Lives In The Dark (post-ME1 Cerberus storyline, complete) | Anabasis (post-Alchera, hiatus) | Fianchetto (ME2, complete) | Conciliation (ME2: LOTSB, complete) | Vendetta (ME3, ongoing)
Side Fics: Kingmaker (pre-ME3, written by my friend and cowriter, indefensiblezed, ongoing) | Only Light (ME1 smut, complete as its gonna get) | Points of Departure (oneshots and side stories, ongoing)
Brothers in Arms (MShenko, complete) | Collimation (Shepard/Ash/Kaidan, ongoing) | Body Heat (Femshepley smut, complete) | perfect machine (femshepley Control Ending, hiatus) | Fragments (oneshot collection, mostly mshenko/femshepley) | The Fall (FShali, complete) | History Has Its Eyes On You: (100 word drabbles, hiatus) | The Pathology of Guilt: (femshepley, complete) | Motion (Ashley Williams/Samantha Traynor, complete) | always moving with a hungry heart (Ashley Williams/Kaidan Alenko, complete) | Folded, Unfolded (Karin Chakwas/Hannah Shepard, complete) | Navy Undercover (femshepley, complete) | Retribution (Torfan, complete) | The Right Thing (Male Shepard/Jacob Taylor, complete) | The Talk (Vetra Nyx/Sara Ryder, complete)
Baldur's Gate 3
The Prince and The Hellion
Series focused on Markolak, the Dark Urge, her quest for redemption and freedom and her romance with Karlach.
Main Storyline: wipe me clean with dirty hands (BG3, ongoing)
Side Fics: with aching chest (Karlach POV, ongoing)
Moonlit (Dame Aylin and Selune, complete) | the undulous heaven yearns (Dame Aylin/Isobel Thorm reunion smut, complete) | don't you know (i dream of you) (Karlach/Dark Urge grief fic, complete)
Dragon Age
All the Old Knives (Aveline/female Hawke, complete)
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glamfellens · 3 months
You are so right about Aveline.
Can we talk about how inappropriate her relationship with Donnic is?? Like, I get that they had a thing for each other before she became Captain of the Guard, but still. When she starts trying to court him in Act 2, he is her employee.
Not only that, but she gives him preferential treatment by giving him safer assignments.
I know it's not the worst of her crimes, but it's one that I haven't seen discussed.
i think it gets talked about less because there are scenarios in other video games where this happens (like, kaidan and shepard in mass effect for example) so the disbelief is suspended or, like, idk its you as a real life person knowing this dynamic is unbalanced but its in a game so... im not saying it exists in a vacuum or that its ok but sometimes games force you to be in situations that you wouldn't choose or take part in irl so theres a degree of handwaving if im remembering correctly i think aveline does experience pushback on giving donnic safer/easier assignments but the fact that she does it in the first place is like... well ok! i think she does learn not to do it though, since by act 3 donnic is doing patrols in lowtown and he was clearly pissed when he saw he got the hightown patrol in act 2 but yeah idk, aveline fucks up a lot of shit and pursuing donnic despite her being his superior is definitely one of them, but i think it all comes down to how its framed by the narrative, and imo the narrative isnt really interested in criticising her all that much. considering she can potentially beat the fucking bag out of hawke and then they both go on like nothing happened. its weird!
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tethrras · 4 months
there's nothing i want more than an ashley-kaidan scenario in da4. the warden and hawke choice could NEVER be that
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heroesvow · 4 months
SHIPPING BIAS ( for those interested. Just ships that hold a special place in my heart for certain characters. ) if a certain ship isn't on here don't fear! ask about it.
AISHA SHEPARD. ( lesbian ) ships: ashley, tali, liara, miranda
ARCHIE. ( pansexual ) ships: matt
ALISTAIR. ( bisexual ) ships: warden, carver, bethany, cullen, isabela note: i will not write alistair / queen cousland, romantically. he dumps her no matter what when he becomes king because being manipulated isn't fun. force him to become king? get dumped.
BASTILA. ( pansexual ) ships: revan
CARVER. ( pansexual ) ships: alistair, merrill
CHLOE FRAZER. ( bisexual ) ships: nadine
CHROM. ( bisexual ) ships: sumia, robin, cordelia, cherche, frederick, stahl
CID. ( pansexual ) ships: clive
CLIVE. ships: jill, cid
DANSE. ( pansexual ) ships: sole survivor
DIAMANT. ( bisexual ) ships: ivy, amber
DOROTHEA. ( bisexual ) ships: petra, edelgard, sylvain, claude
HAWKE ( EREN ). ( gay ) ships: fenris
HAWKE ( ERIS ). ( lesbian ) ships: isabela, merrill
EZIO AUDITORE. ( bisexual ) ships: sofia, leonardo, la volpe
GAREN CROWNGUARD. ( bisexual ) ships: katarina, darius, jarvan, taric
HECTOR. ( bisexual ) ships: lyn, eliwood
IKE. ( gay ) ships: ranulf, boyd
ISABELA. ( bisexual ) ships: hawke, merrill, leliana, alistair, zevran
JACOB FRYE. ( bisexual ) ships: none thus far
JAINA TREVELYAN. ( bisexual ) ships: leliana, josephine, cullen, blackwall
JAYCE TALLIS. ( bisexual ) ships: mel, viktor
JOHN SHEPARD. ( bisexual ) ships: kaidan, miranda, tali, james, joker
JOHNNY CAGE. ( pansexual ) ships: kenshi, sonya
KAIDAN. ( bisexual ) ships: shepard, miranda, joker, tali
KITANA. ( bisexual ) ships: jade, liu kang, anyone except her relatives tbh
KENSHI. ( bisexual ) ships: so many, love johnny though!
LUXORD. ( bisexual ) ships: none thus far
MALCOLM GRAVES. ( gay ) ships: twisted fate
MICAIAH. ( bisexual ) ships: ??? note: i will not ship micaiah romantically with sothe.
MIRANDA. ( bisexual ) ships: shepard, jack, kaidan, tali
NATE. ( pansexual ) ships: elena and harry
NEPHENEE. ( lesbian ) ships: heather, mia, ilyana
NIKOLAI. ( gay ) ships: dorian, bull, krem, cullen, blackwall
SABER. ( bisexual ) ships: none thus far
SARAH FORTUNE. ( bisexual ) ships: none thus far
SILAS. ( bisexual ) ships: ???
SCOTT. ( bisexual ) ships: rafael, pablo, farmer, alice, suki, eva, macy, mark, kenny
STEFAN. ( gay ) ships: reyes, gil, liam, jaal, drack
TAROT. ( pansexual ) ships: morrigan, leliana, alistair, zevran
TIFA. ( bisexual ) ships: aerith
VESEMIR. ( bisexual ) ships: none thus far
XANDER. ( bisexual ) ships: silas, ryoma, kagero
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