#kaine x marlette
spider-mar2004 Β· 4 months
πŸ•Έβ€π•Žπ•–π•“π•“π•–π•• π•Šπ•”π•’π•£π•€πŸ’™πŸ•Έ
The Meeting
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Pairing: Kaine Parker x Marlette Saravia [Canon x OC]
Characters: Kaine, Marlette [OC], Ben Reilly & Miguel O'Hara
Summary: Kaine lately was behaving in a bad mood, seems he didn't do a mission for a while and he's bored, stressed about it. Until, maybe do it with someone can help him, and not a someone known...
Warnings: Swearing, Kinda Impulsive violent behavior, Mistrusting feelings & A little of Slowburn.
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Well, all stories starts in a place right? Or maybe in many places once? Oh wait that should start many stories then, anyways. Since the multiverse is infinite, let's just start in a direct point and is...
Spider-Society, in the universe exactly named Earth-927. A futuristic world, in a city known as Nueva York, basically the spanish "worded" version of New York. But it doesn't matter now, the place would be in a huge building where many but many variants of the hero Spider-Man are in from other infinite universes, or better called "Earths" let's say.
Inside the building, every Spider-men, Spider-women, etc. Would be having a normal and nice day, or well at least many of them, because some aren't not in a good mood just exactly like...
That noise, it was heard like someone pulled out a knife. But actually no, for now there wasn't a spider using knifes, unless stings can count as them too.
Yes, we talk about the first clone of the famous Peter Parker from the Earth-616, Kaine Parker, made by The Jackal, and considered as a failed clone expermient unfortunately. Anyways enough describing a lot. Kaine Parker would be in a corner, his expression serious under the dark mask with red lenses, displaying and staring at his own stings from his wrists, they were sharp and scary so nobody would likely love being stabbed by them after all.
He seemed to be apart of serious, he was also annoyed, maybe because he didn't have anything else to do? Not just that actually, it was also sometimes his mind was trapped by the memories of rough, painful and yet violent moments.
". . . Being in this bullshit doesn't do anything, or at least "help" me."
Kaine said in an almost whispering tone for speak with himself, unlike other many spiders. He seemed to be a not really social one, aswell as territorial. When he took a sigh for catch a small breath, he cutted and quickly looked as a sound from a landing person appeared. It was Ben Reilly, the second clone of the same mentioned Peter, just this time was more into a success. I know, sounds painful comparing like that but sadly it was the truth.
"Damn these idiots won't even let me express myself there-"
Ben said with a small snort, until he noticed Kaine and his sting, he rolled his eyes under the mask and then walked closer to him.
"Again annoyed? Urgh... I know what you feel or think, or whatever but man just try forget it already, slowly at least-"
He was interrumped as his spider-sense activated before and now dodged a small attack from his "clone sibling" Kaine from his stings.
"Whoa! Chill dude i try to say the pure truth!"
"Do i need hear your stupid mouth throw up of those words? Is my bussiness, my problems, not yours, because the fact that you fucking suffer "Identity clone crisis" is not an excuse about me, being the first clone."
Kaine as he took off his own mask in a slight violent way he growled, yes, he seemed even more annoyed. He was also revealing his strange scarred face with a brown long hair, including a small bun on it, while Ben stepped back and also took off his mask, revealing his face with his golden hair, his expression was a little bit surprised as he saw how his clone brother mentioned that and still didn't get over it.
"But I AM trying MY BEST to get over it! Then don't use the "first clone" excuse! I know what you passed! But please at least try control those impulsive thoughts!"
Kaine snorted angrily, hot air coming out from his nostrils and rolled his brown eyes and baring his teeth. Ben frowned in a worried way, he wanted to try help him but that sturbborn and angry behavior very surely won't let him. Until he thought for a few seconds and got an idea.
"I know that you want be better and anything but... Maybe you can go distract yourself...? Seriously don't let that dark past trap you easily again because you... You'll suffer, you'll be in a eternal pain between the dark claws of it and-"
"So are you telling me go outside like a dog, hooow greaaat. And stop sounding like that because you are not a poet or some shit."
Kaine snapped with those not friendly words, Ben blinked just a few times, staying now in silence, maybe his presence was mostly annoying him? He wasn't sure but, although he was a little dramatic, he wanted still to help.
". . ."
The scarred spider-man sighed silently for try to calm down and looked at Ben with that "okay fine" expressing eyes. So as Kaine accepted about the do the mission, which can at least keep him distracted. They both went to the control center of the Society, where the boss there Miguel O'hara who was managing some stuff from his bright orange screens, like always. Since he didn't have a spider-sense, he wouldn't notice the two men behind him until the AI asistant Lyla popped on Miguel's shoulder and poked his unmasked face.
"Ey ey eyyy Mr. Taco-man, guess the clone Earth-616 brothers needs you."
Lyla said, pointing at the clones with a silly goofy smile, Miguel inhaled a lil grumpy, seems he was just too busy and concentrated, but if is about Kaine, guess it makes already his day bad, because they never got along but well is just for a minute so what could happen.
"A ver que quieren..." [Okay what do ya'll want]
"Uhh... Dad- I mean Boss- I mean Miguel! Lately again Kaine is not being friendly still and seems this doesn't help him... Which we are just asking you if is that fine we can send him do a mission, i can go with him if is that okay..."
Ben somehow became a bit more docile or vulnerable towards the tall mexican spider-man, which by that Kaine made an annoyed face thinking how Ben is acting like a sort of golden retriever puppy. But mostly he was even more stressed when he looked at Miguel with those eyes of pure dislike or... Hate possibly.
"Ah, yeah you. Thought you went some Margaritas then-"
"I didn't even have the time for that, Tequila-Ass."
Miguel's sarcastic phrase was quickly cut by that rude phrase from Kaine, Ben gulped a bit and just looked at both, staying silent for a bit.
"Huh, Okay."
O'hara crossed his both shoulders, he wasn't feeling intimidated or anything. So he looked away at an already portal which he was planning go to a mission but since Reilly suggested that...
"Well, i think you are lucky with it, i was planning do a mission but, seems you can be ideal for it."
"If is ideal for me die there already, would a be a pleasure then."
Kaine replied sarcastic and putting his both hands on his own waist, Ben made an even worried face as he was listening.
"Whatever you say. Just, listen here. All you need do is go to the Earth-1610, an-"
"An anomaly going around there, i know that already and if y'all excuse me, i leave for do that shit and go back to my world because i am tired."
God Kaine kept interrupting the leader's words which he reacted even more stressed, it was reasonable we guess.
"Then i'll don't waste my time on you if is that you really want, or better i should. But just, listen. You won't be alone because the anomaly is not a really easy one."
"Oh! Then i can go-"
"Ben, no. We don't need you, for now."
Ben Reilly made a sad expression and looked down for a bit but also he was confused, just aswell like Kaine who before go to the portal he turned to see Miguel.
"I have someone who you can be a great team, and kinda reminds me of you so."
That made the brothers be even more confused, specially Kaine, why he would need help if he can do it all by himself? Well at least not with Ben because although he was slowly getting better, still his crisis can appear in any time. But well, Ben's spider-sense again turned on as then he looked up, at the dark ceilings, a dark camuflaged figure was there, with glowing blue things like eight eyes, stripes and more was staring down at them and those eyes didn't look friendly, so Kaine did a defensive pose aswell Ben.
The figure jumped and then landed in the same dark distance, then the it began to get close as it walked, slowly, revealing someone...
A tall 6'7 Spider-woman with a muscular, intimidating-looking but also yet a little kinda attractive body would approach, the shoulder-spiked suit was tones of blacks and glowing light blue mentioned eye lenses, stripes, logo and spike-tips. She was just scary, there wasn't a big female spider that literally could take the same level of intimidating look as Miguel.
The siblings widened their eyes, Ben was surprised and stepped back, oh god he could even feel already his skull being crushed by her easily. While Kaine stared at her, he saw she was slightly taller than him because he was 6'4 of height. But he wasn't scared or intimidated, he was still displaying that grumpy serious face.
"So, is that the guy i go with?"
The lady named Marlette Saravia said with a low tone that showed the definition of coldness, staring at them as the mask disappeared fading away which yes, her suit was also holografic just like Miguel's by the reason of belonging a universe which was futuristic aswell but different comparing this Earth-928.
Kaine just stared at her face, his expression was still not so happy, like always. And of course a strong feeling of mistrust began already to work in his mind. Marlette raised an eyebrow slightly, angry spiders is not new to her because she was also one which could be difficult how the connection of these can work, but Kaine probably can give an oportunity of himself? Who knows.
"Just let's go already."
Kaine simply said, entering to the portal but imstead just leave her, he just waited a bit anf turned slightly to see her while putting on his mask, Marlette would activate her mask, shrugged and just followed him. While Ben watched them leave with that classic frown.
"Why didn't you let me go with him...-"
"You will always bring an useless drama during any mission, so is enough for that you know? You would indeed have a bit of time for "treat that" if you know what i mean."
Miguel explained as then he came back to his work, while Ben just looked down and left walking feeling slightly sad, and worried.
Wondering if these two can get along...
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Here is how they met i'll do another chapter of them in process of the mission they will going to do for add more slowburn. Apologies really if the Characters are OOC anf if it was veery long, but i tried my best but at least had some fun writting, hope you enjoy. :) πŸ’™πŸ•·
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spider-mar2004 Β· 19 days
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spider-mar2004 Β· 2 months
"Probably you won't, Big Beauty."
Scene from Chapter 6 from Webbed Scars i drew! I didnt really add the sunset but, just imagine it lmao.
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Imma go feral now.
Note: i forgot put Marlette's face bruises. But oh well is art so
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spider-mar2004 Β· 2 months
πŸ•Έβ€π•Žπ•–π•“π•“π•–π•• π•Šπ•”π•’π•£π•€πŸ’™πŸ•Έ
Crossed Threats
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Pairing: Kaine Parker x Marlette Saravia [Canon x OC]
Characters: Kaine Parker, Marlette Saravia, Ana Kravinoff [Earth-616] & Vulture [Earth-809070]
Summary: All the things with Kaine and Marlette were going well, their hate with each other finally vanished. But guess the life keeps challenging at them...
Warnings: Action fights, Swearing, Some Violence, Past Hints from Kaine's and Marlette's Pasts, Some Blood and Bruise But Good Ending with tiny Fluff in it.
NOTE: All villains including the earth name Earth-809070, belongs to Marlette's universe.
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Houston, Texas. 1:38 PM Earth-616
Often Ben wasn't in the universe due still being trapped of the commands of that arachnid leader. It passed few days like around a week or less. And of course already started to turn being tired, Reilly indeed missed be in his life, having his home, may not taking many nap times but at least being in his world you know? Well seems like the one who's "passing greater" there was Kaine.
He was in the streets of the city, swinging with his red with black suit. Lately the danger of the villains of this world wasn't happening often as he thought which he was clearly confused but hey, take the chance for take a stop there right? Well, as he landed on a wall from a building, he stayed there and would position himself as "sitting" pose for take a little breath because he was swinging hard and fast.
He felt somehow... Better. Like, he remembered where he felt "Alive" in his early Houston Era, of course he compared that to his current story or status, which wasn't too much difference after all. Yes he was been with women before, like with Annabelle Adams. That singer for that church where the blonde lady Ana Kravinoff, daughter of the Kraven the Hunter from this earth.
Damn it, sometimes those memories were just chaotic messy, but well he didn't want to remember again anymore. But, being honest he found more interest on Marlette, being a person just like her, well... Not sure, he never actually asked about her past, maybe know her even more could be a great idea.
Kaine Parker, ah... Being a rude man with a rough past indeed should get someone to truly support, well Aracely can help yes, but not really enough. Maybe the half, but where's his other half? Well the half piece of that feeling a piece is from his siblings, mostly Ben and of course Marlette.
Enough of those thoughts, he would jump and swing around between the buildings, for him was a normal day, until he found traffic, and a long one formed of many cars. He thought if could be an accident so without think twice he went swinging there with his white webbing. He didn't understand what happened.
Then, suddenly a big figure glitched, colorful bits on its body.
Ah shit, an anomaly. Kaine thought that could be Ben's job, but maybe give that thing a pair of kicks on its butt could make it easier, so he landed infront the strange glitching figure, posing for defense.
"Well done, a glitchy bullshit in the streets of this city? Indeed this is like a chapter from a novel made by a person in drugs."
Kaine murmured under his dark mask, while then the figure would form... A pair of robotic wings? The glitch finally finished and it was...
Vulture, From Earth-809070. Same universe from Marlette, mostly a muscular man inside of a cyborg armor based of a vulture category named "Bearded Vulture", a beautiful but yet also scary bird species. Kaine Parker widened his eyes as he saw the man in the deadly bird armor.
The armor had a helmet of the mentioned predator bird, with a screen on the eyes, animated red eyes in the screen, long claws that looked worst painful than an eagle's. The color palette were tones of oranges, pastel beige and silver, with bright orange lazer claws, wings "feathers" and tail. While the man inside was a tall 6'8 ft Canadian man, skin tan with light dyed blonde curly hair and amber eyes but that's not so important for now but, Kaine indeed felt very slightly intimidated by that futuristic appearance.
Kaine wouldn't let that bird man intimidate him, he had to form a strategy, maybe he was smaller but he could be faster and smarter. Wait... What if it could violate the canon's rules? Fuck it, it would collapse after all still if he dies first.
The Vulture would position himself and let out a loud "roar" while opening the wings. But Kaine won't let that time lose, time to work already.
Scarlet Spider-Man quickly shut the armor's beak head helmet with the webbing, then he'd slide under the enemy's body while with the webbing formed a rope connecting with the tied beak, so by that movement would make Vulture fall, but he wasn't dumb because he took the web and easily cut it with the lazer claws. Kaine growled and then he pulled out his sharp stings for then jump on Vulture and start the battle.
Fight with knifes? Nah, Fight wing Stings and Claws? Yes. The both men fighting with their sharp weapons together, the public in the background watched the scene. And of course in paparazzi mode by taking so many photos and videos.
The armoured man looked at the public, then he opened the bird head helmet's "mouth" and would let out an attack of sound waves which it made the glasses break into shatters and fling shortly smaller or light cars. Kaine covered his ears quickly, being in a short time vulnerable, Vulture taking the chance kicked him, making the spider fall against a concrete wall.
The clone groaned, he hated so much that his spider-sense was fully gone, but he didn't give up that easily. He got up and then quickly trapped the other man with again this webbing. And thanks by his some sort avanced suit he became invisible, why didn't he use that before? Anyways he crawled on the enemy's back, stabbing the back part of the armor there but it was a trick, it had a bomb!
By the contact of the sting, it exploded, although the explosion wasn't big but still could injure him and leave a layer of dark smoke, blocking the view of others.
"Fucking chicken!"
Kaine exclaimed with an annoyed growl, for then cough a pair of times by the smoke.
And by the smoke, the enemy would give another attack, tackling him with the big body for then leave flying. Kaine again fell down, coughing but as he got up, he went running, seeing the mysterious creature leaving.
He said to himself, Really not believing, lately the enemies he was dealing with weren't easily to defeat. He followed, running and then swinging with his webs fast as he could.
Boston, Massachusetts. 2:00 AM, Earth-809070.
Meanwhile Kaine was busy against that big bird armoured man in his universe, guess the life wanted to share villains from these both worlds. Because in this futuristic world there was aswell an anomaly.
A blonde woman with a dark outfit fell down from the unknown portal, she groaned as her body dropped to the hard concrete or better said... Metal. Yes, this world is too modern that classic materials like concretes and such weren't not so commonly used on the city. They were many buildings with different lights, screens, holograms, mordern-looking cars semi-floating, but with a balance of nature there.
Unlike Miguel's universe, Marlette's universe is a bit less futuristic and keeps more nature, having a balance of these. For the hunteress, found it amazing, the weather wasn't too bad either it was like pretty normal, like a night from the spring season.
Ana Kravinoff was so confused on how did she end in this strange-looking universe for her, he belonged where almost nothing of those existed. She needed to escape, but how exactly? Well she wanted search a way. But her plan on escape faded away as her eyes were locked on something.
White webbing appearing... That would belong to a spider, and not a normal one... The Hunteress grinned as she saw the sticky material and then follow hidden running for see her possibly new prey.
Marlette Saravia was swinging with that same webs, looking around with her glowing suit, her eight lenses checking the area. She often was active at night and midnights, nocturnal habits basically.
That's why her heroine name was Night-Glow.
Why not a more spider-related? Well is enough for her call Night due her dark suit, and activity at dark skies and glow by the obvious glowing details from that same suit. She landed on the floor, in a zone where no people enters for take a quick breath.
"Good thing i don't see any hints of danger here."
Would Miguel O'hara call her there is an anomaly and come help her? No, She unfortunately works for him sometimes so she knew do the job already without break the canon. But, in case of Kaine's universe? Well who knows, just maybe let them defeat them will make the job easier, and he could just take them away. But of course the big Spider-Man wouldn't want see Kaine again by obvious reason.
Anyways, Marlette would slowly think about Kaine. Wondering how he was doing, ah... These two seems to be caring at each other... But no time for lovely imaginations. Her spider-sense snapped in as she looked back and see the mysterious Hunteress attack with her pair of daggers or Knives, filled with a poison in the tips.
The Spider-Woman did a fast flip, dodging the attack and posing in defense.
"Whoa! The fuck are you doing here!?"
She hissed lowly, her spikes from her shoulders raised up.
"Tell me where i am... Arachnid Disgrace..."
The blonde woman with that russian accent said, slowly getting up from the failed attack and then jump on the taller woman.
A quick movement from Marlette took the arm of the other lady, firmly grabbing it with her strong clawed arms, which the blonde gasped and quickly would do a kick movement at her. But before do the kick with the same hand Marlette held the villain, went to the wrist and very tightly would crack injuring the bones there and then get kicked.
Ana screamed in pain and drooped the knife, her wrist not able to move anymore temporary. Marlette then became in fours for run at her and jump on, they rolled on the floor like in an intense fight of women. Luckly for Ana she could use the right hand, so with that she would use the other available knife. A fast movement from the russian made Marlette try dodge but in a bad way, which she blocked her face with hand and the knife would hurt the hand palm. Marlette hissed loudly and would start bleeding as she just pushed the evil woman away.
The Huntress fell against a wall, groaning in pain. While Marlette's holografic suit would vanish a bit for display the wound, fortunately, the wound wasn't deep enough for a new scar, but it hurted of course. Blood drops fell from her palm. That remembered, the bloody past she had to see in her story. Flashlights from her memory of blood on the floor, blurry view... No. She shook her head, the suit would cover the wound back again and she snarled.
While Ana slowly got up and glitched, groaning in pain.
"Argh Blyat!" [Shit!]
Marlette walked to her by the neck with her strong hand, pinning her against the wall while staring at her with those fierce blue eyes.
"Listen here Risitos de Oro... You don't belong to here, and don't even fucking tease me you make your skull spin 360 grades for then be headless. Understood? Now allow me send you back to your home." [Goldilocks]
Somehow the anomaly felt a bit intimidated by the firmly tone from the heroine said, and of course the size. Ana was 5'4, and Marlette 6'7, holy shit. But she wouldn't be defeated like this easily.
"Until the poison won't allow you..."
The bigger female snarled and by the paralyzing venom, it made her wounded hand be victim of that venom. So she hissed of pain like the muscles of her hand, wirst and slowly to her forearm was spreading, she dropped the enemy, feeling the pain.
These two women were in the same "hand injured" boat. Well, if one hand can, the other can do.
With the non injured hand, the huntress would give a surprise attack with her knife but the spider blocked with the other hand, grabbing it, struggling, they both can be strong at these kind of combat, so with a kick from the blonde lady would make the masked woman fell down but she would slash her with the electric filled claws from her suit. Causing another damage at the other and blood come out with sparky electric small pains as extra.
Great, both hands injured now. But Ana had more ways to defense than just her hands.
"Sure, if you can."
And here is how the fight start to be a bit more intense.
Meanwhile in Earth-616, with the men this time. Kaine would be still chasing the flying anomaly, until he got him as he shot his webbing on Vulture's leg, or talons.
Vultire looked down, the animated red eyes from the bird helmet woul form an angry expression, which could easily cut the webs with the orange lazer made claws, Kaine as saw the mini distraction, he would shoot his webbing at the bird's beak, doing a jump and land on his back.
"I was been in rodeos at this point, so nothing surprises me, little chicken."
Kaine growled and pulled the webs like the reins from the bridle of a horse. Vulture more annoyed would start do fast spins in the sky during the flight, the clone held himself tight there, getting slowly dizzy but then with one of his retractile stings would stab the base of the right wing. The villain would let out a loud robotic roar, now struggling flying.
Spider 1 - Vulture 0
He grinned under the mask, then he would use more of his arachnid fluids to tie it on the neck, pulling and trying his best for choke him. But it wasn't easy, taking the chance where Kaine's head was near on Vulture's neck, he would hit his head against the Scarlet Spider-Man's bead in backwards, causing pain and damage, whiche he fell down from him.
Now Spider 1, Vulture 1 too.
Each time, the fights of both universes became more intense at the same time, really strange how this was connected.
While in Earth-809070, Marlette and Ana were fighting with knifes and claws, struggling a bit with their non injured hands, although Ana ignored the slashed injured one, but yes there wasn't no way to use her fractured one. Night-Glow just popped an idea, she shot her webs at the Huntress Kravinoff, forming a tie around her body.
"I told you, i am not an enough animal as you think, spiders are common as shit. Why not hunt something more interesting?"
She serious mentioned, using the wrist multiuniversal device, Ana ran to her for tackle her which she dodged and then as the portal opened, Marlette would grab her and lift her, seems like the spider predator won over an animal professional huntress. But Ana won't be defeated obviously so she kicked her face, Marlette hissed loudly of pain, recieving a bruise on the side of her face, which she now angrily would rudely throw her to the portal before it closed.
After that, her mask would fade away and touch the bruise on her face, snorting. Damn it, that bitch indeed gave a last "treat" there. But sending the crazy villain to the Society could fix the things, hopefully Miguel does the final work detail there.
But actually, she made a some sort of mistake. Instead send Ana directly to the Society, she sent her back to her original universe, because the Earth-616 was the last universe she was been by the visit to Kaine. As she noticed that, her eyes widened a bit.
"Maldita sea." [Damn it]
She would open the same portal again, her mask appear, she disliked abuse this but if it's about mistakes that can lead in trouble, she should.
Now, entering to the clones' world from that multiuniversal entry, she would end on the floor there. Landing, she looked around, sounds from the police would be rushing at the way of the both men fighting. Marlette very alerted would be ready for follow to see the situation, until some few cops pointed at her with their guns. Welp, wasn't really her first time. It was okay her appearance be a bit mistaken as a villain, so with a slow turn, she stared at them.
"You seriously forget you have than just one spider. What a shame there."
She growled and her spikes from her shoulders, and now appearing spike blades from her forearms, the police men surprised were smaller comparing to her, they gulped.
"Tsk just what? Fucking bullshits."
The tall woman would shoot her webs at the guns, then quickly leave. One of the police men stared at her with very widened eyes, veeery interested seeing that attractive muscular body, the other one looked at the staring one and hit the shoulder.
"Are you serious!?"
"A- Sorry-"
Now focusing on what was happening, the black suited spider followed the direction thanks by the cops, until she arrived where she saw Kaine fighting against Vulture struggling in the middle of the air.
Her eyes, widened, along aswell her eight glowing blue lenses. This cannot be, she quickly jumped against the walls, running and then giving a high jump, landing on the enemy's back. But... Failed, the paralyzed hand made her lose her balance and fell from the distance. Kaine, not too late for notice saw her, eyes widened aswell.
He quickly jumped off from Vulture, quickly grabbing his new... "friend" and carrying her as they landed, at the start he struggled because she was a bit heavy but don't worry, he managed it.
She looked at Kaine, alerted.
"Kaine! Stop let him go! I'll be in charge of this- Argh!"
The pain from her injured hand interrupted her, Kaine, worried looked at her.
"You okay there?"
"It doesn't matter right now! Just i'mma stop this idiot!"
She tried to climb the walls but the bad hand didn't let her, she can't move a lot. But for hide that, she just used her legs for start running, for shoot her webs from her not injured hand, trying her best for pull him. But Vulture would easily pull her and slam her against the buildings' walls. She groaned, but tried her best using her resistance, then she took a breath, the glow details of her suit glowed more intense, an electric aura would slowly appear from her body, then the electricity would be connected to the web, quickly going to the enemy.
Vulture widened his eyes, then, the armor would pull out a wire, connecting to the web, a yellow electricity would appear, making the both energies collapse and create an explosion.
Glass shattered, smoke appeared like in earlier moment. By that, made the both futuristic characters recieving damage together, Marlette fell down, a bit weak, aswell with Vulture. When Marlette saw the glasses shatter, the pupils from her eyes would constrict. A flashback of herself, younger, looking all the windows from a room shatter and explode.
Vulture although was a bit weak, he had the enough few energy for keep fighting. So he would tackle her, making her fall against on a car, the car's alarm sound on. The bird man was now start to running for end her, but Kaine wouldn't allow that. He took a random damaged car from the early fight and throw it at him.
"Kill him, Kaine..." Those words were in Kaine's mind, the most violent side of him slowly rising up. When the anomaly got hit by that, and also glitched, he took the moment for go at him, using the same stings, would stab the connection of the back and the damaged wing's base, for then with his strong arms would take it and, with all of his streight, rip it off, wires moving and sparking a lot while the bird roared.
"End him." His mind said, having the victim now vulnerable towards his eyes, with his sting, he would fast move it to the back part of neck, but stopped at Marlette screamed.
Her voice snapped his nearly assassin behavior vanish. He shook his head and noticed he was close to kill Vulture. No... The Spider-man stepped back as his stings went back to inside his wrists.
"You are not an assassin Kaine, and Don't dare bring that Kaine back again." He thought, his mind, triggered by the tons of crimes he commited, the people he killed brutally.
He stayed there, half froze, while Marlette slowly got up, walking to him for then push the car adove the cyborg bearded vulture away, then she would tangle him with her webbing, using the device again but in pain by the early poison's effect, opening a portal with the code of her universe and send him back there, struggling of course.
While the scarred clone, without say any word he just stayed silent, the bloody past from him stuck there yet again. But Marlette walked to him and put her not injured hand on his shoulder.
"You should control your impulses there. Kill him does nothing, and worst, you would be in a serious trouble."
Kaine sighed and looked at Marlette.
"I... I know. But the way he hurted you-"
"I can defend myself with that, i deal with it so i am fine."
Kaine looked down, a little ashamed but his protective instincts with her became stronger, just like he did with Aracely when he met her.
"But, i owe you one. Nobody used help me like that unexpected so. Thanks."
Her voice softened, giving a small sigh in relief. While Kaine's eyes softened as she stared at her.
Their suit masks' eyes lenses locked staring at each other. While the public there said an "Awww", Kaine quickly looked and growled, having a small blush under his mask, while Marlette with now an annoyed face looked away.
"Whatever, guess seems like a crazy russian woman belongs here, she appeared somehow mines, i was about right now send her but... Nah."
"Yeah better no, after all wouldn't change anything or something. And i know her that's... Ana Kravinoff."
"Ah-huh, i see. Why not if we can just leave here? These people makes me feel weird, specially that one."
She pointed at the public and then at that same police man who was staring at her like in love eyes. Which Kaine nodded agreed, so as she left, Kaine walked to that in love distracted police man and gave a low growl.
Already territorial, geez.
When he followed her, they ended on the rooftop of a big house this time, the clone took off his mask with a sigh.
"Couldn't believe it i did a spider-society shit job without being member of that."
"I guess so. But you did a great job, that bird dude was just a problematic as always."
Her mask faded away, revealing her bruised face. As he saw her like that, he felt a bit worried.
"How did-"
"Dealing with your evil russian lady does answer your question?"
She side-eyed at him, who didn't say any other word. Marlette's suit would vanish only the part of her wounded hand, with now darker blood there, good thing the effect was slowly dying due her strong immune system. Which, the brown eyes from Kaine would bring a bigger worry but, just not showing it.
"Ah yeah erm... She uses poison knives things so, sorry about that... But, need a help?"
"Not your fault, is okay is just... Life's things and no, not needed."
Marlette looked at Kaine, her blue eyes locked on his eyes, slowly, feeling calm. Trying relax after the intense events.
"I can invite you where i am staying to rest. You deserve it."
Kaine's voice softened even more. Offering her something that could make her feel better.
"What? Ah no no, no thanks i can just go-"
"Are you going to deny my help? After you helped me so much?"
His face became a lil annoyed one, then Marlette with a small grumpy sigh finally accepted.
"Fine... But if i pass shame, i'll leave."
"Probably You won't, Big Beauty."
That last nickname made her look at him with a confused also annoyed face, with hint of blush on her cheeks. Kaine blushed a bit more and snorted.
"Urgh whatever. Just let's go."
He put his mask on, and leave, leaving a distance where she can follow him.
Before follow, she blinked a pair of times, feeling her heart having a weird sensation... But a good one.
Then, she would follow after her mask activated, and swing off with him with one hand.
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Dios mio, such a long text there heeeelp πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
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spider-mar2004 Β· 3 months
πŸ•Έβ€π•Žπ•–π•“π•“π•–π•• π•Šπ•”π•’π•£π•€πŸ’™πŸ•Έ
Possible Chance
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Pairing: Kaine Parker x Marlette Saravia [Canon x OC]
Characters: Kaine Parker, Marlette, Ben Reilly & Aracely Penalba
Summary: From taking a look for a small visit, To now big storm of feelings would start to suddenly appear.
Warnings: Mild Angst, Venting, Ranting, Swearing, Mentions of Blood and Violence but also actually Fluff!
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A pair of days later, during a subtile cold night around of more than seven o'clock. After a bit of the intense moments of the spider-people, in Earth-616, in Houston Texas, Kaine would be in the apartment that Aracely offered to stay, he was been a pair of nights, plus this one would count now as three. At some point, he didn't like "abuse" staying in too much time in a home doesn't belong to his, after all he was used in stay different places, even sewers aswell but wouldn't be great idea stay there with the rats...
But well, anyways. The older clone was just preparing the bed, staying all organized but being also very thoughtful, like his brain was producing a storm of thoughts which some could make his emotions worried and maybe turn them into anxiety if he keeps doing that, He tried his best for distract his mind and not waste his time on just, bad things from his mind.
After he finished doing the bed, he would slowly lay down, facing down, his head resting on the soft pillow, his long hair kinda covering it and he closed his brown eyes, relaxing himself bit by bit. It was hard, everything was difficult and all intense, but, he would just focus on the healing words of Aracely. Maybe with her he could take some piece of hope, wishing if this chaos could someday, end already.
". . . Just let it be Kaine... Let the time decide."
Kaine mumbled to himself in a quiet tone, calming himself down even more. He obviously wasn't the one who chooses what can happen next, all just, wait for a chance for fix his broken life. In a few seconds happened, Aracely would now appear on the entry of the bedroom he was, sighing softly.
"Kaine, mind if i turn off the lights? You should take another rest, you was been many days like that so possibly taking another day of enough rest would help."
Aracely aswell tried her best for make Kaine feel even more, which yes it was helping but unfoetunately not fully. But well at least is something better than nothing, Kaine would appreciate it to be honest.
Kaine slowly nodded, agreed, he was a man with some sensitive eyes towards the light directly because by being used in the darkness often by his spider DNA and such. As Penalba saw the nod and approved, she turned off the lights and slowly closed the door for leave him rest and some space alone.
In the other hand, Ben Reilly would be in the Spider-Society, resting his head on the table on the "Cafeteria" or lunch space where the silly hamburgers with Miguel's mask face are. Reilly was with his arms crossed, face down, closed eyes, poor of the blonde guy he was getting tired lately by those missions... And curiously not being hungry which is strange for him not eat a lot or well, at least skip the lunch. He had his food infront him, the burger and fries but usually he is not very into it because he cares a lot about his physical so he would more like often eat healthy food. Of course waste the food is not good either, he got a small idea give it to someone else but... As he opened his eyes and looked around for give the food, everyone seemed have already their lunch but there was someone missing...
Apart of his brother of course...
Oh, Marlette!
He remembered, Marlette never really liked be in spaces with so many people by her introverted nature. And of course he would need be careful because there can be a chance for get her hostile, so grabbing the plate and carefully holding it, he went walking off, looking for her while he yawned, shaking his head with his handsome blonde hair.
He struggled find her because she wasn't in such common places, until he saw a dark part of the place, tliting his head he thought possibly she could be there, she was used being in dark places often. With a small nervous sigh, he would inflate his chest a bit for show bravery to himself and go to the dark area. As he entered, he looked around.
"U-uhm hello? Marlette are you... Here? Erm... Sorry if i really annoy you or anything but i bought you some food, it was mines... Just, i didn't want and you know wasting food is so bad, you know how many people wishes for it-"
His long sentence would be very quiet at the final as he saw blue things glowing blue, including a spider-logo and eight eyes, like staring at his soul. Which she gulped and he would put the plate down, somehow Ben respected Marlette so much and aswell intimidated by her, c'mon a strong and big buff woman? Why not get scared or nervous at it?
The tall figure walked to Ben closer, she made a low hiss and then looked down at the foor, she slowly bended down and took the plate.
"Gracias, ahora vete." [Thanks, now go away]
Using her hispanic language, she would use that low and serious tone as a warning, Ben didn't really understand what exactly she said but by that tone from her voice he could assume she was meaning something to leave her. Which with a nervous nod he just stepped back and then left walking a little fast, Geez not sure why Benny would feel like he was a magnet of tall people.
So, as he turned on the portal for go to his universe, he would sigh, just being tired because poor of him felt so overwhelmed and stressed. Leaving the place for then arrive to his own universe, landing on the wall of a building, crawling on it.
Marlette as she saw Ben enter to that portal, she didn't thought twice as she dropped the food, her apetite was gone temporary and then she just ran and jumped in it. Traveling to that same world. When she appeared, she landed on that same wall, at the start she was nearly fail and fall but thanks by her strong claws she firmly held herself. Then turning her head for see the city, seeing the sky becoming dark, and the glow from her own suit details would start light up slowly, so with a small and quiet sigh. The world looked very simple to her but, she found it more calmer than her universe, since she followed Ben, this surely can be Kaine's world aswell as she wondered.
Actually, she followed Ben to see Kaine. But somehow Marlette would need be careful on don't ruin anything, being sneaky just like a literal spider would start crawling on walls, and then sometimes swinging off with her webbing.
Until as some minutes happened next, she kinda gave up on search Kaine, snorting a bit stressed she would land on the top of a building, not noticing it was the apartment that the clone Parker was staying at. She stared at the new dark sky, crossing her arms, head raising up for stare at the shiny stars for try to chill her smokes, basically, calm down her stress a bit.
But, she suddenly felt a wave of slight tickles in her brain which was her classic spider-sense turning on. Another spider, and hopefully could be him, so she would start crawl down on the walls, the more near she was getting, the more stronger her senses became. She finally arrived on the window of the apartment, basically on the bedroom's window, seeing at Kaine laid down there.
She could knock the window, but, in other side she was "shy" for do it, not wanting even annoy him.
Kaine as he stretched his strong arms, slowly turning his body facing up, yawning he would then turn his head to the side directly at the window. But when he saw the blue glowing things he flinched and growled, pulling out his stings.
"Hey, it's me dude, put your stings down there and open."
Marlette firmly hissed, her eight eyes lenses from her mask semi-closed. Kaine hearing that voice, he slowly would make his stings hide back, and then he walked to open the window for allow her enter.
"What are you doing here!? How also did you..."
Kaine confused asked, slightly tliting his head while staring at her with his brown eyes. And his voice tone was neutral, not having that default grumpy tone he always spoke.
"Possibly taking a view on you and this... Pretty universe i guess."
The taller woman took a detailed look around the bedroom, which was simple but organized, giving slight nods as her mask faded away for reveal her scarred face.
"Thought you would be messy, but i was wrong."
The long haired man rolled his eyes as she kinda teased him.
"Whatever you say. Tell me, what do you want?"
Kaine questioned to Marlette, why did she just come like nothing happened, why that sudden visit?
". . . For only see you and make sure if you are okay. I heard that was expelled from the society, which... Really, disappointing from him."
She snorted and glanced to Kaine, who blinked a pair of times, how did this grumpy person just like him is worried?
"But... It's not your fault or anything, we had just a difference but after all i won't come back to that fucking hell."
He sat down with an annoyed face staring at the bed. Marlette sat down next him slowly for be a bit closer.
"Listen, i know we are not so friendly together or any shit you think. But, apart of not so agreed with y'know exactly who, i may also end kicked out from that place aswell someday, who knows if this would be the last visit. That's why i came here."
She explained, Kaine's eyes and expression softened but not happy, more like a mix between slight sad and worried, although he tried to hide it when the last words from her sentence appeared from her lips.
". . . Well... If it that really happens i... Appreciate it, or i don't know really..."
"You don't look great at these moments, Pelito." [Lil hair]
She raised up an eyebrow, her blue eyes locked on his eyes, which he would try to make a lie, he wouldn't want her worry so much about him.
"I am fine Marlette, Just all these things happening blocked my mind... Pretty sure you get what i mean."
Looking down, he closed his eyes, trying his best to hide all the pain he was trying to recover. The woman studied his expressions, she knew something wasn't right, but the wounds of his cheek caused by Miguel called more her attention.
"I assume Miguel gave you a lesson there."
She slowly would trace the wounds drying with her thumb slowly and gently, but as Kaine felt the contact he hissed a little of pain and turned to see her baring his teeth in defensive way.
"Don't touch me!"
And, something not common, or well nothing common popped, did he... Blush? Not much obviously but it was noticeable beinh close.
The woman listened and retired her hand quickly, blinked few times. her expression neutral but for inside curious by that blush he had.
"Sorry then..."
"Ugh... No it's... It's okay just don't do that again because it kinda hurts..."
He a bit ashamed would cover his face with one of his hands, sighing.
She looked away slowly, a slight akward silence would bring on the situtation, both not looking at each other, just no dialogues. Until she decided try to break it, wouldn't really make sense a visit without a talk, at least a short one.
"Are you sure you won't come back?"
"Totally sure, that's a hell already so why i would come back?"
"Curiosity from my part, but... Guess i'll try my best for visit you often."
Kaine's eyes widened slightly hearing her in confusion.
"Why? I... I don't think that could be a great idea..."
"I said i'll try."
". . . Then, why you do this? Why you uh... Care of me? If you know i am a just miserable."
The clone shrugged slowly.
"Possibly because we share something in common, there's always a reason why both we are rough and we hated each other at first."
She affirmed, her tone softening a little as she talked more with those kind of words.
"In common maybe is just our harsh personalities or... Story..."
Saying the "story" word, his past memories would slowly try to appear from his mind, he shook his head.
"Nevermind, doesn't matter...-"
"I would love hear your story. Maybe, i can try understand you."
Kaine surprised looked at her, did... Did someone else than Aracely and Ben would be interested hear his story and... Care of him. Could be her glow a light of hope? Anyways, he cleared his throat.
". . . This could be... Chaotic, rough and not so friendly-"
"Dude, the word friendly never existed. Spit it out."
That firm voice from her would make him tell already his story, at the start he struggled because the trust issues. But, seeing at her, he could try this new chance with her. So he would inhale and try to calm down his triggering.
"Fine then. I... I was born in not a natural way, i was created, cloned from Peter Parker by a stupid bitch named... Urgh i can't."
He struggled snorting angrily and looking away quickly, Marlette would gently put her hand on his shoulder for try calm down.
"You can do it, relax yourself, i am here."
Kaine looked again at her, softening his expression then he nodded.
"Okay... Just... I was created by a fucking scientist, that bastard made me for be some sort of experiment, which i am actually a failed clone. That's why my skin looks awful... A failure i am. But whatever, Being a miserable and used only as a tool which... Not gonna lie but i wasn't a good guy, i was even more violent and aggresive than the current me. I used hurt others, tourture them, leaving their blood turn cold as its outside, having that crimson liquid on the palm of my hands, and blame Peter and Ben by my existance I hated Peter mostly because he had everything i never had, his happiness, loved ones, all of his shit that gave me a storm of envy. As the time passed i gave up on being the monster i was so... I tried be better, but i think i am more like failing, guess the bastard creator of Jackal was right, i am designed to fail, not for get better. I didn't even know who i was in that time but, guess i got my title of a clone then. And that's how basically this "Scarlet Spider-Man" origin."
Kaine after tell his short story now, Marlette paid all of her attention on him, understanding every detail of him. Most likely or well actually Kaine suffere physical and mental problems mostly due his failed clonation. She felt sympathy for him so she shook her head slowly.
"Hm, thought your past or story would be longer but i can still see or sense the enough reasons why you are like that. Possibly you could use it as a mini excuse of why being stubborn ass."
She smirked slightly, teasing him a little.
The man irritated would close his eyes, sometimes he wishes shut up her if she keeps teasing like that. But all jokes aside, she understood all.
"But, i understand, basically a clone's mental health is even more complicated than physical health, well i mean same difficult but more the mentally one. Because if i am not wrong your genetics are uh, unfortunately messed up. Although there could be a chance of all the pain you had to suffer can be gone. I had a rough story too."
She explained trying her best about why he had those feelings, she was from a futuristic world so she maybe would know about that kind of information.
"I mean... With those scars on your face i can tell..."
"Yeah, scars tells our story. And is not displaying vulnerability, more like the much you had to handle so many things. I can fully understand you Kaine, which... I am sorry if i was an ignorant at the start."
"No no, Actually you didn't even know about this..."
"Anyways. I am totally sure that everything will be fine, if you struggle on those thoughts and feelings, i can come here, and listen you. I will not fucking even care if you have weird things, i just... Have a feeling you might have something special, or not sure."
Something special...? On him? Well more like yes, he cared about her first but she didn't fully know. Really those calming words from her which very rarely happens, would feel... Appreciated.
And... Maybe soon loved...?
The both pair of eyes stared at each other, pupils dilated, both slowly starting to share some feelings they never felt.
"I appreciate it Marlette. Really, I never expected you are like... This caring."
"Fact you are lucky that i am taking trust on you."
Actually, she already took trust on him. Kaine may can be harsh, and that kind of stuff but by these new things could turn him into a gentle and loyal man for her.
He could see the light of hope waiting for him.
Never gave enough trust like this on someone else, much less someone he met in not so much time ago.
May he doesn't have spider-sense, but he may have a hope with her.
"Is that fine if we can finally get along in missions? I ask because we both stubborns like mules."
Marletted questioned, Kaine shook his head quickly as he was distracted looking at those pretty eyes.
Although at the start of their disliking he feared of them a lil if he stared for too long.
"Ah yeah, sure. This time we won't mess up."
He slowly nodded, agreed what she said.
"Neat. Well, is a pleasure know about you, Kaine Parker."
A soft and warm smile came from her lips, that smile... Didn't come in a long time... God damn it, is this really happening between these two?
"Same with you i think, Marlette."
Kaine gave back that smile aswell, giving now a calm ambience. But Marlette got up when the wirst device would start sound, it was Miguel's call which it indeed broke the time. But she hung it.
"Urgh, I have to go, i am sorry."
She frowned, aswell him but as she got up from the bed and was walking to the window, was interrupted again.
"Wait, before..."
Kaine got up from the bed and he would slowly and carefully hug her.
Excuse me what? How, or more like, since when Kaine became like that expressive? This surprised Marlette a lot, she thought he would be more cold or something. But the reality is... He wanted comfort. He wanted someone else for support, help and appreciate him...
With a soft sigh, she would hug him back, both hearts would be beating fast, but Kaine's beated faster.
"Will may you come back someday?"
The warmth from themselves made the ambience of tranquility come back. The clone closed again his eyes, not wanting let her go, since he was a bit shorter than her, he laid his head on her shoulder, with a final subtile snuggle. Which Marlette would give soft caresses on his back, as they finished in seconds later, they looked at each other again.
"I promise i'll come back."
She softly said, then she would lean her forehead on him, with her eyes closed, both blushing slightly.
"Don't tell the others about this. And please, be careful with him."
"Tus secretos son mis secretos. Take care of yourself, Love yourself too. And i know what i am doing." [Your secrrts are my secrets]
She moved away, then opened the window and opened the portal, her mask turning on. She turned to see him one "last time" , giving a wave.
Kaine with his frown he gave also a wave.
"Care yourself too."
Marlette nodded, then she would hop in the multiversal door, and it closed.
He slowly sat down on the bed staring at the portal's location, he can't believe about this.
He never knew about this loyal part of her, he made the mistake of treat her bad first but well not fully his fault, was his nature.
But, he found the hope on her.
While, behind the door and walls, Aracely was listening everything, she smiled that her fatherly figure might find someone to love.
"Seems like the spider fell on the webs of the love ooooh."
She whispered to herself while holding a giggle, she listened everything or well more like the most important information.
All the spiderwebs will have a connection.
And this connection, would turn into a strong and indestructive web.
The new chance will come, Kaine. Just take the patience.
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Ahhhhh!!! Santo Cristo i got so excited writting this!! These two indeed will be a good couple, let's pray that happens πŸ™πŸ’™
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spider-mar2004 Β· 3 months
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Webbed Scars Moodboard πŸ•Έβ€πŸ’™πŸ•Έ
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spider-mar2004 Β· 3 months
Hello!! I got a question. Do Marlette and Kaine take turns taking care of Oliver when one of them need to go fight crime? Are there times where they bring Oliver to the fight (like if one of them are out on the street and they witness a crime it’s like a last minute kinda thing?)
Hiiii!! Glad to see u!
The answer is yes, mostly the one who takes care of Oliver is Kaine. Which is funny see how a man takes the "mom role", but all depends the age.
When Oliver was/is (still doesn't exist rn in webbed scars lol) newborn, Marlette becomes 24/7 taking care of him by obvious reasons.
But as he grows into a toddler/small kid, Kaine takes the role but taking turns too. Depending the crimes, and in case the situation is hard, they always let Ben or Aracely babysit him. And in case the missions are like safe, Marlette takes him for show and teach him the hero life (of course won't put her kid on risk) although, Kaine is not fully agreed due being more protective.
[Ben also ends with bite marks on hands because Oliver is a biter with him]
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(Btw Ollie can breath with that closed hoodie mask dw)
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spider-mar2004 Β· 3 months
πŸ•Έβ€π•Žπ•–π•“π•“π•–π•• π•Šπ•”π•’π•£π•€πŸ’™πŸ•Έ
Hints leads the Danger
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Pairing: Kaine Parker X Marlette Saravia [Canon x OC]
Characters: Kaine Parker, Ben Reilly, Marlette & Miguel O'hara
Summary: During the event of Miles Morales' escape, The searching began, But seems like Kaine felt something that won't end really good...
Warnings: Discussions, Swearing, Spanish Dialogues and swearings [Translated], Mild Mention Of Injury bruise, Empathy from Kaine [Not in love, empathy on Ben and Marlette], (Mild?) Mystery Tension and Slowburn.
[Includes Flashback]
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After the event of Miles Morales being chased by thousands of Spider-Persons, it was some sort of "sucessfully" until he unfortunately ended in another universe which was Earth-42, and still... He would be more like searched by mostly the boss O'hara.
A cold night, dark and covered of dull clouds, having a rain of cold droplets falling from the sky, lights on, slight breeze on the ambiance. All happening in Miles' world, Earth-1610. On a building with intense red lights, three spiders appeared from the portal, who were Jessica Dew, Ben Reilly and obviously Miguel O'hara. The search would start now, separating each one on go different locations so it could be easier and faster for find.
Let's for now focus a lil on Ben Reilly, being loyal with the tall boss Spider-Man, he would be on a building, crouched down and guarding, looking around with his eyes under his mask and feeling his suit slowly get a bit wet by the rainy weather, trying to make a plan during this journey. Meanwhile then, his sibling clone Kaine Parker, would be in the society pensative, not understanding almost nothing about how "everyone" chase a poor teen. He was one of the very few who didn't chase, or well better said listened to Miguel.
By some coincidences by the life, as he began to walk, looking down with his masked face, just overthinking of the situation just happened, he tried to understand but How...? Why...? He would wonder. Anyways, since he didn't have spider-sense he accidentally would bump on... Marlette? Ohhh great.
The big lady's spider-sense tingled but didn't give really time for dodge, but yes quickly grab his neck and growl, her shoulder spikes raised up in defensive. But as he noticed it was Kaine, she dropped him. The scarred Spider-Clone felt his own heart stop for a second as he didn't expect that.
"What the fuck happens with you!?"
"Argh, it's you..."
Marlette snorted, she was some sort of annoyed, or bad mood let's say. Kaine slowly got up, clearing his throat.
"Uh, whatever. You wouldn't be on that... Miguel's shit right?"
"What do you mean exactly? Oh wait, that mission on hunt that poor kiddo?"
"Yeah, Since you listened him in that stupid lizard event we had."
Kaine crossed his both arms, these two didn't have actually communication, which was great, i guess.
"Not really, Okay yes i listened him on that moment but is nothing really about i support him or anything, after all the one who can be only bossy with me is myself."
Marlette Explained, the spikes from her shoulder slowly bended down as she calmed herself down. Kaine listened, unsure about that.
"If you say so, I wouldn't listen him to be honest, we never... Got along by some reason. But i wouldn't really... reccomend, or is just me. Miguel might possibly use you, who knows, i mean since you had potencial shit. Plus that mission of chase that young dude wasn't like to be agreed, which i don't see something good there."
Kaine looked away as he warned for a second, then by the word "deal" he remembered something, Marlette said that she had a deal with Miguel, so he decided quickly ask about it.
"Wait... You once told me about you also had a deal with Miguel, may can i know what was that thing exactly?"
Marlette's mask disappeared in holografic as she heard that question from him, her face was showing some slight confusion, why did he say "use her" by her potencial? Yes she mistrust Miguel, but a huge mistrust like Kaine had? Not really, but since she was also kinda mistrusting, she wouldn't listen the half of his opinion, but well she just answered the simple question.
"Uh,huh. The deal we did was just about he-"
The phrase she was saying was interrupted by a call from Miguel, she sighed annoyed and rolled her blue eyes for then accept the call. Miguel's orange-ish hologram appeared.
"DΓ­game, que quieres ahora." [Tell me, what do you want now.]
"I need you go to the universe Earth-1610. Is not for hunt Miles, i clearly know that you won't do it, but i would need a big favor. If is that fine just come, we have something to talk."
Miguel said, At the start Marlette wasn't really sure about it, Kaine also listened, that bad feeling from him grew even more. Marlette snorted softly, what exactly Miguel wanted?
"The favor is come, but could you give me at least few more details, please?"
"I think you would be so interested of a plan i got about deal with her."
Her...? Who's her? Marlette clearly knew what he meant, her pupils would contract slightly, Kaine was even much more confused, not understanding this, and even really unsure if ask what's going on.
"I'll come now."
She would cut the call, her face serious, her mask formed on, typing the earth's name, a portal opened as she finished, then before enter, she turned to see Kaine, just like him did that to her when they met each other.
"If you want, i can talk to you after this. I feel you are drowing into the ocean of the confusion."
She serious said, after then leave. Kaine just stared, pensative, what's wrong with her... He doesn't feel good now, something in his mind is telling him this will not end good. But for calm down a bit himself because too many questions could just make him explode mentally, he went to Miguel's control center, Toochae! With that, it could help Kaine for understand what's going on! And take the moment where Miguel is not there.
Kaine as he arrived to the control center, he would start checking all around of it, staring at the orange bright screens, there was some numbers, information and... a hidden opened archive? Kaine with his finger touched on that, which it opened and would reveal a video which was recorded, about Miguel and Marlette meeting eachother in this place.
[Video on, a time ago.]
It started with Marlette coming to the place, her mask disappearing for reveal her face which was kinda bruised by a fight she had in her own universe, Miguel would be there, hands behind, masked face, on the screens until he saw the precense of the big woman. He activated the plataform to put him down slowly... Like he usually likes according to Peter B. Parker.
"Huh, why the fuck did you bring me here? What is all of this?"
Marlette stressed asked, she wasn't happy, she was in her more hostile moments after fights, reasonable for a mistrusted and fierce lady.
"I'm Miguel O'hara as you see, so i know are you Marlette Saravia Giulianni, a Spider-Woman from the Earth-809070, futuristic world like here but of course different and a bit less avanced as i see."
". . . Correct... And where's the reason why i am in this place?"
"The answer for that question is, i studied a lot about you and your world, you seem to be... Interesting, Your history and canon events seems a bit different from others, Aswell being so powerful thanks by the avanced holografic suit, your abilities and... Bio-electricty from your organism that kept the crime stats low, keeping that city safe with risking your life a lot, and more rough, huh."
"Seems like also you know my private life, don't you?"
Marlette annoyed raised an eyebrow, not liking this situation.
"Well... May i sound rude, but unfortunately for know, yes. But is okay, i respect it, it was your events so nothing too bad will happen next, plus already in the past as you almost completed them, past just like the electric scars from your back."
Every more sentence O'hara said, Marlette felt a wave of mistrust, and surprise, Miguel knew it all, he knows because the concept and studies he had about the multiverse.
"Don't even tell me you saw me nak-"
"No seΓ±orita, i am not focused on that, i focus about the story and current events of you, your universe. And is nothing bad, more like... I have something that possibly you could accept."
Marlette stayed silent, listening Miguel with all of her attention.
"You've passed rough times since you got your abilities, and still going on, i know is your duty, and sometimes, you feel tired from problems already. Is understanding for all us Spider-people, but i can offer you can stay here, we have anything, i know you are from also the future but like i said, a bit less avanced, but anything you need, is here. Take a rest maybe, Which also i can help you with that, stay away from those problems which are... Stuck in your mind, but in change could be... You can help me on do missions defeating stronger anomalies here, entiendes?" [You Understand?]
Miguel explained, giving her some deal offer and trust. At the start Marlette wasn't feeling agreed with that but... The fact of have a rest after the rough moments she had, the dealing with powerful villains everyday or well, better everynight by her nocturnal habits, made her think, wouldn't be too bad idea Miguel just help with that.
"Hmmm... I need clarify you first, that i won't be a fucking slave to you. Second, i can be boss of myself instead you, someone like that doesn't go with me. Not sure if i can accept what you say, but i warn you that i won't follow all your rules, got it?"
She said with a low hiss at the finale, Miguel understood, of course he wasn't a dumb.
"Well, seems fair, but also... What about exactly if i can also help get rid of her? I see you struggle a lot with the White Terror there."
Okay, Marlette would be now conviced, with a distant look she gave, she nodded slowly. White Terror... That name sounded about a very powerful villain. But thing that she didn't know actually Miguel lied, because if he do that, he could break the canon of her universe. Geez, this man had a such knowledge about the multiverse, he already broke a canon so.
". . . Y'know what? Whatever you win, i can accept, but if you cheat this shit, i swear i'll snap your neck."
"RΓ©lajate dama, How a Spider-Man dare betray his people? Well in some from the multiverse but, i am not those. Now, you are allowed to leave." [Relax lady]
Marlette quietly nodded again, then she left the room, leaving Miguel alone. Lyla, the AI assitant would pop appearing on the boss' shoulder.
"Registering her... Seems like she is potent, she is very powerful!"
Lyla said, as Miguel turned to see the screens where there was videos of her fighting, defeating villains, she indeed seemed powerful but obviously not a over-powered heroine. Miguel hummed quietly agreed
"We would need her join to our team, but don't worry. I know exactly how tame this wild spider to belong with us, so thanks by her and our team we're going to keep the humanoid arachnopolymultiverse safe, so none of these miseries of anomalies will escape from us."
Miguel serious said, his mask disappeared, his eyes became bright bloody red.
[End of the video]
Kaine, without words his eyes widened a bit, his face was unmasked as he started see the video, then his expression changed into a really annoyed one. How did Miguel dare... Of course he was known as to be a great hero this universe as his duty, help and save others, and of course keep the multiverse in order. But sometimes Miguel's ideology escapes from his hands, or well clawed hands. Is okay defeat anomalies, Because by them them can damage other worlds but... He destroyed a world when he got contact with his daughter Gabriella.
Analizying the things, Indeed Miguel would no just use Marlette as some tool for keep the multiverses safer, there was something else there... The feeling wouldn't never leave. Not just Marlette... Aswell Ben? Okay Ben although he had his random crisis, he was pretty good at combat. But... There risks, what if... Oh no, what if Ben and Marlette accidentally breaks a canon? They can become anomalies by accident, and Miguel could even... Kill them just like he nearly did with Miles?! Without think twice, Kaine with his stings from his wrists destroyed Miguel's keyboards and controls!?
"You fucking Bastard Miguel!"
Kaine angrily stabbed the devices violently, then he stopped as he saw them destroyed and leaving some sparks. He unlocked something... A sentiment towards his brother, which wasn't new, he was evil before in the 90's but then he had to change for Ben and Peter from same earth. But the new one would be towards Marlette, having an empathy take over him. He put on his mask and then, with the device universe-traveler, enter in a portal and in action.
Scarlet Spider-Man's new Mission, on.
Coming back to Earth-1610, the small team of three members would be in their action. Miguel would be traveling to building each building, stepping on the rooftops. By the other hand, Ben Reilly would be also helping, going around the city swinging with his webs, until he was caught by someone from the darkness. It was Kaine! They fell together rolling on a rooftop from a smaller building, defending themselves as then Ben noticed him.
"K-Kaine!? What are YOU doing!?"
"Who even cares Ben, drop this already!"
When they stopped and jumped back into a backflip for give each other distances, Ben tlited his head in confused, why Kaine was here? What's going on? He wondered.
"What do you mean!? I am busy Miguel can kill me!"
"That's what could literally happen to you! If you make the mistake!"
"What mistake!? I am trying to help!"
"Helping about to kill someone!? Without any reason like he tried disappear a kiddo with his claws? Slamming him on a fucking train!?"
"This is not killing! Is just stop him! You know what Miguel did all for us!?"
Ben slightly yelled, breathing a bit heavy. Kaine snorted.
"You are being such a dog to him... How pathetic..."
"Being his dog? Really? Kaine, brother. This is all for our goods!"
"I don't see any logic on chase a young dude and kill him just because he broke a canon and might break another one after all."
Ben growled, he was too loyal with the Spider-society's leader.
"But by him he made a powerful multiversal villain!"
Kaine's voice sounded now yelling and firmly, Ben stepped back and stayed silent, widening his eyes a bit.
"Fucking bastard, are you Blind? Deaf? Or what? The fact Miguel keeps us in a society made by him doesn't mean that we are safe, we are also in a higher risk. We did our canon shits, now who cares? Being his slave now? For hunt more anomalies that would after all destroy universes anyways because the fucking time decides it!? Following the rules of an idiot that thinks he is the boss of every universe? Dude, you can die by this! There is always a chance of make a mistake!"
"If you are enough for avoid them,it won't happen!"
"Even if you want AVOID them, will always still happens-"
"WHATEVER! This is what you say "Is MY bussiness" ! Get back to our world or something now!"
Ben yelled with the first word, he didn't really want listen due the royal nature he had but... After hear the clone, he just would be lost in his mind, two sides, each one with different concept and opinion... Who to listen? His clone brother? Or his universal boss? Poor of him, he would be tangled mentally now.
"Okay, as you wish then."
Kaine coldly mentioned, not wanting listen and discuss anymore. Then he silently after he left swinging with his webbing, Ben watched him leave, with a frown on his expression...
Where's she...
Enough now of these guys, Marlette arrived, she felt the cold breeze and rain slowly start to be stronger, the blue details from her suit glowed, until she saw an intense red glow on a muscular man silhouette standing there. She crawled at it, noticing Miguel, she got up and walked to him.
"I arrived, what do you need."
Miguel without say anything, he disappeared his mask and turned to see Marlette, fingers with his claws out.
"Now explain me the stupid plan you got."
"Actually the plan i had in mind, i've decided somwthing. Bring Miles Alive here, because i feel he's not in this universe."
"Miguel, i already told you, that i won't follow that command."
"But is obligatory, he should be here because this is his real home, but i clearly assume that he went to another universe somehow by the come-back home machine shit."
"For then you murder him hm? Mira aqui, y escucha. I won't be responsable of that. I wouldn't be fair for him." [Look here and listen]
"Look i promise that i won't harm him, all i'll just is help him on avoid mistakes that can destroy and kill a thousands of lives."
"Save his father is not a Mistake Miguel. Plus what changes could happen if he does that? Let himself do his story differently, why mines and others were also different?"
"The main events for become a spider-man doesn't matter how the dynamic of the story has, it always follow a one timeline. Just, try bring him here, at his original home."
"Eres un hijo de perra de verdad..." [You're a son of a bitch indeed.]
Marlette spat, her mask disappeared she would growl, not even wanting listen like a wild animal she was.
"Ah con que eso? What about the deal, hm? Would you love be in your universe, carrying all the pain, stress and responsability on dealing everything there? What about also deal with that someone who seem to be stronger than you? And fact you are good at combat skills." [Ah so is with that?]
Okay, Marlette would shut up her mouth but her expression would be nearly explosive of rage, she didn't want this! But the spider-sense interrupted this and saw someone approach.
Kaine Parker finally arrived and would land infront Miguel, taking off his mask.
"O'hara! You don't have the rights for force her do this shit!"
"Argh este pendejo de nuevo... Is an important mission Kaine, She will bring the kid here AND not for be KILLED, just bring him home and we'll talk with him about it." [Argh this dumbass again]
"Then search him by yourself then! And DO NOT drag Ben into this anymore!"
Kaine's eyes turned into red, in rage while snarling. Miguel's eyes became also red too but this time a slight blooded tone.
"Kaine, i don't have time for this bullshit, go back to the Society, or else..."
Miguel also growled, the two fierce spider-men stared at each other's eyes, having a strong tension, Kaine knows it, he knows what could just happen next.
Marlette didn't hold anymore this, so she ran off and jumped off from the building, she opened her arms, holografic blue webs appeared being gliders, so she would glide leaving the scene very stressed and upset.
Kaine looked back at her leave with a small frown on his face but changed into an angry one after see the taller spider, he wanted to follow her running but Miguel used his red lazer webs for tangle him and then put a net with the same material. The clone growled intensively, struggling to be free, Miguel crouched down, with that death stare.
"I'll see what i have to do with you, Kaine Parker."
The both pair of red eyes stared. The rage to Miguel, and empathy to Ben, and Marlette from the failed clone raised up even more.
He just wanted... Protect. Free the both spiders from the red claws of the "multiverse protector" spider...
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Rewritten the chapter 3! Okay i like this one even much more! Thanks by @fatigueeestici for help me and give the energy to do this better!
Hope yall like! πŸ’™
God got so tired writting this-
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spider-mar2004 Β· 4 months
How would ben and Peter first finding out about oliver go?
So like discovering Oliver for first time? Hmmm (if i misunderstood really sorry! I am not english πŸ˜”πŸ™)
Three clone spiders, one tiny spider
Warnings: None, just fluff
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Clearly Kaine didn't want about give information about his private life with his big partner, his home although was hard because well unfortunately he was homeless in first part but all is fixed and good now. It was like around six weeks (more than a month) after his first biological little son was born, Oliver Parker, so tiny, weak, just so adorable, small and soft dark hair and sleepy eyes closed. Welp seems like the little one carries more genes from his mom but it doesn't really matter. Who would think a baby could belong also the both universes? Marlette and Kaine's at same time, Miguel would freak out discover this but let's just not focus about that for now.
It was very unexpected that Kaine and Marlette apart being a couple, aswell having an "adventure" that ended spawning a new life. Yes Kaine was very unsure and anxious about that because double responsability? Yeah he can handle Aracely well but a own biological son? Mostly apart of double responsabilities is also aswell the fact they being two different worlds which make a life there would be impossible. But nuh-uh, nothing is impossible, difficult yes, but impossible? Nope.
But anyways, by that when their son was born, it made both rough and big spiders be very closed and reserved, of course is logic, is first time they were parents, but seems Kaine's side of being a fierce and violent arachnid became now a big soft gentle, actually he was the one behaving like a mom to lil Ollie, always watching him, hugging him, even feed him, Marlette needed rest but geez all the baby attention was only for him but don't worry at the finale there was a balance now.
Meanwhile the both spider clones would play Uno at the roof from a random house which was near to Kaine's home.
"The fuck Peter!? Dude you had like eight cards a few minutes ago!"
"Uhhh i don't know what do you mean but is still uno."
"Huh! Okay then take this! +2!"
Peter giggled and pulled out a +4 card. Ben gasped.
Ben got up aswell Peter who actually he was sitting on the other cards! What a cheater! Then they both ran around and went swinging off. Geez, all is true, they behave exactly like kids even they are being more of their 20's.
As then they arrived to their bigger clone sibling, they landed on the window and both knocked at the same time.
Tap tap tap tap tap.
Kaine heard the noises and then quickly went where the sound was from, he sighed as he saw them.
"Damn it you two can you just wait!?"
He opened the window, the two entered and hugged him like happy excited puppies, Kaine rolled his eyes.
"Yeah yeah i missed you two, but seriously can you just let me know when ya'll come?"
"Well i mean if you are not too slow at phone technology-"
"Peter, i am not those old men who doesn't know anything, i know the basic, or at least more because well, futuristic partner y'know."
"Mmmmm, yeaaah, of course."
Ben giggled and then looked around curiously.
"And Marlette? Where's our big lady?"
"Yeah where's that big boss mare? I say that because since you rode a horse well then- OW-"
Peter's joke was interrupted when Kaine slapped his head.
"My girlfriend is not an animal you fool. And she went to buy things."
"Uhm, i mean technically we all- We all are spiders sooo-"
"But not that animal for god's sake-"
Kaine's interrupting karma just came when a loud cry would appear, which he quickly went to his bedroom for check, closing the door but not completely.
"Wait why's there a baby cry- WAIT."
Ben gasped and then he carefully went to see, not opening the door just take a quick sneak peek. His light brown eyes widened as he saw Kaine gently picking up a newborn baby.
"Motherfucker didn't tell us about his baby!"
"What!? Let me see-"
Accidentally Peter's rush made Ben and also himself fall, by but the door opened and it caused Kaine flinch a bit and quickly growl, brown eyes becoming reddish now.
They both said at the same time and same phrase as their attention snapped by the crying baby, Kaine growled more but by the cries he began to calm him down.
"Kaine...? Is that...?"
Ben slowly and curiously walked to him, looking at the tiny baby, he gasped.
"Oh god is him! Why you didn't tell us she gave birth!? Dude got worried!"
Peter joined and his eyes shinned.
"Maaan, is that your baby...?"
"Mhm. He was born weeks ago just uh, more than a month kinda."
"Wait, he has darker hair, and..."
Peter looked at the baby's eyes which were a dark and dull blue.
". . . Man did you really made him? I don't see a trait from you-"
"Obviously i made him, most likely my traits will show when he gets older."
"More like you cloned your lady into a boy! Bahahaha!"
Peter laughed at his own bad joke again, well Ben giggled while Kaine just silent. Oliver stopped to cry and looked at his uncles with a cute grumpy face.
"Awww!! At least has your grumpy face! Let me pick him please!"
"But careful, if he falls from you i'mma kill you."
Kaine hissed, geez protective "mom" mode. Ben nodded and gulped. Then he gave Oliver, Ben gently held him.
"Aweee! Who's the little nephew of Uncle Ben? Yes youuu! You are tiny baby!"
Ben nuzzled Oliver who grunted and "bit" his nose, god that's so adorable, Ben would indeed just explode of happiness. While Peter sighed as "Uncle Ben" mentioned, but then he joined.
"Alright Golden Retriever, gimme the kid."
"I am uncle too! So give me!"
Ben sighed and then gave the infant to Peter who gently took him and rocking him.
"Look at you! Guess you... What's his name?"
"Oliver, Oliver Parker."
"Ben you are Reilly."
"Anyways, Kaine, is that me or this little grumpy dooby is... A bit smaller than an average baby?"
"He was born like 3 cm less than an average baby, but yes sadly he was born a bit underweight but, not our fault, guess is just by universe shit or i don't know. We are feeding him almost every three hours for get the nutrients."
Kaine explained. Peter nodded and looked at Oliver who made another grumpy grunt.
"Ahh, needs the double of nutrients? Well not is by the "cross-universe" child thing because can just happen."
Peter shrugged while then he gave Oliver back to his father, Kaine who hugged him and kissed his small forehead.
"I thought that he will look like me."
"Dude, we were from machines and stuff like that. Plus your golden hair is not natural."
"Well true i forgot-"
"Is that fine when he grows we can take him to some places like parks and such? I mean we are PARK-ers."
Kaine inhaled by the horrible joke Peter made, he won't imagine him as dad too, bad dad jokes raining most likely.
"Depends, i won't put in risk my little boy, but at least Aracely can care of him if we are busy, i'll just think."
He went to the sofa and sat down, yawning and putting the baby on his chest who laid down there and yawned aswell, Oliver always loved sleep on his parents' chests by the warmth.
Ben and Peter looked at each other, then they smiling sat next Kaine and then leaned on his both shoulders, watching the little spider.
Three spiders, one little spider, wondering how chaotic this kid can be.
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spider-mar2004 Β· 4 months
Oh also, Webbed Scars also will have extras! Extras that will have comedy because yes, i am better at comedy tbh soooo. Which will be about mostly life chapters with Kaine, Marlette, Ben, etc kinda like those comedy reality shows from Disney Channel (god i used watch Jessie a lot so i guess i know why will be fun)
Also any questions or resquets for the extras will be appreciated!
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spider-mar2004 Β· 4 months
Peter: But you are already one-
Ben: BUT AGAIN! I am sure that he will be like me!
*9 months later*
Ben: *sees newborn Oliver* . . . Man you didn't anything there-
Kaine: But is my son wtf, i made him.
Ben: More like you cloned your girlfriend but male-
Marlette: Says the one who was cloned by a machine.
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spider-mar2004 Β· 4 months
πŸ•Έβ€π•Žπ•–π•“π•“π•–π•• π•Šπ•”π•’π•£π•€πŸ’™πŸ•Έ
Stings and Claws
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Pairing: Kaine Parker x Marlette Saravia [Canon x OC]
Characters: Kaine, Marlette, Connors/Lizard [Earth-1048] & Ben Reilly
Summary: Finally a new mission for the both fierce spiders arrived, Kaine thought would be a simple one and could take it for himself, but actually it wasn't as he expected. So, only help could be the solution.
Warnings: Spanish Dialogues [But translated!], Violence, Swearing, Fighting, Injuries, Aggressive behavior, Discussion and Yelling, but Slowburn at the final.
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As the both big spiders arrived to the mentioned universe Earth-1610, Kaine would look around with his masked face, looking for the unknown danger, while by the other hand Marlette, she would be already know start to crawl on walls from buildings over the dark and shadowy zones, the blue details and eyes glowing in the darkness, making that characteristic scary look. Kaine snorted slightly irritated, he actually really didn't want to do this with someone, he can do it alone himself.
Or, at least actually what he thinks or expects. After all seems that could be not so easy possibly, because the weather there was kinda cold and foggy, which Kaine barely can see a little, only he can be guided is by following Marlette's glow but, he won't really want accept do a job in team. Marlette as she felt he wasn't somehow following her, she would come back to him crawling.
"What are you doing? Is foggy here, you must follow me."
Marlette said, slowly getting off from the wall and cross her both arms.
"Oh do i really need follow you? Sorry but... I think i can do this by myself."
"The dude Miguel told us this would be a mission in team, because he said he wouldn't be easy, i mean, not sure but it seems by this foggy weather terms. And fact i don't listen that bossy spider."
"Then if you don't listen, why are you listening to him?"
"Because apart i was very bored, didn't have nothing to do in my universe aswell Miguel's, after all i have the crime stats in order in my world. Plus got some small deal with him"
"Huh, whatever you say Big lady, better i can search the anomaly by myself."
Marlette made an annoyed face, geez seems he is stubborn, which not gonna lie but... She's too. Guess both are stubborn Mules.
"You'll get lost easily you know? That suit can't guide you or anything."
"I don't need and want have those "useful" avanced suits, i am okay what i have so huh, thanks."
Kaine shrugged and then he began to walk leaving. Marlette sighed a little irritated.
"Aaalright, good luck on get lost or anything."
She also left walking, both disappearing in the fog slowly as they kept walking separating distances.
After few minutes later, and nothing... In Kaine's side he would be crawling around on buildings' walls, ceilings and other surfaces from the city, the sky was getting even more darker as the minutes passes more. He was getting stressed that he can't find the anomaly, he was nearly about ask Miguel or Lyla from the wrist advice but by his stubborn mind he decided to just keep looking. So he would shoot a long web and then would start swinging around for make the search quicker.
Meanwhile, Marlette would be on the rooftop from a high building, looking down at the cars moving there very a little by the fog while using lights, the foggy climate there was just difficult and stressing for people, which was understandble. The big woman sighed, she can see through of it because the avanced of her suit, but, no signals of the anomaly. Alright possibly this will get more stressing but the search was still in action, she would them jump off, as she spreaded her arms, two glowing holigrafic blue webs appeared on her armpits, behaving them as gliders and she started to glide while looking around more.
"Where is that bastard... So i can easily send it to it's fucking hell..."
Kaine Parker kept searching, the level of stress would slowly raise up more, urgh, really still no signals, maybe the anomaly was some human-camuflaged thing? No, damn Kaine keep it more serious this is not an alien thing! But well, he kept searching more until he just temporary gave up and landed on somewhere on the floor for rest.
"I guess that shit loves play with me, but it can't because i am sure, i find it first. And stop it before that big woman comes and done, who needs a team-up for this really..."
He growled while breathing a little bit heavy, yeah, indeed he seems angry now by this. But something seems to happen...
A pair of glowing yellow-ish eyes with reptilian pupils were staring at Scarlet Spider-Man from an opened sewer, staring like a predator towards its prey. Kaine didn't even notice, but how? He is a Spider-Man! Well, he had the same problem as Miguel about Spider-sense, he doesn't have one either which could be an easier bingo for the unknown creature.
Since the sewer was opened and or course was a big one, a massive, spiked, intimidating and strange green lizard would slowly raise up and come outside from the sewer, approaching quietly while drooling from it's mouth with sharp teeth, as it was closer, it started to make a small, low crocodile hiss.
Watch out!
Kaine quickly turned, but the reptile was faster as it tackled him, making him fall against a concrete wall. Shit! He forgot that he didn't have spider-sense! His pain hissing made him look vulnerable for a few seconds until.
Dr.Connors, or known also as Lizard, from the Earth-1048. Was the anomaly being in this other universe, there he was, running in four directly to attack Kaine with a strong bite. Kaine quickly jumped for dodge and he would shoot his webbing at Lizard's mouth for close and shut him up, because as the green thing roared his roar sounded so annoying for him.
But the animal with muscular body wasn't dumb, when his mouth was shut by the tied web, he used his strong tail for grab him. Kaine shoot another webbing for escape but the tail took his ankle tightly, uh oh. It made take him easily because Lizard was already stronger which he would hit the spider against the floor in many times, Kaine groaned and growled loudly in pain aswell in anger but more pain, by his sensitive skin was getting bruised by the impact of the attacks under his mask but he wouldn't be recieving like that, he would pull out both lf his stings from his wrists, which he stabbed them together on the tail. The creature ripped the webbing with his claws and roared loudly, which he dropped Kaine strongly and then jumping on him, using his big claws trap him, with a free clawed hand he was about to scratch Kaine's face or chest for kill him, or leave him injurez until...
A long webbing appeared from somewhere of the fog and would attach on Lizard who as he felt it looked around growling and hissing in a fierce way. Aha! Kaine take the chance for kick now the monster's jaw hard and get free, the reptile recieved the kick and growled more angrily, ready to attack again until felt another webbing. Kaine took again the other chance to use his clawed hands from his suit for quickly jump and scratch the green thing's across the snout or mouth, which caused pain and blood, the creature wouldn't stop to roar and quickly scratched Kaine's torso with the claws aswell, ripping pieces of the suit.
Scarlet Spider-Man got the scratch aswell flew until getting fallen against a car, breaking its glass, damn it! Kaine was injured, bleeding by the claw wounds, he covered them with his forearm while hissing loudly in pain. While the both webbing started to pull the lizard which struggled, what the hell? Lizard was confused as he got nearly dragged by that, who has force there?
Ah yes, glowing blue things would approach running, with a high jump and then a land, an electric blue aura would appear on her body which it quickly went to the both webbings she shot and electrocuted the dinosaur-thing which he just roared of intense pain that even he glitched a lot, yes! Is the correct anomaly. Then the big lady would quickly slide herself under him and do a strong kick-up, he fell down in backwards against a wall, leaving damage there while the cars were sounding its alarms.
Marlette, doing her job as the spider-woman named Night-Glow would shoot and tie up Lizard with her webbings on his mouth, neck, tail, arms and legs, making him invalid, when the creature was about to attack she got in fours, spikes raised up as the electric aura appeared again and shocked the reptile, again in pain and glitching. Usually the glitches from it were painful, but with Marlette's bio-electricity? Worst, she had a potent energy in that case... Seems why people are scared of her.
Kaine's brown eyes widened, how was possible catch a such of monster like that fast!? This can't believe, but he wasn't happy, more like mad, he felt like his job was easily stolen by a just bigger woman!
Marlette activated the wrist advice for call the leader Miguel O'hara.
"Miguel, misiΓ³n cumplida. We caught the anomaly which is just a spikey dinosaur." [Mission Completed]
"Didn't really expect do that fast, great job. Now bring the Lizard with us, portal's coming. Gracias." [Thanks]
The mini orange hologram of Miguel was there as accepted the call, and before leave a portal for Lizard's size would appear next him. Marlette walked to him and her mask disappeared, growling and baring her teeth.
"PrΓ³xima vez que te veo en mundos ajenos, lagartija." [Next time i see you in strangers' worlds]
She hissed like a real spider in a low tone as she spoke her original language, the Lizard just blinked two times in just silence. Marlette pushed him to the portal and she sighed, then she turned to see Kaine on the crashed car, not so happy. She approached to him slowly walking and then she took off his mask.
"I guess you didn't do a lot, Mr. Pelito." [Mr. Lil hair]
"Don't call me like that, and that WAS MY FIGHT."
Kaine barked angrily at the final part of his phrase, he stared at her blue eyes... but he quickly looked away.
"Yeah, with that bruised face and now wound over there seems to tell all the opposite."
"Because it was a strong one, look here, I didn't deal with lizards like Godzilla size edition so that explains why i struggled, i had the perfect plan and you just... Ruined it!"
"You would be already dead! And that's not an excuse because then why the hell you have that body and abilities!? A normal spider just!?"
Kaine yelled, did he sound jealous of her abilities? Meeeh maaaybe, but not really he was just mad at her.
"Cierre la boca seΓ±orito, no need to yell me i am not a deaf person. But if you say, okay, next time you do it alone or whatever you want." [Close the mouth little gentleman]
Kaine snorted, rolled his eyes and looked away. Marlette also snorted annoyed and she stared again at the wounds, bruises and his skin problem... Seems he could pass the time badly with it, so she sighed for calm down.
"Look... You don't look so great there if i can go honest, but you should go to the Society's health system. Plus, do not take the "size" and stronger anomaly excuse, this is not only force, this is also strategy sometimes."
"Urgh... No need your fucking help..."
He slowly tried to get up, struggling a bit while wincing in pain but he did, his covered forehead on the wound was already stained of some dark blood. Then he slowly walked to the portal but the pain on his skin made him fall. Marlette quickly took him, gently grabbing him.
"W-what are you doing!?"
Kaine hissed loudly, moving his legs while still in obvious pain, Marlette didn't listen to let him go.
"Just help you in this, that's all."
She coldly said, walking to the portal while Kaine would just let her.
After few hours later, Kaine would be in his universe, on a bed, with bandages. He was staring at the ceiling with a neutral and cold pensative expression. Ben was there looking at the bandaged zones and very surprised after his sibling clone explain what happened.
"So just she took it easily? Damn... W-well i mean that's why i assume some spiders fears her right...-?"
"I don't fear her, she never scared me after all. But she just stole my job which is of course hella unfair. Spiderman is used for be fair, what she did wasn't one."
"Hey but at least she helped you in it, plus carry you..."
Ben sighed, tired of the same aggressive and rude personality by the clone.
"I think you both needs have a connection, not everything is only to you Kaine, we all need help, and you can be in a risky danger of Life or Death without it! Yes i know possibly can make you look like you didn't anything, but who knows if that woman has more experience?"
"So are you telling me i am weak?"
"N-no no! I am saying that just you need supoort and accept help from others! And be in teams at least of two!"
Ben slightly explained, gulping a bit. Kaine looked away and closed his eyes.
"I don't think i can trust her, after all, we all die alone."
"But i know she will still help you, i am sure she won't even leave you behind."
Those words softened a little to Kaine, but he won't admit it, do Marlette really will still help him during difficult missions? Absolutely, just let the time act.
"Hmph, whatever."
Meanwhile, Marlette would be in her dark corner from the Spider-Society. In a pensative mode, she wasn't sure if did she do a great job help him? Or just leave him do all that himself? No, she had to. But not because she liked him, is by the instinct of protect. But... Where the protection instinct raises, it always has a reason why...
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Note: I never wrote a fight/action scene! It was fun doing it! One day these lovebirds will get more along πŸ‘€πŸ’™!
And sorry because if the lizard scene was repetitive, a bit rushed and not so accurate but is my first time doing that scene sooo. πŸ—Ώ
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spider-mar2004 Β· 4 months
Reference of Marlette and Kaine's kid, Oliver!
His full name is Oliver Alexander Parker Giulliani, he is biological son of two different world parents so yes he is kinda sort of an anomaly.
Ollie is a grumpy kid and autistic just like his father Kaine, aswell he is a Lego and Dinosaur lover (always watches dinosaur documentals with his papa).
Yes, he bites, he bites mostly his uncle Ben Reilly, and even worst Miguel because he dislikes him.
But he is a sweet innocent boi with his mama and papa, with Aracely aswell.
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spider-mar2004 Β· 4 months
Fucking bored so gonna drop this.
πŸ‚ π•‚π•’π•šπ•Ÿπ•– π•’π•Ÿπ•• 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕖π•₯π•₯𝕖 β„π•–π•’π••π•”π•’π•Ÿπ• π•Ÿπ•€ 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦π•₯ π•₯π•™π•–π•ž π•šπ•Ÿ π•₯𝕙𝕖 𝔸𝕦π•₯π•¦π•žπ•Ÿ π•Šπ•–π•’π•€π• π•Ÿ πŸ‚
Summary: Right now where i am is autumn, so somwhow randomly got some ideas for my comfort and fav oc x canon headcanons for have fun, hope you like it.
Extra: Our dear Ben will be there aswell as lil extra for fun HCs!
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π•‚π•’π•šπ•Ÿπ•– β„™π•’π•£π•œπ•–π•£
- His favorite season totally, he feels relaxed as he feels the weather change, the breeze appearing and see the leaves change colors and fall.
- Feels himself calm but just stare the view from his home of that, god is just pleasing.
- He finds the temperature perfectly, not hot, cold yes but not soo cold. So he can wear anything he would like but when is time to do missions, he just would wear a simple sweater for avoid cold breeze.
- Kaine always invites and goes with his partner Marlette to take a walk around more nature zones like parks, gardens, etc. Is actually one of his favorite activities with her.
- Loves crushing the dry leaves, god the cracking sounds gives him satisfaction.
- Aracely when she asks him why he is in trees, he always would respond "Is 'cause i became a sloth now." Which is funny, but yes he can relax himself in trees and become lazy there.
- Hot Chocolate maker? Yes, he is good at it and would make for his small family.
- Kaine finds that the autumn can be more romantic for his partner than the spring, he thinks spring is just, boring and repetitive.
- When is time to have his kid, he wishes have him born during fall, but if it doesn't, is alright after all
[Little Spoiler: Their baby will be born in autumn 31th October!]
- He would put leaves on Ben's hair for mimic a bird's nest, and maybe put a chicken egg on and then take a picture for maybe bully him later.
𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕖π•₯π•₯𝕖 π•Šπ•’π•£π•’π•§π•šπ•’
- She becomes slowly lazy when the fall arrives.
- Enjoys totally Kaine's hot chocolates while being comfy on their bed.
- When is time for a walk, she goes but would wear sweater, scarf, yes, she doesn't have good tolerance towards the cold even she is muscular and such.
- Marlette when she joins to stare at window with Kaine, she usually puts some soft melodies in a low volume, for make the moment more relaxing.
- "Are you still crush the leaves? Amor, you behave like a kid even though you are a serious man." Marlette would say that with a small and soft giggle.
- Agreed aswell with Kaine about the spring is boring.
- Would love really decorate painting skulls with Aracely, since she is mexican for celebrate El Dia De Los Muertos, which yes this big mama spends time with Aracely.
- She just loves but loves feel the fresh breeze flow over her face and hair, finds it calming.
- Dislikes getting out from their bed, specially when she and Kaine are hugging.
- Whenever Ben takes a visit, she would get annoyed when Ben comes with his shoes/boots dirty of mud and dead leaves, so since she gave that death stare, Ben as he comes he takes off the shoes first and then enter- Big lady dislikes clean everytime.
𝔽𝕠𝕣 𝔹𝕠π•₯𝕙
- Bedtime? Yes but no sleep, just hugs, cuddles, kisses and enjoy themselves.
- Both becomes lazy beans.
- They always share a one scarf in case they both are feeling cold by the breeze.
- Tired of take walks and see being around just dead leaves? No problem, they also go to a cafeteria.
- Homemade food happens more often since well they likes being more in home than outside when the fall is in.
- They sometimes bath together with hot water, not too hot because we clearly know about Kaine's skin condition.
- Pick up apples together, yes. For then they together cooking yummy apple pies
- Watching Scary movies? Yeah but they both doesn't get scared, only Ben if he was there.
- When Halloween comes, they spend their time doing the scary pumpkins, Kaine uses his stings for do them while Marlette with her claws from her suit.
- Just, having a peaceful nap time, their bodies hugging each other, the sky turning red by the sunset for then the night comes.
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I was bored so enjoy lmao
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spider-mar2004 Β· 5 months
Welly well what we brought here.
Seems Kaine needs prepare himself with his big lady there, hopefully he wont be eaten by her like real female spiders to males LMAO jk
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Alright soldier, good luck and we wait the results.
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spider-mar2004 Β· 5 months
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Aracely as that fairy of "HEY LISTEN!" from Zelda is so good idea help-
And btw Marlette's shoulder spikes can disappear when she is fully relaxed/no threat
Being honest, i feel kinda bad for Kaine, ik he has Aracely but, blood related kid? Nah, i won't let Kaine die without a mini version of him, he must need his puppies (lmao)
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