#kaitlyn x anissa
jamesashtonisbae · 5 years
That I Did Always Love
Word Count: 3,664
Pairing: James x MC (Lacey), Becca x Zig, Abbie x Tyler, Kaitlyn x Anissa
Rating: M
Warnings: Language, sexual content
Summary: It’s Lacey’s senior year, and she and James have been together since she was a freshman.  They’re in love with life and in love with each other.
Author’s Note: This is my first fic.  It is probably terrible.  The tenses are probably all screwed up.  No one is probably going to read it.  But here it is anyway!
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, they belong to pixelberry studios.  This is based on The Freshman Series.
Lacey was curled up under a blanket on the couch in her and James’s apartment.  A mug of coffee sat on the end table next to her as she flipped through The New York Times.  As she began to read the Lifestyle section her phone chirped with a message from Kaitlyn.
-hey, want to go to the salon today? Abbie, Becca, and I need our nails done asap.  You should join.  Going at 10!
Lacey considered it for a moment, trying to think through her day.  She and James had made plans later that afternoon to go walk through the park and check out some of the new food trucks there.  He was out that morning to get some writing done at his favorite coffee shop, so she was free for hours.
-sure, see you at 10!
She got up from her couch after briefly skimming an article on the benefits of buying a houseplant, lifted her kitten Austen off of her lap, and maneuvered to the kitchen without stepping on their puppy Poe.  
“House plant?” she wrote on the marker board on their fridge before cleaning out her mug and putting it in the dishwasher.  Poe yapped at her feet, looking up at her with his big brown eyes. Lacey laughed and reached down to pat his head.
“Dad will be back at noon, I know he’s your favorite.”
As she moved down the hallway toward the bedroom, Poe followed, his energy astounding. Quickly, Lacey slipped through the door and closed it behind her, keeping Poe from coming in with her. With a laugh, she peered into her lobster Gerald’s tank and noted he was sleeping, sort of, on the bottom.
“Oh, Gerald.  You sweet, simple boy.  Some days I want your life.”
Lacey shed her silk robe and pulled on a pair of light wash jeans, then her favorite pair of knee high brown suede boots.  She slipped into a navy cropped turtle neck, then put on the gold studs James had got her for their third anniversary.  A final glance in the mirror revealed she was ready, and so she pulled on her maroon trench jacket and her slate gray bag.  
She hurried out the door, kissing both of her fur babies on the way out.  Lacey scurried to the first floor of the apartment complex and hustled to her car.  Traffic was light, and she made her way to the nail salon in no time.
“Lacey!” Kaitlyn was the first to greet her, rushing over with more gusto than necessary at 10 am.
“Hey girls!  It’s so good that the gang is back together again!”
“Lacey, how are you?” Becca said, slipping an arm around Lacey’s shoulder and pulling her into her side.
“Good, Bex.  How are you?”
“I’m great.  Just finished up my last midterm yesterday, so I’m rewarding myself with a one day break from all things law school!”
“Well, that’s good!”
Abbie put her arms around the three girls, her curls tickling Lacey’s neck.
Lacey let out a laugh, “It is so good to see you all again.  I feel like I just hang out with James now.  And don’t get me wrong, I love the man, but sometimes I just need girl time.”
“Please, as if any of us have ever doubted for a second that you love James Ashton. That boy has got you wrapped around his finger,” Abbie added.
The four girls had made their way over to the nail stations and were each getting their hands cleaned.  Lacey had decided on a classic French tip, which was her go to.
“So tell me, how are things going?  I want juicy deets!”  Becca said, “From all of you!  Abbie, go!”
“Well, Tyler and I have been talking a lot about post-graduation things, and we’re thinking of moving to San Francisco.  His family is out there, he would be close to Silicon Valley, and I’m actually getting really into graffiti-style art, so that would be a cool place to study that and incorporate it into my repertoire, ya know?”
“What? San Francisco? Abbie that’s amazing!” Kaitlyn said, almost shouting, “but are you guys talking about the M word?”
Abbie quirked an eyebrow at Kaitlyn.
“Marriage,” Becca explained.
“Oh! Yes we have, we think it’s still a few years off for us actually.  We’re very happy, but just don’t see the need to move into that step right now. And we want to make a little money first so we can have a ridiculous wedding.”
“And Kaitlyn?  How are things?”
“Wow. So the band is great.  We’re getting ready for the tour over Thanksgiving. It’s going to be something new, pretty challenging, you know, all of that fun stuff, but I’m excited to see how we grow.  Plus, Anissa’s amazing, and we’ll get to spend more time with each other.”
“So things are going well there?” Lacey asked.
“Very well.  I guess, I do have one question, since the three of you are very sensual ladies. It’s pretty weird, but you know me, I’m just going to ask.”
“Kaitlyn, nothing you ask me could ever shock me, just go ahead,” Lacey added.
“So like, obviously it’s kind of different for me, since I’m with a woman and you all are with dudes, but like, what are your thoughts on butt stuff?”
Becca laughed, Abbie’s eyes widened, and Lacey shook her head, “Zero percent of me is shocked by this, Kaitlyn.”
“Well,” Becca began, “Zig and I don’t really do a lot of it.  I mean, when I give him BJs I definitely finger him sometimes, if that’s what you’re asking.  He goes crazy for it.  Nothing vice versa though.”
“Like no pegging or anything though?”
“No. Not that either of us would be opposed, just that our sex life is very satisfactory the way that it is.”
“Cool. Good to know.  Abbie?”
“God, I never thought I’d talk about this with anyone other than Tyler.”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“Nah, I will.  We don’t do pegging, but I’ve let him try anal a couple of times.  Both of us kind of like it.  He always goes down on me after, so that’s why I am unopposed.”
Lacey let out a short laugh, “Well, for starters, James is huge, so if we’re going to do it anal, we have to decide like two days before and I’ll wear butt plugs so that he doesn’t split me like a rail.  But when we do, I use a vibrator, which he loves, but we both come together at the very least, but yeah, he goes down on me when we’re done. Granted, he goes down on me an average of ten times a week.”
“Just how much sex do you guys have?” Becca asked.
“Lots. Like more than multiple times a day.”
“When was the last time you had sex?”
“This morning in the shower.”
“And before that?”
“Before we got in the shower when we woke up.”
“You guys have been together for four years!  How do you have it so often?”
“Literally nothing is off the table.  Except for sharing.  We won’t share each other.  We tried it once and it was not good.”
“Wait, with who?” Kaitlyn asked, curious.
“I don’t know if this will shock you or not, but it was with Logan.”
“What?” Becca exclaimed.  “Wait, how was it?  What happened?”
“Well, Logan and James didn’t touch each other, but Logan definitely went down on me while I gave James a BJ, and then they double teamed me, Logan in my ass and James inside me.  It was incredible, but he was very jealous seeing another guy please me, so we agreed never again.”
“Lacey, you are a minx!” Abbie exclaimed.
“No, you are.  No one would know by how prim and proper you are, but damn you are a sexual goddess. No wonder James will do anything for you.”
“He does anything for me in the bedroom too.  And often.”
“So wait, what I’m hearing is, butt stuff isn’t horrible?” Kaitlyn brought it back.
“No, not at all.  Like what type of butt stuff?”
“Anissa got us strap-ons, so that type of butt stuff.”
“You may be into it, you may not be.  I like it a lot,” Lacey added.  “But I like almost everything James tries.”
“Weirdest sex thing – go,” Becca asked.
“Well, I think it was probably this time when we were cleaning and started getting down and dirty and he lay me down on our counter and used a broom handle on me. It was amazing, but really weird for sure.”
“How is anyone else’s weird sex thing supposed to compare to that?” Kaitlyn asked.
“It’s not.”
They spent the rest of the morning gabbing and catching up, although they’d hung out a few weeks prior.  It was hard for Lacey knowing that she didn’t get to see them as often as she had when they were younger.  But their time was special nonetheless.
When they were finished, and Lacey had impressively manicured French tips, Kaitlyn had black bedazzled nails, Abbie had hers painted maroon, and Becca had hers painted nude, they paid and ran to McDermot’s for a quick bite.  As Lacey sipped her second coffee of the day and tried to maintain a semi-healthy take on lunch, her friends filled her in on their plans for the day, all being pretty vague about their nights.
“Oh, I’m just going to hang out with some friends, I think,” Kaitlyn mentioned.
“I’ll probably head somewhere with Zig, I guess.”
“Yeah, Tyler and I might do something tonight.”
“Wow. That isn’t descriptive at all.  I guess if I don’t see you later, then I don’t. James and I are going to go try food trucks tonight and he mentioned inviting people over for drinks later. If you guys are free you should come.”
“I’ll talk to Tyler and we’ll see.”
“Yeah, I’ll run it by Zig and see what he has to say.”
“Anissa and I should be down later, we’ll let you know.”
“Okay, sounds good,” Lacey stood, “I guess I’ll be on my way then.  I’m going to run home and throw around some article ideas before we head out.  Bye!”
Lacey drove home, thinking about what she may want to eat.  She always wanted tacos, and food trucks never disappointed, but James always tried to pick out obscure ones for them to try together. Hopefully she’d be able to persuade him to get just one taco the whole night.
As she fumbled with her keys to get into her apartment, James opened the door for her.
“Oh! Thanks, Babe.”
“Anything for my sunshine,” he said, pressing a kiss to Lacey’s cheek.  “How was your morning?  Do anything fun?”
“Yeah, went to get my nails done with Abbie, Kaitlyn, and Becca.”
“Let me see.”
Lacey held out her hand, which James took with a smile of approval, “They look beautiful, much like the woman to whom they belong,” he pressed a kiss to her hand, her knuckles, the inside of her wrist, up her arm as far as he could underneath her sweater.  Then, he pulled her to him, slipping his hand under the hem of her sweater, pressing his lips to her neck.
“We have a couple of hours before we’re going out.  How would you like to spend them?”
“Remember that thing you did to me with the broom handle?”
“Mmm, how could I forget?” he murmured against her neck.
“Would you want to do it again?”
“Yes, god, yes.”
“James, please?  I just want a taco!” Lacey said, taking one hand in both of hers and tugging him towards the taco truck to their right.
“Lacey, we’ve gone over this.  You need to branch out, Sunshine.”
“I will, but I want a taco first!”
“You’re insatiable, and I love you.”
“So, I get a taco?” 
“As if I could deny the most stunning woman in the world what she desires.”
Lacey leaned in and pressed a kiss to his cheek, “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!”
She skipped over towards the taco truck, James’s hand in hers.  As he followed her, he thought to himself God, I could not love this woman any more.
They decided to get two pork al pastor tacos with pico de gallo and feta cheese. While they wandered through the park, they each took bites of the tacos and talked a bit about the article they had each read about houseplants.
“How long would it take for Poe to destroy a houseplant, though?” James asked.
“I mean, not very long, but he can’t climb on shelves or counters, so we could keep it like on the entertainment center or our dresser, don’t you think?”
“Why do you want a houseplant, anyway?”
“I don’t know, I really like the color green, and I feel like in an apartment it’s so easy to feel removed from nature, so we could kind of make up for it if we got a house plant, don’t you?”
“I suppose you’re right, my dear.  We should go to Earl May over fall break and try to find one we like.”
“I’ve already kind of started researching some that would be good for us.”
“Real research, or “Design your apartment and we’ll tell you what houseplant to get” quizzes on Buzzfeed?”
Lacey let out a quick laugh and leaned into James’s side as he wrapped an arm around her, “A little bit of both.”
“Good, because I only make life decisions with the help of Buzzfeed quizzes.”
“I love you so much, James Ashton.”
“Lacey Morgan, I love you too.”
She pressed her lips to his in a quick but sweet kiss.  He grinned down at her, marveling at the perfect woman in his arms. How he had gotten so lucky was beyond him.
“Now, will you please come try a different food truck with me?”
“Of course I will.  Which one, Babe?”
“That Greek one looks good.”
“You know how I feel about Greek food…” Lacey began.
James’s face fell, “You hate it, I know.”
“But you also know how I feel about you,” she kissed his cheek, “so I’ll happily try yet another gyro with dill sauce for you my sweet man.”
After sampling a few gyros and deciding she still hated them and he still loved them, Lacey and James made their way towards the fountain in the center of the park. Night was beginning to fall, but the park was still well lit and it was easy to see the newly changed trees. Reds, yellows, and oranges were splashed across the background behind the fountain, and Lacey sucked in a breath at the beauty.
“What’s wrong?” James asked, nervously shoving his hand that wasn’t holding hers into his pocket.
“Absolutely nothing.  Everything is perfect.  It’s so beautiful here.  I want to remember this night forever.  I want to be here with you forever.”
James chuckled nervously, sitting on a bench, “It is the most perfect night ever. It truly is.”
Lacey sat down next to him, wrapping her hands around his, “Are you okay?  You seem a bit off right now, Love.  What’s going on?”
He cleared his throat, then turned to face her, taking both of her hands in his, “Lacey, you are the greatest gift I’ve been given.  Knowing you has made me a better man than I ever thought possible. Every single day, I think of a new way that I fail you and a new way that you amaze me and think that I can never deserve you and the love you give me.  You know how much I love Emily Dickinson, I know how much you do, and when I think of you I cannot help but think of that night we spent reading poetry during the spring of your freshman year.  Do you remember the “That I did always love” poem?”
“As if I could forget,” Lacey whispered, reciting, “That I did always love, / I bring thee proof: / That till I loved / I did not love enough. / That I shall love alway, / I offer thee / That love is life, / And life hath immortality. / This, dost thou doubt, sweet? / Then have I / Nothing to show/ But Calvary.”
“What I didn’t know then was that I was going to reach a point where any life I imagined without you was one I did not want.  Where you go, where you belong, I am going to go with you.  You are the most important thing in my life, Lacey Jae Morgan.  I love you. I love your morning routine, the way you roll over and press yourself against me for five minutes before you quietly get up and shower.  When you wrap your hair up in your towel and slip on your silky robe, then go eat a muffin and drink the darkest, most disgusting coffee known to man while you read the Times.  I love how you talk to Poe, and Austen, and Gerald as if they are human.  You are so sweet and caring, and think of things I never would when it comes to what they need and what makes them comfortable.  I love how you help me with my writing.  You never tell me what to do, you always listen and get me to believe in myself.  You’re so capable, you could tell me what to do and it would be phenomenal, but you always ask me to find myself when I’m stuck.  You’ve never forced your way onto me, and at the same time I feel like I become more like you every day.  Because of you, I am kinder, wiser, more thoughtful, better with people, more open, more joyful.  You’re the sun, Lacey Jae Morgan.  When everything is dark, you’re the sun.”
By now, tears were streaming down Lacey’s cheeks.  She was holding onto James’s hands, her forehead pressed to his as she gazed at him.  She was so in love with this man, she couldn’t even think straight sometimes.  But here they were, in a park by a fountain, sharing one of the most special moments of their relationship.  James was baring his soul, but begging her not to respond.  A small piece of Lacey knew that he was not done with what he had to say just yet.
“Lacey Jae Morgan, you are my everything.  I cannot fathom anything without you.  Every piece of my life has been so touched by you, that I will never be the same.  And frankly, I don’t want to be the same.  I want to grow with you Lacey.  For the rest of my life.”
James let go of her hands and stood.  He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a box.  Lacey’s hands flew to her face, covering her mouth.  She was full on sobbing now as James sunk to one knee in front of her.  A few tears streamed down his cheeks as he looked up at the love of his life, “Lacey, my sunshine, will you marry me?”
He opened the box, but Lacey didn’t even look at it.  She reached down to wipe a tear from his cheek, keeping her hand on his face as she gazed down at the man she adored.  As her face broke into a huge grin, she leaned her head down to press her lips to his.  They kissed passionately for a few moments before he pulled away and said, “So is that a yes?”
Lacey threw back her head, laughter mixing with the tears on her cheeks.  She stopped laughing and looked back down at him “Yes.  A thousand times yes.”
James rose and pulled her into his arms, spinning her around, the box now closed and in his hand.  They embraced for a long moment, before she pulled away and said, “I know that it’s not really that important, but I’d love to see that ring now.”
“It’s very important,” he said, pulling out the box, “I want you to love this ring so much that you’ll never want to take it off.”
“It doesn’t really matter what it looks like, I’ll love it because you got it for me.”
As she said that, he opened the box and her jaw dropped.  Had she envisioned her perfect ring, it would not have compared to the ring James had gotten her.  It was a vintage ring, with a thin gold band and a very large oval diamond.  Lacey began openly sobbing as James took her hand and put it on her finger.
“Oh James, this is perfect.  I know it wouldn’t matter if it were just a plain gold band but this ring is stunning and I wouldn’t have picked a better one for myself if I’d tried.  Oh,” she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his mouth.
They held each other and kissed for a few moments before James pulled away, “You know that rooftop bar we went to when you were a freshman?”
“Yes,” Lacey said, hesitantly.
“Well, I rented it out tonight.  Our friends and family are there right now if you would like to go join them.”
Lacey let out a laugh, then pulled him close again, “James George Ashton, you have thought of everything haven’t you?”
“Well, I should have, that’s for sure.”
“Oh and why is that?”
“Because I have been planning this day since I first met you.”
“James, you have not.”
“Really? You don’t think I have?”
“There’s no way.”
“When we get home tonight, I’ll show you my journal from the September of 2014. You’ll find that was the first time I called you sunshine or compared you to the sun.  You’ve lit up my life for years Lacey Jae.  And you’ll continue to do so for years to come.”
20 notes · View notes
pixelsbichoice · 6 years
Out of curiosity, is it possible to get Kaitlyn's gift, get her together with Anissa, and have her band get first place?
14 notes · View notes
lonelylaws-blog · 4 years
Protecting her honour
Becca x MC (Quinn)
You rest your back against the door frame, wedging the door open with your foot as your guests begin to arrive. Your hands are tucked under the small of your back in an effort to retain some heat. A convoy of cars, almost identical with their pink fluffy steering wheel covers and matching fluffy dice hanging from the mirrors, had pulled into the street a few minutes ago. You’d decided greet your guests as they arrived, not wanting anyone to have to wait on your doorstep in the bitter cold. It seems Becca had gone to the trouble of ensuring the entire sorority turned out, a small olive branch held out to Madison, even if they weren’t ready to speak to each other yet, at least they were able to be in close proximity. One by one, in small groups and large, familiar faces began to enter your home, Chelsea, Madison, and Claire. Others began to wander in, too. Tyler, Zig and Aaron, the entire football team. As your house filled up and guests arrived more sparsely, you decided to leave door duty and mingle among your friends. Before you had chance to scan the room for her, a pinkie finger hooked through your own for a lingering second, before releasing you. She found you first, of course she did.
“You’re freezing, Quinn, and do not tell you don’t own gloves. You wore them to the library the other day. They’re those vulgar rainbow things that look childish even on five-year olds.” Becca said, trying not to stand obviously close to you.
“If this is your way of offering to warm me up, you only have to say,” You lean in and speak softly in Becca’s ear.
“Like you could handle this heat,” Becca’s gaze seems to wander away, running off to some fantasy land, before snapping back to herself. “Anyway, when you’re done playing ‘hostess with the mostess’, come find me.” Discreetly, and almost imperceptibly she spanked your ass, and with a sly grin, disappeared back into the crowd.
You try not to bite your lip, then compose yourself as best you can, before setting off through the crowd yourself. Across the room Abbie and Tyler keep stealing glances at each other, both unsure how to approach the other. Ugh, this love Guru deserves a break tonight. Maybe next time, guys. You smile at Tyler across the room and offer him a little wave, he offers you a meek smile in return. Yeah, this love Guru is definitely off duty. Zack better have some shots lined up for me. You head in to the kitchen, your eyes roaming until finally they rest on his all too familiar ice-cream shirt. In his hand, thrust above his head, is a bottle. The Bottle. Tonight, that bottle is the symbol of your salvation.  
“Oh, sweet Tequila. It’s been too long, my love. Bestow yourself upon me, for I have suffered in your absence…” You think back to recent events, Battle of the Bands, James’ graduation, Becca’s stunt at the sorority. Yeah, tonight I deserve to let loose for a change, and not worry about other people’s problems. Mom is off duty, kids.
“Well, I can clearly see your degree hard at work. ‘What did you learn in your four years of college, Quinn?’ ‘Well, Ma, I can wax lyrical about tequila.’” Zack sniggers, but pours you both a shot anyway.
“Shut up.” You punch his shoulder lightly.
“No elegant come back? Way to prove my point.” Zack clinks his glass against yours and unison you drink your shots. Zack winces, and struggles to retain a cough. “Poison. This stuff is poison. Why?”
“Woo!” You slam your glass down and bite on a wedge of lime, while you pour yourself another shot. Zack covers his glass with his hand, his eyes still squeezed shut. You quickly down another shot of tequila, savouring the sting of alcohol as it burns its way down your throat.
“Try and save me some.” You grin at Zack and make your way over to where Zig is stood in a corner, keeping a watchful eye over Manny.
“Hey,” you lean in and give Zig a small hug, but he’s barely able to reciprocate. “That bad, huh?” You say, as Zig turns his attention to you.
“I’m not sure yet. Maybe.” Just then, Manny’s voice rises above the others in the kitchen.
“I don’t ask what you and your sorority sisters do together when you’re not hosting all your prissy parties…” Manny’s arm was wrapped around Chelsea’s waist, pulling her uncomfortably into his side, as he grinned at a couple of the more forgettable football players.
“Um, you asked if we had sexy sleepovers like last week.” Chelsea grimaces, moving to disengage herself from his grip.
Manny’s presence at these parties is inconvenient at the best of times, but tonight he seems out to antagonise. He’s intolerable at the best of times, but tonight he seems especially malicious.
“I mean, I heard that Becky chick who got kicked out is pretty freaky.” Manny smirked.
“Oh, that’s it.” Zig says, as you both make your way across the room to Manny and Chelsea,
Under your breath, you mutter “This isn’t your fight zig.” You catch Zig’s arm as he surges towards the self-proclaimed ‘Manny the Man’, putting yourself between the two men.
“And, like I said- Chelsea began.
“Manny, I think it’s time for you to leave.” You say, you can feel your throat closing, sweat forming on your brow. Get the fuck out of my house and stop making derogatory remarks about my girlfriend, you dick! No Quinn. Stay calm. Don’t say that.
“Yo, sweetheart, can you chill? We’re trying to have a conversation here.” Manny scoffed.
“Yeah, back off!” Chelsea hissed.
“Wait, why are you taking his side? He was being a jerk to you. And objectifying you, not to mention Becca. She was supposed to be your friend, Chelsea. Besides, you’re standing in that ‘Becky chick’s’ house right now, so you better check your manners, Manny. And while you’re in our house, you do not get to pass derogatory comments about anyone, especially not my girlfriend. You know what? Get out. Seriously, Manny, get out of here. You’re not welcome here.”
“I’m outta here. C’mon babe.” Manny huffs, muttering under his breath, but ultimately storms his way through the sea of guests, Chelsea following at his heels. You stare at Manny until he and Chelsea have fled through the door.
“Girlfriend?” Zig chokes out. Oh shit. You wince, pinching the bridge of your nose. Well, maybe nobody else noticed? You urge your eyes open in time to see Becca storming up the stairs, the rest of the room stood staring at you.
You feel the heat of the room run into your cheeks, a burning sensation running from your face and travelling down your neck. So much for secrecy. The room has gone silent at your outburst. Beyond the crowd of friends, you hear the stomp of footsteps climbing the stairs before you see Becca ascend, her brow creased, neither angry or upset, but definitely not happy, either. On your way past, you feel fingers curl around your bicep.
“Really, Quinn? Becca?” Kaitlyn’s fingers dig into your arm, holding you in place. Her eyes glistening as she speaks.
“I don’t have time for this.” You shake your arm free, and carry on walking, heading up the stairs. You can’t deal with Kaitlyn’s unresolved issues tonight. She’s been blatantly flirting with Anissa all night, but god forbid you move on.
You stand in front of Becca’s door, hands balled into fists, trying to steel yourself before you enter Becca’s room. This is the calm before the storm. What am I going to say? ‘I don’t want this to end’? It might be too late for that. You can hear whispers rise up from downstairs. Shit, shit, shit. The previous song cuts out as an Alyssa Griffin song starts up, the volume turned higher than before.
“ZACK, DANCE WITH ME!” You hear Abbie awkwardly shout. Thank you, Abbie. You can hear the gentle shuffling of feet, presumably the awkward dancing of your best friends trying to detract attention from your drama.
“YES! GRANT! JOIN US!” Those two are the best. You can hear the panic in both their voices, trying to pull the focus away from whatever drama may be unfolding upstairs. Slowly, but surely, you can hear bodies start to move again downstairs, and eventually the rumble of conversations restarting.
Time to grovel. You don’t bother to knock, you walk straight in to Becca’s room, ready for resistance. Instead, as soon as you enter the room, she throws herself against you, her lips crashing against yours as you both fall back against the door. I wasn’t expecting this. Your hands cup her neck, roaming through her hair and pulling her closer to you. Eventually, you have to pull away in order to catch your breath.
“Becs, I’m so sorr-” You search her eyes, looking for some indication of what she’s thinking, what she’s feeling right now.
“No one has ever stood up for me like that before.” Becca cuts your off.
“I’d take on the world for you, even if you hated me for it.” Please don’t break up with me.
“I could never hate you, Quinn. It’s just…”
You run your thumb across Becca’s cheek, and press your foreheads together. “Talk to me.” She takes your hands and starts playing with your fingers.
“Your stupid friends, then nerd herd, what if… no. They will tell you that you can do better. That you deserve better. And they’d be right. Look what I did to Madison the other week? What kind of friend am I?! I’m never going to live up to their impeccably high standards. I’m scared of how much I love you and how protective your friends are and that you deserve so much better than me and that one of these days you’re going to wake up and realise that and you’ll kick me out of your bed, and then you’ll probably kick me out of the house too and you make me feel so vulnerable, but that’s okay when I’m around you, because when I’m with you I know I’m safe and I can let my guard down and... shit.” Becca finally pauses to catch her breath, the horror of what she’s said finally reaching her eyes as she shifts her gaze to the floor beneath your feet. Her eyes flick up to meet yours for a brief second, before flicking away again. Her cheeks are flushed. You’ve never seen her look so – so scared. She clasps your hands in hers, her fingers and yours entwined and pressing into her chest.
“You love me?” Out of all the words Becca has just thrown at you, they’re the ones you caught and held on to. Love.
“I… No?” Becca says, her face drains of colour. She obviously didn’t mean to say those three little words, not yet, but she definitely meant them.
“You love me.” You can feel your smile spreading across your face, your jaw aches with the force of your happiness.
“I do not! You mean nothing to me!” Becca stomped her foot.
“If that were true, you wouldn’t be gripping my hand so tight.”
Becca looks at your intwined fingers and quickly thrusts your hand away, only for you to immediately lace your fingers back with hers.
“I love you too, Becca.”
“Ugh, you’re so romantic I could vomit. Fine. I accept your declaration of undying love for me.”
You roll your eyes and lean in, gently pressing your lips to hers.  
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A Date with a Ghost part. 5
Book(s): The Freshmore Series x Haunting of Braidwood Manor
Summary: After My Classmate’s (Ghostly) Girlfriend, Hannah (HOBM MC) and Eleanor decided to have a double date with Kaitlyn and Emily (TF MC). And things get weird.| It’s the day after the date, and there’s some things that aren’t in the clear.
Rating: T
Genre: Crossover
Paring(s): Kaitlyn x TF MC, Eleanor x HOBM MC
Tags: @kennaxval @almogchoices @jbzxls @brooke-1515 @mfackenthal @helentwombly
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (You are here!), 6, 7
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Kaitlyn woke up to have Emily in her arms. She smiled and kissed her forehead, and moved of out her bed, making sure Emily wouldn’t wake up. She was naked from the night before and took out a fresh pair of undergarments and clothes from her drawers. After getting dressed, she got out of her room and closed the door behind her.
Despite the great sex they had, Kaitlyn hated it when things don’t go out her way. The song was overdue and the Battle of the Bands was still weeks away, so she kicked herself for not finishing something she was good at.
She was sitting in the kitchen table eating cereal and spotted Zack coming downstairs. 
“Morning.” Zack said before he went to the fridge to take out a gallon of orange juice.
Kaitlyn mumbled a “Good Morning.” Zack raised in eyebrow and said, ”What’s up? Was the date that bad?”
Kaitlyn sighed. “No, it was fine. It’s the song.” 
Zack sat across from her. He poured his drink to a cup. “You still haven’t finished it?”
She shook her head. “This is so stupid, I usually get these finished before we have band rehearsals and poof! I got nothing today.” She banged her head against the table.
Zack chuckled. “Take my advice, doing that doesn’t work.”
Kaitlyn flipped him off. “Shut up!” Zack laughed.
Hannah drank her second cup of coffee. Last night wasn’t great after the nightmares Eleanor was getting. She kept jumping from their bed and was crying profusely. Hannah had to comfort her to sleep until it happened again and again throughout the night.
Eleanor was now sleeping. Hannah felt awful about her girlfriend not being okay. She looked at her phone and it read 7:20 AM. 
She was grateful it was a Saturday, so no classes until Monday. She went to their room to get her clothes and towel to go shower.
Even showering, the time of being able to not worry about anything, Hannah was still concern about her. She thought to herself loudly, “What am I gonna do?”
Kaitlyn went to her room to find Emily not there.
“She’s probably in her room.” She thought. She grabbed her guitar from her case and went downstairs. She went to the house’s gazebo to set up band rehearsal.
Half an hour later, Amara, Anissa and Rachel showed up.
“So Kait, where’s the song you write from your genius brain?” Rachel asked.
Kaitlyn shrugged.
The other girls looked at each other with a confused look.
“What’s up?” Amara asked her.
“I didn’t get to finish the song.” Kaitlyn muttered. She hung her head in shame.
The girls didn’t have anything to say. Kaitlyn spoke up. “Look, I know I wasn’t suppose to finish it, but this entire week I was on a roll, but now I got nothing .”
Anissa gave her a comfort hand on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. We know the whole house situation, so it’s okay if you gave yourself a break.”
Kaitlyn frowned, “But I didn’t! I know the house is a big deal, but the Battle of the Bands is important to me too.”
The other girls stood quiet until Kaitlyn grabbed her guitar. She sighed, “Let’s start practicing.”
The girls assembled to position and did their soundcheck. Amara started counting off. “ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR!”
After rehearsal, the three girls left at around 2 PM. Kaitlyn got inside the house to try more attempts.
Eleanor isn’t how you call tech- savvy. She could barely use a microwave and at least know how to use a phone and doesn’t know how to text without getting frustrated. That wasn’t a problem though as Eleanor pretty much resided in Hannah’s dorm while her girlfriend’s in class. However, Eleanor had to find a way to communicate with Hannah by using her old phone. The screen was cracked but not to the point she’s unable to use it at all, but Eleanor was still grateful. The old phone still has some contacts, one of them being Kaitlyn, which had the called id as “Kaitlyn from Anthro.” 
She hesitated to message Kaitlyn. Hannah by then was taking a nap after her shower and Eleanor looked over her shoulder to see her. Eleanor unlocked the phone and went to the messaging app to find old text from others she didn’t know about. When she found Kaitlyn’s tread, she was thinking about to write.
Eleanor bit her lip and typed the letters one by one. It took her at best ten minutes to get one sentence. She had meant to write: “Kaitlyn, this is Eleanor. There’s something I need to talk to you and Emily about.”
Instead the text was: “KiAtlyn, tis is EllA nor. Ther’S SomThIng I neded to talk to youansd Emily abot.
 Kaitlyn was strumming her guitar as she was figuring out the chorus.
See you in my dreams, Feel you in the dark, Loving you everywhere.
“No...” She scribbled off the last line from her notes. 
She did it again.
See you in my dreams, Feel you in the dark, Touching every inch.
“Goddammit!” She aggressively crossed the other line. 
She got a “ding!” sound from her phone. She picked it up and read the text. She raised her eyebrows. It took her a moment for get what the text is about.
Kaitlyn: Sure! What’s up?
Eleanor: I donot tHin K it IS approprIAte fo me to tel YOu ovE the phOn,
Kaitlyn: That’s fine. You wanna hang talk about this in person?
Eleanor: YeS.
Kaitlyn wondered what was she talking about. She texted Emily.
Kaitlyn: Hey babe, Eleanor just texted me telling me that she needs to talk about something...?
Emily: ?
Kaitlyn: I thought that too, but I think this is serious
Emily: Maybe it’s about her and Hannah?
Kaitlyn: Nah, there’s no way anything is happening between them. They didn’t give me that vibe yesterday.
Ding!  Kaitlyn got Eleanor’s text, which read:
CO uld Yuo meeT mE at BRaidwood Manor? 
Eleanor bit the fingernail of her thumb. She shook her leg of nervousness as she waited mere minutes of Kaityln’s reply.
Hannah woke up and saw her girlfriend doing something.
Eleanor turned around with the phone in hand.
“-Wait, are you texting someone?”
Ding! Eleanor looked at the text.
Kaitlyn: Sure! When?
Hannah asked, “Who’re you talk to?”
“Um, no one...”
“El, you can tell me anything.”
Eleanor took a deep breath. “I don’t want you to be mad.”
“There’s no way I could be mad.”
“Very well... I was messaging Kaitlyn.”
“How did you get-?”
“You still had her number on your old phone.” Eleanor answered. “I asked her if we could meet up in the manor.”
“What?” Hannah asked, confused.
Eleanor raised her hand in defense. “I could explain! You know those dreams I’ve been getting from last night?”
With a solemn look, Hannah nodded. “Well, yeah.”
“Well, those dreams were memories. About my old life.”
“About how you and your brothers and sister-”
A pained looked ran across Eleanor’s face. Hannah apologized. Eleanor nodded. “I think they’re a sign.”
Hannah wrapped her arms around her. “I know what you mean.”
Eleanor began to cry. “Why does this have to happen to me?”
“I don’t know... But if you think it’s a good idea to do this, I’ll be right there by your side. May I...?” Hannah signaled to grabbed Eleanor’s phone. Eleanor gave it to her and read the last text Kaitlyn sent.
“The choice is yours, what day is good for you?”
Eleanor bit her lip and took the phone. She typed in and sent the text.
“TOmor Row after noon.”
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freespiritdani · 6 years
Twist Of Fate, Part 20
Kaitlyn x MC (Venus)
Kaitlyn, Anissa, Amara, and Rachel were in the private recording studio in the basement of the McCarron-Liao home, going over the tracks of their latest album, the working title of which was "KARA featuring Venus McCarron, Live And Unplugged". They had recorded it live at Mechanics Hall in Venus's birthplace of Worcester, Massachusetts.
"Man, Venus can flat-out sing!" said Anissa. "She's almost as good as you, Kaitlyn. She should've joined us long before this show!"
"I agree," Kaitlyn answered, "but we all know her response every time I tried to get her to join us. I was surprised she agreed to do this one show....." She paused, a tear rolling down her cheek. "She did it for me because she loves me.....she put her heart and soul in it just for me.... God, I'm the luckiest woman in the world to have her....I love her so much!"
Amara noticed Kaitlyn had been flexing her left arm and rubbing the back of her neck for the last 45 minutes. "Kait, are you okay?" she asked. "You've been favoring that left arm for a while now, plus your neck---"
Kaitlyn interrupted her. "I'm fine, Amara. I just slept on it wrong, that's all," she said.
"Kait, that's signs you're about to have--"
"I'm okay, Amara. I'm not having a heart--"
Becca burst through the studio door, followed closely by Zack. "Liao!" she yelled. "Where in the hell is your phone??"
"Right here on the mixing board," Kaitlyn replied. "Why are you--"
Becca interrupted her. "Why aren't you answering it?"
Kaitlyn shot back, "What the fuck gives you the right--"
Becca interrupted her again. "Your wife is at Northbridge Memorial in critical condition and your daughter is falling to pieces, thinking Mama is dying and Mommy won't answer her goddamn phone!"
Kaitlyn was angry now. "That doesn't give you the right to......" She stopped, the words Becca said finally sinking in. She spoke, worry replacing the anger in her voice. "Say that again?"
Zack answered her softly, "Venus collapsed in her office a few short minutes after you got off the phone with her. Paramedics got her heart restarted, but she's unresponsive. MG has been calling you for the last hour and nobody has been answering.....I'm not gonna lie to you, girl -- it doesn't look good."
Kaitlyn fell down into a chair, crying. Becca, Zack, and Amara picked her up. "Come on, Liao," Becca said softly, "let's go see your woman."
Mary Grace sat in the hospital room where Venus was, staring out the window and crying. The only sounds were the rhythmic beeping of the ECG monitor connected to Venus and Mary Grace's soft sobbing.
Annelise Davenport, daughter of Becca and Chelsea, entered the room unnoticed by Mary Grace. She softly walked up behind Mary Grace and tenderly put her arms around her. "Hey, Gracie," Annelise said, "I got you. I'm here for you, okay?"
Mary Grace spun around in Annelise's arms, put her head on Annelise's shoulder and began crying uncontrollably. "Oh, Annie!" she sobbed. "I'm so scared! I don't wanna lose Mama! I need her, now more than ever!"
She raised her head, tears still flowing. "Mama is lying here and I don't know whether she's gonna live or die....Mommy won't answer her phone...Aunt Chelsea won't tell me anything, saying she's waiting on Doctor Stanfield...I can't take much more of this, Annie, I just can't!"
Annelise hugged Mary Grace tightly. "That's why I'm here, girl..." Annelise said quietly. "Mom and Uncle Zack found Aunt Kait in the studio and they're on their way, should be here any time. Mum is waiting on them downstairs in the ER."
Mary Grace pulled back and stared at Annelise. "Why the ER? Why not the lobby?" she asked.
Kaitlyn sat on the bed in the ER, annoyed. "Chelsea," she said, "I'm telling you I'm not having a heart attack. I just slept wrong and my arm and neck are complaining over it, that's all!"
"Kait, just humor me, okay?" Chelsea replied. "Venus is in a room upstairs in CCU already, prognosis unknown. I don't want to take chances in your case. Let me hook you up to this wireless ECG so we can have a look-see."
Kaitlyn glared at Chelsea, who gave her a pleading look in return. Amara sighed, then said, "Kaitlyn, you're showing the classic warning signs. Do you not want to know?
Becca and Zack entered the exam room, followed by Annelise and Mary Grace. Kaitlyn was still staring at Chelsea. Kaitlyn finally replied, "The woman who means everything to me is upstairs, unconscious. You think something is wrong with me, and we all know something is wrong with her. Let's tackle that first! Forget that monitor, tell me what is going on with her, please."
Chelsea looked away. "Stanfield hasn't told me yet."
Mary Grace looked at Kaitlyn. "Mommy," she said, "I need to know, especially after what happened to Mama. Wear the monitor. For me. I gotta know."
Kaitlyn sighed, then removed her blouse. Chelsea attached the monitor.
A few hours later, Kaitlyn and Mary Grace were in Venus's room, each one holding one of her hands. The McCarrons and the Liaos were there as well, sitting next to the bed.
Dr Stanfield walked in, a somber look on his face. Kaitlyn looked at him, her eyes asking the question. He sighed and looked down. "Forgive my lack of bedside manner, but there's no easy way to say this," he said softly. "Venus may or may not regain consciousness, that's a crapshoot......but......." He took a deep breath, then looked at Kaitlyn. "She most likely won't make it through the night."
Tears welled up in Kaitlyn's eyes. Dr. Stanfield continued, "But that's not all."
Kaitlyn asked, "There's more? What else?"
Dr. Stanfield looked away, then spoke. "I've been monitoring your ECG....I'm sorry....but, Kaitlyn...." He took a deep breath then continued, ".....Venus isn't the only McCarron-Liao whose time is running out."
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not-so-freshman · 6 years
A Moment of Madness.
Becca x MC (Becca’s POV)
What was meant to be a chill night out helping Kaitlyn, turns into a night of frustration for Becca.
Parings: Becca x MC and a little Kaitlyn x Annisa. 
Rating: Mature (because i use specifically 1 swear word.)
Word Count: 3300+ (i was going to put it in parts but it flows better this way)
Note: Requested by me, This is dedicated to all the Becca Stans who head-cannon her as The Jealous Girlfriend ™ (I.e All of us 😅)
Friday night, and that meant only one thing, roommate bonding night. Well it was meant to be but Chris was off out with the football team and well Abbie was being lame and was not up for it. Instead Alison, Zack and I was going to be back up while Kaitlyn went out with Annisa for the first time.
“Oh, so I’m basically going to be the 5th wheel on a double date.” Zack sounded deflated, it’s not like we were forcing him to go.
“It’s not really a double date?” Alison spoke up while sitting on her bed, trying to reassure Zack, except for that it basically was a double date.
“Okay then I’m the only GUY on a LADIES night.”
Peeking my head out from Alison’s closet, I notice Zack's glum expression. “Fine then stay here by yourself.”
“No, no, I want to go!” Zack had suddenly changed his tune and seemed all up for it. He swiftly left the room, and I continued to comb through Alison’s wardrobe.
I’m trying to pick her out something to wear, obviously wanting my girl to look her best. Though admittedly she didn’t have to try hard, she is stunningly beautiful, but I wasn’t going to tell her that in front of Zack. Though, maybe I should tell her?
I turned around to see Alison still sitting slouched on her bed. “Erm, you know I’ve come to realise you can pretty much pull off anything so…wear what you like.” Alison’s eyes widen and she gets up to approach me. “no, no its okay, you clearly like picking my outfit.”
She snakes her arms around my waist and It feels like someone has switched on a magnet as I feel a pull, an irresistible urge to place my lips on hers.
“Hey Alison! can you pop this zit on my ba...” We both freeze in place as the door swings open revealing a rushed Kaitlyn. “I’m interrupting stuff, aren’t I?”
“Err no its fine Kaitlyn!”
I mean it wasn’t fine but whatever, I returned to flicking through Alison’s closet. Two girls should not be close enough to be popping each other zits, that is just disgusting. “Oh, Kaitlyn you should put some toothpaste on it.” I look over at her and she raises her eyebrow looking confused, I was only trying to help a girl in need. “Dries it out, no messy drama that comes with popping the thing.”
“That kinda just sounds like your trying to make me look silly.” I came to really like Kaitlyn over the months but heck she did not need help looking silly, I folded my arms and throw a look to Alison, knowing only she was going to convince her friend of anything.
“Honestly, it could be either way at this point.”
We get to the bar, its reasonably busy but we manage to claim an empty four-person table in the centre. Kaitlyn and Annisa go and take seats left of the table, while Alison and I take claim of the right side of the table.
“Oh, look the fifth wheeling has already started.” Zack jests while getting an extra chair from another table so he can join us. but before he can sit on it, Alison abandons her seat to the right of me and claims the fifth seat for herself, leaving Zack little choice but to sit next to me.
Zack looks at me as he slowly and reluctantly sits. I muster a smile and nod at Zack, he seems to relax, a little too much though as he throws his arm around my shoulders catching me off guard.
“I’m lucky Alison seems to of tamed this tiger, I’d have my head bitten off by now.” I considered removing his arm for a moment but I didn’t want to ruin his fun, he was already a bit unsure of himself having to hang out with us four.
Kaitlyn’s band mate stood up and wrestled with her seat. “Hey as a thank you for having me around, let me get the first round of drinks.” We were hesitant at first but she insisted, everyone gave Annisa a warm smile as a thank you, and she sauntered off to the bar.
As Zack finally decided to remove his arm from around me, Kaitlyn took the opportunity to lean forward and whisper to us. “Help! I have no idea what I am doing.”
“Have you told her she looks cute this evening or anything like that?” Alison added a little too quickly for my liking, looking over to her I found myself curious, did she think Annisa was cute or was that just advice?  Worry fell over me as I looked over to Kaitlyn, she needs a little encouragement. “Alison, Kaitlyn doesn’t want to lie to the girl.”
“Hey she does look cute!” Kaitlyn scowls at me.
I can’t help smile confidently having successfully goaded her. “I was kidding, why don’t you tell her that?”  Kaitlyn’s scowl fades and she seems to stare into space thoughtfully.
Annisa returns with 5 drinks on a circular tray, they wobble and clink together as she sets them down. I can see Kaitlyn watching her, waiting for a good opportunity to dazzle her with a compliment, at least I hope that’s why she was staring at her so intently. 
Instead of hearing Kaitlyn’s voice, Annisa begins to speak and it catches me and Kaitlyn by surprise.
“Alison, hope you don’t mind me saying, but you are owning that dress.”
A twinge hits my stomach, I can’t remember the last time I felt so uncomfortable.
“Oh, thank you Annisa, Becca actually picked it out for me, she did great as usual.” Alison smiles at me and my cheeks fill with a warmth, I’d like nothing more than to reach and grab her hand, if it wasn’t for Zack being in the way.
My attention is then drawn by the silence at our table, glancing at Kaitlyn, she looks slightly dumbfounded. I nudge her foot under the table with mine in an attempt to jump start her mouth into actually saying something.
“Erm, Annisa I think if anyone is owning anything, it’s you in that outfit.” smooth Liao! I see a blush take over Anissa’s cheeks as she shies away.
Then, a loud screech rips through the room, sending a shooting sensation up my spine and we all look over to the corner to see that one of the staff is setting up the karaoke machine. We take turns looking at each other, almost like we are talking telepathically. NO, I am not singing tonight or any night for that matter.
We resume to speaking aloud, but it isn’t long before we are interrupted again, by a different member of the bar staff. He carefully places a full to the brim drink on to the table next to Alison.
“Excuse me, the guy over there brought you this drink.” We all quickly glanced to where the bartender pointed over to before returning our eyes to each other. Alison politely thanked the bartender and looked over to me, looking completely puzzled, any one would have thought she didn’t get that kind of attention often.
Kaitlyn and Annisa turn their seats so they can fully appreciate the first idiot to go up and sing some cheesy pop song, just then Alison’s hand approaches the newly placed drink, causing another blow to my stomach. “Alison you’re not going to drink that are you?”
“Why not? It be a waste not to.”
My gut churns and realising my teeth are clinched once more I draw in a long calming breath. I can’t believe she is that naïve, that she thinks accepting the drink is harmless. “The drink is a question, ‘can I come over and talk to you’ that sort of thing.” I explained, Alison said nothing in return, she just raises her eye brow at me puzzled, or maybe she thinks I’m crazy. Am I going crazy?
Zack eyes widen and he interrupts himself from sipping his drink. “Yeah and like drinking it is saying ‘sure come on over.’”
“See! He gets it.” I smile to him, thankful for him backing me up and I nudge his arm playfully, causing his drink to spill.
Alison whimsically rolls her eyes at us and pushes the drink to the centre of the table, conceding this point to me.
Kaitlyn then turns around to face us, and speaks quietly trying to take advantage of Annisa’s lack of attention to the group.
“Okay, I think this is going well, I dunno if she is like, enjoying herself?”
“I’m sure she is! Don’t worry about it.” Alison being her usual supportive self, but I disagreed and booed at her disapprovingly.
“Listen Kaitlyn, she is here with 4 other people, at the end of the night she needs to remember having the most fun with you.” She seems to be considering what I said as she looks to Annisa who is slowly swaying along to an out of tune drunk.
“You should go up and duet together…”  Alison looks over smiling at me goofily, I fear I planted an idea in her head. “…or some cheesy crap like that.” I added, hoping it would throw her off.
The Karaoke drunk stumbles off stage to an over enthusiastic applause, Kaitlyn whispers something into Annisa’s ear and she reluctantly nods, both of them get up and volunteer themselves next to sing. Well this should be interesting. 
The music barely begins to blast out before Annisa’s seat is taken by some familiar looking stranger. “Hey I couldn’t help but notice you never had the drink I sent you.” Alison’s face draws a complete blank and she becomes a stuttering mess, no doubt trying to think of a nice way out. 
“Erm, it’s not really my sort of drink?” a blatant lie as she failed to observe that he had ordered her the exact same thing she had already been drinking. I think I’d be madder if she didn’t look so darn cute when she was flustered. 
“What she means is, she’s with me, she’s not interested.” I folded my arms, in attempt to keep them locked in place so I could resist throwing something, anything in his smug face. All the while I watched his thoughtful gaze bounce between me and Alison. 
“Wait, you and her?” he then tilted his head with a squint looking very dim-witted, I saw no need for him to be surprised, but then his gaze shifts from me to Zack. “I saw you and that guy earlier looking kinda…so I assumed- “ 
“ERR NOO!” Zack and I protested in absolute horror, almost perfectly in sync. I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or vomit or some combination of all 3. The stranger made a swift escape having realised how much of an idiot he was to think that me and Zack, eww, were dating, never mind Alison being completely out of his league.
I turned to my right and tilted Zack’s chair so he slid off onto the floor landing with a thud. He looks up at me, eyebrows raised and mouth agape. “You two are swapping seats, NOW.” I demanded, Alison leans back in her seat and folds her arms, and a knowing smile creeps across her face, “please.” I added. 
Kaitlyn and Annisa return from the stage, just as Zack gets up off the floor and rearranges his clothes before taking the end seat, and Alison then takes her rightful place next me. she places her hand on my knee and gently caresses it with her thumb. “Hey, I’m sorry about…you know. I didn’t want Zack to feel awkward so I took the end seat.” 
Oh, but she didn’t mind me feeling awkward. I know that isn’t what she meant, I just couldn’t help feel annoyed, a toxic wave had been bubbling away inside me since we got here, it begins to calm though as Alison closed the gap between us, and touched her nose to mine and gently rubbed them against each other. I snort inwardly at the corny gesture. “I suppose you are forgiven.” 
“That easily huh? I was going to offer to get you a chocolate mudslide.” 
“Oh, I don’t even wanna think about how many squats I’d have to do to work that off...”  Alison chuckles with the shake of her head, and I place my hand on top of hers. “...though, I can think of more fun ways to work it off.”
And their it was again; my body is made to feel completely weightless at the return of that pull from earlier that evening. 
“GUYS you do realise you’re not alone?” Zack waved both his hands, trying to draw attention to his presence. 
“oh, leave them alone.” Annisa said whilst laughing. 
Alison pulls away from me and she offers to get the next round of drinks for everyone, she gives me a tiny wave as she skips backwards towards the bar. Zack watches her leave then leans in close to me. “so, when’s the wedding?” he asked me, I know he is teasing but my face feels as though it is on fire, before I could even consider my response, an obnoxious laugh tears through my body, I swivel on my chair to see some red head talking to Alison. I feel that twinge from earlier again as I lean forward, inspecting every element of her. She’s pale, slim with long flaming hair, and I already hate her.   
“If you keep staring at that girl like that, you’re going to burn a hole through her skull!” it seemed my stalking hadn’t gone unnoticed by Kaitlyn.
 “Good! The maybe she’ll drop dea…it, maybe she’ll drop it.” 
“I think they’re just talking, you can chill out.” I turned to the table and found the 3 staring back at me, I dismissed Zack’s remark with nothing but a sigh and turned back to hear more obnoxious laughter coming from the red head. Those drinks are taking forever, why is Alison even talking to her? 
Suddenly my world turns to slow motion as I’m forced to watch as she places her hand on Alison’s arm, whilst forcing that ridiculous laugh. “Okay! did you guys see that? That was a move. I’m telling you.” 
“Becca, seriously Alison will handle it.” 
I folded my arms in a huff, conceding. Zack was right, I decided to make a conscious effort to keep my back to them, I just had to take deep breaths. Along as I never hear that stupid giggle again, I’d be fine. 
But then, there it was right on cue like she could hear my thoughts. Cold runs up my spine and there is a toxic stab in my stomach, taking hold and twisting inside of me. “THAT’S IT!” 
“erm?! Where – “ 
“I think we’re about to witness the human equivalent of a dog urinating up a tree!” 
That’s the last thing I can hear Kaitlyn and Zack mutter as I leave them behind. I’ve lost it. My legs have taken over and before I know it, they’re stomping their way over to the bar, Alison turns to face me and gives me the sweetest smile, a pang of guilt scratches at me, but it’s not enough to stop me in this moment of madness. I’m leaving a mark, I take her by the shoulders, and I plant my lips on her cheek, forcefully smudging against her 
“oh my god, how insecure do you have to be." 
The bitch walks off in a huff, I pull away from Alison’s cheek, she’s smeared with my red lipstick. Her sweet and endearing smile now replaced with an unreadable expression.  She slumps off with a sigh leaving me behind with nothing but the drinks, my aching chest and knotted stomach.
I look over to our table, Kaitlyn is trying to say something to me but I can’t hear over the jumble of chatter and music, she’s now waving frantically at the door, trying to wave me off to go follow Alison outside.  
I step out and she is standing by my car, looking out into the cold air with her back faced to me. I nervously approach her and wrap my arms around her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder, man, I thought she’d pull away.
“I’m sorry that I got all…”   I didn’t fully know what this is, all I know is every time I felt this way, she was there, it always involved Alison in some way. 
She turns her head towards me a little, her cheek almost touches me, still stained with my red, angry mark. “I don’t mind that you got jealous that’s normal. But I wasn’t a fan of how you responded to it.” 
I pull away from her as I begin to shrink inside myself, that was it, I went from being jealous of who she was and everything she could do, to being jealous of what? nearly everyone else that might want to talk to her, steal her away from me. What did I hate more? Someone paying attention to Alison or her paying attention to someone else, that wasn’t me.
and that she might not feel... what I do? Because why would she. 
“What you thinking Becca?” I hear Alison’s voice drift from behind me. 
“That’s its difficult being in a relationship knowing…the other person could do better.” 
I hear her take a few steps towards me and she takes my hand in hers “I don’t need better, not when we fit so well.” As she pulls me to face her, our eyes connect, my ears and cheeks boil, I feel exposed. My heart pounds, faster and faster, it’s as though it would leap out at her if it could. Well, it does belong to her after all. 
“I love you.” 
The words escape my lips so easily, so comfortably, like I’ve said them a thousand times before. yet they’re left hanging there in the quiet as I watch Alison’s face go from startled to more serious. I wait and wonder if I’ll ever hear them back, my body is about ready to flee unable to handle the deafening silence, I’m starting to doubt if she even heard me. 
“Becca, I love you too!” she lunges at me, wrapping her arms around my waist, lifting me off the ground slightly. “I can’t believe the Becca Davenport has fallen in love with me.” 
“More like pulled” was all I could just about say as she squeezed, barely able to breathe never mind talk or anything else. She quickly set me down though, probably noticing the strain in my voice, she looked at me confused. I couldn’t help place my arms around her neck, pulling her in close.
“Alison, you saw me at my lowest and built me up to be better than I ever was, and you didn’t take an ounce of credit. How could anybody not be pulled into loving someone like that?” somehow she smiles even wider and I return it with my own.
 “Becca, I can’t handle not kissing you right now!” she urgently pulls me in, pressing her lips into mine in a passionate kiss. Everything appears to melt away, as we completely breathe each other in.
Alison ends the kiss a moment way to soon. “I could spend forever alone with you…”my heart flutters, I could only silently agree with her as she brushed her thumb across my cheek. “…but we should get back to the others.”
She was right, she took me by the hand and we walk back inside to join the group, but when we got inside, I saw no sign of Annisa and Kaitlyn, I scanned around for them as we made our way back to the table, where Zack gave us a frosty welcome as he simply pointed to the corner of the room before folding his arms in a huff, the other girls had left him alone to play pool and tonsil hockey. Man, he looked pissed. 
“See Alison I told you, Fifth wheel, FIFTH WHEEL!!”
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neptunesascendant · 6 years
tag game!
thanks @havensfall sorry this took ten years
rules: choose any three fandoms (in any order) and answer the questions, then tag ten people you want to get to know better
my fandoms are choices, tvd, and black lightning bc why not
the first character you loved:
black lightning: jennifer because she’s a relatable queen 
choices: kaitlyn liao my chinese skinny legend
the vampire diaries: bonnie or stefan tbh
the character you never expected to love so much:
black lightning: uh no one really tbh
choices: samantha motherfucking massey
the vampire diaries: caroline
the character you relate to the most:
black lightning: jennifer because she’s a relatable queen
choices: andy kang and sloane washington
the vampire diaries: bonnie
the character you’d slap:
black lightning: that asa agent dude and khalil
choices: ohhhh this is gonna be hard bc I have a list but the top three are pre-redemption becca, noah and nicole
the vampire diaries: damon salvatore
three favourite characters (in order of preference):
black lightning:  jennifer, anissa, and jefferson
choices: ava cunningham, andy kang, and kamilah sayeed
the vampire diaries: bonnie, stefan, and caroline
a character you didn’t like at first but now you do:
black lightning: henderson
choices: NADIA PARK
the vampire diaries: caroline and tyler
three otps:
black lightning: lynn x jefferson, anissa x grace, jennifer x happiness
choices: andy x mc, michael x mc, and ava x tom
the vampire diaries: stelena, klaroline/forwood, and damon x slow, painful death
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jamesashtonisbae · 5 years
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Match
Word Count: 2,885
Pairing: James x MC (Lacey), Becca x Zig, Abbie x Tyler, Kaitlyn x Anissa, Zack x Grant
Rating: M
Warnings: Language, sexual content
Summary: Lacey is a notorious matchmaker.  Who will be her next couple?
Author’s Note: Somehow this got deleted, so I’m fixing it now!  Sorry if you’ve already seen it!
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, they belong to pixelberry studios.  This is based on The Freshman Series.
Lacey was sitting at the desk in the room she shared with her boyfriend James, working on the rough draft of a paper on Shakespeare’s political tragedies, her personal favorites.  James walked in and pressed a kiss to her temple, glancing down at her hands typing quickly about Cleopatra as a shrewd political operative.
 “You do love some classic Cleopatra, don’t you?”
 “You know I do.  She’s amazing.  It’s such a shame that no one knows her for her brilliant mind, her scheming, her wisdom, but just for her beauty.  It wasn’t her beauty that drew the most powerful men to her.  It was her confidence, her power, her cunning.  They didn’t even know – OH MY GOD! Becca and Zig should totally date!”
 James chuckled as Lacey spun around, mouth wide open, “Lacey dear, you know nothing that you say could ever surprise me.  But how on earth did you arrive at that conclusion?”
 “Becca is Cleopatra, duh.”
 “That still doesn’t explain how you got to her dating Zig.”
 “Women like Cleopatra need men in their lives who have a healthy awe of them, but at the same time are strong and secure in who they are.  They have to know the power that they hold in their hands, respect it, but know that they can handle it.  Zig is perfect for Becca.  They’re perfect for each other.”
 “What about Chris and Becca?  I always kind of thought they would get together.”
 “James. I don’t think I’m in a position to suggest to Chris that he should date someone.  It would not go well.”
 “Lacey, it’s been almost two years.  Surely he is over it by now.”
 “James. Chris has had many opportunities to move on and has taken none of them.  If he were going to, he would have.  That man is a chick magnet.”
“So you think he’s attractive?”
 “James.  You know that I slept with him.  I have to be attracted to him in some way if I’m going to sleep with him.  I, objectively speaking, can acknowledge Chris is an attractive man.  There are a lot of attractive men in the world.  I acknowledge that they look good, and then acknowledge that I am dating the hottest man in the entire world, and move on with it.”
 “Don’t think you can butter me up to get out of this.”
 “James, you know it’s okay.  I recognize that there are attractive women in the world, and if you look at them and notice they are attractive, I’m not going to be mad.  If you stop and think “she’s way prettier than my girlfriend” then I might be mad.”
 “Stop being right.”
 “I can’t. Now help me set up Becca and Zig.”
 “How are we going to do this?”
 “Hmm, how about we invite everyone out for dinner, but beforehand, we text everyone that’s not Becca and Zig to say they can’t come.  Then, while we’re at dinner with them, before we order, we have someone call us, maybe Kaitlyn, saying she needs us to come help with something? Think that could work?”
 “It’s worth a shot.”
 “Perfect!” Lacey started typing out a message to Zack, Grant, Chris, Abbie, Tyler, Kaitlyn, and Anissa.
 Hey guys! So James and I want to set up Becca and Zig.  We’re going to text the big group and ask if anyone is free for dinner.  Wait until both of them respond (hopefully affirmatively) and then you all say you can’t make it.  Kait – can you call us the night we go to dinner and tell James and I we have to come help you with something (before we order).  Thanks guys! Love ya!
 “There! Sent.”
 Chris: yeah I think that’s a great idea
 Kaitlyn: ahhhhhh amazing!!! I will defs call you during the din-din!!!
 Abbie: tyler and I are in. and by in, we mean totally not coming and totally down for those two to get together!
 Lacey: Perfect!  I’ll text the big group now!
 Lacey shot off a text to the big group, and within minutes, Becca and Zig both responded that they would be there.  Everyone else followed up with excuses as to why they couldn’t come.  James took Lacey’s hand and pulled her close to him, “You are such a little matchmaker.  You cannot be stopped.”
 “What can I say? I want my friends to find love.”
 “And you?”
 “I found love over two years ago.  And I couldn’t be happier.”
 Two nights later, James and Lacey met Becca and Zig at the local Italian place with the best lasagna in the city.  Zig had offered to take Becca, because James had made up an elaborate reasoning for why he and Lacey needed to meet them there and couldn’t pick them up.
 When they arrived, Becca and Zig were already there, chatting and laughing together. Zig said something particularly funny, and Becca put her hand on his arm and threw her head back in laughter. James looked over at Lacey and raised his eyebrow.
 “Maybe they don’t need us to help them.”
 “You’re probably right.  Let’s go in anyway.”
 “Or we could just text them and say that an emergency came up and we can’t make it.”
 “Oh, that’s better.  But I’d feel bad.”
 “We’re already lying to them.”
 “You’re right, I’ll text Becca.  They already have a table, so they can’t leave.’
 Hey bex. James’s parents just randomly showed up in town, so we can’t make it.  Tell Zig we’re sorry and we’ll hang out sometime soon!  Have fun ;)
 Lacey and James watched as Becca looked down at her phone.  She read it, then showed it to Zig, who rolled his eyes.  Becca began texting back.
 Dang.  Have fun with the fam.  Zig and I should be able to handle hanging out tonight.
 Thanks bex.  I’m so sorry!  Coffee tomorrow?
 Yes please!  9?
 “Ahhhhhh let’s get out of here!  I can’t wait to talk to her about it all tomorrow!”
 “Becca!” Lacey exclaimed, running up to her friend, wrapping her in a hug.  “I am so sorry that James and I couldn’t make it last night.  We had no idea his parents were coming to town.”
 “That’s okay.  How were they?” she asked as they moved into the line and ordered their coffees. Lacey grabbed the iced coffee she was handed and waited for Becca to get her drink.
 “So, how was dinner with Zig last night?” Lacey asked, noting that Becca started blushing as soon as she heard Zig’s name.
 Becca sipped her drink, “Umm, it was actually really good.”
“Yeah? Why’s that?”
 “Well, if you guys hadn’t cancelled, Zig and I wouldn’t have gotten to know each other as well as we did.  He’s a really cool guy.  Like I always knew that.  Obviously, I’m friends with him so I knew that.  But, I don’t know.  I think we may be into each other.”
 “No way. That’s amazing.  Did anything happen?”
 “Well, he drove us to and from the restaurant, right?  And so on the way home, he said something about it being fun and that the two of us should hang out one on one again.  And I suggested tonight.  And he said “it’s a date.”  And then when he dropped me off, he kissed my cheek and walked me to my door.  I insisted that he not walk me up.  And he insisted that no gentleman would ever let a stunning young lady walk to her door alone.  So we’re hanging out at his place tonight.  We’re going to watch a movie and he’s making Mexican food, and Lacey I’ve never been more nervous and I don’t know why and hey!  Why don’t you look surprised?”
 “Would you be upset if I told you that James and I didn’t back out because his parents were in town but because we were trying to set you up with Zig?”
 “You did what???”
 “So you’re upset?”
 “Of course I’m not upset!  I am floored that you knew before I did.  Why him?”
 “Because you’re strong as hell, and he’s not intimidated by that.”
 “That’s it?”
 “Oh there are other reasons, but that’s what made it finally click in my head. You guys would also make gorgeous babies.”
 “What? You’re both total smoke shows.”
“We’re getting coffee tomorrow morning to talk about tonight, right?”
 “Ugh. Yes.  We can do that.”
 “Tell me everything!” Lacey exclaimed before Becca even sat down.  Lacey had gotten there early and ordered already because she could not wait to hear how it had gone.
 “Ugh. At least let me drink some coffee first. I am exhausted.”
 “That’s a good sign,” Lacey said, eyebrows raised.
 Becca blushed, “Yeah.  It is.”
 “Details woman!”
 “Okay okay!  So he picked me up, right?  And took me to his house.  We got there and chatted for a bit, then he made dinner.  I kind of helped, but not a lot.  He’s an amazing cook.  I cannot stress that enough.  The food alone would have saved the date if it had been bad.  It wasn’t bad, by the way.”
 “Keep going, I know you’re withholding juicy details from me!”
 “So I offered to do the dishes since he cooked, and he insisted we both do them. So many times he would reach around my waist and grab something, or he would brush his arm against mine.  He was not subtle.  But I really liked it.”
 “More, more, more!”
 “Okay! We sat down and watched a movie. At first we were just next to each other watching it, but then he did the thing.  Like the stretch and put your arm around the girl thing.  During a particular scene, he mumbled something, so I turned to ask what he said.  And when I looked him in the eyes, he tilted my chin and kissed me.  I honestly don’t know what happened with the rest of the movie, because we made out the entire time.  And when it was over, he very politely asked if we could move to the bedroom, which is where we stayed until seven this morning when he took me back home.”
 “Wait, you guys had sex?”
 “Many times, yes.”
 “That was unexpected.  But it makes sense.  You’re both ridiculously hot.”
 “Lacey, it was so good.  I haven’t been laid in such a long time.  And he was an absolute gentleman.  He was so good to me.  That man’s tongue.  He sure knows how to use it.  And his hands.  Oh my gosh.”
 “But how’s his dick?”
 “Lacey. He’s amazing.  It’s perfect.  The sex was incredible.  I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him.”
 “So when he dropped you off, what did he say?”
 “Oh! So he was all “I had a lot of fun last night.  Not just the sex.  That was great.  But I like you.  I like hanging out with you.”  And I agreed with him.  And I’m going over again tonight.  I really think that we’re going to be in it for the long haul, Lacey.”
 “I am so glad!  I can’t wait to tell James!”
 “You mean you haven’t told him yet?”
 “I mean, not about you two sleeping together.  But definitely that you were going on a date with him!  He’ll be so excited for the two of you!”
 “I cannot believe that you were behind all of this.  Like I should have known, but I still am shocked.  But I really like him, Lacey.  A whole, whole lot.  He’s the best a man I’ve ever known, and I don’t know why I wasn’t able to see that we would make a good couple sooner.”
 “It’s because you’re not the matchmaker, I am.”
 “What is this, like your fifth couple you’ve set up?”
 “Darren and Amara, Madison and Tripp, Kaitlyn and Anissa, Tyler and Abbie, Zack and Grant, Logan and Leila, Sebastian and Edgar…”
“Whoa. I didn’t even remember some of those couples.  Some of them are so unexpected, but you saw they belonged together I guess.”
 “Admittedly, you and Zig are my favorite couple.”
 Becca let loose a laugh, “I honestly always thought you would tell me that I should date Chris.”
 “Becca, you know that Chris doesn’t want me to tell him to date anyone.”
 Becca smiled sadly and nodded, “Yeah, he is still so into you.”
 “Becca, be honest,” she started looking down at the mug in her hands, “did I fuck that situation up a lot?  Should I have done a lot of things differently?”
 “Do you regret sleeping with Chris?”
 Lacey paused a beat, then said, “I do regret it.  Not because it’s hurting me and James.  He’s okay with it and we actually did talk about it.  I felt so bad, but he pointed out that we hadn’t even met and even more than that, that I didn’t owe him anything.  But I know Chris is still into me and maybe I should have been more careful with his feelings.”
 “I’m going to stop you right there.  He had no reason to expect that from you.  You were not committed to each other and you owed him nothing.  He can be sad, but you should not feel like you owe him something.  Lacey, he has no leg to stand on because the very next week he was with me and we were dating.  Even if it meant more to you, you had every right to move on, because he moved on too. Please never feel like you owed him being careful.  And you met James.  And James is the most amazing man for you.  You belong together.  And James is right, he didn’t know you when it happened, but I know you love him and feel like you hurt him, but James has slept with other women-“
 “He actually hasn’t.”
 Becca cocked her head, “Your first time was his first time?”
 Lacey nodded, “It was really cute to talk to him about everything beforehand.  He was so nervous and so worried about letting me down, but he definitely did not disappoint.”
“From how you talk about him I always assumed he was super experienced.”
 “I mean, we are experienced with each other.  Like we have tried a lot and done a lot, but external to each other we don’t have a lot of experience.”
 “You had more experience?”
 “Yeah, Chris and then my high school boyfriend at prom.”
 “So Chris was the second time you’d had sex?”
 “Yeah. Did you ever sleep with him?”
 Becca shook her head, “No he was never interested in sleeping with me.”
 “But you slept with Zig and it was AMAZING!”
 “That’s true, I did.  And it was. Lacey, I could ride that dick for the rest of my life.”
 Lacey grimaced, then tilted her head acceptingly, “You know, not the worst visual. It was mildly shocking but not unpleasant.”
 “Okay, please stop imagining Zig and I having sex.”
 “Becca, you know that if I am thinking about sex, my mind is instantly going to go to James…”
 Becca laughed, “How are the two of you doing these days?  Any trouble in paradise?”
 “No trouble at all.  I mean, we have tiny arguments about things that don’t matter, but if something big happens we talk like adults.  I could marry him, Becca.  Like it will probably happen.  I didn’t expect to find love like this so easily.  Everything about James and I is so easy.  I love him so much, Becca.  If he asked me to marry him this minute I would say yes.  I cannot believe how lucky I am to have him, Becca.”
 “Lacey, your relationship with James is so beautiful.  Every one of our friends has a great relationship, but yours with James stops my heart.  You guys were made for each other.  I love you both individually, but together you are unstoppable.”
 “Honestly, soon that will be you and Zig.”
 “Yeah,” Becca blushed, “I think so.”
 At that moment the door to the coffee shop opened and the bell above it dinged. Lacey and Becca both looked up, and when Becca saw it was Zig, her blush deepened.
 “Hey Zig!” Lacey exclaimed, rising to hug him. “How have you been?”
 “Quit playing coy Lacey,” he said, hugging her back, “I know Becca probably told you we went on a date.”
 “You didn’t go anywhere, Zig, but yes she did.”
 Zig let go of Lacey and wrapped his arms around Becca, who was still seated, and pressed his lips to her cheek, “Hey there, gorgeous.”
 Becca blushed even more, but turned her face to peck him on the mouth.
 “Oh my gosh, you two are so cute!  I am emotional!” Lacey covered her mouth with her hands and giggled.
 “Stop it, Lacey, we’ve been on one date,” Becca said.
 “About that,” Zig said, “Becca, I don’t want to wait until tonight to ask you this. Will you be my girlfriend?  I know this is pretty fast, but I’m so into you-“
 “Yes!” Becca stood up and pulled him into a kiss, “Zig, I am so into you too, and I do not want to wait.  Let’s do this.”
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freespiritdani · 6 years
Twist Of Fate, Part 13
Kaitlyn x MC (Venus)
The crowd was filling the auditorium to capacity as KARA began doing their sound checks. Seated front row center were five of the suitemates -- Chris, Zack, Venus, Abbie, and Tyler -- plus their close friends -- Becca, Chelsea, James, Reyna, Darren, Zig, Grant, and Gabriella Vasquez.
Zack leaned over to Venus and said, "Loving you girls' outfits tonight. Haven't seen anything this bold on either of you since the surgery and the pregnancy."
Venus replied, "Kait and I talked this afternoon and decided, considering the events and meaning behind them, that we should embrace them instead of being self-conscious about them. She said she'd wear that if I'd wear this....soooooo....."
They all sat around exchanging small talk until five minutes before showtime, when Venus arose and said, "Excuse me, guys, but I need to tend to a personal matter."
"Hurry back! You don't want to miss this!" Abbie said.
Venus smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't!" and headed for the auditorium"s side door. When she went out the side door, she turned right and ran to the stage door. As she arrived all the stage lights and the lights in the auditorium went out. Anissa came out and handed Venus a wireless headset mic.
"Here," Anissa said. "Knock 'em dead!
"I'll try," Venus said as she put on the mic. "Know where the seat is?"
*A51, between Zack and Abbie."
"Right. Go!"
A lone spotlight shown on the stage, showing a lone figure.
I had a dream late last night
My water was running low
And my fields were on fire, burning my sky
My body was moving slow
And when I woke, I tasted the sweat
Of desire on my mouth
Zack leaned over and said, "I love this song," to which Anissa, sitting in Venus's seat, replied, "Me too!"
Zack and Abbie shot Anissa a wide eyed look, then looked back at the stage just as another spotlight illuminated a second lone figure.
And I realized my heart had abducted my mind
And they were last seen headed south
Now I can't sleep, I'm so wired
And I find myself screaming out
Don't you need, don't you want
Can't you taste it when you're alone
Don't you cry, don't you feel
Sometimes I wonder if you are real
Both, in unison:
Don't you bleed
Don't you need
Abbie exclaimed, "Wow, Venus has got a set of pipes!!! I knew she could sing from doing karaoke, but damn!!! She's good!!!"
Chris leaned around Zack and asked Anissa, "Why doesn't Kaitlyn ask Venus to join you guys?"
"She has," Anissa answered. "Shoot, man, we all have. More than once. But she keeps saying no, she's a writer not a rocker......she agreed to do this because this is the twentieth anniversary of you guys meeting for the first time."
Chelsea leaned over and growled, 'Can you guys please shut the hell up? I can't hear over your ramblings and I missed the entire second verse!"
Everybody refocused their attention to what was going on onstage. Venus and Kaitlyn were standing close to each other, facing each other.
Don't you want to lay it down and feel your skin against the ground
Don't you want to ride the storm,then sleep inside the calm
Don't you want to get that high
Don't you want to be satisfied
Both, in unison:
Well if you don't want it from me,Don't you need
They turned and faced the audience, standing shoulder-to-shoulder.
I had a dream late last night, My water was running low
And my fields were on fire, How was I to know
That I burn every night in my dreams, and only morning can set me free
Kaitlyn pulled Venus in tight and they shared a passionate kiss as the band finished the song.
The crowd thundered in applause, giving the band plus Venus a standing ovation.
As Anissa rejoined the band onstage, Kaitlyn looked at Venus. "I know you only promised one song, babe, and I'm not gonna push," Kaitlyn said, "but you know everything in the setlist by heart. Wanna stay and finish the show?"
Venus said, "Babe, I don't think...." She paused, looking at the girls in the band. Kaitlyn was looking at her expectantly, Rackel gave her a thumbs up, Amara and Anissa we're smiling and nodding.
"Oh, what the hell! Let's rock!"
After the show was over, the girls were carrying the equipment back to the van with the help of the rest of the gang. Chelsea looked over at Venus and said, "Woman, don't let anyone kid you, you can flat-out SING! You should join the band and tour with them!"
Venus smiled and replied, "Thanks, but no thanks! I--"
Kaitlyn, Amara, Anissa, and Rachel interrupted and said in unison, "I'm a writer not a rocker!"
Everybody laughed.
Once the van was loaded, Kaitlyn said to everyone, "Look, guys, I'm sorry to break this party up, but six of us have a date with a dorm suite to celebrate an anniversary. What say we reconvene tomorrow and make a day of it?"
Becca said, "Way ahead of you, Liao. I've got the entire VIP section of Bobby Flay's new place in town booked for 11. Work for everybody?"
Everybody said yes, then said their good nights.
Chris, Zack, Tyler, Abbie, Kaitlyn, and Venus walked into the suite where they spent their freshman year at Hartfeld.
"Man, this place brings back memories," Abbie said.
Chris agreed. "Yeah, it does. I miss those days..."
They went up on the roof, reminiscing for hours about that first night, the parties, the good times and the bad times, the game of Truth Or Truth....."Which reminds me...." Zack said, "Kaitlyn. Has your ultimate fantasy come true yet?"
Venus blushed, her face turning almost as red as her hair.
Kaityn smiled and replied, "Let's just say that on our wedding night I found out that my bride is a chocolate fiend....*
The other four looked at Venus and went "oooooooooohhhh".
Venus shot back, "Let's just say that when I licked the chocolate off.....a certain area...my bride couldn't get up or form coherent senences for over an hour........"
"Oh, really??" It was Kaitlyn's turn to blush.
When they went back downstairs, Chris said, "I'm hungry. Anybody else want something to eat?"
Tyler, Abbie, and Zack said they were. Kaitlyn shot Venus a knowing look and said, "We've had a long day. I think we'll just go to bed."
Abbie said, "Good night, ladies."
Venus called over her shoulder, "Good night," then she and Kaitlyn went into Venus's old room.
Zack called down the hall, "Hey, Kaitlyn! Your room is down the hall!"
"Shut up, Zack!" Venus called back and shut the door.
As the four were in the common room, they heard moans, then screams of ecstasy coming from Venus's room. Abbie laughed and said, "Wonder if they forgot how thin the walls are......."
Early the next morning, Venus heard her phone vibrating. She picked it up and answered it. "Hello?" she said softly.
"Venus, is that you?" the voice on the other end said.
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freespiritdani · 6 years
Twist Of Fate, Part 18
Kaitlyn x MC (Venus)
Venus sat in the window seat, cuddling with Kaitlyn, who had leaned her head back against Venus. Kaitlyn was holding a large coffee cup filled with -- what else? -- coffee, which they always share every morning. They were sitting in silence waiting for the sun to rise.
Venus wordlessly gave Kaitlyn a loving kiss on the top of her head. Kaitlyn smiled and settled back more into Venus.
They heard Mary Grace scurrying around, a nervous ball of energy just hours before her wedding. Venus chuckled. "Hey, babe," she said softly, "were we that skittish before our wedding on the big day?"
Kaitlyn giggled and took a sip of coffee. "Honestly, babe, I think she's calm compared to what I was. I don't think I really relaxed until the minister said 'you may kiss the bride'."
Mary Grace burst in the living room. "Mama! Mommy! It's six hours until my wedding! What are you doing just sitting there???"
Kaitlyn took another sip of coffee. "Have a seat, baobei. Take a deep breath, relax, and watch the sunrise with us. Your nerves will thank you later."
The bride's party were all standing around in the hallway of the church, their hair all styled in matching styles, their lavender dresses gorgeous. Kaitlyn and Gabriella were stunning in their red Matron Of Honor dresses.
Zack, dressed in an all-white suit, walked up to them and said, "Wow! With get-ups like that, you're liable to upstage the bride! You are all so beautiful!"
Kaitlyn laughed. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Zack. And besides, she's wearing Venus's wedding dress -- you're not going to upstage her with her wearing that dress!"
Venus called from down the hall, "I still say she should have worn your dress, babe! Yours is more beautiful, I think."
Kaitlyn turned to reply, "Nuh-uh! Yours is way more--- WOW!.....Damn, babe! That dress looks.......WOW!"
Venus was wearing a black floor-length skirt with a black tunic over a frilly white blouse, custom-tailored for the wedding.
Zack gave a low whistle. "Damn, girl, you may just upstage your daughter!" he said.
Venus shook her head. "Not a chance, my friend! See for yourself!" She said, pointing to the dressing room door, where Mary Grace was standing in Venus's wedding dress.
Everybody except Kaitlyn and Venus gasped at how Mary Grace looked. Kaitlyn and Venus smiled broadly. "God, she!s beautiful!" Someone finally exclaimed.
Mary Grace walked over to Venus and Kaitlyn.were standing. "Mama.....Mommy....." she said, "I....I....are you two gonna be okay? I mean....I won't be...."
Venus and Kaitlyn pulled her into a big hug. Venus said, "Baobei, we're gonna be better than okay! We raised a wonderful young woman who brought us so much love and joy....and now we get to see you all grown up, starting on a journey that will bring you the same love and joy to share with Rico!...... We're so proud of you, Mary Grace McCarron-Liao!"
"Very proud!" Kaitlyn added. "And.... you choosing today to get married.....is the best birthday present you've ever given me. Ever!"
Just then, they heard the music start. Zack came over and said, "I hate to interrupt, but it's showtime! You ready, MG?"
Mary Grace took a deep breath, looked at Kaitlyn and Venus, then looked at Zack. "Yes, Uncle Zack. I'm ready."
The bridesmaids began the processional, leaving Venus and Mary Grace alone. "Mama," Mary Grace asked, "were you and Mommy nervous like this when you got married? Were either of you scared?"
"Yes, baobei, we were. Very," Venus replied. "But when Dad started walking me down the aisle, Kait and I locked eyes....and knowing that we were about to officially become one...all our fears, all our doubts, all our worries, just melted away..."
Mary Grace squeezed Venus's arm. "Thanks, Mama. For everything."
The doors opened as Anissa began playing the wedding march. Venus held out her arm and Mary Grace took hold of it, then they began the walk to the altar.
When they reached the altar, Rico and Mary Grace locked eyes. Venus glanced over and saw Mary Grace's expression change from nervous tension to pure love and admiration for the man about to become her husband. She looked at Kaitlyn and winked. Kaitlyn smiled.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.'
Mary Grace and Rico shared a deep, passionate kiss.
The minister said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you...Doctor and Mrs. Enrique Vasquez the Second!"
The music began and Rico and Mary Grace walked back down the aisle arm-in-arm, the happiness on their faces beaming for all to see. They were followed by Venus and Kaitlyn, Charles and Gabriella, and the rest of the bridesmaids and groomsmen paired off in couples.
When they were out of the chapel and waiting for the photographer, Mary Grace and Rico stepped off to the side, alone. Venus, Kaitlyn, Gabriella, and Charles watched them, smiling. "Vee," Gabriella said, "They did it. They made it. Welcome to the family!"
"Yes, Gabbi, they did," Venus replied, 'and look how happy they are........wonder what your dad would say about this?"
Gabriella chuckled. "You know the answer to that," Gabriella said, the she and Venus said in unison, "Happy Kitty Bunny Pony!"
Everybody laughed.
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freespiritdani · 6 years
Twist Of Fate, Part 12
Kaitlyn x MC (Venus)
WARNING: Contains material NSFW
Venus was standing nude in front of the full-length mirror in her and Kaitlyn's bedroom, appraising what she saw in that reflection.
Still just as amazing as it was twenty years ago, she thought, except for that scar running from my throat almost to my belly button.
That scar.......
It had been almost seven years since her heart transplant. She ran her fingers up and down that scar, thinking about all that happened in the last seven years. She closed her eyes and smiled.
Venus felt Kaitlyn's body press against her back and Kaitlyn's gentle hands began massaging her breasts. She leaned back into moaning with pleasure. "Ohhh, Kaitlyn..." she moaned, "keep going.....don't stop...."
Kaitlyn took her right hand and ran it tenderly down Venus's scar. She seductively whispered in Venus's ear, "If I promise to keep going, will you promise to quit obsessing and worrying about that damn scar?"
Venus sighed. "Babe, don't you think that scar ruins the look of my body? Honestly. Don't you?"
Kaitlyn, fully nude as well, walked around and faced Venus. "Don't you think," she said, running both hands around the front and sides of her abdominal section to highlight stretch marks she got while pregnant, "THESE ruin the looks of mine?"
"No babe," Venus said. "You've still got that same sexy body that you had when we first met, that same sexy body that I wanted when we did the water slide in the quad that first day., That same sexy body that I still can't get enough of ever since the first time we made love..."
"Ditto, my love," Kaitlyn replied. "And....remember how happy I am that you have that sexy scar..."
"Explain, please?"
Kaitlyn kissed Venus on the neck, working her way down to Venus's breasts, sucking on her breasts and running her tongue up and down the length of the scar. "Because," she said in a sultry tone, "it means my baby wants to stay with me a while longer instead leaving me a widow."
Kaitlyn sat Venus in the chair next to the mirror, then began kissing down her belly. Kaitlyn grabbed Venus's legs and spread them, kissing the insides of her thighs, then she began licking her slit, causing Venus to let out a loud moan of extreme pleasure.
Venus felt the electricity of Kaitlyn sucking on her clit course through her entire body. She started bucking, eager for Kaitlyn to probe deeper into her. "Oh..Kait... you...I---"
"Mommy? Mama? Are you in there?" a little girl's voice asked from the other side of the door.
Venus sighed in frustration, going limp, her head dropping back over the back of the chair. "Our daughter has shitty timing," she muttered.
Kaitlyn shook her head, grinning. "That she does," she muttered back, then said in full voice, "Yes, baobei! We're just getting ready. We'll be out in a minute."
"Okay," Mary Grace called back, adding, "Nana and Grandpapa are here."
As they head for their closet, Kaitlyn asked, "Shall we pick up where we left off later?"
Venus grabbed Kaitlyn and started leading her to the bed, kissing her neck. "What's the matter with right now?"
"Never mind...stupid question."
"Heyyy, Mom and Dad! How are you?" Venus said with a smile as she and Kaitlyn walked over to Jack and Mary McCarron and exchanged hugs.
"We're fine, bean," Jack answered. "Looking forward to watching Mary Grace tonight. Thank you for letting us watch her for you."
"Thanks for watching her," Venus said. "She's been looking forward to it ever since we told her you were coming over to stay with her tonight."
Mary looked them over and said, "You look like you're going to enjoy the evening, girls. What's the occasion?"
Kaitlyn replied, "It's the 20-year anniversary of when we all started at Hartfeld. Twenty years ago today, this beautiful redhead walked into my life and made me the luckiest woman in the world!" She took Venus by the hand and looked at her, beaming.
"Awwww, Kait!" Venus said, blushing. "I'm the lucky one for having you come into my life." She leaned over and kissed Kaitlyn.
"Any special plans?" Jack asked.
""Dean Stafford is going to let the six of us who were suitemates our freshman year have our old suite for the night," Kaitlyn replied.
"Plus KARA is giving a small concert on campus, so obviously....." added Venus.
"Nice! You two go have fun! You deserve it!" Mary said.
"Thanks, Mom. We will," replied Venus. She got down on her knees and hugged Mary Grace. "Now, you be a good girl for Nana and Grandpapa, okay?"
"I will, Mama, I promise. I love you!" Mary Grace replied, then she ran over and hugged Kaitlyn. "I love you too, Mommy!"
"We love you too, angel!"
Venus and Kaitlyn headed for the door. "See you guys tomorrow!" Venus called out.
"Bye!* Mary called back. "And remember to use protec--*
*We're married, Mom!!"
They arrived early at Ashton Auditorium on the Hartfeld University campus. The only ones there were Rachel, Anissa, and Amara, who were already unloading the equipment for the night's show.
"Hey, ladies!" Kaitlyn called out.
Anissa was the first to respond. "Hi Kaitl-- holy fashion statement! Get a load of you two! That super-low-cut dress, Venus....and the Daisy Dukes with that bra and see-through top, Kaitlyn.... Damn, I wish you guys were into threesomes, looking like that! Whoa mama!!!"
Venus and Kaitlyn looked at each other, getting wicked grins. They looked at Anissa, walked over to her, took her by both arms, and started leading her away.
Amara yelled at them, laughing, "Get your asses back here!!!"
They turned Anissa loose and started walking back to the van, laughing. Anissa stood there, mouth agape, still stunned by what just happened. Amara was still laughing, shaking her head.
"You two are incorrigible, you know that?" Amara asked.
Kaitlyn smiled. "That's why you love us..."
They all gathered together. Amara asked, "Okay. Is the plan and setlist still the same as we discussed last week?"
Kaitlyn looked at Venus, then replied, "Yes."
Amara looked at Venus. "You ready? You're up for this?"
Venus smiled. "I'll not lie, I'm a little nervous. But I'm ready."
"All right then! Let's rock the house!"
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