#kaiyon is my artist name (my art)
chikoyama · 6 months
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because i’m the devil who’s searching for redemption.
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chikoyama · 4 months
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so, my chi has been crying a lot about the fact that she’s destined to not have a soulmate. i couldn't bear to constantly imagine her being all sad, so i went to look at some of my wips to see if there was an oc fit for her. only had this guy… and then a fairy mafia boss who seemed even more ill-suited for her. this is how the convo went: me: "uh, u sure u want him? he's kind of…" :| chi: "YES, he's perfect!" owo *runs to hug him around the neck* ziggy: *surprised* "ooh?" *has no idea who she is but circles arms around her waist regardless* "hi babe" owo me: "i- okay…" ig this is how it goes, LOL
istg their interactions in my head are so weird. literally borderlining on insane. (reminds me of mine and sae's interactions. literally, yesterday she talked about deboning her lover when they die so she could put their spine on display at her home. being her first lover, i asked if she’d debone me too in the hopes of a yes, and she said she’d bone me instead). anyway, ziggy is not really designed to be part of the jjk universe. my original thought when i drew him was actually for him to be some sort of immortal dimension hopper with the ability to warp reality. he’s op and really, he’s meant to be an annoying dimension troll. so, maybe one day he just lands in whatever universe chi is in and coincidentally stumbles upon her. because she’s sweet and he likes her, he sometimes returns to visit her to hear about her life and smooch. he wipes her memory of him every time afterwards and gives them back when he sees her again. mostly, he just lets chi live her life until she dies. that’s when he promises to come back for her and bring her with him so they can stay together… until he gets tired of her, but she vowed to stay with him for eons so he wouldn’t have to be lonely and to entertain him. c:
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chikoyama · 10 months
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ruffles or no ruffles on shirt i can't decide
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chikoyama · 1 year
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i'm sorry, i really haven't had muse to write lately (that's why i've also been a little reluctant to engage with people). on the other hand, my desire to draw has returned! here's a sketch of chiyori partly transformed using her cursed technique!
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chikoyama · 2 months
@heshootcocac0la mentioned you on a post “Clothes + gear of Chiyori as adult: A few...”:
@chikoyama fine I will, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but I will.... 😤 You'll probably regret this!
​I won't! I'll hold you up to that btw. 👀
And I did draw (sketch) her already... because I'm always that one step ahead of you.
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