kaizsche · 11 months
First - whichever project you last touched
thanks for the ask, seven! here's a lil preview for the sightless prompt! though its not the first few lines (since the first few -- as of now -- isn't coherent mainly because klaus is insane in this fic most of the time)
The rough pads of his fingers skate across her face tentatively. Elena hovers above him quietly, taking in the sight of curiosity trapped in the hard planes of his features. It was difficult not to imagine the color of his eyes. Would it be a stormy blue? A warm brown? Or an inquisitive green?
She sucks in a deep breath at the feel of his cold fingers. He’s touching her cheek, rubbing a thumb over her cheekbones. 
“Pretty.” He mumbles with a shy smile, following the downward slope of her nose, ghosting over her lips. 
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kaizsche · 1 year
OHMYGOSH?!!!!!!!?!1?!! MASTER HELLO HI OMG I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! <3 (have u aced ur finals? i know u did---ok so idk what fic to give you omg... since i always spill my wips to u AAAAAAAAAA) anyways here's another angsty scene from yet another angsty fic inspired by the awesome, mindblowing, heartbreaking strange by celeste. (I AM 101% SURE I HAVENT SENT THIS ONE TO YOU YET... BUT IF I DID IM GONNA KICK MYSELF TO MUSTAFAR. LIKE FR.)
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“Since the Salvatores can’t be trusted we decided to call another person to help you.”
Elena wasn’t so sure she could trust Caroline either. The only vampires they ever trusted were out of the equation. Considering Caroline’s nervous tick resurfacing—tapping her foot anxiously on the ground and the errant pounding of her heart like drums thrumming in her ear, Elena could tell that she won’t be happy in the least whoever Caroline invited to help her out. 
A pair of beating hearts could be heard outside. Caroline rushes to the door to alleviate the tension. Bonnie comes in first with a shy wave and a sheepish smile. 
“Come in, please.”
The smile falls from her lips. 
Elijah appears from behind Bonnie’s statued frame. “Hello again.”
“I don’t need to be taught,” Snaps Elena, her figure poised like an alarmed deer and hopes Caroline and Bonnie could sense her fury and vitriol. She had told them about Elijah from the beginning up until the end. They knew the wound he left behind, that deep scar that would not heal. How could they do this to her?
“Elena, please.” Caroline pleads, stopping her from ascending the stairs with her vampire speed. She hates it. Hates Elijah’s silence, the way he would look at her with pity and guilt. He does not deserve to feel guilty with what he did to her—what his sister did to her—what his inamorata did to Jeremy.
“No. I’d rather call Damon instead.” Elena smiles, a cruel smile like Katherine’s wishing it would haunt Elijah.
(After all, he left because he wasn’t so sure if he loves her because of Katherine.)
She sees the corner of his lip twist in a wry smile. Perhaps he did find her reaction funny. Guess that��s all she is now to him. A joke. Elena pauses at the hint of a feminine cologne wafting under her nose. She turns to him, hurt in her eyes yet he remained unfazed, unable to look at her face. 
“I don’t want to see your face here ever again. Do you hear me?”
(When the door clicks shut, she is horrified at the thought of wanting to flip her switch.)
She could hear him even with the door closed. Elena never hated being a vampire more than ever. Bonnie and Caroline are both apologetic, embarrassed even that such a girl like her, a doppelganger, a newly turned vampire turned down such an offer to be mentored by an Original like him. 
“It’s alright,” assures Elijah with that condescending tone. “I haven’t had high hopes for it if I’m to be honest.”
“Thanks, you know. For still trying.” Caroline winces.
“Of course. Have a wonderful night, ladies.” The door closes shut and the familiar rumble of Elijah’s car races out of Mystic Falls.
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kaizsche · 11 months
i have sooo much stuff to write, but i'm currently obsessed with spuffy so here is a lil snippet of my attempt at writing them both - featuring william! especially my boi william <333333
William had written her poetry the day her Papa died. It’s one of his first compositions, he said and she’d asked him what the others were about, if he would be willing to read them for her. 
“It’s nothing of importance.”  “Silly William.” She smiled at him even though her heart hurts thinking about Papa, and how she would never smile the same again. “Of course it’s important.” He hesitated, fingers playing with the hem of his shirt. Elizabeth kicked the covers off of her body, sliding next to William with a soft nudge to his rib.  “Y–You won’t like it, Lizbeth.” She cocked her head at him. “I think I’ll like it all the same.”  He still hadn’t moved. The birds chirped outside, sunshine crawling through the cracks of her broken window. She remembered Papa’s crinkled brow as he scolded her for being a dashingly reckless child. Elizabeth knew then, after Mama’s resigned grunt that Papa wasn’t mad at her at all, and she even helped him patch it up like a good girl!  “Here.” William pressed a crumpled piece of paper on the inside of her palm.  Elizabeth laughed silly at some of them. She didn’t mean to, of course, but it was fascinating reading the words William managed to string up and called Poetry. At first, he was affronted by her reaction but later found himself chuckling with her as she pointed out some of the ridiculous words he used.  Then, after she’d gone through his works, she was sobbing on his shoulder, begging for her Papa.
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kaizsche · 11 months
For the asks - Next and Before the Beginning!
thanks for the ask, vis!
NEXT: “The name Elena originated from one of the most legendary figures of Greek Mythology, Helen of Troy. To honor your namesake, Miss Elena, would you kindly read the section about the Trojan War on page…”
BEFORE THE BEGINNING: Katherine was beginning to think her luck had run out. In between decades of evading Klaus Mikaelson and his family, she'd entirely forgotten about the child she had parted with before she was turned. She found herself staring into a pair of round brown eyes, its pudgy arms making grabby hands at her in a gesture demanding to be held. She knew then, with perfect clarity who the child was.
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kaizsche · 9 months
spuffy mamma mia au!
i was a bit apprehensive over posting snippets of my spuffy wips but fuck it LMAO -- so here's a teaser of my current obsession: writing a spuffy mamma mia au!
(nothing's set in stone for this one just yet, so things might change down the road)
special thanks to @qvnthesia for bearing with me when i virtually screamed to this fic to her and just being there when i lost my shit over spike like 24/7 LMAO. love you paps &lt;3
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“You always knew how to make an entrance,” mused Spike in his signature sexy leer, tongue curled behind his teeth.
It had, as horrifying as it sounds, made something dead inside her come to life. Scrambling to stand up, Buffy dismissed Angel’s offer to help her. I can do it myself, thank you very much! She snarked internally, huffing when strands of her hair seemed to conspire against her, falling in front of her eyes totally making her even more disheveled which is sooo not of the good. She’s before three of her exes for crying out loud!
Still feeling dizzy from her sudden fall from the rooftop, she stumbled and tried to catch her balance by leaning against the wall, fixing three of her nightmares with an intense glare that rivaled the heat of the sun.
“What are you doing here?”
The three men simultaneously shared a long look. Riley turned to respond to her curtly, but with an undertone of glee, “You told us to be here.”
And then Angel’s sharp accusation, “You didn’t tell me we had a kid.” As if it mattered to him, that if he knew she was pregnant with his child would make a difference. That he’d be willing to give up a life of wealth and prestige for a child.
Spike, surprisingly had chosen to be silent and settled to watch her with his knowing clear blue eyes that seemed to hold all the secrets and answers to the universe. Buffy didn’t know if she preferred quiet Spike or angry Spike. He’d always known how to read her—it comes with the territory, she supposed, as someone who knew who she really was before Iowa, before Ireland, before Greece.
“I so did not!” Buffy huffed angrily, crossing her arms over her chest. “You think I’d invite you—” She each gave the three men varying levels of looks she hoped conveyed both disgust and fury. “—here, in my home?”
“If not you then who would—”
The answer came barreling through the door, followed by a whimpering Andrew with tear tracks staining his swollen left cheek. “Hello, mom! I see you’ve met my guests.”
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kaizsche · 1 year
i heard you called for me?
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(fic title is tentative as of the moment) it may not be a friday today, but here's a snippet inspired by a writing/dialogue prompt i stumbled upon for a kolena fic wip which i am very excited to write!!! @katherineholmes here's a fic snip for you, vis! thanks for listening to me ranting about this the other day. love ya lots! &lt;3
She wakes up to Jeremy’s face hovering above her.
Jeremy chuckles, backing away from her bed. “Mom told me to wake you up—” He pauses at the sight of tears running down her face. “Hey, why’re you crying?”
“I…” Her throat feels dry all of a sudden. Like she has spent months without drinking water. “I don’t know.”
Jeremy looks at her through narrowed, concerned eyes and sighs. “Go and get dressed. Mom and Dad’s gonna be out later than expected.”
Following Jeremy outside, she spots the calendar marked with a star. “Right. It’s for that fundraiser party in Whitmore.”
Jenna’s a fluttering mess downstairs, darting back and forth from the smoky pan and beeping microwave. The Gilbert siblings’ banter comes to a stop by the doorway. 
The microwave explodes and the fire sprinklers pelts down overhead. 
“Could you help me, please?”
Jenna, Elena, and Jeremy rush inside the empty hallways, well-aware of the eyes following them. 
“I’m sorry you guys were late.” Jenna apologises, shielding her face away from the inquisitive stares of the teachers. 
Jeremy shrugs, finding it convenient he was able to skip Tanner’s class. “It’s fine—”
Speak of the devil and he shall appear. 
Tanner’s face is twisted in annoyance. “Late again, Gilbert?”
“What does he mean by ‘again’, Jeremy?” Jenna says through gritted teeth, watching as the aforementioned History teacher trudges towards them.
The commotion drowns in her ears. Muffled and painful like someone placed cotton balls in her ears…
No—to be precise, it felt like she was drow—
Her eyes picks up a familiar face amidst the crowd. 
Dressed in tattered clothes unfit for a casual Friday morning class. Auburn hair in disarray, like he had slept for a several hundred years and never bothered to brush his hair. 
It’s his eyes. There’s something familiar to him. His face—It’s something she has seen before and something she hasn’t also seen yet.
He stared at her. Unwavering, glinting in something akin to chaos. 
Elena takes a leap. A single step forward is all it takes for the world to turn to dust.
It’s only them in this place now.
And somehow, it felt familiar. It didn’t bother her at all that Jeremy’s gone, even Jenna. 
"Have we met before?"
He cocks his head at her, observing… pondering.
"In your dreams." He tells her, hands tucked in the pockets of his black trousers.
"You don't have to be a dick about it." She looks at him. Really looks at him. Elena notices a shadow under his feet. It’s pitch black, pooling, licking at his shoes. 
It follows him as he approaches her, leaving a stain on the pristine white floor. "No, I'm serious.” He stops, a mere three feet before her. “Haven't you noticed your dreams are a bit different yet?"
He smirks and it sets her on edge.
“Run, Katerina!”
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kaizsche · 2 months
you were a deer in the night sent to fetch me (preview)
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graphic by me. nothing too spectacular. still thinking if i should finish this piece or edit a gif instead. who knows.
i know i promised not to entertain another wip AFTER tonight i can write (the saddest lines) cos i needed to finish updating my existing fics first but i couldn't help myself. i needed to write this first so here is my next wip which will probably be finished after a few weeks inspired by red riding hood - so not going into specifics, but here's a lil snippet. enjoy.
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The local farmers, bakers, craftsmen, and blacksmiths bustled about in the early morning. Peasants and serfs traded and sold their goods while others bought whatever they can with little money they were given.
A young man swept across the gravel path, a golden cloak sat high upon his broad shoulders garnering the attention of all present in the market. They did not tremble in the presence of the nobleman. Kol Mikaelson often visited the market in search of his dear friend.
“Little Red Riding Hood!” He called out, cupping his mouth to better increase the volume of his voice. A knight trailed behind him, on the lookout for a red hood in the crowd. Kol tried once more, “Red Riding Hood! Elena! I know you’re here, darling! Come out, come out wherever you are!”
An aggrieved tone growled to his left, “Do shut up, Kol.”
He smirked, catching the ball of her shoulder to steer her away from the noise. “What crawled in your cot and died, dear?”
The disgruntled young woman draped in a hood the color of blood shook off his arm, “You should know.”
“Know what?” He batted his eyelashes innocently.
Elena narrowed her eyes, a long tirade breaching the tip of her tongue when the tavern door swung open accidentally hitting the side of Kol’s face. The knight, the girl, and the traveller witnessed as the young man’s face plunged directly into horse manure.
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kaizsche · 1 year
hi seven! thanks for the ask. here's a scene from my elejah princess diaries au! (which is subject to change)
Rebekah saunters into the living room, finding both of her recently reconciled brothers whiling away, reading. Niklaus is sitting without a care in the world, a book nestled in his lap while Elijah, still fully decked out in his three-piece suit so early in the morning, flips through their mother's journals.
She ties a knot on her robe, eyes flickering between a calm Niklaus and Elijah— neverminding the brunette eating macaroons on the floor dusting the 200-year-old carpet, accompanied by classical music blaring through the speakers.
"So this is what you do the first time we're back together as a family. Ducal book club."
Klaus quips, "Reading edifies the mind, sister. Isn't that right, Elijah?"
"Yes, that's quite right, Niklaus."
"And what is this business?"
Elijah sighs, exasperated as said business licks the residual crumbs from her fingers. "This is a peace offering."
The brunette rolls her eyes. "I have a name, you know. Hayley?"
Klaus ignores her, "I presumed after so much time pinning over a certain woman that my big brother might be in need of a distraction."
Elijah continues, explaining in detail the lack of his enthusiasm over using the woman intended to bring about the end of his supposed 'pinning', "So I explained to my little brother that forgiveness cannot be bought. I'd simply prefer to see a change in behavior that indicates contrition and personal growth..."
"Says the manwhore," Rebekah mutters under her breath, quiet enough for Elijah to catch on, but loud enough for Niklaus to hear, his lip tugged in a smirk.
"Not this— nonsense."
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kaizsche · 1 year
thanks for the ask, vis! here's an elejah fic inspired by the godly song about you by the 1975.
He sees her in everything. In between the tiny specks of dust at the break of dawn, pinpricks of sand underneath the soles of his feet, and in the quiet washing calm of the sea tide. 
She is life. Inconsequential yet momentous. Baffling and unpredictable. 
The secret of the universe lies in her eyes, clenched within her bones, spilling mystical answers with her smile. 
Somehow, it eases him. Even after her smile fades each summer. As the universe itself watches her wither away—even the child of the stars must die. Like all things must live and die. A natural law passed down from generation to generation. 
But not him. 
He’s different. 
(spoiler alert, this is going to be angsty asf. if the first paragraph isnt enough evidence, lol.)
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