#kakashi gets Prince Sasuke and takes him under his wing to train him to be the best monarch he can be
King Kakashi spending his mornings out in the castle garden’s helping Yamato plant new flowers and listening to him gush about all of the vegtables he’s growing for the kitchen.
Training with his royal guard Gai, who has been his sparing partner since they were kids and is the only knight in his ranks willing to knock Kakashi onto his ass without remorse.
Visiting Rin in her little hospital room and making sure she’s getting all of the supplies she needs, but also listening to her talk about all of the different people she see’s.
Checking in on three particular new soldiers (Sakura, Lee and Tenten) who have started training in his castle, and always taking some time out of his day to train them a little on his own because he wants them to get the best training that they can.
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List of AUs
Because I have AUs of AUs. Sorted by likelihood of you lot ever seeing them.
Stuff I’ve Written For
Rookie Team 3 AU
AKA: “Let’s Start from the Beginning”
Basically Kourubi, Ryou, and Mai are the same age as the rest of the Konoha 12. Instead of having her consciousness swap places, Kourubi is simply a reincarnation.
Pairings: SasuKouNaru, KibaRyou, MaiSaku
Mage/Familiar AU
AKA: “Baby, There’s Magic in You”
Set in a fantasy version of the Elemental Nations, humanity is split into three categories: normal humans with no magical potential, mages who have large stores of mana that they can manipulate, and familiars, shapeshifters who have access to natural magical energy (or ‘chakra’) which allow them to change between an animal form and a human form. Each familiar has a ‘tell’ that gives away their animal form as well as a singular magical talent powered by their chakra. Mages bond with familiars in order to perform magic.
Pairings: Same as MFAW canon
Black Cat AU
AKA: “A Black Cat Followed Me Home”
In which Ryou’s sassy mouth pisses off the Hokage and ends up getting him custody over Sasuke instead of Kourubi. Kourubi’s attention is pretty much solely focused on Naruto, leading her to officially adopt him as her younger brother, tell off Jiraiya at every opportunity, and leave with the two of them when they go off on their training mission. Mai, feeling left out of the whole ‘protege’ thing, ends up taking Sakura under her wing. The end result: healer/weapons expert Sasuke, brawler Sakura, and swordsman/seal expert Naruto.
Pairings: No idea, but nothing like MFAW canon
Stuff I Might Write Eventually, Even if Just for my Own Amusement
Arranged Marriage Omegaverse AU
Kourubi’s folks aren’t as much on the up and up as originally thought, and arranged for her to marry the Uchiha spare before she was even born. And then they don’t bother to tell her until she brings Sasuke home after the Third Exam prelims. Ryou is also stuck in an arranged marriage to Neji, though he’s not sure if it still stands after he ran away. He’s thinking probably.
Pairings: Alpha!SasuOmega!Kou, Alpha!NejiOmega!Ryou
Coffee shop/College AU
In which team 3 works at a little coffee shop on the corner of campus that’s frequented by too many hot people and they complain about it. Featuring Running “club” Kourubi and friends, and “Runners appreciation club” Ryou and Mai, who honestly just want Kourubi to keep hydrated while they watch butts move in tight shorts. Kakashi and Iruka are their faculty sponsors but they’re not entirely sure how they got there.
Pairings: Basically just Team 3 lusting after everyone
Kingdoms Omegaverse Harems AU
AKA: an au that’s way too common with me and my friend’s characters (hi erik)
In which Kourubi, Ryou, and Mai are each rulers of their own kingdoms with long, long traditions of royal harems and the shenanigans that comes with that.
Pairings: Omega!KouHarem, Omega!RyouHarem, Alpha!MaiHarem, Beta!GaiOmega!Nobu, Beta!LeeOmega!Yu
Emo Punk!Team 3 Modern AU
AKA: This is what happens when you hear ‘Welcome to the Black Parade’ for the first time in like two years, and then your friend encourages you (hi again, erik)
Team 3 are college freshmen. Kourubi is the ‘music saved me’ emo who wears band shirts almost exclusively, and when she’s not, she’s wearing anime graphic tees. She double majors in Music Theory and something like History or International Studies. Mai is the classic leather jacket punk who lives in her leather jacket and combat boots except when she’s living in her jacket covered in patches about beating up cat-callers and being a lesbian (plus an aspec solidarity patch for Kou’s sake). She’s a Women’s/Gender and Sexuality Studies major and probably rides a motorcycle. Ryou sits somewhere between pop-punk and scene emo and pretty much only shops at Hot Topic. He’s a nursing major who drinks his coffee black with a monster energy drink dumped into it during finals week.
Kakashi is the grad student who somehow always ends up as the TA of any and all lit classes they take. No one knows if he actually goes to class and he won’t answer any questions about what his field of study actually is. A purveyor of ‘poor college student chic’ he goes places for the free shirts and leaves immediately after getting one. He’s worn the same jeans all week.
Iruka is a Early Childhood Education Major who’s so straight-laced and sweet that it gives people cavities. Sweaters are a staple of his wardrobe. Also cardigans. He carries around coloring books and crayons during dead week and passes them out to people who look like they’re about to cry. He, Kakashi, and Genma are the triangular core of normalcy around which the weirdness revolves. But everyone has a few marbles loose, so this doesn’t end up meaning much.
Genma is the Farmer’s Market Hot (TM) single dad who is strangely charmed by Ryou’s half dead, Caffeine high flirting at the Sunday Farmer’s Market that Ryou dragged them too because it had coffee as black as his soul and Kourubi wanted to test if the Farmer’s Market Hot theory was true. Turns out it was. But she wasn’t the one who ended up with a man. Genma ended up with Umeko after her pediatrician intervened and told her Crazy Vegan mother that no, babies cannot survive on almond milk. He may or may not basically end up as Ryou’s sugar daddy.
Noboru is their hipster, grad student RA who introduced them to the farmer’s market in the first place. Gai is his jock boyfriend who seems to spend more time at the gym than in class. Hangs out with Genma at the farmer’s market and is horrified at Ryou’s flirting and Genma’s acceptance of it.
Hinata is the pastel/soft loli who Kourubi ends up RA-ing with the rest of the Konoha twelve her sophomore year. She and Mai end up being the ultimate lesbian power couple on campus.
Stuff I’ll Probably Never Write but are Fun to Think About Anyway
Silver Millennium AU
AKA: this is all @purple-possibilities fault
Set during the Silver Millennium of Sailor Moon lore, Sakumo is the younger brother of Queen Serenity, making Kakashi and Usagi/Serenity II cousins. Basically this is just an excuse for Moon Prince Kakashi. All the major clans of Konoha send their heirs to the moon along with the Sailor Senshi/Princesses because peace is brought through understanding or some bullshit. The Uchiha clan are from Mars, the Hyuuga from Pluto, the Karasuno from Jupiter’s moons, Uzumaki/Namikaze and Inuzuka from Earth, the Nara from Saturn, the Yamanaka from Venus, the Aburame from Mercury, and the Akimichi from Uranus. Kaguya Ootsutsuki is the matriarch of the Dark Moon Family, and is basically one of those bitchy, gossipy noble women that has far too much influence for her own good.
Pairings: Doesn’t fucking matter. I’ve got me Moon Prince Kakashi
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