#thinking of an instance where King Obito and King Kakashi exchange family/close friends as a show of friendship between their kingdoms
King Kakashi spending his mornings out in the castle garden’s helping Yamato plant new flowers and listening to him gush about all of the vegtables he’s growing for the kitchen.
Training with his royal guard Gai, who has been his sparing partner since they were kids and is the only knight in his ranks willing to knock Kakashi onto his ass without remorse.
Visiting Rin in her little hospital room and making sure she’s getting all of the supplies she needs, but also listening to her talk about all of the different people she see’s.
Checking in on three particular new soldiers (Sakura, Lee and Tenten) who have started training in his castle, and always taking some time out of his day to train them a little on his own because he wants them to get the best training that they can.
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