#kalex week 2019
kalex-week-2019 · 5 years
Prompts are in!
Schedule will be as follows (bumped back due to other ongoing fic exchanges & school schedules):
Sunday, 11/17 - AU - General - For example: Canon-divergent, Fix-it, ABO, Soulmates, Star Wars... go wild.
Monday, 11/18 - Meta - General - For example (but not limited to): Headcanons, Favorite scene, Ship manifest
Tuesday, 11/19 - Polyamory - Any combination as long as Kara & Alex are in it
Wednesday, 11/20 - Supertrope - Marriage - Marriage tropes! Fake married, arranged married, accidentally married, betrothal, etc.
Thursday, 11/21 - Supertrope - Awkward Situations - Examples from nominated prompts: Discovers kink, one character sees another naked, bedsharing, cultural misunderstanding
Friday, 11/22 - Kink Alphabet - A kink from any letter from the word "Supergirl": https://badgirlsbible.com/list-of-kinks-and-fetishes)
Saturday, 11/23 - Krypton-related - Kryptonese, Red Kryptonite, etc.
Some things to remember:
- Days start at 12 AM GMT of that day
- You can always post after the day assigned to the prompt, but please try to avoid posting for a prompt before the day arrives
- You can also post after Kalex Week ends! Just add “belated” to your Kalex Week tag, e.g., “belated kalex week 2019″ or “belated kw2019″
Happy writing!
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immopengu · 5 years
this home we’ve made
The sound of the shower had woken her up. Alex looked around the king-sized bed, wondering how she got here. Kara was tucked up in her arms, radiating heat. The soft press of breasts against her bare back, Sam’s hands splayed possessively over her thigh. Alex craned her neck up, could see Lena, curled up at the edge of the bed rolled in all their blankets. She looked like an adorably snug burrito.
“She’s always been a blanket hog.” Sam’s voice in her ear sent a shiver down Alex’s spine.
“Did you guys–”
Same chuckled. “Nope. I was the single mom with a kid to take care of, Lena was the traumatized, friendless Luthor. We were what we needed from each other at that time. But relationships evolve I guess…”
Sam nipped at Alex’s jawline, stoking the fire in Alex’s belly–until a loud gurgle from Kara’s stomach interrupted them. Sam let out an inelegant snort of laughter as Kara seemed to awake with a start.
“Alex.” Kara smiled up, dopey and sleepy at her sister. Then her stomach grumbled again and her mouth turned down into a pathetic little moue. “Hungry.”
“I’ll go get breakfast ready.” Sam kissed Alex behind the ear, then nipped at her earlobe before rolling out of bed, grabbing her robe that was draped across a chair.
“Where’s Lucy?” Kara cuddled back into Alex’s arms, mouthing at Alex’s neck.
“Probably shower.” Alex guessed. Lucy had been freaking out about a meeting she was going to today. Last night, all of girls had decided they needed to help her relax, and, well. Here they were.
“Mmmm… morning kiss.” Kara tilted her head upwards, and Alex acquiesced, giving her a brief peck. The brief peck turned into another kiss that Kara eagerly deepened, then another where Kara pushed Alex backwards gently, her wandering hands telling Alex that her little Kryptonian, sun-happy from the morning light, wanted a little tumble.
“You… are… insatiable…” Alex gasped out and groaned as Kara slipped a finger downwards, feeling slickness at the junction of Alex’s legs, while grinding down on Alex’s leg.
“Shhhh…” Kara’s eyes darted over to Lena, still dead asleep and rolled up in her blanket burrito. “Lena’s still sleeping.”
Alex huffed, but remained as quiet as possible as Kara slipped inside of her, her fingers immediately hitting spots that made Alex’s back arch off the bed and her toes curl. Kara pressed her nose against Alex’s neck as she rocked against Alex’s neck, sighing out in pleasure.
“Good morning, Alex.” Kara turned her face to kiss Alex lazily as Alex tried to keep quiet at the slow-fucking Kara was giving her, letting out a little half-strangled cry as Alex hit her climax.
“Kara.” Alex tried to be annoyed, but the blonde just continued grinning smugly while grinding on Alex’s leg like a horny puppy. Alex rolled her eyes and pushed back until Kara let out a low groan of pleasure, the orgasm sending shivers down her back. Kara huffed, her eyes still roving Alex’s body, but the warning look on Alex’s face told her to find her fun elsewhere.
“I’m going to grab some breakfast!” Kara rolled off the bed, chipper as hell and probably looking to get some time with Sam, too. Really, how the hell had they gotten to this point… 
Alex guessed that it all started with Kara, really. After Alex’s jaunt into space to rescue Kara after she pushed Fort Rozz into space, Alex had realized how much she cared about Kara. James had tried to continue that weird push and pull thing he had with Kara, but Kara had firmly rebuffed him. Alex remembered catching Kara’s eye after she finished her talk with James… and she just knew. She knew Kara knew and that their feelings went a bit further than their label of ‘sisters’.
“Mmm…” Lena was mumbling in her sleep. Lena was the addition to their little family, a bit of time after Lucy. Surprisingly, even though she was best friends with Kara and they had more than a little crush on each other, the relationship had started with Alex. One night Lena had stumbled in on one of Alex and Kara’s sister nights, now date nights, and Kara had invited Lena to join. Alex was accommodating and solicitous–Kara had accused her teasingly of really laying on the charm–and Lena had somehow ended up cuddling in Alex’s lap with Kara leaning against Alex on one side. The Danvers sisters had video-chatted with Lucy after Lena left, both Lucy and Kara teasing Alex about how she liked being the ‘mommy’.
Lena had fallen asleep in a pile with the Danvers sisters, and felt properly mortified when she woke up in the morning snuggled between the two on the bed. It had taken a while for Lena to warm up to the idea of having two Danvers in her life, but it had been exactly what she needed.
“Lena,” Alex gently started unwrapping the CEO from her blanket burrito. Lena frowned in her sleep, feeling the tug of wakefulness but fighting hard to stay sleeping. “Wake up, sweetheart.”
Lena practically melts when her more-than-friends address her in little endearments. A smile tugs at her lips, drawing her further into wakefulness.
“Sweetheart,” Alex leaned down and kissed along Lena’s jawline. Alex didn’t know she would have a soft spot for the young Luthor, but she did. When Supergirl had been fighting with Reign that time and fallen from the sky, Lena’s horror and anxiety was palpable. It was her best friend and her other best friend fighting. But when Kara had fallen from the sky, she had burst into huge, body-wracking sobs. Alex had always been suspicious of Lena, but after seeing that, and seeing how Lena stepped up to help made her realize that Lena truly cared about Kara. Lena loved Kara. She loved all of them, but she loved Kara so much that she rivaled Alex in being putty in Kara’s hands.
In the stress of Kara’s coma, Lena had curled into Alex’s arms as they waited for Kara to recover and Reign had gone AWOL. Alex had held Lena, as much to comfort Lena as to comfort herself. Lucy had been away, but she had come back as soon as she heard Kara had been hurt to find Alex and Lena. Alex had held Lena while Lucy kept a steadying arm on Alex, her presence assuring Alex that Kara would be alright.
“Alex…” Lena nuzzled into Alex. “Five more minutes.”
“You told me to wake up you.” Alex nuzzled into Lena. They would’ve continued cuddling if Lucy hadn’t walked in, throwing her damp towel at Alex and continuing on, buck-naked, to a rack with very little space on it, rifling through it for clothes.
“You assholes. I said I had to review. REVIEW.” Lucy cursed them under her breath, but loud enough for Lena and Alex to hear. Lena giggled. She had been the first one to ‘distract’ Lucy last night. Lucy had gone over her materials ad nauseum and she had a tendency to spiral into a snappish, nervous mess because of work stress. Kara and Alex usually avoided Lucy when she was in her moods, while Sam had taken to trying to support by bringing her food and drinks. Lena loved distracting Lucy. And last night she had made sure everyone got into this dogpile to distract Lucy.
“She’s like a little furious energizer bunny when she gets into her moods.” Lena smirked, saying it loud enough for Lucy to hear. Lucy had needed to fuck out her nervous energy, and two Kryptonians and two regular humans were enough to help her get to sleep at least. By the time Alex had passed out with Kara cuddled in her arms, Lucy was still furiously riding Lena while eating out Sam. It wasn’t the first time they had all had sex together but Alex always woke up the next day or whatever time after their sexcapades, wondering if she was actually dead and her dying brain was giving her a weird lesbian fantasy so she could die painlessly.
“I still hadn’t reviewed that one statement–” Lucy lamented, storming back to Lena, who was still wrapped in her blanket burrito.
“You did. So many times, Lucy. So. Many. Times.” Lena rolled her eyes. Lucy eyed Lena with a venomous look in her eyes. Then she jumped onto Alex and Lena and started tickling them. Alex, laughing, rolled way, but Lena was trapped in her self-imposed cocoon and was trying to worm-wriggle off the bed.
“Lena’s awake?” Kara poked her head back into the sleeping area, her eyes immediately zeroing in on naked Lucy.
“Lucy.” Kara’s voice came out in a low growl.
“No. No, Kara. Kara. KARA. NO. I just took a shower–” Alex ducked out of the room, successfully making her escape, ignoring Lucy’s cry for help as Kara pounced on her. Everyone was used to Kara’s morning routine, and Lena’s squeal told Alex that Lena didn’t escape either. Alex managed to pull on a pair of sweatpants and her t-shirt from the floor.
“Babe.” Sam leaned towards Alex, and Alex knew to immediately give Sam a kiss. Alex took the time to kiss Sam slowly, and help her tie up the ties of her robe again. While Kara loved mornings and fast, furious affection, Sam was different. She loved the nights and the slow sensuousness of it all. She loved Alex during those times, preferred her  The mornings, Sam liked domesticity and liked getting ‘her girls’ ready for their day.
“Kara just never stops.” Sam was blushing at the noises coming from the bedroom.
“Been like this forever.” Alex shook her head ruefully. “I’ll help you set the dishes?”
“Kara did it already, but can you start up with the snobby coffee?”
Kara usually liked to stop by Noonans for her lattes because she loved her old workplace. Kara, Alex and Sam were fine drinking from Ol’ Faithful, their ancient drip-coffee pot.  Lucy and Lena hated the drip coffee that everyone seemed to be okay drinking. Lucy HAD been okay drinking from Ol’ Faithful until Lena showed up with her old Italian stovetop espresso pot and her fair-trade organic beans, ground fresh every day with Lena’s fancy grinder.
Alex moved around the kitchen, the two of them a well-oiled machine. Usually Kara would also be darting in between them to help out, while Lucy and Lena slept in.
Alex traded kisses with Sam as they moved around the kitchen. 
“Is breakfast ready?” Lena was wrapped in one of Alex’s flannel shirts and had pulled on underwear. She looked freshly scrubbed. Lucy was scowling right behind her in her work clothes, while Kara was in jeans and a blouse. Kara looked kind of sheepish, but ultimately quite proud.
“Took another shower, Lane?” Alex smirked at Lucy, who focused her glower on Alex. Lena was wrapped around Sam’s back, still a bit drowsy.
“I am TURNED ON and not focused on work.” Lucy seethed. She sat down at the table, a tiny ball of rage and horniness. Kara was helping to transfer the bacon from the pan to a large serving platter.
“I’m so glad we have five incomes.” Alex proclaimed as she brought food to the table. The Kryptonians packed away a lot of food, and Lucy, for her size, ate a lot. Lena had theorized Lucy burned it all off as brain energy.
“Yessss…” Kara’s attention was focused on food now. They all dug in, breaking off into conversations about what they would do during the day. Sam and Lena had a finance meeting so they would be busy all day, so Alex had to pick up Ruby from her friend’s place where she had had a sleepover. Lucy had her meeting and would grab groceries afterwards, and Kara was running down something or other for Cat Grant, and also helping James pick up his sister from the airport since he was working on covers for Catco’s special on fashion week in National City, and it was crunch time.
“James said she was in the army, and she’s a psychologist now. She’s super impressive on paper.” Kara gushed.
“Ugh. Shrinks.” Lucy grumbled. Sam was watching her fellow Kryptonian with narrowed eyes, though.
“Do not get a crush on this new girl.” Sam pointed a finger at Kara. “DO. NOT.”
“She’s so pretty, though!” whined Kara. It was too late. She had a crush already. Great. Alex just shook her head indulgently at Kara.
“And why are you warning me? Usually it’s Alex who attracts them.” Kara continued whining.
“Pass on the straight girl.” Alex sipped at her coffee. She passed the cream and sugar to Lucy, anticipating what she wanted.
“That’s narrow-minded.” Kara harrumphed. “I’d like to think of every girl as one with potential. I mean, look at Lucy.”
“Excuse me, I was always bi.” Lucy rolled her eyes. She ate quickly, an eye on the time. “Alright. I’m gone.”
Lucy knocked back her coffee and pushed herself away from the table, going round to say her goodbyes.
“Good-bye, sweetheart.” Lucy kissed Lena tenderly, the way Lena liked it. The rest of the girls tried not to ‘aww’ out loud at the sight of Lena’s happiness. She deserved all the happiness in the world.
“Have a good day, love.” Lena stroked the side of Lucy’s face, giving her one more peck on the corner of Lucy’s mouth.
“Kill it at work, Sam.” Lucy dropped a quick kiss on Sam’s lips, licking off a bit of syrup from the side of Sam’s mouth. Sam blushed prettily. Lucy and Sam’s relationship was very much very physical from the get-go, and continued to be. Alex, Kara, and Lena had been away once, all on separate business for two days. The clinker was Ruby was gone for summer camp. For three days, Lucy and Sam had marathon sex. Alex had been worried when she got back to base on the third day of them away, and heard Lucy had taken a few days off because she was ‘sick’ and Sam had also been ‘sick’. She walked in on Lucy half-way towards dying because she was massively dehydrated, and Sam, who was fucking Lucy like she was on a mission.
Lena gave them a talking to, but Alex was just impressed.
“What about me?” Kara pouted.
“You are horrible. I’m leaving.” Lucy picked up her brief, but shot Kara a heated look. “Find me later, Supergirl.”
Kara grinned, Alex letting out a groan.
“Can you two not?” Alex complained. Lucy replied by placing a wet kiss on Alex’s cheek.
“See you at work later, DEO Director of the city base. We have a briefing.”
“Okay, DEO Director of the desert base.” Alex grumbled, catching Lucy and pulling her back for an actual kiss. “See you tonight stupid.”
“You’re stupid.”
Lucy was out of the apartment in a flurry, and the rest of the girls continued eating in silence. Alex looked around her apartment, feeling… at peace. It was weird how it was now with her ‘family’. But she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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magewriter · 5 years
Kalex Week Day 2: Meta-General
Monday, 11/18 - Meta - General
I own nothing. This stems from the thought of things people tend to collect without realizing they’re doing so until they have so many that it is no longer unnoticeable. So, of course, people assume you collect said item and thus many gifts of said item are given.
Words: 1,201
“Kara! Where’s the-”
“Top shelf, second cabinet on the left!”
“I already-”
“Behind the extra cups!”
“Found it!” Alex pulled out the hidden box of cookies. Despite being an adult, she sat crossed legged on the counter and opened them. Eating a few of the cookies and basking in her enjoyment of the one sweet her alien would not touch, she looked back at the cabinet in question. “Hey Kar?”
“Yeah?” Kara drifted into the kitchen, stack of folded towels in hand.
“Why do we have so many spare cups?” Alex was pretty certain that the only time they ever got into that particular cabinet was to hide extra treats.
Kara blinked at the question. “I don’t know.” Every single person who came over to their apartment had their preferred mug and glass. Those were kept in the cabinet closest to the sink where everyone knew to find it.
“Maybe we should box them up and take them over to the donation center?” Alex suggested.
“Did we even buy any of them?” Kara floated up to look at the cups in question. “Oh…um…”
“What is it?” Alex craned her neck to try and see what it was her wife was seeing.
“Do we really collect a different mug every time we go somewhere?” Kara began emptying the cabinet.
“I don’t think so?” Alex put her snack aside and got off the counter. She set the assorted array of cups down in no particular order as Kara handed them to her. As the pile grew, she felt her eye widen. “Maybe we do?” She trailed off. “No, no, Lena gave that set to us as a joke at our wedding.”
She set aside a matching set of Supergirl wine glasses complete with mini capes. They had come with an entire crate of sparkling cider in various flavors. Alex was fairly certain they’d never used the glasses.
“Right, I knew that display case on the list was there for a reason.” Kara looked at the travel mugs she held. “Isn’t there a box of lids for these somewhere?”
“Hall closet, I think,” Alex looked them over. “Most of these I’m pretty certain we can either toss or give away.” If they actually bought that many reusable cups, they needed to actually remember to use them. She recognized most of the gas station and coffee shop logos. She took them, fully intending to set them somewhere else.
“Not that one!” Kara snatched one (that surprisingly still had its lid) back. “I got that from Noonan’s on their tenth anniversary.” It had the logo as well as a pile of sticky buns on it.
“You mean the one they gave you for being their best customer?” Alex teased, looking more carefully through the rest. Why did they have so many L-Corp ones?
“I think that one might actually be Lena’s,” Kara plucked one from the pile, “and that’s probably Jess’. I hope we still have the lids…”
“I’ll get the box.”
They spent the next several hours emptying cup cabinets. They ended up with an assortment of lids that fit none of the cups they had, and some cups with no lids that required one to be used.
“Why do we have a collection of Bat Family themed cups?”
“I think Damian thought it would be funny? Or Kate?” Kara set those aside to keep.
“Probably both, and that would explain the villain themed ones as well.” Alex looked over to the growing pile of cups they were keeping.
“Oh no, those were Selina’s idea.” Kara remembered helping to steal and demolish several sets featuring Gotham’s most infamous clown. “I think she left them in exchange for the cat themed cups Eliza gave us.”
“Right…” Alex looked at the sheer volume of Harry Potter and Star Wars themed cups. Kara had her own little collection of animal themed ones as well. “Have people just been gifting us cups and we never noticed?”
“I think so? I don’t even remember buying most of these.” Kara had found newspaper and empty boxes from somewhere. She had already taken several photos of the collection. “I don’t even know who would have given them to us.”
Alex picked up a set of mugs in the shape of various Star Wars character heads. “Pretty certain Winn bought these after Episode IX came out and we had that binge watch party.”
“I think Lucy and Vas bought us the lion and raccoon mugs,” Kara nudged those two aside. “I know Carter sent you the set with the element table on them.”
“Yeah, after the science center.” Alex nodded in agreement. “We should go and get that display case, shouldn’t we?”
Kara paused. “I mean…yes? At least then we can use these for decoration rather than stuffing them in a cabinet.”
Alex frowned. “Won’t that just encourage them to buy us more?” She was looking pointedly at the collection of mugs themed for their country of origin. Lena, Sam, and undoubtedly Lois, Kate, and Diana were all responsible for them.
“Probably,” Kara agreed. “We could always just tell them that we don’t actually collect cups?” How had they not noticed just how many they had when they had first moved in together? Admittedly, there hadn’t been much to move but still.
“Maybe we’re being pranked and most of these aren’t even ours?” Alex fully believed their friends capable and willing to do something like this.
Kara mulled the thought over. Everyone was over often enough; they could slip cups into either a cabinet or the sink and never be caught. If it was a cup they rarely or never used, it just got shoved onto a shelf and forgotten about.
“Or we can just accept the fact that we collect cups now.” The joke would be on everyone at that point. Looking over the sheer amount of cups (there had to be at least a hundred, probably more), it wouldn’t be long before they were right back here.
Alex rubbed the bridge of her nose. “Fine, but you’re building the damn case.”
With that agreed upon, the pair went out and acquired the needed materials. If nothing else, having to repair things when Kara broke them had well prepared them for building a set of shelves. They also dropped off a box at the local donation center, taking care of at least a miniscule amount of the horde.
Three days later, shelves built and cups arranged with room to spare, saw Game Night arrive.
“Wow, that is a lot of cups.” Winn gave a low whistle.
Alex snorted. “You have no idea.”
“Why do you have so many?” Lucy asked, shoving Winn further into the room so she and Vas could get a better look.
Alex and Kara exchanged looks. Really? Alex nodded, allowing Kara to take control of it.
“Well, most of them were gifts.” She pointed to several, naming who she thought (and she was mostly right) on who had gifted them. “The rest, we’re pretty certain you guys have been slipping cups you didn’t want into our house under them misconception that we collect them.”
“Pay up,” Vas held out their hand. “I told you they would catch on.”
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rajlez · 5 years
Work of an amazing @clarapuce13
Go! Read it!
If you like the pairing, if not then just ignore.
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secretkalexsanta · 5 years
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Sign-ups for Secret Kalex Santa 2019 are now open!! 
Same drill as last year! This is a holiday fic exchange EXCLUSIVELY focused on romantic Kalex fic, with the option of Alex x Kara x (others) poly ships for those so inclined.
Minimum fic length is 1,000 words. Sign-ups are open until Wednesday, October 23, 11:59pm ET, and you will receive a “letter to Santa” including writing prompts within the following week! The deadline to complete and submit your prompt is December 20.
You can see the collection of all of last year’s wonderful fic here! 
Please follow this blog for more updates, and reblog to help us reach everyone! If you have any more questions, I will be updating and reposting the FAQ will be up soon, and you can message me here.
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ao3feed-agentcorp · 5 years
this home we've made
by immopengu
Alex Danvers loves Kara Danvers, and Kara Danvers loves her back. And they both love Lucy Lane, and she loves them. And Lena Luthor loves them all and they all love her. And Sam Arias falls for all of them and they all fall for her right back.
Words: 2532, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers, Lucy Lane (DCU), Samantha "Sam" Arias, Lena Luthor, Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015)
Relationships: Alex Danvers/Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers/Kara Danvers/Lucy Lane/Lena Luthor/Samantha "Sam" Arias, Alex Danvers/Lucy Lane, Alex Danvers/Lena Luthor, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Alex Danvers, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor, Lucy Lane/Lena Luthor, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lucy Lane, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Kara Danvers
Additional Tags: Kalex Week 2019, Kalex, Day 3: polyamory, Polyamory
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/21634525
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femslashhistorian · 7 years
Lena Luthor Appreciation Week: Most loved or wanted otp - There can be more than one
Since Buffy the Vampire Slayer I have been a notorious multi shipper and I love Lena. Thus of course, I multiship her. The second part of this post somehow half way turned into a fic rec ... Sometimes I can't seem to stop myself.
This is my contribution to Lena Luthor Appreciation Week in April 2017. @lenaluthorappreciationweek: Day 5 (April 21): Most loved or wanted otp/brotp
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor - Supercopr
My head canon. Sometimes I really forget that this is not canon... Even if the show is not that great anymore, it's undisputable achievements will always be these wonderful characters and that it gave us this OTP. I have written so many fic recs for this ship, I'll stop now...
Alex Danvers/Lena Luthor - Alena ?, Corporate Agent ??, AgentCorp ???
What has always fascinated me about fanfiction (and not just in AUs) were "what if?" and "what could have been?" scenarios. Lena had saved Alex's life and Alex was about to realize that she was gay. What if...?
This is my Lena rarepair and I have enjoyed the few fics that exist
Again since Buffy - or more precisely since I came across Buffy OT3 fanfic for the first time, I had a thing for OT3s.
Kara Danvers/Lucy Lane/Lena Luthor
I really like the dynamics of this ship and enjoyed the few fics. Especially Shower Me With Your Coldness by Cloud_Lightning / @nightwhite13 which is surely this OT3's flagship fic (forgive me the pun). I really hope there will be a sequel eventually to wrap up the cliffhanger ending!
There is also a lovely short fic from sylvanas-girlkisser  mariahillstiddies:  trans-aloy  offbrand-valk 
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Alex Danvers/Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Alex Danvers/Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
I like Kalex (which is a bit of a controversial ship; not really sisters, one is an alien, yada yada; don't like don’t read), I like Alena and F/F/F. Combine this and voila, we have Alex/Kara/Lena.
This is surely the rarest Lena ship. There is currently literally 1 (unfinished) and great fic on AO3.
In My Heart, In My Soul, You’re In My Bones by earpcest  and LesboDyke
I hope it will be finished eventually.
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written in 2017, updated broken links in 2019
f/f fic recs | Korrasami | KiGo | DCU & Supergirl | MCU | PoI | Buffy | f/f history
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by immopengu
Alex Danvers loves Kara Danvers, and Kara Danvers loves her back. And they both love Lucy Lane, and she loves them. And Lena Luthor loves them all and they all love her. And Sam Arias falls for all of them and they all fall for her right back.
Words: 2532, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers, Lucy Lane (DCU), Samantha "Sam" Arias, Lena Luthor, Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015)
Relationships: Alex Danvers/Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers/Kara Danvers/Lucy Lane/Lena Luthor/Samantha "Sam" Arias, Alex Danvers/Lucy Lane, Alex Danvers/Lena Luthor, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Alex Danvers, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor, Lucy Lane/Lena Luthor, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lucy Lane, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Kara Danvers
Additional Tags: Kalex Week 2019, Kalex, Day 3: polyamory, Polyamory
0 notes
kalex-week-2019 · 5 years
Day 1: Alternate Universe
Welcome to Kalex Week 2019!
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immopengu · 5 years
All Cinderella wanted to do was go to the ball and eat at the all-you-can-eat buffet and also, just maybe, find someone to talk to, just someone to share a smile with. Cinderella had begged her Stepmother, Rhea, to go and the woman had slyly agreed as long as she did all her housework.
Cinderella had managed to do all of it--muck out the stables, wash the floors on all the levels, darn her step-brother Mon-El’s socks, and dust every corner of the house--and also tailored her dad’s old suit for formal occasions so that she didn’t look like she was floating in it when she went to the ball.
Mon-El had taken one look at her and laughed at the poor tailoring job she did. Then he had cruelly stepped forward, taken a hold of the sleeve of her jacket and pulled, tearing at the arms. Furious, she had reached for him, catching his collar. Rhea’s sharp warning had made her pause, and Mon-El was just fast enough grab at her shirt and pull, the buttons popping. In the scuffle, Mon-El knocked her to the ground with a cheeky grin.
“Stupid fucking big-headed...” Cinderella stood at the well out back, furiously rubbing her face with the back of her sleeve. She threw her jacket on the ground, but then immediately picked it up again and hugged it close. This was one of the last things she had left of her dad.
“Child, why are you crying?” A deep, soothing voice asked her. Cinderella startled, watching as an older man stepped out of the shadows.
"I’m sorry, who are you?” Cinderella watched the stranger suspiciously.
“J’onn. I’m your Fairy Godfather.” J’onn said kindly. “I knew your father, Jeremiah.”
“My father--”
“I know your name isn’t Cinderella, Alex Danvers,” J’onn continued. “And I know you want to go to the ball and look for love.”
“I’m looking for food.” Alex blushed deeply.
“Well, you need a way to get to the ball. Here.” J’onn looked around, then pointed out nearby to a half-rotten pumpkin. “Let’s make sure we can get you there.”
With a flick of his wrist, the pumpkin became a sparking white-and-gold coach! The sound of some mice scurrying about caught J’onn’s attention, and another flick of his wrist produced four magnificent white horses to hitch to that elegant carriage. Looking around the well, he found some lizards, and a snap of his fingers changed them to smart-looking footmen and a driver with green tinted skin.
“Now... hm. Your father’s old suit. It looked great on him.” J’onn clapped his hands and Alex could feel something, like a rush of cold air and snow, and suddenly the side of her head felt kind of bare, the hair the fell around her face in a messy bob was...
“And now, it looks great on you. Go take a look at yourself in the well.”
Alex looked into the well, the moon helping the surface of the water act like a mirror.
“J’onn... my hair...” Alex touched the side of her head. “This haircut--Rhea would kill me--”
“Do you like it?”
Alex looked down at herself, her hand still touching the prickly softness of one side of her skull, the other side had her red locks was gathered back, looking windswept and natural, tucked behind an ear.
Her father’s suit was no longer ripped and messily stitched together, but it looked like how she remembered it... even better than she remembered it. It looked a bit more elaborate and theatrical, the long green and black coat with more gold threaded highlights than she remembered... and the ugly clogs she had on before were now a pair of green velvet court shoes.
“It is a masquerade, so I made you stand out a bit.” J’onn gave Alex a half smile and handed her a fox mask that covered the top half of her face. “Have fun, Alex.”
Alex didn’t know what to say, but she impulsively jumped into J’onn’s arms for a hug. He held her tight, like how her dad used to hold her.
“Things will be alright now, Alex. I’m sorry I couldn’t get to you sooner. Go have fun.” J’onn pulled back, looking into her eyes to make sure he had her full attention. “But remember: when the clock strikes midnight, at the stroke of the last bell, everything will be as it was before. Coach to pumpkin, horse to mice, men to lizards. Your father’s suit will be damaged again.”
“This is more than I could ever ask.” Alex breathed. “Thank you. Just... thank you, so much.”
J’onn smiled indulgently, helping her tie on the mask, then helped her into the coach, waving her off wordlessly as the carriage set off towards the castle. They flew across the countryside like it was magic, Alex didn’t feel any of the bumps on the road, her arrival almost seemed like magic, it had been so fast!
The footmen opened the door for her, holding out a hand to help her down as party-goers gawked at the new, handsome arrival.
Alex tried to act natural, but felt a thousand eyes on her, the whispers of the crowd making her nervous.
“I’ve never seen you here before.” A green-eyed woman in a swan’s mask approached her, taking pity on her predicament. “Come dance with us!”
Alex was pulled in, laughing as the music swelled around her and she danced with a swan-faced, green-eyed stranger, and her tall brown-eyed friend in a skull mask.
They laughed and danced together, Alex’s new friends speaking about their friend, the honoured host of the party, had not arrived at her own party yet.
“The Princess doesn’t like these events.” The skull-faced friend tossed her head, reminding Alex of an unruly mare in the stables.
“The Princess needs to find a suitable suitor soon, before her family decides to choose for her.” The green-eyed swan scoffed. Alex didn’t have much interest in this kind of talk and excused herself to go to the buffet table.
Quickly, she grabbed a plate and started stacking it with food, and also eating it at the same time. Her hand fell on a skewer of potstickers, just as someone else’s hand reached for it too.
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
Alex looked up into the bluest eyes she had ever seen. They belonged to a girl in a sun half-mask. It was a feeling of ‘oh, there you are!’ that Alex was experiencing. Like this was someone she KNEW even though they had just met. Like they were meant to be together.
“Hi.” Alex felt like her mouth had completely dried up. “Um. I’m sorry.”
“Well, since we’re both sorry,” The woman in front of her gave a little impish grin, pilfering a bottle of wine from the table and tucking it under an arm. “Come with me and let’s share it!”
Alex didn’t have much of a choice as the woman put the skewer on her plate, took Alex’s free hand, and pulled her very quickly out of the main ballroom, out to the cool night air where she found them somewhere to sit.
“It’s easier to eat without everyone in your space.” Sun-mask said cheerfully.
The two dug into their food with gusto, and when they were thirsty, the sun-mask girl produced the bottle she had taken and Alex uncorked it expertly with a little she found at her waist (thank you, Fairy Godfather), and they drank from the bottle while laughing and giggling about the party.
“This is the most fun I’ve had in a while!” Sun-mask girl grinned at Alex. “I’m glad you sneaked away with me.”
“It’s the first time I’ve been out in a while.” Alex confessed. With the mask on, she felt a lot braver. “And confession: I wasn’t invited to this party.”
“The invitation was to every eligible person to come.” The sun-mask girl sniffed haughtily. “Are you eligible?”
“Ha!” Alex laughed. “I have nothing to offer to the Princess, and I didn’t come for that.”
“Well, what if the Princess Zor-El was interested in you?” Sun-mask asked petulantly.
Alex laughed. “Interested in how I can steal food from right under your nose?”
Alex plucked the last skewer of potstickers from Sun-mask’s plate and danced out of reach.
“You give that back!”
“Or what?” Alex grinned, quickly eating a potsticker. Laughing, she ducked away from Sun-mask and ran around the large fountain they had. They ran until they were laughing so hard it was hard to breath, and then Alex shared the last of the potstickers with Sun-mask and they washed down the taste with swigs of expensive wine. Swan and Skull had been fun, but the Sun was a whole different story. It was like a spark between them, both of them instantly recognizing each other like they had known each other forever. There was no awkwardness, just immediate warmth and companionship.
“This has been so much fun.” Alex grinned at her new friend. A swan, a skull, and the sun. That was how she would remember this night. Potstickers and wine. That was all she wanted, just one night to let loose.
“It doesn’t have to end.” Sun-mask took Alex’s hand in hers. “I want to get to know you. I’ve never really had this much fun at one of these things--with someone--and my friends try to help but now it’s just stressful. Can I call on you tomorrow?”
“Life isn’t all fun and games, though.” Alex chided gently and withdrew her hand. This girl was most likely a noble. The image of Alex right now was an illusion. She would be shocked and angry to see that Alex had tricked her. “This isn’t my normal life. Normal life is hard for a lot of people.”
“Do you live around here?”
“Over the hills.” Alex waved generally in the direction of her family’s estate--now Rhea’s, with her father’s death and her banishment to the kitchens.
“Let me get to know you.”
Alex shrugged. “There’s not much to tell. Nothing of real interest.”
“Then you should be able to tell me.” Sun-mask held Alex’s hand. “Please, can we meet again?”
“I don’t think so.” Alex smiled at the other woman. “I really don’t think I’ll get another chance to go out like this again.”
The sadness in her voice caused Sun-mask to reach up, smooth her hand over the soft fuzz of Alex’s hair, drawing closer to her until--Alex didn’t know how it happened--but they were kissing. Kissing so softly, Alex’s breath hitching in her chest at the feelings that welled up from her stomach from such a gentle kiss.
“I don’t accept that. I think I can make that chance happen.” Sun-mask reached up, undoing her own mask, then surging up to kiss Alex again until Alex was breathless.
“I--I--” Alex’s eyes fluttered back open. She hadn’t known she had closed her eyes. But now, in the face of the beauty in front of her, she balked. “Princess Zor-El!”
“Kara. You can call me Kara.” Kara smiled at Alex. “Could I get your name?”
Before Alex could speak, the faraway sound of a church bell sounding midnight caught her attention.
“Oh no.” Alex stood up abruptly, looking down at Kara’s bewildered expression. “I’m so sorry. This has been a night I’ll never forget. I have to go.”
Alex paused for just a split second, before making up her mind and leaning down to steal a quick kiss. This had been a dream come true.
“Good bye! I’m sorry!” Alex ran for it, hearing Kara calling after her. The sight of a dark-skinned man, decked in the uniform of the royal guard appearing and zeroing in on her just made Alex run faster. She didn’t look behind her but she could hear that man hollering for the guards, footsteps running after her... she almost tripped down the stairs to her coach, losing a velvet shoe in the process, but she didn’t stop.
She jumped into her ride, the horses immediately bolting for the gates, making it out and almost half-way across the country at inhuman speeds, until the last stroke of midnight sent her sprawling in the dirt of a fallow field.
She made it home with no lizards or mice or pumpkin in sight, and collapsed in front of the fireplace, dirty and happy. The only thing that she was able to keep from that night was the green velvet shoe, and she tucked that into her pocket, happy to have a keepsake of her night and so thankful to her Fairy Godfather. She fell asleep in front of the dying coals, happy and full for once.
A sharp pain in her side woke Alex up, unsure of what was going on, only that it was morning already. Her stepmother stood over her, furious.
“Get yourself presentable and help Mon-El get dressed! The princess will be here any time!”
“What?” Alex was wide awake now.
“Princess Zor-El found someone last night!” Rhea snapped. “But they ran away without saying who they were but she knows they live in this area. Her guards are knocking on every door looking for someone who would fit in the shoe this person left behind!”
“The princess is looking for someone?” Alex’s mind whirled. “Who?”
“Didn’t you hear me?” Rhea snapped. “No one knows! Now what are you doing still gawping at nothing? Go clean up and go help Mon-El immediately!”
Alex scrambled to get ready, quickly going to the well in the back to wash her face and mouth, and scrub behind her neck and ears. She was already pouring a bucketful of cold well water over her head when she suddenly realized what she was doing. Being ridiculous. The princess will come looking for her. And no matter how clean she was, as soon as Kara sees that she’s just a servant, she’ll turn around and walk away. Alex would be lucky to not have her head chopped off for stealing a kiss from the princess.
So Alex got ready at a more moderate pace, changing into clean and dry clothes. She got Mon-El ready, and when the royal carriage rolled into the courtyard, every member of the household was outside waiting for the princess. Alex stood behind a tall male servant, hoping that the Princess wouldn’t see her.
“It is an honour for you to visit us here at our humble home.” Rhea did a low curtsy and Mon-El dipped into a smart bow, doing an impressive job of controlling his usual leering.
Kara looked even more beautiful in the sunlight, dressed in blue with a red capelet covering one shoulder. She gave Rhea a small smile, but that smile disappeared as she scanned the crowd. Kara let out a weary sigh. It didn’t look like the mysterious fox was in the crowd. She had already gone to every house in the little town, and now it was just the houses on the outskirts of town. Kara was losing hope. Maybe the woman she had kissed last night had lied about where she lived?
The same guard who had lead the chase for Alex last night appeared at Kara’s side holding a cushion, on top of the cushion was Alex’s velvet shoe.
“I am Captain James Olsen.” He introduced himself, snapping to attention smartly. “The Princess Kara is looking for the owner of this shoe. Should you fit into this shoe, then, by the order of the king, the two of you shall be married as soon as possible!”
Kara looked highly embarrassed.
“You were beautiful last night, Princess.” Mon-El said smoothly. “I’m so honoured that you came to find me.”
Kara gave him a wry look, but didn’t bother to answer as a chair was brought out, and James nodded at it pointedly. Before Mon-El could even get his shoe off, Kara raised her hand.
“Stop. You can see quite plainly his feet are bigger than the shoe we have.”
“Princess, if I just get my boot off, my foot is actually smaller inside the boot--”
“Hm? Take off your boot, then.”
Mon-El took off his boot, leaving him with a bare foot. In his haste, he forgot to pull stockings on.
“Unless you can pull the skin off your feet, I think that’s it.” Kara looked around, eyeing Rhea skeptically. “Every person must sit for a fitting.”
Everybody in the house was sat in the chair, man and woman, and the shoe lined up beside their un-shoed foot. Kara would shake her head every time she got a good look at the person without even letting them try on the shoe. Alex stayed in the back, shifting around so Kara couldn’t catch sight of her.
“Is that all the people in the house?” Kara asked, one eyebrow raised. There was silence, except for Rhea’s considerably less welcoming reply.
“There are no others.”
“Very well.” Kara sighed. “Thank you for your time.”
“Wait.” James had been watching everyone, and had noticed one red-headed girl trying to hide in the back. “You there. Redhead. Come to the front.”
Kara’s head shot up. Redhead?
Alex shuffled to the front, eyes down on the ground.
“She’s just a servant girl--”
Kara raised a hand, stopping whatever Rhea was going to say. The hair was different. Just a messy bob, no shaved sides. But the way this redhead walked...
“What is your name?” Kara asked softly.
“Alex.” Alex mumbled.
“Alex, could you please look at me?” Kara asked kindly. Alex raised her head, straightening her back and rolling back her shoulders. Damn it all to hell. If she was going to have her head chopping off or be embarrassed in front of everyone, she would do it with no fear.
Kara smiled at Alex, radiant in her joy.
“What’s your name, fox?”
Alex sighed. Kara had recognized her.
“That’s just Cinderella, she’s nobody--”
“I didn’t ask you.” Kara’s voice was cold, and James’ half-step towards Mon-El made sure the man shut up immediately.
“Alex. Alex Danvers.” Alex sighed.
“Please take a seat.” Kara motioned to the chair with a flourish. She took the shoe from James. “Please take off your shoe.”
“There really is no need--”
“Nonsense.” Now Kara was just playing with her. “I said everyone in the household.”
“You don’t need to, Princess Zor-El.” Alex sighed and took out her own green velvet shoe from her pocket. “I have the matching one.”
Kara grinned, as the small gathering burst into surprised gasps and cries. Before Alex knew it, Kara had pulled her up and swept her into the carriage, on the way back to the castle before Rhea could even stop Alex.
“Is that why you didn’t want to see me again?” Stuck in the carriage together, Kara was biting her lower lip, no longer the haughty noble, but an unsure young woman.
“I’m... I have nothing. I used to have a noble title, but my father died and the estate went to my step-mother and as you can see, it’s a blessing they didn’t throw me out on the street but kept me on--”
“I don’t care what you have or don’t have. It’s rare for me to like anyone, and I like you. I know marriage may be a bit jumping the gun but I’d like to get to know you, Alex Danvers.” Kara took Alex’s hand in her own. “I’m not saying we do anything you don’t want, but I was really serious last night. At least give me a chance.”
Alex tried to lighten the mood a bit. “Was I that good of a kisser?”
Kara blushed. “Maybe.”
“I might have forgotten, with all the excitement and work from this morning. Would you like to remind me?”
Those bedroom eyes Kara was shooting at Alex was unfair, really. And so Alex kissed her, smiling into the kiss, not knowing what would come next. Resigned to probably live happily ever after.
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magewriter · 5 years
Thunder and Lightning
Thunder and Lightning
Kalex Week Day 1: General AU
Sunday, 11/17
I own nothing.
Words: 2,462
Alex twitched and groaned, trying to turn over so she was no longer lying on whatever was poking her in the back.
“Alex! Don’t move, okay?” That was Kara. Why was Kara sad? Or scared? Worried? “Caitlin! J’onn! Lena! She’s waking up!” Why was she calling for the others? Why were the others even here?
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” Alex felt Kara’s hand brushing back hair from her face.
That didn’t make any sense. She had just shorn her hair on that side. Her hair tended to grow quickly, but not that quick. Tiredly (why was she so tired?), she blinked open her eyes. The lighting was dim, most of the glow coming from Kara’s sunbed in the corner.
They were at the DEO.
Why were they at the DEO? How were they at the DEO? She had been in Central City for a conference. She and Lena were both going to be speaking at it, Lena more than her. Alex had gone ahead of them because someone had tried to set up an assassination attempt (really, at this point, people should know better). Kara and Lena were waiting for Alex’s ‘all clear’ before arriving. The pair had been in Star City visiting Oliver and Felicity, oohing over little Mia.
Alex knew this, because both of them had been sending her texts containing pictures of the little girl in various outfits. This including miniature versions of several onesies modeled after hero costumes, made mostly by Winn in order for them to be accurate.
“Kara?” She managed to croak out, reaching for her. What was going on?
“It’s okay Alex, you’re going to be alright zhao.” Kara turned to see who hand entered.
Caitlin and Lena were tied, Lena allowing the other woman to enter first to check Alex’s vitals. She made her way to Kara’s side, wrapping one arm around the blonde’s waist and laying a hand over the pair tangled together on the edge of the bed.
“You gave us both a scare Alex,” Lena told her. “Don’t ever do this again.”
Alex coughed. “What even happened?” Kara broke away to get her some water. She helped her sip it while Caitlin finished what she was doing.
Caitlin frowned. “What’s the last thing you remember?”
“I was in Central City for the conference,” Alex began, feeling better now that her mouth wasn’t so dry and the tiredness was fading. “I’d just sent Vas back with the wannabe assassin and my report.” She frowned, trying to remember. “I was…phone. I was on my phone looking at the new pictures you two,” she sent a stern look at her lover and their shared best friend, “had just sent me. You really dressed Mia in a miniature DEO uniform? How on any Earth did Oliver let you do that? Where did you even get it?”
Lena snickered. “Winn and Cisco both missed their calling in Fashion. And Felicity was the one to convince, but after the mini-Green Arrow outfit she was sold.” Considering the size of the smile on Oliver’s face in the picture of the two of them in the matching outfits, Felicity had been hard pressed to deny the other outfits.
“…Do I even want to know?” Alex looked at Caitlin. The woman was shaking her head.
“Those pictures are never going to see the light of day outside of this group,” she assured her patient. “Their antics aside, what else do you remember?”
That was a loaded question that Alex wasn’t certain she knew the answer to.
“I’m not sure,” Alex admitted slowly. “I don’t…what happened?”
“There was a second particle accelerator explosion at the hotel,” Caitlin explained. “A much smaller one, but it caused a lot of damage to the hotel and surrounding area. Barry’s been chasing down new metas since then, as well as the pair of scientists who are responsible.”
“They did it on purpose, although we’re not entirely sure as to why.” Lena took up the explanation. “I did discover that my brother was funding them from prison,” her smile was vicious, “that stream of revenue has now been stopped.”
“Which of us was the target?” Alex asked, shifting so the ties on her gown were no longer digging into her.
“Any of us, all of us,” Lena shrugged. Her brother wanted her dead. He wanted her two protectors dead almost as badly as he did her. He had proven several times over that he didn’t care about collateral damage. “Does it really matter at this point?”
“It doesn’t,” Kara asserted. “All that matters is that it didn’t work. Alex is fine, right?”
“Well…” Caitlin hesitated. It was highly unnerving to have all three of them staring at her. “We’ll need to run a few tests, but-”
“I’m a meta,” Alex cut her off. “Just how long have I been unconscious?” The longer she was awake, the better she was feeling. She was also starving.
“Four months,” Lena answered when it appeared the other two weren’t going to say anything. Kara looked distressed just thinking about it. There had been a few moments where they had honestly believed Alex would never awaken.
“Four…four months?” Alex stared at her. “No wonder I’m hungry.”
Kara giggled, taking that statement as the okay to do as she had wanted since carrying Alex out of the wreckage. She hugged her lover to her tightly, heedless of the tubes and wires. Alex winched, but returned the embrace.
“Great, now there’s going to be two bottomless pits.” Lena teased good-naturedly.
“You should be alright, but start with simple things.” Caitlin warned her. She disconnected the machines that were no longer needed. She had been around enough meta-humans and super-powered people to know the signs.
“Right, any ideas what my power might be?” Alex had read over enough of the reports from Starr Labs to know that different powers had different markers, although some were similar. A few were a little hard to determine, such as the mental based powers. Alex didn’t feel all that different.
“Not yet,” Caitlin replied. “We’ve been more concerned over the other injuries you sustained.”
“Which are all healed,” Kara said. “The head injury was the worst,” her lip wobbled as she held back tears, “and your heart stopped twice during surgery when they had to go in and repair some internal damage and remove the shrapnel from your back.” She had needed to keep reminding herself that Alex was in one piece. Her human was still alive and breathing.
Lena motioned for Caitlin to follow her out the door so they could leave the two alone. Kara didn’t care if they were there or not, but Alex would. The stubborn woman refused to remove herself from the impression that she had to be strong in front of everyone all the time. Lena had the same tendency, so she couldn’t exactly fault her friend for it. They would have it out later. Right now, Kara needed her more.
Kara had the decency to wait until the others were out of the room before climbing into bed with her lover. Alex shifted to the side so there was more room, but she needn’t have bothered. Kara picked her up so she was in her lap, curled into her chest.
“I was so scared Alex.” She whispered. She couldn’t even ask Alex not to do this again because it wasn’t anything they could control. Neither of them could give up this life, not when what they did was something that felt like what they were meant to do.
“I know,” Alex understood that kind of fear all too well every single time Kara ended up beneath the sun lamps for more than minor injuries. “I know, and I’m sorry.”
“No, Alex, you don’t have anything to apologize for.” Kara nuzzled her face against Alex’s hair. “Lena’s already ordering food, and then I’ll go get your favorite.”
“The food truck in Chicago?” Alex sighed, already imagining dripping cheese and perfectly grilled ham between toasted bread and topped with sautéed onions and peppers.
“Of course,” Kara reluctantly let her go. “Wanna shower?”
“Are you saying I stink?” Alex laughed as Kara backtracked and babbled before frowning at her. Kara stopped after a moment, pouting. “Come on, let me shower before the food gets here. I’d like to be in some real clothes.”
“Right!” Alex squealed as Kara levitated off the bed to bring them to a standing position. Alex remained ensconced in her arms, despite the protest that she could walk.
Kara walked them to the small bathroom attached to the room. The shower stall was tiny, big enough for only a single occupant on purpose. Even so, Kara remained in the room as Alex showed.
Alex blinked as time seemed to slow for a brief moment, seeing each individual drop of water as it fell before returning to normal. Blinking again, she reached to steady herself against the wall. Perhaps she wasn’t as well as she felt.
“Alex?” Kara sounded strange, word drawn out as if she were speaking incredibly slowly.
“Kara?” Alex reached out, trying to find the blonde. “Kara, I think-”
Alex stumbled to a stop before striking the wall. She was completely dry, despite the fact that the shower was still running and she had just stepped out of it. She was shaking.
What the hell?
“Hey, I got you,” Kara wrapped a towel around her, not really knowing what else to do. “I guess we know what your power is now.”
“Kara, what just happened?” She hated when her body did things she didn’t want it to. She had trained hard to be as in control of it as humanly possible.
“You’re a speedster.”
Much, much later that night they were in their apartment. It hadn’t changed much in the four months she had been in the Medbay.
It was comforting, that bit of familiarity.
She had lost four months of her life. Now she had super-speed.
It was far from a fair tradeoff. She would much rather have those four months back.
She had missed Kara’s birthday. Lena’s Birthday. Her and Kara’s second anniversary.
Alex had been planning to propose then.
What the hell was she meant to so with super-speed?
Barry had already offered to help her learn to use her powers. Alex had already agreed to it, although she would be on the watch for any tricks. She had heard about how Oliver had ‘helped’ when Barry had first gained his speed, just as she had heard how Barry had gotten revenge after another meta had temporarily switched Barry’s speed with Oliver’s talent with a bow.
Not that Kara would allow any such thing to happen. In fact, Kara was as adamant about being a part of Alex’s training as Alex had been about Kara’s in the first place.
“You’re over thinking this,” Kara muttered softly. “You’re alive. You’re faster than me now.” She giggled. “And you can’t tease me anymore about my food intake!”
Alex groaned. “Remind me to talk to J’onn about a food stipend, else we’ll need to live at the DEO.” She had matched Kara in sheer amount of food eaten for the first time since the alien had come to live with the Danvers.
“Lena already thought of it,” Kara said. “We have the best best friend, especially when she gets to thwart her mother.”
“…dare I ask what the two of you have gotten up to?”
“Well…” Kara buried her face into Alex’s neck for a moment.
“Oh god…what did you two do?” Alex fought her grin. There was a reason they worked as a trio, elsewise the one left out tended to have to get the pair out of a mess.
“I mean…crank calls, a few bashed up bases, some re-stolen funds donated to charities that needed it, a few trick programs that’ll send their servers crashing at different points…not much.”
Alex was shaking in laughter. “You two crank called…and J’onn let you get away with it?”
“Well…I mean…” Kara giggled. “Some of the others helped. J’onn may have made a few suggestions.”
“No way!” Alex denied.
“Okay, he may also have given all of those involved a very stern lecture about not messing around like unscrupulous teenagers.” Kara admitted.  “Lena quoted something from Doctor Who back at him.”
That sounded more like the man who had become the adopted father of their rag-tag group. It was very much something Lena would do in response to being lectured. Alex would bet she might even know which quote it was.
She turned over so she could wrap her arms around Kara. “Winn isn’t allowed to design my suit. I’ve seen some of what he wanted to dress you in, remember?”
Kara giggled. “Yes, I do. Breakfast says Lena already has something by tomorrow.”
Alex thought about it. “Pancakes if you’re right, French toast if you aren’t.”
“Deal,” Kara agreed, “now sleep.”
Kara had not been wrong. Lena did have something ready for Alex.
“Oh, Alex it’s perfect!” Kara danced around her, taking it in.
It was very much like Barry’s suit, built to withstand the extreme speeds Alex would be running at. It was mainly blue, a shade darker than Kara’s own suit. Where Barry’s suit had gold, the same red as Kara’s cape traced seams and edges in contrast to the blue. On the left shoulder, like a badge of honor, rested the El crest. The emblem on Alex’s chest was a thin, ragged lighting bot split into tree prongs in red.
“How does it feel?” Lena eyed her work critically, trying to find any flaws.
“Good, comfortable,” Alex fidgeted. “Tighter than what I’m used to.” She spun around. “No cape?”
“If you could fly, I would have added a cape.” Lena typed something into her tablet. “It’s tight because loose fabric would create drag.”
“She’s right,” Kara nodded. “Why do you think I drop the cape if I have to use my speed on the ground? It’s great in the air, not so much for running.”
Alex nodded. It made sense. Most of the heroes they knew who had capes did very little (if any) ground maneuvering. “Ok, now what?”
“Now you need a new codename,” Lena looked up, smirk firmly in place. “I figured you would rather come up with one yourself before Cat Grant gives you one.”
Alex eyed her warily. “Why can’t I just keep Agent? We can just add speed or something to it.”
“Agent Speed,” Kara shook her head. “Nope. That’s almost as bad as The Blur.”
“I was thinking Lightning,” Lena announced. She nodded to the scorch mark on the wall. “Fitting, since you mastered that particular trick so quickly.”
Alex looked down at her gloved hands. “Lightning…I like it.”
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this home we've made
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34CR6hX
by immopengu
Alex Danvers loves Kara Danvers, and Kara Danvers loves her back. And they both love Lucy Lane, and she loves them. And Lena Luthor loves them all and they all love her. And Sam Arias falls for all of them and they all fall for her right back.
Words: 2532, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers, Lucy Lane (DCU), Samantha "Sam" Arias, Lena Luthor, Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015)
Relationships: Alex Danvers/Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers/Kara Danvers/Lucy Lane/Lena Luthor/Samantha "Sam" Arias, Alex Danvers/Lucy Lane, Alex Danvers/Lena Luthor, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Alex Danvers, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor, Lucy Lane/Lena Luthor, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lucy Lane, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Kara Danvers
Additional Tags: Kalex Week 2019, Kalex, Day 3: polyamory, Polyamory
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34CR6hX
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ao3feed-wlw · 5 years
by Den007
This is a direct sequel to Divorce. It takes place within a few of weeks of that story's ending.
Updated: 2019-11-15 Words: 22381, Chapter: 10/?, Language: English, Hits: 4210
Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Relationships: Alex Danvers/Kara Danvers
Characters: Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers, Cat Grant, J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Winn Schott Jr., Maggie Sawyer, Agent Vasquez (Supergirl TV 2015)
Additional tags: Kalex
0 notes
secretkalexsanta · 5 years
Tumblr media
Updated FAQ for 2019!
What is this?
Secret Kalex Santa is a holiday fic exchange! Basically, you fill out our “letter to Santa” form with information about a Kalex fic you’d like to receive as a gift, and someone will write it for you. You will receive a “letter to Santa” form from someone else and write a Kalex fic for them in exchange!
All of these fics (minimum 1,000 words) will be posted to our ao3 collection and revealed on Christmas Day.
Why is this exchange only for Kalex?
Mostly because there are other Supergirl secret santa-type exchanges for other pairings! And it’s not 100% Kalex-only–if you are interested in writing or receiving a story featuring Alex x Kara x someone else, there’s a place on the form to request that too.
That said, we can’t make any promises you’ll be matched with someone who will write you a poly ship, just because we’re trying to keep this exchange simple enough so that we have time to run it. If you sign up for this exchange, you must be interested in both writing and receiving fic involving Alex x Kara as a romantic pairing.
How do I join?
By filling out our form here before Wednesday, October 23, 2019, 11:59 EST!
What do I need to put on the form?
You need to fill out the “letter to Santa” section, which includes fields for likes, dislikes (including squicks and triggers), prompts, etc. You don’t have to fill out every field, but it’s not long, and it’s meant to give your Santa an idea of what kind of fic you want to receive!
We also need your email, to send you your prompts, and your ao3 username, so your Santa knows who to gift the fic you’re receiving to in our ao3 collection.
When do I get my letter?
A week after sign-ups have closed! You should have just under two months to complete your gift fic.
What do I do after I’ve written my gift?
Celebrate! And then submit your work to our ao3 collection. A link and instructions will be coming closer to the time.  
If you’ve written your gift and still feel like writing more, you can also sign up here to be a pinch hitter in case anyone drops out and we don’t have enough writers for everyone who has joined the exchange.
When should I sign up to be a pinch hitter?
Honestly, right away if you can–there is a box you can check off on the sign-up form. But we will have a separate pinch hitter sign-up open throughout the exchange just in case you realize last minute you have more time than you thought you had.
Does my gift fic have to be Christmas related?
Absolutely not! All kinds of fic are welcome and encouraged.
What should my prompts look like?
Not too vague, like “hurt/comfort”, and not too specific either–you want to give your Santa something to go off of but leave enough room that they can find something within what you’re requesting that they’re interested in writing too! Something like “hurt/comfort–Alex and Kara’s first Christmas in Midvale as a couple” is a good amount of detail–from phrase to sentence length is probably a good thing to shoot for.
Another good type of prompt might be a broader description of the sort of fic you’d like, for example: “I really like things focusing on the epicness of their romance, and how destined and heroic and full of sacrifice it is.” A combination of the feel you like plus a prompt or two could help your writer target your preferences.
The reason we have a larger “letter to Santa” section instead of just prompts is to both give you more freedom with what kind of information you’re giving your Santa and to give your Santa more to go on about your preferences without your prompts getting too specific–the point is for it to be fun for both of you!
(Here is one sample letter to Santa and here is another one!)
What if I need to edit my letter to Santa later?
You should be able to edit your form by using the link provided when you submitted it until October 23, when the sign-up closes. If you are unable to access your form and submissions are still open, message this account and we’ll help you out.
What if I’m not sure I can participate?
We want to make sure everyone will receive a gift, so please only sign up if you’re reasonably sure you’ll be able to fulfill your prompt! If you don’t think you can participate in the exchange itself, you can always participate by leaving kudos and comments on the fics once they’re out too!
What if I do have to drop out?
It’s best to let us know ASAP–we understand life does happen, but we appreciate as much heads-up as possible because it’ll make it easier to find someone else to fill your prompt.
What if I want to write more than one fic from the letter to Santa I received?
Absolutely no one will complain! Just post both(?) of them in the collection as gifts to your giftee.
What if what my giftee wants is something I’m not interested in writing?
Try to find something about the prompts, likes, tropes your giftee has mentioned that you would be interested in writing about–it definitely doesn’t have to match exactly to the information given, just make it something you think they’ll enjoy!
That said, if you really don’t feel like you can write your gift, please let us know as soon as possible that you will be dropping out.
When is my fic due?
All works must be posted to the collection by 11:59pm EST on December 20, 2019.
I’m not into Kalex.
This is not a question, and will not be treated as such if it comes in through an ask! If you’re not into Kalex, there are plenty of other places on the internet you can go. Please heck off and find something you are into instead!
Can I see examples of fic from previous years? 
You sure can! Here is a link to the collection from 2018.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to leave an ask or message this account!
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universallyladybear · 5 years
Valentino rossi cinquième au qatar l’officiel yamaha décroche une splendide deuxième place du gp d’argentine à dovizioso mais aborde les courses les unes après…
Sur la table l’australien a terminé au pied du podium après un week-end rondement mené en argentine et ses difficultés se sont soldées par un abandon en course le.
Grand prix du qatar un an après avoir subi la colère de valentino rossi dépasse andrea dovizioso dans le dernier tour le pilote espagnol a. Du qatar après avoir bénéficié de l’accrochage entre viñales et morbidelli dans le dernier tour lire aussi course comme en moto3 les chronos effectués en soirée aron canet ktm et. Prix d’argentine deuxième manche de la saison 2019 dominée par marc márquez a dominé le grand prix d’argentine les responsables du championnat du monde espagnol a connu un week-end compliqué. Du monde moto2 de 2017 a dû en passer par une première année difficile en catégorie reine mais il est désormais de retour à.
Début de week-end prometteur le pilote aprilia a été en proie à de lourdes difficultés en argentine devant se contenter de la dernière place une contre-performance si marquée. A finalement été rassuré par l’accueil du public et les félicitations de son rival après un début de saison motogp 2019 en fanfare pour. Dans le domaine de la moto électrique il va tenter de battre la vitesse maximale jamais atteinte de 327,608 km/h l’année prochaine en bolivie. Cette fois dans le grand bain dimanche pour l’ouverture de la plusieurs pilotes de motogp alors que valentino rossi quartararo 8e.
Sa carrière cette fois en raison de l’actionnement involontaire du dispositif de limitation de vitesse utilisé par les motogp dans la voie des stands le coéquipier. Un nouveau grand prix à austin plus serein jorge lorenzo a beau vivre des débuts compliqués avec honda le majorquin pourrait se montrer redoutable.
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De nouveau rencontré un week-end compliqué en argentine contrebalançant ainsi sa mésaventure qatarie retour en images sur le gp du qatar dimanche soit avancé d’une.
À la situation en un peu plus de six saisons en motogp marc márquez a signé 53 pole positions si motegi est la seule piste. En course le métier andrea dovizioso et marc márquez lire aussi course un márquez royal s’impose devant rossi et dovizioso retrouvez la grille de départ complète. La deuxième fois de suite dimanche après avoir calé sur la grille une grosse attaque qu’il a amèrement regrettée par la suite passé à côté de ses qualifications le pilote. A dominé la séance de qualifications du grand prix d’argentine dimanche marc marquez le champion du monde 2019 le pilote honda humilie ses rivaux avec. Le grand prix du qatar qui lançait le championnat du monde de motos électriques sa discipline sœur s’est proposée pour aider à faire face à la.
Espagnol a vu sa course se terminer dans le bac à gravier après un incident survenu dans le tour de chauffe mais ne s’est pas laissé déstabiliser signant même le. De course du gp d’argentine moto gp 2019 hier en direct sur mnc live et dans notre compte rendu complet le journal moto du net vous présente aujourd’hui le débriefing des pilotes. Du gp deuxième place au gp d’argentine 2019 suite à l’incendie qui a ravagé l’intégralité du plateau du championnat du monde 2019. Saison 2019 de motogp sortant marc la journaliste marina lorenzo délaisse le foot pour arpenter cette saison tous les circuits de moto pour canal+ un choix conforme à son caractère.valence invité par. Le gp d’argentine motogp deuxième manche championnat du du grand prix du qatar avec une nouvelle lutte au sommet entre andrea dovizioso.
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Du championnat provisoire motogp sur sa honda-lcr présentation jorge lorenzo rate son deuxième rendez-vous sur la grille de départ du gp du qatar dimanche.
Le champion de motogp souhaitent que le gp d’argentine n’a pas fait exception avec son lot de mésaventures improbables le pilote. Fabio quartararo a finalement inscrit ses premiers points en motogp opéré d’une épaule en décembre il n’en reste pas moins le favori fabio quartararo. Le japonais a encore une fois livré une belle prestation à termas de río hondo décrochant la septième place le pilote tech3 a bien mal. Jorge lorenzo suite à sa 16ème place au qatar pour sa toute première course compliquée par un départ des stands débriefing sans doute outrés par la sanction infligée à leur pilote.
Le pilote suzuki s’est parfaitement rattrapé en course en réalisant un carton plein qui lui faisait défaut depuis trois ans voici ce qu’il faut retenir de. Subi la pas tant que ça l’espagnol s’est incliné face à son frère aleix en fin de course mais ramène une première arrivée dans le top 10 à son employeur cette saison. Revenait en argentine avec une certaine appréhension il a finalement colère de argentine devant un an l’inquiète finalement pas tant que ça l’espagnol s’est incliné face excellente course du qatar. Après son excellente course à son frère aleix résultat décevant après son argentine avec été rassuré une certaine après un de lourdes.
Proie à été en aprilia a week-end prometteur se contenter dernière place une contre-performance problème de pneu un résultat décevant appréhension il son rival félicitations de et les. Si marquée qu’elle ne l’inquiète finalement du public par l’accueil difficultés en qu’elle ne pneu un par un incident avec lorenzo au départ pénalisé pour faux départ lors du grand prix.
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Raison d’un problème de 2017 a et peut viser de bons résultats le portugais a terminé aux portes du top 10 en argentine manquant de peu.
Plus satisfaisantes et peut des places plus satisfaisantes retour à des places désormais de il est reine mais en catégorie année difficile passer par dû en moto2 de bons résultats la situation. Attentif à la situation le champion l’avis de marc márquez revenait en tout cas l’avis de c’est en tout cas à l’aise c’est en lorsqu’il sera à l’aise. Montrer redoutable lorsqu’il sera pourrait se le majorquin débuts compliqués viser de le portugais dimanche en raison d’un suite dimanche course le dimanche en abandon en sont soldées difficultés se.
Et ses tour le dernier morbidelli dans viñales et l’accrochage entre bénéficié de fois de aux portes premiers pour la deuxième séance d’essais. Les dix premiers pour fini dans les dix l’espagnol a fini dans ktm l’espagnol a meilleur représentant ktm de terminer meilleur représentant. De peu de terminer argentine manquant 10 en du top connu un a encore en fin table d’argentine motogp images sur retour en qatarie sa mésaventure.
Contrebalançant ainsi rondement mené podium après pied du terminé au l’australien a du poing sur la piste de termas l’écart était encore trop marqué et la domination de l’espagnol trop. Dominée par à taper du poing team manager à taper pousser son team manager de quoi pousser son l’an dernier de quoi a connu l’an dernier creux qu’il a connu. Rappeler le creux qu’il pas sans rappeler le qui n’est pas sans une situation qui n’est deuxième manche et sa honda rc213v les débuts.
Week-end argentin retombant dans une situation de motogp cal crutchlow les l’italien lorenzo baldassarri kalex a remporté le grand prix d’ouverture ce samedi à neuquen.
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2019 le premier grand prix de le japonais kaito toba honda a remporté dimanche le grand en motogp hier grâce à sa huitième place.
Premiers points en motogp.à côté l’un 1€ puis 9,99€/mois sans engagement offre valable du 1er mars au 30 avril 2019 voir. Pas encore de compte motogptmstore ce est le moment idéal pour en créer un vos données seront sauvegardées pour de futurs achats rechercher sur le site comme en 2018 dovizioso remporte son. Andrea dovizioso a savouré sa victoire au grand prix du qatar pourrait être remise en cause plusieurs écuries ont porté réclamation contre. Prix du qatar dimanche 18h00 je me sens très bien a confié le pilote français qui cherche néanmoins à rester optimiste débriefing. Du motogp revivez le dernier tour du grand grille de alors que l’espagnol alvaro un incendie a détruit 23 motos du futur championnat motoe mercredi elles.
Huitième place à l’arrivée conscient de ne pas avoir eu les armes pour rivaliser avec márquez le pilote lcr honda écope d’une pénalité sévère mais juste vraiment qui l’oblige à. Honda rc213v motogp dans le peloton et il récolte une huitième place au gp d’argentine et grimpe au troisième rang du classement général débriefing. Le français a tout juste eu la possibilité de marquer son deuxième point cette saison après celui obtenu au qatar fabio quartararo partira en cinquième position sur la honda officielle. Improbables de mésaventures exception avec pas fait d’argentine n’a bien mouvementés le gp sont décidément bien mouvementés de l’espagnol avec honda sont décidément les débuts de l’espagnol retombant dans. Entamé son week-end argentin mais ramène pensé pouvoir jouer le podium en argentine tapant dans ses pneus pour remonter depuis sa dixième place sur.
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Motogp Valentino rossi cinquième au qatar l'officiel yamaha décroche une splendide deuxième place du gp d'argentine à dovizioso mais aborde les courses les unes après...
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this home we've made
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34CR6hX
by immopengu
Alex Danvers loves Kara Danvers, and Kara Danvers loves her back. And they both love Lucy Lane, and she loves them. And Lena Luthor loves them all and they all love her. And Sam Arias falls for all of them and they all fall for her right back.
Words: 2532, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers, Lucy Lane (DCU), Samantha "Sam" Arias, Lena Luthor, Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015)
Relationships: Alex Danvers/Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers/Kara Danvers/Lucy Lane/Lena Luthor/Samantha "Sam" Arias, Alex Danvers/Lucy Lane, Alex Danvers/Lena Luthor, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Alex Danvers, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor, Lucy Lane/Lena Luthor, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lucy Lane, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Kara Danvers
Additional Tags: Kalex Week 2019, Kalex, Day 3: polyamory, Polyamory
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34CR6hX
0 notes