#kamomedai coloring
yulchi · 11 months
Wakunan captain is here and with that the color wheel is finished!
actually was really fun drawing all those colorful boys!
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
okay gang buckle up here are the highlights from the notes and mini comics in the back of the english version of "beginnings & endings" let's go!!
(also i know translated images of these are probs floating around somewhere but i have literally never seen these before except in the og jp artbook bc i don't go on twitter so like. this one is for the tumblr gang i guess?? anyways have fun!)
there's a small comic where yamaguchi tells tsukki that he hears hinata has been doing meiso (瞑想, or meditation) every day which i guess is a homophone because tsukki goes "he's been doing meiso forever, what?" (迷走, to stray/act randomly) and pictures hinata always going off on his own and doing random shit LMAAAO
also there's a mini comic where bokuto is wearing a lab coat and is like "omg don't i look good in this?" and komi and konoha are like "yooooo the lab coat is so sick it makes anyone look smart it's so amazing etc" and akaashi is in the back whisper-yelling "IF YOU GUYS PRAISE THE LAB COAT TOO MUCH THEN BOKUTO WILL GET JEALOUS OF THEM"
THERE'S ANOTHER MINI COMIC THAT'S ADVERTISING THE SALE OF VOLUME 33 WHICH KAGEYAMA THOUGHT WASN'T REAL BC "hinata's dig is on the cover!?!?! that can't be right!! that has to be fake!!"
and then he promotes it by saying "it's got hinata crappily bumping the ball on it. hope you'll like it"
another mini comic shows hinata sending a pic of himself and oikawa in rio wishing kageyama, yachi, tsukki, and yamaguchi a happy new year except like. oihina are squatting over a sand sculpture they made that's a replica of the kagami-mochi which is making yachi, tsukki, and yamaguchi lose their shit. kageyama (who is separate from them on a jog) does not seem to realize what it is and wonders why they built a pile of poop
literally he just introduces himself and where he is ("i'm currently standing in front of the men's room at fukurodani high") and explains that today is the final day of a MASSIVE joint training camp and takes us to see how things are going AND THEN WE SEE EVERYONE BURSTING THROUGH THE DOORS AND SUGA YELLING "IT'S PARTY TIME!!!!"
dude i fucking LOVE this one bc like. kamomedai is there. it's at fukurodani so obviously they're there. the ppl that come in are karasuno members (the third years plus tsukki, hinata, and kageyama), kuroo, and oikawa (so we know nekoma AND seijoh are there) so i'm just like. who the fuck else is there. this IS a party. it's THE crossover. THE ensemble cast
tbh i'm a really big fan of thinking that this is the intro panel to that huge colored spread furudate did of all the teams gathered around the nekoma v karasuno match bc it's the only thing that makes sense!! that WAS the final day of their massive joint training day session!!!!
furudate used hinata, tsukki, and kageyama to represent themselves and two editors who went with them
apparently local sports sites interviewed furudate bc they wre curious to know about the manga and then furudate. turned around and interviewed them right back about beach volleyball LMAAAO
two of the women's beach volleyball players they met (barbara seixas and fernanda berti if anyone knows them!) did the kamehameha pose and furudate drew them in it
the meal that oikawa and hinata ate together was traced directly from a picture furudate took when they got lunch with the athletes LOL
they also visited barbara seixas's house and got to see all her medals and trophies!!
the next day they went to go interview from the men's side and met bruno oscar schmidt and evandro gonçalves. these guys were funny bc furudate asked them "do you ever clash over opinions or get into arguments?" and apparently schmidt (who is 6'1") pointed at oscar (6'11"!!!!) and went "what, you think i'd pick a fight with him?"
then they visited gonçalves' apartment where he also had a lot of trophies LMAO, and his apartment was used as inspiration for the apartments of hinata and pedro / heitor and nice!!!
keep in mind that furudate has been using hinata, tsukki, and kageyama to represent their team this entire time so it looks like those three have just been hanging out with irl volleyball players LMAAAO
then they went to corcovado mountain to see the statue and, in a rare moment of rawdog honesty, tsukki admits that the view from the top is pretty
okay from this point we're going to be getting into furudate's work process and office space!!!
furudate's got his own desk in the back corner of the room right by a window. in the center there are four staff desks shoved together divided in half horizontally by a giant wall of tissue boxes. the reason for this is because they meant to buy a desk partitioner but kept forgetting to, and now they've decided that they don't need one bc they have the tissue box wall????
btw the tissue box wall suddenly appeared out of nowhere. like it actually says "the staff members must have felt awkward facing each other with nothing in between, because at some point there was suddenly a stack of tissue boxes there"
also they stuck like. alllll kinds of things to the tissue boxes. notes and diagrams and and sketches and literally anything that would make an easy reference
also furudate straight up admits that the most annoying thing to draw was hinata's head LMAAAO
and apparently inarizaki jerseys were supposed to have a line across the shoulders but everyone decided that was way too much work so they stopped
furudate has a stepping machine under their desk (it's two actually, one on top of the other) that they use while working bc they heard that Google employees do the same. they don't have any lower back pain so i guess it works??
furudate also really likes the fudenosuke brand of thin brush marker pens and goes through quite a lot of them. at one point one of the staff members drew the whole tokyo city gymnasium ceiling with only those pens
idk if you guys want me to go into the whole technique and tool thing if any artist wants to know send me an ask and i'll make a separate post for that bc this is getting really long already aaaaaaaaghhhhhh
furudate keeps a small volleyball whiteboard on their desk and uses magnets of the characters to plan how a game might play out which actually might be MY personal favorite fun fact about them like that's SO cool??? there's also a photo of the christ the redeemer statue stuck on it they got during the brazil trip and also notes about oikawa's and futakuchi's hair parts LMAAAO
they don't finalize the art digitally instead furudate calculates the size of the copy and then prints each piece out and pastes it onto the manga pages
i actually have no idea what that means i mostly copied it word for word but it sounded SUPER interesting
because of that tho furudate made a joke that paper cement was the most important supply in the office
they keep two pairs of volleyball shoes on the desk for reference . . . . it's hinata's and kageyama's shoes . . . .
they have fanart on the wall from not only fans and staff but oda eiichiro (one piece), kishimoto masashi (naruto), and horikoshi kohei (my hero academia). there's also a framed jurassic park poster which is apparently furudate's favorite movie (LMAO?? that explains some things i guess) and it was playing in the background as they drew the final chapter rather than music
they also keep video game consoles and video games in the office, and they'd play the radio during the day and switch to TV in the evening. they play pre-recorded shows or movies when they have to pull all-nighters which, like, mood
and furudate REALLY likes horror movies apparently? they like the grudge, the ring, one missed call, the conjuring, rec, zombieland, and the mist
okay the last few pages from here on out are insane it's furudate's comments on different scenes from each volume or the volume covers and spans like fifteen pages???? i might make a separate post for that one too
also at the bottom of each of those pages are the different hq characters walking and such and i'll probs also post separate pics bc THEY'RE SO CUTE AONE HAS A LIL CAT FOLLOWING HIM
anyways thanks for sticking with me guys!! that was a long one jesus christ
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belatinysun · 6 months
~ being good means being free 🧡
the parallel between the karasuno x kamomedai match and the msby x adlers one is wonderful and super important to show hinata's development, representing the endings and beginnings described in the chapter's title.
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when hinata gets a fever, he can't stay on the court anymore, he can't be the happiest anymore, and is faced again with the fact that he needs to increase his limits instead of overextending himself, he needs to be good and healthy before to get stronger after.
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chapter 365 represents the advice hinata needs, 398 represents the learning he achieves. 365 is like the storm before the rainbow and 398 is the explosion of colors resulting from hinata's growth, the rebirth of a tiny bird that fell several times before being able to fly freely to his so deserved top of the world.
~ he is good, he is free, he is the one and only hinata shoyo ♡
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bluestarjay · 6 days
Atsuhina for the soul guys ong
Atsumu stares at Hinata at nationals, after thinking he was nothing but a scrub, but realizing how incredible he is as he flies in a match.
He's mesmerized by the way Shoyo's hair floats around him, how the color is highlighted by the fluorescent lights. He sees how shoyo fights. He falls in love almost instantly. He doesn't realize it, but everybody teases him about it later, saying he's in love with shoyo and that they all saw him staring. He plays it off by saying he's just a good player, that he just has an eye for potential. But Osamu notices it's the same way he's looked at Aran the past few years. Osamu notices that he talks about hinata the same way he talks about Aran, even though he's an underclassman.
They play against Karasuno, and he's even more mesmerized by how hinata moves. On impulse, he says he'll set to him one day, and he sees how Shoyo's face lights up, how his eyes shine even despite how tired he is. Hinata doesn't stop thinking about atsumu through the next few games he plays. He doesn't stop thinking about him for the next 5 years. He thinks about the fact that atsumu sees him for him, not kageyama. He's used to people wanting to play against him, not alongside him. He's used to being nothing more than kageyama's sidekick, in the same way atsumu is used to being nothing more than osamu's sidekick.
Hinata notices that atsumu has been staring at him, and Tanaka and Nishinoya insist that it's because he's interested in him. They insist that atsumu has a crush on hinata, but he tells them, "Guys like atsumu miya don't want guys like me." And walks off. But he never needed to change himself. He never needed to get taller or stronger or buffer for atsumu to love him. He loved him all along. When hinata falls during the Kamomedai match, he's sent to the local hospital. Atsumu worries and asks the karasuno team what kinds of things hinata likes and throws together a little bag of things to make him feel better, the same way Kita does when they get sick. The bag includes a box of his favorite candy. Hinata is insecure and thinking that this is a very elaborate way of bullying and asks if he meant to say that he would set for him one day, to which atsumu tells him that he didn't mean to *say* it, but it was true. They talk for a bit, and they trade numbers. They talk between then and the time they see each other next, and during hinata's many lows in his high school volleyball career, he starts to see atsumu as an angel, a sign from God that he couldn't quit, because *atsumu miya needed to set for him*. Atsumu miya liked him, and went out of his to visit him and give him his favorite candy when he was in the hospital; there was no way he could give up the chance to see him again.
Atsumu waits 5 years for hinata, and he never strayed from his mind. He was hopelessly in love with him. When hinata comes back from Brazil? It's a whole other level. Atsumu thought shoyo was beautiful in high school, but this was entirely different. He doesn't know how to act when shoyo relentlessly flirts with him, when he winks at him when he says goodbye after celebrating a win at the bar, when he leans on atsumu on the bus, pressed against him despite the several inches of room still on the seat. And then they kiss for the first time, and both of them forget that they've ever felt less-than in their lives. They forget that they're viewed as "the other one" in their respective pairings (kageyama and hinata, Osamu and atsumu). Hinata forgets that he thought that nobody would ever love him with the way he looked; with the way he was so energetic and odd. He forgets the girl who called him ugly and said she'd rather die than actually go out with him. He forgets the boys who made fun of him for playing with the girls' team. He forgets ever being told that he was worthless, that he would amount to nothing. Atsumu forgets that Osamu quit volleyball, that after 23 years of being directly by each other's side, they wouldn't continue to dominate the court together. He forgets that as much as he had loved Aran, Aran would never love him back the same way. He forgets that he was the mean twin or the worse twin; that people would never like him as much as they liked Osamu. He forgets that he thought he'd die alone.
Shoyo would propose at the Olympics, and they'd get married in Brazil and die still as in love as they were when they'd first kissed.
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When Karasuno VS. Kamomedai match comes out I'll be bawling my eyes out and y'all know exactly why I mean I just saw the stageplay version and I brust into tears I won't be able to handle seeing it in clear motion with all the close ups and dialogues and the pain in their eyes and them being teary eyed even while reading manga AND STILL I could clearly see Hinata's face in motion and in color just like it would be on anime I WON'T BE OKAY LIKE SERIOUSLY I WILL BE IN PAIN
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hansooyung · 4 years
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if i was the manager of the haikyuu official twitter, i would simply tweet hakuba gao listens to taylor swift and then turn off my phone for twenty minutes
kamomedai colorings: 2/?
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spicywing · 3 years
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This moment, right now;
This is also volleyball.
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mistermrbee · 4 years
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furudate said hiruhoshi went on a date, they told me personally
[sketch from light novel vol. 13]
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ratboyray · 4 years
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their vibes>>>
you can find all my work here!
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hqtoned · 4 years
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hirugami! :P (++requests are open^)
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marshmalloriz · 3 years
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So 😩 how are we all feeling about alt uniform sachi 👀👀 (personally am on my kness for this man 🧎🏻‍♀️BUT WE WONT TALK ABOUT THAT 😌)
Big thanks to @hqxreader for always plAGUING MY THOUGHTS OF SACHI ILY THANK U 🥺 rent free i tell u rent free
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yulchi · 1 year
this one is a little bit unknown but he blue and we all need to make some compromises sometimes 🐦
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the-setter-soul · 4 years
HQ 393: Beat you to
“Being Better”
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a redraw and coloring of this hirugami panel in haikyuu 393!
— like and reblog if you'll save ; proper credits if you'll repost
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kurtislouise · 4 years
This is my first post, but chapter 402 has me in tears and I decided to share some of my favourite pieces of one of the color panels
SPOILERS AHEAD ... I guess but not really
Ft. Crap quality because I zoomed in on them so much...
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I have no idea what's going on here but its hilarious
And Shirabu's judgemental face and Kunimi and Kindaichi just being like 'tf they doing?'
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Hakuba's reaction to Futakuchi is just top notch, while Hirugami and Bessho behind him like lmao
Also Aone and Hyakuzawa, and Hyakuzawa and Hakuba
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Sarukawa appearance.
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I would like to know what they're talking about...
And Konoha interacting with Mattsun and Makki is something I didn't know I needed.
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Kyouken sizing up Futakuchi.
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Hoshiumi playing volleyball with the original Little Giant is so pure, and they both look so happy!
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Mujinazaka's coach has brown hair??? I always thought it was lighter lol
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I would like to know where Kuguri is presently.
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The looks Sekumukai and Izumi are giving Kanoka is so funny
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Ah yes, we FINALLY see Shinzen and Ubugawa in their uniforms.
Ft. Sakusa
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marcipancake · 4 years
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Habit becomes second nature
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hansooyung · 4 years
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coloring starting lineups: 1/11
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