#kampong som
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sihanoukville (kampong som), cambodia
by khmer khmer
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p0rkbun · 1 year
I loved those pictures so much!! Ancient architecture is so impressive and I feel like people don’t appreciate or understand how beautiful it truly is. Thank you so much for posting those pictures <3
No problem ans thank you for loving it! I agree, not a lot of people appreaciate the beauty of cambodia and its ancient architecture and history, i get very happy when someone recognizes it for what it is! I'm happy to share some facts and culture history about my country, i get very giddy 🙈 i'm going back to my city today so goodbye siem reap for now!
Though my dad is planning to go to the beach in preah sihanouk/kampong som which is very exciting for me since its after i finish 10 grade :3 (in 2 months)
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karmagicians · 1 year
> Rant on and on about friends.
note: this is a continuation of my fanventure ‘Title Pending’ from MSPFA while the site is down indefinitely! read previous pages using this link: https://mspfa.com/?s=49103&p=1
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Alright! You’ll even add in some visualization!
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First up, the birthday girl. She lives in VATICAN CITY. Her DAD is a guard so his family gets to live there. But once she gets married she won’t be able to live there anymore! So she’s planning to get a really good job as a NEUROSURGEON to support herself. She likes AESTHETICS and things like that. She’s really devout, which can sometimes be a point of contention with her friends, but she does her best to be considerate. You like her okay enough.
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Let’s go… Reverse rainbow order, yeah? Then next is your friend in HAVANA. She’s a beautiful DANCER! She also likes GHOSTHUNTING, but a rigid SKEPTIC. She doesn’t believe in ghosts at all, and wants to prove as much to her MOM. She can be a little overbearing at times, always wanting attention and to hang out, but she means well. You aren’t sure what she wants to do with her life, and you don’t think she knows, either.
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Then there’s you, in blue…
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Oh, then your friend in KAMPONG SOM. He, um… Likes VIDEO GAMES, you guess? Whenever you ask him what he’s been up to it’s usually that. He doesn’t seem to have any particular genre he prefers. You think you remember him saying once that he WATCHES MOVIES. You… Yeah, you aren’t sure what the heck this guy likes, but not for lack of trying. He just seems like a bit of a brick wall, personality-wise. He’s a great guy, though. 
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Then your friend in DEMIR HISAR !! She’s the best. She’s kind of like your group’s MOM FRIEND. She’s always MEDIATING and looking after everyone and putting their needs ahead of her own! She practices a lot of MEDITATION and mindfulness and gives you guys tips and tricks. Also, she practices JIU JITSU! How cool is that? She’s in a relationship with your friend in RED, but you’re not sure why she bothers with him. 
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Then your friend in HARARE. She’s kind of the coolest, smartest person you’ve ever met. She’s the type of person who always seems to have it all together. She loves museums, and you think she might want to be a MUSEUM CURATOR one day. She keeps a lot of CLOSED-SYSTEM TERRARIUMS and talks about the different biological cycles that keep them functional. She’s amazing, really. 
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Last up is your friend in HORACE, NORTH DAKOTA. In your opinion, he’s kind of a headache. You always feel the need to walk on eggshells around him to keep him from spiraling into SELF-DEPRECIATION. If he has any interests, they’ve been eaten up by his DEPRESSION. He’s not a bad person or anything, but he’s just… A lot, sometimes. Like you said before, he’s dating your friend in YELLOW. You privately hope she isn’t staying with him out of guilt. 
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And those are your friends! Hooray!
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angkorwattemeple · 1 month
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+ car / mini van taxi & tour guide in siem reap
+ car / mini van taxi & tour guide in phnom peng capital 
+ car / mini van taxi & tour guide in Battambang province 
+ car / mini van taxi & tour guide in Kep & Kapong province 
+ car / mini van taxi & tour guide in Sihanuk vill & kampong som province 
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commontraveler · 8 months
Visit the Best Things to Do in Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Charming Sihanoukville, Cambodia is a delicious blend of culture and beach. Check out this increasingly popular beach destination along the Gulf of Thailand!
Welcome to the city of Sihanoukville, a coastal gem on the Gulf of Thailand in Cambodia. Prepare to embark on a journey of discovery that perfectly blends cultural richness with coastal tranquility! Sihanoukville, also known as “Kampong Som” is Cambodia’s premier coastal city, known for its beautiful beaches, vibrant marketplaces, and a perfect combination of traditional charm and modern…
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angkorbestdriver · 1 year
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+ car / mini van taxi & tour guide in siem reap
+ car / mini van taxi & tour guide in phnom peng capital 
+ car / mini van taxi & tour guide in Battambang province 
+ car / mini van taxi & tour guide in Kep & Kapong province 
+ car / mini van taxi & tour guide in Sihanuk vill & kampong som province 
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tjenkehpala · 1 year
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“Aku begini, Enkau begitu”.
Ik ben Mick Woearbanaran, 2e generatie orang Maluku, asal dari Tanimbar, noord Tanminbar kota Larat. Mijn ouders komen uit een specifiek eiland genaamd Fordatha, kampong Walerang. Pappa Adam Woearbanaran, mama Jubelina Tanwey (asal dari Nila). Mijn Moeder haar voorouders mijn Oyangs oorspronkelijk uit Nila, maar al 3 generatie op de kampong Walerang Tanimbar. Ik ben geboren in Semarang, Djatingaleh. Als baby ben ik met de Fairsea naar Nederland gekomen samen met mijn oudere zus en ouders naar Nederland. In Vught zijn we terechtgekomen maar door omstandigheden zijn we van Vught naar Schattenberg Westerbork verhuisd en daar vandaan zijn we naar Ommen, kamp Eerde, gegaan. Ook de nalatigheid van CAZ was voelbaar voor onze ouders, ook hun mentaliteit als kolonialisten was in negatieve invloed voelbaar voor onze ouders. In Ommen ging ik naar de basisschool en was het kampleven mooi. Je had een soort vrijheid maar ook toch weer niet. Je moest bij de padvinders, dit door de Nederlanders meegegeven, terwijl de Akala’s (hoofden) de bungs waren en hun macht lieten gelden. Bijzonder was dat we een kleuterschool in het kamp hadden en we tussen de touwen mochten spelen die als parcours fungeerde. Als ik eraan terugdenk heb ik nog steeds pijn, zelfs in mijn huis en onder mijn dak. De pijn van mijn ouders maar ook de pijn van mijn generatie. In het kamp woonden wij erbarmelijk, we zagen de gaten in de muren en was het zomers ondragelijk warm en ’s winters hartstikke koud. Vlakbij het kamp hadden we een meertje en ééns tijdens een winter wilden we gaan schaatsen. Ik zal nooit vergeten dat 2 kinderen, broer Jonathan en zus Lientje Labobar, door het ijs zakten en ondanks we onze ouderen haalden het voor deze 2 kinderen te laat was. Dit is me altijd bijgebleven en is deze familie in 1968 teruggegaan naar Toradja. Ik heb als 7 jarig kind al hartproblemen en ben ik destijds in Leiden geholpen. Ook een andere jongen uit Australië, ook van mijn leeftijd, met dezelfde klachten en een vriend geworden, heeft dit niet overleefd. Ik heb van mijn vader de hardste straffen gehad met als gevolgd dat ik hem dit een lange tijd heb kwalijk genomen. Op zijn ziekbed konden we het pas goedmaken maar heb ik hier lang last van gehad. Toen ik opgroeide waren mijn ouders voor 2 jaar opgenomen in een sanatorium. Met z’n 6en zijn we verspreid opgevoed. 2 broers van mij zijn ondergebracht bij Nederlandse gezinnen. Ik eerst bij een Moluks gezin maar later toch bij een Nederlands gezin. Ook dit heeft consequenties op mijn welbevinden gehad. Muziek is de rode draad in mijn leven en was ik jong toen ik met muziek begon. Ik ben lang dirigent geweest van Eben-Haezer, een gospelgroep uit Zwolle. We hebben we overal gezongen zelfs tot het programma Korenslag van Hennie Huisman. Henk Klompenmaker en ik treden op als duo en hebben we opgetreden in Nederland, Duitsland en Amerika. Muziek is een soort therapie voor mij. Met muziek kan je mensen bemoedigen en geeft het een bepaalde rust. Met het nummer Terang Bulan heb ik ooit een oude Indische mevrouw in een verzorgingshuis laten opstaan terwijl ze niks meer wilde en niet eens kon staan. Om Bangsa Maluku te zijn is het mooi maar ook moeilijk tegelijk. Ook al ben je geïntegreerd maar loop je vaak met 2 gedachten, 2 gevoelens zowel binnen de Molukse- maar ook Nederlandse normen en waarden waardoor je gevoel soms onevenwichtig is. Thuis voel je Orang Maluku en daarbuiten moet je weer schakelen. Dit zijn worstelingen die vrij actief zijn en vaak aan de oppervlakte komen drijven. Ondanks ik politiek op de achtergrond heb geschoven vier ik 25 april in mijn hart. Mijn eigen generatie zou ik zeggen om wel de normen en waarden van orang tua2 te blijven vasthouden naar onze kinderen toe. Hou onze eigen identiteit. De nieuwe generaties wil ik graag meegeven om je eigen stamboom in kaart te brengen. Waar kom je vandaan? Wat is je oorsprong, wie is je familie en wat zijn de verhoudingen maar vooral wat wil je realiseren. Ook al zijn we half of heel maakt het niet uit. Je houvast is je Molukse context.
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opplevkambodsja · 1 year
Damene på toppen
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Om lag midt mellom byene Kampong Thom og Kampong Cham ligger en interessant tempelduo: Phnom Srey og Phnom Bros. Eller, kvinnehøyden og mannshøyden.
Disse to ligger vakkert til ved siden av veien mellom disse to byene nord for Phnom Penh.
Den laveste og største høyden har et par praktfulle hvite templer, en stor vernestatue av en demiguddom og mindre altere og åndehus. I tillegg kommer et buddhistkloster.
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Dette er Phnom Bros-tempelet. Rundt en kilometer i luftlinje nord for denne høyden, ligger Phnom Srey. Som inneholder et lite hvitt tempel, et par altere og en veldig fin utsikt til jordbruksland, skog og andre høyder i et småkupert terreng. Samt små sittebenker med plass til et par og kanskje en anstand.
Kørka menn og grepa kvinnfolk
Historien om disse to høydene handler sjølsagt om forholdet mellom menn og kvinner i khmer-kulturen. Den er i korthet at en gruppe menn utfordret en gruppe kvinner om privilegiet å kunne akseptere eller avslå et tilbud om ekteskap bare skulle ligge hos kvinnen og hennes familie.
For å avgjøre denne tvisten, så skulle begge grupper bygge den høyeste høyden gjennom en dags og en natts arbeid. Den som bygde høyest, ville vinne retten til å avgjøre et tilbud om ekteskap. Som en del av byggeprosjektet hos kvinnene ble det også bygd et digert bål, som de tente opp utpå natta.
Lyset fra dette bålet var så sterkt at mannegruppa trodde soloppgang var kommet, og de tok seg en lang pause på øret før konkurransen skulle avgjøres. Kvinnegruppa fortsatte sjølsagt høydebyggingen til sola rant for alvor. Og deres høyde ble også den den høyeste.
Derfor er det khmer-kvinner og deres familie som har det avgjørende ordet om et tilbud om ekteskap skal aksepteres eller ei. Også i dag.
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Ikke lett adgang, sånn eller slik
Både omfang og poengtering av historien er litt avhengig av forteller og publikum. Er det et stort innslag av kvinner i en turistgruppe/besøkende, så poengteres det sjølsagt at historien viser at kvinner er smartere enn menn. Og det er snakk om en rettighet, ikke et privilegium.
Det skal også sies at romanse, kur, forlovelse og ekteskap er et omfattende prosjekt for de fleste khmer-familier. Som involverer hele familien fra tidlig i forholdet, og kan ta sin tid om alle tradisjoner, skikker og riter skal oppfylles. Den siste "forhandlingen" før et forslag om ekteskap aksepteres og en forlovelse inngåes, involverer for eksempel representanter for både familie og venner av begge parter. Og ordførende forhandler på vegne av khmer-kvinna er ofte en kvinne i hennes familie.
Det speiles også i adgangen til Phnom Srey-tempelhøyden.
Besøk til Phnom Bros er en enkel bilvei rett inn på en parkeringsplass innenfor tempelgjerdet. Adkomst til Phnom Srey er en delvis brolagt vei ned i et lite dalføre mellom Phnom Bros og Phnom Srey, og så 308 trappetrinn strak opp fra foten av høyden til toppen. Med pauseplasser lagt inn.
Jeg ble i sin tid fortalt at menn ikke kan besøke Phnom Srey som en gruppe, men vi kan gå aleine eller sammen med kvinner. Siden tempelet på toppen er åpen for offer til åndene for et godt forhold og et godt ekteskap, er det en type åndelig romantikk tilknyttet stedet.
Det er også mulig å bringe offer og bønner og be om hjelp til/innsikt i valg av livspartner.
Antagelig verdt å tråkke opp 308 trappetrinn for en god slik en.
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Verdt et besøk
I tillegg til innsikten i og forståelsen av samlivsriter og kjønnsroller i khmer-kulturen, er dette tvillingkomplekset verdt et besøk også for en pause på reisen, eller en lunsj. Det er små boder som selger gatemat og drikke, og noen små kattefamilier som gjerne innynder seg for selskap.
Av og til vil også den lille munkekontigenten være tilstede. Av og til for prøve ut engelsken sin, eller for å utveksle en forbønn mot et offer til tempelet.
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Og sjølsagt er det også de evinnelige maqacue-apekattene som gjerne har tilhold i templene i hele sør- og østasia. De er frekke, ikke bare snille og jakter konstant på mat. Som de fint kan finne på å stjele fra besøkende som ikke følger med.
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kodachrome-net · 3 years
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Tourist boat at anchor, Sihanoukville, 2005
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travelbinge · 6 years
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By Tomgoeswhere
Sihanoukville, Cambodia
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websiteseoman · 4 years
press release distribution
Press Release Fifteen Thai villages conferred first Thailand Rural Tourism Awards 2020 Bangkok – Fifteen village communities nationwide have become the first recipients of the Thailand Rural Tourism Award 2020 launched by the Tourism Authority of Thailand to help the villages attract visitors and create jobs in the rural areas. Princess Ubolratana Rajakanya Sirivadhana Barnavadi presided over the royal awards ceremony on 27 September, World Tourism Day, at the Grand Hall, The Athenee Hotel, Bangkok, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Bangkok. In his opening remarks, H.E Mr. Pipat Ratchakitprakarn, Minister of Tourism and Sports, said the inaugural awards were the result of successful cooperation between more than 40 organizations, including government agencies, educational institutions, the private sector, and the mass media. These included the Community Development Department, Department of Tourism, Department of Cultural Promotion, Department of Agricultural Extension, Department Of Industrial Promotion, Cooperative Promotion Department, Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism (DASTA), Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB), National Village and Urban Community Fund Office, Government Savings Bank, Bank for Agriculture and Cooperatives, PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), public universities, travel Agents, and tourism associations totalling 40 agencies. He congratulated all the winners and praised the many other tourism villages for their ongoing efforts to raise their standards and maintain product quality, which reflect their own identity of community, and beautiful nature drawing the tourists to visit. Tourism Authority of Thailand Governor Yuthasak Supasorn said that all communities underwent a strict selection process and were judged by a panel of experts based on a voting formula of 70% committee members and 30% media representatives. The winners received a plaque from the Princess Ubolratana Rajakanya Sirivadhana Barnavadi. All the fifteen awarded villages will be provided with sales and marketing support. They are divided into 5 categories including: 1. Best Creative Experience Village: Winner: Ban Chiang Cultural Tourism Community in Udon Thani Province 1st Runner-up: Ban Laem Homestay Mangrove Forest Conservation Group Enterprise (Na Thap House) in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province 2nd Runner-up: Ban Hat Som Paen Community-Based Tourism Group in Ranong Province 2. Best Agro Tourism Village: Winner: Ban Huai Hom Community-Based Tourism in Mae Hong Son Province 1st Runner-up: Wang Nam Khiao Agricultural Tourism Community Enterprise Group in Nakhon Ratchasima Province 2nd Runner-up: Ban Nong San Community-Based Tourism in Sakon Nakhon Province 3. Best Homestay: Winner: Ban Tha Khanthong Home Stay in Chiang Rai 1st Runner-up: Ban Mae Kampong Ecotourism Village in Chiang Mai Province 2nd Runner-up: Bo Hin Farm Stay (a community enterprise to raise fish) in Trang Province 4. Best Responsible Tourism: Winner: Ban Thung Yipeng Ecotourism Community Enterprise in Krabi Province 1st Runner-up: Sappaya Old Police Station Market Community in Chainat Province 2nd Runner-up:  Ban Khao Lak (Rafting Community Enterprise) in Trang Province 5. Best for Company Outing: Winner: Ban Rim Klong Homestay in Samut Songkhram Province 1st Runner-up: Ban Tham Sua Homestay in Phetchaburi Province 2nd Runner-up: Takhian Tia Community in Chonburi Province In addition, the project includes opportunities for those interested to win awards for packaging, promoting, and selling the tourism villages via online channels. The winner is those who can sell the maximum number of vouchers. The list of the winner teams are as follows: Winner: Ban Khao Lak (Rafting Community Enterprise) in Trang Province 1st Runner-up: Baan Tham Sue Homestay Community, Petchaburi         2nd Runner-up: Ban Tha Khanthong Home Stay in Chiang Rai Province 3rd Runner-up: Ban Laem Homestay Mangrove Forest Conservation Group Enterprise (Na Thap House) in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province 4th Runner-up: Prasae Homestay in Rayong Province Said Mr Yuthasak, “This will maximise the publicity and promotional exposure for the villages, build confidence amongst potential visitors and improve the brand image of Thai tourism in preparation the post-Covid pandemic period. It is in line with our overall emphasis on aligning the benefits of tourism with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.” Ends ************************************************************************************** For more information please contact: Phirom Chansurakon (Aoi), public relations department, mobile: +662-09-4452-5656
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camboattr-blog · 4 years
Where You Can Visit In Cambodia Attractions Place
Cambodia is a smaller location that is yet to fully explore its tourism possible. This country is slowly recovering from historical restrictions and turning into an excellent vacation destination. Cambodia houses some of the most stunning and magnificent views that are the main tourist points of interest. These features range from ancient temples or wats, untouched islands, densely forested regions, unique white sandy seashores, and some of the best system sites.
Cambodia iis a remarkable location for holiday given its wealthy cultural history and heritage, wonderful natural features and the ever friendly Cambodian population. The country has satisfactory facilities, wonderful hotels and very tasty Cambodian cuisine. There are numerous of places that are highly recommended for visitors to this magnificent country. The number of them have been described in minor details below.
The Angkor any of the top sightseeing attractions in Cambodia. This huge and ancient brow features the remains of the famous Khmer Empire. The particular Angkor wat brow features unique historic architecture in fact it is known to be the world's most significant spiritual monument. The support beams depict excellent system as well as artistic work. This particular location is famous among tourists who visit and take photographs one of the damages.
Another excellent region is the Sihanoukville. The natives commonly refer to this location as Kampong som. It comes with a number of unique white sandy seashores and tropical island destinations yet to be explored. The drinking water is cool and relaxing. Tourists from all across the world visit this location to relax and enjoy all the activities taking place at the sea.
Those who love sightseeing are sure to enjoy the silver pagoda. This location is within the regal Palace of Phnom Penh. It features numerous Buddha figurines. A famous Sculpture of Buddha in this location which was made in the 17th century is studded with emeralds and diamonds. The particular walls of the Silver padoga are decorated with creative Murals that show the Ramayana mythology. The Preah Vihear can be another exclusive location brimming with Temples that are dedicated to the Hindu god shiva.
Tourists also get to view a number of endangered species of the elephant and the tiger in the Bokor national park. Besides viewing of wild life there are other scenic views including the magnificent Vietnamese-Cambodian coastal line.
Another major tourist hub in Cambodia is the Siem reap. This small but lively town is located near to the Angkor temples. The town has many unique markets and restaurants that provide the best foods. This town is well known for a great night life thanks to the numerous entertainment establishments found there.
Another natural feature that is worth the attention of any tourist willing to explore Cambodia Fully is the Tonle Sap. This fresh water lake has a huge dumbbell form which makes it one of the major distinctive landscapes of Cambodia.
Finally you should also experience the blazing trekking trails of Phnom Penh. This area is ideal for all outdoor enthusiasts thinking about a little exercise. You can simply enjoy the exciting walk with your family while viewing the magnificent landscape.
Cambodia is an increasingly popular tourist destination with many places to visit. We offer interesting and affordable with Cambodia Attractions; we are welcome to you any time when you have plan to visit Cambodia.
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Zoé Parisot, Kampong Som
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eubet · 2 years
Kampong Som City Casino & Hotel – Sân chơi quốc tế nổi trội
Kampong Som City Casino & Hotel được khá nhiều người biết đến bởi độ chịu chơi và đầu tư để giúp khách sạn đạt được quy mô tiền tỷ, cùng với đó là hệ thống thu hút khách hàng cực đặc sắc bởi các dịch vụ có một không hai luôn mang đến cho người chơi những trải nghiệm vô cùng đáng nhớ. Và nơi đây được đầu tư như thế nào, hãy cùng khám phá qua nhé.
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nhacait8win · 2 years
Kampong Som City Casino & Hotel – Chốn dừng chân đầy mê hoặc
Từ khi xuất hiện cái tên Kampong Som City Casino & Hotel đã chứng minh được giá trị của mình khi làm tan chảy bao trái tim cược thủ. Một địa chỉ lý tưởng chứa đựng sự mê hoặc với siêu phẩm giải trí đình đám. Cùng với đó là vị trí đầy thuận lợi cho du khách tham quan những danh thắng gần kề. Anh em hãy theo sát chúng tôi để có thể thu thập cho mình những thông tin hữu ích về chốn dừng chân này nhé.
Kampong Som City Casino & Hotel và thông tin chung
Kampong Som City Casino and Hotel có địa chỉ tọa lạc tại Phum 4, Sangkat 4, tại Sihanoukville, Campuchia. Sòng bài nằm ngay trong khu vực trung tâm kinh tế sôi động Sihanoukville. Đồng thời nơi đây có vị trí thuận lợi khi du khách có thể đến tham quan các địa chỉ như Tượng Sư tử Vàng, Chùa Leu, bãi biển Serendipity, Sokha,…
Để theo dõi chi tiết hơn các bạn có thể tham khảo bài viết: https://t8win.biz/kampong-som-city-casino-hotel/
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angkorbestdriver · 1 year
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taxi driver  in Sihanoukville , sihanoukville taxi driver 
Hello  My mane is Sokleang Heang . I’m a Tuk Tuk and car taxi driver around Sihanoukeville / Kampong Som province Cambodia . I have been amost 7 years as driver through my experience I can arrange as tour for you that everyone need Sihanouk vill , I have a lot of experience. I speak very good English/ friendly / honest / helpful and have knowledge about local culture . if you would like to know more about best attraction place in Sihanouk vill please let
 taxi driver from sihanoukville to phnom penh / taxi sihanoukville to koh kong / taxi sihanoukville to siem reap / taxi frim sihanoukville to battambang
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