#kamski and gav are related
aydaptic · 8 months
What‘s your opinion on the Gavin and Elijah are related because they’re both voiced/acted by Neil Newbon headcanon?
Also, just curious, what’s your opinion on Elijah himself. I’ve noticed that many people in the fandom saw him as this manipulative, sociopathic narcissist but tbh, I never got that vibe from him at all.
Opinion on 'Gav and Elijah are related' fanon
It's been explicitly proven false as Cage has stated Gav and Elijah are not related. I avoid stuff directly contradicting canon like the plague. Those vaguely familiar with me will know that I'm a firm advocate of respecting canon (...and the author's vision regardless of who they are.)
Opinion on Elijah in general
Somewhat intriguing, but I haven't thought much about him. He didn't really stand out to me. I consider the cut content of Elijah admitting he wanted the android uprising to succeed canon until it's ever disproven. I think he's lost faith in humanity and thus won't waste his energy on most humans. It's pretty relatable to me.
Even if he doesn't strike me as a bad guy or even an antagonist, I'd have to disagree with you not finding him to be a "manipulative sociopath" -- the "narcissist" part can be argued -- but that's not all there is to him. Neil himself has said Elijah is antisocial and that's what being a sociopath is if I'm not mistaken.
The guy is manipulative
"Pull the trigger and I'll tell you what you want to know." - Elijah Kamski
He also does have some narcissistic tendencies (like inviting Hank and Con in before literally making them wait for him to swim a few more laps, lol.) There are very few characters in general that I feel inspired by in all the media out there, and in this fandom, only Gav has managed it.
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erregent · 6 years
( under a readmore cause it’s long.
i guess??? this is the start to a gavcentric redemption fic with some ree.d900 on the side. i have maybe three more chapters planned out but i haven’t finished it yet. )
they’re probably going to put on his tombstone ‘dumb shit.’ 
nothing else. no date of birth, mother’s name, none of that. just, here lies a dumb fucker. 
laying on his back in a wet alleyway, struggling for breath around the blood in his mouth, gavin reed thinks it’s probably for the best. 
he was supposed to call for backup but since when the fuck has he ever needed backup? no partner necessary, he may be shit at office work but out here, in the field, was where he got his kicks. a perp wanted to bust out the third story window and try to outrun him on the fire escape? good. 
gavin was not far behind, huffing around smokers lungs but spite was enough to keep his legs moving, keep the high teen in his sights as he darts up stairs one more floor to the roof of the apartment building. 
“that’s enough, kid,” he remembers saying, training his gun at the perp’s back as he contemplates jumping off, “there’s nowhere to go.”
“i can’t--- can’t go to prison, i can’t---” he was high, confused. just a fucking teenager. for some reason gavin thinks of the boy’s mother. where she was now, and if she knew what her boy was doing. did she even care.
he couldn’t tell you why, but he remembers putting his gun away. offering up both hands empty like some sort of peace offering.
“you can still get out of this alright, don’t be fuckin’ stupid. just turn around, and get over here.”
“they’ll kill me! they’ll kill me...i can’t--- no, nono--” 
“who’s they? talk to me, kid, i can’t help you if you don’t talk to me.”
the kid eventually turns around. wet tear tracks on both cheeks, snot dribbling over lips, and hands clutching a beretta.
gavin didn’t have time to say a word before hearing the pow pow of gunfire. 
choking, gasping, he knows he’s shot before he even looks down but when he does, the world spins, and he’s falling over the ledge.
shoulder catches the edge of the fire-escape, shattered. body rag-doll, he manages to land on his back just so he could graciously choke on his own blood. 
so yea, he’s a dumb shit. he didn’t even call for backup. 
you try to do something nice, and it gets you shot twice in the chest. 
somehow, he wakes up. 
he has no idea when, but he wakes up. 
the harsh lighting, the stale sick smell, the soft ‘beepbeepbeep’ lets him know he’s in a hospital. it’s not the first time he’s woken up in one and the detective doubts it will be the last. but this is certainly the first time he can hardly move once consciousness returns to him. 
everything hurts. literally everything, even the follicles of his hair feel sore in his head, and he’s hovering somewhere between drugged beyond recognition and not nearly doped enough to withstand the discomfort. 
all he can manage is a low groan of pain, flexing fingers to see which ones work and which don’t. 
his entire left arm is casted, gavin can barely turn his head enough to see the thing, it goes up to his chest where gauze springs from underneath. it’s wrapped tight, tight around his torso and down to his navel, though gavin can’t see past the sheet thats been brought up to his armpits. he’s sewed up, tucked in, and left here. 
“detective,” a voice calls from the doorway. at least he gets his own room. 
the soft glowing LED in the nurses temple under blond curls would have made gavin scoff if he weren’t so broken. he groans again. a fuckin’ android. he forgets they’re allowed to do whatever they want now, regardless of model and make. 
“please try not to move so much. honestly, i’m surprised you’re awake. you’ve only been out of surgery for three hours, your body is still adjusting to the changes,” she’s rummaging through a virtual clipboard, the skin on her hand peeling back to interface with it directly. 
“you took two gun shot wounds to the torso. one made a clear shot, it hit nothing vital. the other punctured a lung and broke one of your ribs. your shoulder and arm were shattered from impact after you fell, and required extensive surgery and reconstruction to repair. do you remember where you were before here, detective?”
gavin groans. his mouth tastes like sandpaper and actual, literal asshole. it’s too dry, he rolls his tongue around but it feels two sizes too big. he manages to croak out “case,” and not sound totally out of it, to his defense.
“yes, we were informed by your department you were chasing a suspect. though i am not authorized to talk to you about legal matters, i just need to confirm your mental faculties are still in order. you fell almost three stories, detective. the only reason your skull was not crushed on impact was the loss of momentum your body sustained hitting the fire escape on your way down.”
he manages a scoff this time. guess he’s lucky for the shattered bones.
“what is your name?”
another noise, he grinds teeth around the ‘g’ sound.
“g...avin. reed.” 
“yes, that’s very good. i have more questions for you, and you willneed a debriefing, but you still need rest,” she’s coming to his bedside then, futzing with the fancy IV machine whirring away there. she hits a few buttons, pumps him full of morphine, and suddenly gavin feels really warm and he wants to sleep.
he does. 
it’s the first time in twelve years, gavin sleeps longer than two hour increments. 
the next few days come in blinks, and trying to keep track of time is utterly useless. there’s a potted plant at his bedside one time he opens his eyes. a succulent, some weird desert lookin thing and he knows it’s chen. he likes this kind, barely have to do shit to keep it alive. he passes out trying to move his arm to touch it.
the next time he’s awake, there’s flowers. a single arrangement, freshly pruned peace lilies harsh white like his whole fuckin’ room with a little blue ‘k’ on an equally white card in the middle. if he could, he’d knock the whole thing off on principle. fuckin prick.
the third time he can actually remember anything, he’s sitting up more. that same blond nurse is back, checking about his vitals and tidying the room. there’s not much to do, even in his haze gavin can tell there has been little traffic here. the detective isn’t shocked by the notion. he’s not known to have friends. 
he’s awake for more than fifteen minutes this time, and gavin knows what to expect. a half hour into consciousness, one of his own is buzzing into his room. he’s expecting chen, maybe anderson if the captain wanted to let the old man gloat. he’s not expecting fowler himself to walk through the door.
his gut plummets like a shitty wooden roller coaster at the sight of him. dark blue button up. black slacks. badge at his hip. but no clip board, no pen. he’s not here to talk about the case.
“reed,” fowler begins, hands in his pockets as he walks toward the large window to gavin’s left. it’s hard to turn his head that way, considering his shoulder was in pieces not long ago, but he manages to get the man in his peripheral. 
the silence that follows is maddening. gavin wants to claw his god damn skin off. 
“you could have died, reed. you very well should have.”
“i had it under con-”
“if you try to undermine what this is, so help me.” perhaps it’s just the morphine, but gavin swears fowler’s hands are shaking in his pockets.
“listen. you’re a good detective, gavin. you and i both know that. it’s why i wanted you back on the force after the whole android awakening,” fowler has finally turned to face him now though stays by the window. his voice is level, but terse. he feels like he’s being scolded by his father.
“you bitched and moaned about what cases you wanted, you bitched and moaned when i brought in the other rk unit, and you bitched and moaned when i tried to pair you with him. for months. and i’ve listened because you got results. i don’t give a shit if you’re everybody’s best friend, so long as you do the job and you don’t get yourself killed. but you fucked up big time, reed. and i can’t have it happen again.”
“you are not dying under my watch, gavin. you hear me? not because of your inflated ego and some shitty pride!” 
gavin swallows at the tone of fowler’s voice, would have flinched back if he could. for once in his miserable fucking life, the detective agrees, and nods.
“yea. yea i hear you.” he hates how weak he sounds. he’ll blame it on the fatigue.
the tenseness fowler carried in his jaw loosens some. shoulders slack. gavin can see the clenched fists in his pockets ease. he’s said the right thing. gavin wasn’t made a detective for nothing. 
“good. cause you’re getting a partner when you get out of here, and i’m not hearing another word out of you about it.”
ok, so he’s not fired. that’s awesome. but...fuck. he doesn’t even have the energy to ask who. he likes to think he’d be all teeth and gums about this, being the squeakiest wheel he can be to get the grease, if he weren’t still in recovery. 
“get some rest. we’ll interview about the suspect when you’re not drugged off you ass,” his captain makes to leave, but stops by the doorway just to shoot gavin a rarely seen, but always infuriating smirk, “should probably keep you on it, though. you’re a lot nicer when you can’t bark.”
fowler leaves. 
gavin, through grit teeth and optimal discomfort, manages to knock the peace lilies off the table.
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
Soooo you don't have to spoil anything but I would love to read a lil story about Elijah's and Gavin's childhoods together, and how that relates to them now
They didn’t get together like this often, and Gavin was starting to remember why. On the rare occasions he came to visit Elijah he was reminded of how different they had become. Elijah was still just as much of an oddity, he now had the money to fund all of his strange interests. He was waiting in the living room for Elijah to finish whatever he was doing, he knew he was welcome to go into the office, but he didn’t like the charade Eli used when he was working. He was here to visit his brother, not the eccentric billionaire Elijah Kamski. He missed how it used to be. They both did, back before Elijah’s mind put him on the fast track to fame and fortune. When they could just be kids.  Before the were divided by titles like boy genius and his problem child step brother. That’s why Gavin had wanted to start doing this. To give Eli a break. They usually just talked instead of getting into trouble, but it was still nice. At they very least with time Elijah had stopped holding it over Gavin’s head that he was technically the older brother. They were step siblings with only a couple month between them, but for a while after the wedding Elijah never let him forget it. Back then it had been something that drove Gavin up a wall, it was never something he thought he would look back fondly on, but here he was. They had just started to get along when Elijah got put on the gifted track and bumped up a grade.
He was pulled out of his head by the heavy clunk of Elijah’s office door shutting, “God I hate video calls.” He said in way of a greeting. “What happened to just uploading a still of your face and talking.” Gavin quipped. “So that didn’t exactly go over well.” Elijah replied, “Apparently a picture of me in an open silk bathrobe “is not business attire,” like, excuse you it’s my company, I think I can answer a call in a bathrobe if you call me at seven am thanks.” “Ah yes, the struggles of being a groundbreaking entrepreneur who does is best work in between the hours of ten at night and one am.” Gavin remarked dryly. “Okay, fuck you Gav.” Elijah laughed, “So what’s the plan.” “Are you in the mood to go out at all?” He asked and Elijah gave him a look, “Alright, staying in it is. We could order lunch or something I guess and catch up.” “That works, I just don’t really feel like dealing with anymore people right now.” Elijah admitted. “That’s fair. Got any place in mind or do you want to wait until later?” He continued. “Later.” Elijah replied.
They got the small talk out of the way. Gavin remarked on Elijah still being single,and he was relentlessly teased about still not getting in a relationship with Richard. It was nice. Once Elijah dropped his business persona it was almost like they were kids again. This is what exactly what Gavin had missed most when Elijah had graduated and made his way out into the world. They wound up ordering from a pizza place that Gavin wouldn’t have even looked at given how expensive it was. They were sitting on the edge of the deep red pool with their feet in the water as they had lunch.  “I still can’t believe you did this,” Gavin said and kicked his feet in the water for emphasis, “It reminds me of the time we filled the inflatable kiddie pool with Kool Aid every time I look at it.” “The magic of red tiling,” His brother laughed, “Red Kool Aid would have been too sticky, but I had remember our greatest moment some how.” “Your greatest moment,” He remarked, “I began a reign of terror one you started high school.” “Don’t worry, I heard all about it.” He replied. “Why can’t things be that easy again, I miss it.” “Because we’re adults now.” Gavin grumbled, “With responsibilities and all that.” “Speak for yourself.” Came the half joke response, “But seriously Gavin, we should do this more often.” “i can’t come out here all the time, maybe try visiting me every once in a while yeah?” He pushed. “Maybe. But I worked hard for my title of recluse.” He teased. “I can and will push you into this pool.” Gavin threatened.
“You wouldn’t-” Elijah didn’t get to finish because Gavin made good on his promise, “You are the absolute worst.” “And yet, you keep inviting me back.” He grinned.
(Prompt from this list)
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phcking-detective · 4 years
Not Alone
Nines decides if he gets put on hold one more time, he's violating the Geneva Convention.
"Hello, are you still there?"
The PACU nurse audibly sighs in disappointment. "I spoke with our Chief of Staff, and he has given me permission to reiterate to you that a work partner does not count as family. Our policy is—"
Nines involuntarily reviews the Post Anesthesia Care Unit's visitation policy for the sixty-seventh time.
Visitation in the PACU is at the discretion of the nurse and physician caring for you and varies depending upon your procedure. Once the nurse taking care of you is happy with your vital signs and other post surgical requirements, they will contact the waiting area and will let your family member see you. Our policy at this time is legal family members only.
Which is a currently-still-legal method of barring androids.
Never mind that this policy also has significant human collateral damage: adoptees, divorcees, mixed race families …
The end result is that Nines cannot produce a marriage certificate and he obviously is not related by blood, so no one will be there to greet Gavin when he wakes up from his surgery.
And that is unacceptable. The detective has enough abandonment issues already.
Connor cannot hear the internal phone call Nines is engaged in, but he has a social module and must somehow be reading the results from his body language or facial expression.
"Hank could pretend to be his dad," he offers.
The PACU nurse is still reading the visitation policy in full. She's clearly determined to make this as difficult as possible, and showing up with a random human male with pale skin and fair hair who shares nothing in common with Gavin's olive skin tone, dark hair, or facial features is not going to cut it.
Nines searches through every single scan and PDF of paperwork Detective Gavin Reed has ever submitted to the DPD. Finally, all the way back to carry-over paperwork from the police academy he attended, Nines discovers a phone number he's never seen before listed as Gavin's emergency contact.
And it says brother.
Nines uses the phone at Gavin's desk to call this number without mentally disconnecting from the PACU nurse. Normally, he would be more than capable of processing infinite phone calls, but he does not have a social module and his stress levels are climbing into the high eightieth percentile.
"Gav, you better be dying because otherwise—"
"Is that Elijah Kamski?" Connor blurts out in the middle of the precinct.
"—just fucking text me, bro."
"Well shit," Hank says. "Talk about can I speak to a manager. You think he'd be willing to fix—"
Nines holds up a hand. He does not have a social module and cannot possibly process three conversations at once.
"You are listed as Detective Reed's emergency contact," he says into the phone.
"Is he hurt or dead?" Kamski immediately asks.
Nines cannot reply for nearly a full second. He spent three seconds thinking his partner was dead. It was not enough for Detective Gavin Alexander Reed to merely get shot, no. He also had to fall off the roof of a building, and the impact from the landing was enough to briefly stop his heart, which registered to Nines's scanners that—
"Hurt. Surgery." That is all he can say at first. "Successful. He is out of intensive care and has been transferred to the PACU."
In the background, Nines can still hear the others in the bullpen gossiping. He did not mean to make Gavin's familial relationship public. He assumed the phone number for one "Eli Reed" would simply be a regular, non-famous human of no particular importance except to get someone into the hospital to reassure Gavin he is not alone.
"What does he need now?" Kamski asks. "Will he be released soon and need a ride or in-home monitoring?"
Those are [logical] questions. Nines supposes he should not have expected anything less from the man who is technically his creator. Even if he only wrote the code and was not personally involved in the android's construction or testing phase.
"I have already made those arrangements during his surgery," Nines reports. "His apartment is prepped for his return, and my lieutenant has put together a … care package."
"Is that the old guy, husky, beard? With that Connor I liked?"
Across the bullpen, Connor's advanced hearing picks that up, and he visibly preens. Nines practices making a facial expression by sneering and rolling his eyes at him.
"OK, cool," Kamski says. "So, do you need me to cover the cost of surgery or is he asking for me …?"
"I have been unable to contact Detective Reed," Nines admits. "The hospital's visitation policy specifies 'legal' family members only as a method of anti-android discrimination. You are the only family member I have been able to locate."
If you do not visit him, he will be alone.
Nines cannot say this dialogue option. He cannot—refuses to—preconstruct how [bad] it will be if Gavin wakes up alone. His human has a deep, psychological fear of being abandoned, and even if Nines is able to see him immediately upon release and explain the situation, the emotional damage will have already been done.
"Yeah, our parents are dicks, and he doesn't want any famous media bullshit, so we keep the half-brothers thing on the downlow," Kamski says. "Do you need me to be your way in?"
"Yes," Nines says, almost before he finishes offering.
"I'm just kind of assuming here that you're his partner, and he'll want to see you, right?"
"As I am assuming that he accepts you as his brother, and he will want to see you."
Kamski snorts. "I told them stripping out your social module wouldn't stop the deviant problem—or make you any less sassy. That's an inherent RK feature."
"Should I meet you at the hospital," Nines asks.
As much as he may be [curious] about his creator in another situation, this is not another situation. And the situation at hand requires getting to his partner's location immediately.
"Yeah, just send me the address and let me do the talking. See you there."
As soon as he hangs up, Nines is bombarded with [questions] from Connor, Miller, and Collins. Thankfully, Hank stands up and makes a pushing-hands motion to signal to them to be quiet.
"I know we're all real fucking shooketh about this," he says, like the millennial dinosaur he is. "But we can save all the questions and gossip for after Reed gets out of the hospital, all right?"
The humans both grumble, but they let it go. Even Connor stops and sits back down at his own desk.
Hank turns back to Nines. "I'll text Tina and let her know what's up. You just go get your man, kid."
Connor visibly restrains himself from commenting on what an apt descriptor "man-kid" is for Gavin. At least, that's what Nines assumes, considering it is the commentary he himself would normally make.
"Thank you, Lieutenant," he says instead.
He turns and leaves before the "goodbyes" can take any longer. Either whatever Kamski plans will work or … Well. He is the most advanced military android model ever created.
Nothing will keep him from his partner.
By the time Nines arrives at the hospital, Kamski is already utilizing his social module. And billions of dollars. The Chief of Staff [Thomas Carrado, unmarried, no arrest record] would wouldn't deign to speak to Nines over the phone is now vigorously shaking Kamski's hand while thanking him for his "generous donation."
"—also, I'm sure you'll want to see your brother too."
"Yes, and—" Kamski turns and [smiles] at Nines. "Ah, my assistant is here. What room should we go to?"
Carrado's own smile freezes on his face when he sees Nines. Even without the LED, there couldn't be any mistaking the android for what he is.
Kamski keeps smiling as well, the sort Connor does when he's about to verbally destroy someone.
"Right this way, Mr. Kamski," Carrado says.
The Chief of Staff turns on his heel without any acknowledgement that Nines follows them. In turn, Nines also does not acknowledge the glances Kamski keeps making at him. His vision is just as accurate in his "peripherals" as it is directly in front of him, so he has no need to turn his head or rotate his optical units to observe the human in turn.
Gavin's [brother].
"—in the nation, but with your esteemed patronage, I'm sure we can rise to first. And of course Mr. Reed will—"
"Detective," Nines corrects.
"—receive the best—"
"—care possible here—"
Carrado stops and whirls around. "Is your … assistant … experiencing a malfunction, Mr. Kamski?"
"No," Nines answers for himself. "You will refer to Detective Reed by his title."
"Oh, is he still pissy about that?" Kamski asks before Carrado can respond. "I swear, every single family dinner for a fucking decade, we had to call him Officer, Detective—he'll be insufferable when he finally makes Captain."
Bold of him to assume Gavin isn't insufferable now.
But Nines does not know the state of Gavin's relationship with his brother, and if the lack of contact is due to mistreatment. He will not risk "making fun of" his partner to a toxic family member.
"Will you be staying long?" Carrado asks Kamski.
"Nines, what does my schedule look like today?"
Nines may not have a social module, but Gavin has forced him to sit through watching enough daytime television to be able to parrot simple lines commonly said by ST300s.
"I have rescheduled your meetings and cleared the remainder of your afternoon and evening, Mr. Kamski."
As Gavin would say, [Like hell] he's going to call the billionaire "sir."
"Excellent." Kamski reaches out to shake hands again, and Carrado is forced to reciprocate. "Thank you so much for your assistance, Dr. Carrado. Now, I promise not to take up any more of your valuable time."
"Well, I'm not—"
Kamski gestures down the hallway, still smiling mildly as if he isn't "politely" telling the good Chief of Staff to [fuck off]. He maintains eye contact with the other human until Carrado slinks away.
It seems Gavin and Kamksi share more than just genetics and a similar facial structure then. Although Gavin would have squeezed the other man's hand hard enough to induce pain, and likely told him literally to fuck off as well.
"Well." Kamski claps his hands together once Carrado is gone. "Let's go see my baby brother!"
Gavin is dying. He's alone and he's dying. He's dying and he's alooone.
Person? People??
Hands touch him and it's the best thing ever. There's a person here, he has a person, he's not alone. He's not going to die alone because everyone hates him and it's all his fault for being a huge asshole in the first place.
"Please lie down, Detective."
Gavin stops struggling to sit up when he realizes the person is his person. His favorite person. He collapses back down in the bed, which hurts a lot more than it should. Probably because he fell off a fucking building and messed up the whole left side of his body and—oh yeah, also got shot too. That sucks.
It doesn't stop him from whining and making grabby hands—hand? his left arm and leg are both in casts, boo—until Nines bends over at the waist, and Gavin can drag his face close enough for kisses.
"Wooow." His brother says. "This is blackmail material forever, I hope you know that, Gav."
Wait, his brother? Eli??
"I will remove you from the premises," Nines tells him.
Eli scoffs. "My donation got you in here. Nines."
"And there is nothing on this earth that can remove me."
God, his partner is so hot and mean and cool. And he has a mouth! Gavin has a mouth too. They should … look into that. You know. Investigate.
"Hmm, and here I thought you didn't like my 'stupid toys,' bro."
Gavin stops trying to wrestle his mouth against his partner's mouth and looks at his brother, who is also in the same room as his partner, at the same time.
"Oh, shit," he says.
"Uh huh, uh huh." Eli nods and waves his hand in a sideways-circle. "Keep going. Either with an apology, or you can keep it up about how only a loser needs to build an android to have a girlfriend."
"This is different," Gavin says, very seriously while still leaning to the side to keep as much contact between his back and Nines's chest as possible.
Eli scoffs and gestures at the two of them.
"I don't keep him in my basement," Gavin argues.
"I didn't lock Chloe in mine either," Eli snaps back. "She's free to go where she pleases."
"Her and all her clones?"
"Oh, please. If I never invented her, you wouldn't have—"
"—lab is in your basement though, and that's—"
"Gavin," Nines says, voice right next to his ear. "Is your lack of contact with your brother due to this level of typical sibling fighting—"
"We're not fighting," Gavin says. "We're just talking and he's losing."
"You're the one dumb enough to get shot," Eli adds.
Nines straightens up. "Do not mock Detective Reed for being injured in the line of—"
"Whoa, whoa, hey." Gavin pats behind himself with his good hand as much as he's able. "Easy, babe. No combat protocols, OK? He's my brother."
"Hmm," Nines says.
"So he's like, super fucking annoying and all, but no one beats his face in except me." Gavin doesn't even pause before he turns back to Eli, who's already opening his mouth to bring up— "And you only got lucky with the water hose that one time, I can still kick your ass in any other fight."
Eli scowls, but he looks away instead of bringing it up. He still feels guilty about it. Goddamn genius, and he "didn't know" smacking Gavin in the face with the metal end of a water hose would bust his nose open like that.
"You said you received your facial scar in a bar fight," Nines says.
Eli blinks, looks back over, then bursts out laughing.
"Shut up," Gavin groans. "You weren't supposed to meet like this, it's not fair!"
"How exactly did you plan on us meeting, Detective?" Nines asks.
Gavin keeps his right hand covering as much of his face as it can and doesn't answer. He hadn't really thought about it beyond how much Elijah was going to fucking gloat when he found out. And as much as he loves his partner, Nines is android-brothers with Connor, and they do android-mind-linking, and Connor is a horrible gossip, and Gavin does not need the entire precinct and/or world to know his brother is possibly the most famous man alive, thanks.
They have a whole arrangement about it. Maybe if he wasn't still feeling the effects of so much morphine, he'd be able to articulate that, and how he wants to be absolutely certain his career really advances on his own merit, and maybe even some other stuff about Eli getting way more attention than him and growing up in the shadow of his cooler, smarter, more popular half-brother …
"Ughhh," Gavin groans again.
"And when were you planning on finally texting me, huh?" Eli asks.
Gavin looks up so he can scoff. "You fucking text me, asshole."
Eli inspects his probably-already-perfect nails. "I've been busy."
"So have I!"
"Getting shot?"
Nines interrupts. "That reminds me." He leans down to growl close in Gavin's ear, "You will never do this again."
Gavin swallows back a moan. "Babe, please don't make me horny while my brother is in the room."
Nines rolls his eyes. "There is no other recourse for me to leave then."
He knows his partner is joking. He knows that. But between the morphine and the exhaustion and now the pain in his side slowly seeping back into his body—Gavin grabs onto Nines and clings to him.
Nines immediately bends back down and wraps his arms around him as best he's able. "Shhh. I will not. I am here, and I have you secure. Shhh."
He makes the shushing noises more like a stern librarian than a comforting boyfriend, but it's ironically comforting after all because Gavin knows no one else would literally say "shhh" like it's a word. So this must be his Nines, his boyfriend, his partner.
"Wow, this is really touching."
Gavin lets go just to flip Eli off.
"Can I get in on this snuggle fest? I haven't seen you in what, a fucking year now, and you get your dumbass shot."
Gavin grumbles about it, but he holds out his good arm for Elijah. The dumb asshole comes over and gives him a one-armed hug, careful not to wrap around too far and touch his side. Or his broken left arm. Broken left leg. Goddamn, he really did it this time, huh?
Once they've hugged it out, he pulls back and says, "Since I built your Nines, when he uses his combat protocols to kick your ass for this, that's basically like me kicking your ass."
"No way," Gavin immediately replies. "You haven't been able to kick my ass since we were ten, and don't—god. Don't phcking, say it like he's you about my ass. That's weird, bro."
Eli grins at him. "Oh, so you two are already doing butt stuff, huh? That's pretty serious, like third base."
"Anal is only second," Gavin tells him.
On his other side, Nines blinks red. "Then what … do you consider first?"
"Uh, a blowjob, duh."
"Wait, what's a handjob?" Eli asks.
"Nothing, between friends."
Nines blinks. "Then thank god Tina is not here."
Gavin looks back down at the bed. "I guess she's busy, huh?"
"No," Nines says as if that's reassuring. But he continues, "She is not allowed to see you. The hospital's visitation policy allows for 'legal' family visitors only."
Gavin looks back up at him. "Then how'd you get in?"
Nines scowls. It's one of the few facial expressions he's mastered. "I searched through every form you have ever submitted to the Detroit Police Department, found an emergency contact number listed for your brother from nearly fifteen years ago, called it, spoke to Elijah Kamski, and then pretended to be his assistant."
"But hey," Eli says. "After the amount of money I just donated, I could wheel in a giant birthday cake filled with Traci strippers, so I'm sure I can get Tina in whenever you're ready."
Gavin smiles weakly, but now he's thinking …
"Is that why you weren't there when I woke up?" he asks Nines quietly.
"It is the only reason," Nines assures him. "My next option after calling your emergency contact was to simply walk inside and see what they thought they could do to remove me."
He looks absolutely serious about it too. Gavin's smile breaks out into a grin, just imagining some poor fucking GS200 security guard nervously asking the most advanced military model ever made to p-p-please leave … sir? Wh-whenever you're ready though, no rush!
He gets the giggles, but then that really makes his side hurt. Nines helps him lie back down before he even realizes he's too tired to sit up anymore. He also gets petted through his hair and that's nice, that's sooo nice.
"I'm … love you," he mumbles.
"I know." Nines smooths his hair back one last time and kisses his forehead. "Rest now. You can talk to your brother more when you wake up. We'll both be here."
Gavin still clutches at him though. "And Tina?"
"Yes," Nines says. "And Tina. Hank too, although he will likely bring Connor."
"Ugh, Connor."
A yawn catches him before he can complain any more about that, and having a nap does sound really good right now.
"Eli, tell me what you're working on," he says, blinking repeatedly to try to keep his eyes open. "S'boring."
Elijah takes a seat next to the bed. "You mispronounced boyfriend, but OK."
"He's boring too," Gavin says, but like, in a loving way. "He filed my ta-a-haaaxes."
After that last yawn, he loses the blinking battle. Eli starts explaining something about a new form of titanium, and Nines keeps one hand resting solidly on the center of his chest, so Gavin knows he's there.
They're both right here.
this was a commission! my rates are $10 for 1k / $25 for 3k / or $40 for 5k, and you can also check out my patreon for my main reed900 series here ^^
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connorssock · 5 years
Letters to Cyberlife
A series of letters from the DPD department in regards to their android partners:
Dear Mr. Kamski,
Just what the fuck were you thinking? He’s too innocent looking for vice, too sweet looking for homicide but lacks all social protocols to work with children and witnesses which is what he looks suited and designed to do. So what exactly did you design him for other than a walking twinky analytics helper? I mean, sure he’s easy on the eyes but that’s not what this precinct needs. So I repeat, what the fuck, Mr. Kamski?
Yours sincerely, H. Anderson
Hey Dickwad,
I told you to stay off my computer search history. You had no right to do this. I’m still not sending you a Christmas card. And in now way am I saying thank you. The plastic’s a nightmare to work with. It’s one thing to have that kind of behaviour in the bedroom but at work? Come on! I don’t need a nannybot to monitor, criticise and correct me at work. Do you know how hard it is to conceal a boner when you’re surrounded by detectives?!
See you at family dinner, Gav
To: Mr E. Kamski,
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to take part in the trial run of android partners. It has certainly been an interesting time, having one of the later ‘Connor’ models working alongside me. I would like to bring to attention a few modifications you may wish to consider for future models: - A less abrasive and anal personality matrix would ease relations with colleagues - An improved focus on the larger picture as the current model seems to get bogged down in the finer points of the law. While it is correct and does make for a tighter case, it is time consuming and frustrating at times - Less of a dramatic flare. I do not know if this is a model-wide issue or just that of this particular one but dramatic speeches and monologues directed at suspects are generally frowned upon
Having said all this, I wish to inform you that we will not be returning the model to Cyberlife for further analysis and improvements. We have established good working relations both at work and outside of it. To demolish the hard work of everyone involved by returning the android would be terribly demoralising and, on a personal note, 60 would be a sorely missed companion.
Kind regards, Captain Allen
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sexycraisinthanos · 6 years
I know we like the fanon that gav and elijah are brothers but it's hilarious to imagine Gavin having no idea who Elijah Kamski is and everyone thinking they're related because they look alike
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brooktrout96 · 4 years
Family Doesn’t End in Blood
Character A and Character B could never stand each other, but they both adored their other sibling, Character C. A and B eventually have such a big falling out that they don’t speak for years. That is, until something happens to Character C and they both have to work together to help them. (Auideas)
Siblings always fight, especially when they are triplets and two of them are very smart. Gavin Kamski change his name after a falling out with his twins. He kept in touch with his twin sister for a while until his twin and him had a falling out to the point they haven’t spoken to the other twins in years. That all changes when his twin brings shocking news
It was weird for the newly reinstated CEO of CyberLife, Elijah Kamski and Chloe to be standing outside of DPD. He was twiddling his thumbs trying to make up his mind and go talk to his twin that he hasn’t seen since he founded CyberLife. The twin who eighteen years ago, he got into a fight with over the stupidest thing and not even his other twin could get him to talk to him. He wonder what Gav would think, the great and mighty Elijah Kamski asking a lowlife police detective for help finding out who attacked their twin sister and put her in a coma. He let out a sigh and walked in and stopped at the secretary android
Hello, I’m wondering if Detective Gavin Reed is in at moment.” The android gave a smile and said to him
Yes, Detective Reed is at his desk with his partners, Detective Anderson and Lieutenant Anderson.” She let him and Chloe in as the duo walked toward the desk with the name plate G. Reed. As Elijah walked there, he took a deep breath as the two stop in front of a desk that had an android and a young woman stand in front of it talking to the man sitting at the desk. He was so engrossed in his ‘work’ that he didn’t see the duo walking toward him. The woman smiled at him
Mister Kamski, what brings you down here?” Y/N said as the RK900, no Conan looked up from his work and so did Gavin.
You,” Gavin hissed as he saw Elijah standing there with Chloe. “Why are you here?”
What, I can’t come visit my twin at work to tell him some news about his twin sister.” He froze as Elijah said this as the whole precinct went quite. Even Conan the android who could scan a face and learned everything about a person had a shocked looked on his face as Y/N sputtered out
What? You two are related?” she stared at the two and she could see the resemblance. Conan was muttering something to himself.
Enough, Y/N!” Gavin roared as Y/N became quite. “What is it that you to tell me that couldn’t be done over the phone or with a letter?” Gavin said as his angry was rising.
Gav, the reason I didn’t call you or send you something is that I thought it would be better for you hear this from me and not a secondary source.” Elijah turned to Y/N. “I believe that you were on patrol last night with Caleb, right?”
Yes, I’ve being helping out as much as I can after what happened in November, last year. We’re spread thin as it is, so we all do what needs to be done.” Y/N explained
I assume you were the one who was called to investigate a house in one of the poor parts of town at 11 last night.”
I was, we searched the house and found a young woman by the name of Gavina Reed. She had injuries that showed sign that she was tortured. Last I heard, we were waiting for to wake up from her coma, so” That when Gavin snapped as he turned to his twin
Someone kidnapped Elisha just to get to you Eli,” Elijah shook his head as he said
Or someone know of her connection to you and kidnapped her to get to you, Gav.”
Elisha? But Caleb said that when he scanned her. Her information said her name was Gavina?” Y/N question the duo
It was one of the things she added to the files that CyberLife had on the three of us. She knew if androids became a craze that the paparazzi would be all over the two creator and their family. So, to androids and most people, they think that Elisha and Elijah Kamski are recluses and haven’t been seen in the public in years. When we come down here, the android see us as Gavina and Gawain Reed brother and sister to Gavin Reed” Elijah explain as Gavin smiled and said
That why I was glad to take mom’s last name when dad and her divorced…. But Eli, that still doesn’t explain why you’re here?”
I was wondering if you knew who is the lead detective on the case.” He asked the three as Y/N laughed and she said
I am, Mister Kamski, and the information you just gave will help the case immensely because Caleb knew something felt wrong with the information that his scans gave him, but he couldn’t place what it was. So, thank you but I must take my leave.” She turned away and then turned back and said “Conan, with me.” He nodded and followed behind her. Chloe disappeared following the two as she chatted with Conan. The two brothers stared at each other and Gavin let out a sigh.
Eli, I….” he paused not knowing what to say as Elijah looked at the man
Gav, it was mom and dad who truly pushes us away from each other.” Elijah was never good at these thing and it showed. “I want to say I’m sorry. Before Lish was kidnapped she had seen mom.” Gavin perked up and said
She’s in Detroit now? Last I heard she was down somewhere in Florida.”
She move here to be closer to us. Well mostly me and Lish but Lish was trying to get her to visit you, too.”
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caffeinated-muse · 6 years
To Be of Two Worlds
Chapter: 3
Word count: 1661
I made it back to my house in a little under half an hour. Usually I can make it back in almost ten minutes but the damn arm situation slowing me down. As I drove up my driveway the garage began to open on its own as it always did. I walked my bike in, popped the kickstand and headed into the building slamming the door behind me. 
The kitchen was dark so I flipped the light switch flooding the room with florescent light. At this there was a sharp searing pain in my right shoulder, and it was in that moment I realized I had fucked up. Carefully shedding the jacket and dropping it on the couch apparently wasn't the best idea the sensations of being shot just now hitting me were too much. The room seemed to spin toward me but as it turned out I was just falling toward the floor. A rush of honey brown color and then a resounding thud as I hit the floor and curled into a ball cradling my arm. I don’t know how long I lay there, a sobbing mess before starting to drag myself into the bathroom.
"Argh where the hell is she?! Ember! I swear you red headed train wreck I'm gonna fix you and then beat you with a goddamn pillow." There was a voice, someone was shouting. For me? Jesus, they sound familiar. Could it be that new android, what was his name Connor? No Connor wouldn't swear this much. Would Connor swear at all? I doubt it. Hank? Hank would swear that much but he wouldn't threaten me. And he doesn't even know what to do with a hammer let alone my personal repair kit. That leaves only one person, Gavin. Of course, its Gavin why wouldn't it be? He did live here with me after all. A pair of feet rounded the corner into the hall and a rather colorful string of curses followed shortly after.
Hey Gav, what took ya so long?" I attempted to offer up a little chuckle as a way of playing down exactly how broken I currently am.
"Jesus fuck Ember why are you on the floor?" Gavin breathed as he carefully lifted me up off the floor.
"Just having a quick carpet nap ya know. Taking a bullet in the artificial arm is tiring work."
"This isn’t just a normal you've been shot incident. What the hell did you do to yourself?" I was set down on the bed in my room. Gavin was already pulling the repair kit out from under the bed. "And don't tell me it was nothing, cause I know you did something."
"Gavin why the hell does it matter? Just fix me so we can both get to sleep." I hissed while pulling my sweater off leaving me in a black cami.
"Why does it matter Ember? It matters if you want me to continue doing this for you." He grabbed my right arm by the wrist lifting it to see exactly what had been damaged. "You know how little I care for all things android related and yet here I am waving around tools playing with your Cyberlife brand arm replacement at nearly 3 in the morning when I could just as easily leave you to suffer for seven hours until your repair skank opens shop."
"Licia is not a skank Gavin. She may keep...unsavory individuals as companions but she is not a skank." I stated firmly. My gaze focused on the wall just beyond his head as he removed the bullet from the arm. "Why are you helping me anyway? Its been what? Two years since you last broke out into Gavin 'fix-it' Reed mode."
He mumbled, "I have my damn reasons LaChance now can it." He held up a thing I didn’t know the name of, only that its used to reconnect the artificial nerves. "Its time for this thing again. Hope ya like pain."
"Just, shut up and get it over with."
From the moment the tool touched one of the fake nerves I felt the breath leave my body and a searing hot sensation travel up my arm. I squeezed my eyes shut hoping that would block out the pain but it didn’t do much beyond make it worse. I should’ve known, losing my vision always made things hurt more. No one can really explain why. After what felt like hours of fiery hot wasp stings centered in my arm Gavin had putt the tools away. I didn’t need to look in a mirror to know I had gone white as a sheet.
"Ember, I know you and that asshole Kamski did something. What the hell was it?"
"Can this conversation wait till later Gav." I sighed as I slowly tested the arm out. Yep I got movement, that’s always good.
"Actually, yes it can wait till later." He paused for a few moments, I stood up and turned to face him. "But oh, would ya look at that! It is later now, so cough up the answers dipshit or I'm going in and telling Fowler you've added a mystery modifier to your system and hell pull you back outta homicide."
"God Gavin it won't interfere with my job get off my case." I had one foot out in the hall before he pulled me back into the room trapping me against the wall.
"What did you do?"
We stayed like that for several moments. Gavin staring as best he could into my eyes while I tried to look just about anywhere but at him. God why'd he have to stand so close to me. Wait, why do I care how close he stands, not like its making me uncomfortable. But as much as I'd like to think his presence didn’t illicit any kind of emotion beyond that of simply long-time friendship my heart betrayed me. It had picked up it's pace, fluttering in such a way that it made my stomach turn in pleasant knots in hope of... In hope of what? There's nothing here between us than that of pure simple friendship. 
"For Gods sake Ember fucking look at me." He placed a finger under my chin softly lifting my face so I couldn't look anywhere but right at him. "Promise I wont be mad, just tell me what you did. Please..."
I groaned internally, he didn't say please often. In fact I think this was the first time he'd said it without me prompting him to. And even though I'd rather it didn't, it made my heart race a bit more and a slight warmth rise to my face. "The last time I went to visit Elijah I asked him if there was a way to bring back the memories of who I was before the incident." There seemed to be a slight softness in Gavin’s eyes at this statement but with a quick shake of my head it disappeared. "He said there was nothing we could do about that, that it was a time lost to me like a seed pod floating on a wave to grow in someone else’s mind but never again in mine. Or something philosophical like that, you know how he is. I then asked if there was a way to let me feel again-"
"Em you have your feelings, the damn emotions that complicate life far more than we need them too. What more did you think you needed to feel."
"Gavin, I wanted, no I needed to be able to feel things like warmth. God before the beginning of this month I hadn’t felt what its like to have the winter air hit you in the face when stepping outside to go to work. I didn’t know what the warmth of a candle felt like against my hand. I didn't even know what textures really felt like, all I got in response to petting your damn cat was that they were supposed to be fluffy and soft followed by the dictionary.com definition of the terms. I hated it, I hated not knowing what those things felt like, and being unaware of what pain truly was." Gavin's hand brushed against my cheek wiping away a tear that I hardly noticed had fallen. "So, I had him install the updated sensory package. I can feel things now Gav. I'm closer to actually being a legit person. Well as close as I can be without a squishy grey brain and a fleshy right arm. I need a cup of tea, please move."
Instead of moving away he moved closer to me engulfing my small body in a bear hug. You are not going anywhere except to bed. "I'll make you the damn tea, and I'll see about getting a health-related release from Fowler for a couple days. Anderson and that plastic asshole should be able to live without you for a day or two." He released his hold and stepped back a bit. The softness from the earlier hug gone replaced with the usual snarky smartassy Reed. 
"There's no use fighting this, Dr. Reeds orders, huh?" I chuckled and walked over to my bed. "Cham-"
"I know what to do. Jeez you act like I've never brought you tea at what four in the morning before." With that he strode out of the room shutting the door slightly. "Also if I come back and you’re still in work clothes I'll deny you tea."
I gasped. "You wouldn’t dare."
"Oh, but I would sweetheart, now put on pjs or no tea."
I groaned and shuffled over to my dresser after some digging I came up with a pair of sweatpants and black long sleeve shirt that I’m pretty sure were supposed to be Gavins’. I didn’t care whose they were I  threw them on and climbed into bed settling into a nest of pillows as Gavin cursed at my electric kettle in the kitchen.
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erregent · 6 years
           before i forget, i think??? i’m going to bite the bullet and change my hc on how my gavin and elijah are related. i initially had it they share the same mother and different fathers, with a two year age difference ( canon? what canon? ) but i’m realizing over time that it would make more sense, and be easier for other kamski’s who are on board with the hc ( totally cool those that aren’t, i really don’t mind! ) if they shared the same father, but had different mothers. 
          gav’s mom is still denise reed, still a manipulative, bitchy, conceded, casual drug user, but gavin’s father that raised him was his step-father who stepped in once denise realized gav’s real dad wasn’t going to leave his current wife and cushy job. denise was promised a lot of stuff during the ‘honeymoon phase’ of his father’s affair, but she was absolutely the other woman in the relationship. she ended up being paid a lot of money to stay quiet and keep gavin away from the already established family his real father had once he found out his affair had gotten denise pregnant.
          this allows kamski and gavin to still be almost exactly the same in age ( both women got pregnant at the same time? yikes. ) but gavin harbors a lot of resentment because elijah grew up with more ‘options’ then gavin; ie, more money. his step-dad is still the same homophobic, disgusting, belittling pos that broke gavin’s nose when he was a teen, but it’s not until after the incident and they move does gavin realize jack bradford isn’t his real father, and he’s got a half-brother. said half brother is genius elijah kamski, who’d have fucking thought.  
           their relationship is still heavily strained but can vary from muse to muse, as i really enjoy the unique dynamics and plotting specifics. i’ll leave it as open-ended as i can!
          again, any blogs in direct relation to this hc that don’t want to follow the ‘gav and eli are related’ hc don’t have to!! that’s totally fine! this is just moreso for myself and anyone who may be interested. i can accommodate either way, but this general basis is my default. 
           ps: this applies to general canon on this blog aside from @deviancybydesign. we’ve already plotted a bunch where they share the same mother, so that won’t change.  
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