#kang asking moo to be his boyfriend was so meaningful
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Only Boo! Ep 7 4/4 "Let me predict our future, will Moo and I become boyfriends?"
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bygosscarmine · 5 years
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W: Worlds Apart - Volume 3: Worlds Aligned
Kang Chul X Oh Yeon Joo - Fix-It Fic (T)
Read from beginning or find previous chapters here: Stories
Kang Chul can’t help peeking to see if the door he shut is one he can re-open. Facing what’s on the other side is illuminating, but is this back and forth only delaying his inevitable end? Is there really only a choice between dying a hero or living to be a murderer?
Chapter 87 - A Hero Meets His Match  (865 words)
Chul saw Yeon Joo off in the care of Soo Bong. She was not hiding that she didn't feel well, so he felt reasonably confident that she would recover quickly. He would have been more reluctant if he didn't have things to do he didn't think she needed to know about.
The first thing he did was open the door to the room where Oh Seung Moo was. For a moment he looked down on the sleeping man, his face scraped of features. Logically, the fact that he was alive with no mouth or nose to breath in or drink water or eat made no sense. It had to be W logic leaking through the door. After watching for a moment, as the man behind so much of his past lay there, Chul locked the door again. And began reassembling the tablet.
Once it was back together, he took the pistol out of his waistband, and held it at the screen before powering it on.
At first it showed white, then the usual background. But after a moment, with Chul focusing on it, it flashed a liquid blue, and turned to a window into a cramped, dark room.
The thing that had stolen Oh Seung Moo's face looked up at him.
"Oh, there you are. I knew you'd left, since everything froze here."
That was interesting information--that it felt the world freeze unlike others in W.
"When I come back, you die," said Chul. "If you haven't returned that face, I will take it back by force."
"Why? You hate the man who wore it. Why not let me have it? You hate me about the same. He's useless now and you're the master of your fate again. Almost."
The thing's sneer was probably designed to enrage him. It was working.
"I'm not, though, am I? And as long as you live, I can't get away from the story trying to kill me."
"You almost have it," said the thing, approving. "And you're right that this version of me can be killed. That's nice for you. But just killing me won't end the story."
"What do you mean, I almost have it?"
"The problem is, you kill me, you forfeit what little bit of power you had. You won't be a proper hero anymore. The story won't even be about you."
"And then what? Will I dissolve?"
"No, but you won't matter."
Chul considered this. He then powered off the tablet, set aside his gun and disassembled it.
He lay down on the couch where Yeon Joo had been resting earlier, but he slept very little.
Oh Yeon Joo didn't remember getting to her room, never mind falling asleep. She woke up slightly chilly, probably from having a mild fever in the night. She went to shower and warm up, and spent extra time blow-drying her hair just to get rid of every trace of moisture.
Which is why when she walked into the kitchen she was running her hands through it with a bit of self-satisfaction. So she felt incredibly stupid to come face to face with Chul.
Soo Bong was there, too, but she didn't feel stupid about that in front of him. Possibly this was because she was prejudiced in a regrettable way, but there was still an echo in her mind of what she and Kang Chul could have been. And she didn't want either Chul to see her looking foolishly vain.
"Your hair looks nice," said Chul.
Soo Bong frowned and cocked his head, as if trying to figure out what Chul was talking about.
"I'm sorry to appear unannounced," he continued, "but I realized I don't have a working cellphone too late to do anything about it. I hope it's OK that I borrowed your car?"
"Did you know where to pick Soo Bong up?"
"No, I was already on my way here to check on you," said Soo Bong. "We met in the parking garage."
He said this with an odd emphasis. Of course, he was still not used to seeing Chul in mundane places like parking garages.
"A little early for guests, isn't it, Soo Bong?" Mom asked with good-humor from the hallway.
Then she walked all the way into the kitchen, and was stunned by Chul's presence.
"Hello," he said. "I'm sorry about the early hour. I'm a friend of Yeon Joo's."
"Mom, this is--Kang--Do Yoon," Yeon Joo said, mind scrambling. "He works with dad at the publisher. He left his phone behind after our meeting yesterday."
"You work in publishing?" said her mother, probably trying to hide her surprise.
"I do PR," he said, smoothly.
"It's nice to meet you. Well, I need to get going to work," Mom said.
But she did not leave before giving a meaningful wide-eyed look at Yeon Joo behind his back, to which Yeon Joo responded with a frown and a small shake of the head. The last thing she needed was her mother matchmaking her with her amnesiac former boyfriend, who had in a previous life a few months ago had shot Dad. Under the false amalgamation of his and his best friend's name.
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