#kanra rei
rennebright · 1 year
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天獄で悪魔がボクを魅惑する by 銀河味めてお ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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waiting-room-sekai · 1 month
Some Rei Sakuma guy from some other game called "Enstars" came and dropped these off...? I dunno, but let's see what's written here, hm... Toya Aoyagi has arthritis and Honami Mochizuki has anemia and asthma!
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(Actually, these were submitted by the nurse's QPP, Kanra... hi!!!)
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aoyama-division · 11 months
The sun was finally starting to set on the horizon as darkness started to creep upon Aoyama. The man of the hour Luis Kōkyū was relaxing in his living room when he heard a knock on his door. Rising from his seat, Luis walked to his door, grumbling about who it could be. Opening the door, Luis scowled when he saw no one was there and was about to shut the door until he saw two boxes on the ground. Picking them up, Luis brought them inside and opened the first one he grabbed. 
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Inside the first box was a two tiered cake. It was decorated in a way that was made to look like traditional Mexican embroidery. Dahlias and roses made of whipped frosting decorated the cake as well. It looked delicious, and Luis had high hopes that it would reach his high expectations. Setting it aside, Luis turned to the other gift and opened it. 
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Inside the other box was a couple of CDs, all from the singer Vicente Fernández. Luis blinked; he didn't think anyone from Japan knew El Rey de la Música Ranchera. Noticing a note, Luis picked it up and began to read.  
Dear Luis-san,
Happy Birthday! Sorry for not being able to deliver this in person, but life gets in the way you know. Anyway, enjoy the cake and CDs! I hope you have a good time celebrating the rest of your birthday with your grandma!
Kanra Akemi
"Oh no..." Luis thought as he looked at the CD's.
An hour later...
Luis sighed as he sat at his grandmother's kitchen table, eating the cake Kanra had baked for him while trying in vain to ignore the music of Vicente Fernández that was currently playing from the kitchen radio. His grandmother was currently singing along while eating the cake along with her grandson, a joyous and happy smile on her face.
Growing up in his Abuela's house, he had to get used to her strange tastes in music. Although she lived in Japan, she was Hispanic to her core, so she naturally loved Mexican music. Some of it, Luis didn't mind all that much. Others, they made him want to grit his teeth in frustration, especially if it was ranchera music, which, unfortunately, was his grandmother's favorite type of music.
And her favorite ranchera music player was none other than Vicente Fernández, himself. Luis recalled two years ago when Fernández passed away, his grandmother was depressed for almost a week, playing nothing but his songs on the radio. While he could certainly empathize with her, that didn't stop Luis from spending as much time out of the house as possible.
Sighing inwardly once more, he continued to dig into the cake as grandmother continued singing.
"Luis, asegúrate de agradecer a ese simpático niño Kanra por esos CD."
("Luis, be sure to thank that nice Kanra child for those CD's.")
"Si, abuela." Luis said, rolling his eyes, not entirely should if he should thank his cooking rival for this, or not.
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edogawa-division · 2 years
Kanra's Thoughts on 3rd Members
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Saburo Yamada
"Oh, it's Saburo. He visits a lot because I think he wants to beat Kaoru in a game for once. Every time he comes over I try to avoid him because of his attitude. I worry that if he says the wrong thing and sets me off that I'll give him a good hit in the face. I really don't want to do that. You know what else? He's two years younger than me and he's taller than me. It's no fun being the smallest person in the Division Rap Battles."
Rio Mason Busujima
"I like Rio-san. I got lost in the Yokohama forest when I got stuck in one of his traps. All of a sudden Rio-san comes out of the trees like bigfoot and helps me out of the trap. He started apologizing and then he took me to his camp where he gave me some food. Now every time I'm in Yokohama I go visit him. He's teaching me about survival and it's been fun." 
Dice Arisugawa
"Oh, it's Dice! Is it bad to say he reminds me of my cat Haku? Either way, whenever I know I'm going to Shibuya I always bring Dice food I've made. He always looks so happy to get it. Dice once asked me if I was related to Ramuda-san since we seem a lot alike to him. I told him no but the look on Dice's makes me think he didn't believe me." 
Doppo Kannonzaka
"I saw Doppo-san on the train once and he fell asleep on it. So I carried him to Jakurai-sensei's office. I'm kinda worried about him because he weighed basically nothing to me. Anyway, by the time he woke up, he started bowing and apologizing for the trouble he gave me. I kept trying to assure him that it was okay but he just kept going. So I just bonked his head cause I wasn't sure what to do. I hope he doesn't hold it against me." 
Rei Amayado
"There is something about this man that makes me want to cave his chest in. I try not to be violent but he is making it very hard. The only time I feel like this is when I see people with connections to Chuohku. It doesn't make sense though he's a male why would Chuohku work with him? Either way, if he gets even one step near me I'm breaking his spine." 
Hitoya Amaguni
"Oh, It's Hitoya-san. He's very nice to me. At first, he was kind of a grouch. However, when he heard that a lot of my classmates were messing with me he gave me his card and told me that if I ever wanted to bring them to court he would do it free of charge. I'm not sure if I want to do that. I'm just very glad Hitoya-san wants to help me out, not a lot of people do that for me."
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blablabladg · 6 years
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Mewmiku as Asuka Langley 
Kanra as Rei Minamoto
Photo.: Keno
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imagine-ikebukuro · 7 years
Answer 30 questions & tag 20 People you’d like to know better.
tagged by the lovely @whyamisoticklee​ thank you! (you also tagged my sideblog haha thanks!)
Nickname/s: I’ve had people call me Lilly or Li before. There’s a handful of people that refer to me by my chatnicks (Kanra, Rei(ka) and/or Sasa). most people just call me Liane.
Star sign: Virgo
Gender: Hylian. The true hero of time. I don’t have a label for my gender, I’m me and that’s it.
MBTI type: infj
Height: 5′7″ or 170cm
Time:  Central European Time, it’s 5PM rn
Birthday: August 25th
Favourite bands: Bring Me The Horizon
Song stuck in my head: Actually none, maybe If These Sheets Were The States by All Time Low
Last movie I watched: Final Destination 5
Last show I watched: Tales of Zestiria 
Other Blogs: @r-f-a-scenarios, @titanheadcanons, @crossacademyscenarios
When I created my blog: June 2015
What I post about: Durarara!! headcanons, scenarios and matchups!
Last thing I googled: dimidium facti, qui coepit habet
Following: 59
Followers: on this one 1017
Favourite colour/s: mint, black and grey
Average hours of sleep: Really depends, there’s days in which I sleep in for 10+ hours and sometimes I get less than 5 hours. Generally 7-ish hours.
Lucky number: 49
Instruments: I can play the acoustic guitar a little
Favorite video game: My favorite franchise will forever be The Legend Of Zelda, my favorite one being Majoras Mask. Other than that, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Smash 4
What I’m wearing: a tanktop and boxershorts lol
How many blankets I sleep with: one. sometimes zero during summer.
Dream job(s): Tattoo artist, honestly. But I’m currently trying to become a teacher.
Dream trip/s: New Zealand! And the Scandinavian countries, Sweden, Norway, Finland.
Favourite Food: Anything with chicken, honestly. I love Indian and Mexican food.
Nationality: German
One person I would love to meet: Probably Hannah Pixie Snowdon. She’s an amazing tattoo artist and a very inspiring person.
tagging: @mouseymatchmaker @peacefuldesires @imagine-your-party-hosts @everything-durarara-and-more @drrr-headcannons @olivineonyx and anyone reading this. no obligation, if you wanna do it, go for it, if nah, then that’s also fine!
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edogawa-division · 2 years
Yuriko's Thoughts on 3rd Members
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Saburo Yamada
"The littlest of the Yamada brothers. He's the brother I know the most about since he comes over quite a bit to challenge Kaoru to board games. He's extremely smart for his age even if his personality reminds me of a prickly hedgehog. Well, at least Kaoru is trying her best to get him to act a bit nicer. I do worry about him competing in the D.R.B he's younger than Kanra and he doesn't have the ability to shrug off attacks as she does. " 
Rio Mason Busujima
"I saved Rio-san's life during the war. He was injured and all alone against an enemy squadron. I couldn't tell you why but I stepped in and killed the entire squadron myself. Heck, I even managed to patch him up and call his superior before I had to leave. Well, he seems to be doing good for himself since the military was disbanded even if he lives out in the middle of the Yokohama forest." 
Dice Arisugawa
"This is Tohoten's son? I'd almost pity her if I didn't hate her. Good for him for at least escaping her clutches. Dice-kun really needs to work on his gambling habit at least. It's gonna get him in trouble that even with his posse he's not gonna come out unscathed."
Doppo Kannonzaka
"This man looks like he's so close to collapsing and coming to pay me a visit in the morgue. He's as bad as Kaoru when it comes to a lack of sleep. At least with her, it's voluntary but Doppo-san it's his job that's the reason he can't sleep. He really needs to find a new job or at the very least stand up for himself at his current one. If this keeps up and he's going to work himself to an early grave."
Rei Amayado
"This bastard, I remember him. Never in my life have I wanted to kill someone so badly. He's the reason for Otome's rise to power. Normally that would be enough for me to hate him but my main problem with him is how he abandoned his sons. My blood is boiling thinking about that. He needs to tread carefully around me before I leave him dead in a ditch somewhere." 
Hitoya Amaguni
"Jakurai's old friend. He's mentioned him a few times before. I'm aware that he's a lawyer and even takes on bullying cases pro bono. He even watches out for Kuko-kun and Jyushi-kun. I wish him luck on that end. Those two seem like a handful to take care of. I would know, Kaoru and Kanra give quite a bit of trouble." 
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edogawa-division · 2 years
Kaoru's Thoughts on 3rd Members
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Saburo Yamada
“Saburo my little buddy. He's a genius even I can admit that. I just wish he’d get along better with Jiro because every time I see them argue I get reminded of the times I would fight with my brother. I'm trying to get it through Saburo’s head to better cherish his relationship with Jiro because he could be ripped away from you one day without warning. My biggest regret in life is never fixing my relationship with my brother before he died and I don't want Saburo to go through that.”
Rio Mason Busujima  
"Rio is the one member of MTC I like and he lives out in the middle of the woods like a hermit. I respect his ability to survive but that life is not for me. I need my internet to survive in this world. Also, his food looks really terrible to me. I don't understand how Kanra eats it." 
Dice Arisugawa
"Dice is really fun to hang out with even if he is Tohoten's son. So Dice and I have an agreement if he acts as my lab assistant I give him money. It works out great. I get an extra set of hands in the lab and Dice gets money to go gambling with. Even if Dice stares in horror as I explode things." 
Doppo Kannonzaka
"It's my caffeine buddy! I see Doppo often at coffee shops where we order caffeinated monstrosities. Every time we come in I'm sure the baristas want to cry in fear because we shotgun those things in like 2 gulps. I respect him for that because not many people can keep up with me in a caffeine battle." 
Rei Amayado
"Amayado Rei or should I say Yamada Rei. He thought he could hide his past but there are few things I can't find with time. I'll admit it I respect his intelligence with the Hypnosis Mics but other than that he's a bastard that I’ll do everything in my power to destroy. It's only a matter of time before I do.”
Hitoya Amaguni
“He’s a lawyer, right? I don't really know him personally because I tend to avoid people with connections to the law. The price of being a criminal you know. Well, he seems nice and even gave Kanra his card if she ever wanted to bring her bullies to court. So I guess he's not all that bad.”
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