#kanshichirou yaguruma
abyssalplein · 1 year
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Baccano Week 2023 - Day 1: Connections, Fate, Coincidence
Molsa Martillo walking with a few of his executives and seeing Bartolo Runorata across the street
(I think there is a lot of potential between two guys who came from the same hometown starting crime families in the same orbit while being involved in the shenanigans of the immortals. Friends to Enemies or Friends to Enemies to Lovers... Take your pick. Also did anyone ever notice that Molsa seems to have a scar near his left eyebrow??? Like you can’t really see it here, but staring at pictures of Molsa makes you notice things.)
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baccano-gauntlet · 2 years
Benjamin v. Lana
Frank v. Cal Muybridge
Fred v. Mary Beriam
Fil v. Leeza Laforet
Sham v. Gregoire
Pamela v. Dune
Samantha v. Rachel
Isaac Dian v. Elean Duga
The Poet v. Dallas Genoard
Szilard Quates v. Charon Walken
Illness v. Huey Laforet
Chané Laforet v. Keith Gandor
Sickle v. Czeslaw Meyer
Bartolo Runorata v. Nader Schasschule
Gretto Avaro v. Zank Rowan
Esperanza C. Boroñal v. Fang Lin-Shan
Donatello v. Dalton Strauss
Carla Alvarez Santoña v. Sylvie Lumiere
Seina v. The President of the Daily Days
Gabriel v. Roy Maddock
Berga Gandor v. Jean-Pierre Accardo
Manfred Beriam v. Carlotta
Chaini v. Alkins
Claire Stanfield v. Henry
Pezzo v. Christopher Shaldred
Eve Genoard v. Rosetta
Archangelo v. Angelo
Kanshichirou Yaguruma v. Victor Talbot
Kate Gandor v. Who
Ladd Russo v. Miria Harvent
Sarges v. Feldt Nibiru
Laz Smith v. Rubik
Melvi Dormentaire v. Bobby Splot
Gustav St. Germain v. Ennis
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I didn’t mean to leave people hanging on the latest Baccano! merch I received in the mail on Monday - sleep deprivation plus realizing you’re supposed to be at a D&D session when you’re at the library is a bad combo.
In any case, like @toushindai realized from the kanji, this is a Settings Research Collection for the 2007 Baccano! anime adaptation. The three images above are scans I did at the library of the front and back covers and the very first illustration - a height sheet for the main cast. The front cover edges are slightly creased, owing to the fact that this is a used copy, but the illustrations themselves are in fine condition.
Edit: Tumblr quality does not represent actual quality of those scans, and those scans aren’t even the best scans I did of them.
Now, there should be a good number of you who recognize that height sheet; after all, @the-baccano-warehouse shared it and other height + model sheets once upon a time on their own blog, and I’ve uploaded those already-online scans to the Baccano! Wiki here. However... Those weren’t the only illustrations that were done for the anime, something I’ve verified thanks to now owning this collection.
Going over the collection again... If I have this right, the following sheets aren’t included in the group of online scans I linked above:
Previously Unseen Character Sheets
Model Sheet: Firo; full-body
Group Sheet: The Three Gandor Brothers; full-bodies
Group Sheet: Full-body designs for 9 members of Szilard’s elderly coterie
Model Sheet: Molsa Martillo
Model Sheet: Kanshichirou Yaguruma
Model Sheet: Randy and Pezzo
Model Sheet: Seina
Model Sheet: Lia Lin-Shan
Model Sheet: Faces for Fang, Jon, and Melody
Model Sheet: Faces for Nick, Donny, and Jack
Model Sheet: Faces for Dune and Vicky
Model Sheet: Faces for Placido and the two Ep 4 Russos
Group Sheet: Full-bodies for Spike, Goose, and three dining car Lemures
Model Sheet: Faces for Spike and Goose
Model Sheet: Faces for three dining car Lemures
Model Sheet: Manfred, Natalie, and Mary Beriam
Model Sheet: Tony and Lemur conductor
Model Sheet: Benjamin and Samantha
Model Sheet: Carol
Model Sheet: Bartolo Runorata
Model Sheet: Gustavo Bagetta
Model Sheet: Begg Garott (1711)
Model Sheet: Denkurō Tōgō (1711; just says Tōgō)
Model Sheet: Victor Talbot (1711; I LOVE this one)
Model Sheet: Bill Sullivan and Edward Noah (poor Donald isn’t there)
Group Sheet: Full-bodies for five of the Advena Avis alchemists
Previously Unseen Setting Sheets (all of them, basically, except the FPF engine and car)
Alveare exterior
Alveare honey shop interior
Alveare speakeasy interior
Alveare speakeasy bar
Coraggioso basement: sitting area? (view of tables and chairs; can see entrance to billiards room)
Coraggioso basement: Billiards Room + bar (facing previous dining area)
Coraggioso basement: Billiards Room, facing the opposite direction (towards the Gandors’ office)
Firo’s Apartment: a whole layout of the living room (the place where Ennis is writing her letter in episode 02)
Flying Pussyfoot: First Class cabin
Flying Pussyfoot: Dining car
Flying Pussyfoot: (First Class?) Corridor design
Flying Pussyfoot: Corridor with the water closet (the one Mary hides in)
Flying Pussyfoot: (Third Class?) Corridor design
 Flying Pussyfoot: Third Class car (the one with the booths that the Rail Tracer finds Czes in)
Grand Central Station: Overhead layout of both floors
Grand Central Station: View of ticket counters
Station/Switch point: View of Track 29
There weren’t any Advena Avis setting drawings in this one, sad to say; I’d hoped for a layout of the Advena Avis floors/interior (cabins....etc). However, that’s a lot of illustrations to enjoy and discover, you know? I particularly love Victor’s model sheet (it’s so him) and Begg’s, and I’d always wanted to see Akira Ito’s setting drawings ever since he’d said he paid careful attention to layout designs. 
Speaking of, this also finally answers my longstanding curiosity over what he meant when he said he drew Firo’s apartment; while it’s not the entire apartment, it’s the whole living room and that’s definitely more than you’d think he needed to do. 
(I was also surprised that there wasn’t a 1932!Elmer model sheet? He moves around enough in the OVAs that you’d think there’d be one. Same for 1932!Sylvie...but since Graham and Shaft aren’t in here either, I guess this collection is just for the first 13 episodes.)
I’ll see if I can scan all of them before the end of the month; scanning at high quality takes a while, so we’ll see. Ideally I’ll scan all of the drawings, including the ones we already have scans for, because having higher quality versions is never a bad thing. Edit: Although, this is hindered by the fact that you can see other illustrations ‘bleeding’ through the scans... But I’m not about to tear all these illustrations out, Lord know.
I took a few photos to show you (e.g. how big the drawings are + sneak peeks at some of the scans above), so I’ll try and upload them in a separate post.
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baccano-gauntlet · 2 years
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