#karatsugu aogo
energysynergymatrix · 4 months
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No way look who's shown up in Hinamizawa
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mallowkey · 3 years
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i g n i t i o n  #カラ月
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denkimystery · 4 years
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Almost All Illustrations Artbook Teaser Cosplay
In celebration of Hesokuri Wars' 3rd anniversary, an Almost All Illustrations Artbook + Bonus OST CD was released. Attached with the teaser, cover reveal, info, preorder, reprint and bonus announcement tweets were photos of Denki Mystery cosplay!
Ozo || Karatsugu || Chorosuke
Hajime || Toshio || Takashi
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keimy00 · 4 years
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sato-yama-u · 4 years
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jiunna · 4 years
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riddmatsu · 3 years
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denki fanarts i've done haaa
reading into other AUs on hesowars wiki, though i'm such a sucker for horror/mystery slice of life! Even made my self insert into it oOPS
more fanarts to come!
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reinabeestudio · 4 years
dumb question but what is ''romantic mystery''? is it a famous AU made by the fans?? i see it often in osomatsu-san fanart umu
It isn’t a dumb question! It’s a very big fandom. That said, I don’t know that much about Romantic Mystery myself ;w; But I can tell you everything I know so far:
*Romantic Mystery (or Denki Mystery) is a set from Hesokuri Wars, an official Osomatsu-san mobile game! This set has many variations and it’s quite popular.
Here the sextuplets aren’t related (or they were seperated at birth? I admit I’m not sure), so they didn’t grow up together. Sadly, I don’t know much about the story itself;; They have different names (some even have jobs). All I know about the brothers is:
Osomatsu: Oozu Akashika, a taxi driver 
Karamatsu: Karatsugu Aogo, newbie journalist
Choromatsu: Chorosuke Midorito, owner of the Midorito Clan (and flower arranger I think??)
Ichimatsu: Hajima Shisaka, the only son of a historian.
Jyushimatsu: Toshio Ougami, he wears a paper bag on his head?? huh
Todomatsu: Takashi Momose, son of a cafe owner in a rural town
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mymoneywar · 5 years
Because it has to do with the latest stuff going on in the game...
The Results are in:
Best Picture (favorite event overall) ROMANTIC MYSTERY NOVEL
Best Costume Design (event with the best character design) YOUKAI
Best Original Screenplay (best event story) ROMANTIC MYSTERY NOVEL
Best Original Score (event with the best music) FUJIO ROCK FESTIVAL
Best Production Design (event with the best design (not character design) YOUKAI
Best Short Film (best Trashneyland Attraction) AKATSUKA MANSION (WINTER)
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Here are the ones who got nominated by the fans!!!
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All of this ties up with the current events that are Happening in the Game
We got reruns of the Winners, A Karamatsu AKA Karatsugu Aogo Event, Sweet Villians 4* Rerun Event and N.E.E.T rerun.
We also got the Mansion up in the Golden Flag Gatchan!
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We also got the SIX SPICES from the N.E.E.T. along with Totty’s Car.
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And... I have one last update but this is getting long xD So I’ll update in a new post!!!
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denkimystery · 4 years
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Sextuplets: Denki Mystery (Car Variant) Design Roughs
Due to the popular demand of the Denki Mystery (Car Variant) unit, the availability period for it was extended. Alongside the extension, for the first time ever the rough designs for the sextuplets and their new attire were also released. 
These designs would be later reused in the Denki Mystery (Sang variant) set.
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denkimystery · 4 years
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Karamatsu : Almost All Illustrations Artbook
Karamatsu in his costume on the cover of the "Almost Almost All Illustrations" Artbook. He sits on the sofa with a lot of plushies waiting for him and takes pleasure in it.
Mod Note: The plushies shown in this set sadly aren’t actual real life plushies. The plushie that Karamatsu is holding is Karla Pinefield (written like カーラ, ka is extended with a vowel extender and since ra and la are the same katakana, Kaara can be read as Karla (or Carla)) from the Musical AU. Here are close ups of the Karatsugu plush:
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カラ松 : ほぼほぼ全イラスト集
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denkimystery · 4 years
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Denki Mystery Design Roughs
This is the process of deciding on the character design for Denki Mystery. Toshio's face underwent detailed adjustments, right down to the direction of the slant of his eyes. On the other hand, Chorosuke, who is not here, was decided in one shot.
Scanned by the lovely @0somatsu, you can find the rest of their scans over here! Thank you so much for letting me use them!!! These design roughs were included with the Almost All Illustrations Art Book.
Mod Notes:
Ozo’s initial clothes seem to be more in line with a traditional Japanese Taxi driver’s uniform. His hairstyle has been the same with comb over bangs, but his soft hair swapped with Hajime’s sharp hair at some point.
Karatsugu initially had a different shirt, a light blue button up with the sleeves rolled up, this was swapped for his black polo in the final design.
Hajime went through the most changes. His sharp hair was swapped with Ozo’s fluffy hair at some point. His wardrobe consisted of a straw hat, circle rimmed glasses, a shirt pocket and a wristwatch at some point. His eyebrows hasn’t been finalized and at some point was short and sparse like the eyebrows he has in the anime, the final product has him with regular eyebrows. Hajime’s round rimless glasses are later reused for his father’s design
Toshio’s hairstyle had a minor change at one point. And true to the comment from the designers, His face went through multiple changes.
Takashi’s only concept sketch is him without his personal effects, his hat and his beads.
ラフデザイン集1: 伝奇ミステ
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denkimystery · 4 years
Denki Mystery Series - 1st Episode: 『Six Men Getting Sick』
ー Midorito House, Eve of the Jyushimatsu Festival
A Voice: ... Come to think of it, the owner of my cab company… I wonder if he’s one of those people who's into the occult?
Ozo: I only come to the office sometimes. And whenever I’m there that’s all we talk about.
Ozo: Like, strange stories of this area? I’ve heard a lot about that too. I've heard it all from that person.
Takashi: Ah! I know who you’re talking about. He came to my store, too. He kept chattering on and on about how I should get out of this place before I am unable to leave, and then he just left.
Hajime: Wow. Is that person a local from here?
Ozo: No, it's nothing like that. I heard that he came here a long time ago, and then he was given the job and entrusted with the company. You're very curious, aren't you.
Karatsugu: I wonder what he was doing before that. He’s not from around here, but he knows a lot about it, right? The stories of this place, I mean.
Ozo: Come to think of it, people wouldn't talk so openly about that kind of stuff if they were from here. I wouldn't ask or deny it, though.
Ozo: He said I drive too rough, so he started calling me “Cowboy”.
Toshio: You sound like a villainous pro wrestler. It’s kinda cool.
Ozo: Right? But I'm not that buff! … Phew, that was a nice time. It's been about half an hour since we got back from the factory?
Ozo pops open a beer. The sound of the fizz is replaced by the sounds of him gulping his drink.
Chorosuke: It’s a bit late, but we've prepared a midnight snack.
Ozo: Whaaat, I didn't think the Master was here, but he cooked for me? That's very kind of you.
Takashi: Let me help, Chorosuke-san.
[[Takashi gets up to help Chorosuke set the food down.]]
Takashi: Wah, this looks so good.
Ozo: Ahhh! I'm so hungry!! … Ah, can you let me borrow your phone before we start?
Chorosuke: Sure, be my guest. … Dayoko, escort him please.
[[Ozo follows Dayoko out of the room.]]
Toshio: You have some for me too? Wah... It's mushroom soup! Looks good.
Chorosuke: Everyone, you must be hungry. After you eat, let's rest for today. We still have tomorrow.
[[Ozo comes back to the room.]]
Ozo: Thanks for letting me call. It was the president. I told him I was sick.
Ozo: Since we have a private gathering tomorrow, I told him I was gonna stay up and he replied with a resounding OK. Heheh!
Ozo: If it had been the old lady in the office, she would have told me to go home for sure!
Takashi: That’s the normal reaction. I think you're being underestimated by your president.
Karatsugu: Well, let's eat before it gets cold. Thanks for the food.
Toshio: Thanks for the fooood!
[[Toshio shoves a spoonful into his mouth, chewing eagerly. Everyone else follows suit.]]
Hajime: These mushrooms are delicious.
Chorosuke: These are the mushrooms that my student grew. He often gives me some, they are very fragrant and delicious.
Toshio: Are there other ways to eat it other than miso soup?
Chorosuke: You can also roast it, it’d still be delicious.
「Thank you for the meal.」 Everyone says when they’re finished.
Chorosuke: Did you all like it? Then, let's brew some tea. ... Dayoko, your big bwother*** will also help.
[[Chorosuke leaves the room.]]
Takashi: … Huh?
[[Takashi’s gaze is pointed down. Staring at something.]]
Takashi: ……. Jyushimatsu-niisan, why are you buried in the ground. Heyyy… Ah, another Jyushimatsu-niisan.
[[Hajime looks at where Takashi was looking at. There’s nothing but the floor.]]
Hajime: Ta-Takashi-kun? What’s wrong? … Are you ok!?
Ozo: … Hm? When did I get back to the car?
[[Ozo notices he’s not alone, looking into his rearview mirror he sees someone on the passenger’s seat.]]
Ozo: Customer-san, why are you wearing a paper bag?
Ozo: … Hie! [Ozo flinches as the customer removes his paper bag.]
Ozo: … You look just like me…!?
[[Toshio seems to be struggling.]]
Toshio: Uwah! What’s this thing in front of me! ... A big dog!
Chorosuke: Dayoko! I won’t hand Dayoko over to you!! Dayoko!? Where-? Dayoko?
Karatsugu: ... huh. I feel like my back is…
[[Karatsugu focuses on the feeling in his back before realizing that it’s sharp and he’s in deep pain.]]
Karatsugu: … W-Waaah!! I-I’ve been stabbed! I’m dead! I’m cuuursed!
Hajime: Eh... Where am I?
[[Hajime looks around.]]
Hajime: It’s pitch black.
Hajime: H-HIEEEEEEE!!! [[All of a sudden Hajime screams. Thrashing and flinging.]]
Hajime: H-Help meeee!!! SOMEBODY, HELP ME!
Takashi: Waaaaaah…!! … Huh. What was that?
Ozo: Wah! What the-? A-are these mushrooms safe to eat!? I just had a scary dream!****
Chorosuke: Huh? What’s the matter? Nothing happened to me, I’m fine. Here, have some tea.
[[Chorosuke starts pouring tea.]]
Toshio: I'm fine too.
[[Toshio starts munching on some of the snacks Chorosuke offered with the tea.]]
Toshio: Delicious! Where did you get these snacks?
Ozo: Eh ~ !? You're always eating them, so you've built up a tolerance? I don't remember it clearly, but I was really scared!
Toshio: Aah! Are you okay, Karamatsu-niisan? The corner of the desk is digging into your back.
Karatsugu: Eh!? The corner of the table? … Ah, thank goodness. I thought I was stabbed in the back…
Hajime: Haa~. [[Hajime releases a sigh he’s been holding.]]
Hajime: …. What was that. Just now. I’m not immune to these mushrooms… What did I just see…? Th-That was scary.
Toshio: Aaaa, that was delicious. … Well, I’m going home now. I’ll see you all tomorrow. My big brothers and Todomatsu!
Takashi: I'm getting a little used to it. That “Todomatsu”. Jyushimatsu-niisan.
Ozo: You live on the other side of the mountain, right? Why don't you just stay the night? Or, do you want me to drive you home?
Toshio: The roads are dangerous at night. I can take a shortcut.
[[Toshio stands up quickly in one fell swoop.]]
Toshio: Nanna is waiting for me.
Chorosuke: Here you go. Didn’t something break just earlier?
Toshio: Thank you, Choroma- Chorosuke-san. Todomatsu, my bigger brothers. Good night!
Thump, thump... Rustle, rustle, rustle. [[Toshio takes off running, his footsteps landing heavy on the dirt path. Soon after he runs through the bushes and into the forest.]]
Takashi: Ah…! He jumped into the bushes. I-I hope he’s ok.
Chorosuke: Ogami’s fine. Oh, and he’s always running around in the mountains.
[[Dayoko walks in to tell Chorosuke something.]]
Chorosuke: Hm, what. … Aah. Thank you, Dayoko. Everyone. The bath is ready. Please, help yourselves.
Ozo: Ah~, I'm going to catch my breath ‘cause my eyes are getting tired*****!
Chorosuke: Eh!?
Ozo: If we're going to talk about scary stories, how about we tell a “Hundred Stories” while drinking?
Chorosuke: Can you stop doing that I don’t want to get in trouble if something weird happens!?
ーThe Endー
Original Event
Summer Arc: 1 | 2 | 3
Mod Note: This came from the Stories that came with the Akatsuka Mansion Attraction from Trashneyland. All 4 and 3 star attractions have 3 stories, often related to the theme of the building. (ex. Akatsuka Mansion has 3 stories related to Denki Mystery. Geruge Castle also has 3 stories related to the Geruge Set).
The original title is 二豎(にじゆ)と六人の男 (lit. The Evil Spirits of Illness and the Six Men). *Nijiyu (二豎) is a term that originated from the legends of Zheng Chenggong. Unfortunately it’s all in Chinese and I’m already at my wit’s end so I can’t give you an exact origin lmao. I’m not sure what exactly happened but there’s this Duke who was cursed to not be able to eat anything new. He is feeling ill, he dreams of his illness and the doctor says that the illness can’t be healed because the cause is somewhere even his medicine can’t reach. That’s my rough understanding of what happened. Anw, that illness became known as the Nijiyu. Edit: I looked up David Finch's filmography again and turns out that the original title is referencing his 1967 work "Six Men Getting Sick (Six Times)". I've changed the title to make more sense to English readers, but I've kept the original title in the mod notes. If the stage names are references to David Lynch's movies then the story names are references to David Lynch's short films. And unlike the stage names, the titles of each story is relevant to what happens in the story.
*** Chorosuke uses Anii-chama again. Which is a cutesy way of saying bigger brother: Nii-san > Nii-sama > Anii-chama. He’s acting like a sis-con btw.
**** If you haven’t noticed, their mushroom trip is based on their original attack sprites. Ozo’s hallucination is a combination of his (Taxi + Passenger) and Toshio (Removing Mask)’s attacks. Karatsugu, Hajime and Takashi are slightly different from their original attack sprites (Karatsugu doesn’t write a dying message, Hajime doesn’t wield an axe and bolo, Takashi isn’t screaming). Chorosuke and Toshio’s hallucinations are original. Chorosuke is hallucinating about Dayoko being taken away and Toshio’s hallucinations involve a big dog, most likely the Inugami Youkai.
*****I think the original text is an idiom? I don’t know what it exactly means though so I did my best approx.
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denkimystery · 4 years
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Sextuplets: Denki Mystery (Car)
Sextuplets gathered, once again at Akatsuka Village, which is busy with the Harvest Festival. Perhaps summoned by the festival music, swarms of human souls and insects appear and strange mysteries occur..
The written text on the promo images are just (from left to right):
Sextuplets: Denki Mystery Car (alongside their hiragana)
Trivia: Various items are also show in the pumpkin carriage: A Myoujin Tori gate, Tanuki Statue, Bus stop and Worn Mailbox that are seen in the background in Akatsuka Village. There is also a sign from Cafe New York. The carriage itself is adorned with Shimenawa (Sacred Rope) around the sides with Shide (Paper Streamer), attached to it. There are various Ofuda or Senjafuda (Paper Seal) plastered around the shell of the pumpkin. All of them are common items used in Shinto Shrines.
Mod Note: Given that the carriage itself seems to be impossible to be in reality, the canonicity of this unit only lies in the description. 
6つ子 : 伝奇ミステリ(車)
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denkimystery · 4 years
Denki Mystery: Six Idol Statues of Taboo - Chapter 5
ー Cafe New York, Noon.
Hajime: The name of this cafe is "New York" because the name of the place is "Iriyabi"? That's interesting.*
Takashi: Aah, I wonder if that's really it!? I just thought that the previous owner wanted to use katakana. Come to think of it, I never really thought about it that much.
Hajime: Your dad… You said he already passed away.
Takashi: Yes. Papa doesn't look like me at all, so I thought he wasn't related to me by blood, but...
[[Takashi picks up a framed photo by the counter.]]
Takashi: Here's a picture.
Hajime: Eh? ... This. This is... your father's picture? But this is… my father...? What does this mean?
Kling♪ Kling♪ [[Guests enter the cafe, the wind chimes by the door filling the empty space. Takashi sets down the framed photo and directs his attention to the newcomers.]]
Takashi: Ah, we're closed for the day…
[[Hajime eyes hover over the guests, one of them attracting his attention.]]
Hajime: That paper bag… from earlier?
Ozo: Eh~!? You know, there aren't any other stores nearbyyy~!? You're gonna kick us out under the scorching hot sun!?
Karatsugu: I'm sure you have your reasons. But please, let us have some iced coffee.
[[Takashi's face goes blank for a second before a cheery demeanor overtakes it.]]
Takashi: Three iced coffees, right? Wait for a moment please~.*
[Takashi heads off to prepare their drink.]
Ozo: Phew, my first time here but the staff aren't very friendly huh? Oh well, whatever, ah~! Cool, paradise, paradise~!
[[Takashi comes back, holding the drinks in his tray.]]
Takashi: Here you go.
Tap. [[He starts serving the newcomers their drinks.]]
Karatsugu: Heh, this drink is… Delicious? A special kind of cafe in the sticks! This is an article for a magazine…!
Takashi: This is just a pack of iced coffee I got from the grocery. "Sorry!?"... or something like that…
[[The trio settles down by the barstool, taking their time drinking their iced coffee.]]
Ozo: Phew, let's see, what was it again? Ah right. The story right?
[[Ozo sets his mug down.]]
Ozo: A long time ago, a lot of the villages around here had the surnames, "Matsuno"***.
[[Hajime's curiosity had been piqued.]]
Hajime: In the past, there was a massacre in this area to eradicate "Matsuno"***... Are you talking about the story of that genocide?
Takashi: I've heard that even now, if you dig around here, you can still find bones… or so I've heard…
Toshio: Yup, that's true~. You can find bones all over the place, like around my house. Ah, by the way, we had somewhere to go, didn't we?
Ozo: Ah, that's right! Come to think of it, I never asked you for your destination! Bwahaha! Add vanilla ice cream to my order!
Karatsugu: I heard that a young flower arranger is following in the footsteps of his father, who was infamous as a heretic in the flower arrangement society, and I thought this would be a good article, right? Heh!
Takashi: … Huh? Who would that be? Do you know? 
Ozo: Nope~? I've never heard of such a thing? Isn't that just bullcrap?
Karatsugu: … Eh!? None of the locals know? O-oh no, I'm starting to get worried all of a sudden… He's from the Midorito family…
Takashi: Ahh!! There is, there is. The Midorito House. Did they do flower arranging? Flower arrangement… flowers****?
Ozo: Now that you mention it... I think that a clerk at my company, Iyami-san, is taking lessons on that? Anyway, why that topic?
Karatsugu: I got a call at the company about flower arrangement…
Hajime: That was probably just a sales pitch.
[The sun has started to set, painting the clear blue sky with an orange hue.]
Hajime: More importantly… Haven't you guys noticed? The four of us here, we all have the same face.
Ozo: Hmmm? … Now that you mention it? Ah~! You look like the guy from the thousand-dollar bill*****! I thought I'd seen you before!
Takashi: Isn't that because of the hair and not his face!? Also nope, it's five of us. Take off your paper bag, I'm not scared anymore. Long time, no see.
Rustling. [[Toshio takes the hamburger paper bag off. His face now visible to everyone in the room.]]
Toshio: ... Ah. It's cool~. Long time no see. Totty.
Karatsugu: Ah…!
Takashi: When I say I saw a guy who looks just like me before, I mean this Jyushimatsu-kun over here.
ー Midorito House
The sounds of crickets can be heard. Footsteps break the silence and someone speaks.
A Voice: What is it? ... Dayoko… a call for your big bwother******? I understand. You can go back now.
Chorosuke: … Yes. That is me. I am Chorosuke Midorito.
Chorosuke: … by all means, You are welcome to come and stay. There isn't any other place to stay after all.
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
Mode note: theres a segment here that's supposed to sound like banter between brothers lmao but the topic of the convo is something that doesnt translate well 😔
*the name of the place is 入浴 pronounced いりあび, "iriyabi", which uses the same kanji for the word bathing in japanese but is pronounced にゅうよく(in hiragana), nyuyoku, hence Cafe New York, ニューヨーク(in katakana). 
**Takashi uses a bit of cutesy/polite talk here like desu and kudasa~i. Think like totty's sutabaa attitude, customer service.
*** Ozo uses the katakana spelling for Matsuno this time. Last episode he used the actual kanji for matsu. Hajime on the other hand consistently uses the katakana spelling since episode two.
**** The word for flower arrangement and flowers are different. Takashi is trying to remember what was being arranged.
***** Ozo is pointing out that Hajime looks like the portrait of Hideyo Noguchi from the 1,000¥ bill, lmao.
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****** Chorosuke uses a baby term for brother to refer to himself. Ani-chama,,, i finally understand why there's rising in his bio now.
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denkimystery · 4 years
Denki Mystery Series Winter Arc - 6th Episode: 『A Ray of Light』
ー At the foot of Twin Peaks Mountain, Night.
[The sound of footsteps sinking into the white snow is heard.]
[A sharp wind blows through.]
Ozo: No matter how many paths are made, isn’t this one kinda tough?
Chorosuke: Shh! Be quiet.
Hajime: Has anyone here ever attended one of these ceremonies before?
Chorosuke: This is the first time I’ve attended a wedding, you know, since Dayoko’s the one getting married.
Ozo: I’ve been wondering about this but is it just me or does it seem like there’s fewer people out and about lately?
Takashi: I’ve been thinking about that too. I can’t really put it into words but it suddenly feels like there’s fewer people in the village.
Takashi: I always see the same old faces in the cafe so it’s not that noticeable but it feels like a sign.
Karatsugu: … I knew it, I had a feeling something was wrong. I don’t know the right way to describe this but it’s not just the population getting lower… it’s more like, it’s only been two months since I was last here… but the land itself seems to be aging quite rapidly. Deteriorating, changing for the worse.
Hajime: It felt like years, no, decades even, had passed when I arrived. 
Takashi: Eh~... Hey, I’m not getting any wrinkles am I?
Karatsugu: Heh. Don’t worry, you haven’t changed at all.
Ozo: Lately, when I try to ride my taxi back out of town, it feels like it’s really far away. I always thought it was just my imagination.
Jyushimatsu: I see. Is that so? 
[[Jyushimatsu shivers and rubs his arms to in a futile attempt to warm himself up.]]
Jyushimatsu: It’s cold.
Chorosuke: Dayoko, are you cold?
[[Dayoko just smiles at her brother. Chorosuke smiles back.]]
Twinkle~ [Something shines in the distance.]
Ozo: Wh-What the hell? D-D-Did you guys see something light up on the mountain?
Hajime: Yeah, something shined.
[A rumbling sound slowly creeps up before overtaking the silence.]
Takashi: WOAH! Wh-what was that? An earthquake?
[A blinding light flashes from the mountain.]
Jyushimatsu: Uwah! Bright!
Karatsugu: Hold the hands of the person nearest to you!! Even if you can’t see, don’t get separated!!
Ozo: Alright, we’re all connected!
Hajime: Connected… 
[[Hajime breathes a sigh of relief, his eyes closed still from the blinding light. He feels one arm slowly getting higher and higher. Trying not to let go, he grips firmly and before he knows it one of his feet is already starting to lift from the ground.]]
Hajime: Eh!? Hey!? Who!? Who’s pulling me upward!
Chorosuke: I-It’s me!! More like, my body is…!!
[[Karatsugu peeks one eye open, his eyes getting used to the light he looks at his side and sees Chorosuke. No matter how you put it, his body is clearly off the ground, seemingly floating up in the air towards the skies.]]
Karatsugu: Chorosuke!! Your happi, take it off!! Here.. this blazer, take it!
Hajime: Here!! The sleeves, put your arm through here...!!
[[Karatsugu lifts the blazer up and Hajime quickly grabs on to one side. They help Chorosuke quickly put it on and slowly, he lands back on the ground.]]
Karatsugu: It’s quiet…
[[After the light has disappeared and everyone catches their bearings, a snowflake floats down gently.]]
Karatsugu: Snow…? It’s snowing?
The sound of cicadas fill the air.
Hajime: Cicada’s chirps… It’s hot. Summer…. in Akashika?
Toshio: Niisan, are you okay?
Hajime: It’s hot. Aren’t you sweating with that bag over your head...?
Jyushimatsu: Niisan! Wake up! Wake up!
[A piercing cold wind blows. The speed picks up and the gentle airy dance of the snowflakes is quickly replaced with harsh falling of snow.]
Ozo: Wah, this is bad. What’s going on? Did we get caught in a snowstorm, it’s snowing like crazy!?
Chorosuke: Dayoko? … Dayoko’s not here!? Where’s Dayoko!!?? I can’t find her!?
[A piercing cold wind blows. The wind blows even harder, it’s starting to get near impossible to see more than a few feet in front of you.]
Takashi: It’s no use, I can’t see anything, it’s all white…… Wait.
[[Takashi squints harder and a faint light pierces through the snow.]]
Takashi: ... I think I can see a car’s headlights over there. Maybe… I think it’s those kinds of lights.
[A piercing cold wind blows. The wind blows even harder, it’s getting harder to hear your own voice, only the sound of the harsh winds fill your ear. A shadowy figure can be seen in the distance.]
Oiii… Oii-...-ii!
[A piercing cold wind blows. The wind blows even harder, the temperature has dropped considerably, leaving the six brothers shivering. The silhouette starts moving closer and closer.]
Ozo: Has someone come to save us!? Th-Thank goodness!!
[A piercing cold wind blows. The wind blows even harder, the once blurry figure has started to become clearer.]
Editor-in-Chief Matsuzo: Oiii! Are you guys ok!!
Karatsugu: Ch-Chief!?
Editor in Chief Matsuzo: I got a call at the company, from a girl, she told me where you guys were.
Hajime: Who could that be…?
Ozo: So, this old man is your chief…?
Chorosuke: Dayoko’s missing...
Editor-in-Chief Matsuzo: We’ll find her. But first, we must make sure you guys are safe first. What to do…! Mmmmmm…!
Editor-in-Chief Matsuzo: In my experience… as long as it’s snowing, we should be able to hide. In the meantime…
Jyushimatsu: Excuse me, are you Matsuno-san?
Karatsugu: Correct. Editor-in-Chief Matsuzo Matsuno!
Editor-in-Chief Matsuzo: You idiooot!! Call me Dad!!
[A piercing cold wind blows.]
ーThe Endー
Original Event
Summer Arc: 1 | 2 | 3
Winter Arc: 4 | 5 | 6
Mod Note: So I’m actually kinda proud of this chapter!! Not a lot of bumps in terms of translation. The chapter title is a direct translation of the Japanese title. But if you’re interested, the David Lynch movie that this chapter is referencing is actually “Premonitions Following an Evil Deed”, “But Mod Pheo!!” you say, “where did Ray of Light come from?” Well listen up dear reader, PFED is a movie made for an anthology called “Lumière and Company” the full title of the movie is “Lumière: Premonitions Following an Evil Deed”. “Ray of Light” came from “Lumiere” meaning light in french!
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