#kari windcaller
alduinsbanes · 1 year
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made severa’s entire pack (the one in cyrodiil that she was born into and her current one in skyrim) i spent entirely too long on this so i have to show someone at least some of them 🥺 
top from left to right is severa, aela, kari
bottom left to right is marcella and svari
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alduinsbanes · 2 years
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I made my main tes ladies in this picrew I had a lot of fun with it
top from left to right is Severa and Cecilia
bottom row from left to right is Irene, Adrilia, and Kari <3
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alduinsbanes · 2 years
🌹, 📙, 📀, 🥝 for Severa, ❌, 🧡, 🌠, 💗 for Cecilia, 🍑, 🍋, 💙, 🌸 for Irene and 🔥, 🌀 for someone of your choosing! 😌
Thank you so much Virgil!!! <3
🌹 How easy is it for them to connect with others and make friends? On the flip side how easy is it for them to make an enemy of someone? Are they the kind of person who hangs around the food table at a party and never talks to anyone or are they the type who can talk to anyone?
Severa is kind of introverted and can be shy so it can make it hard for her to connect with people right off the bat. Once she opens up she’s pretty good at making friends! Like when she first joined the Companions she was very aloof and standoffish, but once she got more comfortable she was more willing/more comfortable trying to make friends with the others. At parties she’s definitely the person who hands around the food table and doesn’t talk, but if she’s with people she knows she’ll hang close to them.
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?
She can go about her adventures for hours. What she sees, what she finds, what happened along the way all that stuff. She loves to share that with others and loves to hear about others adventures in turn!
What things bore your OC to tears and they couldn’t care less about? Why?
Gossip/drama. She literally could not care less and it bores her to no end. She doesn’t get the appeal of inserting herself, even indirectly, into other peoples drama.
📀 How easy is it to shock your OC? To confuse them? To lie to them, to manipulate them? How are they with feelings of trust? Can your OC be trusted?
She’s seen a lot it can be pretty hard to shock her honestly and she doesn’t get confused particularly easily. When she was younger she was easier to lie to and manipulate but she’s not as naive now she can usually tell when she’s being lied to or someone is attempting to manipulate her. Severa can be very trusting most of the time. She wants to trust people but some people just aren’t trustworthy and she tends to trust her gut on stuff like that. Severa herself can be trusted though she would never turn her back or betray someone who trusts her.
🥝 What does a bad mental health day look like for your OC? Walk us through it with them. What kind of things can help them out of this slump and what kinds of things comfort them when they start to feel like this?
Severa has dealt with anxiety most of her life and then trauma added PTSD to the mix (though I doubt its called that in tes thats what it is). So her bad days can be really hard for her and it can be hard for her to admit that she’s struggling. Before when she was having a hard time she kind of shut herself away from everyone and tried to deal with it alone, which only made it worse. These days when she’s struggling she talks to Irene. She’s a healer and understands and has the resources to help her properly, but even just talking to her helps a ton. It’s good to finally get all of the hurt and fear out in a safe place.
❌ What kind of things would end any relationship for them? Is there a history behind why these things bother them? Could they ever take someone back despite this? If so or if not, why?
Cheating. There would be no talking about things, no trying to save the relationship, it would immediately be over. She’s never been cheated on before, but she’s seen the hurt it’s caused to others and would not tolerate it. She could never take back somebody who did that to her. To her it’s the ultimate betrayal in a relationship. 
🧡 Who is your OC’s favourite person? Why is this person the top of their list and have they actually met them (an idol or rolemodel or celeb can be someone’s favourite after all!).
Farkas! She really feels like she can be herself with him and just let all her walls down without judgement. Even before their relationship this was the case.
🌠 Who was your OC’s first friend? Do they remember them or are they still friends now? Talk about some of the people your OC has lost contact with over the years. Do they have any regrets about losing these people and would they revist them if they could?
Cecilia’s first friend was/is Severa! They’re cousins (mom’s are sisters) and they’re only about 6 months apart so they’ve always had each other and have always been the best of friends and still are, even as adults! Cecilia has lost some contact with friends. She had made a couple in the legion who she lost contact with when she was drafted to Skyrim or after she left the legion. It makes her kind of sad sometimes that she lost contact with these people, but she feels its for the best as she wants to put her time in the legion behind her. She also has friends that she grew up with in Skingrad. Over the years they grew apart. Most of them were other nobles and they became very snobby and she didn’t like that so they grew apart. She doesn’t regret it, but its always sad losing friends.
💗 What would your OC say is their best feature? Why? What do their friends / family / lover(s) / people they know think is their best feature and why?
Her ambition and confidence is what she considers her best features. It keeps her motivated and generally if she wants something done she gets it done without losing that motivation. For her family and friends it varies on what they view as her best feature. Her parents also think her ambition is her best feature. Severa thinks its her loyalty her the ones she cares about, etc.
🍑 Where is your OC’s favourite place to relax or calm down? Recount a story of their time spent in this place! What makes it so special to them?
When she’s stressed she likes to sit on the banks of the White River outside of Whiterun and just watch the water. It’s calming for her. There’s nothing in particular that makes it special to her, just the sights and sounds of it make it calming and make her favorite place to go when she’s stressed especially because she lives right near it so it’s close to her when she needs it.
🍋 Does your OC act petty and jealous easily? What sort of things make them feel like this and do they experience guilt for getting so worked up? How do they deal with these emotions when they get them? If your OC doesn’t feel like this often, why not?
Irene is not a petty or jealous person at all. She’s very chill and trust the people around her. On the occasion she does feel like this it makes her guilty. She does not like feeling that way at all. When she feels like this she’ll usually take a step back find a place to relax for a bit by herself.
💙 What did your OC want to be when they grew up and why? Did they have any lifelong dreams or ambitions they never got to work on or are they currently working to achieve this dream? Has their life taken a very unexpected turn and put all these plans on hold for a while or have they given up on any dreams?
She actually wanted to be a bookkeeper as in she wanted to sell them and what not. She loved reading even as a kid and thought that would be a great job choice for her. Of course she did not end up going that route or anything near it for that matter. As she got older that dream kind of faded not for any particular reason she just wasn’t feeling it anymore but she’s very happy with what she does now.
🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
She does have an accent! She’s a Breton, but she was adopted by and raised by Severa’s family from a very young age (1 or 2) so she has a Colovian accent rather than what most people are used to hearing from Bretons. Her voice is on the higher side and she’s kind of soft spoken, but she has a loud happy laugh! She is not good a singing though and she doesn’t try.
I’ll answer this one for Kari!
🌀 Where is your OC from? Where were they born? Do they still live there, if not why did they move? If they still live in the area how has it changed since their childhood? How many places has your OC lived in and where has been their favourite?
Kari is from Skyrim, the Rift to be exact. She was born on a small farm a couple miles outside Riften, but was orphaned at a young age and left and the farm became run down and abandoned so it has changed. She doesn’t live in Riften anymore, she stays with Severa and Aela in their home in Whiterun. Riften and Whiterun are the only two places she’s lived and she’s more than happy where is and has no plans to leave. So far she’s had a much better experience in Whiterun so she would consider that her favorite.
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alduinsbanes · 2 years
13 + 24 for all of them >:3
Thank you!
13. What’s your oc’s dream home like?
24. What is one thing that, no matter who it’s coming from, would anger your oc?
13. She’s not terribly picky and never wanted anything too big, but her dream home is something big enough to fit her family + something outside of the city because a.) that’s how she grew up and b.) she would like somewhere to keep her horses that she always has access to and doesn’t have to pay stable fees. Just something simple. Luckily for her she does get her dream home. She’s very happy with it.
24. It’s hard to get Severa really angry like someone really has to try and push her buttons to do so, but something that would anger her no matter who it was coming from is someone insulting her family members especially the ones who are too young or cannot otherwise defend themselves.
13. Her dream home is nice without being too extravagant if that makes sense. She grew up in a big grandiose home so it’s been there done that she just wants something more simple now. She ends up in a decent size house in Whiterun’s Wind District (probably still tbd) and she’s happy with that. It’s inside a city, not too fancy, but not too small either which she found is all she ever really wanted.
24. Cecilia can be kind of hot-headed so it any kind of ridicule aimed at her is sure to set her off. She’s good at holding all that in though. Healthy? Probably not, but it avoids outbursts.
13. She’s like Severa and not picky but her dream home is somewhere with enough room for her and her wife’s many children. She would also like a home with a space to take care of patients as she is a healer. Whether that’s inside or just outside of the city she doesn’t care.
24. It is very, very hard to make Irene angry. It takes a lot of effort to get her mad and have her show it. But bad gossip about family/friends though is sure to irritate her.
13. She doesn’t really have a dream home. She got used to moving around a lot as a courier so she doesn’t mind either way as long as it’s clean and dry.
24. Any kind of abuse. She wont stand for it and it makes her really angry. Like enraged.
13. Her dream home is something small and quaint with a good view. Just simple and something hers.
24. Bullying really pisses her off. Like it’s the easiest thing to get her angry.
13. Similar to Irene’s. Enough room for family and her own area to do her alchemy in relative peace.
24. People messing with the stuff she’s working on. Probably kind of a small thing to get angry over, but especially when it comes to her potions some stuff can be dangerous.
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alduinsbanes · 3 years
54-59 for kariii :-)
Thank youuuu <3
54. Does your OC think with his/her head or heart?
She has a habit of thinking with her heart not her head. She does a lot based on emotion rather than actually thinking about it. It’s not a great habit to have, but she’s still pretty young.
55. What are your OC’s thoughts on death?
It terrifies her. She came close to it at a young age, around 15ish, when she was attacked by a werewolf and she’s been terrified since. Death itself and the afterlife she’s been condemned to both scare her.
56. What are some of your OC’s strengths?
She’s loyal, energetic, and driven. Those are her biggest strengths.
57. What are some of your OC’s weaknesses?
She can be naive and unrealistic and those tend to be her biggest weaknesses and are something that can often set her up for disappointment when things dont go as planned.
58. How does your OC take criticism?
She takes it pretty well assuming its constructive. She’ll take it to heart and it genuinely work on the thing she was given criticism for. Just be outright criticized though when it’s not constructive tends to hurt her feelings. She still can take it pretty well and tries not let it bother her too much, but she still doesn’t like it.
59. What does your OC think of him/herself?
She tries to be kind to herself, but sometimes that easier said than done. Her lycanthropy really but her in a pit for a long time. She accepted that this is what she is now but viewed herself as a monster and stayed away from people for the most part. Severa kind of helped bring her out of that pit but she still thinks about it sometimes. She also likes to think of herself as a good person. She likes to help people and she does as best she can even if it’s only in little ways.
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alduinsbanes · 4 years
kari has accidentally called severa mom at least twice she got really embarrassed about it both times
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alduinsbanes · 3 years
♦️ for cecilia and kari?
thank you!!
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Cecilia - Cecilia doesn’t really have any quirks aside from maybe being super stubborn if that counts. As for hobbies though she likes to make soaps and lotions. She doesn’t sell them and usually just makes them for herself or friends and family, but its something that she has fun doing.
Kari - One of Kari’s quirks is she bites her nails. It’s a bad habit and she just does it without thinking even when she isn’t nervous. As for hobbies, she likes to bake! Once Severa lets her mess around in her kitchen she really starts to enjoy it and gets pretty good at it! It balances out since Severa is awful at it.
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alduinsbanes · 4 years
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i haven’t posted about kari in a long time but here she is remade in skyrim se! she is the youngest member of severa and aela’s pack before marcella comes along :)
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alduinsbanes · 4 years
29 for Severa and Kari!!
Thank you!!!
29. What recurring dreams do they have? 
Severa: She has some recurring nightmares and the occasional recurring dream. She tends to have more recurring characters in dreams than she does actual recurring dreams themselves though.
Kari: Kari has some recurring dreams about her family. She was orphaned a long time ago but she still dreams about them sometimes. She finds them comforting even though she didn’t know them very long.
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alduinsbanes · 3 years
5 thru 10 for Adrilia and Kari !
thank you jake!!! <3
5. What do they look like?
For starters shes pretty short at about 5′1. She’s fair skinned, but isn’t as pale as some of the nords in Skyrim. She has green eyes and dark brown and curly hair (like 3b i think would be the best descriptor). She generally wears her hair down and rarely wears makeup and when she does it’s pretty light. She has a hooked nose and a kind of a more angular face.
Kari is tall at about 5′10. She’s very fair skinned. She has straight blonde hair. She has blue-brown heterochromia. She wears her hair kind of half up half down most of the time. She wears it up more often when Marcella gets into the pulling hair phase. She wears war paint, but otherwise doesn’t usually wear any other makeup. Her nails are usually painted though. She has a roman nose but other wise kind of a baby face.
6. What are their defining features?
A defining feature of Adrilia is her compassion. She is very compassionate which is helpful for her as an alchemist since she often deals with people who are ill.
A defining feature of Kari is that she manages to remain upbeat and peppy almost always. It’s a good thing and tends to rub of on the people around her.
7. Does their name have a meaning?
Neither of their names have a special meaning!
8. What family do they have?
She has her mother who still lives up in highrock and her sister and her partner their and children. In Skyrim, she has her wife, Irene, and their four children. She has Irene’s family too that she considers to be family especially after they marry.
She doesn’t have an bio family left but she has a found family who she is very happy with. She considers Severa and Aela and their children to be her family.
9. Do they have a good relationship with their family?
She does! She loves her family very much and even if they don’t get to see each other often she’s always sure to write them often.
She also does. She loves Severa and Aela and their pups very much.
10. If not, why not?
They both have good relationships with their families so nothing for this one!
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alduinsbanes · 7 years
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New oc her name is Kari and her favorite thing to do is push Severa’s buttons
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