vilyadulac · 7 years
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Had to be done
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I am a simple person. I see an opportunity I take it.
Mr. Mc Horseyhorse safes the day from Aggramar
( I have WAY to much fun with these cinematic)
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vilyadulac · 8 years
Get to know me better meme
Name: I'm not overly fond of my name? If I don't disclose it, it's because I don't really recognize myself in it.
Nicknames: Barring those that derive from my real name, there's Vilya, Niphredil and Freia.
Gender: Female
Star sign: Aries
Height: 5'8
Sexual orientation: Biro ace
Hogwarts house: Slytherin with a dash of Ravenclaw
Favorite color: Black, black, black, purple, dark red, emerald green
Favorite animal: Owls. And cats. Owlcats.
Average hours of sleep: I need 9+ hours of sleep per night to feel rested, which means I'm perpetually tired. I usually get 6 or 7.
Cat or dog person: Cats. Cats cats cats.
Favorite fictional characters: There are loads so just off the top of my head, Remus Lupin, Samwise Gamgee, Wrathion, Anduin Wrynn, Miles Edgeworth.
Number of blankets I sleep with: Only 3 because I have an electric heating blanket underneath hehe.
Favorite singer/band: Yuki Kajiura's and Loreena McKennitt's works are particularly close to my heart.
Dream trip: Anywhere in Europe, especially in the UK, where I can visit aaaaall the castles and aaaaall the cathedrals. I love detailed stone and stained glass and old constructions and history.
Dream job:  Not having a job. Simply living my passions and contributing the way I want without having to worry about income.
Favorite food: Dessert. My mother's cheesecake is hard to beat.
First fandom: Harry Potter
When was this blog created?: May 2nd, 2015
Current number of followers: 254
When did your blog reach its peak?: No idea, I don't really pay attention.
What made you decide to make a Tumblr?: I wanted to try it as a means to share my cosplay pictures. Turns out it's pretty effective thanks to the tags. This personal side blog is to be able to “save” fandom things I like by reblogging them, and to reply to stuff and quizzes. I’m not tagging anyone in particular; anyone reading is free to do it!
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vilyadulac · 8 years
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T’uure transmogs part 2
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vilyadulac · 8 years
tagged by @redandpointy
Rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better. Anyone can do it! Most people I know here are real life friends so~
1. How old are you? 27
2. What’s your current job? Studies
3. What are you talented at?: My main talent has always been with music, mainly violin, classical guitar and vocal harmonies. There's the cosplay disciplines, so sewing, sculpting, painting, etc. There's calligraphy... jewelry making *points at diploma*... just not cooking or visual arts or anything social, I suck at those.
4. What is a big goal you are working towards (or have already achieved)? Not studying anymore?
5. What’s your aesthetic? Baroque/rococo, brocade and lace, stained glass, candles, roses, old stone buildings and churches.
6. Do you collect anything? Cinema tickets; I've kept every one of them since 2000.
7. What’s a topic you always talk about? Why us Slytherins are misunderstood. :C
8. What’s a pet peeve of yours? When people can't say no and accept responsibilities they have no intention of fulfilling.
9. Good advice to give? Patience is key.
10. What are three songs you’d recommend? I Talk To The Rain, Yuki Kajiura
Red Moon, Kalafina
Tango to Evora, Loreena McKennitt (always best live <3)
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vilyadulac · 8 years
I'm also glad that Wrathion was removed from Highmountain; it didn't make sense for him to be fixated on the Legion's return in MoP but then when the Legion actually arrives he gets all preoccupied with the future of his Flight when it would be completely futile if the Legion was to destroy Azeroth.
It's clear that Blizzard wanted to remove his “only un-corrupt Black Dragon in existence” status, either with Ebyssian or with the eggs. They're probably going somewhere with this.
What they also did is they gave to someone else one of Wrathion's particularities which was to receive visions from Azeroth. He'd known about the Legion's coming before anyone else through those, but now Magni gets them too. Magni is the messenger now.
So what's left that defines Wrathion? He is at fault for having been part of the plan to release Garrosh and so he still has that to answer to... He ate Lei Shen's heart “filled with Titan magic” and had a vision about “[rebuilding] the final Titan” which still needs explaining... He was friends with Anduin who is now King and Wrathion did say that they may perhaps face the enemy together “as brothers”... I think there are still many places where he could fit into the story and contribute, without having him simply becoming a raid boss. Part of what made him interesting is that he was in the grey area between good and bad. Although his motivations seemed genuine, his methods were dubious and he couldn't be trusted. This ambiguity is something I hope he'll keep, whatever they decide to do with him.
I’m surprised no one has really talked about this, but with this highmountain questline, I just realised something.
Wrathion is now completely and utterly pointless as a character.
He was created to be a pure, non-corrupt black dragon right? That’s like the only reason he even came into the plot during cataclysm. (and what an expansion to be introduced into the canon, you poor, poor bastard)
But Ebonhorn was introduced during the Highmountain quests and was discovered to be non-corrupt and has been around far longer than Wrathion has.
… So what’s the point in wrathion’s existence in the narrative now?
Why did Ebonhorn need to exist? Why did they scrap the concept of Wrathion being in Highmountain for … the exact same character concept? … Even though what makes Wrathion stand out is that he is the ONLY NON-CORRUPT BLACK DRAGON.
… I…
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vilyadulac · 8 years
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Rise of the High King
I was thinking of Varian’s funeral, and what that moment meant not only as the closing chapter on Varian’s story, but as the begging of Anduin as the High King of the Alliance. I was thinking of the predicament Anduin would be in when facing the Legion, Cooperation or Vengeance.
Gabe Gonzalez
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vilyadulac · 8 years
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Dem fashionable Withered
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vilyadulac · 8 years
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I for one am having a hard time matching outfits with the candy colors of the Holy Priest artifact.
Until the really pretty skins are unlocked, here are a few Netherlight Temple looks~ (Not even going to cover the sickly yellow-green one...)
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vilyadulac · 8 years
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Suramar, the capital city of the Shal’dorei
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vilyadulac · 8 years
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really loving legion content so far
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vilyadulac · 8 years
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vilyadulac · 8 years
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vilyadulac · 8 years
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Oh shit…it turned out a little scary. Grommash - Angry frog :-p
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vilyadulac · 8 years
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you know that saying, where like… you never know what you got til its gone ? 
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vilyadulac · 8 years
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goombarash hellscream
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vilyadulac · 8 years
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vilyadulac · 8 years
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Varian Wrynn, Lo’gosh.
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