#karkles STOP
kakitysax · 2 years
I love how quickly some people backtrack when you’re just. Vaguely aggressive at them about something shitty or bigoted they’ve said. Especially when you’re acquaintances and you’re supposed to be nice to each other.
I was talking about being ace and some girl was like “I feel like you’re gonna outgrow that though” (this was her FIRST real conversation with me) and up until then I’d been super nice and convenient and funny around everyone present but when she said that I literally laughed in her face and (still smiling, and in the same casual tone in which we were having the conversation) I was like “What a stupid thing to say. What if I said I felt like you were going to outgrow being attracted to men? I’ve been waiting to be attracted to people since I was twelve and hey, nobody believed me then either, but I feel like if it was going to happen it would have by now” and she was sooooo upset she was all blushing and embarrassed and apologizing and I was all like “hey man just don’t do it again” it literally felt so good. I’m usually super conflict averse but man I’m STILL riding that fucking high.
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thewebcomicsreview · 5 months
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Woah, it's a hamsteak! Bit early this month, maybe they're splitting it into two parts (Edit: Apparently yes, per a newspost). They've been teasing a big [S] page for a while, probably where the game starts in Meat and The Point is revealed in Candy, and these updates seem like they're getting everyone in position for that. We're now done with the Ship and with DIrk, and we won't see either until the [S] comes, but we still need to pick up the kids and see what Karkat is up to, so I'm expecting this is a setup-heavy update for an [S] page...next month, on 6/12? Let's see.
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Candy Karkat is blatantly Solid Snake and I'm a bit surprised the old team never had him riff a Snake catchphrase. New team popping that cherry right off. Also, wow, Karkles got swole.
We're just going all-in on the Metal Gear references, but Meenah loses fishpoints for not calling him Big Bass. It's right there, Meenah.
Is there? I hadn't noticed, because the war is entirely fucking offscreen in HS2, to the point where I'm really unclear on if it's huge open battles (as in the epilogues) or a terrorist insurgency (as implied by Jane's focus on PR, the lack of any on-screen fighting, and even here Karket saying he was blowing up "Crockercorp" supply depots instead of "human" supply depots). "Escalating" is an interesting word, though. I have a theory that Jane and Rose both don't consider any of Earth C's population "Real", and in Jane's mind she's basically just been larping as a bad guy up until her dad died and she got serious, and this is why Jane was seemingly cool with helping Jade raise Yiffy, even though Jade is a commander in the anti-Jane rebel army. Jane's going to just stop being evil on a dime and everyone but Rose and Jane are going to be baffled.
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There was a writer commentary where they kept making jokes about doing this, but I guess it's real. Why is the Carapacian naked?
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These guys, who are not guaranteed to survive to the end of the update, are already fucking great.
Is this the first 413 in HS2? I'm surprised they're not using 612, the troll number.
KARKAT: ALSO THIS COVERT-OPS SUIT IS TIGHT AS ALL FUCK. MEENAH: well if its any consolation that may be rough for you but its a pretty great time to be your rear admire-all 38) KARKAT: MUCH OBLIGED.
The ship no one expected!
KARKAT: NOT LIKE DAVE. MEENAH: how you feelin about that
I know Karkat hasn't had a lot of screen time in HS2, and I know they've justified why this is coming up now, but as far as Karkat knows Candy Dave A. Married Jade, and then B. Died fifteen years ago. Has this really not come up in fifteen years?
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SOLLUX: there's like a bazillion m0oks swarming ar0und my crib and none 0f the grubereats dudes are accepting orders right n0w. SOLLUX: probably 0n account 0f your inc0nvenient ass war. SOLLUX: could y0u pick me something up? SOLLUX: i'm assuming you're 0n your way.
Is this...the first on-screen interaction between Karkat and Sollux since Cascade in 2011? It was worth the wait.
This is maybe the most Karkat interaction ever. He's furious for extremely good reasons, he's constantly insulting his friends, of course he'll swing his A-team war truck by McDonalds on the way to the war zone to get Sollux something. Doesn't even occur to him not to.
KARKAT: AND WE NEVER LET IT GO. LOB 4: Well said, sir! KARKAT: WHAT THE FUCK. KARKAT: HOW LONG HAVE YOU ALL BEEN LISTENING? TER 2: Pretty much since the beginning, sir!
It's cool and thematic that these guys talk in Dave's colors but I'm unbelievably sad they don't have names.
Last time we saw Vrissy, she was seeing Yiffy for the first time. I was expecting an update following up on that before the big everything coming together, but maybe they won't get a chance to talk yet
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Because this sure feels like the last page before an [S]
Edit: But it isn't, the news post said another update this month.
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evilhomestuckposter · 2 years
davekat gay rap duo fanfic 2023 >83
Here you go!! Enjoy :3 (Read at link or below line)
“Karkles. Kitkat. Karkitty. Vantass.” Dave poked his boyfriend’s arm to accentuate each word, laying on his stomach and watching as Karkat read a book. Finally, with an insincere roll of the eyes, Karkat lowered the book, turning his head to make eye contact through Dave’s shades. 
“Ugh, fine. What?” Dave offered a goofy grin, resting his chin in his hands as he looked up at Karkat and attempting to turn up the charm as much as possible. It clearly worked, as a slight red flush appeared across Karkat’s cheeks. Boom.
“I’m bored.”
Karkat groaned loudly, throwing his head back in mock exasperation. 
“And what the fuck exactly am I supposed to do about that?” Despite his words, he set the book on the table next to him, giving Dave his full attention.
“We should mix some sick beats, you know, the kind so ill it’s coughing all over the place. So ill that it has a fever of one-hundred two point five-six-seven-eight. We could spin some beats so sick that they’re in the ICU at a top tier hospital, but- oh no! These beats have an irregular heartbeat. Call a code blue on these sick beats, oh shit! They’re flatlining. But wait… What’s that?” Dave started beatboxing. “That’s right, these beats are back, sick as fuck.”
Karkat just stared at him, looking mildly amused. 
“Okay, dork,” he laughed. 
Dave grinned. 
“Hell yeah, still got it.” He scooped up Karkat and floated down to his room (aka “respiteblock”), laughing as Karkat halfheartedly cursed him out over it. Dave set him down gently next to his turntables and sat down next to him. Offering Karkat an earbud, he started mixing. 
Staring at Dave, Karkat felt a light flush rise to his cheeks, enjoying the passion in Dave’s eyes. He just stared, one of his fangs poking slightly into his bottom lip as he did so. 
Dave looked up, noticing Karkat’s deer-in-a-headlight look and chuckling under his breath. 
“You good?”
“Huh?” Karkat snapped out of it, chewing his bottom lip. “Oh! uh-yeah!” Dave just shrugged, going back to mixing and mumbling under his breath with a small smile on his face, causing Karkat to practically swoon. 
“Ayo it’s Davey S. and Karkitty
I spit bars while he looks pretty
Stuck in meteor-city
On that itty-bitty-karkitty-committee.” Dave pressed a few buttons and then played it back, looking to Karkat for approval. Karkat, quite flustered at that point, grumbled.
“I’m not itty-bitty…” Dave laughed.
“Whatever you want to believe, but you sure as hell are pretty.”
Karkat hid his face in his hands, mumbling something under his breath before grabbing Dave by the collar and kissing him passionately, taking the other boy by surprise. Allowing his eyes to fall shut, he ran his hands up the back of Dave’s neck and into his hair, nibbling very gently at his bottom lip and smiling at the small gasp he made. 
Karkat allowed their lips to part, pressing their foreheads together and panting slightly. 
“You think so?” 
Dave grinned, nodding and staring into Karkat’s eyes through his shades. 
“Well duh.” 
Karkat responded by tearing off Dave’s shades and pulling him in for another kiss, stopping when he felt Dave’s hands on his chest. Slightly breathless, Dave spoke up. 
“You should try.”
“Try what?” Karkat looked confused, wrinkling his nose slightly and glancing rather unsubtly at Dave’s lips. 
“Rapping. Spit some bars, you know?” Karkat laughed.
“I don’t know. I doubt I’d be very good at-” he made finger quotes “-’spitting bars’.”
“Try?” Dave asked softly, bringing a hand up to cup his cheek and causing Karkat’s heart to skip a beat. Karkat groaned.
“Fine, but no laughing if I’m bad at it.” Dave beamed, pumping the air with his fist. 
“Hell yeah! Okay, let me show you how.” He placed Karkat’s hand on one of his turntables, placing his own atop it and gently showing him how to move it. He pressed a button. “Alright, now that you have a beat going, try rapping.” 
Karkat thought for a moment. 
“Okay, uh… Sitting here.. rapping with- Davey S
But… he’s playing checkers while I play chess
No rap experience but it’s no stress
I confess, I’m a mess, but… nevertheless
I acquiesce I give a sweet wretched flying fuck
I got you through sheer dumb luck
So fucking hot you’ve got me dumbstruck
Yeah you’ve got me.. lovestruck
Uh- yeah,” Karkat was suddenly rather embarrassed, and Dave looked just as surprised. 
“Hey Karkat?”
“...Yeah…?” Karkat was fully expecting to be made fun of. 
“I am so attracted to you right now. Spitting straight bars, you’ve got me seeing stars, call that- mmph!”
Karkat kissed him again, a laugh bubbling from his throat as they toppled over sideways.
“I love you, idiot,” He said in between kisses. Dave hummed contentedly. 
“I love you too.” 
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agentmothman00 · 2 years
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*saw trap voice* hello karkles.
cherry stopped using his main account for talking and im splatoon expert mutual now.
personally i need both games because im insane and need to play as much splatoon as i can. but the splatoon experience can be gotten from just 3.
the only thing youre missing out on with splatoon 2 is the amount of weapons you can use for each level. which isnt at all necessary. but i enjoy it because i like to 1000% the game and it makes me happy.
if you were to buy one i do recommend 3 because its still new and there are still splatfests coming out.
but if you do eventually go back and play splatoon 2 there might be some features youre used to that you arent able to use anymore, which might get confusing or frustrating.
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My Stardew Valley farmer is autistic and nonverbal when overwhelmed and uses sign language which means that Shane gets to have a hilariously terrifying moment where he wonders if he's been depressed monologuing to a deaf person this entire fucking time
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I am the Horrible Goose that Lives in the Town
I did a reading of one of the greatest pieces of literature in our generation
(short, powerful, reads like epic poetry)
my mic is bad so the audio is a little tinny and there's some puffs of air ;-;
and I did this in one take so there's a few little mistakes
but all-in-all it was so fun and I had a blast
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kakitysax · 2 years
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friendly reminder that if MY parents aren’t ableist, then yours don’t have to be.
acceptance of invisible disabilities isn’t some woke generational trend, it’s basic respect and unconditional love.
if your parents are jerks about your disability, it doesn’t mean that they’re right. It just means they’re jerks.
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kakitysax · 2 years
When I was like 14 I didn’t know how STDs “got started” because there has to be a patient zero right? Right??? And so I thought that there was a very small chance that any sexually mature human could spontaneously develop an STD and become a new patient zero. Then I got a weird rash around my mouth and asked my doctor mom if I had herpes and she just fucking looked at me and that cleared that misconception up pretty quick. Turns out I was drooling in my sleep and it was drying out the skin around my mouth. Still don’t know how STDs get started tho.
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kakitysax · 2 years
Listen y’all I know those posts go around like “being productive, getting exercise, taking care of yourself etc. helps so much with mental health”
And here’s the thing. It REALLY fucking does. I am objectively doing so well. I’ve got therapy, effective meds, regular exercise, and good eating, sleeping, and hygiene habits. They all help my mental health sooooo much it’s incredible.
But, full disclosure, most of the time I’m out here living my best life and feeling like this:
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And this isn’t to say “don’t try to better yourself because it’s all worthless anyway.” I highly recommend all of the aforementioned things, they’ve been so good for me and they make those moments of happiness and satisfaction so much more frequent and rewarding.
What I’m trying to say is that if you’re depressed, it’s not your fault for not trying hard enough at XYZ. I literally do XYZ and I’m still just kind of shuffling through life with this miasma of despair and self-loathing. Depression is an honest to god illness, and while eating veggies and brushing your teeth is objectively good for your physical well-being, it won’t magically cure you.
So if anyone’s out there basically trying to tell you “just don’t be sad” with different words, know that it’s bullshit. I’m proof that it’s possible to live a full, healthy life with depression. But I’m also proof that no matter how much work you do, it’s impossible to just lifestyle your way out of being depressed altogether.
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kakitysax · 2 years
Me signing up for Extracurricular Activity: teehee this is so fun and fulfilling :) love doing thing I enjoy in community with others who also enjoy thing :)
Me having to attend Extracurricular Activity:
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kakitysax · 2 years
in which I review the cutscenes and sunken scrolls of the original splatoon because I need to do thorough research on all of my interests before participating
thumbnail credit goes to @jayexists (whose prompt was "shitty cuttletavio yaoi")
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kakitysax · 2 years
Love when I like do some art for a mutual of something they’re passionate about and they like it so they know I’ve seen it but they haven’t reblogged it but I KNOW that they’re gonna reblog it and so the only feasible reason they haven’t yet is that they’re like sitting in their house somewhere choking and dying and frothing at the mouth and I’ve fucking killed them it literally feels like this
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kakitysax · 2 years
I live in a dorm with very thin walls and it's super funny having my ADHD friends over because we all piss TORRENTIALLY. We like legitimately all just forget about all our bodily functions until once every like three hours or so when one of my friends will suddenly get up, chug from their water bottle, stuff three leftover breadsticks into their mouth, then go into the bathroom and release a hose-like stream of piss for a solid 20 seconds before coming out and beginning to pace. There's like three people who do this specific thing in my room (myself included) and it's really funny that this is like, a pattern.
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kakitysax · 2 years
so much of finding myself has been deeply literal as a result of my autism
I didn’t endemically generate any of my mannerisms. Instead I see people and characters and find THEIR mannerisms delightful and absorb them. And I used to think that was me being fake. I see things I like and I make them me so that people will like me too.
But then I started to shift my thinking. What if, the reason I loved these things in the first place was because they were me? It was MY preferences that dictated the picking and choosing, after all. Why did I like copying this child, but not that one? Why was I so able to reject the things I DIDN’T want to be, if there wasn’t some invisible metric by which I was choosing what to imitate? These things were meant to be part of me, I was meant to find them and go “there you are” and slip it into the place where it had always fit.
And it doesn’t feel like an addition, it feels like a reveal. It feels like I’ve found a way to more accurately be who I’ve always been.
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kakitysax · 2 years
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Something something “long journey” something something “single step”
I might have bitten off more than I could chew here but in my defense the small bites weren’t exciting enough for me to swallow.
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kakitysax · 2 years
My (male, queer) friend who is in my school’s glee club just said to me, COMPLETELY /gen “I mean, everyone thinks that glee club is gay, but like…half of them AREN’T :/”
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