#katarina leau
tragedybunny · 5 years
The Blade’s Edge - A League of Legends Fanfiction - Chapter 10
They had a simple arrangement. She was the weapon to be used on his enemies. Things get more complicated when emotions bleed into what should simple. Now the two of them find themselves on the precipice of something that was entirely unexpected. 
Lady Montrose has an old family name, an old family Manor, and an even older idea of how society should function. She also has a vast fortune to put behind her ideas, which is why most of them have flocked here. Of course these days the once great lady is a mere puppet for her grandson, Augustus. It is he who greets the guests and acts as host, a child playing dress-up, pretending to greatness.
“Ah, Grand General, Sir, Grandmother will be most honored.” He’s worse than a mere useless nobility fop, he’s spent so many years in scholarly pursuits, he now believes himself truly intelligent.
              His eyes genuinely light up when he greets Kat. “Katarina, it’s been forever, you look lovely.” He takes her hand, kisses it, and lingers entirely too long. There were rumors once about the two of them. I should ask her about it, it could prove useful. “We should talk later, it will be good to catch up.”
              We move along, further into the cavernous, ancient hall.  “Be careful what you say to him. I don’t trust him or this situation.”
              She just shrugs. “You don’t trust anyone.”
              “That’s beside the point. And not entirely true. I trust you don’t I?”
              She stops, she can’t hide the faint smile on her lips. “Fine, one exception.”
              “I mean there’s one or two more, probably.”
              “You’re not really making your case any better.” We’ve moved out of earshot of the boy, and she stops to whisper viciously at me. “Do you really think I’m an idiot though? Just look at him, he’d stab his own mother in back. In fact, that may have literally happened. You really think I’d trust him for a second?”
              She has a point. “No, that was reactionary.” I kiss her forehead, she leans into it. “Do stop trying to pick a fight though, you’ve been doing it since…” Right, her mother. I take her arm. “Earlier. I don’t want to spend all night arguing with you.” I keep my voice level, trying to prove my point. We continue moving.
              We cut through the overdressed crowd, wealth for them displayed as a show of strength, thronging between the overly plush parlors and the lavish ballroom. The lamps reflect off jewels at every turn, laughter flowing with the wine, and again they gossip and whisper as we pass. I pay it no mind, I’m here to achieve something, a step forward for Noxus.
              Kat’s voice cuts through the din. “Sorry for being difficult, I wasn’t expecting what happened earlier.”
              I’m slightly taken aback at her honesty. “Would you feel better if I found you someone to stab?”
              “Maybe.” It was supposed to make her smile again, but her response is a soft monotone.
  We pause again, stepping out of the flow of the crowd around us. I lean down to kiss her, pulling her against me, feeling every one of her curves pressed against me through her dress. “Or maybe we should wander off and find some place secluded.”
  She’s wrapped herself around me. “Wouldn’t that be too undignified for your position? Imagine the Grand General fucking some harlot in an abandoned hallway.” Her lips graze my ear and she has no idea how close I am to recreating that moment. There are more pressing matters however.  She sighs softly, not pulling out of my arms. “I don’t really want to fight with you.” Her words are uncharacteristically tinged with sadness.
  Frequently she’s angry or annoyed or irritable, she’s never sad. It strikes me as wrong somehow. I reach up to cup her cheek and brush my thumb along it. “Then let’s not.” She nods and lets me continue leading us toward our goal, stopping to grab a glass of wine from a passing servant.
  I spy Argos, engrossed in some conversation and looking as uncomfortable as ever. When he looks up and his eyes meet mine, I signal for him to follow. We come at last to a back parlor, buried in the depths of the house. The horde of guests has thinned out, leaving the area much quieter. Inside, Darius is already waiting with Augustus’s younger sister, Coraline.
  Argos looks around quickly, clearly trying to ascertain if the situation bids him ill. Coraline senses the tension and gestures around her. “Do take a seat.”
  The plush couches arranged in a semicircle are faded with age and fraying, the gilding is wearing off in some spots it would seem. The lamps are set low to attract less attention. “Is she here?” I look to Coraline.
  “Of course. Thankfully my dear brother let me handle some of the arrangements for this evening.” She rises to speak in hushed tones to a servant just outside the door.
  I take a seat directly across from Argos, Darius to my left. Kat remains standing behind me, draining another glass of wine she acquired from somewhere. In moments a short woman with sun-kissed skin is shown in by the servant.
  Coraline introduces her to our small group. “This is Amara Whitney. For those of you unfamiliar with our purpose here tonight, she has a most intriguing proposal for a strategy to quickly and reliably produce black powder weapons.” Argos and Darius lean forward, suitably invested in the revelation.
  “Correct.” The strength of her voice is disproportionate to her sleight frame. “By combining parts made to exact specifications and the rifled barrel, we can make unlimited, accurate, black powder weapons. With the steam engine providing power to machine those parts we can do it quickly and efficiently.” It’s a beautiful image, the forces of Noxus, armed with endless black powder weapons. It’s needed as well. The vision in the North gave me the first hint, but there have been others since, some conspiracy is establishing itself. I have an intimation who is agitating it, but it’s been frustratingly mostly chasing shadows. I know the Generals I have put in place will keep the army loyal though, and I may need it to be as deadly as possible. Just one of many security measures I’m working into place.
  “If funds were provided to set up the operation in small scale, you would guarantee your results?” I stare her down, searching for any sign of hesitation.
  She holds fast. “Of course, all that’s needed is funding.”
  “Your input?” I look to Darius and Argos.
  “That would be quite the advantage. Hextexch is near impossible to acquire in large numbers and we already control most of the black powder production on the continent.” Argos is eager.
  “It needs to be funded. High Command will be skeptical of taking that on.” Darius has a point.
  “I know, that’s why we need private investors.” Of course, I’ll be involved, but as promising as it is, I will not be bankrolling it solo. If it all works out though, selling the arms to the Empire should net a nice profit. There’s a reason I turned the family fortune from lands and estates to finance and investments.
  “So we need to decide who to go to. This may be too forward thinking for some of my more traditional peers.” Coraline looks pointedly at me and Kat, still standing behind me. “I will be happy to contribute, provided Augustus is not an obstacle.”  That is the conundrum, as stuck as they are in their ways, the Nobility still has plenty of resources. There is an alternative.
  “Why involve them at all?” All eyes turn to Kat. “They are rotting in their ways and traditions while the bankers and merchants thrive. Why not go to those who have been making their own fortune, at least they can see the future.”
  I turn my gaze toward her, stunned she involved herself, and more than a little impressed that she cut to the heart of the matter. “That’s exactly the solution. We don’t need them.” I haven’t been trying to convince her she has more abilities than just being an assassin for my own amusement. I reach up and put my hand over hers. “Very astute observation.”
  All eyes are still on her. “Right, I’m bored now. I’m going to find another drink.” She turns her back on those eyes and exits briskly.
  “She’s been spending way too much time with you.” Darius grins like he knows some hidden secret. “If she’s not careful you’re going to make her completely boring.”
  “Moving on. Coraline, secure an exit for our new friend. I’ll count on you to get meetings with the right investors. I’ll see to it that your brother isn’t much trouble at all”
  She nods, looking perfectly satisfied at my last words. “I will be in touch.”
  Finally, this night is nearing a conclusion. Although it has been enjoyable parading Kat around at my side. “We should all go out and fulfill our social obligations before leaving.” I look pointedly at Argos. “Let’s not make things too obvious for now. Darius, try not to drink our host dry.”
  “Kat’s probably already beat me to it.” I should find her before that gets close to being true.
  We exit one by one, slipping back into the sea of guests. I make the rounds, exchanging empty pleasantries, listening to numbing prattle, and keep an eye out for Kat. I know how she can get when the wine starts flowing, and she already hates crowds.
  There is no sign of her after I’ve passed through nearly every room that’s occupied.  Honestly, if she’s left on her own, we’ll have words later. Finally, hemmed in by some weasel faced little bureaucrat on the edge of the lavish ballroom I spot her, dancing with Augustus Montrose. I feel my jaw tighten, I explicitly warned her about him.
  I keep her in my sight, determined to see them separated without this turning into a scene between the two of us. I’ve never had the opportunity to see her dance before. Every step is elegant and perfectly measured, reflective of her other skills. The idiot leans in and says something and she laughs, looking absolutely carefree. Why is that almost anyone else can do that so easily?
  A huge shadow looms over me and the poor, sniveling fellow trying to engage me vanishes. Darius gets uncomfortably close, a wine glass in each hand. “You know, instead of glaring at Montrose like you're going to murder him later, you could just ask her to dance?”
  He’s entirely too fixated on this. “Are you implying I’m jealous?”
  “I’m not even implying, I saying it.”
  “Don’t be ridiculous. She’s free to do as she pleases. I just don’t want this having any consequences later.” I don’t need everyone here connecting the two of them.
  He rolls his eyes and continues drinking as a response. The music ends and Montrose walks her off the dance floor, finding another drink to pass to her. When she looks in my direction we lock eyes and she immediately looks down and away. Neither walk away and he continues to hover around her. That’s it, the pampered little fop has had enough of her time.
  I start towards them. “Nope, not jealous at all,” Darius mutters behind me.
  The music begins again. “One more dance?” His voice exudes artifice and practiced charm.
  I clear my throat behind them. “Apologies Augustus.” At least her apology wasn’t sincere and now we can finally be done with this. “I owe one to someone else.” She smiles and grabs my hand, pulling me toward the dance floor with surprising strength. This wasn’t what I had intended in the least.
  “By all means.” He bows graciously but stares daggers at me. Idiot.
  We find ourselves in the midst of a waltz, at the edge of the dance floor, perfectly visible to everyone. “Now everyone’s staring again.” Her cheeks are flushed, though if it’s the wine, the warmth of the room, or the attention, I can’t tell.
  “That’s because I don’t typically dance.” And I don’t know why I am now.
  “I can tell.” She laughs in that same carefree manner she had with Darius earlier. And like her smile at home, it’s been far too long since she laughed like that around me.
  “I’m not that bad, you’re very mean.”
  “Don’t worry, I’m good enough for both of us.” She’s right, I am terrible at this, but I struggle through. My timing is completely off and I step on her at least twice, but her hand in mine leads me on. The scent of violet perfume that surrounds her is almost intoxicating. It combines with the heat of the room and makes it difficult to draw breath. It’s a little bit of delirium, and dangerously I let the room and the crowd fade away in my mind until there’s just the two of us, just for a second. Then reality pushes back in and the foolishness of it seizes me. The waltz concludes and she lets out a little sigh. At least this has served as distraction enough that no one will remember her and Augustus. “I imagine you’re ready to leave.”
  A strand of her hair has come loose, I reach out and brush it behind her ear. “We could stay if you want.” She seemed so content. 
  She closes her eyes. “No, let’s go, I’m done with all this.”
  She leans her head on my shoulder the whole ride home, eyes half closed. I can tell she overdid it when I wasn’t watching. “So, when do you want me to kill him?” She finally breaks the silence.
  I hesitate, that was the last topic I expected. “Later.” I don’t want to worry about plots and plans and grand schemes for the rest of the night. “It can wait.”
  “Pretending to be somewhat pleasant tire you out?” Her lips brush my cheek softly, in direct opposition to her little jab.
  I pull her tighter against me. “You always insist on pushing your luck with me, don't you Kitten?”
  We finally come to a stop and I help her step down from the carriage. The snow has begun falling again, wet and heavy, blanketing the walk. She missteps and wobbles a bit, my arms wrap around her, keeping her on her feet. “Most dangerous assassin in Noxus, can’t walk in the snow.”
  She starts to dissolve into that soft giggling that only comes out when she’s like this.  “Shut it! It’s this stupid outfit I’m stuffed into.” 
  “And you’re tipsy. Do you need me to carry you?” She continues to laugh while playfully swatting my hand away. She looks breathtaking with the snow falling around her and her eyes lit up with genuine mirth. I wonder for a moment if we could always be like this. Could she be all happiness and smiles if I tried? Would she want that? Just to make life easier for both of us.
  The servants are all asleep and I keep her from waking Gwen when we get upstairs.  I’m tired of being around other people. “Who’s going to get me out of this damn thing?”
  “Be patient for a few seconds.” I take her shoulders and turn her away from me. I get to work on the tiny little buttons, followed by the lacing, their precious nature preventing me from using my left hand. She waits patiently, letting me take my time undressing her, finally sighing softly when my fingers trace her bare skin. I help her with the little pins in her hair, admiring the way it cascades down her back when freed.
  She turns and her arms entwine me as she leans in to give me a teasing kiss, lips parted ever so slightly, her intention obvious. “Not tonight my tipsy little Kitten. Straight to bed with you.” She pouts, as per usual when she’s been denied something, but makes her way to bed.
  When I join her under the covers she's already mostly asleep, curled up in the middle of the bed. “Move over.” I try to gently push her toward her side.
  She mumbles something sleepily but gives way, turning her back toward me. I take my place beside her and make sure the covers are pulled up around her, I know she hates it when she gets cold. My arm wraps around her waist and I lay a light kiss on her shoulder as she relaxes against me. “Night Jericho.” She whispers softly, eyes closed.
  "Goodnight Kat." Sleep eludes me though as I lay here, holding this moment in my mind. It means more than it should, her curled up next to me, content in my arms. I can’t puzzle it out, I tell myself to let it go. I kiss the top of her head and finally begin to drift off. 
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