#kathryn strategist queen
jone-slugger · 4 months
Kathryn Janeway: QUEEN, ICON, GODDESS.
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Sister Beatrice vs. Seven of Nine
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Remember: don't vote on "who would win in a fight", but on "who, when given a task that fits her skillset and talents, would do that task better: more comprehensively, faster, with more pizzazz, with less collateral, etc."
Endorsements! "What is she good at?"
Sister Beatrice, Warrior Nun: Oh my GOD what is she NOT? Mastery in various martial art forms, fluent in Lord knows how many languages, master strategist, BOMBS, and always has a kind word for those who need them.
Seven of Nine, Star Trek: severed from the Borg collective after spending most of her life with them (she was assimilated *as a child*), she found a way to reconcile her human and her Borg heritage, and helped her new "collective", the Voyager crew, overcome all the obstacles that the Delta Quadrant threw at them - including the Borg themselves. Never afraid to speak her mind, she impressed Kathryn Janeway into a relationship some see as friendly, some see as romantic. After Voyager returned to the Alpha Quadrant, Seven joined the Fenris Rangers to do good in places that the Federation did not (want to) reach, and in the process saved the day for another Starfleet captain (and former Borg!), Jean-Luc Picard. Snarky, standoffish, with a heart as big as the galaxy behind a barrier just a tiny little bit more penetrable than the final frontier, she proved her humanity all over again - including serving as queen for a lone Borg cube and coming back from that! And then she gave us the first canon lesbian couple, with Raffi, and later was promoted to captain of the newest USS Enterprise - the first canon queer/wlw captain of the entire show! (okay I'll stop now)
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Hello! I was wondering what’s the most wanted female and male fc’s, roles and species? Thank you!
Ayo! This is an exciting one! All the wants, give us everything ! But alright, here goes...
-cracks knuckles- 
I’ll link you HERE to our page of most wanted faces, but as additional ones, I’ve hit the members with their currently raved about most wanted, watch me have to speed demon the hell out of chasing what all the people people are screaming at me to tell you, but, here’s what is being hollered...in no particular order:
Aaron Tveit [A request for a fae in particular]
Ben Barnes [We have WCs with this as a wanted face, HERE!]
Oliver Jackson-Cohen [As a werewolf, any rank!]
Rahul Kohli [Potential researcher in the Hideout, Human!]
Zane Holtz
Dan Stevens 
Shemar Moore
Luke Mitchell
DJ Cotrona
Tyler Posey 
Blair Redford [Gives me werewolf vibes, or Fae!]
Dacre Montgomery 
Jacob Artist 
Jordan Fisher
Oscar Isaac 
Viggo Mortensen 
John Boyega
Virginia Gardner 
Morena Baccarin [Admin Nova will worship you if you bring her Morena]
Bahar Sahin [Scientist at the Hideout, human, or Nephilim!]
Kathryn Newton
Seychelle Gabriel 
Sofia Boutella [Witch or Sorcerer, any role!]
Tatiana Maslany 
Elizabeth Lail 
Tessa Thompson [Give us a sassy Fae here!]
Troian Bellisario 
Yvette Monreal
Anya Taylor Joy,
Park Boyoung
Samira Wiley 
Liz Gillies
Zazi Beetz
Diane Guerrero
Priyanka Chopra
Sophie turner
Jessica Alba
Christian Serratos
These are of course, just suggestions! You don’t have to go with any of these, they’re just the most called on most wanted when I asked the group! If you also refer to THIS post, I listed a few wanted tropes that I’d love to see! 
And then I’m going to throw you THIS post too for a reference back of the most wanted species from a couple weeks ago!
BUT, adding onto this...because why not... 
As for specific ROLES that I would be so enthused to see filled would be: 
In the Natural Witch hierarchy, Shaman and Wiccan’s would be so cool to see more of, our High Sage needs some back-up on the light side of the witches; he’s totally not on the brink of starting a war...
In the Fae ranks, fillling the spots of the High Court would be interesting to see! Some more power players on the Eastside, gimme! 
We’re absent some Gatekeeper’s in the Merfolk hierarchy, we’re in the middle of the new King and Queen’s wedding & coronation event right now! So, the new rulers need someone to get all their knowledge from. Did I mention there’s an impending war?
Legionary’s ... they... might be needed you know, for wholesome purposes in the Merfolk ranks too! 
Strategists and Scientists in the Hideout and Human ranks, additionally, Civilians and Outsiders either affiliated or not affiliated with the Hideout, we want them all! You know... and a couple more Medics wouldn’t hurt!
We’ve recently introduced a new rank in the Vampires too, Bloodhunters so, the first of those, give us that too! 
As for the Nephilim, GIVE US ANY AND EVERYTHING in our sweet little half angel’s rankings, we adore them and they’re in short supply! 
Werewolves, the pack creatures, the Lywayerers and their crazy tendencies are dwindling, you can find out more information on the pack and their beliefs on the Werewolf LORE page. 
Me, throwing a bunch of information at you, never... 
But whatever you’re musing for, we’d love to have you here in our chaos WHOLESOME little community! If you have anything else we can help or answer for you, hit us back up! Thank you, peace ! 
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stoweboyd · 7 years
The tension in the progressive community about on demand work as a positive, neutral, or negative force in labor economics is tightening, and attention must be paid because the labor laws and tax laws are shaping the lives of millions, even if no apparent plan is in place.
Heller’s piece is a preposterous length and is difficult to summarize, but here goes. New start-ups are operating at the edges and fringes of our economy, tapping into the economic leverage of freelance workers willing -- in the downdraft of the great recession -- to work for peanuts and to rent their possessions (mostly living space) for pocket money, This is the ‘on demand’ economy, which allows some -- mostly  millennials -- to paperclip a livelihood out of Uber, Airbnb, and Hello Alfred. Heller discusses government policies about the precarious lifestyle with political and government leaders, but like the lives of the individuals he talks with, we wind up with no resolution and more answers than we started with. Which might mean Heller’s on the right path, or that our society is falling behind and leaving social policy to be decided by Uber and Airbnb, and not by governments, unions, or other traditional institutions.
The American workplace is both a seat of national identity and a site of chronic upheaval and shame. The industry that drove America’s rise in the nineteenth century was often inhumane. The twentieth-century corrective—a corporate workplace of rules, hierarchies, collective bargaining, triplicate forms—brought its own unfairnesses. Gigging reflects the endlessly personalizable values of our own era, but its social effects, untried by time, remain uncertain.
Support for the new work model has come together swiftly, though, in surprising quarters. On the second day of the most recent Democratic National Convention, in July, members of a four-person panel suggested that gigging life was not only sustainable but the embodiment of today’s progressive values. “It’s all about democratizing capitalism,” Chris Lehane, a strategist in the Clinton Administration and now Airbnb’s head of global policy and public affairs, said during the proceedings, in Philadelphia. David Plouffe, who had managed Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign before he joined Uber, explained, “Politically, you’re seeing a large contingent of the Obama coalition demanding the sharing economy.” Instead of being pawns in the games of industry, the panelists thought, working Americans could thrive by hiring out skills as they wanted, and putting money in the pockets of peers who had done the same. The power to control one’s working life would return, grassroots style, to the people.
The basis for such confidence was largely demographic. Though statistics about gigging work are few, and general at best, a Pew study last year found that seventy-two per cent of American adults had used one of eleven sharing or on-demand services, and that a third of people under forty-five had used four or more. “To ‘speak millennial,’ you ought to be talking about the sharing economy, because it is core and central to their economic future,” Lehane declared, and many of his political kin have agreed. No other commercial field has lately drawn as deeply from the Democratic brain trust. Yet what does democratized capitalism actually promise a politically unsettled generation? Who are its beneficiaries? At a moment when the nation’s electoral future seems tied to the fate of its jobs, much more than next month’s paycheck depends on the answers.
In 1970, Charles A. Reich, a law professor who’d experienced a countercultural conversion after hanging with young people out West, published “The Greening of America,” a cotton-candy cone that wound together wispy revelations from the sixties. Casting an eye across modern history, he traced a turn from a world view that he called Consciousness I (the outlook of local farmers, self-directed workers, and small-business people, reaching a crisis in the exploitations of the Gilded Age) to what he called Consciousness II (the outlook of a society of systems, hierarchies, corporations, and gray flannel suits). He thought that Consciousness II was giving way to Consciousness III, the outlook of a rising generation whose virtues included direct action, community power, and self-definition. “For most Americans, work is mindless, exhausting, boring, servile, and hateful, something to be endured while ‘life’ is confined to ‘time off,’ ” Reich wrote. “Consciousness III people simply do not imagine a career along the old vertical lines.” His accessible theory of the baffling sixties carried the imprimatur of William Shawn’s New Yorker, which published an excerpt of the book that stretched over nearly seventy pages. “The Greening of America” spent months on the Times best-seller list.
Exponents of the futuristic tech economy frequently adopt this fifty-year-old perspective. Like Reich, they eschew the hedgehog grind of the forty-hour week; they seek a freer way to work. This productivity-minded spirit of defiance holds appeal for many children of the Consciousness III generation: the so-called millennials.
“People are now, more than ever before, aware of the careers that they’re not pursuing,” says Kathryn Minshew, the C.E.O. of the Muse, a job-search and career-advice site, and a co-author of “The New Rules of Work.” Minshew co-founded the Muse in her mid-twenties, after working at the consulting firm McKinsey and yearning for a job that felt more distinctive. She didn’t know what that was, and her peers seemed similarly stuck. Jennifer Fonstad, a venture capitalist whose firm, Aspect Ventures, backed Minshew’s company, told me that “the future of work” is now a promising investment field.
In promotional material, Airbnb refers to itself as “an economic lifeline for the middle class.”A company-sponsored analysis released in December overlaid maps of Airbnb listings and traditional hotels on maps of neighborhoods where a majority of residents were ethnic minorities. In seven cities, including New York, the percentage of Airbnb listings that fall in minority neighborhoods exceeds the percentage of hotel rooms that do. (Another study, of user photos in seventy-two majority-black neighborhoods, suggested that most Airbnb hosts there were white, complicating the picture.) Seniors were found to earn, on average, nearly six thousand dollars a year from Airbnb listings. “Ultimately, what we’re doing is driving wealth down to the people,” Chris Lehane, the strategist at Airbnb, says.
It is, of course, driving wealth down unevenly. A study conducted by the New York attorney general in 2014 found that nearly half of all money made by Airbnb hosts in the state was coming from three Manhattan neighborhoods: the Village-SoHo corridor, the Lower East Side, and Chelsea. It is undeniably good to be earning fifty-five hundred dollars a year by Airbnb-ing your home in deep Queens—so good, it may not bother you to learn that your banker cousin earns ten times that from his swank West Village pad, or that he hires Happy Host to make his lucrative Airbnb property even more lucrative. But now imagine that the guy who lives two doors down from you gets ideas. His finances aren’t as tight as yours, and he decides to reinvest part of his Airbnb income in new furniture and a greeting service. His ratings go up. Perhaps he nudges up his prices in response, or maybe he keeps them low, to get a high volume of patronage. Now your listing is no longer competitive in your neighborhood. How long before the market leaves you behind?
A century ago, liberalism was a systems-building philosophy. Its revelation was that society, left alone, tended toward entropy and extremes, not because people were inherently awful but because they thought locally. You wanted a decent life for your family and the families that you knew. You did not—could not—make every personal choice with an eye to the fates of people in some unknown factory. But, even if individuals couldn’t deal with the big picture, early-twentieth-century liberals saw, a larger entity such as government could. This way of thinking brought us the New Deal and “Ask not what your country can do for you.” Its ultimate rejection brought us customized life paths, heroic entrepreneurship, and maybe even Instagram performance. We are now back to the politics of the particular.
For gigging companies, that shift means a constant struggle against a legacy of systemic control, with legal squabbles like the one in New York. Regulation is government’s usual tool for blunting adverse consequences, but most sharing platforms gain their competitive edge by skirting its requirements. Uber and Lyft avoid taxi rules that fix rates and cap the supply on the road. Handy saves on overtime and benefits by categorizing workers as contractors. Some gigging advocates suggest that this less regulated environment is fair, because traditional industry gets advantages elsewhere. (President Trump, it has been pointed out, could not have built his company without hundreds of millions of dollars in tax subsidies.)
Still, since their inception, and increasingly during the past year, gigging companies have become the targets of a journalistic genre that used to be called muckraking: admirable and assiduous investigative work that digs up hypocrisies, deceptions, and malpractices in an effort to cast doubt on a broader project. Some companies, such as Uber, seem to invite this kind of attention with layered wrongdoing and years of secrecy. But they also invite it by their high-minded positioning. Like traditional companies, gigging companies maintain regiments of highly paid lawyers and lobbyists. What sets them apart is a second lobbying effort, turned toward the public.
Questions have emerged lately about the future of institutional liberalism. A Washington Post /ABC News poll last month found that two-thirds of Americans believe the Democratic Party is “out of touch,” more than think the same of the Republican Party or the current President. The gig economy has helped show how a shared political methodology—and a shared language of virtue—can stand in for a unified program; contemporary liberalism sometimes seems a backpack of tools distributed among people who, beyond their current stance of opposition, lack an agreed-upon blueprint. Unsurprisingly, the commonweal projects that used to be the pride of progressivism are unravelling. Leaders have quietly let them go. At one point, I asked Chris Lehane why he had thrown his support behind the sharing model instead of working on traditional policy solutions. He told me that, during the recession, he had suffered a crisis of faith. “The social safety net wasn’t providing the support that it had been,” he said. “I do think we’re in a time period when liberal democracy is sick.”
In “The Great Risk Shift: The New Economic Insecurity and the Decline of the American Dream” (2006), Jacob Hacker, a political-science professor at Yale, described a decades-long off-loading of risk from insurance-type structures—governments, corporations—to individuals. Economic insecurity has risen in the course of the past generation, even as American wealth climbed. Hacker attributed this shift to what he called “the personal-responsibility crusade,” which grew out of a post-sixties fixation on moral hazard: the idea that you do riskier things if you’re insulated from the consequences. The conservative version of the crusade is a commonplace: the poor should try harder next time. But, although Hacker doesn’t note it explicitly, there’s a liberal version, too, having to do with doffing corporate structures, eschewing inhibiting social norms, and refusing a career in plastics. Reich called it Consciousness III.
The slow passage from love beads to Lyft through the performative assertion of self may be the least claimed legacy of the baby-boomer revolution—certainly, it’s the least celebrated. Yet the place we find ourselves today is not unique. In “Drift and Mastery,” a young Walter Lippmann, one of the founders of modern progressivism, described the strange circumstances of public discussion in 1914, a similar time. “The little business men cried: We’re the natural men, so let us alone,” he wrote. “And the public cried: We’re the most natural of all, so please do stop interfering with us. Muckraking gave an utterance to the small business men and to the larger public, who dominated reform politics. What did they do? They tried by all the machinery and power they could muster to restore a business world in which each man could again be left to his own will—a world that needed no coöperative intelligence.” Coming off a period of liberalization and free enterprise, Lippmann’s America struggled with growing inequality, a frantic news cycle, a rising awareness of structural injustice, and a cacophonous global society—in other words, with an intensifying sense of fragmentation. His idea, the big idea of progressivism, was that national self-government was a coöperative project of putting the pieces together. “The battle for us, in short, does not lie against crusted prejudice,” he wrote, “but against the chaos of a new freedom.”
Revolution or disruption is easy. Spreading long-term social benefit is hard. If one accepts Lehane’s premise that the safety net is tattered and that gigging platforms are necessary to keep people in cash, the model’s social erosions have to be curbed. How can the gig economy be made sustainable at last?
Other assessments suggest that employees, too, should get their houses in order. “To succeed in the Gig Economy, we need to create a financially flexible life of lower fixed costs, higher savings, and much less debt,” Diane Mulcahy, a senior analyst at the Kauffman Foundation and a lecturer at Babson College, writes in her book “The Gig Economy,” which is part economic argument and part how-to guide. Ideally, gig workers should plan not to retire. (Beyond Airbnb hosting, Mulcahy sees prospects for aging millennials in app-based dog-sitting.) If they must retire, they should prepare. Mulcahy suggests bingeing on benefits when they come. Fill your dance card with doctors while you’re on employee insurance. Go wild with 401(k) matching—it will come in handy.
This ketchup-packet-hoarding approach sounds sensible, given the current lack of systemic support. Yet, as Mulcahy acknowledges, it’s a survival mechanism, not a solution. Turning to deeper reform, she argues for eliminating the current distinction between employees (people who receive a W-2 tax form and benefits such as insurance and sick days) and contract workers (who get a 1099-MISC and no benefits). It’s a “kink” in the labor market, she says, and it invites abuse by efficiency-seeking companies.
Calls for structural change have grown loud lately, in part because the problem goes far beyond gigging apps. The precariat is everywhere. Companies such as Nissan have begun manning factories with temps; even the U.S. Postal Service has turned to them. Academic jobs are increasingly filled with relatively cheap, short-term teaching appointments. Historically, there is usually an uptick in 1099 work during tough economic times, and then W-2s resurge as jobs are added in recovery. But W-2 jobs did not resurge as usual during our recovery from the last recession; instead, the growth has happened in the 1099 column. That shift raises problems because the United States’ benefits structure has traditionally been attached to the corporation rather than to the state: the expectation was that every employed person would have a W-2 job.
“We should design the labor-market regulations around a more flexible model,” Jacob Hacker told me. He favors some form of worker participation, and, like Mulcahy, advocates creating a single category of employment. “I think if you work for someone else, you’re an employee,” he said. “Employees get certain protections. Benefits must be separate from work.”
In a much cited article in Democracy, from 2015, Nick Hanauer, a venture capitalist, and David Rolf, a union president, proposed that workplace benefits be prorated (someone who works a twenty-hour week gets half of the full-time benefits) and portable (insurance or unused vacation days would carry from one job to the next, because employers would pay into a worker’s lifelong benefits account). Other people regard the gig economy as a case for universal basic income: a plan to give every citizen a modest flat annuity from the government, as a replacement for all current welfare and unemployment programs. Alternatively, there’s the proposal made by the economists Seth D. Harris and Alan B. Krueger: the creation of an “independent worker” status that awards some of the structural benefits of W-2 employment (including collective bargaining, discrimination protection, tax withholding, insurance pools) but not others (overtime and the minimum wage).
I put these possibilities to Tom Perez. He told me that he didn’t like the idea of eliminating work categories, or of adding a new one, as Harris and Krueger suggest: you’d lose many of the hard-won benefits included with W-2 employment, he said, either in the compromise to a single category or because current W-2 companies would find ways to slide into the new classification. He wanted to move slowly, to take time. “The heart and soul of the twentieth-century social compact that emerged after the Great Depression was forty years in the making,” he said. “How do we build the twenty-first-century social compact?”
Perez’s new perch, at the D.N.C., has given him a broader platform, and a couple of hours after the House passed the American Health Care Act last week, he championed the old safety net in forceful language. “Scapegoating worker protections is often a lazy cop-out for some who want to change the rules to benefit themselves at the expense of working people,” he told me. “We shouldn’t have to choose between innovation and the most basic employee protections; it’s a false dichotomy.” The entanglement of the sharing economy and Democratic politics has continued—Perez’s press secretary at the Department of Labor now works for Airbnb—but his approach had circumspection. “Any changes you make to policies or regulations have to be very careful and take all potential ripple effects into account and keep the best interest of the worker in mind.”
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preachbvne · 4 years
***DON'T MISS THIS MESSAGE BELOVED*** Set The Reminder! *Prophetic Word* Make my Speech&Deceit To Be Their Wound & Stripes JUDITH (Weapon of Countenance) Give TO Thy Daughter the Power I have Conceived https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng14odsA2qE
**Destroy Their Stateliness By The Hand **Make My Speech and Deceit be their Wound and Stripes
The King OZIAS Set a Time Limit on Waiting on The Lord (Error) Judith 7:29-32 29Then there was great weeping with one consent in the midst of the assembly; and they cried unto the Lord God with a loud voice. 30Then said Ozi´as to them, Brethren, be of good courage, Let Us Yet Endure Five Days, in the which space the Lord our God may turn his mercy toward us; for he will not forsake us utterly. 31 And if these days pass, and there come no help unto us, I will do according to your word. 32And he dispersed the people, every one to their own charge; and they went unto the walls and towers of their city, and sent the women and children into their houses: and they were very low brought in the city.
Judith Widow full of Counsel and Gift of Beauty Judith 8:7-8 7She was also of a goodly countenance, and very beautiful to behold: and her husband Manass´es had left her gold, and silver, and menservants, and maidservants, and cattle, and lands; and she remained upon them. 8And there was none that gave her an ill word; for she feared God greatly.
Warns Ozias; Error and Evil in their Words Judith 8: 9-11 9Now when she heard the evil words of the people against the governor, that they fainted for lack of water; for Judith had heard all the words that Ozi´as had spoken unto them, and that he had sworn to deliver the city unto the Assyrians after five days; 10then she sent Her Waiting Woman, that had the government of all things that she had, to call Ozi´as and Chabris and Charmis, the ancients of the city. 11And they came unto her, and she said unto them, Hear Me Now, O Ye Governors Of The inhabitants of Bethu´lia: for your words That Ye Have Spoken Before The People This Day Are Not Right, touching this oath which ye made and pronounced between God and you, and have promised to deliver the city to our enemies, unless within these days the Lord turn to help you. Do Not Bind the Counsels of the Lord- HE IS Not as Man Judith 8:12-17 12 And now who are ye that have tempted God this day, and stand instead of God among the children of men? 13And now try the Lord Almighty, but ye shall never know any thing. 14 For ye cannot find the depth of the heart of man, neither can ye perceive the things that he thinketh: then how can ye search out God, that hath made all these things, and know his mind, or comprehend his purpose? Nay, my brethren, provoke not the Lord our God to anger. 15For if he will not help us within these five days, he hath power to defend us when he will, even every day, or to destroy us before our enemies. 16 Do not bind the counsels of the Lord our God: for God is not as man, that he may be threatened; neither is he as the son of man, that he should be wavering. 17Therefore let us wait for salvation of him, and call upon him to help us, and he will hear our voice, if it please him.
***Prayer- The POWER I have Conceived- SMITE BY MY LIPS*** Judith 9:6-7 6Yea, what things thou didst determine were ready at hand, and said, Lo, we are here: for all thy ways are prepared, and thy judgments are in thy foreknowledge. 7  For, behold, the Assyrians are multiplied in their power; they are exalted with horse and man; they glory in the strength of their footmen; they trust in shield, and spear, and bow, and sling; and know not that thou art the Lord that breakest the battles: the Lord is thy name. Judith 9:8-11
***Give to Me the POWER I HAVE CONCEIVED*** 8Throw down their strength in thy power, and bring down their force in thy wrath: for they have purposed to defile thy sanctuary, and to pollute the tabernacle where thy glorious name resteth, and to cast down with sword the horn of thy altar. 9Behold Their Pride, and send thy wrath upon their heads: give into mine hand, which am a widow, The Power That I Have Conceived.  10 Smite by the deceit of my lips the servant with the prince, and the prince with the servant: break down their stateliness by the hand of a woman. 11For thy power standeth not in multitude, nor thy might in strong men: for thou art a God of the afflicted, an helper of the oppressed, an upholder of the weak, a protector of the forlorn, a Saviour of them that are without hope. ****I Pray The Oh Lord *** 12I pray thee, I pray thee, O God of my father, and God of the inheritance of Israel, Lord of the heavens and earth, Creator of the waters, King of every creature, hear thou my prayer:
Make My Speech and Deceit be their Wound and Stripes Judith 9:13-14 ***Make My Speech and Deceit Be their Wounds***** 13and make my speech and deceit to be their wound and stripe, who have purposed cruel things against thy covenant, and thy hallowed house, and against the top of Zion, and against the house of the possession of thy children. 14And make every nation and tribe to acknowledge that thou art the God of all power and might, and that there is none other that protecteth the people of Israel but thou.
Judith Took His Head -My Countenance has Deceived Him Judith 13:14-17 14Then she said to them with a loud voice, Praise, praise God, praise God, I say, for he hath not taken away his mercy from the house of Israel, but hath destroyed our enemies by mine hands this night. 15  So she took the head out of the bag, and showed it, and said unto them, Behold the head of Holofer´nes, the chief captain of the army of Assyria, and behold the canopy, wherein he did lie in his drunkenness; and the Lord hath smitten him by the hand of a woman. 16 As the Lord liveth, who hath kept me in my way that ***I went, my countenance hath deceived him to his destruction, and yet hath he not committed sin with me, to defile and shame me. ****KEY - JUDITH was Directed*** Judith 13: 17-19   17Then all the people were wonderfully astonished, and bowed themselves, and worshipped God, and said with one accord, Blessed be thou, O our God, which hast this day brought to nought the enemies of thy people. 18 Then said Ozi´as unto her, O daughter, blessed art thou of the most high God above all the women upon the earth; and blessed be the Lord God, which hath created the heavens and the earth, **which hath directed thee to the cutting off of the head of the chief of our enemies. ** 19For this thy confidence shall not depart from the heart of men, which remember the power of God for ever. Deceit Of Beauty Proverbs 31:30 (KJV) 30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. Esther 1:11 (KJV) 11 To bring Vashti the queen before the king with the crown royal, to shew the people and the princes her beauty: for she was fair to look on.
of A Woman7:12 (Judges & 2 Kings) and 2:17(Acts 2:17) Acts 2:17-18  (KJV) 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: 18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: Deborah The 4th Judge Judges 4:4 (KJV) 4 And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time.
Judges 4:9 (KJV) 9 And she said, I Will Surely Go With Thee: Notwithstanding The Journey That Thou Takest Shall Not Be For Thine Honour; For The Lord Shall Sell Sisera Into The Hand Of A Woman. And Deborah arose, and went with Barak to Kedesh.
The Lord said to me.. What's the 7th and the 12th Book of the Bible Read The 7th Book of the Bible  (Judges) Read The 12th Book of the Bible (2 Kings)
He told me: JUDGE KINGS!  The Anointing upon me is That of DEBRA Seek for Yours  
Notes I took from Sadhu  3 Years ag0-- It came Right Back around to my Understanding 3 Roles of Women - Triple Anointing (Psalms 68:11) Three-Fold Cord -Cannot be easily Broken
1. Miriam Anointing (Prophetic Worship) Prophetess • (To to get Through Her)(Visions-Dreams) • (Family Ministry)(Prophetic Worshipper) • Exodus 15:21 War Songs-Sing To the Lord • Sing to the Lord -Praise the Beauty of Holiness • Receiving New songs... To Then Share Revelation (12:11-12)(12:7-12) • Who do he think he is.. God speaks to us too(Don't make it a Spiritual Battle) • Address the Actions- NOT the OFFICE
2.Deborah Company Anointing • Prophetess and 4th Judge(Judges 4:4) • Wait on God (Communes) • A military strategist • Arts of Warfare(Warrior)(Judges 4:9-10,15) (5:22-23) • Wife • Weeps(Intercessor)(Be Aware of Angels) (Spiritual Sound) • War Cry Songs(Psalms 68) • 3.Anna Company Anointing (Name means Grace/Favor)
Grace Nuggets: (Prophetic Intercession Meaning) (They Pray as Directed by God) One will be the Dominating and one the Undertow
2.Anna Company Anointing
• Extreme Devotion to Fasting and Prayer only • All Night Prayer Visuals • Set Aside to Pray Only for the Church(For the Church to Stand Strong Against Persecution) • (Revelation 8:3) • (Regular Intercessor Meaning) • To Meet and Certain Time- Stand in the Gap- Taking on their Issue upon Yourself • Bring Petition
Scripture of Women as Apostles, Prophets, Deaconess, Warriors and Worshippers • Anna (Isaiah 8:3)  Luke 2:36-38) • Phebie was a Deaconess (Romans 16:1-2) (Acts 16:12-15 Lidia) • Pricilla and Aquilla (Romans 16:3 and 1 Cor.16:19) • Apostle Junious and Indonicous(Romans 16:7) Paul called her a Notable Apostle • Maria Woodword-Etta- 1904 • Aimee Semple mcpherson 1950-60 • Kathryn kuhlman
4 Reasons... this will Happen 1) (A Company of Praising and Worship Women and Children go forth, before the Coming of the Lord and another Host Behind Him) 2) (New Methods, New ways- He gives Instructions) 3) (Pray for the Birthing of the End-time company of Saints, Kids, Youth, Toddlers, Pastors and    Ministers) 4) (Women will Prophecy in the Last days and have a Call to do so
We will be a Triple Threat says the Lord • A Sword in One Hand • A Tambourine(Timbrel) in the Other • And Incents of Prayer coming from out Mouths...
LEAD CAPTIVITY CAPTIVE Judges 5:12  (KJV) 12 Awake, awake, Deborah: awake, awake, utter a song: arise, Barak, and lead thy captivity captive, thou son of Abinoam. UTTERLY DESTROY Deuteronomy 20:17  (KJV) 17 But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee:
The Lion has Roared..Who can But Fear?...        The Lord has Spoken...I can But Prophesy!
"I Prophesy to the Perplexities and Give the Practicalities!"
The "GOD-With" Ministry
"Not Inspirational Speaking, But Word-Based Preaching!"
TRUTHALITY! Facts are Temporal Truth is Eternal! What is real? The TRUTH that, Nothing is too hard for God!
Preach Be a Voice Not an Echo www.preachbvne.webs.com www.preachbvne.blogspot.com Twitter@Preach_BA_Voice Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/preach_bvne/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/PREACHbeaVoicenotanEcho Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/PreachBVNE/ Youtube Channel:www.youtube.com/c/PREACHbeaVoicenotanEchoMinistry
To Sow into this Ministry Mail to: Shawntrell Davis               P.O. BOX 30392             Clarksville, TN 37042 CashApp: $KingdomStewardDavis PayPal:  www.paypal.me/SHAWNTRELLDAVIS or Email:[email protected]
Thomas Emmanuel Davis III Shawntrell Davis Ambassadors of the Word of Reconciliation Followers of "The Way"
Distributors of the Revelation! Distributors of the Truth! Distributors of the Release!
S.H.I.F.T Suddenly Heaven Invades Forcing Transformation!!
#YesLordIWill #CryLoudAndSpareNot #TheLordMyGodIsWithMe #PartakersofHisGlory #FortifiedBrazenWall #Repent #TheKingdomOfGodIsAtHand
Let the Lord be Magnified! Announcing the Coming of the Glorious Kingdom of God!
2 Corinthians 5:20(KJV) 20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.
Matthew 24:14 (KJV) 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
Obadiah 1:1 (KJV) 1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord God concerning Edom; We have heard a rumour from the Lord, and an ambassador is sent among the heathen, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle.(They will Fall)
0 notes
cynthiadshaw · 5 years
Perspective & Advice for Those Facing Insurmountable Odds
Throughout our journey with Voyage, the one thing we have learned over and over is that hidden within every challenge is a blessing or opportunity. It’s up to us to determine whether a challenge we face will be a step back or the catalyst for a step forward.
We had the honor of connecting with some of the city’s brightest female leaders and role models and we asked them our question of the month: What is the best advice you have for someone who feels like they are facing insurmountable odds.
Below, you’ll find their advice and links and other info so you can learn more about them, their work and how to connect with them. We’ll be interviewing many of these amazing women in the coming weeks, stay tuned.
Stephanie Fuentes – Food, Faith & Fun
I can honestly say that I am alive and able to share my life with the world because of God’s love and goodness. A year ago I was in a very dark place with a challenge that I felt was to great to bear. I didn’t have the inner strength to live another day and I contemplated suicide. There are several things in this world that can help take your mind off challenges but at the end of the day the pain and pressure of those things will still be there. I encourage anyone going through a tough situation that they feel is too big to overcome to #1 trust God that he has not abandoned you and allow him to lead your life. You have to take it day by day, not thinking too far out ahead. All challenges are temporary and even though some seem great or last longer than others they are meant to form you into a better person. It’s also very important to surround yourself with people that are going to speak life to you and help build you up. I have alot of good people in my life that I call my “angels” that motivated me, pushed me to not give up, helped me grow as a person and showed me love and support that helped keep me going. It’s also very helpful to start your day with prayer because through prayer you can release your worries and anxieties to God and in return gain hope and peace that will help you get through the day. I end with this, there is a verse in the Bible that I hold on to close to my heart that says, “God causes ALL things to work together for the GOOD of those who love him .” Romans 8:28 The challenge you are facing now, as bad as it may seem, will SOMEHOW work for your GOOD as part of a BIGGER plan God has for you. Trust God and praise him even for the insurmountable challenge because something good will come out of it if you don’t give up. So whatever you do, just don’t give up! Your sunshine is coming!
Bailey Brown – Content Creator & Social Strategist
When faced with challenges that seem insurmountable, remind yourself that the only way to fail is if you don’t try. It’s easy to focus on failure, and get caught up in the idea that any outcome that’s less than ideal is a loss. But, in reality, you learn, grow, and adapt with every challenge, regardless of the outcome, and that’s always a win.
Miranda Sasha – Model and Mua
My advice is to remember that every failure came before a great story. Sometimes we feel as if the world is against us or that we cannot overcome our obstacles but without them we wouldn’t learn how to live and be the people we are today. Take every challenge as a step forward than back.
Courtenay Prelow – Boutique Owner & Teacher
The best advice I have is to stay calm so you can think clearly, figure out exactly what options are available to you in this challenge, and then decide to push yourself to get past the issue. When we face obstacles sometimes they may feel insurmountable because the option we truly want isn’t easy or it just isn’t available. So we have to make hard decisions that may make us uncomfortable. It’s ok. You don’t want to be stuck and just sitting in your problems. Choose to move forward and believe in yourself.
Rayebelle.com @Rayebelleboutique facebook.com/Rayebelleboutique
Jan Cargo – A Shoe Blogger
I believe that every difficult situation has a purpose in our lives. They are times of reflection. Balancing thoughts and feelings. What I do to overcome bad situations is to connect with someone, specially someone who you have a strong relationship with (maybe a family member, friend, or partner). Most of the time just chatting with someone lightens the discomfort. Talking about our problems and opening up with others definitely can change our mood. Humans are social by nature, so just converse and see how tough feelings lessen.
@j.cargo janerasolitaria.com
Rosa Luna – Owner of Dominican Salon
On many occasions we feel that the challenges overcome us and that we are unable to overcome it but we have no proof of that, other than our fears. the limitations exist in our head there where the fears are also but thinking objectively will allow us to always be able to make the right decision and keep going until we reach our goal. the success is for those who do not give up easily and my secret has been constancy and tenacity, in our salon we want all women to feel supported, accompanied and show the best they have, reaffirming their beauty will help them to reinforce their self-esteem and feel confident in everything they do.
@rosalunastyle facebook.com/RosaDominicanStylist yelp.com/biz/rosa-dominican-hair-stylist-allen-2 vagaro.com/rosadominicanhairstylist
Maiah Holbrook – Certified Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach
If you’re facing a challenge that feels insurmountable I recommend changing your mindset.  By doing something that you know you’re good at, that gives you confidence! Cooking for your friends or family, working out, painting, helping someone. Give yourself a confidence boost then tackle the challenge with that energy!
Jessica – Brunch Queen and Labor and Delivery Nurse
Storms don’t last forever.
Claire Bridges – Style Blogger / Influencer
The struggle you’re facing is a test to see if you’re truly committed to the life you say you want.
Julia Gutierrez- Photography and Blogger
I always go back to my Faith when I’m feeling lost or less than. God is greater than your highs and your lows, without a doubt. When I allow Him to be my strength I always prevail.
Makayla King-Reed, Youtuber & Influencer
My advice would be to stay true to yourself and follow your heart. Anything is possible if you just believe and put in the work to get to where you want to be.
youtube.com/channel/UC84gzkUq65eOa6Ec4u3euNQ @iamlowkay
Lea Toshiye – Beauty & Positivity Influencer
Brand @asherahswim, Photographer @jessyjphoto, Makeup @kimjluv, Hair @ndustrybyndia
My advice is to remember that it’s okay to ask for help, try to focus on one step at a time as opposed to everything as a whole all at once, and believe in yourself! You are capable of so much more than you realize.
@lea_toshiye YouTube – Lea Toshiye
Ayanna Whitebear – CEO/Founder of Pretty With Purpose Inc.
The best advice I have for someone who is dealing with insurmountable is no matter how hard it seems to be, no matter what obstacles you face, no matter how many times you fail and/or have to start all over again, KEEP GOING AND PUT GOD FIRST!!! You might have to refocus, restructure, reorganize your life, get some old things out the way to receive new blessing but no matter what again KEEP GOING AND PUT GOD FIRST!!
prettywithpurposeinc.com @PrettyWithPurposeInc facebook.com/PrettyWithPurposeInc2018
Kathryn Sharrock Real Estate Professional, Dal•Gal founder
The best advice I’ve ever been given is that no one ever really feels ready to do something big that’s out of their comfort zone. Prepare, study and know all about it, and be confident in knowing that you’re bettering your future and life.
@For_real_estate dalgal.co
Ashley Smith Owner and Healthy Hair Stylist
A piece of advice is to never get comfortable with anything, if its business then live everyday as if u have no customers or clients, never get comfortable, if u get comfy then u get lazy and laziness isn’t good but don’t ever give up, always remember that. You pray and give it to God and you keep going. It takes a lot of courage to be an entrepreneur and it also takes hard work, late nights, disappointments but it’s so rewarding.
Ideli Osorio Aspiring social media influencer
I believe that everything we go through in our life is meant to happen, good or bad. With time we will realize what the purpose of each situation was. My advice is stick to your gut and try to stay positive. If you need support on whatever you’re going through, don’t be afraid to reach out to others. There are tons of people on this earth that may be going through the same or similar situation. Join a Facebook group, or subscribe to YouTubers and blogs that have similar issues. You’ve got this!
The post Perspective & Advice for Those Facing Insurmountable Odds appeared first on Voyage Dallas Magazine | Dallas City Guide.
source http://voyagedallas.com/2019/05/07/perspective-advice-facing-insurmountable-odds/
0 notes
cynthiadshaw · 5 years
Perspective & Advice for Those Facing Insurmountable Odds
Throughout our journey with Voyage, the one thing we have learned over and over is that hidden within every challenge is a blessing or opportunity. It’s up to us to determine whether a challenge we face will be a step back or the catalyst for a step forward.
We had the honor of connecting with some of the city’s brightest female leaders and role models and we asked them our question of the month: What is the best advice you have for someone who feels like they are facing insurmountable odds.
Below, you’ll find their advice and links and other info so you can learn more about them, their work and how to connect with them. We’ll be interviewing many of these amazing women in the coming weeks, stay tuned.
Stephanie Fuentes – Food, Faith & Fun
I can honestly say that I am alive and able to share my life with the world because of God’s love and goodness. A year ago I was in a very dark place with a challenge that I felt was to great to bear. I didn’t have the inner strength to live another day and I contemplated suicide. There are several things in this world that can help take your mind off challenges but at the end of the day the pain and pressure of those things will still be there. I encourage anyone going through a tough situation that they feel is too big to overcome to #1 trust God that he has not abandoned you and allow him to lead your life. You have to take it day by day, not thinking too far out ahead. All challenges are temporary and even though some seem great or last longer than others they are meant to form you into a better person. It’s also very important to surround yourself with people that are going to speak life to you and help build you up. I have alot of good people in my life that I call my “angels” that motivated me, pushed me to not give up, helped me grow as a person and showed me love and support that helped keep me going. It’s also very helpful to start your day with prayer because through prayer you can release your worries and anxieties to God and in return gain hope and peace that will help you get through the day. I end with this, there is a verse in the Bible that I hold on to close to my heart that says, “God causes ALL things to work together for the GOOD of those who love him .” Romans 8:28 The challenge you are facing now, as bad as it may seem, will SOMEHOW work for your GOOD as part of a BIGGER plan God has for you. Trust God and praise him even for the insurmountable challenge because something good will come out of it if you don’t give up. So whatever you do, just don’t give up! Your sunshine is coming!
Bailey Brown – Content Creator & Social Strategist
When faced with challenges that seem insurmountable, remind yourself that the only way to fail is if you don’t try. It’s easy to focus on failure, and get caught up in the idea that any outcome that’s less than ideal is a loss. But, in reality, you learn, grow, and adapt with every challenge, regardless of the outcome, and that’s always a win.
Miranda Sasha – Model and Mua
My advice is to remember that every failure came before a great story. Sometimes we feel as if the world is against us or that we cannot overcome our obstacles but without them we wouldn’t learn how to live and be the people we are today. Take every challenge as a step forward than back.
Courtenay Prelow – Boutique Owner & Teacher
The best advice I have is to stay calm so you can think clearly, figure out exactly what options are available to you in this challenge, and then decide to push yourself to get past the issue. When we face obstacles sometimes they may feel insurmountable because the option we truly want isn’t easy or it just isn’t available. So we have to make hard decisions that may make us uncomfortable. It’s ok. You don’t want to be stuck and just sitting in your problems. Choose to move forward and believe in yourself.
Rayebelle.com @Rayebelleboutique facebook.com/Rayebelleboutique
Jan Cargo – A Shoe Blogger
I believe that every difficult situation has a purpose in our lives. They are times of reflection. Balancing thoughts and feelings. What I do to overcome bad situations is to connect with someone, specially someone who you have a strong relationship with (maybe a family member, friend, or partner). Most of the time just chatting with someone lightens the discomfort. Talking about our problems and opening up with others definitely can change our mood. Humans are social by nature, so just converse and see how tough feelings lessen.
@j.cargo janerasolitaria.com
Rosa Luna – Owner of Dominican Salon
On many occasions we feel that the challenges overcome us and that we are unable to overcome it but we have no proof of that, other than our fears. the limitations exist in our head there where the fears are also but thinking objectively will allow us to always be able to make the right decision and keep going until we reach our goal. the success is for those who do not give up easily and my secret has been constancy and tenacity, in our salon we want all women to feel supported, accompanied and show the best they have, reaffirming their beauty will help them to reinforce their self-esteem and feel confident in everything they do.
@rosalunastyle facebook.com/RosaDominicanStylist yelp.com/biz/rosa-dominican-hair-stylist-allen-2 vagaro.com/rosadominicanhairstylist
Maiah Holbrook – Certified Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach
If you’re facing a challenge that feels insurmountable I recommend changing your mindset.  By doing something that you know you’re good at, that gives you confidence! Cooking for your friends or family, working out, painting, helping someone. Give yourself a confidence boost then tackle the challenge with that energy!
Jessica – Brunch Queen and Labor and Delivery Nurse
Storms don’t last forever.
Claire Bridges – Style Blogger / Influencer
The struggle you’re facing is a test to see if you’re truly committed to the life you say you want.
Julia Gutierrez- Photography and Blogger
I always go back to my Faith when I’m feeling lost or less than. God is greater than your highs and your lows, without a doubt. When I allow Him to be my strength I always prevail.
Makayla King-Reed, Youtuber & Influencer
My advice would be to stay true to yourself and follow your heart. Anything is possible if you just believe and put in the work to get to where you want to be.
youtube.com/channel/UC84gzkUq65eOa6Ec4u3euNQ @iamlowkay
Lea Toshiye – Beauty & Positivity Influencer
Brand @asherahswim, Photographer @jessyjphoto, Makeup @kimjluv, Hair @ndustrybyndia
My advice is to remember that it’s okay to ask for help, try to focus on one step at a time as opposed to everything as a whole all at once, and believe in yourself! You are capable of so much more than you realize.
@lea_toshiye YouTube – Lea Toshiye
Ayanna Whitebear – CEO/Founder of Pretty With Purpose Inc.
The best advice I have for someone who is dealing with insurmountable is no matter how hard it seems to be, no matter what obstacles you face, no matter how many times you fail and/or have to start all over again, KEEP GOING AND PUT GOD FIRST!!! You might have to refocus, restructure, reorganize your life, get some old things out the way to receive new blessing but no matter what again KEEP GOING AND PUT GOD FIRST!!
prettywithpurposeinc.com @PrettyWithPurposeInc facebook.com/PrettyWithPurposeInc2018
Kathryn Sharrock Real Estate Professional, Dal•Gal founder
The best advice I’ve ever been given is that no one ever really feels ready to do something big that’s out of their comfort zone. Prepare, study and know all about it, and be confident in knowing that you’re bettering your future and life.
@For_real_estate dalgal.co
Ashley Smith Owner and Healthy Hair Stylist
A piece of advice is to never get comfortable with anything, if its business then live everyday as if u have no customers or clients, never get comfortable, if u get comfy then u get lazy and laziness isn’t good but don’t ever give up, always remember that. You pray and give it to God and you keep going. It takes a lot of courage to be an entrepreneur and it also takes hard work, late nights, disappointments but it’s so rewarding.
Ideli Osorio Aspiring social media influencer
I believe that everything we go through in our life is meant to happen, good or bad. With time we will realize what the purpose of each situation was. My advice is stick to your gut and try to stay positive. If you need support on whatever you’re going through, don’t be afraid to reach out to others. There are tons of people on this earth that may be going through the same or similar situation. Join a Facebook group, or subscribe to YouTubers and blogs that have similar issues. You’ve got this!
The post Perspective & Advice for Those Facing Insurmountable Odds appeared first on Voyage Dallas Magazine | Dallas City Guide.
source http://voyagedallas.com/2019/05/07/perspective-advice-facing-insurmountable-odds/
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