#katie willert
whalleyrulz · 11 months
i am rewatching old episodes of cracked after hours and man this was so good
like very much a product of their time in a way that can sound yikes today
but great
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faequeentitania · 3 years
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THIS LEGIT MAKES ME EMOTIONAL. Like 95% of this picture is former Cracked staff, and it just warms my heart to no end that they're all still such good friends. Thank you for this insta story, Katie Willert 😭
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indielightuk · 2 years
Movie Review: Kill Me Now (2012)
So I first saw this in 2017 when Michael Swaim made it available on the Small Beans YouTube channel, and was recently reminded of it when talking about how much I liked Michael Swaim and so I decided to review it. Before we get started, a quick info dump, Kill Me Now, is a 2012, independent movie, written by and starring Michael Swaim (noted for being a key member of Cracked). It was directed by Travis Long and stars Jacob Reed, Beck Bennett, Brett Fancy, Kaitlin Large, Kyle Mooney, Nick Mundy, Katie Wilert, and Katy Stoll.
So let’s move on to the review, first off it has an actual personality to it, it’s not just a generic comedy/horror flick that relies upon titillation or graphic gore to engage its audience. It actually utilises both sparingly, which not only increases the impact but also helps to carve out that personality I mentioned above. Now, despite the murders, it leans far more into the comedy than the horror, utilising cliche and subversion of cliche, self-awareness of genre and genuinely funny dialogue to make for a legitimately entertaining movie.
click here to read more
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lokiseirei · 4 years
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The Cracked YouTube Trailer.
i miss.... them.
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thisisbroked · 4 years
Some More News
Twitter | Patreon | Youtube
“Hello, I'm a former newsperson and here's some news. Cody Johnston, myself, and Katy Stoll, my news partner, are creating weekly content about and against the, um, news. You know, that news we all love? Yeah, us neither.”
Gamefully Unemployed 
Twitter | Patreon | Twitch
“We are Tom Reimann and David Bell, two strapping young stallions who spent our waking hours creating articles, videos, and podcasts for the website Cracked.com. Now we’re streaming games and making a butt-ton of podcasts for your enjoyment!“
Small Beans 
Michael’s Twitter | Abe’s Twitter  Patreon | Youtube
“THE SCOOP/POOP: Hello. My name is Michael Swaim. I and my associate in the trenchcoat here (AKA Abe "AKA" Epperson) make what the kids call "content." We've retired from our long tenures at Cracked.com, where we TORE SHIT UP for some 10 years apiece, and now we're rarin' to make some bold content moves that are sure to shift paradigms right to the edge of your butts!”
Katie Willert’s society6 store 
“Putting my art out there stresses me out, but I still like it a whole lot.“
Starline Hodge’s patreon (link)
“Hi, I'm Starline X. Hodge, and I create comics, illustrations, sketches, and YouTube Vlogs & Speedpaints videos.”
Robert Brockway’s patreon (link)
“I've started this Patreon because I miss creating stuff for regular public consumption, I miss connecting with the people that consume those things, and most of all, I miss your several dollars a month.”
Creature Feature podcast with Katie Goldin (link)
Take a critter’s eye view to see how animal behavior parallels humans. Join comedians & science-lovers as we go inside the minds of animals. 
Quick Question with Soren and Daniel
“If you're a current listener, or interested in checking out the show, welcome! Quick Question is a comedy podcast from former Cracked.com editors, current television writers and best friends Daniel O'Brien and Soren Bowie. With new episodes every week, please help support Soren and Daniel in answering life's deep and also probably shallow questions.”
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harlem82themovie · 5 years
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"Suck on both my d***s" - Katie
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gluppingshitto · 6 years
Cracked After Hours Compilation
Yo check out my new video! 
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tastesofthesea · 7 years
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hey look, i did an after hours commission and now it’s done.  shared w/permission from the lovely paying customer 
contact me here or on twitter if you’d like to pay me to draw you things too jbark19 @ gmail
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cracked · 7 years
It seems like for the Nth summer in a row, the great minds in the Hollywood dream factory are officially out of ideas. Our question is: Why?
How We'd Fix These ​4 Broken Franchises
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thehmn · 7 years
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The fighting is from this episode of After Hours https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9m_Vy9kIf0&t=113s
Of all the people in the group, Soren and Michael get along the least, mostly because Michael loves to mess with people just to make them uncomfortable, and Soren is just not having it. We've already seen that Soren attacks Michael when he goes too far in another Cracked series that (sorta) took place in the same universe. Michael found out Soren likes dance movies and started spewing homophobia. Mind you, Michael's character is pansexual and was even wearing a gay pride wrist band at the time. That's Michael for ya'. He will literally go against his own self interests just to mess with people.
In a lot of ways Soren and Michael are bizarro versions of each other. Soren comes from a stinking rich family, Michael grew up poor. They both have supernatural powers, but Soren can control his while Michael's powers seem to be more of a "the universe bends to my will sometimes" deal. Soren is a ladies man, Michael gets restraining orders put on him. Soren can be closed minded, Michael is open to everything. Soren is very law abiding, Michael has spent time in jail. The list goes on.
Katie dances with snakes as part of her religion, but she seems to mostly be in it for the snake part. I'm really happy they've started giving her character more personality and backstory.
Soren has mentioned that he has a son, but the only thing we know about him is that "he does not like being strangled, not even a little bit". Soren isn't the type to go around strangling babies, so people have theorized that because Soren has supernatural powers (he even claims to be a god), maybe his son is some horrible abomination that must be stopped before he can end us all. It would seem Soren is just generally involved in supernatural stuff. After he and Daniel started dating, Daniel apparently got possessed by a demon and Soren acted suspiciously guilty about it.
Also, Daniel has several times talked about his dog which he has a dramatic and complicated relationship with, and I'm severely disappointed in the fanfiction writers for not including it. He's so invested in it he wanted Soren to come to it's dog-training graduation.
And finally, Michael was super excited about spending his vacation in New York so he could battle a Rat King. Go Michael, follow your dreams.
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dontsitaround · 7 years
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First off, loved the frog story. Imagining child Michael throwing frogs at child Daniel is amazing. It also confirms that they are indeed childhood “friends”.
Also, apparently Soren is married to a princess of Palou? Not gonna lie, that’s in pretty stark contrast to what we know about his character, unless it was an arranged marriage where he met her on their wedding day a week ago. Otherwise he has been cheating on “the princess of his heart” with a LOT of women and Daniel.
He has been pretty good at taking his wedding ring off for this character, only messing up once or twice. If he has been cheating on the princess it could be seen as him taking it off to get lucky.
Just watch me, I WILL try to fit together the bits and pieces they give us, even when the writers forget the canon.
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thisdanobrien · 4 years
[Redacted] Reunion
Hey, did you know we were doing this?
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So, once upon a time I worked for a comedy website and sometimes it was good and sometimes it was bad and sometimes it was Great. There are way, way too many things that fall into the “good bucket” to remember or name right now, and the things that fall into the “bad bucket,” have honestly, blissfully, been mostly forgotten. So I won’t talk about those two buckets. But, one of the things that lives in the “Great bucket” is a show I got to make with my friends where we sat around playfully arguing with each other about movies and TV shows. It’s a little internet show I made with my friends that was seen by... some amount of people, and one that people still ask me about, three years after its last episode aired and (almost exactly) ten years after its first.
I’m not going to name the show— the show I did with After Hours’s Michael Swaim, After Hours’s Katie Willert and After Hours’s Soren Bowie— in part because I don’t want to run into any legal trouble by talking about a property I do not own, but also because I think being coy and sneaky is fun. Suffice it to say that Jack O’Brien (no relation) and I (relation) made a night time pop culture show with our pals and had a blast doing it.
A thing that is obvious to anyone who followed this show is that it ended, somewhat unceremoniously, when a bunch of nice people and also me all lost their jobs without warning. A thing that might be less obvious is that a soft series finale was actually written (and filmed) for this show. An episode where Katie, Michael, Soren and I get together to talk about pop culture one last time and say goodbye to each other (and, uh, you, I guess).
That episode never aired and there was subsequently never a plan to air it. Everyone went their separate ways, willingly or unwillingly and that, all assumed, was that.
But now it’s the present, where people are using their platforms big and small to try to make the world a better place and we thought, maybe, with everything going on, this might be a good time to use our platforms to read the series finale of Aft[Redacted]r H[Redacted]rs to raise some money for charity.
The details are in that flier. We’re going to read this script live on Twitch this Saturday and answer some questions from you, the audience. It will be free, but we hope that you donate anyway. It will be available on YouTube after and forever, in case you miss it (follow any of us on Twitter and we’ll tweet out the link when it’s available).
The warmth from the fanbase and community that sprouted up around this unnamed show was more surprising and incredible than anything else I’d experienced, before or After. Ours was a supportive community of spirited weirdos who could always be counted on to watch the show, travel to come see our live performances and occasionally stop us on the street to shout “Hey, I know you! CollegeHumor, right?” We hope you’ll join us one last time to say goodbye and hopefully raise some damn money to make the world a little less worse.
The script was written by me (though everyone contributes to every script) and the rest of the team was kind enough to allow me to make it as long as I wanted it to be. It’s about friendship and endings.
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boardwalkaudio · 7 years
72. Katie Willert - GLOW: The Story of the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling (2012 Documentary)
72. Katie Willert – GLOW: The Story of the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling (2012 Documentary)
In anticipation of Netflix’s upcoming scripted series GLOW, this week Nick and Stephen welcome Katie Willert (After Hours on Cracked.com, E! Network) to the show to discuss the 2012 documentary ”GLOW: The Story of the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling” and examine the now defunct, all female 80s wrestling show. Also, everyone talks about where many of the wrestlers are now and their individual stories…
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In case you didn’t know, Cracked.com laid off 19-25 people back in December, and most of them were the faces of the company.
John Cheese, JF Sargent, Tom Reimann, Daniel O’Brien, Saundra Sorensen, Cody Johnston, Soren Bowie, Katy Stoll, Katie Willert, Adam Todd Brown, Christina Newhall, and Carmen Angelica are the only ones I can hard-confirm right now that were fired. Michael Swaim quit back in October, stating it was because of the new company owner’s “fiduciary direction”, or something similar, I can’t quite remember the exact verbage. Teresa Lee has said she left the site in the months prior to the layoffs. Jack O’Brien left in June of 2017 to pursue a career at HowStuffWorks.com. David Wong still works for Cracked and has said that a contingent of editors are remaining to keep the site running, but now it will lean heavier on freelancers.
I haven’t been able to find an official statement from Cracked that covers the reason for the layoffs, but that doesn’t mean that one doesn’t exist. A lot of different places have rehashed the same sentiment of “a large number of employees were quietly let go and have yet to say why”, with a lot of clues pointing to the new owners A) not considering them profitable enough and B) potential political reasoning, with one person stating that their coverage of GamerGate contributed to their downfall (which, honestly, sounds just tin-foil-hat-on-a-neckbeard-y enough to maybe have some truth to it)
So... yeah. Pretty much the people that fans of Cracked knew best are gone, and the parent company hasn’t said why. They’ve stopped production on their most popular shows on YouTube (like Some News and After Hours) as well as their lesser-viewed ones that were still beloved... since the people who made them what they are are now gone.
I don’t know about you, but I’m just gunna go ahead and stop giving Cracked my attention, and instead follow the people they let go. Whattabummer...
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cracked · 7 years
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Big news! This summer, Hollywood is delivering us our 6th Spider-Man movie in the last 15 years. Fun! Time to re-hash all of our favorite story beats like dead uncles, having great responsibilities and kissing upside-down.
So yeah, it seems like for the nth summer in a row, the great minds in the Hollywood dream factory are officially out of ideas. Our question is: why? When there are so many amazing stories from real life or incredible works that have yet to be adapted, why another Transformers?
This is an issue only the After Hours crew (sans Michael) can figure out. 
THIS WEEK: Jack O'Brien is joined by Soren Bowie, Daniel O'Brien and Katie Willert to fix reboots, throw out adaptations and pitch unbelievable real stories that would make for incredible movies, if only Hollywood had the balls to produce them.
18 Insane Movie Ideas ​We Dare Hollywood To Make
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annarcana · 7 years
Cracked.com is a ghost ...
If you haven't heard, Cracked as we know it is basically no more. Earlier this week, the company fired every senior writer and editor that hadn't left already, with the sole exceptions of David Wong and Alex Schmidt, who've been left to try and scramble together content from freelancers and forum posts. This follows a disastrous buyout last year by E.W. Scripps that seems to have been a financial wreck for both the site and their new parent company (Scripps literally paid more for Cracked than they even make, and then sued over the "lost value" when it somehow didn't instantly turn a profit).
Cody Johnston, Dan O'Brien, J.F. Sargent, John Cheese, Robert Evans, Katie Willert, Katy Stoll, Carmen Angelica, Theresa Lee, Maggie Mae Fish, Adam Tod Brown, and more I'm probably forgetting lost their jobs this week. Editor-in-Chief (and founder of the web version we know today) Jack O'Brien, Michael Swaim, and Soren Bowie had already left in the last few months.
Basically everyone you've heard of plus some you didn't are now gone. If you have ever watched a Cracked video, everyone in that are now probably gone except for Alex. 
Plus, Cracked's senior staff had a well deserved reputation for mentoring new writers and contributors, which means even many of the writers who you haven't heard of and may still write there again owe their starts to the departed.
Cracked is a website that still, after over a decade, has a mixed reputation. The early days were mostly about macho listicles about badass presidents, and the format still draws the ever dreaded charge of "clickbait" to this day.
But in the last several years Cracked has worked very hard to be *better* in a way I never expected. From their increasingly amazing video content, to the surprisingly challenging personal experience articles, to perhaps most surprisingly: becoming a voice for social justice to an audience that has often been less than willing to hear it, and sticking by their principles no matter what. And all while still being pretty goddamn funny, and without being unwilling to also throw us a fart joke or two now and then.
I can't think of many sites on the internet I'd miss more than I'm going to miss Cracked. I'd love to believe that Wong and Schmidt can pull something together but ... I'll be honest, I've not been a fan of Wong for a while, and while Schmitty is brilliant, I don't think even he can replicate a whole website full of talent single-handedly. 
I'm going to miss it. I hope every one of them lands in something bigger and better than even Cracked was. And I tear up thinking I'm never gonna see the After Hours gang shoot the shit again.
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