godteri-takk · 5 months
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deinheilpraktiker · 1 year
Johns-Hopkins-Forscher entdecken ein mögliches Ziel zur Behandlung von Schlafapnoe In einer neuen Studie mit fettleibigen Mäusen sagen Forscher der Johns Hopkins Medicine, dass sie Beweise hinzugefügt haben, dass spezialisierte Kanalproteine ​​mögliche therapeutische Ziele für Schlafapnoe und ähnliche ungewöhnlich langsame Atmungsstörungen bei fettleibigen Menschen sind. Das Protein, ein als TRPM7 bekannter Kationenkanal, findet sich in Glomus carotis, winzigen Sinnesorganen im Nacken, die Sauerstoff- und Kohlendioxidveränderungen und bestimmte Hormone wie ... #Atmung #BLUT #Blutdruck #Diabetes #Ermüdung #Fettleibigkeit #Forschung #Gen #Genetisch #Gewichtsverlust #Herz #Herzkrankheit #Hoher_Blutdruck #Hormon #Kation #Leptin #Lunge #Lungenerkrankung #Medizin #Nacken #pH_Wert #Physiologie #Protein #RNS #Sauerstoff #Schlafapnoe #schlafen
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nonaabuabu · 1 year
Untuk yang Kuingin Jadi Teman Hidup
Kau, seperti senyawa yang enggan menunjukkan diri demi kepuasan ilmuwan sialan yang sayangnya aku. Kau, seperti teka-teki penuh tanda tanya yang tak mau berbagi petunjuk kepada hasrat penasaran dan gairah keinginantahuan yang sialnya adalah deritaku. Kau, seperti sebuah padang pasir yang menyembunyikan oase untuk dahaga yang bersemayam sialnya dalam ronggaku.
Atau aku, yang tak mampu menjadi kation untuk ion yang kau sematkan dalam semua ikatan dan ingatan. Atau aku, yang tak ingin menyakini jawaban yang kau tutur jujur sebab menyadari aku tak mampu. Atau aku, yang tak meminum segelas anggur yang kau tawarkan karena dipenuhi rasa curiga dan praduga.
Lalu siapakah dari kita yang sesungguhnya menunggu?
Aku pastilah bukan yang kau syairkan dalam rahasia yang ingin kau simpan, sebab kita layaknya dua kutub yang sama, saling bertolakan dan tak mau kalah. Kau sudah pasti mencari perempuan berbudi luhur dengan senyum hangat dan tutur kata yang menyenangkan, sedang aku adalah amarah yang meledak yang seringnya merasa ditolak kebaikan. Berkeras kepala pula untuk tak merubah diri demi rasa, demi kau dan barangkali demi kita.
Sedang kita masih bintang yang saling berotasi di galaksi yang sama, saling memberikan terang bahkan setelah melintasi tahunan cahaya. Seolah kau bersedia ada tapi tak memberikan tanda untuk aku petakan dalam setiap upaya.
Menanti kah kau, untuk aku layak dalam duniamu, seperti aku menanti kekalahanmu untuk segala kurangku? Saling khianat kah kita untuk perasaan yang sama namun tak mampu melawan garis dari mana kita datang? Atau semua ini angan-anganku saja, hanya aku yang memiliki rasa dan terang-terangan melangitkan namamu pada pemilik siang dan malam?
Pertanyaan itu menyisakan keinginan untuk masih, untuk bertahan, untuk menunggu, namun cukup layak kah kita untuk memenuhi sisa-sisa kenyataan bahwa kita barangkali dua orang yang terus mempecundangi perasaan?
Utara, 11 Februari 2023
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norqay · 6 months
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commission for @godteri-takk !!!
kation was so fun to draw, hen is super cool!!!
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Artfight dump from this year!
Characters in Order: @voidseers @galaxy-lilies @kation-kat
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evolt19 · 1 year
Pengaruh bahan organik terhadap kesuburan kimia tanah antara lain terhadap kapasitas pertukaran kation, kapasitas pertukaran anion, pH tanah, daya sangga tanah dan terhadap keharaan tanah. Penambahan bahan organik akan meningkatkan muatan negatif sehingga akan meningkatkan kapasitas tukar kation (KTK). Bahan organik memberikan konstribusi yang nyata terhadap KTK tanah. Sekitar 20-70 % kapasitas…
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honkiestofbonkies · 2 years
Drew more of big robot jack, decided to call him "blue screen jack"
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@godteri-takk's oc Kation and Patrick talking to the McDonald's employee, and Patrick holding up a little feral goblin jack.
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444names · 1 year
ukrainian names + the entire wikipedia article on "autobiography" in german BUT excluding "y"
Abertung Absche Alblern Albstagia Alig Alinko Alizig Allem Allo Anamenten Andemerie Anden Anjam Anter Anterbior Antertig Antlia Antsion Apolen Apopät Arstinna Arte Athensche Aufahmana Aufis Aufka Augen Augenen Augnia Aula Aums Ausgaben Ausgen Austona Aute Autobion Auton Auts Avher Bedr Bedregen Beischt Beksisia Bektiogra Bektiost Bereilia Berent Berko Bers Berstgra Besanna Bewma Bezufas Bihr Biogrid Bion Bombraus Borpole Bort Braf Brisan Bucheit Buchrstig Bzunde Bändenke Büch Chariffer Chrt Danesch Dangen Danurgen Danzgände Darschre Darvit Dasse Deis Deldel Dellega Demoffen Dena Denis Denn Deren Dich Dichm Dierstint Diesch Diestona Dimara Dins Diven Dmia Dminne Duktik Echar Echsen Ecsit Ehelmen Eigung Eina Einas Eindhe Eing Einksank Eische Eisse Eitelin Eitenneum Eitten Eitzen Ekana Ekargent Elensa Elit Emilena Emilim Ephig Erden Eren Erena Eriedron Erlers Erliker Erlit Ersen Erzhief Esse Estiv Eues Evges Evgl Evhungsa Fige Fika Finer Fort Fragen France Frata Fren Führo Galleisco Gass Gatas Gatten Gegt Gendere Gesche Gess Gessen Getrunem Ginet Gotals Grafie Grafik Grauto Gunden Gung Gunklung Göschelme Hafiewis Haltese Hance Hannen Hatschen Hedonst Heine Hell Hellt Heren Hergab Hischii Hissank Histia Hlagon Hoffer Hosla Hörfas Ider Immen Imref Inden Inenn Ines Inetam Inetwis Inkung Inte Irieh Irisprägt Ivand Izolfe Jahm Jahmen Jeanden Johan Johda Johdander Jula Julichs Juria Kafin Kalia Kata Katen Kathieben Kation Katutond Khre Khrissen Kina Kins Klanen Klaver Kliche Klung Klungese Kole Kondeona Konfen Kosla Krien Lagewfole Laris Lebe Legoriell Leispäiss Leren Leuton Leutors Levhendhe Liliacht Linn Lion Liten Lubov Mach Maki Malt Mana Maricton Marsterst Marwar Maten Matsit Matten Maximan Maximen Mech Mechlote Memerift Mihrtazie Milicht Milo Mitliche Mits Nachris Nadigerd Nasta Nasten Nata Nataleksa Natiogibt Natung Nikana Nisser Nutor Nutorgab Odaben Ofern Offt Ofjous Oksa Olegen Olen Oleria Olerrs Olhen Otter Ottum Oxan Palich Palt Pergin Pert Plationen Plav Polies Polit Polo Pombrosla Pron Pronen Pros Prosten Proße Prunte Prägt Randlunde Recsij Reibung Rein Reinie Reten Roksa Roksand Rolo Romar Rosie Roson Rostes Rous Rousland Rozal Rozij Rusen Russan Samer Samesen Schaft Sche Schern Schria Schrt Seaums Selen Semachert Sent Serfung Serina Sers Sert Serzis Siente Siken Sion Siza Soes Sogra Sonslana Sozav Spana Spann Spiechne Spros Stalien Stas Stasse Stehrna Sten Ster Stges Stioson Stivers Suaragder Sublav Subomit Subov Svia Svian Tagen Tataltsa Tatia Teta Tethenis Thentesta Thorwans Titena Todenklav Trohne Troßena Twarkas Töner Underna Unksin Valen Valetro Valtsia Vasten Verderfas Verspie Vert Verzieln Vgebes Viden Viderin Vielt Viken Viktumen Viliana Viogrin Viter Vitrache Viturkana Vitäts Volexane Vomehrt Vonasten Vorpolen Wachen Wahrossch Wariele Weichlien Weithest Weitädte Werer Werge Wier Wisel Wuch Wucheist Wuchre Wundenna Wuro Yaki Yaktenen Yarhiss Yegonden Yehrij Yehtlizav Yelleres Yevhunfer Yevkolg Yospektie Yulaftten Yulark Yulassit Yulich Zeicher Zeusla Zeutolo Zeuzeit Zhafigen Zina Zinlicht Zoir Zufacht Üben
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seiraptri · 2 years
PROMO, WA 0895-3635-42242,Pupuk hayati membantu melindungi tanah
TAHUKAH KAMU, kondisi tanah yang kurang bagus mengakibatkan pohon tidak dapat menyerap pupuk secara optimal. Dampaknya, hasil panen tidak sesuai harapan. Untuk itu, tanaman butuh suplemen yang berfungsi membantu penyerapan unsur hara K-Link Bioboost Step 1 yang mengandung asam humat dapat mengikat kation logam seperti Fe, sehingga meminimalisir kegiatan logam di dalam tanah. memperbaiki sifat fisik tanah dan merubah komposisi tanah menjadi media tumbuh yang memiliki unsur hara cukup. K-Link Bioboost yang mengandung mikroorganisme baik yang unggul, seperti Azostobacter sp Sebagai PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) yaitu bakteri yang dapat merangsang pertumbuhan tanaman karena mampu memfiksasi nitrogen dan memproduksi fitohormon, antara lain auksin (IAA), sitokinin dan giberelin (GA). Ingin tanah subur, tanaman tumbuh optimal —> PANEN BERKALI KALI LIPAT gunakan K-Bioboost Step 1 & K-Link Bioboost
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godteri-takk · 30 days
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Kation with one of my favourite evolution lines: Larvitar, Pupitar and Tyranitar! It doesn't like Kation all that much in the beginning cus the catching process was an absolute mess (Kation attempting to walk it on a leash did not help), but they grow onto each other more with time.
Please click images for better quality, image descriptions under read more!
First image if all of the drawings, the rest are close-ups of 3 of them. Drawing 1: Kation, a fat demon with long pointy ears, purple bob-cut and red skin, is hugging a larvitar Pokémon tightly. Her eye are closed and she's smiling, the Larvitar seems mildly annoyed.
Drawing 2: black and white Drawing of Kation walking the larvitar on a leash. It has a dog collar and is growling furiously. Kation looks stressed.
Drawing 3: Kation presses her forehead against the forehead of a pupitar, smiling. The Pupitar glares back.
Drawing 4: Kation hugs a huge Tyranitar, smiling up at it. The Tyranitar is blushing and looks away bashfully, enjoying the affection but pretending not to. There are green hearts all around.
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kingdduzz · 1 month
Im new to this shit,but my boy L.A.SpikeLee should be off the Kkklan kation, First off ,Fuck What you know,Im not with what some one else told you about life and the meaning of it."FUC THAT" me and my Godson King L.A.Spike don't respect humans who don't read period.We know your brain is your command center and key to your God given spiritual life in this universe period.
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mageclick · 5 months
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Drew @kation-kat's silly and mine
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awritingcaitlin · 7 months
Under the cut 'cause it's long
Evianne is the goddess of passion, independence, and consent. She wants you to love, to care, to care for. Her Temples are places of acceptance. Some people judge her because you can imagine what "passion" and "consent" imply. But all are welcome if they abide by the rules.
Seamus Finn is the god of the Feast, a god of camaraderie and celebrating. It is easy to worship him. A shot of booze in his name is enough. He takes the Laws of Hospitality very seriously. His abbots work in places like bars and restaurants, which are also his Temples.
Aenera is the goddess of the sea. She is about persistence and change. She is the patron goddess of many navies around the world. Her Temples are open squares where people can come, go, and worship as they please. Those who spurn her however, may find rotten luck in water.
Shierdi is a goddess of scholarship, of self-improvement. She is the patron goddess of many libraries and research facilities. Worshipping her is more private. Any improvement is considered worship.
Nelamera is the goddess of death and harvest. She is the patron goddess of farming. She is there for the cycles. The earth. The hearth. She is a goddess for families. A wholesome goddess for the entire life cycle. Worshipping her can be as simple as caring for houseplants.
Ciaman is the god(dess) of imagination and creativity. They are a deity for creatives. Worshipping is everything from dreaming of goals to creating the magnum opus.
Telsan is the god of battles, weaponry, and strength. He is technically a god of war, but he is about honor and about recuperation in the aftermath.
Rial is the god of justice, truth, and commerce. A god of layers and international relations. His followers are upstanding and seek to right wrongs.
Bellarah is a goddess of valor, honor, and glory. She seeks to protect the weak. Her followers are upheld to high moral standards. Many go into law enforcement or the military. Those who do not maintain honorable actions are shunned and cast out.
Tobalth is the god of the sky. A patron god of pilots, he encourages his followers to be strong and find freedom. Unbeknownst to anyone outside the deific circles, he and Aenehra, the goddess of the sea, are in a relationship. The sky and the sea do work well together after all.
Ramsus is the god of industry and technology. A god of advancements. Since he has such wide pillars, it is easy for him to be worshipped. Future-thinking technology and architecture are ways to pay his dues.
Mikita is a goddess of traditions and honestly. A goddess for families. Her tenants are good to uphold. Children can worship her while learning to be good and kind people at the same time.
Sassandra is the goddess of motherhood and protection. All mothers are welcome in her temple, regardless of how they became a mother. Her Temples are communities to build others up and not leave anyone without the help they need
Kietene is a goddess of deep love. Familial love. Of passing down traditions and wisdom. Also a goddess of finding love and companionship later in life.
Kiarn is the god of hunting, forestry, and trade. A god of animal husbandry, of nature, and living with the land. Worshipping him is as simple as being respectful to the land. Take what you need and use it wisely.
Eranos is a god of nature and patience. Of planting things and watching them grow. Of keeping pets of all types. Of being kind to the people and the world around you. Another god for families and to give kids something to aspire towards.
Mikita is a goddess of honesty and tradition. A goddess of celebrating communities, families, children, life, and love. She is a springtime goddess and most of her annual celebrations are then.
Kation is the god of friendship and loyalty. He champions health and passions. Of bringing people up and spreading positivity.
Nidtrix labels herself as the Goddess of New Beginnings. But to find out what she's about has a price. She is not at all what she seems.
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qzqzz · 8 months
the heart
every minute
heart beating faster
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agenpupukorganik16 · 8 months
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ORGANIK!! TELP! 0812-2558-1198, GROSIR asam humat pupuk organik Jombang, HARGA pupuk organik penyubur tanah Gresik, AGEN pupuk organik penyubur tanaman Bojonegoro
klik https://wa.me/6281225581198, GROSIR pupuk organik penyubur tanah Jombang, HARGA pupuk organik penyubur tanaman Gresik, AGEN pupuk organik penyubur daun Bojonegoro, DISTRIBUTOR pupuk penyubur organik Lumajang, TOKO pupuk pembenah tanah terbaik Banyuwangi, PABRIK pupuk pembenah tanah Jember, SUPPLIER asam humat Kediri, PUSAT pupuk pembenahan tanah Malang, JUAL asam humat powersoil Pasuruan, GROSIR asam humat pupuk Sidoarjo
HUMIC ACID Asam Humat 1 kg, Pupuk Lahan Rusak Humic Acid Penyubur Tanah, Pupuk Pembenah Perbaikan Tanah Tanaman Asam Humat adalah bahan pembenah tanah alami berbentuk serbuk yang diproses melalui ekstraksi asam humat, dan merupakan humus yang dipadatkan dalam konsentrasi tinggi. Karakter asam humat adalah memiliki Kapasitas Tukar Kation (KTK) yang tinggi, berkisar antara 200–500 meq/gram. Memiliki kemampuan memperbaiki sifat fisik, kimia, dan biologi tanah.  Fungsi Asam Humat : 
Meningkatkan kapasitas tukar kation (KTK) tanah. - Sumber makanan dan bahan pembawa (carrier) mikroba. 
Bahan pembenah tanah. 
Bind Material (bahan pengikat pupuk). - Meningkatkan efisiensi pemupukan. 
Mengatur ketersediaan unsur hara dalam tanah. 
Cara penggunaan Asam humat : Sebagai Perbaikan Tanah / soil amendement : Larutkan Humic acid dalam air. Semprotkan ke tanah secara merata pada saat pengolahan tanah. Dosis 3–5 kg per hektar, atau Campurkan dengan bahan organic kemudian tebar merata pada lahan. Dosis 3–5 kg per hektar.  Sebagai treatment benih : rendam benih selam 12jam. Dosis 1–2 gram per liter Sebagai media tanam : campurkan 300gram per kubik media tanam Sebagai pupuk kocor : kocor pada lubang tanam sebanyak 300ml per lubang. Dosis 1–2gram per liter Selalu READY STOK !! Pengiriman setiap hari ya kak…
kunjungi Juga Toko Kami: Lazada https://www.lazada.co.id/shop/amiinahagro/?spm=a2o4j.pdp_revamp.seller.1.1dca1986ieACca&itemId=5892186568&channelSource=pdp shopee https://shopee.co.id/hayuta_agro tokopedia https://www.tokopedia.com/hayutaagro?source=universe&st=product Bukalapak https://www.bukalapak.com/u/agrostoreindonesia?from=omnisearch&from_keyword_history=false&search_source=omnisearch_user&source=navbar
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