#katrina 'kitten' cornwell
baubeautyandthegeek · 2 years
Electricity flows//With the very first kiss - Ro Laren/Katrina Cornwell
A/N: The girls get... closer.   Tags: @cleverlycrusher​. 
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It’s been a few weeks since Kat saved her and Ro is finally, finally sure of herself enough to challenge her on things. They have both been restless and they both know they need to burn off the energy safely. It’s not completely clear who starts the teasing. Kat pounces, of course, living up to her name but Ro is swifter, side-stepping and almost, almost catching Kat’s wrist, the light-hearted battle of wits continues, pushing them through rooms and corridors until finally, finally, finally, Kat is pinned against a wall, Ro’s arm across her throat, both women rasping for breath before Ro rasps out the same Bajoran curse she had before admitting she was falling for Kat, then finally captures her lips with her own, releasing Kat’s throat to pull her arms up over her head, keeping her pinned their almost lazily, smirking when Kat groans into the kiss when she pushes her knee between her legs, she’s almost sure she’s won when Kat finally flips them, pulling free and catching Ro’s wrists in her hands, guiding them over her shoulders and letting the kiss deepen, her own thigh pressed between Ro’s as they lose themselves in feelings. Later Ro would admit she hadn’t ever really considered love, not like this, but she has nothing but love and need for Kat, she’s almost shy with the revelation, treated to Kat’s sweetest smile, soft, loving, caring, and a sweeter kiss, light, sweet, still possessive. “We have nothing but time Laren… there’s no rush.” “Kat…” Ro’s protest is cut off with another kiss. “Take your time Laren, I’m not going anywhere and I won’t rush this…” “Keep saying things like that I’m not entirely sure I’ll be able to control myself around you…” Ro’s words are teasing but she tangles a hand into Kat’s hair and kisses her firmly but gently, nipping her lower lip just enough to drag a growl from Kat. “Keep biting I can’t promise I won’t take you right here…” “That’s rather the point Kitten.” Ro’s smirk is soft and Kat growls again, catching her lips lightly again. “Naughty girl…”
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She is half your age//But I'm guessing that's the reason that you strayed… - Katrina Cornwell/Marie Batel
A/N: So here we go. Fake Marriage for @startrekfemslashweek.
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Marie Batel, the true name of a warrior known to several species simply as ‘Battle’ or ‘The Warrior’, she holds that close to her as she makes a choice to take a risk she hadn’t planned. She could see the hurting in Katrina’s eyes. Georgiou has set her aside for another, someone younger, fresher, more foolish. It’s easy, she thinks, walking the aisle to the marriage, to fake this. Make it feel real even if they don’t register the marriage. Kat, of course, is dressed simply, her dress uniform simple but stunning, Marie’s own pressed into service, the rich blue of Kat’s matched with bright gold. She had proposed this quite by accident, all they needed where the photos… but now… now she wonders if Kat perhaps wants what she does. To make it all so very real. The photos are taken and she’s about to step away when Kat’s fingers close at her wrist. “Marie…” She stops, risking looking up into the other woman’s eyes where she had been looking at the floor. “I don’t…” Kat’s voice breaks and she takes a deeper breath. “Does it have to be fake?” It's hard to breathe, all she wants is right there for the taking. Kat seems about to speak and Marie moves quickly to pull her closer, kiss her firmly, deeply, passionately. “Let’s get married.” The words are soft and Marie smiles at Kat’s hushed laugh, stroking her cheek dry of tears. Later, much later, Marie lies with Kat at her side, slow fingers trailing down a scarred spine, lingering as she leans to kiss her again. “My fierce kitten.”
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A Little Downtime - Erica Ortegas/Kat Cornwell
A/N: Day 2 of 2 so far for @trektober-challenge the NSFW edition.
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Katrina ‘Kat’ Cornwell, Erica knew the woman, knew the name, knew the Admiral. She had heard and seen plenty, but when Una brings the woman back from the brink of death, it’s clear the Admiral’s eyes are haunted by older, dark memories. Erica learns them almost accidentally and knows she must do what she can to help Kat push the past into the past. She will, she thinks, enjoy this but she will make sure Kat also enjoys it. Her focus, now, is on the other woman and making her feel good. Kat, when she does finally give in, is quiet, almost tentative and Erica smiles just slightly, locking them both safely behind several codes before kissing Kat gently but with clear passion, easing her worry with soft hands brushing over tender skin as she helps Kat undress, her lips brushing Kat’s ear gently. “Look at you, beautiful…” Kat, she knows, doesn’t feel it, but she’s quiet as she undresses, moving herself into position and smiling softly at Kat as she settles between her thighs, curling soft arms under Kat’s thighs, pulling her closer as she settles to work. It’s easy, she thinks, as she makes her pace, to forget how beautiful the act of oral sex can be, how good it can make someone feel. Kat, eyes closed, body arching to her touch and lips and tongue, is radiant. Erica finds herself mesmerized by soft curves and pale skin, smiling when Kat’s release comes on her even as she eases her tenderly down. Kat, she can tell, is shaking, eyes stung with tears that escape even as Erica moves to kiss her again sweetly, brushing tears from soft cheeks and kissing her again. “You are perfect, Kitten.”
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A Domestic Life - Katrina Cornwell/Beverly Crusher
A/N: Day 11 for @trektober-challenge 's General Prompts.
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“Did you always want pets?” Katrina asks the question lightly, finger running softly over the tiny kitten’s fur. “Not until I had… settled down… no… but when we had a home… I knew I needed a pet to keep me company…” “She’s beautiful Beverly…” Beverly smiles, leans to kiss Katrina softly. “Well, I’ll let you two get used to each other…. Since I plan to move you in soon…. Admiral Katrina Cornwell, Retired.” Katrina laughs softly, then gently strokes the kitten’s fur again. “You sure you didn’t just want your Kat to have a Kitten?” “Busted…” Beverly laughs softly. “You do like her though… don’t you?” “I love her, almost as much as my beautiful fiancée.” Kat teases, kissing Beverly softly. “Soon to be wife and cat mother.”
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Learning To Trust Again - Katrina Cornwell/Una Chin-Riley
A/N: Day 6 for @trektober-challenge, the NSFW edition.
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Katrina Cornwell’s trust was not easily won. Una Chin-Riley knew that, it was why she held it so close and treasured it so dearly. It was why, when Kat admitted needing to try some BDSM again, Una had accepted quietly. Kat now, bound open to her very touch, is trembling, trusting but clearly nervous and Una moves closer, ghosting soft lips over Kat’s own, her voice low and ever so slightly more husky than usual, warmly loving. “Trust me, my Kitten.” They continue of course, soft fingers trailing over open thighs, Kat’s whimper rewarded with Una’s pause, her voice soft. “Color?” “…” A pause a breath then… “Green.” “Kitten…” “Green, I promise… Green.” Una doesn’t push it this time, slowing her pace all the same as she continues the trail up towards Kat’s clit and pussy, noting the tremble again and hushing Kat gently. “Good girl, my Kitten, such a good girl for me…” Kat whines more openly at the first touch of thumb to clit, gasping out the word ‘Green’ before Una can ask, the arching need clear in her movement even as Una pushes two, then three, then finally four fingers into her and feeling Kat’s shudders turn to arching pace, begging for release. Once Kat trembles undone, mewling desperately, Una moves swiftly, undoing both ties at Kat’s ankles and freeing her wrists. “How are you feeling, Kat?” “Good… stiff… but good.” Una smiles softly, kissing her again gently and moving to gently massage stiff joints, smiling when Katrina, her precious Kat, relaxes for her completely. “You’re so beautiful when you submit for me…”
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Back To Back - Katrina Cornwell/Una Chin-Riley
A/N: Day 13 of @trektober-challenge the general challenge.
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Una had always known hiding who she was, pretending to be human and not superhuman, was going to end in tears. Now, as she held Katrina, her Kat, close she’s praying her natural healing powers will work. She can’t live without Kat. Her partner, her lover, her hope. Superheroes are supposed to be hard to kill but Kat has always been softer, sweeter, braver. Kat, a human who made her own mechanical suits, is human enough to bleed, unlike Una. Una’s eyes close now even as she prays it works. “Please Kitten…” “She’s human…. Isn’t she?” The words come from behind her, the words of the enemy, and she pulls Kat closer as she shelters them behind a building, somewhere she won’t be seen even as she glows with healing light. Later, when Kat saves her own life, she’ll smile, watch the woman they caught taken away and kiss Kat deeply, flooding Kat’s body with her own healing ability again, making sure she will live. “My hero.”
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baubeautyandthegeek · 2 years
A Captive Audience - Katrina Cornwell/Mirror Philippa Georgiou
A/N: Today’s @febuwhump​ . Philippa can’t help wondering why Kat is alright with being her captive...
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Philippa watches Kat pace slowly, intrigued by the woman’s quiet calm fierceness. Most captives broke in captivity, Kat didn’t. Then she knows why. Kat drops her jacket, her arms are already bruised and then the tank is also removed, a sports bra covering almost nothing even as Philippa drinks in the span of Kat’s skin and the bruising, the wounds that barely had time to heal before she fell through into this mirror world. Now she knows why Captivity is easy for Kat, she’s trusted Philippa with it all, all her past mistakes and wounds. It’s easy to drop the force-field, step inside then raise it again, her arms coming around Kat as finally, finally, she understands. “Easy, little Kitten, you’ll be my captive now.”
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Much Needed - Ro Laren/Katrina Cornwell
A/N: Part 4/4 for @fluffbruary in September.
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Had you told Ro that she would ever, willingly, be the one to start a hug that was this tight, she would have laughed at you. She would have been wrong to laugh, of course, she knows that now, the snugness of the way Kat fits so perfectly against her feels so right. The hug, of course, is much needed. She’s been silently struggling for days but the look of pure loss and pain in Kat’s eyes draws her closer, has her pulling Kat ever closer, stroking soft fingers through tangling hair. “I’ve got you.” “Ro…” The word, her name, is a breath and Ro smiles. “Shhh, Kitten. Just relax.”
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baubeautyandthegeek · 11 months
The Emperor And Her Kitten - Mirror Katrina Cornwell/Mirror Philippa Georgiou
A/N: Day 22 of @trektober-challenge the NSFW bit.
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“Come here Kitten…” Katrina is silent as she pads closer to her mistress, to the Emperor Philippa Georgiou. She’s barely hiding her trembling but she smiles as she leans into her touch. Pet play for them is less animalistic and simply a case of allowing herself to submitting. “There’s my pretty kitty Kat.” She does purr at the compliment, she can’t help it, but she’s aware this is only the start. She’s already naked and when Philippa positions her as she likes, she stays, barely biting back a moan as Philippa pulls her back onto her strap, her whine escaping her softly. “Such a good girl Kitten…. Just take it for me.” She does, she rides the pace, bruising and incredibly fast. She adores her, even when it hurts. The comedown is filled with quiet, Philippa tending to her sore parts, soothing her softly and settling to bring Katrina down against her side, stroking her hair softly. “My precious Kitten.”
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Look At Your Face In The Mirror, I Am There, Inside – Mirror!Katrina Cornwell/Katrina Cornwell
A/N: Day 7 for @trektober-challenge, the Trek prompts.
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Katrina Cornwell would never admit to being afraid of herself, but in many ways the sweeter, tougher mirror version of herself bothered her. She could not imagine being able to trust Philippa, the Emperor, as much as this other version of herself does, but as she watches she understands. This version of herself is sheltered by the Emperor’s love. This version has never had to fend for herself. It’s this sudden understanding that lets her escape the mirrorverse, leaving both Philippa and her other self behind. Katrina, the woman known to her Emperor as simply ‘Kitten’, looks up at her beloved with soft eyes, her voice low and slightly sad. “She’s been through hell, Pip… you could bring her home…”
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Unseen Beauty - Mirror Katrina Cornwell/Mirror Philippa Georgiou
A/N: Day 5 for @trektober-challenge the NSFW edition.
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The moments here, with her precious Mistress, were getting rare for Katrina ‘Kitten’ Cornwell. Still, as she knelt, silent and obedient, she knew it would be worth it to see her Mistress’ smile. She had, after long hours of fear and nerves, accepted her place as the pet to an Emperor, accepting that she might not believe she was beauty incarnate but she must never once challenge Philippa on her beliefs. So she knelt, the golden threads of her lingerie were subtle, delicate made and she would have to be still to keep them from breaking before her Mistress had time to see them. So she knelt, she waited and she hoped. Philippa had come home late, locking the door behind her and moving closer to Kat, her Kitten, her touch soft through brunette hair as she brushes a light hand over her girl’s hair, cupping soft cheek in strong hand before turning her Kitten’s gaze upwards, the soft whine that escapes Kat is rewarded with a soft smile, gentle kiss turning fierce before Philippa moves away. “Look at you, my Beauty…” She almost purrs the word, then clicks her fingers. “Come to me.” She moves to the bed, settles and smiles when Kat stands then joins her, settling where Philippa indicates, breath catching at the feeling of Philippa’s gloved hand between her thighs, pushing aside thin lingerie to press into Katrina, her Kitten, until she mews needily, her smile soft. “Such a good girl, my Kitten.” The murr is soft even as Philippa presses deeper, harder, curling her fingers to tease against Kat in ways that drag whined moans from her, her smile soft when Kat finally shudders undone. “Good girl… such a needy little Kitten.” “Yes, my Mistress.” Kat’s reply is soft and Philippa smiles, kissing her gently again. “Bedtime, my Kitten.”
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