#kauri's known lol
silvercrystalwhump · 2 years
The Safehouse Knows Now
Vince, Nat, Jake, & Kauri belong to @ashintheairlikesnow
Vince blinks awake to the sound of his phone vibrating. He wiggles up from under Dmitri’s arms and reaches up and takes the phone. His eyes struggle to adjust, focusing around glowing letters. The light from the partially open window dances over the screen and sends light glaring into his eyes. He turns the screen away and fails to read the name.
He presses the answer button and mumbles his voice barely more than a croak, “Hi, Shield speaking.”
“Vince–” Nat’s voice echoes through the phone– “You just woke up didn’t you?”
“Um, yes?” Vince mutters as he sits upright. Dmitri’s arm wraps tighter around his waist and Vince feels Dmitri press his nose into his hip. “How’s your morning?”
“It’s been quiet. Are you coming today?” Nat asks.
Vince blinks, “I said I would be there Thursday.”
“Today is Thursday Vince.”
Vince pauses and looks over at the glowing blue clock on Dmitri’s nightstand. His eyes fade in and out around the glowing numbers. Eventually, the small 10:43 glows back at him. His brain shifts around his skull like molasses as his thoughts scramble to get into a line.
I was supposed to be there thirty minutes ago.
“Oh shit! Sorry Nat I’ll be there in,” Vince exclaims as he scrambles out of Dmitri’s bed and thinks, shoving brain cells together, “Thirty… forty-five minutes.”
“Vince you can’t make–”
His thumb presses onto the hang up button before Vince realizes Nat started speaking. Falling gracelessly onto the floor, Vince curses under his breath as he scrambles for his drawer of clothes sitting in Dmitri’s dresser. 
Dmitri looks up from the bed and mumbles through the blankets, “Where you going?” 
“I completely forgot I was meeting Nat today,” Vince stumbles over to the door as he throws a jacket on, “I'll be back later!”
“Okay, have a good meeting,” Dmitri sheepishly mumbles as he rolls over in bed.
After just shy of thirty minutes of objectively messy driving, Vince knocks on Nat’s door. She opens the door and blinks, honestly shocked. “How did you manage to make a three hour drive into less than thirty minutes?” 
Nat steps inside and lets Vince walk in behind her. “I drove less than eloquently to get here.”
 She steps back into her kitchen and says, “That is not possible at all even if you speed the entire time.”
“And also I wasn’t at my house,” Vince answers as he shrugs off his coat, “I was at Dmitri’s.”
“Who’s Dmitri?” Nat says as she wraps her hands around a streaming mug on her countertop. The smell of tea ruminates through the room.
“Oh, um, he’s the man I’m seeing right now,” Vince says as he leans against the counter, “He’s my boyfriend. He lives on the other side of this city.”
“Congratulations,” Nat perks up, giving Vince a warm smile, “How long have you two been together?”
“A few months now,” Vince smiles as he looks at his feet. “He’s wonderful. I’ve been staying with him when I’m in between projects.”
Jake steps out from the back and blinks, “How the hell did you get here in thirty minutes?”
“I wasn’t at my house,” Vince repeats. “I was just up late.”
Jake looks back over his shoulder into the deeper parts of the house. Vince watches his expression shift slightly.
“I’m not interrupting anything am I?” Vince steps back towards the door, “I know I’m late and–”
Nat raises his hand, “Both of you were impromptu and this is brief. I can ask you about Dmitri later.”
“Okay so–” Vince starts.
“Wait a damn minute.”
Vince looks over his shoulder and Kauri stands in the doorway to the deeper parts of the house. He leans against the older, simple door frame and blinks, “Is he the Dmitri that’s so tall it’s stupid?” He raises his hand and locks his arm, holding his hand parallel to his head.
Vince nods, “Um, yes. I come up to his collarbone.”
“And he dyes his hair alot?” 
Vince nods.
Kauri pauses and chuckles, a more of a snort than a laugh, “So you’re the reason he’s been out less.”
“I don’t stop him from going places,” Vince mutters.
“I mean,” Kauri rolls his eyes, “I knew he was patient but I didn’t know he was a damned saint.” With that retort, Kauri spins on a heel and walks back deeper into the house.
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porchtart · 3 years
Who’s Kauris married to and/or Nadirs other parent(s)? (if there are any)
Kauris is married to an ex-patient of his (that I currently don't have a name for.) He's pretty much just Some Guy, but he's very sweet and loves Kauris very deeply. He's a licensed magical mechanic.
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Nadir's other parent is, unfortunately, Urale. Like here on Earth, incest is very taboo on Vuliros, so their relationship was secret. Kauris gave birth to Nadir right after he left the church, and left Nadir in Urale's care. Urale and Kauris both know that Urale is the other father, but no one else does. Nadir only knows Urale as her uncle, and doesn't find out that he's also her father until much much later. Nadir being born to a ex-priest has made her a pariah in the church since birth, and is permanently banned from every acquiring a magic license as a result.
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steamberrystudio · 4 years
Hey! I played the demo (GS) and I'm waiting for more! I love it! I'd like to get to know LIs a little better, so: how would LIs comfort sad MC? Plus can you give us some silly/soft facts about LIs? :) PS. Good job!
I think I'll leave the comforting question to be answered during the game itself!
Silly/soft facts - I feel like some of these will be known already but I'll throw them out again so people don't have to dig through the blog.
Ari - likes to have warm milk with honey when he can't sleep. Likes to play a sport called 'volitant' with Caleb. Frequently gets utterly thrashed by Caleb while doing so. Is very popular and well liked by rookie agents.Definitely considers Caleb his best friend, but would probably never vocalise it that way.
Caissa - likes to read. Wears reading glasses.Cares for a greenhouse that used to belong to his brother.His back tattoo is a copy of a tattoo his brother had.Plays piano.Has very few people he can be himself around.
Caleb - gets a great deal of pleasure in completely thrashing Ari in volitant. LoL. Plays the guqin. Has pretty bad insomnia issues and takes long walks in the Cor Solaris garden when he can't sleep. Comes across like he hates everything. Actually loves everything and is afraid of getting hurt.
Jack - Misses the friends he left behind at Endgame. Has a holophoto of himself, Caleb, and Ari that he keeps on his person at all times. Still cries over his sister sometimes. Likes cats - feeds some of the strays that linger around the Court. Takes a lot of naps in strange places. Gets along weirdly well with Caissa's father.
Kauri - Finds the idea of insects strangely horrifying. Requires complete darkness for sleeping.Never remembers his deams - finds the idea of them fascinating.An eternal optimist who always tries to see the good in everyone. Fully believes everyone has something to offer.
Lance - Occasionally goes to water his plants without putting on pants. Sings to his plants frequently. Has loved gardening since forever. Secretly wanted to be a botanist while growing up - despite that it was never going to be an option for him. Likes to make wind sculptures. Makes jokes to himself and laughs at them.
Magnus - Very forgetful; writes notes to himself to help him remember things. Tends to sleep in his office a lot. He probably goes back to his flat once a week. Likes to raid the Cor Solaris galleys for midnight snacks. Insists on having a spinning chair in his office just so he can spin when he's bored.
Reuben - Keeps case related notes on a hand held display because his partner, Wynter, cannot access the nano-system. It makes it easier to quickly get information to him. Is incredibly stubborn and sometimes does not know when to quit when it comes to work. Very much a dog person. Would love to have a dog but can't due to work and travel. Turns to mush when he sees dogs.
Yuu - Plays violin (taught himself just because he could). Views Caleb very much as a little brother of sorts. Teases him relentlessly because it's fun. Frequently goes to visit the children recruited by Endgame - takes them candy. Because, as an orphan brought to EG at a young age, he understands how scary it is to be a child at Endgame.
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porchtart · 2 years
Rambling about Vilayan while I can't sleep:
Vilayan's pronouns are they/them and he/him, they prefer masculine terms to neutral terms (aka son rather than child or kid, they also like boy and guy. They're fine with either nephew or nephling, even niece is okay sometimes.)
Vilayan's parents are Kauris and Kevin.
Their name at birth was Kyle, they changed it because Vilayan is a traditional name among worshippers of Death like the Joros.
They were raised without an assigned gender, and eventually they decide they identify more with manhood han anything else. They come to this realization after spending a lot of time with Urale, the first Very Femme man they've ever really known.
Vilayan is a medical student, very interested in arcane medicine and experimental biology. This is the main reason they really wanted to study under Urale - finding out he's their uncle just made him more appealing.
Vilayan finds out about their uncle (and their half-sister) when their affair is leaked to the press and Urale is excommunicated, and they decide that ingratiating themself to their fucked up and vulnerable uncle is going to get them what they want more easily than trying to access their emotionally unavailable father (Kauris) lol.
Vilayan is really really in love with Urale! Now, they don't really have a healthy sense of what love is, but they feel really strongly for him.
They're a yandere. 🥰🔪🪚
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