psycopath06 · 3 years
Secretary Part 2: Volturi Kings x Neutral!Reader
A/n: (f/s) = favorite scent, (2/f/s) = 2nd favorite scent, (3/f/s) = 3rd favorite scent. The parentheses next to the quotes are the translation to any words that are in Italian.
Tags: @peachymelon69 @schroedingershund
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I opened my eyes and looked around. I felt like death, was I dead? Did they kill me in my sleep? If I'm dead than this must be hell because it still looks like my room in the castle. Seriously death? Couldn't you give me a break?
   I sighed and got up to look around, but as I passed the mirror I turned around immediately to look at myself. I was a lot paler than I remember, I looked like I just walked off a runway. The worst part was I had those damn red eyes that the vampires had. Am I really dead or did they turn me?
  I turned to my door at the sound of footsteps suddenly appearing outside my door. Then Aro walked in with Marcus and Caius at his sides.
   "You changed me?!" I screamed beyond frustrated with them at this point.
   "Yes, that was what we told you would happened if you took the job." Aro said matter-of-factly.
   "You never kept your word to that before with the other secretaries! Why am I the one you changed?!" I screeched angrily at him. I couldn't get a nice peaceful death, now I can't die. These vampires suck!
   "That's simple Caro, you just haven't figured it out yet." (Dear) Aro said playfully, like this was all one big game to him.
   "Why I oughta" I growled and lunged at him, but was stopped by Caius pulling me into his chest. Before I could think of a way to curse him out, I stopped as I caught a whiff of Caius. Why did he suddenly smell like (f/s)? It was a very nice scent and it was making my brain fuzzy.
   Before I could stop myself, I was giggling and giving a genuine smile. I snuggled into Caius' chest enjoying his scent.
   "There we go. Take it easy, Tesoro." (Treasure) Caius whispered sweetly to me. I honestly didn't want to let go of him. Besides he smelled amazing, this was a side I never saw of Caius. Actually, the kings were all acting strange since last night.
   Marcus was being playful and less depressing, Aro showed the most genuine concern I have ever seen him give, and Caius was mostly quiet last night, but now he was cuddling with me. What the hell was happening?
   I tried to breathe in more of Caius' scent but something else caught my interest. Marcus smelled like (2/f/s) and Aro smelled like (3/f/s). What was happening to me?
   "What's going on?" I finally asked, after collecting my thoughts. Aro stretched out his hand so I put mine in his on instinct. He then wrapped both his hands around my hand. Marcus had moved closer and was messing with my hair. I leaned into the new touch, enjoying the attention from the both of them.
   Aro chuckled at my thoughts from when I woke up. "You can now feel the mating bound Caro. Now you know why your no longer our secretary. I'm shocked it took you this long to feel anything."
   I looked at him confused and he answered my unspoken question. "We vampires have a bond with a human or another vampire which is called the mating bond. It's very similar to a human soul mate. It's something Caius, Marcus, and I have shared for centuries." Aro now held an actual sweet smile on his face at that thought. "When you came to be our secretary, Marcus saw our bond was also connected to you but throughout the entire week that you worked for us, you never showed interest, simply trying to stay alive and not anger us. That would be normal if you only had one mate but you have all three of us."
   Caius and Marcus started to purr at Aro mentioning the bond, clearly they enjoyed the thought of a mate. I had even started to purr because of them.
   Aro continued, "The more mates a human has, the more of a need to be near those mates the human will have. Vampires have a more intense reaction to having a mate then humans do. That is why you went from trying to kill me to cuddling Caius." Aro stated as he watched how I was reacting to Marcus and Caius. "We originally thought it was because Caius was being harsh on you."
   That reminded me, "Why were you such an asshole to me while I was the secretary?" I asked Caius, while looking up at him.
   "The lower gaurds have less tolerance to humans." He stated before Marcus interrupted him.
   "That's putting it lightly, Carissimo." (Dearest) Marcus mumbled into my ear. This caused the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up. I knew it wasn't Marcus' intent of scarring me but to tell me that I was walking on extremely thin ice with the lower gaurd around because I existed scared me.
   Caius lightly growled at him for freaking me out, but he continued with what he was saying. "If you made even one mistake infront of them, they would have either killed you or choked you out while promising to kill you." He said, while trying to soothe my nerves by scenting my neck.
   "Why not tell the gaurds about me then?" I asked, annoyed that they wouldn't want to keep me safe because I was their human mate. I moved away from them and sat on my bed, I didn't want them touching me anymore
   "It was too much of a risk if the entire gaurd knew. Some would want to use your life in order to get a higher statues in the gaurd or to get revenge on us for killing someone they knew that they deemed innocent, but we killed." Marcus gently replied. I was surprised they weren't trying to force me to be affectionate towards them.
   "The elite guard are aware of you, they kept watch over you incase a lower gaurd decided to mess with you." Aro tried to ease my annoyance of them.
   I finally dropped it and went over to the window to help me process everything. This was a lot when all I wanted was a job to get myself out of my financial hole.
   As I looked out at the garden below my room I caught sight of sparkles in my peripheral vision. I moved my arm around in the light finding it fascinating that my skin was now extremely sparkly.
   I heard my mates chuckle, next thing I knew I had Marcus next me telling me about how our venom causes us to sparkle instead of combusting into flames. It was odd to see the kings sparkling like glitter bombs and being caring instead of depressed, creepy, and angry all the time. Maybe being a vampire wasn't so bad if I had them by my side.
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psycopath06 · 3 years
Secretary Part 1: Volturi Kings x Neutral!Reader
A/N: The parentheses next to the quotes are the translation to any words that are in Italian.
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I had been working as the new secretary for the Volturi for a week now. I had been lucky with the few guards, that didn't have a stick up their asses, were nice enough to tell me what to avoid that would cause my death. The secretaries got killed for the stupidest of reasons.
   I only took the job because I desperately needed the money even if the job seemed sketchy. My family didn't help get me better off finacially but put me in even more debt. The immortality part was just a bonus to the job.
   I had manage to not piss the kings or the guards off thus far, but that could easily change with Caius' temper. He's been out for my head since the day he met me. Thanks to Aro and Marcus I have been able to avoid Caius' wrath for the most part. Aro and Marcus were neutral to me being there. They would tell Caius to stop threatening me whenever he saw me.
   It was late and I was going to be off duty in 15 minutes, so I got up to deliver the letter that they got in the mail. I had decided that giving them their mail before I was let off for the night gave me a better chance of survival, since the kings were also ready to retire for the night.
   I walked in to the underground Throne room and gave my best smile as to not get on their bad side.
   "Ah, young y/n has brought us something." Aro's eagerly said as he got off his throne and walked to the edge of the platform.
   "They should not have interrupted." Caius stated his hatred for me loud and clear to everyone in the room. Always had something to say about whatever I did.
   "They're new." Aro half-ass defended me.
   "Aren't they all?" Marcus rasped out. For once Marcus was doing something besides being depressed!
   I watched Caius smirk at the joke, smug bastard. I had to focus on why I was here as to not want to slap Caius.
   I stepped up on the first step and extended the sliver tray to Aro with the letter on it. They INSISTED that I use this stupid tray when I gave them letters. Surprisingly I wasn't that bother by the kings being vampires and didn't really fear them which was why I was comfortable being this close to Aro.
   Aro took the letter from the tray as he gave me when of his creepy smiles that I have gotten use to at this point. He opened the letter and started speaking Italian. "L'amore ci mantiene tutti giovani. Bella and Edward are to be married." (Love keeps us all young)
   Marcus once again spoke "What joy." Now the depression was back, it never went far from Marcus.
   "This is the Cullen's way of announcing her transformation? They mock us with their delays." Caius declared. Always the first to want to start a war with someone.
   Aro turned to look at Caius. "Patience, brother." He reminded him. Like Caius ever had patience in his life.
   Aro put the envelope on the tray, while Marcus and Caius began to stand from their thrones.
   "Though you do have a point," Aro's airy voice muttered, "The human did interput." He dropped his happy sharade at the end of his sentence as he gently brushed my face with his finger. By then, Marcus and Caius were by his side.
   I sighed, knowing this was the end of the line for me. I turned around and walked over to Felix and Demetri.
   "Alright, kill me now boys! I know you have been wanting to do it since you met me!" I exclaimed loudly, I just wanted to get this over with as fast as possible. Better a quick death than a slow one.
   Felix and Demetri looked over at Aro for approval but Aro only chuckled. "So easily willing to let us end your life. You're such a fascinating human." Aro fondly expressed.
   Then these motherfuckers just walked away while Aro was saying "Oh, I do love weddings."
   I just stared at the door they left out of. Why am I still alive? I questioned that as I headed back to my room, ignoring the bodies on my way out of the underground throne room.
   The next day went like it normally would. Caius insulting me every second he got, most guards glaring at me, Marcus being depressed, and Aro's creepy tendencies.
   Everything was going well and I was about to leave early for the day until I got an email. The email was about a job application regarding my position as a secretary for the Volturi. Apparently someone sent this woman an email saying the position is open and she could start tomorrow. Now I did what any sane person would do when they realize they were about to get fired, which meant death. I went to the store, got some alcohol, got my favorite ice cream, got my favorite snacks, and enjoyed my last few hours of life.
   Sadly, at about one in the morning someone had opened my door to check on me. I was still awake, drunk, eating ice cream, surrounded by snacks, and binge watching my favorite show on TV all while crying out of my own self pity. Why did I take this stupid job?!
   "Carissimo? Why are you still awake?" (Dearest) That voice was Marcus. Sweet and slow as always. I was gonna miss that voice, no matter how depressed he could be.
   I laughed bitterly as I continued to eat my ice cream. "Like you care, you get to have a brand new secretary tomorrow!" I mockingly joked.
   Marcus gently grabbed my face and turned it to look at him. "You are unbelievably drunk and crying. Why are you this way, piccolo?" (Little one)
   I moved my face out of his hand. "Why do you care? I won't be your problem tomorrow." I growled angrily as I stabbed my ice cream with my spoon.
   Marcus had finally left after a minute of staring me down. Unfortunately, he came back with Aro and Caius.
   I could feel Caius trying to glare holes in my head with his stare as soon as he saw the state that I was in. Aro was immediately by my side mumbling something in Italian that I couldn't bother to translate.
   "If you're going to glare at me the whole time your here then leave." I said as I glared back at Caius. Something I never did since I met the kings. Mostly for fear of them killing me on the spot. What the hell did I have to lose at this point?
   "Caro, why are you drunk and crying?" (Dear) Aro's normal cheery voice was laced with concern.
   "What does it matter? I'll be dead in a few hours. Can't have one last night to enjoy being alive? Too much to ask from a bunch of vampires?" I grumbled angrily while finishing my ice cream. What was with all the sudden new pet names anyway? They normally call me by name, or rarely they say "human" just to mess with me.
   "Who told you that you were going to die tomorrow?" Aro calmly asked.
   I rolled my eyes and answered. "No one because no one has the balls to say it to my face that I'm no longer useful." I than look up at Caius again to glare at him. "You couldn't wait to get rid of me, could you?"
   I put my empty tub of ice cream on my nightstand, I would deal with it tomorrow. I am too drunk to be wondering the halls for the kitchen. Since the kings weren't going to leave any time soon, I made myself comfortable. Put my pillows against my headboard and wrapped myself in my blanket.
   Caius hadn't said a word since he got here and quite frankly, it was pissing me off. "For once the most feared king doesn't have a damn thing to say. Shocker." I snarked at him. Marcus and Aro were quietly chuckling at my antics, which made me turn my glare to them.
   "You're like an insufferable toddler when drunk." Caius snarked back at me. I tried to get up and punch him in the face, but Marcus cuddled me in his lap while sitting on my bed. I could enjoy this little bit of comfort from Marcus before I die. Punching Caius in the face would be a pleasure I could do before I died tomorrow.
   Aro just had to ruin the moment by trying to read my thoughts. I tried to move away but Marcus kept my arms in place so Aro could touch me. I huff at being ganged up on like this.
   After a minute, Aro pulled away and had become eerily quiet. That was never a good thing with Aro, someone normally died when Aro was quiet. Marcus was gently rubbing my back which was causing me to relax and finally fall asleep. The last thing I saw was Caius finally moving away from that stupid doorway.
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psycopath06 · 4 years
Volturi Kings x Fem!Reader PT. 2
A/N: I finally got an idea to make a part two of this story. Thank you to @primswan for wanting a part two of this story
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Bella's POV.
The Volturi had sent a letter to Carlisle as soon as Edward and I had left for our honeymoon. Which is why we were back in Volterra, when we should still be on our honeymoon, because they said it was about seeing if I would truly be turned.
Edward wanted me to stay in one of their waiting rooms, so they could talk to the kings and hopefully extend my time limit.
I was bored from being the only one in the room, while the Cullen's were talking to the kings.
There was a loud bang from down the hallway and I went to go see what it was. Edward said that they didn't keep newborns in the Volturi because they constantly killed the human workers, so I would be perfectly safe. Who knew they hired more humans than just the secretary.
I saw a broken vase on the floor a little way down the hallway, but no one was in sight. Maybe a vampire ran by it and accidentally hit it?
I was able to turn around and go back to the room when I felt the excruciating pain of burning alive from being bit by a vampire. I screamed from the sheer agony I was in.
Whoever was biting my neck was blood thirsty because they started to squeeze me so hard that I felt my ribs start to break.
My eyes started to droop as I saw Edward come running down the hall and immediately try to lung at the vampire that had attacked me. But he than compusted into flames!
I was forced to watch my lover burn to death infront of my eyes!
Than I saw the Cullen's blurry figures in my vision as they saw me and Edward. They tried to go near us but a line of fire bursted out infront of them, keeping them from getting any closer.
"Help.... me..." I whispered, desperate to get out of this situation.
Just as I was about to succumb to the darkness, the vampire angrily whispered in my ear, "I said I would make you pay for trying to make me your meal ticket."
Than I blacked out and never woke up.
(Y/N)'s POV.
Earlier that day
I was going to kill that fucking receptionist if it was the last thing I do!! Fucking starving me for 3 days so I could kill that stupid blood singer to that even stupider Cullen!
When I first woke up, I was too busy being distracted by my new abilities such as being able to hear and see things that humans couldn't easily see. Not to forget my mates who thought this was the most entertaining thing in their whole existences.
Their smell was amazing! Why hadn't I realized that before?
Aro was constantly grabbing my hand to see what I was thinking about every second that I was adjusting to my new abilities.
Caius was trying to convince his brothers to let me go against Felix. Even though we all new Felix could kick anybody's ass. But now my powers were a lot stronger, which would make an interesting fight.
Marcus was enjoying my reactions to every little thing that I saw or heard. It had been centuries since their was a newborn in the Volturi.
Than I heard heels clicking down the hallway. When the door opened, there was the receptionist. She had come to tell the kings that she got a reply from the Cullens. Which reminded me again of why I wanted the woman dead! They purposefully didn't kill her just to tease me!! I would make these assholes PAY!
If it wasn't for Caius keeping me in his lap, I would have my fangs lodged in that human's neck! Fucking Caius!
Aro chuckled at me wanting to throw Caius across the room for preventing me from eating the receptionist.
"In do time, mia cara." Aro sweetly said to me. Smug bastard! Atleast he could eat!
"How much longer of this ridiculous bullshit?!" I growled at my mates. Soon enough Afton would have to keep me from eating the blood singer, while the kings acted like they didn't have a clue about me being a newborn.
"Less than an hour, amore. Than you can finally eat." Marcus replied, trying to keep me somewhat calm. I rolled my eyes at him trying to be nice.
"This is the stupidest shit I have ever agreed to!" I snarled at him. Aro had some how sweet talked me into this. Which I made him pay for by lighting his arm on fire. Multiple times.
I originally came to Volterra because my friend wanted to go on a tour of the clocktower that was connected to the castle. She canceled on me last minute, so I went by myself.
Luckily for me, being a witch had it's perks. I was able to see through Heidi's sweet exterior and realize that she actually wanted the tour group to be her food.
So I went invisible and tried to sneak away, but sadly Afton had been watching and caught me. He brought me infront of the kings before Heidi got there with the tour group and that's when I found out I was their mate.
Since than, I lived with them in the castle and they would keep me by their sides almost all day long. I was aloud to go with them to trails as long as I was able to stay invisible. Caius enjoyed that it would drive the vampires insane, trying to figure out where the heartbeat was coming from.
Right now my powers were extremely more advanced, which I took advantage of whenever I saw fit. Which is why I kept setting Aro on fire.
Than I heard it. The most beautiful sound in the world! The sound of ANOTHER human heartbeat. It was finally time!
Aro called in Afton and he kept me from trying to leave while the kings went to the throne room.
After a few minutes, Afton left and I followed right behind him. Bella saw the broken vase that Afton tipped over and that's when I attacked. She never knew what hit her.
Edward heard her pitiful scream and tried to help her, but I set him on fire before he had the chance to get any closer. The other Cullen's soon following and seeing the situation their coven mated were in.
When they tried to get near me, I lit up a line of fire infront of them. This caused them to stop dead in their tracks and watch as Bella and Edward died.
I wanted Bella to remember who killed her so I whispered in her ear, "I said I would make you pay for trying to make me your meal ticket."
I smirked as her dead body dropped from my hold and finally extinguished the fires I had started. Before Emmett could try to make me pay for what I did, he was in agonizing pain on the floor. I really loved Jane's gift, maybe I could try doing that with my magic.
Behind the Cullen's was the kings and the elite guard. I was immediately smiling at my mates while Bella's blood dripped from my mouth. What a happy day it was!
"You never said she was already turned Aro! She killed two of my children! She should be sentenced to death!" Was Esme's feeble attempt to get revenge for the two dead lovers.
"Bella should have already been turned. If she was turned, than (Y/N) wouldn't have attacked her. Isn't the right, mio tesoro?" Caius happily asked me. He was beyond happy at making the Cullen's miserable.
I walked to my mates which caused Jane to stop using her gift on Emmett.
Marcus immediately pulled me into his side. I looked at him innocently, as if nothing in the world was wrong.
"Now leave before you join their fate. Farewell Carlisle." Aro dismissed them. They had no choice but to leave, unless they wanted to start a fight.
"You're filthy, piccolo." Marcus said as he wiped away some of the blood from my chin. I than remembered something I forgot in my crazed hunger.
"Can I kill that pathetic receptionist now?"
Mia cara = my dear
Mio tesoro = my treasure
Piccolo = little one
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psycopath06 · 4 years
Volturi Kings x Fem!Reader
Summary: While Alice and Bella rush to save Edward, they meet a woman on their way. They decid to use her as a bargaining chip to save their lives.
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A/N: I got this idea from a few different stories and I wanted to do something like this for a while but just never had the right idea of how to execute it. Sorry if it's shit but hope you enjoy!
Bella's pov.
As me and Alice got on the plane to go to Italy to save Edward, I was trying not to freak out. The woman next to me noticed me stressing out and she asked "Are you alright?"
"Y-Yes. I'm just nervous about flying is all." I said, trying horribly to lie. She seemed to be able to see right through me but didn't push me to tell the truth.
"If you say so." She sighed quietly and pulled out some headphones and started watching a show on her phone.
As I turned to look at Alice, she was in the middle of having a vision. I didn't know if I should disturb her or not but as soon I was going to touch her arm, she snapped out of it and looked at me.
"The girl next to us, we need to bring her with! She will help us from beinging harmed by the Volturi." Alive said. She looked a bit frazzled, as if whatever the outcome of not taking her with was the worst thing in the world.
"How am I supposed to do that?!" I whispered shouted.
"I don't know but we desperately need her Bella!" Alice whispered shouted back before going back to trying to watch Edward's future.
She acts as if it's not the most suspicious thing in the world! I turned to look at the woman next to me. She was pretty. (H/L), (H/C) hair that framed her face well. (E/C) eyes that sparkled from the light on her phone. She looked so content and peaceful. I felt so bad for having to disturb her.
I gently tapped her arm, which cause her to take out her headphones and look at me.
"Excuse me but I just really need someone to talk to." I lied. I was hoping that she would be willing to help if she knew the kind of situation we were in.
"It's fine. What is it that's bothering you?" She asked sweetly. She had a motherly vibe to her now. Not like the "I want to be left alone" vibe I got from her once she put on her headphones.
"Well, my boyfriend thinks I'm dead and he wants to die too. So he flew to Italy to kill himself tomorrow. " I said. That wasn't a lie but she didn't need to know he was a vampire.
"Why Italy of all places? Why didn't he just do it at his house?" She asked.
"W-well he has family there and wanted to say one last goodbye to them before he died." I said.
Her face changed for a minute. She glared at me as if she knew that I, once again, had lied to her. But the next second, it was back to normal. As if she never glared at me.
"Well what part of a Italy is he going to?" She asked.
"Volterra." I spoke.
This caught her interest. Than she started to chuckle.
"Of all days he could have picked to do it, he picks it on the day of the St. Marcus day festival." She said and she smiled.
"What's the St. Marcus day festival?" I asked rather interested. She didn't sound like an Italian.
"It's the day St. Marcus ran the vampires out of Volterra." She said.
Oh no! What was Edward going to do?! He would expose vampires to a whole city that believed they had been banished!! I decided to push that thought out of my mind and focus on the now.
"Are you going to Volterra by any chance?" I asked, trying to sound innocent. This seemed to make her brighten up. She than gestured to the bright red robe she was wearing.
"Of course! I was gonna go join the festival but my flight got delayed so I will sadly be late to the festival." She replied. This was perfect! I wouldn't have to force her to come to Volterra with us!
"Would you mind joining me and my friend to Volterra? We don't know the roads to there very well." I said.
"Sure! I don't mind helping and it seems you need all the support you can get right now." She said, while smiling gently. I let her go back to her show and tried to sleep the rest of the flight.
After we landed, Alice left to get us a car and only a few minutes later came back with a yellow porsche while telling us to get in.
She immediately floored it as soon as the girl got in the back seat.
"By the way I totally forgot to ask for your name." I stated.
"Oh, yeah. My names (Y/N)." She happily replied.
"I'm Bella and this is Alice." I said as I introduced us. I than turned to Alice.
"So I'm guessing you didn't rent this car?" I asked her.
"Well I didn't think you were apposed to grand theft auto." She said.
"Not today." I told her. The girl in the back chuckled.
"So I got in a car with a bunch of crazy people? How lovely." She said. She seemed so at ease with all of this.
Alice than started to have a vision and I asked her what it was the about.
"They rejected him. He's gonna expose himself to the humans." She states.
"No! When?!" I frantically asked.
"He's gonna wait till noon when the suns at it's highest." She says. The girl in the back looked confused.
"Are you guys high or something?" She asked, throughly confused. Alice whispered to just ignore her, which seemed to do the trick.
Once Edward and I were safe inside, two men in capes approached.
"We won't be needing your services after all, gentlemen." Edward said as he pushed me behind him.
"Aro wants to speak with you again." The big man said. He was very intimidating.
"No rules were broken." Edward stated.
"Nonetheless, we should take this to a more appropriate venue." The shorter one stated.
"Fine. Bella why don't you go enjoy the festival." Edward stated without breaking eye contact from the men.
"The girl came with us." The big guy says.
"No, you can go to hell." Edward said.
Than suddenly the lock on the door was broken and Alice and (Y/N) walked in.
Alice than said, "Come on guys, it's a festival. We wouldn't want to make a scene." Everyone but (Y/N) knew the underlying message in Alice's sentence.
"No, we wouldn't." The big guy says. He than eyes (Y/N), who is now standing next to me. He than snapped his eyes back to Edward. Before anything else can happen, a young, blonde girl comes walking in.
"Enough." She says in a monotone voice.
"Jane." Edward quietly says while bowing his head.
"Aro sent me to see what was taking so long." She says as she looks at the men than at (Y/N). She than starts to walk away expecting us to follow.
"Just do as she says." Alice says while we start to follow Jane. The whole time we walked it seemed like the vampires couldn't care less that (Y/N) was here. It was almost as if it was normal, but I didn't focus too long on that thought. I was too freaked out by these vampires and so was (Y/N).
Once Jane pulled open the doors to a throne room. A boy starts to talk.
"Sister, we sent you out to get one and you bring two and a half. Such a clever girl." The boy states and (Y/N) is now hiding behind us. She was now shaking with fear and looked like she could cry.
As we had finished agreeing to Edward turning me, Caius spoke up.
"They are hiding another human." He glared at me as (Y/N) was shaking behind me. Alice than pulled me away so (Y/N) couldn't hide anymore. The poor girl was so scared she wouldn't even look up from the floor.
Than the most bizarre thing happened, Aro started to laugh and clap his hands.
"Oh, mi amore. Playing tricks again, are we?" Aro happly asked her. The girl than stopped shaking and looked at Aro with the most happiest smile. Like a lover that has just seen their long lost lover for the first time in forever.
"I got bored. Do you blame me, mio re?" She playfully asked him.
Aro held out his hand for her and she took it without hesitation. After a few moments, Aro started to chuckle.
"I am sorry you had to miss the festival, amore. But even if this didn't come up, you would have missed it anyways." At his statement, (Y/N) glared at him but that just made him chuckle more.
"You know it's the truth. We wouldn't have let you leave once you got back." Aro than finally let go of her hand and kissed her forehead. His gaze than turned to us and he started to glare.
"How dare you use our mate as a bargaining ticket!" Aro yelled at us. Caius than used his vampire speed to pick up (Y/N) and put her on his lap while, once again, sitting on his throne.
If it wasn't for the sound of purring, I would be completely terrified right now. (Y/N) seemed so unbothered by Aro's outburst.
Alice finally spoke up, "We didn't realize she was your mate. We just thought she was someone you would like to meet." Aro glared more at Alice.
"Do not try to fool me Alice. I saw the vision you had of our mate. You were going to use our stunned moment to than leave before we snapped out of it." Aro had stopped yelling but his anger still stayed.
"We should kill them for that!" Caius yelled. (Y/N) than started to run her fingers through his hair which causes him to slightly relax and start to purr again.
Marcus seemed to not care about anything but the girl. Like if he looked away, than she would disappear.
"Why is she human?" Edward asked, now only realizing (Y/N) was here.
This angered Aro even more and he said, "Because we were letting her enjoy her last month of traveling before turning her." This caused the guard to now get more agitated. Like they were ready to unleash hell if we tried anything.
"I would suggest you leave before you make the situation worse." Marcus' raspy voice stated without looking away from his mate.
Aro than turned away from us and walked back to his throne. "Go and make your preparations."
"And remember that the Volturi don't give second chances." Caius sneared. Than (Y/N) turned to us and glared.
"Don't think I will forget this." She said as she smirked Evily at us.
Edward pulled me out of the room as Demetri lead us away.
"Did you know?" I asked Edward and Alice. But before they could speak up, Demetri answered.
"Of course they didn't. The masters haven't told anyone outside the coven and they had only met her a few months ago. Your the first coven to meet her." Demetri than smirked. "And you just made a horrible first impression."
I gulped at the thought of what she would do to us if we were to cross paths again.
Mi amore = my love
Mio re = my king
(I believe these are accurate but I could be wrong.)
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