#kavin x mj
away-ward · 3 months
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So. That's progressing well, I see.
When I tell you me and MJ are on the same page every time, I mean it.
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weewitch004 · 10 months
Kavin x Kaning Requests
I’m begging y’all please write fanfics based on these (please longer ones, but not necessarily multi chapter unless it fits the prompts). These are all Kaning and Kavin fics (each ones a separate story, but some are similar if you wanna take inspiration from whatever you will). Please if you write them, let me know about it and how to find it!! I largely don’t care if they start off as friends and get together or stay friends and the fic just shows more tension or if they’re together and stay together, but please don’t make them end depressingly (like with them together and then broken up at the end). Also I really don’t care if multiple people write on the same thing if that’s a concern (idk).
A Kaning/Kavin fic- Kaning is the daughter of a mafia family. I imagine this as just Gorya already knowing and F4 figuring it out (maybe MJ figures it out first because of the rumors of his family’s involvement)
A Kaning/Kavin fic- Kaning is a rich heiress but no one but Gorya and the owner of the flower shop know. She doesn’t try to hide it but she also doesn’t tell others. Her family likes to stay out of the limelight and especially keeps the children fairly anonymous even from other rich families. Kaning was raised by her father from a certain age but her mother took her from him when she was born and raised her for a bit (in this time she was neglectful and borderline abusive). She also meant Gorya during this time and that’s how they became bffs even though she’s wealthy. So the fic would just be F4 finding out about her being wealthy(maybe she thought they already knew [maybe due to her blasé reaction to just giving away 4000 baht. In the show it was impulsiveness, but in this she could be rich]) and how she was raised (like how her mother treated her. Maybe her and Thyme bond). Maybe the reason she works with Gawao is because he took care of her when her mom wasn’t able to. This will probably change a few things like Kaning’s dad being fired by Roselyn. I like that in some fanfics, she’s a pianist so maybe she goes to a school for music so she’s not necessarily in a normal school, but also not in Kosher.
A Kaning/Kavin fic- takes place after they get together. Kavin being protective of Kaning - like to the point of a fight. Like Kaning’s being threatened by some guy or harassed and Kavin defends her (bonus points if the story mentions the size difference between the two and how small Kaning is. I love the height difference) and they comfort each others afterwards
A Kaning/Kavin fic- Instead of just Gorya, Kaning was also kidnapped by anti-F4 (because they realized she was also important to them, especially Kavin).
A Kaning/Kavin fic- similar to the previous prompt, someone goes after Kaning (verbally or physically) because of Kavin’s playboy past, they say some things about Kavin and Kaning defends him. He also protects her. It’s very sweet. (This could also play out like that one scene in the Nevertheless kdrama, but it actually ends in the two being a stronger place than they were before unlike in that show)
A Kaning/Kavin fic- a customer is making Kaning uncomfortable and Kavin comes in during the interaction and stays with her at the store until he leaves and afterwards to make sure she’s ok
A Kaning/Kavin fic- MJ (and/or Ren) and Kaning becoming best friends, the rest of F4 and Gorya finding it amusing/endearing, and Kavin not necessarily always loving this development in its entirety (but also sometimes still finding it cute)
A Kaning/Kavin fic- Kaning goes to Kosher with Gorya (she does not replace Hana, but instead stands alongside Gorya during that whole thing). She doesn’t necessarily get a red card, but she would try to protect Gorya which might drag her into the bullying. This is how she catches Kavin’s attention and maybe he protects her like Ren protects Gorya. The events progress like in the show. This can also incorporate the above prompt where Kaning is kidnapped alongside Gorya by anti-f4.
A Kaning/Kavin fic- takes place after they get together. Kavin takes Kaning to a club with him (I like the idea of her wearing a little black dress with a black ribbon) and Kavin doesn’t love the amount of people checking out Kaning
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elogval · 2 years
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F4 boys:
Kavin - Hydrangea 💙💐 & MJ - Iris 💜🌷
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seawherethesunsets · 2 years
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#wristholding 🌻 for @coolbeansbuddyofmine 🌻
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clonefrce99 · 2 years
no one:
MJ, while standing;
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and I love him for that
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awkiespineapple · 2 years
if there's anything the kavin kaning scenes taught me this episode is that they TEXT each other, and it's probably kavin that bothers the poor girl the most lol "wyd chipmunk"
that's not saying kaning isn't whipped either LOL my girl showed up at their GRADUATION TO SUPPORT THE BOYS, but we all know she wants to see kavin AND MJ AND REN KNOW THAT TOO! LOLOLOL MY BABIES
on another note ren being his sweet self inviting kaning to sit with them in the auditorium to hear kavin's graduation speech was adorable
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xoxoyedam · 2 years
lowkey thinking of writing something for the F4 Thailand characters
i haven’t watched all the episodes that have been released so i have to do that first 💩
would anyone be interested in reading F4 Thailand imagines/fan fiction??
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psalm40speakstome · 2 years
F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers. Episode Ten
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He knows and he’s known since the beginning…Kavin honey you can lie to yourself but your bestie doesn’t buy it…
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shortiesmiling · 2 years
The guy (running away and taking the wrong girl)
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The bestie and the girlfriend wondering what the hell just happened
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The two besties internally SCREAMING have you ever seen such an IDIOT
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pursemongerstuff · 2 years
MJ out here taking care of everyone and roasting them at the same time.
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Asking for Kaning’s help by treating Kavin as a cute puppy she has to watchfor the day.
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Seriously, give MJ all the awards.
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fairyitachi · 2 years
where are all are f4 thailand imagines and fics?
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Incorrect quotes, F4 edition
Most of these are not mine. enjoy!
Thyme: So uh, for this party and everything, do you, uh...
Ren, sighing: You don't know how to dress for this, do you?
Thyme, panicked: WHAT IS CLOTHES???
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing*
MJ and Kaning: Would never stab anyone.
Gorya: Would stab someone in retaliation.
Thyme: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first.
Kavin: Would stab without warning.
Ren: Would stab as a warning.
MJ: Advice of the day kids, if you ever meet someone who calls Gatorade flavors the actual name of the flavor instead of just the color then they are a certified nerd.
Ren: Yeah but you have to specify, frost glacier or cool blue? You can’t just say blue because there’s more than one blue.
MJ: Blue and light blue, nice try nerd.
Thyme: Get your hand off my shield! There’s a million other shields. Take that one, it has flowers on it.
Gorya: *hits Thyme with the shield* Oops! Now this one has blood on it.
Thyme: Go big or go home!
Gorya: Please, for once in your life just go home. I'm begging you. Go. Home.
Thyme: I'm going big!
MJ, knocking on the door: Thyme, open up!
Thyme: It all started when I was a kid.
MJ: That’s not what I-
Ren: Shh, let him finish.
Kaning: What do you call quantums of electromagnetic radiation that don’t get along?
Kavin: What did you just say-
Kaning: Foetons! *Laughs*
Kavin: Wh-what?
Kavin: My assistance will be an act of beneviolence.
Kaning: ...Don’t you mean benevolence?
Kavin: No.
Thyme, very tired: Can I sleep in your bed?
Gorya: *half asleep* Thyme, this is a queen-sized bed. That means it’s for *gestures vaguely to herself* the Queen.
Gorya, at the slightest provocation: I came into this earth screaming and covered in someone else's blood and and I'm not afraid to leave the same way.
 MJ: You remind me of the ocean.
Ren: Because I'm deep and mysterious?
MJ:  No, because you're full of salt and you scare people.
Thyme, shooing Ren away: Can you go be depressed over there? You’re ruining my whole vibe.
Thyme: Look, I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like Gorya a little bit. 
Kavin, holding Thyme's notepad: You doodled your wedding invitation. 
Thyme: No, that's our joint tombstone. 
Kavin: My mistake.
Gorya: Anyone d- 
Ren: Depressed?
 Kavin: Drained?
 MJ: Dumb? 
Thyme: Disliked?
 Gorya: -done with their work... what is wrong with you people..
lmk if i should make a part two lol
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filmmyheart · 2 years
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Since some people agreed with my last post, i HAD TO make a delusional version of the ✨4000 baht cookie scene✨
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I love them so much. Nearly 4 months of watching them and now it’s over. They will always have a special place in my heart. I will miss my F4 boys and ThymeGorya🐯🌾
F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers (18.12.21 - 9.4.22)
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elogval · 2 years
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The Meteor Shower 💫
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awkiespineapple · 2 years
kavin a WHIPPED MAN,, he's gonna take EVERY MF CHANCE TO SPEND TIME WITH KANING LOL. he's a little bit hungry? literally has a whole palace full of chefs at his disposal but still chooses to eat yogurt with kaning at the flower shop. kaning says she can get home by bus? kavin still drives her home. despite his life being as fast paced as his car he still slows down to remember the small details about kaning. I wonder how he explained to his family that he needed his grandmother's garland instructions LOL kavin knows kaning will do the garlands justice.
she's not just a fling to him or someone that occupies his attention for the time being. so grateful for the extended screentime this episode. love that mj drew ren away while leaving the hospital, that MAN KNOWS his bestfriend wants to spend more time alone with kaning. dear kaning hold on tight to your heart!
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