#kay anyway I'm going to sleep now because it's like 2am and I'm tired but i wanted to make a lil upate first hehehe
michu-writes · 2 years
Bathing headcanons with their s/o <3 | Ninjago
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A/N: Not a request but I came up with this while I was taking a shower so!!!! Also this is completely sfw, I just thought it would be cute to share these headcanons with you guys!!
Also I skipped writing for Lloyd because I was tired and wrote this at 2am, but lmk if you want me to make another one of these for him!
Warning: Nudity obviously (no nsfw tho, this is just fluff)
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Cole Brookstone
I'm starting off with him because you know why <3. Imagine a long day of training with only 2-4 breaks, must be exhausting right? So in the evening when everyone was mentally and physically drained from all the training, you decided to treat your boyfriend, Cole, into a nice and warm bath. I mean, he smelled and was sweating really bad, so you really didn't have any choice. You just had to drag him into the bath even if he didn't want to.
"Nooooo..... I don't wanna go, I'm tired and wanna cuddle." the master of earth whined as you dragged him by his arms to the bathroom, but he was way too heavy.
"Cole, babe, I'm not gonna cuddle with a stinky sweaty man. Come on, we'll cuddle after, okay? I already prepared it all, and I can join you if that makes you feel better."
"Okay!" He immediately jumped up and ran to the bathroom as if he just regained all his energy back.
Anyways, now to the headcanons!!!!
This man would be smiling the whole fucking time. He's just so happy he gets to be so close to you (not in a weird way) and he's just really fucking touch starved- Massage his shoulder, he'll instantly calm down and melt into your touch after a tiresome day like this. Also he'd probably just wrap his big arms around your body as you both talk or rant about the day. He'd even maybe sing to you if he feel like it <33333. He'd kinda go into panic mode or he like really nervous when you wash his hair because,,,,, he's not used to being taken care of like that? Especially when his mother died? He absolutely loves it and would probably cry because he miss his mom and just <333. He loves taking his time to be with you, so expect the two of you being on that bath for at least an hour or so 💀. But after that you both go changing, and then cuddle and sleep <33333333. Taking baths with you is probably his favorite thing to do, he finds it so comforting. You guys don't even have to do anything, not even talk, he just wants to enjoy your presence, that's all that matter for him <333333.
Kai Smith
Kai's probably the one to initiate it, unless it's in one of those days like in Cole's. Like maybe he's just missing you and feels like he haven't given you enough affection and love that day so he decides to do something special for you. He's very extra about it and tries to be romantic. You know with all the flower petals, candles, bath bombs, etc. You'll of course thank him for all that, and his confidence boosts his 100% lmao. He probably asked Nya to help him because she's a girl and knows way more than him on how to do these things (which almost led to her to do all the work). He insists in joining you (if you feel comfortable with doing so) and if you said yes, he'd just quickly strip off naked and hop into the small bathtub, causing a quite big splash and a candle or two to fall down, but you luckily caught them both. "Whoops...." You gave him a look and which he gave an innocent smile in return.
So with that out of the way, instead of you massaging him, it's the other way around. I headcanon him actually being really good and skilled at massaging, and would probably heat up the tub a little if it starts to get a little cold. Kai just wants you to know how much he loves you <333. Also you'd both start doing stupid things out of boredom like playing Rock Paper Scissors or would you rather or whatever. He'd wash your hair for you, but ends up accidentally either putting soap in your eye or using the wrong shampoo 😭. Give him a 10 for trying though. He's a sweetheart but an unaware dumbass like <3.
Jay Walker
Okay Jay is very similar to Kai, except he's an aware dumbass <33. He's probably too shy to initiate it himself, but he does try though. He'd be so awkward about it, and would also get Nya and ask if it's enough with all the flowers and candles and shit, and she responds with "Yeah... More than enough I think." But at least he knows it's good. Again like I said, sometimes he's shy with initiating all this, like he's only good at kissing or hugging or maybe hand holding unprompted. It's so cute <33.
"Awh, Jay, you did all this for me?"
"Yeah, I'm glad you like it."
"I love it! Thank you, I really needed something to get my mind off of."
And just as he was turning around to walk out the door, he fisted the air with a small victorious "Yes!!!!!". That was until you stopped him and asked if he cared to join you. He never thought you ask, and got even more happy.
"Are you sure? I don't wanna invade your privacy."
"I know you want to, come on! It'll be fun." You reassured and gestured him to come in as you were already inside the bath tub.
Now that both of you were in it, you sighed and leaned onto his body, allowing him to wrap his arms around you. He has never been this close to you before, to anyone really, so you could tell he was a bit hesitant. But the longer you both were there together, the more comfortable he became. You'd both just talk about random shit, laugh at some jokes, and it'll soon escalate to both of you splashing water all over the place and at each other, so there was a lot to clean up... But you both still enjoyed it !!! He'd definitely ask to do it again sometime, and hopefully it doesn't get that messy again.
Zane Julian
Zane is a nindroid, he can't take baths 💀. But you can still clean him up! Like maybe clean up with a damp towel on some scratches, marks or stains to keep him shiny and new as possible. Let's just take the same context as Cole's. He was a mess as soon as he walked into your room you just had to clean him up. You could tell he was tired to do it himself so you offered him to help. You'd call Nya or Pixal if there was some minor injuries in his system (it's always Nya smh /lh). He felt bad for having you to assist him, but you just have to reassure him one way or another. He'd probably guide you a little though just incase you stumble upon something important or sensitive, he's a nindroid after all and should be taken care of with caution.
After all that, he'd probably make you a treat or a good meal even if he's tired as a reward, he doesn't care if you protest about it. He just loves you okay???? <333 kiss him too, he'll explode. Literally.
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