#kay mcclelland
yuenity · 6 months
Found this gem. I’m sobbing so hard right now
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oldisnewradio · 11 months
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Featuring Margaret Whiting! Honoring Steven Lutvak. We're spinning MORE songs by Margaret & Steven on TONIGHT'S broadcast of Everything Old Is New Again Radio Show on The Penthouse at www.thepenthouse.fm 
Join me at 9PM(ET). Barbara Fasano, Michael Rupert, Ann Talman & Nancy Anderson share their remembrance of Steven Lutvak. Plus music by Danny Jonokuchi, Lorna Luft Official, Kay McClelland, Jeff Harnar, Nancy LaMott & More!
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The original Broadway cast of Into the Woods rehearses for the 10th anniversary concert, November 1997. Photo by Stephen Mosher.
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The New Movie, October 1932
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
August 8, 1936
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By Jeannette Meehan, HOLLYWOOD 
From the women’s angle, there are simply too many gorgeous newcomers in Hollywood. That fact is plain. 
From the gentlemen’s angle, Hollywood is pleasantly crowded with the most alluring bits of femininity ever to delight the bald-headed row. This fact is even plainer. Oh, say it isn’t so, but there a new day dawning in the west for the Stage Door Johnnies. 
Whence comes this influx of Eves? Who are these girls of such attractive physical make-up? 
Well, sir, most of them are ex-models. 
The highway and by-ways to Moviedom are past counting. Those most traveled have been the extra route, the beauty contest route or the I-have-a-relative route. Yesterday our newcomers were night club crooners, radio personalities and million-dollar heiresses. Today the majority of candidates for stardom are no longer being recruited from these avenues. It now quite obvious that any girl who has been a model approaches the casting office with an asset that permits her to pass up the waiting list. 
Oh, phooey, what’s a model got that the others haven’t? 
Well, when Radio Picture wanted five beauties for the fashion show sequence in “Roberta” they tested 30 girls, and then sent out an S.O.S. to the ranks of professional models. That was a year ago. Those five models so delighted the camera that they’re still under contract. (1)
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Just a few months ago, when M-G-M went scouting for 22 modern Venuses for “The Great Ziegfeld”, they discovered that the ex-models had a lot more poise and personality than the kids who were merely movie struck. Eighteen of those 22 “Ziegfeld Girls” were former models. Fourteen of the 18 were given contracts. You just can’t argue with “figures” like that, or should I say with “figures like theirs"? (2)
“Model your way to the movies” isn’t just a catchy phrase. Models come to Hollywood already equipped with the elementary essentials which studios spend a great deal of time and money trying to hammer into inexperienced youngsters. Models have already served their apprenticeship to the art of carriage, grace and charm. They’ve already passed a certain type of beauty contest. The girl whose picture helps to sell beauty preparations has to have a face that leads you to believe that the product is worth trying. A pair of silk stockings modeled on muscle-bound or "spindle” legs would scarcely lure you to the hosiery department. 
You never see a good model stumble over her train. She remains regal and sure-footed in the most confusing draperies. 
Figuratively speaking, these girls are above reproach. Most fashion houses require that their models be above medium height, broad through the shoulders, slim through the hips, and that their proportions be symmetrically arranged. Thus, they’ve long since graduated from the routine of diets, masseurs, and classes for corrective posture that faces tire average beginner. 
In other words, movie producers are finding out that modeling is a natural complement to screen work. Film executives are discovering that the girls who come to them from portrait and artists studios and from fashion salons are far ahead of those who approach Hollywood's pot of gold with no training. 
Not only that, but these ex-models seem to be well-mannered, well-educated girls whose off-screen poise and chic rivals that of their screen betters. 
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Oh, dear are they gorgeous? They're enough to make us ordinary girls forget to look before we leap. Just for instance, take Pauline Craig [above] (3), an auburn-haired, statuesque beauty from Cleveland, O. She’s five feet six and one-half inches tall, weighs 118 pounds, and has a figure that only Jean Harlow (4) could be unconcerned about.  
Miss Craig was a “Ziegfeld” girl - now she’s under contract. She skipped the first grade in motion picture training, and I guess we all know why. She was a model. Her glorious smile has appeared in hundreds of advertisements. As a fashion model she worked for I. Magnins. (5)
Are you wondering if these girls observe any general rules for the maintenance of health and beauty? Miss Craig will tell you that most of them prefer fresh air to smoky drawing rooms, and that they substitute milk for alcoholic beverages.
Incidentally, her hobby is collecting pictures of the Dionne quintuplets. (6)
Another girl recruited from the model ranks for “The Great Ziegfeld" was Wanda Perry (7), a vivacious brunet from Brooklyn. She's five feet five and one-half inches tall, weighs 120 pounds, and has brown eyes. 
With her classic features and her superb figure, there was a great demand for her in New York’s portrait galleries and exclusive clothing establishments. She has posed and modeled for Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, McFadden Publications and for tooth paste ads. 
With an already perfect camera presence, she is not to be enrolled in the studio's kindergarten for beginners. 
Over at Paramount there’s a queenly blond named Elizabeth Russell (8), probably the best known of former New York models. A favorite of such distinguished illustrators as Russell Patterson, James Montgomery Flagg, McClelland Barclay, Dean Cornwell, Paul Hesse, and Steichen, the photographer. Miss Russell is now in possession of a flattering long-term contract.
Artists agree that her features are photographically perfect. Artist or no artist, they’ll look perfect to you! She has modeled hose, nightgowns, and coiffures. Her blonde beauty has helped to sell cigarettes, jewels, soap, sheets, automobiles and first-aid kits. Very soon she'll be helping Paramount sell “Girl of the Ozarks,” her first picture (9). Miss Russell is five feet eight inches tall, weighs 118 pounds, has blue eyes and naturally blond hair. 
Another beautiful blonde who modeled her way to the movies is Louise Stuart (10), a former Chicago debutante. After graduating from Miss Mason's Castle (11) she went to New York to visit former school chums. It was during one of these visits that she was persuaded to pose for cigarette ads. One good look at her flawless countenance, and modeling jobs were her for the asking. With plenty of time on her hands, and nothing to do with it, she went to work. 
Miss Stuart attributes most of her success with the test director to her experience as a model. Posing for artists and photographers, she says, gave her a self-assurance which she has never lost. You'll see her first in “Lady Be Careful." (12)
A third Paramount prize is Veda Ann Borg (13), a stunning, red headed girl from New York. Before the studio signed her to a long-term contract, her divine proportions and sparkling personality had created a sensation in the modeling field. 
One of the most exquisite of Hollywood's newcomers is brunette Anita Colby (14) who stands five feet seven inches tall without her high-heeled shoes. Her face has smiled at you from magazine covers, commercial advertisements and from the pages of the nation's smartest fashion periodicals. Her beauty is attractively framed in poise, wit and charm. She is conversant with world affairs, music, art and literature. Pictorially speaking, she’s a model of perfection. Radio proudly points to her name on its contract list. 
Radio has two other "model" charmers in the persons of Maxine Jennings (five feet eight inches tall), and Lucille Ball (five feet six and one-half inches tall). Miss Jennings (15), a former model for the famous couturier, Jean Patou, is a stately redhead as handsome a creature as you ever laid your eyes on. You'll soon be seeing her in featured leads. 
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Miss Ball (above), a blue-eyed blonde from Montana (16) and former model for Hattie Carnegie, is considered an important trump in the studio's hand. Her bosses have thus far cast her in wise-cracking roles, hoping to develop her into a counterpart of the late Lilyan Tashman (17) - but Lucille doesn't seem to need much help along those lines. Her poise, her suave delivery and her flair for clothes have already added to the gaiety of nations and have cannoned her well along the road to stardom. 
One of the most beautiful of the "model" brunettes is Hester Deane (18) who is doing much to enhance M-G-M productions. Her likeness on the backs of magazines has caused many a gentleman to change his brand of cigarettes, and she posed for automobile body advertisements long before the studio discovered that her presence on screen would “up” the grosses. 
She was born in Oklahoma City. Her education included art and music. Now, when she isn’t modeling or working in pictures, she designs clothes, takes piano lessons, and studies philosophy. 
A good look at Mary Jane Halsey (19) will have different reactions on you, depending on your sex. If you’re a woman, you’d just as soon she broke her neck.
Miss Halsey was born in Milwaukee. After her family moved to Los Angeles she became a model for a famous cosmetician. She is five feet six inches tall and weighs 120 pounds. She has blue eyes, and ‘shhhhhh’, she writes poetry. 
If these "model" newcomers get any taller, a few of our leading men will have to wear stilts. Extreme height, which has sounded the gong for many a beginners’ career, doesn't seem to be a handicap for the ex-models. When these lovely girls began to invade Hollywood, apparently the enthusiastic producers forgot all about the traditional physical specifications for screen heroines. There was a time when all actresses had to be extremely petite and slim, like Gloria Swanson and Colleen Moore, and, more recently, like Claudette Colbert and Margaret Sullavan (20). Unless you were a diminutive little trick about five feet two inches tall, and weighed less than 100 pounds, you might just as well have stayed on the farm. Greta Garbo and Kay Francis (21) were overlooked for a long time because of their height. 
But the restrictions seem to have been called off. It appears that models can grow as tall as they like without the danger of facing dismissal from the casting office. Margaret Lyman (22), one of the prettiest of the model group to win a picture contract, stands five feet nine inches in her stocking feet, and weighs 129 pounds. 
One of the most photographed models of the country, Miss Lyman has posed for Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, The New Yorker and for cigarette and soft drink ads. She has brown hair and brown eyes. She wears a larger shoe than Garbo. 
And no less charming is pretty Jane Hamilton [below] (23), another popular girl who found her way into pictures through the route of her professional success as a model.
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(1) “Roberta” was released by RKO on March 8, 1935. It was Lucille Ball’s 21st film.  Models were needed for the fashion sequences. The film also employed models Virginia Carroll, Diane Cook, Lynne Carver, Lorraine DeSart, Betty Dumbries, Myrna Low, Margaret McChrystal, Marie Osborne, Wanda Perry, Donna Mae Roberts, and Kay Sutton.  In addition to Lucille Ball, Wanda Perry, Maxine Jennings, and Jane Hamilton were in the film and profiled in this article.
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(2) “The Great Ziegfeld” was MGM’s 1936 biopic of Florenz Ziegfeld, the showman who glorified female beauty on stage. Lucille Ball was not in this film, but was later part of the cast of “Ziegfeld Follies” (1951). This film employed dozens of showgirls and models to play the Ziegfeld Girls. Those profiled in this article include Pauline Craig, Wanda Perry, Hester Dean, Mary Halsey, and Margaret Lyman. 
(3) Pauline Craig (1914-97) made her screen debut in “The Great Ziegfeld” but only did five more films, leaving the business in 1939. 
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(4) Jean Harlow (1911-37) likely did not know or care about Pauline Craig, even if Craig’s figure did give Harlow a run for her money. She was known as the original platinum blonde sex symbol. She died at age 26, at the peak of her popularity. MGM closed for her funeral. 
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(5) I. Magnin & Company was a San Francisco, California-based high fashion and specialty goods luxury department store. It expanded across the West into Southern California and the adjoining states of Arizona, Oregon, and later to Chicago, Illinois, and Washington, DC, metropolitan areas. Mary Ann Magnin founded the company in 1876 and named the chain after her husband, Isaac. The chain was bought out by Macy’s in 1994. 
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(6) The Dionne quintuplets (born May 28, 1934) are the first quintuplets known to have survived their infancy. The identical girls were born just in Ontario. All five survived to adulthood. The Dionne girls were born two months premature. The Ontario government and those around them began to profit by making them a significant tourist attraction. As of this writing, two of the girls are still living. 
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(7) Wanda Perry was born Helen Beuscher in Brooklyn, New York, on July 24, 1917. When she was sixteen, she was named Miss New York City, and was offered a movie contract by Earl Carroll. Helen moved to Hollywood and took her mother's maiden name, Wanda Perry, appearing in films as a showgirl, an Earl Carroll Girl, a Goldwyn Girl, a dancer in "George White's 1935 Scandals," a fashion model, an extra, a bit player and a stand-in for Lucille Ball! Her final film was as an extra in Lucy’s Mame (1974). 
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(8) Elizabeth Russell (1916-2002) was the sister-in-law of Rosalind Russell. She started doing films in 1936 and finished her career in 1960. (9) “Girl of the Ozarks” (1936) was a Paramount film also starring Virginia Weidler, Henrietta Crossman, and Leif Erickson. 
(10) Louise Stuart did two pictures for Paramount back-to-back in 1936. That was the extent of her film career.
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(11) Miss Mason’s Castle is a reference to Miss C.E. Mason’s Suburban School for Girls in Tarrytown-on-Hudson, New York. It was open from the late 1880s to 1934. The castle was razed in 1944. 
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(12) “Lady Be Careful” (1936) did not feature Louise Stuart as is said here, although records could be incorrect. The film did feature Elizabeth Russell, however. 
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(13) Veda Ann Borg (1915-73) did her first film for Paramount in 1936, and was continually employed in Hollywood until 1963. She was the first actress cast as Honeybee Gillis in “The Life of Riley” TV series, replaced a short time later by Marie Brown, then Gloria Blondell. 
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(14) Anita Colby (1914-92) was born Anita Counihan. Early in her career, at $50 an hour, she was the highest paid model at the time. She was nicknamed "The Face" and appeared on numerous billboards and ads, many of them for cigarette advertisers. She did three films in 1936 alone, the same year she appeared on 15 magazine covers in a single month. In subsequent years she only acted in three more films, returning to modeling. 
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(15) Maxine Jennings (1909-91) did 10 films with Lucille Ball between 1935 and 1937.  After 1938, her film appearances were sporadic.  She made her final screen appearance on a 1968 episode of “Hawaii 5-O”. 
(16) Lucille Ball (1911-89) is stated as being a blonde from Montana. She was actually a brunette from Upstate New York.  
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(17) Lucille is once again compared with Lilyan Tashman (1896-1934) a stage and screen actress known for her skill at verbal wit as well as her throaty delivery. She died at age 37, just one year after Lucille Ball arrived in Hollywood. 
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(18) Hester Dean became known as 'The Girl with the Fisher Body' after modeling for the Fisher Automobile Company. Her only film was “The Great Ziegfeld” (1936). 
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(19) Mary Jane Halsey (1913-89) was also in “The Great Ziegfeld” (1936) but by that time had done nearly a dozen films. She continued to act on screen until 1945. 
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(20) Gloria Swanson was 4′11″, Colleen Moore was 5′3″, Claudette Colbert was 5′5″, and Margaret Sullavan was 5′3″. 
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(21) Greta Garbo was 5′7″ (same as Lucille Ball), and Kay Francis was 5′9″. 
(22) Margaret Lyman (1915-2002) was one of the models hired for “The Great Ziegfeld” in 1936. She did two more pictures before leaving screen acting behind. 
(23) Jane Hamilton (1915-2004) was a Goldwyn Girl in “Roman Scandals” (1933) just like Lucille Ball. Hamilton, however, had done one previous film as a Goldwyn Girl, “Gold Diggers of 1933″.  She did seven other films with Lucille Ball. Her final screen role was in 1949. 
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Dreamcasting Broadway: NATASHA, PIERRE & THE GREAT COMET OF 1812
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“They say we are asleep until we fall in love; we are children of dust and ashes.”
Dreamcasting Broadway: Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812
Mikaela Bennett as Natasha Rostova
Nathaniel Hackmann as Pierre Bezukhov
Devin Ilaw as Anatole Kuragin
Eleri Ward as Sonya Rostova
Kay Trinidad as Marya Dmitryevna
Jewelle Blackman as Heléne Bezukhova
Ben Steinfeld as Fedya Dolokhov
Ari’el Stachel as Andrey Bolkonsky/Old Prince Bolkonsky
Kim Blanck as Princess Mary Bolkonskaya/Maidservant/Opera Singer
Lucas Papaelias as Balaga/Servant/Opera Singer
Aisha Jackson as Ensemble (Natasha u/s)
Alex Nee as Ensemble (Andrey/Prince Bolkonsky u/s)
Alexia Sielo as Ensemble
Allan K. Washington as Ensemble
Ari McKay Wilford as Ensemble (Dolokhov u/s)
Ashkon Davaran as Ensemble (Pierre u/s, Balaga u/s)
Erikka Walsh as Ensemble
JC Schuster as Opera Dancer/Ensemble
Jessie Shelton as Ensemble (Mary u/s)
Jordan Litz as Ensemble (Anatole u/s, Andrey/Prince Bolkonsky u/s)
José Useche as Ensemble
Kaleb Wells as Ensemble (Pierre u/s)
Khori Michelle Petinaud as Opera Dancer/Ensemble
Lauralyn McClelland as Ensemble (Marya D u/s)
Lauren Luiz as Ensemble (Sonya u/s, Mary u/s)
Marina Kondo as Ensemble (Natasha u/s, Sonya u/s)
Tamrin Goldberg as Onstage Swing/Ensemble
Vishal Vaidya as Ensemble
Warren Yang as Onstage Swing/Ensemble
Zara MacIntosh as Ensemble (Heléne u/s)
Paul HeeSang Miller as Standby (Pierre Bezukhov)
Anthony Chatmon II as Swing (Anatole u/s, Dolokhov u/s)
Billy Bustamante as Swing (Balaga u/s)
Camden Gonzales as Swing
Erica Swindell as Swing
Kim Steele as Swing (Marya D u/s, Heléne u/s)
Sam Strasfeld as Swing
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d-criss-news · 4 years
A lineup of Broadway favorites is set to appear in this week's episodes of Stars in the House, a daily online series from SiriusXM On Broadway personality Seth Rudetsky and his husband, producer James Wesley. The series goes live daily at 2PM and 8PM ET on The Actors Fund's YouTube channel. A schedule of this week's appearances can be found below.
Monday, May 4
2PM ET: City of Angels cast reunion with Gregg Edelman, Randy Graff, Dee Hoty, Kay McClelland, James Naughton, Rachel York and David Zippel. Joined by director Michael Blakemore.
8PM ET: Ryan Murphy's Hollywood cast with David Corenswet, Darren Criss, Laura Harrier, Joe Mantello, Dylan McDermott, Jeremy Pope, Mira Sorvino, Holland Taylor and Samara Weaving.
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peach-salinger · 6 years
✧・*゚scottish surnames
→ link to my scottish female name masterlist → link to my scottish male name masterlist
under the cut are 733 scottish surnames. this masterlist was created for all in one breath rp at the request of lovely el, but feel free to link on your own sites! names are listed in alphabetical order. ❝mac❞, ❝mc❞ and ❝m❞ are split into three sections because i mean... look at them. please like♡ or reblog if you found this useful.
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abbot(son), abercrombie, abernethy, adam(son), agnew, aikenhead, aitken, akins, allan(nach/son), anderson, (mac)andie, (mac)andrew, angus, annand, archbold/archibald, ard, aris, (mac)arthur
(mac)bain/bayne, baird, baker, balfour, bannatyne, bannerman, barron, baxter, beaton, beith, bell, bethune, beveridge, birse, bisset, bishop, black(ie), blain/blane, blair, blue, blyth, borthwick, bowie, boyd, boyle, braden, bradley, braithnoch, (mac)bratney, breck, bretnoch, brewster, (mac)bridan/brydan/bryden, brodie, brolochan, broun/brown, bruce, buchanan, budge, buglass, buie, buist, burnie, butter/buttar
caie, (mac)caig, (mac)cail, caird, cairnie, (mac)callan(ach), calbraith, (mac)callum, calvin, cambridge, cameron, campbell, canch, (mac)candlish, carberry, carmichael, carrocher, carter, cassie, (mac)caskie, catach, catto, cattenach, causland, chambers, chandlish, charleson, charteris, chisholm, christie, (mac)chrystal, (mac)clanachan/clenachan, clark/clerk, (mac)clean, cleland, clerie, (mac)clinton, cloud, cochrane, cockburn, coles, colinson, colquhoun, comish, comiskey, comyn, conn(an), cook, corbett, corkhill, (mac)cormack, coull, coulthard, (mac)cowan, cowley, crabbie, craig, crane, cranna, crawford/crawfurd, crerar, cretney, crockett, crosby, cruikshank, (mac)crum, cubbin, cullen, cumming, cunningham, currie, cuthbertson
dallas, dalglish, dalziel, darach/darroch, davidson, davie, day, deason, de lundin, dewar, dickin, dickson, docherty, dockter, doig, dollar, (mac)donald(son), donelson, donn, douglas, dorward, (mac)dow(all), dowell, (macil)downie, drain, drummond, (mc)duff(ie)/duff(y), duguid, dunnet, dunbar, duncan, dunn, durward, duthie
E, F
eggo, elphinstone, erskine, faed, (mac)farquhar(son), fee, fergus(on), (mac)ferries, fettes, fiddes, findlay, finn, finlayson, fisher, fishwick, fitzgerald, flanagan, fleming, fletcher, forbes, forrest, foulis/fowlis, fraser, fullarton, fulton, furgeson
gall(ie), galbraith, gammie, gardyne, (mac)garvie, gatt, gault, geddes, gellion, gibb(son), gilbert, gilbride, (mac)gilchrist, gilfillan, (mac)gill(ivray/ony), gillanders, gillespie, gillies, gilliland, gilmartin, gilmichael, gilmore, gilroy, gilzean, (mac)glashan, glass, gloag, glover, godfrey, gollach, gordon, (mac)gorrie, gourlay, gow, graeme/graham, grant, grassick, grassie, gray, gregg, (mac)gregor(y), greer, greig, grierson, grieve, grimmond, (mac)gruer, gunn, guthrie
hall, hamill, (mac)hardie/hardy, harper, harvie, hassan, hatton, hay, henderson, hendry, henry, hepburn, herron, hood, hosier, howie, hugston, huie, hume, humphrey, hunter, (mac)hutcheon, hutcheson
I, J, K
(mac)innes, irving, iverach, ivory, jamieson, jarvie, jeffrey(s), johnson, johnston, jorie, (mac)kay, (mac)kean, keenan, keillor, keir, keith, kelly, kelso, keogh, kemp, kennedy, (mac)kerr(acher), kesson, king, kynoch
laing, laird, (mac)laine/lane, lamond, lamont, landsborough, landsburgh, lang/laing, larnach, laurie/lawrie, lees, lennie, lennox, leslie, lindsay, little(son), lithgow, livingston(e), lobban, logan, lorne, lothian, lovat, love, loynachan, luke, luther
mac ruaidhrí, mac somhairle, mac suibhne, macadam, macadie, macaffer, macainsh, macalasdair, macallister, macalonie, macalpine, macanroy, macara, macarthy, macaskill, macaskin, macaughtrie, macaulay, macauslan, macbean, macbeath, macbeth(ock), macbey, macbriden, macbryde, maccabe, maccadie, maccaffer, maccaffey/maccaffie, maccalman, maccambridge, maccann, maccance, maccartney, maccavity, maccaw, macdowell, maccheyne, maccodrum, maccomb(ie), maccorkindale, maccormick, maccoll, macconie, macconnachie, macconnell, maccoshin, maccoskrie, maccorquodale, macclaren, maccleary, macclew, maccloy, macclumpha, macclung, macclure, macclurg, maccraig, maccrain, maccreadie, maccrimmon, maccrindle, maccririe, maccrone, maccrosson, maccuaig, maccuidh, maccuish, macculloch, maccurley, macdermid/macdiarmid, macdougall, macdui, macduthy, maceachainn, maceachen, macelfrish, macewan/macewen, macfadyen, macfadzean, macfall, macfarlane/macpharlane, macfater/macphater, macfeat, macfee, macfigan, macgarrie, macgarva, macgeachen/macgeechan, macgeorge, macghie, macgibbon, macgillonie, macgiven, macglip, macgriogair, macgruther, macguire, macgurk, machaffie, macheth, machugh, macichan, macinnally, macindeoir, macindoe, macinesker, macinlay, macinroy, macintosh, macintyre, macisaac, maciver/macivor, macilherran, macilroy, macjarrow, mackail, mackeegan, mackeggie, mackellar, mackelvie, mackendrick, mackenna, mackenzie, mackerlich, mackerral, mackerron, mackerrow, mackessock, mackettrick, mackichan, mackie, mackilligan, mackillop, mackim(mie), mackinven, mackirdy/mackirdie, mackrycul, maclafferty, maclagan, maclarty, maclatchie/letchie, maclaverty, maclearnan, macleay, maclehose, macleish, maclellan(d), macleman, macleod, macleòid, maclintock, macllwraith, maclucas, macluckie, maclugash, macmann(us), macmaster, macmeeken, macmichael, macmillan, macminn, macmorrow, macmurchie, macmurdo, macmurray, macnab, macnair, macnally, macnaught(on), macnee, macneish/macnish, macnicol, macninder, macnucator, macpartland, macphail, macphatrick, macphee, macphedran, macpherson, macquarrie, macqueen, macquien, macquilken, macrae/machray, macraild, macrob(bie/bert), macrory, macrostie, macshane, macsherry, macsorley, macsporran, macsween, mactavish, mactear, macturk, macusbaig, macvannan, macvarish, macvaxter, macvean, macveigh/macvey, macvicar, macvitie, macvurich, macwalter, macwattie, macwhannell, macwhillan, macwhinnie
mccabe, mccain, mcclelland, mcclintock, mcconell, mccracken, mccune, mccurdy, mcdiarmid, mcelshender, mceuen, mcewing, mcfadden, mcgeachie/mcgeachy, mcgowan, mcilroy, mcinnis, mcivor, mckechnie, mckeown, mclarty, mclennan, mcneill(age/ie), mcowen, mcphee, mcpherson, mcwhirter
maduthy, magruder, mahaffie, main(s), mair, major, malcolm(son), malloch, manson, marr, marno(ch), (mac)martin, marquis, massie, matheson, mathewson, maver/mavor, maxwell, may, mearns, meechan, meiklejohn, meldrum, mellis(h), menzies, mercer, micklewain, milfrederick, millar/miller, milligan, milliken, milne, milroy, milvain, milwain, moannach, moat, moffat, mollinson, moncrief, monk, montgomery, moore, moray, morgan, (mac)morran, morrison, morrow, morton, mossman, mucklehose, muir(head), mulloy, munn, munro, (mac)murchie/murchy, murchison, murdoch, murphy
N, O, P, Q
nairn, naughton, navin, neeve, neil, neish, nelson, ness, nevin, nicalasdair, niceachainn, (mac)nichol(son), nicleòid, (mac)niven, noble, ochiltree, ogg, ogilvy, o'kean, oliver, omay/omey, orchard(son), orr, osborne, park, paterson, patrick, patten, peacock, peat, peters, philp, polson, power, purcell, purser, qualtrough, quayle, quillan, quiller, quinn, quirk
R, S
(mac)ranald(son), randall, rankin, reid, reoch, revie, riach, (mac)ritchie, roberts(on), rose, ross, rothes, roy, ryrie, salmon(d), scott, selkirk, sellar, shannon, sharpe, shaw, sheen, shiach, sillars, sim(son/pson), sinclair, skene, skinner, sloan, smith, somerville, soutar/souter, stein, stenhouse, stewart/stuart, strachan, stronach, sutherland, (mac)swan(son/ston), swinton
T, U, V, W, Y
taggart, tallach, tawse, taylor, thom(son), todd, tolmie, tosh, tough, tulloch, turner, tyre, ulrick, urquhart, vass, wallace, walker, walsh, warnock, warren, ward, watt, watson, wayne, weir, welsh, whiston, whyte, wilkins(on), (mac)william(son), wilson, winning, wright, young
76 notes · View notes
norikateatro · 5 years
Norikateatro’s Bootleg List! 💙
As of: July 31st, 2019 😄!
Please message me if you want a bootleg! Do not comment *If you want to trade with me that’ll be really cool!
Miss Saigon Manila: December 24th, 2000 Full Show Cast: Lea Salonga (Kim) , Will Chase (Chris) , Leo Tavarro Valdez (Engineer), Ron K. Smith, Lisa Capps (Ellen), Robert Seña (They), Isay Alvarez (Gigi)
Miss Saigon London 5/19/14 Highlights (Tanya Manalang as Kim)     Cast: Tanya Manalang, Alistair Brammer, Jon Jon Briones Highlights include: Kim’s Nightmare - The Fall Of Saigon - Sun and Moon (Partial), Sun And Moon (Reprise), Movie In My Mind, The American Dream, Maybe, I Still Believe, The Last Night Of The World - Morning Of The Dragon (Partial), Why God Why. Musicalmania123’s master.
Miss Saigon 5/13/17 Lianah Sta. Ana (alt. Kim), Jon Jon Briones (The Engineer), Alistair Brammer (Chris), Katie Rose Clarke (Ellen), Nicholas Christopher (John), Devin Ilaw (Thuy), Rachelle Ann Go (Gigi)
Matilda: Broadway March 6th, 2013 Cast: Oona Laurence, Bertie Carvel, Gabriel Ebert, Lesli Margherita, Lauren Ward, Karen Aldridge, Jack Broderick, Frenie Acoba
Matilda: Broadway December 31st, 2015 Cast: Mimi Ryder (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Rick Holmes (Mr. Wormwood), Lauralyn McClelland (u/s Mrs. Wormwood), Clay Thomson (Michael Wormwood), Allison Case (Miss Honey), Natalie Venetia Belcon (Mrs. Phelps), Philip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Colin Israel (u/s Party Entertainer), Geoff Packard (Doctor/ t/r Sergei),Michael Minarik (The Escape Artist), Jennifer Bowles (The Acrobat), Benjamin Harding (Bruce), Brooklyn Nelson (u/s Lavender), Jack Mullen (Nigel), Gia Nina Paolantonio (Amanda), Ian Saraceni (Eric), Akira Golz (Alice), Talia Ryder (Hortensia), Cole Alex Edelstein (u/s Tommy) Ensemble: Michaeljon Slinger, Marisa Kennedy, Amanda LaMotte, Travis Waldschmidt Notes: Quite a long black-out at the beginning of each act.
Aladdin (OBC)
A Chorus Line - Broadway - July 25, 1975 CAST: Scott Allen (Roy), Patricia Garland (Judy), Nancy Lane (Bebe), Crissy Wilzak (Vicki), Cameron Mason (Mark), Priscilla Lopez (Diana), Kelly Bishop (Sheila), Renee Baughman (Kristine), Thomas J Walsh (Bobby Strong), Robert LuPone (Zach), Wayne Cilento (Mike), Ron Kuhlman (Don), Brandt Edwards (Tom), Clive Clerk (Larry), Chuck Cissel (Butch), Sammy Williams (Paul), Michael Serrecchia (Frank), Donna Drake (Tricia), Carolyn Kirsch (Lois), Donna McKechnie (Cassie), Ronald Dennis (Richie), Michael Stuart (Greg), Don Percassi (Al), Pamela Blair (Val), Kay Cole (Maggie), Baayork Lee (Connie)
A Chorus Line: Broadway- September 30th, 2006 Cast: Ken Alan, Brad Anderson, Michelle Aravena, David Baum, Michael Berresse, E. Clayton Cornelious, Natalie Cortez, Mike Cannon, Charlotte D'Amboise, Mara Davi, Joey Dudding, Lyndy Franklin, Jessica Lee Goldyn, Deidre Goodwin, Tyler Hanes, Nadine Isenegger, Pamela Jordan, James T. Lane, Lorin Latarro, Paul McGill, Heather Parcells, Michael Paternostro, Alisan Porter, Jeffrey Schecter, Yuka Takara, Jason Tam, Grant Turner, Chryssie Whitehead, Tony Yazbeck Notes: Previews
Aladdin: National Tour-Chicago April 16th, 2017  Cast:  Adam Jacobs, Anthony Murphy, Isabelle McCalla, Jonathan Weir, Reggie De Leon, JC Montgomery, Mike Longo, Zach Bencal, Philippe Arroyo. Notes: Beautiful HD capture of the newly launched tour. A terrific cast and a few new small variations to accommodate the tour on the road.
Anastasia: Broadway June 28, 2017 Cast: Christy Altomare, Derek Klena, John Bolton, Ramin Karimloo, Caroline O'Connor, Mary Beth Peil.
Beauty and the Beast:  Broadway - July 27, 2007 Anneliese Van Der Pol (Belle), Steve Blanchard (Beast), Chris Hoch (Gaston), David deVries, Jeanne Lehman, Glenn Rainey, Jamie Ross, Trevor Braun, Aldrin Gonzalez, Ann Mandrella
Beauty and The Beast:  Broadway- April 28th, 2002 (Need Link) Cast: Sarah Litzsinger as Belle, Steve Blanchard as Beast, Bryan Batt as Lumiere, and Beth Fowler as Mrs. Potts, and Nicholas Jonas as Chip
Beauty and The Beast: US Tour- January 19th, 2014 Cast: Hilary Maiberger, Darick Pead, Tim Rogan, Jardan Aragon, Hassan Nazari-Robati, James May, Stephanie Moskal, Paul Crane, Roxy York, Jack Mullen, Kieron Cindric, Tony D'Alelio, Bonnie Kelly, Sarah Gawron.
Chicago: 1st National Tour: 1978 Cast: Melody Adams, Kristen Childs.
Chicago US tour: November 23th,  2005  Chicago, IL Cast: Paige Davis, Brenda Braxton, Tom Wopat, Carol Woods
Chicago: Broadway September 18th, 2002 Cast: Michael C Hall (Billy), Amy Spanger (Roxie), Stephanie Pope (Velma), Rob Bartlett (Amos), Roz Ryan (Mama), R Bean (Mary Sunshine). ​ Chicago: Broadway May 22, 2007 Cast: Amy Spanger, Amra-Faye Wright, Billy Ray Cyrus, Cory English, Carol Woods, R. Lowe
Chicago: Broadway 1996- Press Reels Ann Reinking, Bebe Neuwirth, James Naughton, Joel Grey. The pro shot video that was used to make the reviewers reel; excellent quality with the time code bar at the bottom; not the complete show, songs only but great video A+
Cats- UK tour, Wolverhampton 30 March 2013 full show Cast: Joanna Ampil (Grizabella) Katie Warsop (Rumpleteazer) Clare Rickard (Jellylorum) Melissa James (Bombalurina) Lily Fraser (Demeter) Alice Redmond (Jennyanydots) Alicia Beck (Victoria/White Cat) Dawn Williams (Jemima) Nicholas Pound (Old Deutoronomy) Ben Palmer (Munkustrap) Oliver Savile (Rum Tum Tugger) Joseph Poulton (Quazo/Mistoffelees) Paul F Monaghan (Asparagus/Bustopher Jones/Growl Tiger:) Barnaby Thompson (Mungojerrie) Ross Finnie (Skimbleshanks) Jessica Buckby (Cassandra) Lizzi Franklin (Tantomile) Joal Morris (Carbucketty) Richard Astbury (Coricopat) Cameron Ball (Admetus/Macavity) James Darch (Alonzo) and Will Lucas (Bill Bailey).
Cats Broadway: July 2016 VOB (no small) Cast: Leona Lewis (Grizabella), Tyler Hanes (Rum Tum Tugger), Ricky Ubeda (Mistoffelees), Quentin Earl Darrington (Old Deuteronomy), Eloise Kropp (Jennyanydots), Giuseppe Bausilio (Carbucketty), Jeremy Davis (Skimbleshanks), Kim Faure (Demeter), Sara Jean Ford (Jellylorum), Lili Froehlich (Electra), Daniel Gaymon (Macavity), Shonica Gooden (Rumpleteazer), Christopher Gurr (Gus/Bustopher Jones), Andy Huntington Jones (Munkustrap), Kolton Krouse (Tumblebrutus), Jess Le Protto (Mungojerrie), Georgina Pazcougin (Victoria), Emily Pynenburg (Cassandra), Arianna Rosario (SIllabub), Ahmad Smmons (Alonzo), Christine Cornish Smith (Bombalurina), Corey Snide (Coricopat), Emily Tate (Tantomile), Sharrod Wiliams (Pouncival)
Cats Broadway: November 30th, 2017  Cast: Mamie Parris, Andy Huntington Jones, Quentin Earl Darrington, Jeremy Davis, Tyler Hanes, Francesca Granell as (u/s) Jennyanydots, Corey John Snide as (u/s) Mistoffelees. Great HD capture of the final Broadway Revival cast. Mamie has such a strong voice and is a wonderful Grizabella. ​ Come Far Away (OBC)
Cinderella:  Broadway March 2nd, 2013 Cast: Laura Osnes (Ella), Santino Fontana (Prince Topher), Victoria Clark (Fairy Godmother), Harriet Harris (Evil Stepmother), Ann Harada (Charlotte)
Cinderella:  Broadway August 21, 2014  Cast: Paige Faure (Cinderella), Joe Caroll (Prince Topher), Victoria Clark (Crazy Marie/Fairy Godmother), Nancy Opel (Madame), Stephanie Gibson (Gabrielle), Ann Harada (Charlotte), Todd Buonopane (Jean-Michel), Branch Woodman (u/s Lord Pinkleton), Peter Bartlett (Sebastian), Andy Mills (Footman), Michael Callahan (Driver), Jill Abramovitz (Lady of Ridicule)
Dear Evan Hansen (Broadway) Cast: Ben Platt, Laura Dreyfuss, Will Roland, Kristolyn Lloyd, Mike Faist, Rachel Bay Jones, Michael Park, Jennifer Laura Thompson (OBC)
Falsettos Broadway: October 28th, 2016 Cast: Christian Borle (Marvin), Andrew Rannells (Whizzer), Stephanie J. Block (Trina), Brandon Uranowitz (Mendel), Anthony Rosenthal (Jason), Tracie Thoms (Charlotte), Betsy Wolfe (Cordelia) Link:
Follies: Broadway  September 18, 2011 Cast: Bernadette Peters, Jan Maxwell, Danny Burstein, Rod Raines, Elaine Paige, Jayne Houdyshell, Rosalind Elias, Susan Watson, Terri White, Florence Lacey, Mary Beth Peil, Don Correia, Brian Shepard as (u/s) Young Ben, Christian Delcroix, Kirsten Scott, Lora Lee Gayer.
Finding Neverland (OBC)
Wicked Broadway:  Preview October 12th, 2003 Original Broadway Cast Cast: Idina Menzel (Elphaba), Kristin Chenoweth (Glinda), Norbert Leo Butz (Fiyero), Carole Shelley (Madame Morrible), Joel Grey (The Wizard) Michelle Federer (Nessarose), Christopher Fitzgerald (Boq), William Youmans (Dr. Dillamond)
Wicked Chicago:  July 1, 2005- Cast: Ana Gasteyer (Elphaba), Kate Reinders (Glinda), Kristoffer Cusick (Fiyero), Gene Weygandt (The Wizard), Steven Skybell (Doctor Dillamond), Rondi Reed (Madame Morrible), Heidi Kettenring Nessarose), Telly Leung (Boq)
Wicked (Broadway): January 8, 2006 Cast: Shoshana Bean (Elphaba), Megan Hilty (Glinda), David Ayers (Fiyero), Rue McClanahan (Madame Morrible), Ben Vereen (The Wizard), Michelle Federer (Nessarose), Rob Sapp (Boq), Sean McCourt (Dr. Dillamond). notes: Shoshana’s, David’s, Rue’s and Michelle’s last performances. Camera wanders at points due to the master’s blind filming.
Wicked (Broadway):  May 28, 2006) (Megan’s Last) cast: Eden Espinosa (Elphaba), Megan Hilty (Glinda), David Garrison (The Wizard), Derrick Williams (Fiyero), Carol Kane (Madame Morrible), Jenna Leigh Green (Nessarose), Rob Sapp (Boq), David McCourt (Dr. Dillamond)
Wicked First National Tour PROSHOT May 2006 - Victoria Matlock (s/b Elphaba), Kendra Kassebaum, Nicolas Dromard (u/s Fiyero), Jennifer Waldman (Nessarose), Alma Cuervo (Morrible), PJ Benjamin (The Wizard) *Proshot from one camera at the back of the house. Sound is patched in from the soundboard and is incredibly clear. Some washout, but amazing to see the set and choreo like this.
Wicked: México Mayo 2006 Proshot  Elenco: Daniela Ranz (Elphaba), Liesl Lar (Galinda), Omar Muñoz (Fiyero), Laura Korl (Madame Morrible), Fernando Diaz (Boq), Ileana Muñoz (Nessarose), Hector Kori (Dr. Dillamond) Notes: Pro-Shot Multicameras excellent production of the Thomas Jefferson Musical School. Includes future Wicked Mexico City  understudy for Glinda, Liesl Lar
Wicked: México, Veracruz | Multicam Proshot | A | 2 DVDs- Elenco/Cast: Odette Villarreal (Glinda), Andrés Elvira (Padre de la Bruja), Natalia Valdillo (Madre de la Bruja), Angelina Viesca (Partera), Luz María Santana (Elphaba), Patricia de la Garza Noble (Nessarose), Roberto Rodriguez (Boq), Amanda García (Madame Morrible), Paulina Cañedo (Pfanee), Melissa Cruz (Shen-shen), Andrés Dordón (Fiyero). Notes: Includes rehearsal footage. Directed by future Mexican Dr. Dillamond Beto Torres!
Wicked London: October 18, 2007 Cast: Kerry Ellis (Elphaba), Dianne Pilkington (Glinda), Oliver Tompsett (Fiyero), Susie Blake (Madame Morrible), Nigel Planer (The Wizard), James Gillan (Boq), Katy Rowley Jones (Nessarose)
Wicked Broadway: July 17th, 2008 Cast: Kerry Ellis (Elphaba), Kendra Kassebaum (Glinda), David Burnham (Fiyero), Cristy Candler (Nessarose), Ben Liebert (Boq), Lenny Wolpe (The Wizard), Jayne Houdyshell (Madame Morrible), Steven Skybell (Dr. Dillamond) Notes: Kerry’s first on Broadway
Wicked Chicago: December 13th 2006 Cast: Dee Roscioli (Elphaba), Megan Sikora (u/s Glinda), Brad Bass (Fiyero), Rondi Reed (Madame Morrible), Gene Weygandt (The Wizard), Adam Fleming (Boq), Heidi Kettenring (Nessarose), William Youmans (Dr. Dillamond) Notes: Blooper during Popular. Featuring a young Jennifer DiNoia as Elphaba’s mother! (Need Link)
Wicked 1st National Tour: March 4, 2007    Baltimore, Maryland  Cast: Victoria Matlock (Elphaba), Christina DeCicco (Glinda), Cliffton Hall (Fiyero), Deedee Magno Hall (Nessarose), Barbara Tirrell (Morrible), P.J. Benjamin (Wizard), Josh Lamon (Boq), Tom Flynn (Dillamond),Paul Slade Smith as Witch’s Father/Frex, Lori Homles as Witch’s Mother/Melena, Leslie Becker as Midwife/ Nanny
Wicked Broadway: October 9, 2007 (mp4) Stephanie J. Block (Elphaba), Annaleigh Ashford (Glinda), Sebastian Arcelus (Fiyero), Kathy Santen (Morrible), Lenny Wolpe (Wizard), Logan Lipton (Boq), Cristy Candler (Nessarose), Steven Skybell (Dillamond)
Wicked: Tokyo 28th January 2008 Cast: Megumi Hamada (Elphaba), Asako Tomada (Glinda, u/s), Li Tao (Fiyero), Kurihara Hideo (The Wizard u/s), Mori Izumi (Madame Morrible), Yamamoto Takae (Nessarose), Takayuki Ito (Boq), Takemi Ryoma (Doctor Dillamond) Kazunari Shirakura (Frex u/s), Akane Mao (Melena), and Tamaki Endo (Midwife)
Wicked Broadway: July 17th, 2008 Cast: Kerry Ellis (Elphaba), Kendra Kassebaum (Glinda), David Burnham (Fiyero), Cristy Candler (Nessarose), Ben Liebert (Boq), Lenny Wolpe (The Wizard), Jayne Houdyshell (Madame Morrible), Steven Skybell (Dr. Dillamond) Notes: Kerry’s first on Broadway
Wicked: Stuttgart February 20 2009 Cast: Willemijn Verkaik (Elphaba), Lucy Scherer (Glinda), Mathias Edenborn (Fiyero), Barbara Raunegger (Madame Akaber), Stefan Poslovski (u/s Der Zauberer), Nicole Radeschnig (Nessarose), Robert Knorr (u/s Moq), Michael Günther (Doktor Dillamonth).
Wicked 1st National Tour-February 28, 2009 Cast-Stephanie Torns (Elphaba U/S), Katie Rose Clarke (Glinda), Richard H. Blake (Fiyero), Lenny Wolpe (Wizard), Myra Lucretia Taylor (Morrible), Amanda Rose (Nessarose), Ben Liebert (Boq). Notes: Spotlight washout on wides. Blackouts for applause. Nice quality and pretty well filmed (though there are some odd closeups in DTL). Wandering cam at times.
Wicked Broadway: March 8, 2009 -Nicole Parker (Elphaba), Alli Mauzey (Glinda), Aaron Tveit (Fiyero), Jayne Houdyshell (Morrible), PJ Benjamin (Wizard), Alex Brightman (Boq), Cristy Candler (Nessa), Timothy Britten Parker (Dr. Dillamond) Notes: Final performance for Aaron Tveit. ​ Wicked: Broadway  September 27, 2009 Cast: Dee Roscioli (Elphaba), Erin Mackey (Glinda), Kevin Kern (Fiyero), Rondi Reed (Morrible), PJ Benjamin (Wizard), Michelle Federer (Nessarose), Alex Brightman (Boq), Timothy Britten Parker (Dillamond) Master: SunsetBlvd79
Wicked: National Tour  5/22/10 ~ Charlotte, NC Cast: Vicki Noon, Michelle London (u/s Glinda), Chris Peluso, Don Amendolia, Merilyn Caskey, Laura Pugliese (u/s Nessarose), Zach Hanna, David DeVries, Don Richard, Lindsay Wood (u/s Witch's Mother) About a minute of the beginning of WITF is blacked out, full show otherwise. Filmed with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups; slight washout in some of the wides, but nothing too terrible. No significant obstruction, good clear sound and picture; good video.
Wicked Broadway: February 1, 2015 Cast: Lilli Cooper (s/b Elphaba), Kara Lindsay (Glinda), Jerad Bortz (u/s Fiyero), Brian Munn (u/s The Wizard), Kathy Fitzgerald (Madame Morrible), Catherine Charlebois (Nessarose), Robin De Jesus (Boq).
Wicked: Singapore April 22nd, 2012 Cast-  Zoe Jarrett (understudy Elphaba), Suzie Mathers (Glinda), David Harris (Fiyero), Anne Wood (Madame Morrible), Elisa Colla (Nessarose), James D Smith (Boq), Glen Hogstrom (u/s The Wizard) At just over 2 hours long, this is missing a few sequences, but all the big numbers and memorable dialogue scenes are intact. It’s shot from the very front row of the stalls at the side so, although this causes a lot of problems for the brave person who filmed it, we DO get many nice close-ups and a chance to see the show from quite an unusual angle at times! Very clear sound throughout.
Wicked Korea (Date: November 2013 ) Cast: Oak Joo Hyun (Elphaba), Jeong Sun Ah (Glinda), Lee Ji Hoon (Fiyero), Nam Kyoung Joo (The Wizard), Cho Jung Keun (Doctor Dillamond), Kim Young Joo (Madame Morrible), Lee Yea Eun (Nessarose), Kim Dong Hyun (Boq)
Wicked First National Tour: February 24th, 2013 Cast: Dee Roscioli (Elphaba), Cassie Okenka (u/s Glinda), Cliffton Hall (Fiyero), Tom McGowan (The Wizard), Kim Zimmer (Madame Morrible), Demeree Hill (Nessarose), Justin Brill (Boq), Clifton Davis (Dillamond)  
Wicked; 1NT January 27 2011 Cast:  Jackie Burns (Elphaba), Chandra Lee Schwartz (Glinda), Richard H. Blake (Fiyero)
Wicked  2nd National Tour (Madison, WI): May 28, 2013    Cast: Jennifer DiNoia (Elphaba), Hayley Podschun (Glinda), David Nathan Perlow (Fiyero), Walker Jones (The Wizard), Gina Ferrall (Madame Morrible), Zarah Mahler (Nessarose), Michael Wartella (Boq), Jay Russell (Doctor Dillamond). quality: An absolutely beautiful HD capture with no obstructions. Jennifer is wonderful as Elphaba.
Wicked: Korea 2014 Aug 2nd // AVI 박혜나 Park Hye Na (Elphaba), 김보경 Kim Bo Kyung (Glinda), 조상웅 Jo Sang Woong (Fiyero), 이상준 Lee Sang Jun (The Wizard), 김영주 Kim Young Joo (Madame Morrible), 이에은 Lee Ye Eun (Nessarose), 긴동현 Kim Dong Hyun (Boq), 초정근 Cho Jung Keun (Doctor Dillamond) ​Notes: Lots of washout shot, from the stalls on the left facing the stage, Kim Bo Kyung is literally just a ball of light in this, her Glinda is so full of energy
Wicked West End:  25th October 2014 Evening | Cast Change Kerry Ellis (Elphaba), Savannah Stevenson (Glinda) *Final performance of Kerry Ellis, Sue Kelvin, Paul Clarkson and many ensemble members.
Wicked  West End: October 27th, 2014 Cast: Jennifer DiNoia (Elphaba), Savannah Stevenson (G(a)linda) Jeremy Taylor (Fiyero), Liza Sadovy (Madame Morrible), Martyn Ellis (The Wizard), Katie Rowley-Jones (Nessarose), Sam Lupton (Boq), Philip Childs (Dr. Dillamond)
Wicked Mexico: November 18th 2014 Cast: Ana Cecilia Anzaldúa, Crisanta Gómez (s/b), Jorge Lau, Anahí Allué, Paco Morales, Adam Sadwing, Beto Torres. Notes: Highlights include “No One Mourns the Wicked”, “Dear Old Shiz”, the Room Assignment scene from Let Her GO! to “What Is This Feeling?”, “Popular”, “Defying Gravity”, “Thank Goodness”, “No Good Deed” and “For Good”.
Wicked Mexico: January 18, 2015 (Evening) Danna Paola (Elphaba), Cecilia de la Cueva (Glinda), Jorge Lau (Fiyero), Paco Morales (The Wizard), Anahi Allué (Madame Morrible), Marisol Meneses (Nessarose), Adam Sadwing (Boq), Beto Torres (Doctor Dillamond) Notes: Closing night. Highlights including Room Assignments, The Wizard and I, 2 x Popular, 2 x Defying Gravity, As Long As You’re Mine, No Good Deed and For Good. Varying video quality.  
Wicked Broadway: January 2, 2015      Cast: Caroline Bowman (Elphaba), Kara Lindsay (Glinda), Matt Shingledecker (Fiyero), Tom McGowan (The Wizard), Kathy Fitzgerald (Madame Morrible), Robin de Jesus (Boq), Arielle Jacobs (Nessarose), Timothy Britten Parker (Dr. Dillamond)
Wicked  2nd National Tour: 10/29/15 Cast: Mary Kate Morrissey (s/b Elphaba), Carrie St. Louis (Glinda), Jake Boyd (Fiyero), Liana Hunt (Nessarose), Wendy Worthington (Madame Morrible), Stuart Zagnit (The Wizard). Lee Slobotikin (Boq), Chad Jennings (Dr. Dillamond)
Wicked 2nd National Tour: November 6th, 2017 Cast: Jessica Vosk (Elphaba), Allison Bailey (u/s Glinda), Jeremy Woodard (Fiyero), Kristen Martin (Nessarose), Sam Sefarian (Boq), Chad Jennings (Doctor Dillamond), Stuart Zagnit (The Wizard), Wendy Worthington (Madame Morrible).
Wicked 2nd National Tour September 24th, 2017 Cincinnati, Ohio Jessica Vosk (Elphaba), Ginna Claire Mason (Glinda), Jon Robert Hall (Fiyero), Isabel Keating (Madame Morrible), Tom McGowan (The Wizard), Sam Seferian (Boq), Catherine Charlebois (Nessarose), Harry Bouvy (Dr. Dillamond)​ Notes: Jessica Vosk’s final show.
Wicked 2nd National Tour Date: 4/8/2018  Toronto, CA MP4 (original format) Cast: Mary Kate Morrissey, Ginna Claire Mason, Jon Robert Hall, Wayne Shroeder (u/s The Wizard), Chad Jennings, Jody Gelb, Catherine Charlebois (t/r Nessarose), Cole Doman (Boq) Notes: Captured with high quality camera. Some obstructions due to heads and washout but majority very clear high quality.  
Wicked Broadway:  June 21, 2016  Cast: Rachel Tucker (Elphaba), Ginna Claire Mason (s/b Glinda), Jonah Platt (Fiyero), Peter Scolari (The Wizard), Judy Kaye (Madame Morrible), Dawn Cantwell (Nessarose), Zachary Noah Piser (Boq), Michael Genet (Doctor Dillamond).
Wicked San Francisco: September 5, 2010 (Last Show) Marcie Dodd (Elphaba) Alli Mauzey (Glinda) Clifton C. Hall (Fiyero) Jody Gelb (Madame Morrible) Tom McGowan (The Wizard) DeeDee Magno Hall (Nessarose) Etai Benshlomo (Boq)
Wicked 1st National Tour: December 12, 2007; St. Louis, MO. Carmen Cusack  (Elphaba), Katie Rose Clarke (Glinda), Cliffton Hall (Fiyero), Alma Cuervo (Madame Morrible), Lee Wilkof (The Wizard), Deedee Magno Hall (Nessarose), Brad Weinstock (Boq), Tom Flynn (Dr. Dillamond)
Wicked UK/International Tour April 15th, 2017 Jodie Steele (alt. Elphaba), Carly Anderson (Glinda), Bradley Jaden (Fiyero), Kim Ismay (Mme. Morrible), Steven Pinder (Dr. Dillamond/Wizard), Emily Shaw (Nessarose), Iddon Jones (Boq)
Wicked: Broadway August 11th, 2017 Cast: Jackie Burns (Elphaba), Amanda Jane Cooper (Glinda), Rondi Reed (Madame Morrible), PJ Benjamin (The Wizard), Ashley Parker Angel (Fiyero), Kristen Martin (Nessarose), Jye Frasca (Boq) Notes: Excellent HD capture of Jackie’s return to the role, captured from the Orchestra.
Wicked: Broadway July, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) CAST: Jessica Vosk (Elphaba), Amanda Jane Cooper (Glinda), Curt Hansen (t/r Fiyero), Kevin Chamberlin (The Wizard), Martin Moran (Dr. Dillamond), Isabel Keating (Madame Morrible), Jye Frasca (Boq), Kristen Martin (Nessarose)
​Waitress (Broadway) − June 14, 2016: Jessie Mueller (Jenna), Keala Settle (Becky), Kimiko Glenn (Dawn), Drew Gehling (Dr Pomatter), Nick Cordero (Earl), Dakin Matthews (Joe), Eric Anderson (Cal), Christopher Fitzgerald (Ogie) (OBC)
Waitress ( Broadway) April, 2017 Cast: Sara Bareilles, Charity Angel Dawson, Molly Jobe as (u/s) Dawn, Chris Diamantopoulos, Will Swenson, Dakin Matthews, Eric Anderson, Christopher Fitzgerald
The Producers 4/25/01 ~ Broadway Cast: Nathan Lane, Matthew Broderick, Roger Bart, Gary Beach, Brad Oscar, Cady Huffman. Slight spotlight washout, bar in the way version. Cam Video Video includes the 2001 Gypsy of the Year skit after the show
The Drowsy Chaperone 10/8/08 ~ Sacramento, CA Cast: Jonathan Crombie, Georgia Engel, Alicia Irving, Jen Taylor Farrell as (u/s) Janet Van De Graaff, Noble Shropshire, Mark Ledbetter, Richard Vida, Cliff Bemis, Linda Griffin, Paul Riopelle, Peter Riopelle, Dale Hensley, Natasha Yvette Williams. Filmed in widescreen with no obstructions and almost no blackouts, great picture that follows the action very well.
The Book Of Mormon:  London - 03/01/18 Blackout at certain parts, filmed from the circle. Overall watchable. Known Cast: KJ Hippensteel - Elder Price Cody Jamison Strand - Elder Cunningham Stevie Webb - Elder McKinley
The Play That Goes Wrong: Broadway May 2018 Cast: Akron Watson, Mark Evans, Quinn Van Antwerp, Preston Truman Boyd, Harrison Unger, Amelia McClain, Alex Mandell, Ashley Bryant
Frozen: Denver (Try Outs) October 1st, 2017 Cast: Caissie Levy, Patti Murin, Jelani Alladin, Greg Hildreth, John Riddle, Timothy Hughes, Andrew Pirozzi, Robert Creighton, Alya Schwartz, Audrey Bennet. Notes: Final performance. There are scene changes, an added song just before For the First Time in Forever (Reprise) sung by Elsa (in the tune of the pop version of Let It Go), and “When Everything Falls Apart” was completely removed ​ Frozen: Broadway May 3rd, 2018 Cast: Caissie Levy, Patti Murin, Jelani Alladin, Zoe Glick, Mimi Ryder, Robert Creighton, Kevin Del Aguila, Greg Hildreth, Timothy Hughes, Andrew Pirozzi, John Riddle, Tracee Beazer, Wendi Bergamini, Ashley Blanchet, James Brown III, Claire Camp, Lauren Nicole Chapman, Jeremy Davis, Kali Grinder, Zach Hess, Donald Jones Jr., Nina Lafarga, Ross Lekites, Austin Lesch, Synthia Link, Adam Perry, Olivia Philip, Noah J. Ricketts, Ann Sanders, Jacob Smith, Nicholas Ward  Notes:  NYCG8R’s Master   ​ Les Miserables: West End- September 17, 2010 Cast: Christopher Jacobsen, Earl Carpenter, Madalena Alberto, Gareth Gates, Katie Hall, Rosalind James, Ashley Artus, Lynne Wilmot, Jon Robyns
El Hombre de La Mancha: Santiago, Chile Teatro Munipal:: 1974 Cast: Frankie Bravo, Jose del Campo, Omar Galarcé, Fernando Gallardo, Mary Hernandez, José Maria Langlais, Valentina Martinez, Alicia Quiroga, Carlos Trujillo
El Hombre de La Mancha: Madrid, Teatro Lope de Vega de Madrid Cast: David V Muro (Cervantes / Quixote) The rest of the cast is unknown
Evita: Broadway 1980 (OBC)- Cast: Patti LuPone, Mandy Patinkin. Notes: Decent for its age and one of the best copies I’ve found and in Color! B+
Evita: US Tour 1999- Cast:  Natalie Toro, Raul Esparza, Raymond Jaramillo McLeod, Tom Flynn, Angela Covington
Evita: Costa Mesa December 14, 2013- Cast: Cast: Caroline Bowman (Eva), John Riddle (u/s Che), Sean MacLaughlin (Peron), Krystina Alabado (Mistress), Christopher Johnstone (Magaldi).
​Evita: Broadway Revival July 28, 2012 Cast: Christina DeCicco (u/s Eva Peron), Ricky Martin, Michael Cerveris, Max von Essen, Rachel Potter Notes: Excellent HD capture of the Alternate Eva. Great clear video with nice picture and sound; great video 2 DVDs. https://www.4shared.com/folder/FTw9s2y8/Evita__7-28-12_.html Evita: Broadway Revival July 28, 2012 Cast: Christina DeCicco (u/s Eva Peron), Ricky Martin, Michael Cerveris, Max von Essen, Rachel Potter Notes: Excellent HD capture of the Alternate Eva. Great clear video with nice picture and sound; great video 2 DVDs.
Legally Blonde: Broadway (MTV Filmed) September 9th, 2007 Cast-Laura Bell Bundy, Christian Borle, Orfeh, Michael Rupert, Kate Shindle, Nikki Snelson, Richard H. Blake
Mary Poppins- US tour February 15 2013 Full Show Cast: Con O'Shea-Creal (Bert), Madeline Trumble (Mary Poppins), Madison Ann Mullahey (Jane Banks), Eli Tokash (Michael Banks), Chris K. Hoch (George Banks), Kerry Conte (Winifred Banks)
Man of La Mancha - Cast: Joan Diener as Aldonza (Dulcinea); Richard Kiley as Don Quixote (Cervantes); Dianne Barton as Antonia; Lee Bergere as Dr. Carrasco; Renato Cibelli as Captain of the Inquisition; Jack Dabdoub as The Innkeeper; Edmond Verrato as Sancho Panza (U/S); Eleanore Knapp as The Housekeeper; Robert Rounseville as The Padre; Ted Forlow as The Barber/The Horse (U/S); John Aristides as Juan; Robert Cromwell as Guard/Man of The Inquisition; Fernando Grahal as Tenorio/Dancing Horse; Laura Kenyon as Fermina; Jeff Killion as Man of The Inquisition/Guard; Hector Mercado as Dancing Horse/Jose; Rita Metzger as Maria; Shev Rodgers as The Horse/Pedro; Bill Stanton as Paco; David Wasson as Man of The Inquisition/Guard.
Man of La Mancha: Broadway November 24th, 2002 (Previews)- Cast: Brian Stokes Mitchell (Don Quixote), Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio (Aldonza), Ernie Sabella (Sancho), Stephen Bogardus (Dr Carrasco), Bradley Dean (Anselmo), Natascia Diaz (Antonia), Mark Jakoby (Padre), Olga Merediz (Housekeeper), Jamie Torcellini (Barber), Don Mayo (Innkeeper).
Mamma Mia! Broadway - November 21, 2012 (VOBs + smalls) Christy Altomare (Sophie), Natalie Bradshaw/Monica Kapoor* (u/s Ali), Thomasina Gross (Lisa), Felicia Findley (Tanya), Laureen Cohn (Rosie), Judy McLane (Donna), Zak Resnick (Sky), Graham Rowat (Harry), Daniel Cooney (Bill), Aaron Lazar (Sam)
Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812 (Broadway) − October 29, 2016: Josh Groban, Denee Benton, Brittain Ashford, Nicholas Belton, Lucas Steele, Gelsey Bell, Nick Choksi, Amber Gray
Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812 (Broadway)- December 29, 2016 Cast: Josh Groban, Denee Benton, Brittain Ashford, Lucas Steele, Nicholas Belton, Grace McLean, Nick Choksi, Amber Gray, Gelsey Bell, Paul Pinto, Reed Luplau, Ani Taj (OBC)
Once On This Island-Rendondo Beach, CA  2017, March 4 I VOB + smalls & MP4 Cast: Leah Stewart, Cooper Howell, Erika Bowman, Keith Jefferson, Jay Donnell, Dominique Kent, Daebreon Poiema, Edred Utomi, Kayla Joy Smith, Jenna Gillespie, David T. Morris, Nic Hodges, Christopher C. Fishburn, Gabrielle Jackson, Mia L. Jones, Jade Payton, Eran Scoggins, Kennedy Nibbe, Mackenzie Nibbe, Inaya Reddick ​ ​Hamilton: Broadway December 29, 2015 Lin-Manuel Miranda (Alexander Hamilton), Leslie Odom Jr. (Aaron Burr), Jonathan Groff (King George III), Renée Elise Goldsberry (Angelica Schuyler Church), Phillipa Soo(Eliza Schuyler Hamilton), Christopher Jackson (George Washington), Jasmine Cephas Jones (Maria Reynolds/Peggy Schuyler), Daveed Diggs (Thomas Jefferson/Marquis de Lafayette), Okieriete Onaodowan (James Madison/Hercules Mulligan), Anthony Ramos(John Laurens/Philip Hamilton) (OBC)
Hamilton Broadway August 13th, 2016 - Javier Munoz (Alexander Hamilton), Lexi Lawson (Eliza Hamilton), Sydney James Harcourt (u/s Aaron Burr), Renee Elise Goldsberry ( Angelica Schuyler), Christopher Jackson (George Washington), Andrew Chappelle (u/s Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Ephraim Sykes (u/s Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Anthony Ramos (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Jasmine Cephas Jones (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Rory O’Malley (King George), Roddy Kennedy (u/s Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds/Doctor), Thayne Jasperson (Samuel Seabury), Neil Haskell (Charles Lee), David Guzman (u/s George Eacker), Ensemble: Carleigh Bettiol, Hope Easterbrook, Karla Puno Garcia, Gregory Haney, Sasha Hollinger, Seth Stewart, Kamille Upshaw​
Hamilton: Chicago 2016-10-02 Joseph Morales (alt. Alexander Hamilton), Ari Asfar (Eliza Hamilton), Joshua Henry (Aaron Burr), Jonathan Kirkland (George Washington), Chris De'Sean Lee (Marquis de Lafayett/Thomas Jefferson), Karen Olivo (Angelica Schuyler), Alexander Gemignani (King George), Jose Ramos (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Wallace Smith (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Samantha Marie Ware (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds)
Hamilton: National Tour- Los Angeles Michael Luwoye - Alexander Hamilton Joshua Henry - Aaron Burr Rory O'Malley - King George III, RUBÉN J. CARBAJAL - John Laurens/Phillip Hamilton Jordan Donica - Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson; Amber Iman - Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds; Isaiah Johnson - George Washington; Solea Pfeiffer - Eliza, Emmy Raver-Lampman - Angelica Schuyler Mathenee Treco - Hercules Mulligan/James Madison. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: April 1st, 2017
Heathers- Concert reading at Joe’s Pub - September 14 2010 Cast: Annaleigh Ashford (Veronica), Jeremy Jordan (Jason Dean), Jenna Leigh Green (Heather Chandler), Corri English (Heather McNamara), Christine Lakin (Heather Duke), James Snyder (Kurt), PJ Griffith (Ram), Julie Garnye (Martha)
Heather Off Broadway- Cast:  Dan Domenech as JD, Barrett Wilbert Weed as Veronica, and Charissa Hogeland as Heather Chandler
Into the Woods -July 27, 2015 Cast-Heather Headley (The Witch), Rob McClure (The Baker), Erin Dilly (The Baker's Wife), Ken Page (The Narrator), Elena Shaddow (Cinderella) , Ryan Silverman (Rapunzel's Prince), Andrew Samonsky (Cinderella's Prince/The Wolf), Jason Gotay (Jack), Sara Kapner (Little Red Riding Hood), Ellen Harvey (Cinderella's Stepmother), Samantha Massell (Rapunzel)
​Phantom of the Opera: Broadway (June 21, 2016): James Barbour (Phantom), Ali Ewoldt (Christine), Jordan Donica (Raoul), Michele McConnell (Carlotta), Richard Poole (u/s Monsieur Andre), Craig Bennett (Monsieur Firmin), Rebecca Eichenberger (Madame Giry), Kara Klein (Meg), John Easterlin (Ubaldo Piangi)
Spongebob the Musical: Chicago  (Try-Out)
Wants: Anything from Wicked's UK/ Ireland National Tour also Australian Cast and any production of A Chorus Line/ Cats Broadway with Mamie Parris and from the current run in Mexico!
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barbiescanner · 8 years
City of Angels Cast
City of Angels Cast by moogirl2
Found some old Playbills and theatre programs from the 90s
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oldisnewradio · 11 months
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Now "On-The-Air" Our feature on Margaret Whiting, our Tribute to Steven Lutvak, plus 4 renditions of "With Every Breath I Take" by Cy Coleman & David Zippel & music by Danny Jonokuchi, Lorna Luft Official, Mark Murphy, Nancy LaMott, Jeff Harnar, Kay McClelland & More!
Join me now for Everything Old Is New Again Radio Show on WBAI 99.5 FM New York and https://www.wbai.org/listen-live/
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UNREMARKABLE from Jared Anderson on Vimeo.
Written & Directed By Jared Anderson Produced By Sara Nassim Cinematography By Kai K. Krause (kaikkrause.com) Production Design By Mari Lappalainen Edited By Lilit Aloyan Music By Claudio Olachea Costume Design By Mary Wuliger Casting By Becky Silverman VFX Supervisor Nathan Strong
EM Tara Platt BRAD Rick Gifford JENNA Sofia Checchi JAX Zane Austin DRUG DEALER Amon Platis DRUG DEALER 2 Joe Sabalo SHOOTER Blake Webb COURTNEY Gloria Garayua FORENSIC ATTENDANT Mike Langer DANIELLE Marion Kerr IZZY Angela Bullock TIM John O'Brien SHARON Aubrey Manning AUDREY Nina Rausch DON Stephen Holland AMANDA Nina Millin GRANDPA John McCool Bowers CORONER INVESTIGATOR/TYLER Fernando Huerta HOMICIDE DETECTIVE #1 Cat Lee McGowen
Stunt Coordinator Deven MacNair Em's Stunt Double Marie Fink
Line Producer Beatrice von Schwerin Production Manager Bochen Zhang First Assistant Director Peter Merwin First Assistant Director (Addt. Photography) Kyle Shea Second Assistant Director Thomas A. Keith Second Assistant Director (Addt. Photography) Sigurdur Kjartan
Camera Operator Sean Bagley Steadicam Operator James Goldman First Assistants Camera Steven Breckon, Ian Avery Holliday First Assistant Camera (Addt. Photography) Christopher Kistan Second Assistants Camera Lauren Guiteras, Marhyan Franzen, Jerome Morrow Camera PA Jose Romero Script Supervisor Matthew McClelland Accountant Camille Cornuel Gaffer Ari Davidson Best Boy Electric Michael Schmidt Electricians Charles Tae, Adam Leene, Mikayel Balian, Sophia Stieglitz, Halyna Hutchins Electricians (Addt. Photography) Joanna Nguyen, Jonny Strellman Key Grip Shadi Chabaan Key Grip (Addt. Photography) Avner Mayer Best Boy Grip Adrian Estrella Dolly Grip (Addt. Photography) Mike Maggiano Grips Alec Cotugno, Ryan Mosley, Uriel Brito, Marianne Williams Grips (Addt. Photography) Tristan Copeland, Christian Tahyar, Diego Castillanos, Jeffrey Taylor Location Manager Cristian Plesh 2nd 2nd Assistant Director Alfonso Ramirez Assistant Editor Emily Mendez Production Sound Mixer Keith Wechsler Boom Operators Chris Thueson, George Adrian Boom Operator (Addt. Photography) David Levine
Pathology Consultant. Julie Horst Embalming Consultant, Howard Huehl Art Director Randy Kizer Assistant Art Director Michael Wheelock Assistant Art Director (Addt. Photography) Daniel Frank Set Decorator Janice Vasquez Leadman Joe Rothert Set Dresser Sarah Dryden Property Master Steven Keller Graphic Designer Mike Diaz SFX Props Jessica Lewis Construction Coordinator (Addt. Photography) Dylan Corbett Carpenter Jason Stebbings Painters Andre Rivera, Hayelee Beisler, Brianna Sealey, Royce Brown Set Dressers Eli Flesch, Eric Flesch, Yuri K. Lee, Paige Mount Art PAs Lindsay Theirl, Hanson Reed, Max Romanowski, Matt Kloker, Jesus Aguirre, Drake Cherry, Anna Geisler Costumers Julia Laftsidis, Kristen Carter Make-up & Hair Stylist Kimberly Romo Make-up & Hair Stylist Assistants Patty Jarvis, Briana Vazquez Make-up Effects Supervisor George Troester Make-up Effects Artists Linday Gavin, Damien Zimmerman, Alondra Shields Regina Jigante, Miranda Jory Audio Post Production Services TFX Studios Los Angeles Sound Design Lisle Engle Foley Artist Gretchen Thoma Foley Mixer Ryan Wassil Sound Re-recording Mixer Lisle Engle Orchestration Emad Borijan Score Mixer Seth Waldmann Additional Score Recordist Cooper Fuqua Digital Composer Gerry Zimmermann Digital Intermediate by Technicolor Hollywood Digital Intermediate Colorist Darin Woolridge Digital Intermediate Producer Christine Dougherty Project Manager Laura Borowsky Studio Teacher Nancy Neumann Background Casting Director Deanna Roseen BACKGROUND ARTISTS PARAMEDIC #1 Rina Restaino PARAMEDIC #2 Sasha Rhoe HOMOCIDE DETECTIVE #2 Ryan George POLICE OFFICERS Jason Lamar, Jasmin Day, Juan Aguirre CROWD Tomomi Yoshida, Joshua Elizondo, Kerstin Alm, Arcola Kyle, Alexandria Mcalpine, Tyson Marlow, Philip Davis TRAVELERS Chester Lovegreen, Vanessa Green, Alana Berthiaume, Quetta Boyd FUNERAL GUEST Kyle Eilerman OLD MAN Sam Teaford OLD WOMAN Josie Dapar LOBBY PATRONS Elester Latham, Lindsey Legako TIM'S ASSISTANTS Kyle Greene, Jess Matney Transport Coordinator Michael Lutz Truck Drivers Hector Gonzalez, Adam Shambour, Sean Cyphers Picture Vehicle Drivers Daniel Leighton, Dan Leonard, Tim Beers Key Set PAs Andy Quijano, Brian Contreras, Elli Legerski Production Assistants Arthur Augustyn, John Clem, Carolina Cora, Mariana Salem, Lauren Tran, Lorin Fields, Kenie Munguia, Lonna Cavette Craft Service Ni Jiang Craft Service (Addt. Photography) Olga Aldama Set Medic Jason Talmadge Police on Location Shawn Stevens Location Site Rep - Biltmore Hotel Don Harris Location Site Rep - Mountain View Mortuary John Morris
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artwalktv · 7 years
Written & Directed By Jared Anderson Produced By Sara Nassim Cinematography By Kai K. Krause (kaikkrause.com) Production Design By Mari Lappalainen Edited By Lilit Aloyan Music By Claudio Olachea Costume Design By Mary Wuliger Casting By Becky Silverman VFX Supervisor Nathan Strong CAST EM Tara Platt BRAD Rick Gifford JENNA Sofia Checchi JAX Zane Austin DRUG DEALER Amon Platis DRUG DEALER 2 Joe Sabalo SHOOTER Blake Webb COURTNEY Gloria Garayua FORENSIC ATTENDANT Mike Langer DANIELLE Marion Kerr IZZY Angela Bullock TIM John O'Brien SHARON Aubrey Manning AUDREY Nina Rausch DON Stephen Holland AMANDA Nina Millin GRANDPA John McCool Bowers CORONER INVESTIGATOR/TYLER Fernando Huerta HOMICIDE DETECTIVE #1 Cat Lee McGowen Stunt Coordinator Deven MacNair Em's Stunt Double Marie Fink Line Producer Beatrice von Schwerin Production Manager Bochen Zhang First Assistant Director Peter Merwin First Assistant Director (Addt. Photography) Kyle Shea Second Assistant Director Thomas A. Keith Second Assistant Director (Addt. Photography) Sigurdur Kjartan Camera Operator Sean Bagley Steadicam Operator James Goldman First Assistants Camera Steven Breckon, Ian Avery Holliday First Assistant Camera (Addt. Photography) Christopher Kistan Second Assistants Camera Lauren Guiteras, Marhyan Franzen, Jerome Morrow Camera PA Jose Romero Script Supervisor Matthew McClelland Accountant Camille Cornuel Gaffer Ari Davidson Best Boy Electric Michael Schmidt Electricians Charles Tae, Adam Leene, Mikayel Balian, Sophia Stieglitz, Halyna Hutchins Electricians (Addt. Photography) Joanna Nguyen, Jonny Strellman Key Grip Shadi Chabaan Key Grip (Addt. Photography) Avner Mayer Best Boy Grip Adrian Estrella Dolly Grip (Addt. Photography) Mike Maggiano Grips Alec Cotugno, Ryan Mosley, Uriel Brito, Marianne Williams Grips (Addt. Photography) Tristan Copeland, Christian Tahyar, Diego Castillanos, Jeffrey Taylor Location Manager Cristian Plesh 2nd 2nd Assistant Director Alfonso Ramirez Assistant Editor Emily Mendez Production Sound Mixer Keith Wechsler Boom Operators Chris Thueson, George Adrian Boom Operator (Addt. Photography) David Levine Pathology Consultant. Julie Horst Embalming Consultant, Howard Huehl Art Director Randy Kizer Assistant Art Director Michael Wheelock Assistant Art Director (Addt. Photography) Daniel Frank Set Decorator Janice Vasquez Leadman Joe Rothert Set Dresser Sarah Dryden Property Master Steven Keller Graphic Designer Mike Diaz SFX Props Jessica Lewis Construction Coordinator (Addt. Photography) Dylan Corbett Carpenter Jason Stebbings Painters Andre Rivera, Hayelee Beisler, Brianna Sealey, Royce Brown Set Dressers Eli Flesch, Eric Flesch, Yuri K. Lee, Paige Mount Art PAs Lindsay Theirl, Hanson Reed, Max Romanowski, Matt Kloker, Jesus Aguirre, Drake Cherry, Anna Geisler Costumers Julia Laftsidis, Kristen Carter Make-up & Hair Stylist Kimberly Romo Make-up & Hair Stylist Assistants Patty Jarvis, Briana Vazquez Make-up Effects Supervisor George Troester Make-up Effects Artists Linday Gavin, Damien Zimmerman, Alondra Shields Regina Jigante, Miranda Jory Audio Post Production Services TFX Studios Los Angeles Sound Design Lisle Engle Foley Artist Gretchen Thoma Foley Mixer Ryan Wassil Sound Re-recording Mixer Lisle Engle Orchestration Emad Borijan Score Mixer Seth Waldmann Additional Score Recordist Cooper Fuqua Digital Composer Gerry Zimmermann Digital Intermediate by Technicolor Hollywood Digital Intermediate Colorist Darin Woolridge Digital Intermediate Producer Christine Dougherty Project Manager Laura Borowsky Studio Teacher Nancy Neumann Background Casting Director Deanna Roseen BACKGROUND ARTISTS PARAMEDIC #1 Rina Restaino PARAMEDIC #2 Sasha Rhoe HOMOCIDE DETECTIVE #2 Ryan George POLICE OFFICERS Jason Lamar, Jasmin Day, Juan Aguirre CROWD Tomomi Yoshida, Joshua Elizondo, Kerstin Alm, Arcola Kyle, Alexandria Mcalpine, Tyson Marlow, Philip Davis TRAVELERS Chester Lovegreen, Vanessa Green, Alana Berthiaume, Quetta Boyd FUNERAL GUEST Kyle Eilerman OLD MAN Sam Teaford OLD WOMAN Josie Dapar LOBBY PATRONS Elester Latham, Lindsey Legako TIM'S ASSISTANTS Kyle Greene, Jess Matney Transport Coordinator Michael Lutz Truck Drivers Hector Gonzalez, Adam Shambour, Sean Cyphers Picture Vehicle Drivers Daniel Leighton, Dan Leonard, Tim Beers Key Set PAs Andy Quijano, Brian Contreras, Elli Legerski Production Assistants Arthur Augustyn, John Clem, Carolina Cora, Mariana Salem, Lauren Tran, Lorin Fields, Kenie Munguia, Lonna Cavette Craft Service Ni Jiang Craft Service (Addt. Photography) Olga Aldama Set Medic Jason Talmadge Police on Location Shawn Stevens Location Site Rep - Biltmore Hotel Don Harris Location Site Rep - Mountain View Mortuary John Morris
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Rangers U18s 3-2 Celtic U18s: Steven Gerrard watches on at Hampden
Rangers hit Celtic in the Scottish FA
Rangers hit Celtic in the Scottish FA Final youth final on Thursday evening
Steven Gerrard and Neil Lennon both stood on stands in Hampden to watch Ciaran Dickson and Adedapo Awokoya-Mebude
Celtic claws back to 2-2 after the break but Nathan Young-Coombes won it
Joe Gardiner For The Scottish Daily Mail
Published: 21:32 BST, April 25, 2019 | Rangers won their first Scottish Youth Cup defense in five years as they survived a second-half kickback van Celtic to achieve a thriller victory in Hampden
Two goals up after six minutes, the Light Blues saw their rivals respond with two of their own at the start of the second half.
But Nathan Young-Coombes restored Rangers' lead with a header – and the Ibrox side could even afford to miss a penalty before lifting the trophy.
Rangers Under the age of 18 celebrate the lifting of the Scottish Youth FA Cup after beating van Celtic "
Rangers Under-18 players celebrate the lifting of the Scottish Youth FA Cup after defeating Celtic Rangers captain Daniel Finlayson kisses the cup after leading his side to victory in Hampden"
<img id = "i-f1ac44abd14c5f12" src = "https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/04/25/21/12724670-6961107-image-a-14_1556224378479.jpg" height = "448" width = "634" alt = "Rangers Captain Daniel Finlayson kisses the cup after leading his side to victory in Hampden"
Rangers Captain Daniel Finlayson kisses the cup after taking his side to victory in Hampden led Nathan Young-Coo
NB Young-Coombes rose highest in a corner and scored the winner after the hour "
Nathan Young-Coombes rose highest in a corner and scored the winner after the hour
<img id = "i-531c9dc64a0b1e56" src = "https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/04/25/21/12724672- 6961107-image-a-17_1556224499105.jpg "height =" 422 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-531c9dc64a0b1e56" src = "https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019 /04/25/21/12724672-6961107-image-a-17_1556224499105.jpg "height =" 422 "width =" 634 "alt =" The striker drives off to celebrate after he has seized what the winning goal must prove "
While Steven Gerrard and some of the first stars in the gallery watched, Rangers took one early lead when Kai Kennedy & # 39; s corner picked Cia Dickson walked unnoticed on the edge of the box.
Kennedy chose Kyle McClelland from unmarked
He took a touch before firing into the bottom corner. on the back post and I nodded to Adedapo Awokoya-Mebude to play volleyball home.
<img id = "i-c2bfd31d98d81380" src = "https: //i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/04/25/21/12724676-6961107-image-a-18_1556224530066.jpg "height =" 399 "width =" 634 "alt =" Celtic retired to the match when Paul Kennedy made it 2-2 after the break "class =" blkBorder img-
Karamoko Dembele celebrates after seeing Kennedy & # 39; s deflected attempt to find the back of the net "
<img id = "i-1a7cd2c6e8dc3e6b" src = "https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/04/25/21/1272 4684-6961107-image-a-19_1556224535336.jpg "height =" 397 "width =" 634 "alt =" Karamoko Dembele celebrates after seeing Kennedy & # 39; s deflected attempt to find the back of the net "class = "blkBorder img
Hit back in 47 minutes, however, diminutive winger Karamoko Dembele dances through the midfield of the Rangers and slip through Cameron Harper who cut into his left foot to curl the ball past Lewis Budinauckas.
A minute later, the hoops leveled when Paul Kennedy's free kick took Mebude's bad deflection into the Rangers' wall and trickled along the line past the bad-foot keeper.
But Rangers were in front again within 66 minutes.
Shortly thereafter, Kennedy forfeited an opportunity to advance them further when his poor penalty was saved by Celtic keeper Liam Hughes
Celtic & # 39; s Harper then thought that he was forced to drive extra time as he drove past Budinauckas, but Barry Coffey was ruled to have run the ball out of play in the build-up. coach David McCallum said: “Thanks to Celtic for coming out in the second half and putting us on the back foot, but we showed character to continue and win the match – and miss a penalty too! Steven Gerrard stood in the stands in Hampden to watch with Gary McAllister and Mark Allen "
] Steven Gerrard stood in the stands in Hampden to watch with Gary McAllister and Mark Allen"
Steven Gerrard stood in the stands in Hampden to watch with Gary McAllister and Mark Allen
<img id = "i-bc9bddc47cdac85f" src = "https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/04/25/21/12724686-6961107-image-a-20_1556224584359.jpg" height = "414" width = "634" alt = "Neil Lennon was also present, here with the former Celtic defender Tommy Boyd
Neil Lennon was also present here with the former Celtic defender Tommy Boyd with the former Celtic defender Tommy Boyd
& # 39; Second half it is the only chance (Young-Coombes) in the match and he has put it away, he has that skill id and it's a great to have. "
Celtic counterpart Stephen McManus said: & # 39; Knowing the boys I knew they would be back (in the second half). They are young players trying to find their way in the game.
& # 39; But the only thing that can guarantee football is that you will suffer bumps along the way. & # 39;
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thewebofslime · 6 years
51° Sign Up Log In Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram Visit our other papers: The Windsor Times Cloverdale Reveille The Healdsburg Tribune NEWS ARTS & CULTURE SPORTS OPINION CALENDAR LEGAL NOTICES OBITUARIES BUY & SELL SO-CURIOUS CONTACT+ PREV PREVIOUS River area flood recovery update Important dates to know about debris pick-up, dumpsters, the… NEXT NEXT UP SLIDESHOW: Community Awards Night The 44th annual Community Awards was held at the Sebastopol … FEATURED Forestville & Russian River Fire Chief Max Ming resigns By Frank Robertson, Staff Writer Dec 19, 2017 5 Facebook Twitter Email Facebook Twitter Email Print Save Max Ming, who was praised as a unifying leader when he was named co-chief of the Forestville and Russian River fire protection districts nearly seven years ago, resigned last week from both positions. Max Ming Ming was asked to resign by the Forestville Fire District’s board of directors but his departure was unopposed by the River Fire Protection District Board, said river district board member Mark Emmett. “It was their (Forestville’s) decision,” said Emmett. Ming, who could not be reached for comment this week, was technically an employee of the Forestville district, with the Russian River district paying half Ming’s full-time salary in exchange for Ming’s services as the river district’s half-time chief. Ming technically resigned Dec. 6 from the Forestville district, making his employment with the river district terminated as well, said directors. Ming sent a brief letter of resignation to the Russian River Fire District, said district board president Nance Jones. “We enjoyed working with Max. We wish him well,” said Jones who added the district will continue without a permanent chief for the time being. “We’re investigating where we go from here,” said Jones. “We liked the idea of a shared chief. It was cost effective.” Ming’s total annual compensation serving as chief of both districts was approximately $165,000, including salary and benefits. Prior to being named chief of the two districts, Ming served nearly 30 years as a firefighter in Forestville, where he started as a volunteer in 1984 and was hired a year later as a paid firefighter. Officials said they did not expect an outcry similar to that of four years ago when Guerneville Fire Protection District directors attempted to remove Ming as the Russian River chief, prompting protest letters from firefighters in both districts and ultimately a successful recall election that ousted two river board directors, Kevin O’Shea and Linda Payne. Following that turmoil, Ming was reinstated as the river district chief. Since then he had continued serving as shared chief of both districts without controversy. His resignation came after several closed session meetings with the Forestville district directors. “I think there were a lot of things,” that led to Ming’s departure, said Monte Rio Fire Protection District Chief Steve Baxman, who also served as operations chief with the Russian River District. As for any future joint chief arrangement supervising two districts, “I think that’s over,” said Baxman. The Forestville Fire Protection District’s Assistant Chief, Dave Franceschi, will serve as Forestville’s interim chief. Although Forestville firefighters supported Ming and the shared chief arrangement in 2013, Russian River directors do not foresee a repeat of the 2013 protest. “Do you see anyone putting [protest] signs out?” said Baxman. Facebook Twitter Email Print Save (5) comments Kai Dec 28, 2017 3:27pm What many do not understand with this sort of thing is that Personnel issues CANNOT be discussed with the community! Everyone might want to know, they feel they should be told, they just think it is all shenanigans etc.- In Fact! The Fire Districts by law cannot discuss Personnel Matters with anyone but the person affected! Even other employees are not told anything! This goes for all manner of employee related issues! Quit asking, they won't tell you - in Fact THEY CANNOT tell you and if they do they are violating the law! Folks just don't want to hear this, I know! Cocomo Dec 22, 2017 1:32pm since my recall I have continued to attend the meetings, 2nd Weds of every month, funny I don’t see anyone else there. Lots of answers if you bother showing up. Richek Dec 21, 2017 12:46pm As a forestvillian i was interested in what the hell is going on and why it is that all of a sudden Ming is out on his ear again , This time as a resignation. Yet this article tells me absolutely nothing about why this is coming to pass. Considering his sizable salary one has to assume the worst. Did he sexually harass the secretary, did he steal from the dept., was he having an affair with one of the other fire fighters, or was he found out to be a Russian spy? Ridiculous that our little town would not be able to own up to the why's and wherefores of this issue . It should. I should do it right now. Beef Dec 23, 2017 9:10am I agree. It is time to pull back the curtain and reveal the wizards. Unfortunately this is about our Fire Department, which should have no wizards, only dedicated professionals. Beef Dec 20, 2017 8:39am Ok so here we go again with the cryptic comments and closed door shenanigans with our local fire department employees and board members. Even the direct and usually frank Steve Baxman is only offering a snippet of his thoughts. What goes on with our fire district employees anyway? Is the fire department malfunction a by-product of BOS tomfoolery or are our local employees the source of weirdness? Am I the only one who was curious then and still curious now? We give those departments a lot of money and yet one must wonder where it goes. Yes we all already know the funds received by the fire department are NEVER enough, that is acknowledged. And yet when I see Ming walk away from $165K plus benefits one must ask WHY? What malfunction or dysfunction is serious enough to have caused the ruckus in the first place? Thanks to SonomaWest for providing real news to the West County. Would love to see more about the fire department as it is the single most impactful agency along with the Sheriff and we need to stay informed. Welcome to the discussion. Log In THIS WEEK'S E-EDITION Sonoma West Times & News, 3-7-19 TRENDING NOW Articles THE FLOOD OF 2019: THE LAGUNA COMES TO TOWN SLIDESHOW: THE FLOOD IN SEBASTOPOL SLIDESHOW: THE FLOODING OF THE BARLOW SHERIFF’S DEPUTY MAKES DRAMATIC CLIFFSIDE RESCUE RIVER COMMUNITIES RISE TO CLEANUP CHALLENGE FLOOD CLOSES DOZENS OF RIVER BUSINESSES CANNABIS COUNTRY - WINE, BEER AND WEED: THE SONOMA COUNTY EXPERIENCE "YES ON MEASURE A" PAC PLAGUED BY ERRORS SEBASTOPOL TO HOLD COMMUNITY FLOOD RECOVERY MEETING ON MARCH 13 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, MARCH 7, 2019 LATEST NEWS RIVER AREA FLOOD RECOVERY UPDATE SLIDESHOW: COMMUNITY AWARDS NIGHT SEBASTOPOL TO HOLD COMMUNITY FLOOD RECOVERY MEETING ON MARCH 13 SEBASTOBLOG: SEBASTOPOL STATUS UPDATES COMMENTARY - GROUNDWATER AQUIFERS: UNSEEN AND UNDERAPPRECIATED FLOOD CLOSES DOZENS OF RIVER BUSINESSES THE FLOOD OF 2019: THE LAGUNA COMES TO TOWN MEET THE COMMUNITY CENTER’S MASTER DOODLER Featured Businesses Robert I. 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Main St PMB#3, Sebastopol, CA 95472 707-874-2018 Currently Open Website Western farm center 21 West 7th St., Santa Rosa, CA 95401 707-545-0721 Website Bosworth & Sons General Store 21060 Geyserville Ave., Geyserville, CA 95441 707-857-3463 Website Janakos & Company 1180 River Rd., Fulton, CA 95439 707-788-6068 Currently Open Website Healdsburg General Store 322 Center St, Healdsburg, CA 95448 707-431-2784 Lyons Optometry 8911 Lakewood Dr, Windsor, CA 95492 707-838-9393 Website Boehm Family Daycare Cloverdale 707-318-3951 Upstairs Art Gallery 306 Center St, Healdsburg, CA 95448 707-431-4214 Website River Rock Casino 3250 Highway 128, Geyserville, CA 95441 707-857-2777 Website Framing Arts Of Healdsburg 1067 Vine St, Healdsburg, CA 95448 707-433-9351 Website Sebastopol Ballet School 390 Morris St, Sebastopol, CA 95472 707-824-8006 Website RE/MAX Full Spectrum 338 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg , CA 95448 707-433-2000 Website Huntley Lake 707-385-1345 Currently Open Website Windermere Real Estate 114 Lake Street, Cloverdale, CA 95425 707-669-2444 Website Healthy Steps Weight Loss Center 4730 Hoen Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95405 707-546-7900 Website Silk Moon Textile Arts 195 N Main St, Sebastopol, CA 95472 707-824-4300 Website Nichibei Potters 1991 Burnside Road, Sebastopol, CA 95472 707-823-0950 Website Cloverdale Historical Society 215 N Cloverdale Blvd, Cloverdale, CA 95425 707-894-2067 Website Cloverdale Ace Hardware 750 S. 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Levy Oakland Branch 1946 Embarcadero, Oakland, CA 94606 510-465-0025 Website BLS Auto Detail 1275 4th Street #634, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 707-280-5758 Website Animal Hospital of Cloverdale 20 Industrial Dr, Cloverdale, CA 95425 707-894-3951 Website Pisces Productions 380 Morris St Ste A, Sebastopol, CA 95472 707-829-1496 Website Find a local business Sections News Sports Weekly Discoveries Schools Opinion Obituaries Photos Videos Online Features Weather Services Contact Us Advertise Subscribe to the paper Renew your subscription Submission Forms (LEGAL NOTICES, ETC.) Photo Request Form Church Directory Form Contact Information Sonoma West Times & News - sonomawest.com 1070 Gravenstein Highway, Suite 220 Sebastopol, CA 95472 Phone: 707-823-7845 Email: [email protected] Follow Us Facebook © Copyright 2019 Sonoma West Publishers, 230 Center Street Healdsburg, CAPowered by BLOX Content Management System from TownNews.com.
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Into the Woods: Original Broadway Cast
Narrator/Mysterious Man: Tom Aldredge
Cinderella: Kim Crosby
Jack: Ben Wright
Baker: Chip Zein
Baker’s Wife: Joanna Gleason
Witch: Bernadette Peters
Little Red Riding Hood: Danielle Ferland
Cinderella’s Stepmother: Joy Franz
Florinda: Kay McClelland 
Lucinda: Lauren Mitchell
Jack’s Mother: Barbara Bryne
Cinderella’s Prince/Wolf: Robert Westenberg
Rapuzel’s Prince: Chuck Wagner
Cinderella’s Father:  Edmund Lyndeck
Cinderella’s Mother/Red Riding Hood’s Grandmother/Giant: Merle Louise
Rapunzel: Pamela Winslow
Steward: Philip Hoffman
Sleeping Beauty: Maureen Davis
Snow White: Jean Kelly
Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Into_the_Woods#Casting_history
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