wrestlezaynia · 6 months
I just read your tags on a post and I'm curious... WHAT THE HECK IS THE ^Dick Bite^ ?
<3 - Mitch
I'm so glad you asked, Mitch.
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This is the dick bite™️ gif in all its glory.
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blowflyfag · 5 months
Hallo Eris! For the Smash or Pass:
Cactus Jack Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose Brian Pillman (Sr)
<3 - Mitch
Hello Mitch!!! You have no idea the can of worms you justopened up
I think about cactus jack a lot hes so fucking cool and like. ugh i dont know i want him though hes like i have such a vivd image of meeting him on the road having the wildest night of your life and then never seeing him again. im deranged about cactus jack
anytime anywhere once again with moxley and ambrose they're all so.. jesus christ im like fascinated by them. i want to study him bro. dean ambrose i've really been interested in lately this ginger is ruining me
I LOVE BRIAN PILLMAN SO FUCKINGGGG MUCH listen to starfuckers by nine inch nails and think of him because that song is him it would be a fucking insane time so smash
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beardedbarba · 3 months
My dude! I saw this on Twitter and I had to send it to you... <3 - Mitch
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r-truth · 5 months
<3 - Mitch
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smashthegiantkiller · 11 months
Hallo Smash!
A very basic explanation of the stuff that happened - One of the Jackson brothers from The Elite said 'Faggot' in a video (I thiiiiink) and perople were having a lot of feelings about it
<3 - Mitch
Did a video resurface or is this recent?
Thank you, Mitch, you da best!
(there you have it, @beardedbarba)
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heelhausen · 7 months
Hallo Kit, Trick or treat!
<3 - Mitch
“Besides, it’s just a— a… a thought exercise! Or brainstorming! Some fancy conceptual shit like that!”
“Maxy, baby, this is the modern equivalent of you scribbling ‘Mrs Max J. Punk’ with little hearts all over your history notes— which you literally did!” Caster retorted.
Max’s voice immediately shifted to a deathly serious tone. “We agreed never to talk about that.”
“We agreed we also wouldn’t let thirst for old man pussy get in the way of our dreams, and yet here we are.”
“Do I look like I’m not living my dream to you, Caster?”
“You look like a guy who only got three hours of sleep because he got unreasonably pissed off over fucking fanfiction.”
((fic or treat: send me an ask to get an excerpt from a current wip!))
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gracejones · 8 months
Hallo Simone! I just hope you're having a good day That's it <3 - Mitch
Mitch! Hi hi, I’m having an okay day :) thanks for checking in on me 💓
Watching Asteroid City and applying for jobs 🫠
How are you? What’s got you excited today?
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joeyvotto · 1 year
Matt, are you psychic? <3 - Mitch
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I WISH I WAS sadly my ppst was inspired by this tweet. call it manifestation
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the-kipsabian · 10 months
Hallo Night! For the Ask Game - Nature is Healing
<3 - Mitch
hiiii mitch! 💜
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considering the amount i talk about wanting to become a cryptid in the woods yeah checks out lol
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banannabethchase · 7 months
<3 - Mitch
Meep thank you!!! <3
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wrestlezaynia · 8 months
Zaynee! I'm still pretty new to Zowens so I was wondering -
Do they have an "official" anniversary? Or a date that everyone agrees should be their anniversary?
<3 - Mitch
Mitch! Always a pleasure to have you in my inbox, good sir. I did some extensive research and discovered their debut was February 17, 2007. I'm uncertain when they first met, but this seems like a suitable date.
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blowflyfag · 5 months
Eris, I'm just a guy standing in your Ask Box, asking for a song, please 🎧
<3 - Mitch
“Thought I was a bitch
Body of an Angel with a face of 10s
Jesus, are you my lord?
I’ll stay on my knees till my ass is sore”
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himbos-hotline · 1 year
Himbs! <3 A tiny moodboard request - Something for Eddie Kingston
<3 - Mitch
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dunkzillla · 1 year
🌹🌹🌹 🧡🧡
<3 - Mitch
Mitch!! 💛 thank u!
“Moxie, he, god, he ain’t bad, really,” Eddie says. Wheeler still doesn’t look at him, he keeps his eyes on the floor as he chews and swallows the bread, tasting the blood from the cuts on his lip and where it’s dried on his fingers. It’s crusted beneath his nails, and they’re all broken and cracked from where he’s clawed at the floor, trying to rip the shed apart from floor to ceiling to try and escape. “He’s just. He got hurt real bad once. And he watched a couple of tarts taking the old man for his money. He’s protective of him, you know? He don’t — he ain’t a bad guy.”
Wheeler wants to scream. Wants to scream that a good guy wouldn’t do this. But he doesn’t.
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smashthegiantkiller · 9 months
Smash! For the Ask Game -
Feud ~ Your favourite rivalries?
Gold ~ Your favorite championship title(s)? Why?
OTP (One True Pair) ~ Your favorite wrestling paring(s)/ship(s)? (can be friendships or romantic parings)
Theme ~ Your favorite and/or least favorite wrestling theme songs?
<3 - Mitch
Feud ~ Your favourite rivalries? - This seems similar to the storylines question that I answered here, but this gives me a chance to highlight some of my other favorite rivalries (these are mostly women's feuds, btw):
Nikki Bella vs Carmella (2016) - I know what you are saying, really, a Nikki Bella feud? But that feud was so well done for a short term feud, and it did a well job on introducing Carmella to the main roster audience.
Trish Stratus vs Stephanie McMahon (2001) - I know the reasoning of this feud was due to... well, yeah (thank god Shane ended that shit), but they worked well together, and it was a fun feud.
Deonna Purrazzo vs Jordynne Grace - After watching parts of their Victory Road match, they have that we are destined to do this forever vibes.
Sasha Banks vs Bayley (see above)
Gold ~ Your favorite championship title(s)? Why? - WWE (later NXT) UK Championship. God that belt is so sexy. Stone Cold's Smoking Skull belt, the White IC title belt, and the Women's World Title belt (white on gold is just *chef's kiss*)
OTP (One True Pair) ~ Your favorite wrestling paring(s)/ship(s)? (can be friendships or romantic parings) -
Mercedes Mone, Trinity, Tamina, & Bayley. Their friendship is wonderful to me.
Baymella (Carmella and Bayley)
Saraya and Renee Paquette
Britt Baker and Adam Cole
Triple H and Shawn Michaels
MJF and Adam Cole
Shane McMahon and Chyna
Shane and Dean Ambrose
... and lastly Shane and AJ Styles
That's a lot of pairings, but those are the first that come to mind.
Theme ~ Your favorite and/or least favorite wrestling theme songs? I stated my favorite ones in a previous ask, but here are my least favorite ones:
Saraya (mainly because it's a song by her boyfriend addressing him being cancelled, and I really don't know why you would use that as an entrance theme).
JD Mcdonagh - I mentioned this on Monday, but it truly sounds like a generic CAW themes
most themes composed by def rebel in general
Right to Censor - it gives me sensory overload.
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pepsi-maxwell · 2 years
Dorian! Can I ask what is one of your favourite details that you've included in one of your WIPs?
<3 - Mitch
hi mitch! <3 that is... a very good question that i spent way too much time thinking about haha
i'd have to say it's from the fight club cmjf au i've been rotating for weeks which will probably never see the light of day, but still compels me to no end 😫
the detail itself is the role mjf takes as an amalgamation of both aspects of tyler durden and marla singer, in that he's both everything punk (our narrator) wants to be, as well as someone he wants to– well.
snippets under the cut to illustrate (and canon typical warning for flippant discussion of cancer)
The dim light of the parking lot garage makes him look like a figure in a chiaroscuro painting. Like an airbrushed model, the sort that would advertise a certain kind of lifestyle in a high fashion magazine.
Buy this watch. Wear this cologne. Get this yacht, this car, this arm candy, and maybe you, too, could look like me. Live like me.
Fuck like me.
His body is sculpted to perfection. A work of art carved from marble, worthy of Michelangelo, or Bernini, and then he launches himself at scrappy little angel-faced Darby and beats his face to a bloody pulp.
And now, here he is in the ruins of the building you've claimed as your home. Ill-fitting, out of place. A 4k figure in an analogue world. A still frame from the wrong film, spliced into a scene he doesn't belong in.
"You should probably check me, you know. Make sure I don't actually have testicular cancer." He makes it sound flippant, and from anyone else you'd be sure it was a come-on, but with him, it feels like a lion opening his jaws for the lamb to walk right in.
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