loststarphounix · 10 months
im sorry im on a roll today with these aus but-
ai kazuichi au 👀 (i mentioned this au before in my soudam week entries)
ai kazuichi exists inside of the digital world as an observer, like chiaki, and is programmed to look after his classmates and to act like the real life ultimate mechanic in the real world
once Gundham and the other students are inside of the Neo World Program, gundham's starting to crush on the mechanic as days on the island pass by :0
tbh whether or not this takes place during the killing game (angst potential!) or island mode (fluff potential! + everything goes somewhat smoothly for them!) is up to you bc i love your creativity! :D
This can go many ways, but I’m gonna go angst and make the world burn by having the reason there’s both AI’s is because both Chiaki and Kazuichi died and that actually sends the class to Despair. Or at least….they thought both died.
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He was actually just on the cusp of death when Izuru went to their “game of death” and Izuru felt a deep, instinctive desire to help. Maybe Hajime wasn’t completely lost from the Hope Project, but the young mechanic has been in a coma off and on for two years. He’s horribly disfigured and his body aches so bad he can’t work on large machines ever again and he has about 2/3 of his remaining lung capacity so he’s winded a bit more easily. Not to mention his left arm…or lack of. But he gets a cool replacement like Nagito so it’s all good!
AI Kazuichi and AI Chiaki was crafted partially by Kazuichi it was mainly created by Izuru because I like to think the smidge of Hajime within Izuru at the time made the AI so he could fulfill his dream of being a classmate with his best friend slash femme crush. Kazuichi sadly can’t do much and the Future Foundation keep him close because him being on the island is dangerous in his condition. He made the AI version of himself to be less of a hot mess and to be more open to Gundham who he has realized he wanted to be really be good friends with.
Meanwhile in the NWP, Gundham finds AI Kazuichi more warm and receptive to him and the two get closer. Like they actually get along and interact more, which subconsciously makes the breeder happy because somewhere in his mind he remembers they were “rivals” for Sonia. And now they’re almost besties with Sonia and are actually enjoying their time together.
And maybe real Kaz is living vicariously through the AI as the two grow closer and they start to dance around the idea of being in love. It effects him a lot, because he wonders what could have been if he didn’t let his insecurities get in the way and if Junko hadn’t fucked them all over.
When the killing game starts, Kazuichi demands to be there in person in case something happens when he reality he wants to try to prevent Junko’s plan while also being their personally to mourn Gundham in case they fail. He realizes too late he was in love with the breeder all along and now it feels like it’s too late to do more than mourn for his conscience and soul.
When the game ends, he has to explain to Hajime, Akan’s, Fuyuhiko and Sonia what actually happened to him and Chiaki and how he wished it was Chiaki who lived instead of him. The five work hard to get the others free, with Kazuichi forcefully taken somewhere else to rest and not risk his health but it makes him spiral into depression. When Gundham wakes up, I like to think he seeks him out and what happens happens.
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loststarphounix · 10 months
I've seen fanart wherein Kazuichi is the one that's waiting for Gundham to wake up after the Neo World Program/Island Killing Game ended, but I want a switcheroo where Gundham is the that wakes up from his pod despite not being one of the survivors— and while he is more than relieved to still be alive despite thinking that he died back in the virtual world, he is more concerned to learn that some of his classmates haven't woke up yet...
One of them being more concerning of all is Kazuichi, since he definitely survived until the end and should've been the one that got to wake up with the rest of the remaining cast, and not Gundham.
So what gives?
This is all I have bc I'm super tired XD
*puts on Monokuma hat* let’s see what the wheel says….Ah!
so in typical Monokuma “I love the misery and drama I infect in these kids”, he sees Kazuichi is bereft right? Completely lost and confused in his feelings and lack of for Sonia is other than the distinct loss of a potential friend and also thinking that he’s actually useless to his friends who after the Fun House aside from Chiaki have been Mean As Hell ™️ to him. So he begs Monokuma for a chance to bring Gundham back, even if it means he’s gone.
And AI Junko piggybacking in Monokuma relishes the despair and grants it. Just before they return to the NWP, Junko grabs Kazuichi’s consciousness and when everyone else wakes up their ecstatic to see they made it out…but he didn’t. At first they think it’s a fluke - he’s just sulking in the pod cause Sonia didn’t ask for help. But as the hours pass and his pod doesn’t unlock, they start to get antsy. And Hajime is working the tower in the center, trying to access his many talents to read the code and life readings, when a pod unlocks.
Akane and Fuyuhiko are relieved at first, finally thinking Kazuichi was gonna wake up. But when the pod on the far left in the circle opens and out tumbles Gundham and immediately everyone panics. Sonia is elated because her best friend is alive, but the others are mixed about this, especially Akane who hates him cause of the Fun House. Hajime is panicking because this feels wrong.
And as it all starts to come to end and tension is fraying, a malicious string of code suddenly appears and a very insidious sentence appears that reads:
A life for life; Kazuichi will do just fine for my plans ^.^
AI Junko took Kazuichi in the hopes to keep her original plan for taking over their bodies. A mechanic with all the skills and abilities will help her far more than a displaced princess, gymnast or rockstar. Hajime is panicking because what did Kazuichi do!? But he does remember how the mechanic was more subdued and withdrawn after the Fun House - how he seemed to skirt around their group after Chiaki’s death. He was isolated and alone; a perfect target.
And they got Gundham back, all for Junko to come back reborned in Kazuichi’s body. And that makes everything worse. Makoto and Bakuya have to drug Akane and restrain Fuyuhiko; Sonia is torn between hating Kazuichi for his behavior, but moved he would take anyone place; and Gundham is torn because he died for nothing and feels robbed for that, but is also concerned for the fools well-being. He thought Kazuichi a coward, but he’s starting to see that he had strengths were others would see weakness.
Gundham always felt a twinge a regret that he never really got to truly know Kazuichi, and now that he has memeories of their “frenemies” ship back in Hopes Peak, he feels dissatisfied. He wants more and as soon as the mechanic wakes up, he’ll make sure to get it.
Now the race for Hajime to begin the debrainwashing program and also to get Kazuichi back in one peace.
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