#kazuki screw
chrissielaruku · 2 months
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Happy birthday 🎈🎉🎊🎁🎂 to the one and only Kazuki . Even tho I’m into other fandoms since a while he stays my no 1
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vkei-company · 1 year
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ゴシック系 光沢レギンス Ocultica メンズ ユニセックス ヴィジュアル系 ビジュアル系 V系 モード系 パンク ロック インポート バンド衣装
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reikurusu · 9 months
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Buddy Daddies + Text Posts [Part 17/ ??] Christmas Edition
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karlyboyyy · 1 year
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Celebrating the birthday boy 💝
Kurusu Kazuki | May 16
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sunvisetrip · 2 years
𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚔𝚊𝚣𝚞𝚔𝚒 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚑𝚒𝚖 𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚍𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚛(ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
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3 eps left and i am done watching anime every season of 3 months. RIP😢
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 2 years
Kills me that Miri thinks the guy who shot her bio dad is cool because he shoots guns good
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deimosatellite · 1 year
here screw it take a tiny wip from my kazurei
Kazuki looked at the floor, suddenly feeling a twist in his gut. The last thing he wanted to do was pry, but everything was off from the minute Rei picked up the call from his father: sullen to steadfast, movements intentioned as a marionette.
Movements with purpose as purpose had breathed artificial life into him.
When he finally looked back up at Rei, he noticed the man had turned away, head tilted downward to obscure his face completely. Kazuki only continued to stare as Rei lifted his arms to run slender, scarred fingers through dark hair, pulling it back from his face. Pronounced shoulderblades moved beneath his white dress shirt, like wings trying to escape underneath pale skin. Between graceful, mechanical, and grotesque.
He'd missed a few strands, but his hair was tied back, and he finally turned back toward Kazuki. He was squinting slightly, Kazuki noted, probably from adjusting to the light that now invaded his blue eyes directly.
Rei wasn't used to the light.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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that moment when you just feel like a lil’ third wheel~
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alterin · 6 months
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of course aoi was like “I’m going to take this guy to the dinner every night and meet his parents”
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xanaxanaxanadu · 1 year
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OK, see, here's the thing:
I'm fine with Rei and Kazuki being friends only. That's absolutely fine! A family doesn't need to have two parents that have romantic feelings for each other! And also, we need more queerplatonic relationships and platonic life partner representation in media anyways! So, screw romance!
But then. The mf show pulls this sh*t on me:
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That scene is the definition of "and his gaze softened" YOU CAN'T TELL ME OTHERWISE
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chrissielaruku · 2 months
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Kazuki birthday live 2024🥳
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mismefancy · 3 months
I miss Buddy Daddies..
Screw it, I'll make a very long headcanon for it!
So you know how in the anime there is this running joke about Kazuki exaggeratedly crying or squealing anytime Miri does anything adorable or when Rei does something out of character for Kazu? Lol
Miri buying a crepe for him, Rei attempting at making food for Miri's sport's festival, or Miri's reason for picking her two papas during the race, etc. He becomes overdramatic, cartoonishly big crying eyes as he squeals in excitement or absolute awe. Just a proud stage stagemom and it makes you laugh at the wholesome hilarity of it all.
....So what if one time he does the opposite? : )
Let me give you a scenario:
Timeskip to 10 years later. They may have left their life of crime, but Kazuki's dramatic ass still stays intact, lol. He still happily gushes at their small yet meaningful accomplishments, he still dramatically wails anytime Miri or Rei do something nice for him, he's still the same overdramatic king that he is.
And then one random morning, Miri and Rei just want to do something nice for him. Not for his birthday, Christmas, anniversary, heck not even when he's dying from a cold or something. They just want to do something for him because they can.
Again, it's nothing much. It's just a simple breakfast in bed they want to prepare. It's eggs and bacon with a flower in a vase because it's cute. When Kazuki wakes up, both his partner and teenage daughter simply greet him a good morning and present to him a little breakfast they made for him. They anticipate the overreaction he usually does, the dramatic crying or exclaims, but it doesn't happen.
Well the crying happens, but it's not boisterous or loud. Instead it's just Kazuki quietly looking at the meal before him with tears just slowly falling on his cheeks, a face filled with shock yet still so subtle. The two of them are confused, worried. Did they do something wrong? Why is he crying so silently?
Even Kazuki himself wonders why he's crying? He should be happy, or better yet he should all over the place by now. He is happy. So immensely happy of this gesture. And yet, his first reaction was to cry.
Maybe it's because of the simplicity of it all. Everything at this moment was just so domestic to him, he never fully stopped to grasp the idea that this is their whole life now: Working in their very own diner with a daughter he grew to love and a partner who he learns to trust over the past 13 years they knew each other. They were a family. He never thought he could have a family. He never thought he would be given another chance to even have one again. He thought his late wife and unborn child would be the last experience of normalcy and love he could ever experience again.
And yet here he was with that chance, and he would be damned fool to let go of that chance, to cherish this new life. He quietly thanks Miri for making his life so much livelier, he thanks Rei for never giving up on them when he himself nearly did, he thanks them both for filling his heart with so much unimaginable amounts of love and care.
And so he looks at the two worried individuals before him, and he gives them a soft smile through his tears. He whispers to them that he loves their surprise. He loves them.
Miri does not hesitate to throw herself into his arms, softly giggling as she does it. Rei's not too far behind as he sits down by his side, leaning his body towards him as he wraps an arm around his shoulders, just like how he usually does it to Rei. Kazuki holds them close in his arms and in his heart.
Rei and Miri share the same look; The reaction was unexpected, but they call it a mission accomplish anyways.
...Anyways I love them-
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ultfreakme · 2 years
Okay I’m still on the verge of tears and can’t do this rn so buddy daddies ep 10 jumbled thoughts
Idk wtf anyone says anymore the entire kazurei relationship is queer there is absolutely NO denying it anymore. That scene where Kazuki is looking at kids with their moms, then it cuts to himself? Yeah that’s basically insecurity and feeling terrible he can’t fit their own family into societal standards. Yeah it’s about Miri missing Misaki, about how their careers aren’t meant to accommodate a child but its also about how society has made us all internalize that a ‘right’ family involves a mom, a dad, and a child/
Miri is absolutely sad that Misaki isn’t with her, but she’s never like, so upset she gets devastated. Misaki herself asks “do you like it here better than with me?” and what does Miri answer? She doesn’t says “yeah i like it better here”, BUT she also doesn’t say “I like it best with you!”, she completely dodges and says “I love you mama, and papas too”. Any time a situation involving a mother comes up, she’s like “would be nice if mama were here....anyways!” and doesn’t dwell on it.
I thought Rei smiling would kill me but Kazuki almost CRYING DESTROYED MY SOUL. It’s like watching either of my parents cry its heartbreaking and horrible and i want it to stop. He thought he’d never find that normal happiness, wanted it oh so desperately and then it’s....gone. The Ferris wheel symbolism was horrible I hate the OP for doing that to me. That opening where they’re in front of the billboards was just-- IT WAS IN FRONT OF US THE WHOLE TIME
I think even Rei almost cried. On the ferris wheel, when they focused on his mouth and it twisted downwards before Miri pointed to the city. Kazuki crying was bad enough and had me tearing up too. If Rei was added into the mix I’d have been in shambles
Misaki holy shit wtf, life hates her, cut the woman some slack wow. Throughout the show she was defined by her singing and they took her voice away. It’s horrible, but I’m glad she has parents to go back to. I’m not fully convinced she can take care of Miri, but if she’s being genuine I think she’ll be just fine and would learn just like Kazurei.
Rei sounded so devastated when he was like “you can’t do this when we’re all attached”. Yeah this was his glimpse at normalcy, the one time in his entire life he got to be part of something that didn’t stifle him and it’s gone now. 
Kazuki wrapping the scarf around her- hey why don’t I just eat glass? Why don’t I just go on top of a cliff and scream?? Or set fire to my bed???
“I guess we can’t change” BABY NO YOU CAN. YOU CAAAN!!!
I thought Rei would defy the organization and say “screw it I want to protect this family I have”......but his most prominent memory of his mentor is him dying. How defiance led to his and his wife/gf’s horrifying death. In his head he’s probably thinking that’d be Kazuki and Miri if he doesn’t quit while they’re ahead. Alive and miserable, or dead while holding onto hopeless situations?
Kazuki.....idek.....just Kazuki baby I’m so sorry
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nighttimeebony · 1 year
One thing I adore about Buddy Daddies is the conflict between Rei and Kazuki in episode 7.
In fiction, it is so unbelievably common for one half of a couple in a family unit to do all of the work when it comes to the actual parenting. The cooking, the cleaning, etc. During the early decades sitcoms, the mom was always the hard-working and strict one while the dad was always the lazy, not-helpful one.
And that's the conflict.
Even though Rei and Kazuki are both men, Kazuki very clearly plays the role of the homebody in their relationship with Rei being sort of useless as a parent outside of being the fun one (at least initially). It's not waved off as a joke or dismissed as something you're not supposed to take seriously. That's a problem that they address in the episode that Rei needs to fix.
Marriage and relationships as a whole are partnerships, with both parties doing their equal share of effort to make it work, and parenting is just that but magnified times twenty. It takes mutual effort on both sides that Rei wasn't giving, and it infuriated Kazuki.
It's one thing for Miri to take Kazuki for granted, because she's still just a little kid and that's just how kids are, but it's another thing for Rei (Kazuki's partner), a grown adult who should know better, to treat him the same way. Their relationship couldn't continue functioning the way it was, with Kazuki putting in 100% effort and Rei barely doing anything.
Rei needed to step up AND HE DID!
He struggled initially, but once he realized that Miri needed him to be a parent and not a playmate, he stepped the hell up. When Miri got sick (due in part to his own actions) he didn't just wait around for Kazuki to come back and fix everything, he went to Kyu on his own to get the resources he needed. He stayed with Miri in her room to watch over her and wrote down a schedule for Miri's medication.
And it's not just for the one episode! In episode 9, we see Rei helping Kazuki cook in the morning while they're getting Miri ready for school! Rei has started to put in actual effort in his role as both a parent and a partner!
That's fucking great!! That's a conflict that I have never seen done before in a show like this!
Usually, this sort of trope would be treated as a joke, or the parents are just already good at parenting with a screw up or two here and there, but I've never seen this kind of active growth before in a story about parenthood.
Not only are Kazuki and Rei active participants in raising Miri, but they both have moments where they realize that they have to change in order to do their job as parents properly. They can't just half-ass it and they know this. Love is necessary in parenthood, but you have to put in effort too.
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punkwithpaints · 1 year
Currently brain rotting away at the fact that Rei screwed up his dominate arm. You know he had to go to physical therapy, re-learn to write and everything with his left arm.
It probably absolutely drove him mad for a while, having to have Kazuki (probably unprompted) help with everything. He was raised to rely on himself and himself alone, so having someone suddenly caring for him was a lot. I'd imagine there was a point he kept insisting he could do it himself before snapping at Kazuki when he felt overwhelmed. Only for Kazuki to not take it personal, and reminding Rei he cares.
Later on as Rei is getting use to things, maybe a few (very frustrating) PT sessions later he finds it a little easier with Kazuki giving encouragement and praise as he works to regain some usage in his arm again.
"You kicked ass in that session today!"
"My grip strength only got slightly higher..."
"Yeah but it was better than last week! Not even you can take you down."
And Kazuki is there with compresses and meds when the pain gets too much or the bone aches again, bringing him a sling or wrist splint.
Rei over does it sometimes but damn it, he's determined to still be able to pick Miri up with the arm that still works.
Miri would help too, turning boring PT homework into a game cause she knows her papa Rei loves those.
Personally I think he can still move the arm and has movement in his hand but it's weakened and the scarring brings some issues. He more than likely had to have a surgery to fix the bone. I mean he shot it point blank, that bone had to be splintered af.
All I'm saying is, I wanna see Rei's recovery and how the fam helps. That'll it. Send post.
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