#kc gilmore ( musings )
hardfcclings · 4 years
if kc woke up one day with telepathic powers he would just use them to be a magician 
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sunshincdisguise · 6 years
kc: i want kids but i just want visitation rights, not custody, even if i’m married to their mother.
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austennerdita2533 · 7 years
I'm so curious about what kind of fanfiction you write! Do you have any good fics you've written to recommend? :)
Hello there, lovely! This is such a wonderfully unexpected ask and I’m both flattered and nervous that you’re curious about my fic-writing. *squeals and gulps at the same time* I’ve always loved writing, but I’m also the most self-critical person alive and often feel dissatisfied with whatever I manage to produce so it’s hard for me to self-rec but I’ll certainly try for your sake. ;)
As for the kind of fanfiction I write… *deep breath*
I’ve written the most for Klaroline. I have three (unfinished) multi-chapter fics, quite a few standalone oneshots, and two drabble collections.
In addition, I’ve written a couple drabbles for Gilmore Girls (so far only JavaJunkies), Grey’s Anatomy (only Denny/Izzie), Pride and Prejudice, Vicbourne, and ACOTAR (Nessian).
I’m currently working on oneshots for these other 3 fandoms/ships because I’m a multi-fandom rat and can’t help myself: 
-Downton Abbey (Tom and Sybil)
-Doctor Who (Tenrose) 
-ACOTAR (Feysand)
I also have a half-finished Literati drabble and a Vicbourne oneshot hibernating on my computer collecting dust. I hope to post them eventually (you know, when I finish them/feel they suck less haha).
-Crack (I love writing silly, ridiculous things for a laugh)
As you can tell, I bounce around here a lot as well haha. I just go where the muse takes me? *shrugs*
Here are links to my (FF.net) and (A03) pages. Most of my fics (and all of my KC stuff) is on FF.net but I have a few things on A03 for other fandoms (namely Vicbourne, Nessian, and a Klaroline oneshot rn).
I’m not sure what your fandom/ship preferences are for fic-reading, but here are some I had a lot of fun writing… 
-Put the Car in Park (canon AU two-shot; one of the first fics I found courage enough to post)
-The Last Love Life (crack drabble collection for established!KC; full of all things absurd)
-Daisies Waltz with Black Roses (Hades and Persephone AU multichapter; I love the premise for this one, but I’m ‘meh’ on its execution so far which is why I haven’t updated in ages and may well take down so I can fix it. Shhh.)
Oneshots from Half Agony, Half Hope (my longest drabble collection):
-El Sabor del Sol, Sangre, y Salsa (post-canon hurt/comfort)
-Corporate Wolf (human AU)
-Beneath the Corset Bones (regency AU)
-Make Them Spell Last Love (this one has a unique format and is part during/post-canon, part AU)
Gilmore Girls:
-In Love and Snow (a fluffy Christmas-themed JavaJunkies drabble)
-This Soppy Melancholy (an angsty regency mini-drabble)
-A CasBat Nightmare (crack!AU mini-drabble; so silly)
Okay, so that’s wayyy too many *cries because I hate rec-ing myself* but I figured this was the best way to illustrate my all-over-the-damn-place, I-love-to-explore-new-tones-genres-formats-and-characters way of writing haha.
Thanks for the ask! I shall go crawl back into my hole of insecurity now. 
xx Ashlee Bree
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fruitbatwalton · 8 years
OK bands you know the score.....
The more hits your blog gets by the fans.....  The higher you go in The Chart.....
So Tweet it, Facebook it.....
Generally expose yourself.....
                                     Click here for the Ralph's Life website
Tracks from the Top Ten Blogged Bands are played  every Sunday 5-7pm on Radio KC as part of  Ralph's Indie Show. LISTEN TO LAST WEEK'S TOP 10 HERE AS PLAYED ON RADIO KC - 5.3.17  
PUBLISHED - 11.3.17
No 1: Snippet
Today's post focuses on the quintessentially English songwriting of Johnno Casson who performs under the pseudonym of Snippet. 
April 7th will see the release of his new album Future Melancholy Pop Music and the title sees the contents doing exactly what it says on the tin. It's 15 tracks of reflective, retrospective, introspective, captivating, engaging, satirical, funky and just plain compulsive lo-fi listening pleasure.
No 2: The Farm
The Farm are using Pledgemusic to release 3 brand new songs plus a re-mix of Feel The Love, all signed by the band, as well as the new EP being part of some extremely groovy merchandise bundles.
Founding member Peter Hooton said - "We're releasing this music now because we've been playing festivals for a few years and everyone we meet always asks the same question, 'When are you releasing new material'."
No 3: Cold Summer 
This year kicks off with Cold Summer releasing Waiting as a single in advance of their first live shows of the year. It's a tried and tested fans favourite that grabs you by the nuts from the first riff and doesn't let go until the frantic chant at the end. They're building a bridge between Alt Rock and Post Hardcore/Punk fans with this one. All things to all rockers. 
Needless to say Ralph's giving it a spin on the Radio KC Indie Show in the near (Sunday 5th March) future.
No 4: Floodhounds
FloodHounds - 'I Wanna Know'
Pre Order the single from floodhounds.bandcamp.com Officially released on iTunes/Spotify etc on 4th March. Video by Tom Flynn Using footage from Fritz Lang's 1927 film Metropolis.
Make Noise Studios/Practice Sheffield provided the live band footage.
No 5: Ian Roland & Simon Yapp
On Ralph's Radio KC Indie Show next Sunday (March 5th) we'll be featuring a few a few Americana styled tracks so it was very timeous when Day Became You, the new EP from Ian Roland & Simon Yapp was dropped off via the good offices of the postal service.
Produced by Nigel Stonier (Thea Gilmore, The Waterboys, Joan Baez, Martha Wainwright, Fairport Convention et al), the EP is the new release by Folk, Americana duo Ian Roland & Simon Yapp.
If you like your post punk downright dystopian and delightfully dirty (alliteration is my muse) then have I got the album for you.
Welcome To Your Life is the long awaited second album from JUXTA, one of the most important bands on the indie scene right now.
Combining high energy punk rock with dark industrial sounds JUXTA draws on a range of influences from Joy Division to Nine Inch Nails to devastating effect.
No 7: Scott Lloyd
The In The Garden EP will be the sixth Scott Lloyd release to date and covers insightful themes such as getting older, childhood, mental health and loss. Normally a solo performer, Scott has used a full band to back him on the EP, which is a step away from his previous acoustic sound. The EP was recorded at Limefield Studios, Manchester in July 2016 and will be released independently by Scott.
No 8: Sam Jefferson
Ralph's giving Too Much For You by Sam Jefferson a spin on the Radio KC Indie Show on March 5th so we thought it'd be nice to run a feature too. 
Raised on a steady diet of Blind Lemon Jefferson (probably no relation), Bert Jansch, and Woody Guthrie records, traditional Blues and Folk music is at the heart of his musical soul. 
No 9: Syd.31
Self-styled angriest band in the UK Syd.31 have pronounced that they're taking rage to a level rarely heard before.
With two successful EPs and a single behind them, they are attempting to redefine what it means to be a band as society rips itself apart - music with purpose and impact. Imagine Slayer joining forces with Die Antwoord, or the bastard love child of Grace Jones and the late lamented Sid Vicious fronting Atari Teenage Riot.
No 10: Graham Marshall
It's fair to say we're fans of Graham Marshall here in the kennel, not only due to his infectious glass-gargling voice but also due to the tenacity of the man in what is for many, a long and difficult path to achieve anything close to recognition, never mind fame and fortune. 
Ralph will be giving a track from Mr Complicated a spin soon on the Radio KC Indie Show so make sure you tune in every Sunday from 5-7pm GMT on rkc.noip.me. and hopefully we'll see Graham Marshall hitting the road soon and not just in his 40' ASDA delivery truck.
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sunshincdisguise · 6 years
kc: i don't vomit from drinking.
kc: i vomit when i think about my life.
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sunshincdisguise · 6 years
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Hi my name is Kellin Campbell Gilmore and I have long dirty blonde hair that reaches my shoulders and bright blue eyes like ocean and a lot of people tell me I look like Alex Saxon(AN: if u don't know who they are get da hell out of here!). I'm not related to Lorelei Gilmore but I wish I was because they're a major fucking hottie. I have pale white skin. I'm also a basketball player, and I a pre-med student at college in America where I'm in my first year at university (I'm 19). I'm a jock (in case you couldn't tell) and I wear mostly neutral colors. I love Walmart because I'm cheap and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a white t-shirt and basketball shorts, plain sweatshirt and black vans. I was wearing a beanie. I was walking outside my apartment. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of high schoolers stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them. "Hey Kellin Campbell Gilmore!" shouted a voice. I looked up. It was... Cricket Elizabeth Oliver!
tagged by: this time i tagged myself bc i had this idea and couldn’t be stopped
tagging: whoever lol this is a joke
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sunshincdisguise · 6 years
kc: i'm the type of guy who likes to think things through.
cricket: remember that time you tried to eat a marshmallow while it was still on fire?
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sunshincdisguise · 6 years
cricket, watching the news: some idiot tried to fight a squid at the aquarium
kc, covered in ink: maybe the squid was being a dick
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sunshincdisguise · 6 years
kc, drunk: and i have to say, you know, getting married is the bravest, most wonderful thing you can do. because everyday you come home and you're just like, "what? it's you! i love you! you're my sexy roommate. we love each other."
cricket, also drunk: wooooo! he's talking about me!
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sunshincdisguise · 6 years
kc: it's not that children make me uncomfortable. it's just that-- why be a dad when you can be a fun uncle? i've never heard of anyone rebelling against their fun uncle.
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hardfcclings · 4 years
meet kellin campbell “kc” gilmore !
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please don’t ask me how this heterosexual man who loves basketball came to be living in my brain because i have no idea but man do i love him anyway. tbh kc is one of my favorite characters i’ve ever written? and he also might be the character who comes most easily to me. i almost always have muse for him somehow?  anyway a bit about the boy: this kid is... lowkey a mess. like you know the term “organized chaos” thats pretty much kc. like he is a world of potential but he’s not always great at executing it. he’s a genius, like literally so smart. he’s insanely talented. he wants to be a doctor. he also has terrible people skills because he’s far too convinced of his own bad boy status and as a result is pretty down on himself? despite that he’s.. the sweetest person. like he doesn’t take bullshit and he’ll be very straight up with you but it never comes from a mean place. he only does it because he cares and he genuinely wants you to know how he feels/thinks.  in conclusion,, i love him. also he just got a new fc because my best friend and i were looking at rom.e fly.nn and we were like .... that is kellin campbell 1000% 
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hardfcclings · 4 years
kc gilmore ( about )
trigger warning. abuse
nickname(s). kc, kcam, kelly
birthday/zodiac. december 5, sagittarius sun, aquarius moon, taurus rising
orientation. heterosexual/heteromantic
hometown. calabasas, california, usa
tattoo(s). arrow (left bicep), a super dumb basketball tattoo on his right thigh that his friend gave him and is not legit at all
piercing(s). none
father. kirk gilmore
mother. leah townsend
child(ren). emma wyatt (given up for adoption)
mental. tbd
physical. none
drug use. weed
alcohol use. recreational
diet. n/a
mbti. estp
moral alignment. chaotic neutral
temperament. sanguine
enneagram. 7w8
hogwarts house. ravenclaw
kc's home life growing up was pretty much constantly a mess. his parents were unhappily married and their marriage was a negative influence on kc's life from the beginning. kc's father was physically abusive towards his mother, creating an unhealthy standard for romantic relationships in kc's mind. kc has never felt fondly for his father as a result, but over time grew closer and closer to his mother, especially after she eventually divorced his father.
when kc was in middle school, he began to fall in with the wrong crowd. one of those things that often comes along with being naturally intelligent, he often found himself bored, and would get in trouble as a cure to his boredom. he took up partying and shoplifting at this time. things came to a head when one of his friends stole a car while kc was with him. this was the last straw and after this kc attempted to clean up his act, and focus on doing well in school so he could actually make something of himself and not end up a deadbeat like his dad.
during high school, kc entered into his first serious romantic relationship with a girl named jamie. they dated on and off for their first three years of high school. things were never exactly easy with jamie, but kc hadn't known love to ever be easy, and even when she was difficult, he loved her. during their junior year, jamie got pregnant. at first, the young couple thought they could handle it and wanted to keep the baby, but quickly they realized how unrealistic that was when the quality of their relationship began to deterriorate. they realized that it wouldn't be fair to bring a baby into the world with two young parents who didn't know what they were doing, and didn't have a healthy relationship, so instead jamie decided to give the baby up for adoption. this broke kc's heart, and the two decided to split up.
after everything with jamie, kc really poured his all into school, setting his sights on pediatric medicine, and letting everything else fall to the wayside. he got accepted to a good college on the east coast on a full ride athletic scholarship ( he plays basketball ) and he left his whole life and past behind.
kc is a very fun loving and goofy and friendly guy! he can be a bit difficult to get to know on a deeper level because he doesn't like to share his emotions or talk about his past, but he loves to make friends and goof around, so he's a very easy muse to interact with and i always have muse for him so i highly encourage you to talk to him i'm serious
cricket oliver. best friend. no one could have predicted kc and cricket. the two met at a house party kc’s first weekend of freshman year and immediately hit it off. what should have been a one night stand turned into an actual, genuine friendship. and probably the best one kc’s ever had. kc and cricket get each other. they’re weird in all the same ways, and kc just always wants cricket around.
jamie richards. ex-girlfriend. jamie and kc were consistently each other’s downfall. they were bad for each other from the very beginning, but they always let the simple fact that they were in love be the deciding factor in their relationship, regardless of how bad it got. kc still loves jamie in a big way, but not in the way he used to. They’re a mutual past tense. One he’ll never forget and, despite the bad things, always be grateful for.
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sunshincdisguise · 5 years
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Name: Lex Birthday: September 22nd First muse on Tumblr: Lily Luna Potter First RP url: thenameislilyluna Why did you pick your first muse?: I used highkey stalk the Geor.gie H.enley tag on my personal and then i saw a rpg that was using her face as Lily and I love hp so i was like...... yeah i’m down... that’s pretty much it. Latest muse on Tumblr: Kate Messner Latest RP url: i think technically @werewclfgrl is my newest but like... also this one i guess?  Why did you pick your latest muse?: i fell in LOVE with kate watching everything sucks for the first time (which shoutout to claire for playing emaline and inspiring me to watch it) and i knew that i either wanted to play oliver or kate and in the end i felt more drawn to kate so  Best RP Memory: uhhhh maybe mine raes and karens group chat Life Ruiners Squad and just like all the plots we ever did idk Worst RP Memory: i have so fucking many! maybe one day i’ll make a whole ass storytime about it but for now im just gonna go ahead and not dig it all up! i’ve been in a lotta bad groups but those days are behind me :))))) What are all the muses you had on Tumblr?: i’ve played like THIRTY someodd characters so!! lets jump right into it! in alphabetical order! ainsley wiliams (retired), alayna hale (now hayes, now at @werewclfgrl), drew torres (from degrassi, now reimagined into drew d’amato on this blog since he was so canon divergent), angie jeremiah (here), avalon penn (now @undeadgrl), bay huxley, ben riddle, and cassidy collins (all here), callie martin and cleo miller (both here), allison argent (from teen wolf, now retired), charlie huxley & cole manning (both retired), daisy porter (retired), delilah baker (here), dillon moreno vanderwilde, edmund brown, & elliot connley (all on hiatus but will probably be brought back), emmy pierce, ezra parata, frankie hollingsworth, gen samuels, & hadley bridges ( all here!), faye thompson, hope torres, imogen moreno, jack mertons, jack jones (all retired), ginny mason (i might bring back? maybe?), joey hughes, juliet jacobs & kc gilmore (all here, kc is based on kc guthrie who i also played), langston rivera (retired), lily evans & lily potter (both i might bring back eventually probably), logan brown (who i will definitely bring back), lucas wild (here), mckay mason (may be brought back immediately), mackenzie chapman (based on a premade i once played named mecaria, also i want to bring back), neila wood (retired, reimagined as emmy), nova kar ( @supcrnovagrl), ophelia jacobs (here!), owen armstrong (i miss him), quentin collins (here), remy starr & victoire gaston (both retired), wren stilinski (here), zig novak (retired), I THINK THATS EVERYONE LOL RIP Shortest muse?: pluto answered in height so i will too i guess and i think cleo Any advice for RPing?: do what makes u feel good! if someone makes u feel bad? u don’t need them! if u need a break take a break! if u dont wanna reply to a certain thread? drop it! if u just dont feel like replying to it rn but you wanna keep it? reply later! want a new blog? make it! live ur life. 
tagged by: @brokenheartstm tagging: @fxrechild @destructiivity @roscgoldcn @withumans whoever else wants
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fruitbatwalton · 8 years
OK bands you know the score.....
The more hits your blog gets by the fans.....  The higher you go in The Chart.....
So Tweet it, Facebook it.....
Generally expose yourself.....
                                     Click here for the Ralph's Life website
Tracks from the Top Ten Blogged Bands are played  every Sunday 5-7pm on Radio KC as part of  Ralph's Indie Show. LISTEN TO LAST WEEK'S TOP 10 HERE AS PLAYED ON RADIO KC - 26.2.17  
PUBLISHED - 4.3.17
No 1: Snippet
Today's post focuses on the quintessentially English songwriting of Johnno Casson who performs under the pseudonym of Snippet. 
April 7th will see the release of his new album Future Melancholy Pop Music and the title sees the contents doing exactly what it says on the tin. It's 15 tracks of reflective, retrospective, introspective, captivating, engaging, satirical, funky and just plain compulsive lo-fi listening pleasure.
If you like your post punk downright dystopian and delightfully dirty (alliteration is my muse) then have I got the album for you.
Welcome To Your Life is the long awaited second album from JUXTA, one of the most important bands on the indie scene right now.
Combining high energy punk rock with dark industrial sounds JUXTA draws on a range of influences from Joy Division to Nine Inch Nails to devastating effect.
No 3: Black Lime
After a morning listening to Americana (I know, I  know) it was time to get back on the Indie train and who better than with up-and-coming Hull 4-piece Black Lime and their new release Fight Or Flight prior to their debut EP Pleasantville (soon come) for our listening pleasure.
With a mean and moody Strokes-esque vocal and driving guitar throughout it's a gritty delight. It's been on replay here all afternoon and it's unlikely to be coming off the jukebox any time soon.
No 4: The Farm
The Farm are using Pledgemusic to release 3 brand new songs plus a re-mix of Feel The Love, all signed by the band, as well as the new EP being part of some extremely groovy merchandise bundles.
Founding member Peter Hooton said - "We're releasing this music now because we've been playing festivals for a few years and everyone we meet always asks the same question, 'When are you releasing new material'."
No 5: Ian Roland & Simon Yapp
On Ralph's Radio KC Indie Show next Sunday (March 5th) we'll be featuring a few a few Americana styled tracks so it was very timeous when Day Became You, the new EP from Ian Roland & Simon Yapp was dropped off via the good offices of the postal service.
Produced by Nigel Stonier (Thea Gilmore, The Waterboys, Joan Baez, Martha Wainwright, Fairport Convention et al), the EP is the new release by Folk, Americana duo Ian Roland & Simon Yapp.
No 6: Cold Summer 
This year kicks off with Cold Summer releasing Waiting as a single in advance of their first live shows of the year. It's a tried and tested fans favourite that grabs you by the nuts from the first riff and doesn't let go until the frantic chant at the end. They're building a bridge between Alt Rock and Post Hardcore/Punk fans with this one. All things to all rockers. 
Needless to say Ralph's giving it a spin on the Radio KC Indie Show in the near (Sunday 5th March) future.
No 7: The Twisted Dolls
TheTwisted Dolls are a 2-piece, blues influenced garage rock band from Manchester, UK. Forming over a love of genuine rock n' roll, the Dolls have been playing powerful sets to live audiences in the UK for 18 months, non-stop.
Young, hungry, with a set of blistering garage rock songs. After two successful independent releases, they received national radio play and were invited to perform a live session on BBC Radio. This exposure led to more high profile gig offers, and a slot on main stage of the Feel Good Festival 2016.
No 8: They Called Him Zone
It's nearly a year since Ralph played the lead track Miami from the eponymous debut EP by Bradford's dark and mysterious electro-pop outfit They Called Him Zone on his Radio KC Indie Show.
OK, OK, they're not that mysterious as I can tell you the band are - Mik Davies on Vocals, Drone and Production, Steve Maloney on Vocals, Guitar and Production plus John Bradford on Keys and percussion when playing live.
No 9: Floodhounds
FloodHounds - 'I Wanna Know'
Pre Order the single from floodhounds.bandcamp.com Officially released on iTunes/Spotify etc on 4th March. Video by Tom Flynn Using footage from Fritz Lang's 1927 film Metropolis.
Make Noise Studios/Practice Sheffield provided the live band footage.
No 10: Sam Jefferson
Ralph's giving Too Much For You by Sam Jefferson a spin on the Radio KC Indie Show on March 5th so we thought it'd be nice to run a feature too. 
Raised on a steady diet of Blind Lemon Jefferson (probably no relation), Bert Jansch, and Woody Guthrie records, traditional Blues and Folk music is at the heart of his musical soul. 
0 notes
fruitbatwalton · 8 years
OK bands you know the score.....
The more hits your blog gets by the fans.....  The higher you go in The Chart.....
So Tweet it, Facebook it.....
Generally expose yourself.....
                                     Click here for the Ralph's Life website
Tracks from the Top Ten Blogged Bands are played  every Sunday 5-7pm on Radio KC as part of  Ralph's Indie Show. LISTEN TO THE TOP 10 HERE  
If you like your post punk downright dystopian and delightfully dirty (alliteration is my muse) then have I got the album for you.
Welcome To Your Life is the long awaited second album from JUXTA, one of the most important bands on the indie scene right now.
Combining high energy punk rock with dark industrial sounds JUXTA draws on a range of influences from Joy Division to Nine Inch Nails to devastating effect.
No 2: Snippet
Today's post focuses on the quintessentially English songwriting of Johnno Casson who performs under the pseudonym of Snippet. 
April 7th will see the release of his new album Future Melancholy Pop Music and the title sees the contents doing exactly what it says on the tin. It's 15 tracks of reflective, retrospective, introspective, captivating, engaging, satirical, funky and just plain compulsive lo-fi listening pleasure.
No 3: The Twisted Dolls
TheTwisted Dolls are a 2-piece, blues influenced garage rock band from Manchester, UK. Forming over a love of genuine rock n' roll, the Dolls have been playing powerful sets to live audiences in the UK for 18 months, non-stop.
Young, hungry, with a set of blistering garage rock songs. After two successful independent releases, they received national radio play and were invited to perform a live session on BBC Radio. This exposure led to more high profile gig offers, and a slot on main stage of the Feel Good Festival 2016.
No 4: They Called Him Zone
It's nearly a year since Ralph played the lead track Miami from the eponymous debut EP by Bradford's dark and mysterious electro-pop outfit They Called Him Zone on his Radio KC Indie Show.
OK, OK, they're not that mysterious as I can tell you the band are - Mik Davies on Vocals, Drone and Production, Steve Maloney on Vocals, Guitar and Production plus John Bradford on Keys and percussion when playing live.
No 5: Black Lime
After a morning listening to Americana (I know, I  know) it was time to get back on the Indie train and who better than with up-and-coming Hull 4-piece Black Lime and their new release Fight Or Flight prior to their debut EP Pleasantville (soon come) for our listening pleasure.
With a mean and moody Strokes-esque vocal and driving guitar throughout it's a gritty delight. It's been on replay here all afternoon and it's unlikely to be coming off the jukebox any time soon.
No 6: Weekend Debt
From Lanark in Bonnie Scotland, Weekend Debt are a fresh new indie band comprising four young, talented and vibrant musicians. Citing Influences such as Catfish and the Bottlemen, Arctic Monkeys, Courteeners and Fatherson, Weekend Debt are garnering a reputation for 'getting the joint jumping' via a set replete with indie tunes influenced by many a night out and the relationships that ensue. 
No 7: The Farm
The Farm are using Pledgemusic to release 3 brand new songs plus a re-mix of Feel The Love, all signed by the band, as well as the new EP being part of some extremely groovy merchandise bundles.
Founding member Peter Hooton said - "We're releasing this music now because we've been playing festivals for a few years and everyone we meet always asks the same question, 'When are you releasing new material'."
No 8: The Immediate
If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again seems to be the motto of Welsh 3-piece power pop outfit The Immediate who originally split in 1997 due to - "frustration, an argument over a mouth organ and the success of The Stereophonics."
Releasing one single (unaccountably popular in Sweden), making every conceivable mistake in the How To Be A Successful Indie Band handbook, touring with some excellent bands (Mansun, 60ft Dolls, Dodgy) and eventually flickering out they left behind the memory of some great gigs, a few fine songs, and little else.
No 9: Ian Roland & Simon Yapp
On Ralph's Radio KC Indie Show next Sunday (March 5th) we'll be featuring a few a few Americana styled tracks so it was very timeous when Day Became You, the new EP from Ian Roland & Simon Yapp was dropped off via the good offices of the postal service.
Produced by Nigel Stonier (Thea Gilmore, The Waterboys, Joan Baez, Martha Wainwright, Fairport Convention et al), the EP is the new release by Folk, Americana duo Ian Roland & Simon Yapp.
No 10: Cold Summer 
This year kicks off with Cold Summer releasing Waiting as a single in advance of their first live shows of the year. It's a tried and tested fans favourite that grabs you by the nuts from the first riff and doesn't let go until the frantic chant at the end. They're building a bridge between Alt Rock and Post Hardcore/Punk fans with this one. All things to all rockers. 
Needless to say Ralph's giving it a spin on the Radio KC Indie Show in the near (Sunday 5th March) future.
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