#kedarnath fanfiction
polarbear-musings · 4 years
My version of how Kedarnath ends (spoilers)
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Mukku and her family manage to reach to a safe place. There are so many people around - drenched entirely and worried for their survival. Everything is happening really fast that Mukku doesn’t really get any time to think. Her mother pushes a stack of towels into her hands and she gets to handing them out to people who are freezing, who cannot move due to the cold water. As Mukku is handing out towels, she sees Kullu enter the house with his mother. His mother is in pain and is freezing. Mukku glares at him and then turns to her sister, signalling her to not bother with him. Brinda just grabs a towel and goes to offer it to his mother, wrapping it around her. Brinda goes to the stove to prepare some hot tea for them. Their mother is helping Brinda with the tea as well. Suddenly, they feel the house structure shake, as though its foundations are shaken and they see cracks form around them. Mukku looks up in horror to her sister and mother on the other side of crack. Before she knows is, one half of the house breaks down and sinks in the flood below them taking her mother and her sister with it. People around start running out in panic, trying to escape the debilitated house. But for Mukku and her father, time stops, Mukku and her father are distraught. She loses sense of everything and just falls to the ground looking at her mother and sister reaching out from the flowing water, water that is rapidly carrying them away with the wave. They are reaching out for help, Mukku cannot do anything but shout and scream and cry. Her father is in shock, looking at one half of his family being carried away with the water. His wife and his daughter. Both are helpless.
Mukku’s father quickly realises that the building structure is about collapse and they might suffer the same fate as his wife and daughter, he pulls Mukku up and starts dragging her outside. She is still in shock and resists slightly until survival instincts kick in. They make their way out, where they run into Kullu. Mukku loses her cool and starts hitting and attacking him whilst her father watches, trying to half-heartedly trying to stop her. Kullu finally pushes her off, gives her and her father a sharp look and walks away from them, deserting them. Her father is a little shocked, but Mukku just takes her father's arm and pulls him away in the opposite direction. Mukku and her father make their way into the Kedarnath temple, where a lot of people have taken shelter. Everyone is scared beyond their mind. Mukku’s father hugs her and rubs her head trying to comfort her. Mukku’s thoughts are broken up when she hears Mansoor's voice calling out her name. She immediately stands up and starts walking around shouting his name. They finally see each other. Both are relieved. As they are making their way to each other, a huge gush of water floods the temple and within seconds they are under water and are dragged out of the temple with the force of water. Mukku's father catches hold of her, but they are being pulled with the water, until Mansoor reaches out and grabs Mukku's hand and holds on to Nandi. The force of the water is really pulling against them. Mansoor is determined and holds on to the statue for dear life. Mansoor and Mukku look at each other, just trying to withstand this moment, praying that the water passes. Eventually Mukku starts to lose consciousness, Mansoor looks at her and sees that her eyes have closed. Helplessly Mansoor tries to wake her up by jerking her arm, her father is holding onto her arm, both of them dependent on Mansoor holding onto the statue. People around them have been dragged away with the water. It would have been the end but the water passes away after a few seconds and they go along with it and are submerged in the ground and covered in wet mud. Within a few minutes, Mansoor wakes up, feeling suffocated. He is covered in wet mud. He wipes his face instinctively, trying to breathe and sees bodies around him. He immediately locates Mukku and goes to her, picks her out of the mud, wipes her face and nose as she gasps for breath. He sees that she is well, so he does the same to her father lying next to her. Her father starts breathing and gets up, feeling indebted to Mansoor. They see other bodies, and jump to helping them. Some of them are still alive, Mansoor and Mukku help them up. Most of them are dead. 
They can feel the structure is not very steady and is trembling a lot. They are worried for their lives. With them, there is a small family of 3. Mukku is held on both sides by her father and Mansoor. They see an Army helicopter making their way to them. The party of 6 make their way up to the terrace of the house they are in. The helicopter stops above them and drops down the cable and the jacket. Mansoor grabs it and starts securing the jacket with it around a woman and her kid from the family. He secures them and signals the officer to pull them up. Next, Mansoor secures the jacket for Mukku’s father. Her father is crying and holds onto Mansoor’s shoulders, not knowing how to convey his emotions. Mansoor just nods at him, understanding him, and signals the officer to take him up. When the cable comes down again, Mansoor couldn’t have been quicker to put it around Mukku. Mukku is just crying and looking at him. She is feeling helpless, her eyes convey that she wants Mansoor up next, her eyes are almost pleading with him to hurry him. She wishes they could go up together. She just wants her father and Mansoor out of there. He quickly hugs her and kisses her forehead and checks whether the jacket is secure before giving the thumbs up to the rescue team, they quickly pull her up. They send it back down, Mukku is just calling out for him. Mansoor is securing the jacket around himself looking up, Mukku is just calling out for him, until she hears the officer say they can only allow one person as the helicopter is full. Hearing this, the child also starts calling out for his father down. Mansoor just looks up, seeing Mukku and the little boy. Mukku calling out for him and the little boy calling out for his father. The choice is made for Mansoor. Crying, he starts to take off his jacker. Mukku is being held by her father, she is crying out for Mansoor. She keeps yelling “Mansoor NO NO NO”. He cries harder hearing her scream but he could not let a little boy lose his father. He knows the pain of it. He secures the jacket around the man, and signals the officers to take him up. Mukku is crying , he looks up at her, he is crying too but he still smiles at her. Once, the man is up, the helicopter flies away, leaving Mansoor back on the roof.
 Mukku is inconsolable, they pull her back in, her father hugs her and they close the helicopter. She screams, she kicks her legs, she ultimately feels numb. After a while, the helicopter finally makes a landing. Mukku has screamed and cries so much that there’s nothing but dry tears now. They are asked to get out of the helicopter quickly, so they team can head back to save more people. They get out and are led to whether the other rescued people are sitting.When they get there, Mukku and her father see Kullu sitting there with other people. He sees them and makes their way to them. Before he can say anything, Mukku's father makes it clear to him that the marriage never happened for them and he'd rather die than let Mukku be Kullu's wife.  Her father takes Mukku away from him. Kullu just watches them walk away, not knowing how to explain his act of cowardice.    Mukku’s father tries to see if he can see his wife and daughter there. Hoping against everything that they were too rescued as they were. Mukku is just sitting wrapped in a blanket, her father consoling her but she can't hear him, she cannot hear anything around her. Her entire world has been ripped from her, her mother, her beloved sister and Mansoor. She somehow feels responsible for everything. She is broken out of her thoughts, when she feels her father jerking her arm, looking at a distance saying 'Mansoor Mansoor" , trying to get her to see. She immediately looks up and sees Mansoor and some more people alighting from another rescue helicopter walking to the area with all the other rescued people. He has tears in his eyes but a smile on his face, looking at Mukku, Mukku finds herself get up and runs towards him and hugs him tightly, as tightly as she possibly could, scared that letting go would mean him disappearing. She cries hugging him and he hugs her back. Her father just looks on at the two of them. Mansoor opens his eyes and looks at her father, and is happy seeing her father give a soft smile as well. 
After all, how can Bholenath let anything bad happen to his devotee?
--- Fast forward 3 years, Mansoor and Mukku are happily married, they are taking care of Shankar Lodge together and living with her father and Mansoor's mother and Mukku is pregnant.
The End
I had imagined this story when I first watched Kedarnath in 2019, because I just couldn’t live with the fact that Mansoor had died and didn’t get his happy ending. I had to imagine something else to make myself feel better. The writing might not be very polished though, it’s just to make myself feel better.
(Perhaps they also found her mother and Brinda were rescued too, but I didn’t write that) 
I wrote this now because of the unfortunate demise of Sushant Singh Rajput. I don’t know why but I was really affected by his death, despite not knowing him personally. May he rest in peace.
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