dalsegnoalcoda-blog · 8 years
Lúcio let out a breath he didn’t feel like he had been holding but he felt such relief as the atmosphere quieted down. Another day, another group of fans who had discovered his location and had practically mobbed him for attention of any sort. He loved it all, he truly did. But the poor man was already exhausted by all he had to do for the sake of his career and even for aspects of Overwatch’s revival. 
He rubbed his hands over his eyes in an attempt to jar a little bit of energy into him. With a groan he looked over and noticed the skinny yet crazy tall junker and with a friendly smile and a limp, tired wave, greeted him. 
“Ya saw all that, huh?” 
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rainbow-brite13 · 8 years
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PRE-OP: "Hey, babe! Take a picture of me? I look good!" 😘 POST-OP: "I hate everything... If I have to be facedown one more SECOND, I'll run screaming into the night!!!" 😠 #poorguy #detachedretina #takesalickin #keepsontickin
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There had been a rat.
Or, he thought it had been a rat. A squeak and a rustle of stalks tearing off away from him would certainly make one think it was a rat. And, given that he didn’t have too much else going on (and who didn’t like a fat, meaty rodent once in a while? Good change of pace from grasshoppers.) the scarecrow had given chase.
Aha! It had been! At the edge of the field, where a fence divided dirt from plant, the creature could see it darting away! He scrambled over the fence, giggling as the animal paused. He was closing in! Just a little closer and-
The scarecrow lurched forward, arms outstretched as he grabbed the rodent with a triumphant cackle. What he hadn’t planned on, however, was his continued momentum. Or the nearby window. (Who put a window level with the ground, anyway?)
The drop was rough- a bit deeper than the creature might have guessed, and the resulting impact made him drop his prey! With a whine, he watched the rat scuttle off. Now, he thought, where am I? He’d seen houses sure- none quite as big as this one perhaps, but houses nonetheless. He had just... Never been IN one before. They always had people and people were how he had lost a perfectly serviceable leg.
But... As long as he was in one (and he hadn’t heard anyone else yet), he might as well make the most of it.
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trixs-magic · 8 years
Lab assistant/Maid starter for: @keepsontickin Light heels clacked against the stone floor as the petite woman hurried to the Dr's personal office. Her arms full of hand written letters from numbers towns people filled with complaints. She hated to be the one to deliver such things to him; knowing he meant well with all the work he did. The things he created fascinates her great and she was honored to serve him. Adjusting her round glasses she tried to dust off her dress before knocking softly on his door. "Excuse me, Doctor I'm sorry to disturb you. The carrier just dropped by and delivered quite a few letters for you. I thought I'd bring them to you before I prepare your evening meal."
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chubrat-blog · 8 years
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|| So I decided to make a chubby foolrat AU thanks to a post @keepsontickin tagged me in. ||
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pinguinmitbrille · 8 years
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My RPs are killing me.
@luvshock & @keepsontickin
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@keepsontickin the outfit Jamie picked was on point 👌👌//
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✨ keepsontickin
Send ( ✨ ) if we haven’t interacted yet, but you want to.
(Same man, like i’m sorry that I haven’t sent anything or caught you at the right time. I’m so bad with stuff like that sometimes.)
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asclepiusangel · 8 years
"I have the feeling you are up to something you shouldn't be and by this point all I ask is that you spare my medical equipment from whatever it is. Is that too much to ask?" @keepsontickin
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malemekagamer · 8 years
💤 Keepsontickin
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bcwitchcd · 8 years
Opinion on;
Character in general:
How they play them:
As an awful Australian. 10/10
The Mun: 
Do I:
RP with them: yes
Want to RP with them: yes 
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Im half awake save me penguin. 
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rxzorbxck-blog · 8 years
[txt] im craving pizza.... (keepsontickin)
[TXT]: … 
[TXT]: You want me to pick up a pizza don’t you?
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primedspecimen · 8 years
Tagged by @freedomborn-rp
Put in bold the things you’ve done in 2016
Did something I regret. Painted a picture. Dyed my hair. Wrote a poem. Graduated from high school. Graduated from college. Applied for graduate school. Ran a mile. Ate much healthier. Ended toxic friendships. Gained a new friend. Visited a foreign country. Had a secret/kept a secret. Realized my homosexuality. Realized my bisexuality. Realized my pansexuality. Realized my asexuality. Learned that I wasn’t cisgender. Slept under the stars. Stayed up until sunrise. Attended a party. Got engaged. Got married. Got dumped. Broke someone’s heart. Got a new piercing/tattoo. Broke a promise. Drank underage. Did drugs. Attended a concert. Traveled to another city. Cheated on a test/homework. Quit a job. Got a new job. Moved away. Saw the supermoon. Saw the meteor shower.
Tagging: @artisticallyawk @pocketsystem @fireworks-and-bullets @filthyferal @keepsontickin @like-a-phoenyx @cyborgrightsactivist @pointncliick aND ANYONE ELSE THAT WANTS TO
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malemekagamer · 8 years
(Keepsontickin) "Oi, mate. Ya wanna go hit the city? I could use some booze right bout now!"
"Sure! Just uh...I don't drink a whole lot. Need to keep up an image, yknow?"
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timeladymorsillon · 8 years
1) I am at a point in my life where everything is still confusing and different. I ask that you all be patient with me and my slow brain ^^: as I have a tendency to get distracted.
2) I’m a pretty flexible roleplayer when it comes to different fandoms. However, I am not all knowing. 
3) Despite what I may say about myself, I am quite the nerd. Get me excited about anything nerd or anime related, and I very well could freak out. 
HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN ROLEPLAYING (MONTHS/YEARS?): 9 years. I started in middle school and haven’t regretted it since.
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: Howrse, DeviantArt, some Warrior Cats forum sites, Horse Isle, WolfQuest, FeralHeart, Discord... 
BEST ROLEPLAY EXPERIENCE: Out of the many experiences I’ve had, I have to say roleplaying on Tumblr with a Doctor Who blog for awhile was very memorable. They were brief threads, but I was just happy to interact with such a nice person.
MALE OR FEMALE MUSE?: Both. I don’t have exact numbers, but I’m well enough aware that I’ve done a fair share of both muse types.
MULTI/SINGLE: Multi. I have so many characters I RP as, I could probably fill a book with how many words of dialogue I’ve typed out.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: I’m a sucker for all of the above. However, smut is only something I do with people I know well enough. Mutual followers or not, if I don’t feel comfortable with the ideas, I won’t do them.
PLOTS OR MEMES: Memes are usually lost on me; I’m the type of person who doesn’t immediately jump onto the bandwagon until a good bit after the hype is over. So plotting is something I’m better at.
LONG/SHORT REPLIES: It varies on how I feel when I do responses. I prefer longer replies, however, I get anxious that I am either going longer than what’s needed or I’m boring my RP partner. Neither thing is desirable, but if inspiration strikes, I try to make it as nice of a reply as possible.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Afternoon and evening hours work best for me. I am more awake and lively then. Nightowl life is my way of living for now.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: I like to say I’m a bit like a couple of them, maybe not entirely. But I will take what I can get.
TAGGED BY: @junkxnstein
TAGGING: @billiecipherblogs, @collegefiddlefordblogs, @keepsontickin
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breakiitdown-a · 8 years
Frustrated grunts came from the young blonde, as he dug his finger tips into his hair. He has been working for hours to get this spell right. This is embarassing. Bad enough he somehow ended up in Ravenclaw of all things, becoming the laughing stock of his whole home town, he also sucked balls at simple charms. The boy finally throw his wand frustrated onto the table and leaned his face into his crossed arms. He felt like crying… He was a disappointment. He couldn’t even make a feather fly… Why did they even sent him to this school? He should have stayed at home with Ma, go to a Muggle school, get a normal life, maybe become a hermit one day, but nope, he had to get “proper education”.
He didn’t even realize someone was approaching the house table in the Great Hall to check on him…
             Little work was actually put into Lùcio managing to perfect this spell,   and perhaps he should be working on it more often,  but he honestly felt as though he had more important things to worry about right now.  Either that,  or the curse of procrastination was leaving him to do the task on a later date. Still,  he couldn’t help but notice others struggle with the same work that was given to them.  In this class,  specifically,  he was paired with the ravenclaws,  and one man in particular always stood out to him,  he had wanted to speak out to him but a chance never arose until now. 
              “... hey,  man,  you alright?” 
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