#keir belladonna xiao long
goldenamaranthe-blog · 11 months
This a total Dad Yang move. But which kid in which universe will know the assignment?
@agentayu This is definitely a Baby and the Bees AU move. Tian would be the first to understand the assignment, and Keir would be the second. Yin would be having too much fun being tilted upside down. Kela's too big for this by the time Yang comes around, but that will leave for other shenanigans.
Blake: (secretly recording Yang and Tian) Look at them. They're cuddling.
Yang: (accidentally knocks remote off the couch)
Yang: (picks up Tian and holds her over the couch above the remote)
Tian: (instinctively grabs remote)
Yang: (pulls Tian back over and gives her kisses) Good job, Cub!
Blake: Brothers above!
Yang: (looks at Blake) What?!
Blake: You are so lazy!
Yang: It's a bonding experience! (holds Cubby close and showers with love)
Tian: (collapses on top of Yang in a cuddle pile)
Yang: (dying of cuteness overload) OOOOOOH!!!!
-4 Years Later-
Yang: (sitting on the couch and cuddling the twins while Bluey plays on the TV)
Blake: (reading on the couch with Tian)
Keir: (wiggles in his seat and accidentally knocks the remote to the floor)
Yang: (grabs Keir's feet and dangles him over the back of the couch)
Keir: (giggles and grabs the remote)
Blake: (glances up from the book) Really?
Yang: (pulls Keir back over and cuddles him and Yin) What?
Blake: Cubby outgrew that, so you have to have Keir do it?
Yang: Hey! He got the assignment! Yin just likes being flipped upside down!
Blake: I'm going to pretend I didn't heart that.
Keir & Yin: (wiggle around so they nestle further into Yang's sides in an ultimate twin snuggle attack)
Yang: (dying of cuteness overload part 2) AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 10 months
Medicine: Baby and the Bees
Thank you @sevi-fuk for giving me the idea! Hopefully, I can do it justice here!
Yang: (sprinting through the back fields of the house) You'll never take me alive!!!
Tian: (giving chase) Get back here, Dagon! You need to take your arthritis medication!
Yin: (taking up the rear) And your blood pressure meds!
Keir: (sprinting around tryng to flank Yang) The doctor even made it easy on you by making it into a single syrup cocktail that you only have to take once a month! Come on!
Yang: NEVER!!!
Tian: (panting) How the hell is she in her fifties but still so fast?
Yin: I have no idea, but there has to be an easier way to do this...
Keir: GUYS!!! I GOT HER!!!
Tian & Yin: (sprint up to where Keir is struggling to hold Yang down)
Yang: Betrayed by my own son!!!
Tian: Good job, Keir! (passes medicine filled syringe to Yin and pins down Yang's other arm) How did you catch her?
Keir: I pretended to sprain my ankle in a rabbit hole.
Yang: Traitor! Those rabbit holes are no joke!
Yin: (straddles Yang's chest and uses her knees to help hold down Yang's shoulders) This is for your own good, Dagon! We want you to be healthy so you can live a long, happy life!
Yang: (bucking like a bull as she pins her lips shut and bites the insides closed while thrashing her head back and forth)
Tian: (struggling to hold Yang down) Oh, hey, look! Mama's home!
Yang: (cranes head towards the house) Hey, Ba- ack!
Yin: (pinches Yang's nose closed and stuffs the syringe of medicine in her mouth, pressing down the plunger and laying on Yang's face to force her to swallow)
Yang: (thrashes and starts rolling around like a crocodile doing a death roll) mmmMMMMmmMMMmMMm!!!!!!
-At the Dinner Table-
Blake: (glances around the table) Soooo...how was everyone's day?
Yang: (pouting with her arms crossed and barely picking at her food)
TYK: (covered in dirt and grass stains) Dagon's angy.
Blake: I see that. Why is Yangy angy?
TYK: Medicine....
Yang: (huffs and turns away from the table) Betrayed by my own children.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 11 months
Across the BaBee-Verse
Tian: (walks into the shed where machine parts are strewn everywhere) What in the name of the Shallow Sea are you two doing?
Yin: Ask Keir. I'm just building. He's the numbers guy.
Keir: Building a time machine.
Tian: ....A time machine?
Keir: Yes.
Tian: .....I know I'm going to regret this....but why?
Yin: Because cousin Penny bet him a thousand lien that she would build one first.
Keir: (growling) Just because she's an engineering genius doesn't mean I'm about to lose! You done with those last few wires, Yin?!
Yin: (solders wires together) Clear!
Keir: (grabs remote) Get Ready!
Tian: Wait! Hold on a moment!
Keir: GO!!! (presses big red button)
-Flash of light engulfs the room and the shed explodes-
Tian: (coughing) Dammit, Keir! *cough* I told you to wait! *cough* Is everyone okay?
Yin: (draped over a tree branch, gives a thumbs up) Good here...
Keir: (in a crater, wheezing) All good...
Kela: (pushing herself out of the bushes) I'm fine. Thank you for asking.
Fen: (throws a pile of rubble off of him and shakes off the dust) Just peachy keen!
Bumblebabies: (blink while looking at each other) WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?!
Keir: (zips up to Fen) Well, hey, there, big boy~
Fen: (scoots away)
Yin: Keir, stop being so thirsty.
Keir: Eh, worth a shot. Besides. Looks like Ti-Ti has an admirer too.
Kela: (twirling hair around her finger) I like your scars. They look very...rugged~
Tian: Uhhhhh... thank you? (slowly scoots away)
Yang: (rushes outside) What happened out here?!
Tian, Yin, & Keir: Dagon!
Kela: Dad!
Fen: Papa!
Bumblebabies: What?! Dagon/Dad/Papa?!
Yang: (glances at her coffee and dumps it into the bushes) No more Bailey's in the morning....
Blake: (runs outside) Is everything alright???
Bumblebabies: Mom! (stare at each other) Excuse you?!
Blake: (blinks in morse code and dumps her tea into the bushes)
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 10 months
Faunus Pile: Baby and the Bees
Yang: Alright, I'm all done-
Blake & Bumblebabies: (snuggled together in a giant bean bag chair under the bay window, in the sunlight sleeping)
Yang: Awwwwwwww <3
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 11 months
Baby and the Bees: Height Differences
Keir & Yin - 18 Tian - 22
Keir: (almost as tall as Ghira) What was that, little sister? I can't hear you all the way down there.
Yin: (same height as Blake) Oh, piss off, Keir. Just because you pulled the height gene doesn't mean you get to be an ass.
Tian: (slightly taller than Yang, takes Keir out at the knees) Be nice.
Keir: (on the ground) Y-Yes, Ma'am....
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 11 months
Baby and the Bees: Pimp My Arm
Keir: (sneaks up to Yang sleeping on the couch like a stereotypical dad) Alright, Shadow Cat, you just gotta press this button....then unlatch this...
Yin: (over walkie talkie) Bro, you're radio's hot. Do you seriously call yourself Shadow Cat?
Keir: (slowly pulls Yang's prosthetic away like it's a ticking bomb before sprinting outside to the shed) I will have you know that every historical ninja or samurai worth their salt has a cool name! I manipulate shadows! Thus, Shadow Cat!
Tian: Whatever you say, Ninja Boy. Did you get the goods?
Keir: (holds up Yang’s arm proudly) Naturally. What kind of amateur do you take me for?
Yin: Awesome! Let's spec out this bad boy!
-A Few Hours Later-
Blake: (walks into the house with groceries) I'm home! Kids, can you help me unload the car?
Bumblebabies: (snickering)
Blake: (walks into the living room and sees the kids all surrounding Yang) What are you three doing?
Bumblebabies: (jump and hide Yang behind their backs) NOTHING!!!
Blake: (gently moves the kids out of the way and snorts with laughter)
Yang: (still passed out. Her arm has a new paint job with black to purple faded flames over the original yellow paint. Their names are all etched into the metal along with Blake's in fancy calligraphy. And small bumbleby decals are hidden in obscure to see areas.)
Blake: And who's idea what this?
Keir: ......It was a group effort.
Tian & Yin: Keir?!
Keir: What?! It was! If I'm going down, I'm taking you two with me!
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 11 months
Do people mind if I name the babies? I’ve learned that if I don’t name the kids in any of the works, people seem to enjoy them more, but it makes writing full fanfic chapters difficult. Here’s what I have for names for the babies and their AU’s.
Baby and the Bees:
Tian Belladonna - Xiao Long: Adopted Tiger Faunus Daughter -Faunus Trait: Tiger Ears -Yellow-orange eyes -Sandy blonde hair -Shares enough traits with Yang that people think they're blood related
Yin Belladonna - Xiao Long: Birthed Cat Faunus Daughter (twin) -Faunus Trait: Black Cat Ears -Purple eyes -Black hair -Looks like Yang with Black hair, when her eyes turn red she's the spitting image of Raven
Keir Belladonna - Xiao Long: Birthed Cat Faunus Son (twin) -Faunus Trait: Black Cat Ears -Gold eyes -Black hair -Looks like a male version of Blake
Single Mom AU
Kela Belladonna (Belladonna-Xiao Long after Blake and Yang get married and Yang adopts Kela): -Leopard Faunus: trait is spots on body -Blue eyes -Looks like Blake almost to a T otherwise
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 10 months
Are there any differences between Kela and Cubby? They're both leopard faunus and both are Adam's kids, right? So what's the difference? Sorry, I'm a bit confused
I'll have to find my post explaining all the Bumblebabies.
Cubby = Tian Belladonna Xiao Long: She is a tiger Faunus in the Baby and the Bees AU, has younger siblings (cat faunus) Yin and Keir.
Kela = Adam + Blake, leopard Faunus, Single Mom AU
I will often use Cubby as just a placeholder too. A name without a thought behind it for when I think a blurb is cute but don't want to add an oc behind it.
Hope this helps!
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