#thanks sevi fuk!
goldenshornyjail · 8 months
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Oh, lawd, she WOULD!!! Immediate Inspiration!
Blake: (kissing Yang passionately in their shared roadside inn room in Vacuo, her leg is hitched up on Yang’s hip. Allowing her to grind against Yang’s clothed erection. She breaks away and smirks) You know my favorite part about not sharing a room with Weiss and Ruby?
Yang: (grunts briefly as Blake continues to grind against her) You mean heavy make-out sessions and grinding against my dick until I'm an aching mess, isn't it?
Blake: (gives a quick peck to Yang’s lips) Close, but I'm more appreciative of being able to do this in the middle of the room. (Drops to her knees while leaving hot. Open mouthed kisses down Yang's abs and hip before licking the almost obnoxiously large flaming heart buckle, unfastening the belt and trousers, and looking up at Yang with hooded eyes)
Yang: (flushes as all the air is knocked out of her lungs and plasters her hands against the wall, leaving finger indents from where she's trying to grab hold of the flat surface) fuck....
Blake: That's kind of the point, but foreplay is always appreciated. (Pulls Yang's trousers down and her eyes dilate to their limit as she stares at the fully erect cock and balls) Oh... the things I'm going to do to those...
Yang: W-What was that, babe?
Blake: Nothing, Dragon~ But you might want to hold onto something~~
Team RWBY had to pay an extra fee upon leaving the inn the next morning for two holes gouged into the wall and a busted bedframe.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 11 months
Medicine: Baby and the Bees
Thank you @sevi-fuk for giving me the idea! Hopefully, I can do it justice here!
Yang: (sprinting through the back fields of the house) You'll never take me alive!!!
Tian: (giving chase) Get back here, Dagon! You need to take your arthritis medication!
Yin: (taking up the rear) And your blood pressure meds!
Keir: (sprinting around tryng to flank Yang) The doctor even made it easy on you by making it into a single syrup cocktail that you only have to take once a month! Come on!
Yang: NEVER!!!
Tian: (panting) How the hell is she in her fifties but still so fast?
Yin: I have no idea, but there has to be an easier way to do this...
Keir: GUYS!!! I GOT HER!!!
Tian & Yin: (sprint up to where Keir is struggling to hold Yang down)
Yang: Betrayed by my own son!!!
Tian: Good job, Keir! (passes medicine filled syringe to Yin and pins down Yang's other arm) How did you catch her?
Keir: I pretended to sprain my ankle in a rabbit hole.
Yang: Traitor! Those rabbit holes are no joke!
Yin: (straddles Yang's chest and uses her knees to help hold down Yang's shoulders) This is for your own good, Dagon! We want you to be healthy so you can live a long, happy life!
Yang: (bucking like a bull as she pins her lips shut and bites the insides closed while thrashing her head back and forth)
Tian: (struggling to hold Yang down) Oh, hey, look! Mama's home!
Yang: (cranes head towards the house) Hey, Ba- ack!
Yin: (pinches Yang's nose closed and stuffs the syringe of medicine in her mouth, pressing down the plunger and laying on Yang's face to force her to swallow)
Yang: (thrashes and starts rolling around like a crocodile doing a death roll) mmmMMMMmmMMMmMMm!!!!!!
-At the Dinner Table-
Blake: (glances around the table) Soooo...how was everyone's day?
Yang: (pouting with her arms crossed and barely picking at her food)
TYK: (covered in dirt and grass stains) Dagon's angy.
Blake: I see that. Why is Yangy angy?
TYK: Medicine....
Yang: (huffs and turns away from the table) Betrayed by my own children.
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battlecouplesoulmates · 7 months
'Til the End of Time
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Blake/Yang
Summary: During the Beacon Ball in V2, Blake and Yang realise they've met before and with alcohol in their systems, they have their first time that night. When Blake finds out she's pregnant, she hides it. Yang doesn't find out until 10 years later. Can they learn to trust each other again?
@sevi-fuk Did some amazing art for it!!! 💚💚💚💚
Thanks again for working with me Sevi!
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crazywolf828 · 3 years
Fuck fuck fuck. I wanna finish the Lil mini Halloween chapter for the serial killer au but I'm stuck.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 11 months
Dropping by to ask for more dad Yang cuddling with pregnant Blake, pls.
(Also I'm glad your son is doing okay!)
Hey, @sevi-fuk! I got the perfect one for that! (and thanks! He's being a trooper.)
Blake & Yang: (snuggling in bed)
Yang: (rubbing her hand over Blake's swollen baby belly)
Baby Belly: (kick)
Yang: Looks like someone's awake.
Blake: (sighs) Like clockwork. Ooph! (clutches belly)
Yang: What's wrong????
Blake: Sorry, babe, but...can you move your arm off my stomach? There's a lot of pressure there already, and it's...making it worse...
Yang: Of course! (moves hand to Blake's thigh but presses closer to Blake's back) Better?
Blake: Much. Thank you.
-Minutes go by-
Blake: .....Yang?
Yang: Mmhmm?
Blake: ....You just wanted to touch my ass, didn't you?
Yang: Have you seen your hips and ass right now?! How could I not?!
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 11 months
Yang with dad bod so true. Blake is thirsty for dilf Yang 100% too
100%!!! But, my version of Dad Bod/DILF Yang is where she has the firm potbelly and solid dad forearms and calves. Like the blue collar, construction worker dad bods. The kind of solid belly that if you slap it, it's gonna break your hand.
DILF Yang: (mowing the lawn in the hot sun, takes off shirt revealing a sturdy dad bod with a solid pot belly)
Blake: (sitting on the patio with hearts in her eyes and panting like a dog)
Cubby: Ugh... (passes Blake iced tea) Here, Mom.
Blake: What's this for?
Cubby: To help quench your THIRST. I'm sitting right here!
DILF Yang: (squirts water bottle in her face to cool off)
Blake: (Warning! Blake.exe has stopped working!) Oh, I want to lick up all that water....
Cubby: EWWWWWW!!! That's it! I'm going over to Aunty Weiss and Ruby's for the afternoon!!!
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 11 months
I think I'll never draw this, so I'll just give this idea to you.
Kids running after Yang, who is 50 years old and absolutely doesn't want to take her meds cause "they taste awful". In the end, kids catch her and try to give her meds in nice way, but Yang still doesn't open her mouth.
Then one of the kids say "oh look, mama is home!". Yang yells Blake's name as one of the kids pinches her nose and forces the spoon of a medicine in Yang's mouth as she starts tearing up.
After kids let Yang go she doesn't talk to them cause "no talk, I'm angy"
Hey, @sevi-fuk!
That is absolutely amazing! I love it! I am so gonna write up a fic on it! I want to be able to do it justice, though, so it will get it's own Baby and the Bees post that will get it's own link.
Medicine: Baby and the Bees
Sorry you feel like you won't be able to get to it for a drawing. That would have been a funny comic! Best wishes!
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 3 months
Super Effective!: Morningstars vs Vaggie
Lucifer: Vaggie?
Vaggie: Yes, Lucifer?
Lucifer: (Morningstar Puppy Eyes) Can we have McBurger Queen for dinner?
Vaggie: What did Charlie say?
Lucifer: To ask you.
Vaggie: We have food here.
Lucifer: You leave me no choice. CHARLIEZARD!!! USE BABY DOLL EYES!!!
Vaggie: Wait, what?
Charlie: RAWR!!! (jumps out from behind the door wearing a charmander onesie) Lucifetch'd, use Charm!
Lucifer: (transforms his clothes into a farfetched onesie) Ha-HA!
Vaggie: Farfetch'd doesn't know "Charm"!!!
Charlie & Lucifer: (double damage, Morningstar Puppy Eyes)
Vaggie: (overpowered by the adorable double team) AGH!!! Fine! We can have McBurger Queen!
Charlie & Lucifer: (jump up and down in a circle while holding hands) Yay!
Razzle: (bursts in wearing a unicorn onesie) Baaaa!
Charlie: All good, Razzle! We don't need you to use Razzling Gleam. Vaggie said yes!
Razzle: (throws his hooves into the air excitedly) BAAAAAA!!!
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 3 months
Vaggie: (licking the wound in her hand after the battle)
Charlie: (holding up disinfectant) Vaggie! No! Bad girl! (Baps her with clean towel) That's how you get infections!
Vaggie: (hisses and growls) Saliva has natural healing qualities!!!
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 3 months
Apple Seed 3: Ew....
Vaggie: (holding Charlie's hair and rubbing her back) How are you doing, hun?
Charlie: (panting) I'm good! I'm- HRK!!! (throws herself back into the toilet bowl and pukes)
Vaggie: (sad smile) Sit tight, babe. I'll be right back with some cool water and crackers for when you're done.
Charlie: (head still in the toilet, holds a thumbs up. Once the sound of footsteps fade, she flops against the wall in a seated position with a groan) No one told me this would be so gross...
*Sniff!* *Sniff* *Sniff!*
Charlie: What's that smell? (Sniffs the air like a dog and starts drooling) It smells so good~ (Follows the scent through the hotel to Alastor's room) Oh, no....
*Sniff!* *Sniff!* *Sniff!* *Droooooool*
Charlie: (whines and gently knocks on the door)
Alastor: Come in!
Charlie: (Opens the door and goes green at the sight of a dead, semi-rotted deer on Alastor's table) Oh, noooooooohohohohooo.......
Alastor: (stops cutting a chunk) Charlie, dear, what a surprise! How might I be of service? Is there a chance it could wait until I finish my lunch?
Charlie: (horrified by the dead animal and how the sight makes her stomach rumble, falls to her knees in dismay) NOooooOOoOoOooo!!!!
Alastor: (sighs) Very well. What is so important that it requires my immediate attention?
Alastor: Oh..... *DING!!!* Oh! Silly me. Would you like a piece?
Charlie: (watches in horrified starvation as a blob of rotted blood drips from the buck's mouth and plops onto the hardwood floor) Don't do it, Charlie. Don't do it, Charlie. Don't do it, Charlie. Don't do it, Charlie.
Vaggie: (walking the hotel halls with a glass of water and bag of saltines in hand) Charlie? Babe? Where did you go? (Sees Alastor's door open and bristles) MOTHER FUCKER!!!! (kicks the door in with her spear drawn) ALASTOR!!! What do you think you're.... do-.....-ing.....
Charlie: (sitting on a chair in the corner and chowing down on a whole hindquarter of the deer, shaking her head as she shreds the flesh with her teeth and growling like a puppy)
Vaggie: Hooooooo-oh (covers her mouth as a sour taste spreads across her tongue and her face pales)
Alastor: (slightly taken aback by how Charlie ripped the deer leg clean off) ...........I do believe we found something she can stomach.
Charlie: (wailing as she swallows a whole chunk and goes in for another bite) Don't Look At Meeeeeeeee!!!!!
Charlie: (brushing her teeth furiously, causing toothpaste foam to spill all over her lips and chin) Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!
Vaggie: (Stomach gurgling sickly as she stands in the doorway with dental floss and mouthwash in her hands) I'm just... happy we found something you can- *burp* (covers her mouth and swallows down bile) -can stomach...
Charlie: WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE THAT!!!! (spits and takes the floss from Vaggie before running it through her teeth like a chainsaw belt)
Vaggie: Babe, it's okay. (Watches as Charlie throws away bloodied floss and hands her the mouthwash) Rinse. Last step before I feel comfortable kissing you again.
Charlie: (drinks a cap of mouthwash before swishing another cap around I her mouth, trying to talk while gargling and getting liquid everywhere) No one told me pregnancy was going to be this gross!!!!
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
One day I'll draw this, but I need to see how you handle this idea too.
So... Yang dressing Ruby up and all for her date with Penny(who is waiting for Ruby with big ass bouquet of roses)
*gasp* Is this a collab?! Haha! I'm kidding. How's it going, Sevi? Always good to hear from you. Yang being Big Daddy sister and getting Ruby ready for a date? Yes, please! You'll have to tag me when you draw your version. I want to see it!
Ruby: Yaaaaaang... I'm ready. I've been ready for the past ten minutes. Can I please go downstairs now? Penny is waiting.
Yang: (wearing a shirt that says "Best Big Sister" with "> Daddy" written in with permanent marker as she makes a few minor adjustments to Ruby's outfit) And there is absolutely nothing wrong with waiting on a woman, especially when she's trying to look her damn best. Now, (holds up bottle of cologne) hold up your wrists.
Ruby: Yaaaaaang!
Yang: (gives half a spritz on Ruby's wrist before grabbing her wrists, rubbing them together, and pulling them up to wipe the residual cologne on Ruby's neck) There! Perfect! Not too overbearing, fun, but also an aura of maturity, or at least some punk aspect.
Ruby: (looks in the mirror and her jaw drops: a pair of black slacks cover her legs, but shape her calves nicely while somehow accentuating a nonexistent curve of her hip, fancy black leather boots with red stitching adorn her feet, a white dress shirt sits slightly loose on her arms while a deep crimson vest with black thorn vine accents and black lapels covers her torso. A silver chain is slung from the vest pocket to her lapel where her insignia pins the collar. Her hair is properly washed, brushed, and gelled to look suave but tousled enough to be fun. Her usual cloak has been washed and folded just right to wrap around her shoulders and the excess billows slightly off to the side)
Ruby: I take it back. This is amazing! I look like a cooler Uncle Qrow!
Yang: I'm sure Penny will appreciate it. Now, don't keep her waiting any longer! (ushers Ruby out the door)
Ruby: I thought you said waiting on a woman is worth it!
Yang: The lady is waiting on the man in this scenario. Now, move it! (hip checks Ruby out into the hall)
Ruby: (slams face first into the wall) Gah!
Penny: (waiting in the living room with Blake when she sees Ruby) Oh, Ruby, you look amazing!
Ruby: (quickly readjusts herself to try to look cool, but looks like a fumbling idiot) Thanks! You look- uh.....
Penny: (completely hidden behind an enormous bouquet of flowers. The only thing showing is the bottom of her green and white sundress that reaches her knees at the bottom of the bouquet)
Ruby: Uh.... good?
Penny: (face pops through the bouquet of roses with a few scrapes from the thorns) Thank you! Are you ready to go on our date?
Ruby: Uh, yeah! (puts the roses somewhere in the living room and escorts Penny out the door and down the driveway) Don't wait up!
Yang: (leaning smugly against the doorframe) Penny, have my sister back by 9:30, and stay away from Lover's Lane! I don't need to be an aunty yet.
Ruby: Gack!
Penny: I will have Ruby back at 2130 sharp, Ms. Xiao-Long! (turns to Ruby) Ruby, what is Lover's Lane?
Ruby: (mortified) Nothing! Nothing! Let's just go!
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 7 months
I am BEGGING you for some evil Yang x regular Blake, please. I will take anything
Ha! Yes! Sorry this took so long. I had to think of something that would work, and boy did I come up with something good!
P.S. Okay, I absolutely LOVED writing this! I feel like I need to make a more NSFW version over at the horny jail.
Evil!Yang: (holds arms out wide, almost invitingly) Blake! There you are! I was beginning to think you wouldn't show.
Blake: (brows furrow as she pulls up Gambol Shroud) It's kind of hard to ignore all the damage you've caused.
Evil!Yang: What? A couple demolished buildings, a robbery, and some damaged public property isn't really that much.
Blake: (narrows eyes) You have a strange definition of "not that much."
Evil!Yang: (smirking) Eh, potato tomato. Say, care to dance?
Blake: You know I'm not a dancer, especially not with a devil.
Evil!Yang: Devil? I like that~ (blasts forward, deftly grabs Gambol Shroud from Blake's hands, and unfurls the ribbon)
Blake: (gasps as she's restrained) What are you doing?
Evil!Yang: Just spicing things up a bit, sweetheart. (twirls the ribbon skillfully before wrapping it around Blake's wrists while maintaining eye contact. A smirk set firmly on her lips) Gambol Shroud's ribbon is quite versatile, don't you think?
Blake: (struggles against the binds) Let me go!
Evil!Yang: (pulls Blake into a close embrace while holding the ribbon taught) What do you say, Blake? Care to dance with the Devil?
Blake: (heart skips a beat as she blushes and is forced to gaze into E!Y's eyes)
Evil!Yang: (notices the change in Blake's demeanor, a mischievous gleam in her eyes and whispers in her ear) I knew there was a dancer hidden under all that seductive mystique.
Blake: (grits her teeth at being found out) This is just a game to you.
Evil!Yang: Oh, it's more than a game, Blake. It's a dance (wraps her hand around Blake's waist and pulls her in close) and you're my partner.
Evil!Yang begins to lead Blake in an impromptu dance, the ribbon serving as an unconventional connection between them. Blake, despite herself, finds the dance strangely alluring.
Blake: (slowly relaxes and whispers softly) This doesn't change anything.
Evil!Yang: (smirking) We'll see about that, sweetheart. The night is young, and our dance has just begun.
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goldenshornyjail · 10 months
Just thought about what if Yang's body gets heated while having sex? And it would be awkward to explain that to the doctors why exactly Blake got burned and where.
Anyway, F to Blake's pussy, it got burned by Yang's dick, what a tragedy
Hey, @sevi-fuk! Woof! Press F to pay respects to Blake's whole vaginal area! This is going to be fun!
Blake: (panting and sweating as she digs her nails into Yang's shoulders) Fuck, Dragon! This is so hot!
Yang: (semblance sparking intermittently as she rams her cock into Blake's pussy rapidly) I feel the same. Fuck! Blake, I love you so much!
Blake: (winces slightly but immediately moans from the pain sparking a new wave of pleasure) No, you're actually scalding!
Yang: (stops thrusting and notices her hair is half on fire and the heat is spreading to her pubes and cock) Do you want me to stop? I can cool down and come back.
Blake: (wraps legs around Yang's waist and pulls her closer) Don't you dare!
Yang: (still thrusting) You sure?
Blake: (feels Yang's scalding cock brush her g-spot and feels a rush of heat explode across her body) FUCK YES!!!!
-In the Hospital-
Velvet: So.... That's how you got second degree burns on your labia?
Blake: (looking thoroughly satisfied and sitting on a bag of ice, steam is still billowing up into the air from her nethers) Mmhmm....
Yang: (mortified) I told you I could stop to calm down....
Blake: But it felt so good~
Yang: How?! I scrambled your eggs!!!
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 11 months
Hey, there. I absolutely love your work! Especially something with bees being parents.
Could I ask for more pregnant Blake? I just know she'd eat a lot and would stare at Yang's food cause Blake is still hungry after eating her share. Yang, of course, can't say no to those cute big eyes and gives Blake her food
Hey, @sevi-fuk! Thanks for leaving a message! I love your artwork with the Bees, especially with the twins.
I can absolutely write up more pregnant Blake! One hungry Mama coming right up!
Yang: (staring at the three empty plates in front of Blake) I'm not even going to ask where you managed to put all of that.
Blake: What? I'm eating for three. (runs hand across her severely swollen belly) The babies require nutrients. (stares at Yang's plate)
Yang: (looks at her plate) Hey, uh-uh! You've already had your own.
Blake: (puppy eyes)
Yang: ....... (slides plate over to Blake) I'm not much of a fish fan anyway...
Blake: Yay! (takes plate and gives Yang a kiss)
-One Week Later-
Yang: (walks into the house carrying takeout)
Blake: (bashfully) Yaaaaang?
Yang: Yes, babe?
Blake: I know I said I didn't want anything....
Yang: (whips off backpack and pulls out five extra carryout containers) I HAVE LEARNED!!!
Blake: (swoons) My hero~
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 8 months
Heeey. I'm really happy to see you being active again, missed seeing you on my dash.
Anyway, hope you're doing okay and wish you more inspiration for your fics
Hey, Sevi!
It's good to be back and posting again, even if it isn't every day. Thanks for reaching out! I saw that you put some absolute killer art/comics up while I was gone and have loved every single one.
Thanks again! Hope you're doing well!
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