#keira knightley packs
editfandom · 3 months
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Elizabeth Bennet - Pride and Prejudice, 2005
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radiocity · 5 months
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Bend It Like Beckham, 2002.
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bladerunnwr · 1 year
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pride & prejudice (2005) dir. joe wright
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noirflavoured · 1 year
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  KEIRA  KNIGHTLEY  GIF  PACK      >      (  public  ,  free  commission  )
  hello  !  since  i  have  no  muse  to  make  any  more  gifs  i  decided  to  make  my  premium  gif  packs  available   for  everyone.  therefore  ,  in  the  source  link  ,  you  can  find  234  high-quality  gifs  of  keira  knightley  starring  as  joanna  reed  in  last  night  (  2010  ).  the  gifs  were  made  by  me   from  scratch  !  sooo  don’t  pretend  that  you’re  the  creator  c:  PLEASE  LIKE  AND  /  OR  REBLOG  if  you  find  them  useful  !  means  the  world  to  me.
  tw:  kissing  ,  nudity  ,  eating.
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neverscreens · 1 year
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Part One, 500 Screencaps.
Part Two, 300 Screencaps.
Find in GALLERIES. Like or reblog the post it was useful. Your interaction shows me that I should keep making screencaps. And if you want me to post some in separate posts, tell me! ♡
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noirflavouredgifs · 2 years
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KEIRA  KNIGHTLEY  GIF  PACK  :  (  from  the  movie  last  night  )
      hello  !  by  clicking  THIS  LINK  (  or  by  clicking  the  source  link  )  you  can  access  a  pack  of  234  high-quality  gifs  of  keira  knightley  starring  as  joanna  reed  in  last  night  (  2010  ).  the  gifs  were  made  by  me   from  scratch  !  sooo  don’t  pretend  that  you’re  the  creator  c:  PLEASE  LIKE  AND  /  OR  REBLOG  if  you  find  them  useful  !  means  a  world  to  me.
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bonniesfamiliar · 4 months
Keira Knightley would be a good Fem! Elijah Mikaleson, in my opinion. BTW, I'd use this gif pack:
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harmonie-writes · 2 years
The Hunt pt. 2
Werewolf! Wonwoo x hunter! Reader
Summary: After going in different directions to work on different cases, you receive an alarming call. Driving to a small town that has wild nightlife and strange occurrences you begin your search for your missing hunting partner. This case you are about to take on will rival the others you’ve completed in the past. What could possibly happen as you search for your brother in arms?
AN: I love supernatural so a bunch of my ideas for this specific series are from that show!
Warnings: false identity, potential violence, language, depictions of gore, cause of death, alcohol. Story is purely for fictitious purposes and doesn't not portray actual people.
Word count: ~1k
Previously on The Hunt:
"Somethings just weird Seungcheol," Chan spoke in the phone receiver as he removed his fingers from the blinds as he noticed you get into your car. You came into town dressed in flannels and now you're leaving in a suit.
"Just keep your distance and keep us updated Chan," Seungcheol muttered, as he paced in the living room of the pack house before adding, "and don't get spotted."
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Parking your car in the hospital parking lot you take a deep breath and glance at yourself one last time. You always hated lying, but unfortunately the world is a lot scarier than people are led to believe so a small white lie won't hurt, right?
Walking up to the front desk you spot a lady dressed in scrubs clicking away on the computer. "Hi there, I'm here to go over the body that was recently found with," your eyes catch a photo and name plate behind her, "with Dr. Evans."
"I wasn't aware that Dr. Evans had any appointments today," she responded, as she looked for any appointments on the computer.
"The business with Dr. Evans is," you pause to fish out your badge before showing her, "private."
Slowly she nodded her head before paging the doctor. "Right he will be here shortly, Miss?"
"Keira, Keira Knightley."
"Right, Miss Knightley."
A set of double doors open to reveal a stoutly man, roughly in his late 40s. "I'm looking for Miss Knightley?"
Standing from your chair you greet the man with a smile and handshake before he leads you to an elevator.
"So, how did this become FBI jurisdiction?"
Tugging on the end of your blazer sleeve you answer, "there have been a rising amount of cases recently in this area, and it's just to help resolve the case before things escalate any further. Trying to avoid any unnecessary attention by the media by stepping in and taking over." You hope he buys your answer.
The man just grumbles under his breath before unlocking a door to the morgue. "Still don't know how these bear attacks are FBI jurisdiction."
"Neither do I. Just trying to do my job," you answer as you follow him to one of the slide tables. Opening the door, Dr. Evans pulls out a table with a covered body on it. Dr. Evans walks over to a small counter and grabs a couple pairs of latex gloves and a folder. Handing you a pair of gloves he proceeds to uncover the poor soul laying on the cold table.
"I'll admit, this is the strangest bear attack I've ever seen. Normally when a bear eats something there isn't much left over other than the bones. This lad is still quite intact, other than the lack of face which would have made him unidentifiable if it weren't for a concerned family member."
Looking over the report in your hand you skim over all the information quickly before eyeing the victim in front of you. From the chin up to the hair line there was nothing, just a gnarly hole, as if each part was chewed or clawed out. This isn't a bear attack, Adam must've found a nest. "Where did they say the body was found?"
"He was found just off a camp trail outside of town, passed route 46. Lots of families go there during the summer since it's pretty nice. As of last year though, several people have gone missing only to either never be found or to end up like this man right here."
Nodding you place the autopsy into the doctor's awaiting hand.
"Thank you for sparing your time with me Dr. Evans," you say while bowing your head slightly. With that you are escorted back to the elevator.
"I'm sure you can see yourself out."
Sitting in your car you rest your forehead on the steering before letting out a shaky exhale, "Of course it had to be a fucking vampire nest. You just had to find a nest didn't you Adam?" A tired chuckle leaves your lips before you lean back in your seat. Looking over your shoulder you put your car in gear before tearing out of the hospital parking lot back to the motel.
"Her car finally pulled up," Chan muttered, glancing out the window.
"Who showed up?" Wonwoo asked, after setting down the box he brought in from storage.
"Just some strange person from out of town. They give me some weird vibes. Already let Cheol know them last night," Chan explains as he flips the page of the magazine in front of him.
Dusting his hands off, Wonwoo glances in the direction Chan pointed at, but only managed to see the door closing behind the person in question.
"Anything else you know?"
Huffing, Chan pushed his magazine away from him, "Jun mentioned that they were at the bar last night for dinner. Said something about camping with a friend. Honestly, if you just want to hear about it, ask the person that actually talked to them."
Rolling his eyes, Wonwoo thumped the boy on the back of the head before heading over to Jun's bar.
Walking into the bar Wonwoo’s eyes scanned the bar before checking the back, the only person showing up being Mingyu.
"I thought Jun was coming in today?"
"Nah," Mingyu shook his head, "he only came in to drop off some stuff we ordered. He's out with Vernon and Soonyoung doing a patrol. You know, trying to deal with that issue."
Nodding slowly, Wonwoo eased his way into the stool. The pack house had been in the property for over a decade and this has been the first time any of them had to deal with something supernatural, besides other werewolves that is. It's put a bit of strain on the pack, trying to maintain normalcy, but also trying to keep their surrounding woods clear of any threat that might come to them.
Pacing the small expanse of your room, you let out a frustrated groan. It's been almost a week since you got the call, considering you had to drive from Wyoming and do some investigating to figure out what mess Adam had gotten himself into. Gripping the hairs at the back of your head you grumble, "Fuck. It's been long enough for him to have been drained. Worse is if they decide to do a transfusion."
Coming to terms you decide that tonight is the last night you'll be staying in the motel. You have a camping trip to take starting tomorrow morning.
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willow-lark · 1 year
Hi Lark! You seem really cool! I was wondering, what's your favorite Pride and Prejudice adaptation, if you have one? Have a nice day!
hello hello!! how's it going?
okay. okay. honestly THANK YOU for sending this to me. p&p is my FAVORITE NOVEL and i simply do not talk about it enough on here (or at all regarding my own personal thoughts). but i also hope u understand what u have unleashed within me. bc p&p is a topic that i will not shut up about once prompted. so without further ado:
The Complete Ranking of Every Pride and Prejudice Adaptation that I Have Seen Thus Far (*not including books/written work, bc i have read far too many of those)
Pride & Prejudice (2005 film)
this one is gonna be controversial, whichever one i pick as first. you know, it's got its merits and pitfalls in comparison with the 1995 miniseries, but this film is my comfort movie. it looks pretty, and it's got a pretty soundtrack, and keira knightley is pretty, and i think it adapts the story quite well for having to fit everything into two hours. each character is done well & it artfully represents the book. i just love this film okay!!
2. Pride and Prejudice (1995 miniseries)
okay i ranked this one #2 is everyone happy now!! but yeah. i mean. no one can outdo colin firth. that's a fact of life. this one adapts the books soso faithfully, it's so amazing to see. the whole tone is so well transferred onto the screen. collins is appropriately slimy, mrs. bennet is over the top, & COLIN FIRTH!!!!
3. The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (2012-2013 webseries)
i found this one only a couple of years ago, and i was so mad to be late to the party >:( i love every single part of this adaptation. all the tongue-in-cheek references are so great and i loved how they adapted the bennet sisters, as well as the whole situation to the modern day. just spectacular.
4. Death Comes to Pemberley (2013 miniseries)
okay i will be completely fair i haven't seen this one in a while, but i did just talk to my mother, who's seen it more recently than i, and she insisted that i place this one as far as up as i could. from what i remember it was a very good story, with good acting and an interesting take on all the characters and what they would be doing years after the end of the book. definitely recommend!
5. Bridget Jones's Diary (2001 film)
another one i haven't seen in ages, and also of which my mother was very passionate about the ranking. colin firth AGAIN!! and another fantastically funny modern au that presents a new angle on it. still middle of the pack, though, since i don't have much to say about it 😭
6. Pride and Prejudice (1940 film)
ok now we're getting into territory that is just. not worth your while lmao. like this one was interesting to watch as an old movie but i was overall not impressed. like maybe there's some film buff out there who can tell me something or other about how it pioneered some technique or something, but...
7. Pride and Prejudice (1980 miniseries)
i... could not get through much of this one at all. it just seemed off? in tone, in plot, in characterization... i don't actually know that i finished it! it definitely could not compare with any of the films or miniseries that are higher up on my list.
8. Pride and Prejudice: A New Musical (2020 musical)
just... augh. when i saw that this existed i was super excited! like a p&p musical??? that sounds so cool! but i found it just to be so tedious. the characters & acting were poor, i didn't enjoy any of the musical numbers, and they styled the actor playing mr. darcy to make him look akin to a corpse. not everyone can pull off the colin firth look and you shouldn't force it!! there's this one moment about half an hour in when darcy & wickham meet for the first time that CRACKS ME UP. legitimately hysterical. i didn't make it much further than that in watching it.
/end rant. that was longer than i thought it would be & probably longer than u were asking for 😆 but THANK YOU for giving me the opportunity to talk a bit ab p&p bc i do adore it dearly and would always love to scream about it!! 💕🫂 i'm sure i've seen more adaptations than on this list, but these were the first to come to mind, lol
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I think when I have a pack I just smoke for the hell of it like when I don't have cigs on me I have no cravings or anything I haven't smoked for 3 days bc I ran out and I'm in the house studying and I literally haven't thought about it until now bc I saw a pic of keira knightley smoking on pinterest
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frankterranella · 1 year
Long live the hourglass figure. Here's to the curves!
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                                               Sophia Loren
As a male baby boomer, I am sorry to say that the women that Hollywood is putting on the screen as the new models of feminine beauty often leave me cold.  When I see people like Keira Knightley, Sienna Miller or Olivia Wilde, all I want to do is feed them.  Eat some cheesecake; have a chocolate shake; gain 20 pounds; grow some curves! I think that men who grew up in the 1950s and ‘60s may have a different idea of the perfect female figure than young men today.  We boomer men first noticed women at a time when the feminine ideal was Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield. Oh sure, there was also Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly, but these were women admired more for their faces than their bodies. If you asked any teenage boy in the 1960s which movie star had the best figure, he was more likely to say Elizabeth Taylor or Raquel Welch than Doris Day or Jane Fonda .  Even on television, the most popular mouseketeer among boys was not Karen or Sherry or Darlene.  It was the “full-figured” Annette. Our fathers and grandfathers shared this admiration for a female figure that was, in their words, “healthy-looking.”  The ideal then was the voluptuous Gibson girl look of the early 1900s. That was continued into the 1930s with chorus girls in Busby Berkeley musicals showing a lot of meat on their bones, especially around their thighs. I don’t know whether those women would be considered beautiful today. But I do know that in the 1960s, women who by today’s standards would be considered fat were held up as the feminine ideal.   Men who grew up in the 1980s and later were born into a world where the diet and exercise industry has become pervasive. Feminine fitness now dictates that “you can never be too skinny.”  In fact, if you tell a woman today that she is too skinny, that’s just what she’ll tell you.  Anorexia and bulimia are all too common.  Yet I think that baby boomer men still are more attracted to a woman with curves – the classic hourglass figure. You can’t have an hourglass figure without bulges at the top and bottom. Fashion models have never had those curves because designers don’t design for real women.  But ask a straight man what he prefers, and the answer will in most cases be a woman with big curves.  Look at how popular Kim Kardashian is despite the absence of any other known talents.   That is not to say that younger men don’t appreciate a 38-26-40 figure.  It’s just that society right now seems to be obsessed with obesity.  Large hips and breasts are out; six-pack abs are in. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater.  If this is female obesity, I say let’s have more of it.  If Christina Hendricks is fat, then all I can say is fat is good! Of course we don’t want people to be unhealthy, but unhealthy comes in many different sizes. For example, Karen Carpenter’s size near the end of her life at the age of 33 was certainly unhealthy.  By contrast, the plus-sized Liz Taylor lived to be 79.   I’ll bet that more women die from trying to be skinny than from an obesity-related illness.  And that’s why these big, beautiful women were formerly referred to as having “healthy” figures.  Long Live The Hourglass!
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nancyonpaper · 1 year
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𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐢 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐢 𝐚𝐦
𝖓𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖞 𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖗: 𝖆𝖓 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖚𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
NATALIA DYER KEIRA KNIGHTLEY, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER When’s the last time anyone heard anything about NANCY WHEELER? Old friends remember them as INVESTIGATIVE & BRAVE but also UPTIGHT & METICULOLUS, no wonder they’re still known as THE DETECTIVE around town. Today, in 2006, they are THIRTY-NINE and some people say they remind them of A FRESHLY INKED PEN DABBING ONTO A NOTEPAD, RUNNING AWAY FROM HER OWN PROBLEMS, & KEEPING A HANDGUN ON HER AT ALL TIMES…. JUST IN CASE.
full name: Nancy Grace Wheeler
nickname(s): Nance, Nancy “The Slut” Wheeler, & Nancy Drew
age: Thirty-Nine
date of birth: November 3rd, 1967
hometown: Hawkins, Indiana
current location: Hawkins, Indiana
orientation: Bisexual
religion: Raised Christian, but doesn’t practice
occupation: Reporter for The Watcher
living arrangements: Lives in her own house (NOT in the cul de sac)
language(s) spoken: English, high school level French
faceclaim: Keira Knightley 
hair color: Brunette
eye color: Brown
height: 5′7
father: Ted Wheeler
mother: Karen Wheeler
siblings: Mike and Holly Wheeler
nephew: Luke Wheeler
sun/moon/rising: Scorpio/Cancer/Pisces
label: The Detective
positive traits: intelligent & brave
negative traits: uptight & meticulou
When Nancy Wheeler left for college, she had no intent of ever returning to Hawkins, Indiana for more than a holiday or a school break. After Will and El’s death and the defeat of Vecna, she felt like there was no place for her in Hawkins anymore. Mike was grieving in his own way (shutting her out), Jonathan was grieving in his own way (breaking up), and all she had was a one way ticket out of that hell hole. 
College was fun! Nancy built a little life for herself out there. She joined a sorority (much to Karen Wheeler’s happiness), eventually moving into their house come her sophomore year, became editor-in-chief of The Berkeley Beacon, had a shitty boyfriend, maintained a 4.0 GPA, and realized that maybe life could just be normal. There would always be the pang in her chest every time she returned to Hawkins that shit would hit the fan, but for four solid years, it didn’t.
After graduating with Latin honors (Summa cum laude, but who’s bragging?), she had plenty of job offers lined up, but took one at The New York Register. It was lesser known than The New York Times, but she wanted something smaller just to feel like she was making a difference. A few measly years in and Nancy was actually one of the top reporters, but she didn’t feel like she was fighting crime. As a teenager, she was fighting literal Demogorgon’s and Vecna. Reporting on petty crime and the happenings of such a big city just felt meaningless. So, she packed her bags and moved back to Hawkins. It had been years since anything happened in town, so she felt like it was a safe choice. Besides, Mike had just welcomed his son into the world and God knows he would need help.
When Mike was institutionalized, there was someone who needed to watch Luke. Nancy felt like the obvious choice. Karen was still in her prime, but her time for taking care of children was long past her, and Nancy was actually related to Mike with a decent paying job and a clean background. For just a few months, it was her and Luke. Despite not wanting children of her own, she took her role as Luke’s caretaker very seriously. It gave her a look at the life that her parents always wanted for her. A white picket fence, married to Steve Harrington, with a couple of kids, and a dog. It was a nice dream to live in for a handful of months, but it wasn’t her reality forever.
When Mike came home and Luke was no longer her number one priority, Nancy shifted her attention to The Watcher and, to be honest, she loves it. It’s exactly what she always wanted. Traveling and reporting on weird happenstances. It allows her to actually use her investigative prowess for something meaningful. If it wasn’t for how busy she was and for how arrogant Mike was, Nancy would take Luke in herself because… Well, to put it nicely, Mike’s doing a bit of a shit job (in Nancy’s opinion) in the parenting field. So, when she is home, Nancy tries to make it a priority to pick up Luke from school whenever Mike works late or if he has a school event, she’ll be in the front row. Being an aunt when Mike Wheeler is the father is a full time job!
In 1983, Nancy Wheeler put her Tigers cheerleading uniform in the capsule. She had no better use for it since she quit the team earlier that year. Her mom had made her join the team and after Barb’s death, it just didn’t seem worth it to be a part of something she disliked. Besides, it felt like a right of passage after everything that happened that year. It felt like a way of her saying goodbye to her childhood and the girl she once was.
In 1984, Nancy Wheeler put Barb’s obituary in the time capsule. She had died the year prior, but it was only “confirmed” that year. Nancy hoped it would keep people remembering her when it was eventually dug up.
In 1985, Nancy put a Jazzercise coupon that she never used in the time capsule. Her mom gave it to her, but the summer of 1985, she was a bit more than preoccupied. So, into the time capsule it went. Maybe Jazzercise would survive the test of time.
In 1986, Nancy threw her diary in the time capsule. She no longer had a use for it and honestly, the last thing she wanted to remember was how she pined for both Steve Harrington and Jonathan Byers in high school.
Athletics (How Athletic are they?) - 1
Burglary (Can they swipe stuff?) - -1
Contacts (Do they know people with information?) - 3
Crafts (Sewing, mending, basket making, weaving, etc. etc.) - 2
Deceive (Are they a good liar?) - -2
Drive (like, actual driving ability) - 2
Empathy (On a scale of 1-10 how much of an empath are they?) - 2
Fight (Do they have hands?) - 0
Investigate (Can they sleuth?) - 3
Lore (Kinda like knowledge) - 1
Medicine (First Aid Essentially) - -2
Navigation (How good are they with a map/getting around?) - -3
Notice (Is your character observant?) - 2
Provoke (Are they a shit disturber?) - -3
Rapport (Are they charming? Can they do it on cammand?) - 2
Resourcefulness (MacGyver scale) - 1
Stealth (Are they sneaky?) - 3
Will (Tenacity) - 2
pinterest board | mixtape
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vecnasrevengerp · 1 year
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welcome home NANCY WHEELER (keira knightley fc)
hope you brought your tissues with you! be sure to check in at home or to your hotel and don’t forget to always look over your shoulder. this is hawkins, after all. 
[KEIRA KNIGHTLEY, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER] When’s the last time anyone heard anything about [NANCY WHEELER]? Old friends remember them as [INVESTIGATIVE & BRAVE] but also [UPTIGHT & METICULOLUS], no wonder they’re still known as [THE DETECTIVE] around town. Today, in 2006, they are [THIRTY-NINE] and some people say they remind them of [A FRESHLY INKED PEN DABBING ONTO A NOTEPAD, RUNNING AWAY FROM HER OWN PROBLEMS, & KEEPING A HANDGUN ON HER AT ALL TIMES…. JUST IN CASE]. [lexi, 22, she/her, est].
When Nancy Wheeler left for college, she had no intent of ever returning to Hawkins, Indiana for more than a holiday or a school break. After Will and El’s death and the defeat of Vecna, she felt like there was no place for her in Hawkins anymore. Mike was grieving in his own way (shutting her out), Jonathan was grieving in his own way (breaking up), and all she had was a one way ticket out of that hell hole. 
College was fun! Nancy built a little life for herself out there. She joined a sorority (much to Karen Wheeler’s happiness), eventually moving into their house come her sophomore year, became editor-in-chief of The Berkeley Beacon, had a shitty boyfriend, maintained a 4.0 GPA, and realized that maybe life could just be normal. There would always be the pang in her chest every time she returned to Hawkins that shit would hit the fan, but for four solid years, it didn’t.
After graduating with Latin honors (Summa cum laude, but who’s bragging?), she had plenty of job offers lined up, but took one at The New York Register. It was lesser known than The New York Times, but she wanted something smaller just to feel like she was making a difference. A few measly years in and Nancy was actually one of the top reporters, but she didn’t feel like she was fighting crime. As a teenager, she was fighting literal Demogorgon’s and Vecna. Reporting on petty crime and the happenings of such a big city just felt meaningless. So, she packed her bags and moved back to Hawkins. It had been years since anything happened in town, so she felt like it was a safe choice. Besides, Mike had just welcomed his son into the world and God knows he would need help.
When Mike was institutionalized, there was someone who needed to watch Luke. Nancy felt like the obvious choice. Karen was still in her prime, but her time for taking care of children was long past her, and Nancy was actually related to Mike with a decent paying job and a clean background. For just a few months, it was her and Luke. Despite not wanting children of her own, she took her role as Luke’s caretaker very seriously. It gave her a look at the life that her parents always wanted for her. A white picket fence, married to Steve Harrington, with a couple of kids, and a dog. It was a nice dream to live in for a handful of months, but it wasn’t her reality forever.
When Mike came home and Luke was no longer her number one priority, Nancy shifted her attention to The Watcher and, to be honest, she loves it. It’s exactly what she always wanted. Traveling and reporting on weird happenstances. It allows her to actually use her investigative prowess for something meaningful. If it wasn’t for how busy she was and for how arrogant Mike was, Nancy would take Luke in herself because… Well, to put it nicely, Mike’s doing a bit of a shit job (in Nancy’s opinion) in the parenting field. So, when she is home, Nancy tries to make it a priority to pick up Luke from school whenever Mike works late or if he has a school event, she’ll be in the front row. Being an aunt when Mike Wheeler is the father is a full time job!
time capsule
In 1983, Nancy Wheeler put her Tigers cheerleading uniform in the capsule. She had no better use for it since she quit the team earlier that year. Her mom had made her join the team and after Barb’s death, it just didn’t seem worth it to be a part of something she disliked. Besides, it felt like a right of passage after everything that happened that year. It felt like a way of her saying goodbye to her childhood and the girl she once was.
In 1984, Nancy Wheeler put Barb’s obituary in the time capsule. She had died the year prior, but it was only “confirmed” that year. Nancy hoped it would keep people remembering her when it was eventually dug up.
In 1985, Nancy put a Jazzercise coupon that she never used in the time capsule. Her mom gave it to her, but the summer of 1985, she was a bit more than preoccupied. So, into the time capsule it went. Maybe Jazzercise would survive the test of time. 
In 1986, Nancy threw her diary in the time capsule. She no longer had a use for it and honestly, the last thing she wanted to remember was how she pined for both Steve Harrington and Jonathan Byers in high school. 
Please distribute up to fifty points among the following stats! Click here for more detailed instructions on stats.
Athletics (How Athletic are they?) - 1
Burglary (Can they swipe stuff?) - -1
Contacts (Do they know people with information?) - 3
Crafts (Sewing, mending, basket making, weaving, etc. etc.) - 2
Deceive (Are they a good liar?) - -2
Drive (like, actual driving ability) - 2
Empathy (On a scale of 1-10 how much of an empath are they?) - 2
Fight (Do they have hands?) - 0
Investigate (Can they sleuth?) - 3
Lore (Kinda like knowledge) - 1
Medicine (First Aid Essentially) - -2
Navigation (How good are they with a map/getting around?) - -3
Notice (Is your character observant?) - 2
Provoke (Are they a shit disturber?) - -3
Rapport (Are they charming? Can they do it on cammand?) - 2
Resourcefulness (MacGyver scale) - 1
Stealth (Are they sneaky?) - 3
Will (Tenacity) - 2
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amethystrp · 2 years
Some 30+ fcs for Irina?
Hi there! My top choice for Irina is Laura Berlin (she has a fantastic gif pack here), but Jessica Raine, Stefanie Martini, Katie McGrath, Keira Knightley, Heida Reed, Romola Garai, or Katheryn Winnick could also work. —Admin Ana.
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noirflavoured · 2 years
PUBLIC  ANNOUNCEMENT  !  if  we  are  rp  buddies  —  you  are  always  allowed  to  get  my  gif  packs  FOR  FREE.  recently  i  published  a  keira  knightley  gif  pack  (  linked  in  the  source  ).  if  you  want  to  access  the  pack  just  message  me  c:
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noirflavouredgifs · 2 years
GIF  PACK  IDEA  :  hello  !  would  you  be  interested  in  a  gif  pack  of  keira  knightley  ?  starring  in  ‘’  last  night  ‘’  ?  ?  ?
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