#keith kogane spine tattoo
kogakio · 7 months
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spine tattoo keith final because i finally gave up
can you tell that i cant draw backgrounds
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vldfix · 7 months
hopping on the train am i welcome
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rough doodle of keith’s blade spine tattoo + marmora tramp stamp (also i can’t draw hands so don’t mind the awkward book)
(also again im just starting out digital art)
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whumpbeans · 6 years
So I’m writing this bc when I was a young bean I was told that if I didn’t get married at 16 I was worthless, and then when I graduated high school I was degraded by my nuclear family so this piece contains some of that good venting hurt lmao. Also be gentle, I’m not a good writer and this isn’t edited lol.
Tw: suicide attempt, bullying, suicidal thoughts, near character death
Characters: lance centric angst, Keith, hunk, Pidge, Coran, Shiro, Allura (eventually), axca
Part one
He stood on the edge of a ten story building. The cold night wind sent a shiver up his spine. The hair on his arms stood up. He lifted a foot in front of him. He tested the gravity. No solid ground touched his foot. His heart pounded in his chest.
His foot firmly planted back on the ledge. He shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket.
His head pounded. He looked up at the sky. The stars obscured by city lights. Lance’s knees wobbled under him and he almost fell forward. He managed to stabilize himself and took a step down from the ledge.
This time he opted to sit on it instead. His feet dangled limblessly. He closed his eyes tightly and tilted his head back. His fingers gripped the ledge. He scooted himself closer to the edge. He let out a shaky breath. A wave of pain crossed through his chest. Something heavy and cold weighed his heart-or what used to be his heart.
“Soul-bonds, huh?” Lance chucked a crumpled piece of cement onto the pavement. Most people in the world were born with odd marks somewhere on their bodies. Once their destined touched them, the mark grows into a bigger tattoo. Lance stared at where his clean, unmarked flesh sat. His soulmark never existed. Likely his destined died in childbirth. Lance never even got the chance to meet them. “Fuck…” his voice choked. Hot tears slid down his cheeks.
“What’s the use of a soul if it’s incomplete?” His mother said this to his abuelita over the phone. She didn’t know he heard her.
“But it’s true,” Lance whispered to himself. He sighed. No point. “To be fair I never had a point here.” He chuckled, but his throat grew tight and hot. He coughed.
“I heard people lose their soulmates when they whore themselves out.,” his uncle glared at Lance. Lance was seven when he heard that. He shook his head.
“He’s broken, don’t touch him,” a woman grabbed one of his classmates arms and pulled him away from Lance.
“Broken,” Lance repeated numbly.
His eyes felt wet and burned. He squeezed his eyes shut.
He opened up his eyes and stared ahead. The shadows of tall buildings covered his frame from detection of any passerby in the street below. He took a deep breath and stood to his feet again. Another deep breath. He glanced behind himself. His neon blue sneakers sat propped on the base of the ledge. Lance’s eyes returned ahead of himself. Another deep breath.
Lance took a step forward. His eyes stared at the street. Time seemed to slow down. His body weight inched closer to the pavement. All the blood in his body rushed into his ears. It filled his head. He felt light.
His heart pounded rapidly in his chest. He closed his eyes. Lance waited for impact.
Except there was none.
Except someone held onto his hips. Strong arms wrapped tightly around him. His body half dangled over the ledge. The person who held him grunted. He pulled Lance back. Lance didn’t fight it. Instead he leaned his body backwards which allowed the guy to not fall over the ledge with him.
Lance fell backwards and onto the person who held onto him. He grunted. A sharp jab pressed against Lance’s ribs. Lance yelped and rolled off of the guy. He glared at the guy. His eyes immediately softened at the familiar face.
“Fuck me,” Lance groaned.
Keith-fucking-Kogane saved him. The most emo and well liked student amongst the garrison. He practically followed through Shiros, the school’s original top dog before he went MIA, footsteps. Why was he even here? Lance scattered to his feet and backed up. His back hit the wall of the ledge. Keith sat up quickly. His eyes wide. He quickly jumped onto Lance as if Lance would immediately try to jump off of the building. Lance struggled with Keith sitting on his hips. He tried to buck Keith off. Keith kept him pinned down.
Lance thrashed his head back and forth.
“Listen to me-hey!” Keith yelled at him. “Snap out of it!”
Lance tried to move his arms from under Keith’s grip. He Threw his head back and forth again. Keith wrapped his arms then around Lance’s torso. His body now supported by Keith. Lance froze.
Fat tears rolled down Lance’s cheeks. He buried his head into Keith’s shoulder. Sobs wracked his body. His hands clutched Keith’s stupid cropped jacket.
Lance was sure Keith didn’t recognize him when they got blasted into space. By the way he acted, Keith either could win a grammy with his acting performance or he didn’t recognize Lance. He felt pretty certain of the latter.
Now the team stood on an alien planet. They tried to recon with the planet but the planet was ambushed by galra.
Lance leaned his head back. His heart pounded in his chest. Blasters sounded off in the distance. He heard the familiar sound of a lion taking to the air. Now if he could just get to red…
“Get to your lions! We need to form voltron!” Keith commanded over the comms.
Galran soldiers yelled off directions. They stomped closer to where Lance hid. He readied his bayard. He took a deep breath in. He aimed. He shot down a soldier. He exhaled. The Galra turned towards Lance’s direction.
Lance took that as his cue to run like hell. He turned around and ran straight into someone. He quickly backed up, but his weapon got knocked out of his hand. Lotor’s squad. The big hunk of galran meat, Zethrid, grinned at him. Her murderous eyes filled with mirth.
“Can we do this another day, I gotta plane to catch,” Lances voice shook.
She grabbed his arm and threw him against the back of a tree like plant. He gasped.
“Lance! We don’t have time to joke around!” Pidge grunted through the comms.
Zethrid threw a punch at Lance. Lance ducked. He side-rolled. Lance ran forward. Zethrid grabbed his ankle and swung him into the ground. All the air in his body left him. She punched his chest plate. Lance choked.
He struggled against Zethrid, but she pinned him.
“Guys?!” he struggled to say into the comms, “I got trouble!”
The comms buzzed. “Lance, what’s your position?” Keith asked.
Zethrid raised her arm. Lance’s eyes widened. “I-”
She threw her hand down. The impact of her hand against Lance’s helmet cracked it. His head slammed against the ground. He felt dizzy. His eyesight blurred.
He could hear the comms buzz, but the sound they made didn’t make sense. Zethrid filled his vision again. She held up her hand again. Another punch. Lance felt the impact. His jaw ached. His eyes burned.
A neon blue colored bird landed in front of him. It bounced around and then took off. And with the bird, so did his consciousness.
Warmth spread through him. It dripped from his head and through his body.
Something pressed his shoulder. Something shook him. Lance lazily opened his eyes.
A purple galra shoved a clay cup into his face. Lance took it. He stared at the cup. His head dizzy and thoughts constantly derailed. He took a sip of the water. The water held no taste. Satisfied, the guard left. A cell locked in front of him.
Across from Lance sat another empty cell. Both areas purple and dark. Lance shivered. A cold draft passed through the cells. His head throbbed. Lance squeezed his eyes shut.
What happened? “Prisoner,” Lance’s eyes snapped open. He got taken. He looked down at himself. He wore nothing but a pair of scratchy, brown colored cloth pants.
“You’re up,” said a shrill voice.
Lance shivered.
His cell door squeaked open. A pair of sentries and a druid came in and cuffed him. They placed a magenta colored collar around his neck that attached to a similar colored leash. The druid held the leash behind Lance.
Lance’s heart pounded in his chest. He swallowed thickly. The robots lead him into an off room adjacent to the prison cells. In the room sat a large lab. Many large tubes filled with strange purple and silver colored liquid stationed around the lab. A large dissection table with straps attached. Off of the center stood something that looked like a pillory.
The druid yanked his leash. It sent electricity through the leash and onto Lance. Lance yelped. He quickly matched his pace to the druid. It lead him to the pillory. Lance felt shame burn his cheeks as they locked his head into place.
“Blue paladin,” the druid almost sang. “I have been given permission to test you in the most lethal ways, how wonderful!” The druid drifted towards one of the control panels. It picked up an item sitting on it. The druid levitated back to Lance. It displayed a long whip at Lance. “Let’s get started, shall we?”
Fear gripped Lance’s stomach. “He-hey! I’m not really into this stuff,” he stuttered, “Maybe we should, um, do something else?” His voice became shrill. The druid disappeared from his vision.
The first strike always hurt the worst. Lance squeezed his eyes shut.
“These freaks deserve worse,” Charlie Diaz rose his stick up again. He slammed it against Lance’s back. Lance screamed. He couldn’t fight back. Charlie was much bigger than him being a fourth grader while Lance barely stood a chance at seven years old.
The second strike snapped against his back. He felt blood trickle down his shoulder.
A hand wrapped around his throat. “This is wha’ ya get!” His uncle slurred. “Soulmateless...ha! You’re a sorry excuse of a life.”
Tears burned Lance’s eyes, but he held them back. He’s been through worse. Another snap of the whip. Lance’s knees wobbled. After another hit, his knees gave out. He barely held on using his ankles to support himself in an awkward squatted position. His body weight now half leaning against the pillory.
Several more whips attacked Lance’s skin.
“Lo siento, mijo,” his mother kissed his forehead. “No tienes una media naranja.”
Lance didn’t really understand her words. Soulmates were for parents anyways, and he didn’t need an icky partner. They had cooties anyways. “No la necesito,” he whispered. He looked into his mother’s eyes. The whites of her pupil red and wet. Her cheeks flushed. She hugged him.
The pillory’s lock snapped open. Lance fell to the ground. His back ached. His limbs too heavy to move. The druid yanked on his leash. The zap of electricity brought to life his jelly-like limbs.
Lance stood up and followed the druid. It lead him next to the table. He laid onto his back. He yelped from the pressure on the lashes that covered his back. The druid strapped him in. It tied Lance’s leash to a pole attached to the side of the bed across from his head.
The druid then returned to one of the control panels. Lance took several deep breaths. It came back with a syringe filled with some strange neon blue colored liquid in it. Lance glared at the syringe. The druid slapped his arm a few time. It then held his elbow steady and injected the serum.
The prick distracted Lance briefly from the pain in his back. A familiar heavy feeling sank in his chest. The serum took full effect. The druid unlatched Lance from his restraints. It didn’t undo the leash from the pole. Lance cautiously sat up. Fatigue crawled through him. The druid levitated to a high vantage point.
Lance sat against the table. His head felt dizzy. His back hurt. His chest felt empty. He pulled his knees to his chest and rested his head against them. His heartbeat slowed. He swallowed back a sob and bit his lip.
He blinked hard. He wanted to...he shook his head. Not now, Lance ordered himself.
The blood on his back trickled. Unable to keep clotting. Lance let out a trembled sigh. He laid on his side. His eyesight blurry. He heard the druid levitate closer to him.
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mischiefandspirits · 7 years
Voltron Dragons
Part of Voltron Dragons
Lance, Pidge, and Hunk, the dragon protectors for the small city of Arus, gain some unwelcome company, at least in Lance's opinion.
Also on: AO3 and Fanfiction
“Where is he?” Pidge growled. “We were supposed to meet up to train twenty minutes ago.”
“He’s probably just running late,” Hunk sighed.
“For the fifth time in a row! When he gets here, I’m going to-” the girl cuts off with a shriek as a spray of freezing water hit her back. She spun around, shivering, to see a serpentine head poking out of the river they were standing next to. “Lance I’m going to kill you!”
Snickering, the snake-like dragon slid out of the water. He was a dark teal color with blue speckled markings across his back and paws. The thin spines running down his back and cheeks clicked as he shook himself off.
“Careful,” Hunk called, holding up his arms as the flukes on Lance’s tail accidently caught the water from the river and sent it splashing towards him.
“Sorry Hunk,” Lance laughed, scratching the fin on his chin.
“And what about me?” Pidge glared at him as she brushed frost from the back of her shirt.
A forked tongue stuck out between sharp fangs.
“Why you-” Pidge hissed as a whirlwind surrounded her. The girl disappeared in a swirl of leaves, replaced by a small, feathered dragon. It was pastel green, with bright green striped markings across her chest. Matching curved horns sprouted from her head and dark green feathers lined her back. She shook out her bird-like wings and jumped onto the larger dragon’s back.
“Get off, Pidge!” Lance shouted, trying to shake the green dragon off.
“Come on, you two,” Hunk said.
Lance yelped as Pidge bit his tail with her sharp beak. “That’s it!”
Pidge shrieked as Lance jumped back into the water. “My feathers aren’t waterproof, idiot!” she said, scrambling out of the river.
“Then stay off my back!”
“Can we just train? We need to get ready for the Garrison’s representative. We can’t let them see us like this!”
“Too late.”
The trio of teenagers jumped and spun around to see a long dragon landing next to them. He was a deep black color with violet scales around his eyes and brilliant white fur framing his face and down his back, neck, and stomach. He also had curling, branch-like white horns and violet whiskers. Most obvious though was the scar cutting across his muzzle and the prosthetic made of glittering silver with glowing violet runes that replaced his right foreleg from just above the knee.
He watched the three with amusement flickering in his eyes as the three scrambled into formation.
Hunk transformed in a swirl of sand, revealing an orange dragon with yellow scale plating on his face, neck, stomach, and legs as well as sharp spines on his back and tail. He also had jagged yellow markings down his back and large fangs that hung out of his mouth. The claws on his bat-like wings scratched his neck as he pulled them in tight and ducked his head. “Oh, uh, good evening, sir. We hadn’t realized you’d be here so-so soon.”
The dragon chuckled. “I was able to come out a little sooner than I expected. I’m Takashi Shirogane, but you can call me Shiro.”
“I’m Hunk, sir-er, I mean, Shiro.”
Pidge rolled her eyes and Lance snickered. “Katie Holt, but everyone just calls me Pidge.”
“Lance McClain. I’m the leader of our cast.”
“No way!”
“I see,” Shiro hummed.
“So how does this work?” Pidge asked.
Shiro’s tail flicked and he cocked his head. “How does what work?”
“You’re here to, like, assess us, right? So are you just going to watch us or… what?”
“Assess you?”
“That’s why you’re here, right?” Lance asked.
“Is that what the message the Garrison sent said?”
“Well, it said you were coming and would meet up with us once you got here, so we assumed…” Hunk looked at the others and they nodded. “Is that not why you’re here?”
Shiro sighed and shook his head. “The Garrison’s worried about rumors going around about the Huntsclan moving in on the area so they sent me to keep an eye on things.”
“The Huntsclan? Like, the Huntsclan? W-what would they be doing here?”
“Whatever it is, we’ll stop them!” Lance slapped the river with his tail, sending a wave crashing against the far bank.
“I’m sure,” Shiro muttered. “Either way, the Garrison believed it was best to have a more experienced dragon in the area with them running around. This meeting was for us to introduce ourselves since I’ll be hanging around for a while.”
“Who does he think he is, coming in as if we can’t protect our own territory?”
“Shirogane Takashi. Heir to the Japanese Shiroganes. His grandfather had been the Japanese Dragon, as was his great grandfather, and his great-great grandfather, and so on for ten generations. His great aunt now holds the position. His father was set to take up the mantle, but he and Shiro’s mother died in an accident shortly before he was meant to. Shiro was young at the time so he was raised by his older half-brother. After that, the family just kind of fell off the map until Shiro was summoned before the Garrison to start training to take his aunt’s place four years ago. However, from what I understand, he turned down the offer so his cousin is going to take her place. He still works with the Garrison though.”
Lance and Hunk stared at Pidge. “How do you know all that?” Lance asked.
Pidge turned the page of her textbook. “I looked him up last night after the meeting.”
“He sounded pretty American for someone from Japan,” Lance pointed out.
Pidge shrugged.
“What happened to his brother?”
Looking up, Pidge used a mock-eerie voice to say, “No one knows.” She turned back to her book and returned to her normal voice. “Shiro told the Garrison that he disappeared about two years before Shiro came in for training, but that’s it. He won’t say anything else about it, apparently. And he distinctly said disappeared instead of died. Most think he got snatched by hunters or something.”
“Woah, that’s crazy!”
“Mr. McClain, is there something you would like to add?”
Lance jumped and looked up at the trio’s mythology instructor. “No, Professor Iverson.”
The man glared at his least favorite student. “Then perhaps you can tell me what the answer to my question is.”
Lance bit his lip and glanced at Pidge, who ignored him, then Hunk, who shook his head. “Uh… fourteen?”
Iverson sent him an unimpressed look. “Yes, fourteen is definitely the term for Greek tree spirits.”
Lance slouched down as his classmates snickered around him.
“Perhaps next time you’ll pay attention. Can anyone else tell me what Greek tree spirits are called?”
A knock came from the door and the class turned to see a boy standing in the doorway. “Dryad, a tree nymph or greek spirit. More specifically, the term is supposed to be used for the spirits of oak trees.”
“Thank you, Mr…”
“Kogane. Keith Kogane. I just transferred here,” the boy said, holding out a slip.
Iverson walked over and took it. “Class is almost over, Mr. Kogane.”
“They had me in the office, sir. Don’t know what to tell you.”
Iverson glared at him and gestured towards the desks. “I expect you to be on time tomorrow. Take your seat.”
Keith nodded.
The only empty seat was next to Lance so he made room for the new boy. “Name’s Lance,” he said, pulling his bag off the seat.
Keith ignored him as he sat down. He dropped his backpack next to him and leaned his chin on his hand.
Lance frowned.
The bell rang a second later and the class left.
“What was with that guy?”
“He’s probably just uncomfortable, being the new kid and all.”
“Hey, it looks like we have gym together,” Hunk said, pointing ahead of them where Keith was heading into the boys’ locker room.
“Great,” Lance groaned. The two went inside while Pidge left for the girls’ room. “Where’d he go?” Lance asked as they walked over to their lockers. They got changed and headed for the gym, spotting Keith leaving the bathroom stalls as he went, his red jacket pulled on over the gym clothes. “He changed in the stalls?”
“So, Pidge does too.”
“Yeah, but she’s Pidge.”
The two met back up with Pidge and the trio stood off to the side while they waited for their teacher, Lance eyeing Keith the entire time.
“Alright class, line up,” Mr. Harris called out as he walked into the gym. He eyed Keith as he fell into line and Lance smirked. “You there, what’s your name?”
“Keith Kogane, sir. I’m a transfer.”
“Well then, Kogane, you get a pass for now, but no jackets inside the gym. If you’re cold, you ain’t moving fast enough. Take it off and set it to the side.”
Keith froze. “I’d prefer to keep it on, sir.”
“Don’t care much what you prefer, boy. Off it goes unless you want detention.”
Keith’s fists clenched, but he walked over to the bleachers to set aside his jacket.
“Now the rest off you get to stretching.”
The trio sat down and Lance glanced back over at Keith. His eyes widened as he spotted the dark shape of a dragon wrapping around the other boy’s right forearm. “Hey, cool tattoo. You like dragons?” Lance called as Keith passed the three.
Glaring, Keith grabbed his arm and snapped, “No, I don’t. It’s a birthmark, not a tattoo.”
“Well then,” Lance muttered as Keith marched off to the opposite side of the gym.
This was a plot bunny that was nagging at me and needed out. I'm not sure if I'll be continuing with it. If I do, it will probably just be a bunch of short oneshots like this.
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februarywhite · 8 years
Do you have any klance fic recs?
Sure! Sorry this is so late, I’ve been super busy lately.
Here are some recent ones I’ve read:
Objects in Motion (When Unbalanced) by Mytay
Summary: Lance and Keith are constantly being mistaken for a couple. Lance is highly offended. Keith is quietly outraged. Pidge decides if she can’t have peace, then she can write an epic scientific dissertation on the romantic failings of two exceptionally dense paladins.
(This one is interesting because it’s all from Pidge’s point of view, and it has some cute friendship moments that I really appreciated.)
Where The Lions Roam by Mytay
Summary: “ … tell me why Blue is making the moves on Keith.” Pidge stared at him, a touch incredulous. “You really haven’t figured it out?” “Pidge. I am very intelligent, but I am not a genius,” Lance said patiently. “Spell it out for me.” “Well, you just sort of answered your own question,” Pidge said, snorting. “Your Lion is making the moves on Keith — and by ‘moves’ I mean responding to your abject terror whenever Keith is in danger.”
Take Me Away by Kaorusan241 (AU)
Summary: “Sorry about that! Where were we?” “I still don’t have anything written down for you.” Lance could hear the guy’s irritation through the phone, and felt himself bristle.“Well well, someone’s testy! Spring has sprung, lighten up buddy.” “It’s January, you managed to call 5 minutes before the end of my 8-hour shift, and I should have been home half an hour ago. Order something.”
// Takeout AU inspired by one too many 80s films. Lance is an astronomy student with a grudge, Keith works too many hours to deal with this shit.
you’re the only light in my sky by keithslance
Summary: Keith trusts Lance. He does, really does. That’s not the root of Keith’s problem right now, the one that’s crumpling his shoulders in and bending his spine so he curls in on himself like a flower hiding from the cold of the night. 
No. The thing that is weighing heavy on the back of his neck, that is pushing down until his knees bend and give out? He knows exactly what this is, which is making it that much harder to breathe. 
It’s not exactly easy being in love with your teammate when the universe is ending all around you.
it’s all in my head by aknightley
Summary: "Uh,“ Pidge said, “Lance? Buddy? What’s the deal?“ “That’s Lance?” Hunk shouted, somehow still ramming ships away from the castle; Keith felt like bubbles were bursting in his head, effervescent pops of giddy fear mixed with conviction. Lance, he thought, Lance feels like this. “Thank God, I thought I was going crazy for a second.”
(The team’s physic bond starts to allow the paladins to feel each other’s emotions.)
More under the cut :
And then there are the more popular ones that you might have already heard of that are definitely worth looking into:
Homesick at Space Camp by K0bot (in progress)
Summary: Lance’s insistence on maintaining his rivalry with Keith is hurting his performance, and Shiro’s had enough. Keith and Lance are forced to talk it out, and Lance becomes certain of one thing:
He’s gonna be the best friend Keith’s ever had in his LIFE.
Naturally, he’s in for much more than he bargained for.
(Featuring the fake married trope)
What a Healing Pod Can’t Repair by Remember_Me
Summary: The compromised wormhole was ripping apart at the seams, sending everyone spiraling away in completely different directions. Lance could feel himself being pulled and bent in ways he was definitely not supposed to be.–Stitching the team back together after everyone is separated is difficult, and for one Paladin rescue wouldn’t be coming for a very long time.
Shut Up and Dance With Me by wittyy_name (AU) (in progress)
Summary: Lance and his friends have been regulars at the Altea Dance Studio for years. Not just for classes, but to hang out, practice, and spend time with good people who love dancing. Every year, they audition to be one of the few representing Altea at the regional dance competition. Lance always auditions solo, but this year he misses out on auditions and blows his chance to participate. And so does his self-proclaimed rival, Keith.
Luckily, Shiro comes up with a brilliant plan: convince Lance and Keith to audition as a duo.
With a little convincing, and a lot of effort, these two might just be able to pull it off and go to regionals… or they might crash and burn.
The Marks We Make by wittyy_name (AU) (in progress)
Summary: Lance McClain constantly dreams of the day he’ll finally meet his mysterious soulmate. They don’t say much, if anything at all, but they leave him with gorgeous paintings temporarily tattooing his skin. It’s not exactly the situation he hoped for, but when he feels the connection between them, he can’t bring himself to resent them. As much as he wishes his soulmate would just talk to him, he’s resigned himself to being patient. In the meantime, he has a loving family and good friends to help him get by.
Keith Kogane dreads the day he’ll finally meet his obnoxious soulmate. He’s just an art student who’s struggling to find his place in the world. There’s so much he hasn’t been able to control in his life, and the thought of having a soulmate, just another thing in his life which he also has no control over yet can’t do anything about, is a little terrifying. So he ignores the words that occasionally appear on his skin. He has other things to focus on: like being a new student at a big university where his childhood friend and step-brother go.
On Thin Ice by Minadora (AU) (in progress)
Summary: Once upon a time, two Canadian nerds decided to start a figure skating au about their two space sons and their wonderful misfit friends. Ten pages of headcanons later we finally put electronic pen to electronic paper and created this monstrosity.This multi-chapter fic chronicles the lives of a hockey player named Keith who gets forcibly enlisted into figure skating lessons by his brother, Shiro, to “work on his footwork”. There he meets a pompous - yet talented - figure skater named Lance and gets swept away by both the sport and the skater.
Enjoy the ride because it’s only just started.
Watercast by Fishwrites (AU) (in progress)
Summary: Shiro has been a Galra prisoner for over a year; with his flight feathers clipped and unable to fly. Desperate to escape, he jumps overboard while being transported to the capitol on a Galran ship. Lance is a merman who saves him from drowning. Keith thinks Shiro is about to become mermaid dinner. Hunk just wants Lance to stop going to the surface all the time, dammit!
(AU where Avians (winged folk), Galra, humans and merfolk cohabit earth. Shiro and Keith are avian soldiers, Lance is the youngest son of a Queen, Hunk is also a merman and Pidge is still looking for her family.)
Here’s another rec list that has some good ones too
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