#kela de thaym
avggendelmain · 2 months
Gas leak summer
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avg-grendelmain · 1 year
Dog days is pretty fun
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mintcrows · 2 years
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with warframe nostalgia so i drew warframe :)
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set-wingedwarrior · 2 months
High Kela De Thaym will forever be one of my favorite things ever
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sterlinggalaxy13 · 2 months
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" Snakes, you can be part of my story, but I don't think you'll like the ending."
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annunakitty · 1 year
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Has this been done
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feralthembo · 2 years
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so lets talk about Fat Labia Energy
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Let’s Get Along, Even If Only for A Day
“He—No wait, that’s mine! Wha—“ I try to slap the hand away—a Grineer hand, I think—as it grabs at my weapons, roughly snatching the Nataruk slung across my back. I watch my squadmates, frowning as they seem to be rather unaffected by this, even as their weapons are taken as well.
“Chill, it’ll be fine. Here, you’ll be needing these.” I barely have time to turn towards the voice—a Volt—before two large objects are tossed my way. I catch one of them, a large gun, which is abnormally light. The hell kinda Rathuum is this? The other object, a bright orange ring, hits the ground and bounces a few meters away before falling onto its side. I walk over to collect it, mimicking the others as I place it around my Warframe’s waist. Suddenly, I hear Kela De Thaym, her voice projected over some sort of speaker.
“Hosers and Squirts, fill your weapons. Ah, stop complaining ya know ya love it.” I frown, my head tilting slightly as she slurs her words, her sentences stringing together as if they’re one. Why does she sound so…weird? I turn to the Volt, curious.
“Is she…okay?” They laugh.
“Yep. High as all hell, but she’s fine.” They turn to a nearby hole in the ground and I do the same. Some sort of liquid—is it acid? Some other toxic liquid?—suddenly starts spraying from it, and I jump back, startled. The others seem unfazed, and begin to remove the strange reservoirs from the tops of their guns, holding them towards the spray. I copy them, filling the cylinder before reattaching it to my gun. Still confused, I glance around as a whistle blows. 
“The fuck do I do with this?” This time, a Gauss responds.
“Same thing ya do with any gun: point and shoot. Good luck. Let’s get these fuckers.” With that, I notice a few Grineer Executioners running out into the arena, outfitted similarly to us, and my squad starts darting towards them. I notice a large, lumbering shape, quickly recognizing him. Executioner Nok. They’re a formidable opponent normally, and apprehension coils in my chest as I force myself towards them, not wanting to cower away from the unfamiliar combat. As I run, I misjudge a step, losing my footing for a moment as a spherical object rolls in front of me—what the hell is a floof doing on a battlefield?! That momentary misstep sends me right in Nok’s line of fire, and I wait for the stinging pain from whatever’s in the guns. But…nothing happens. The liquid bounces off of my Warframe, leaving a damp sheen behind, but it doesn’t start eating through the metal as I had expected.
“This is WATER?!” I accidentally shout, frozen in surprise. To my horror, not only do I hear a rasping laugh from my opponent, but the Volt shouts back, and I can just tell they’re smirking behind their mask.
“Yep! It’s meant to be fun! Relax!” I roll my eyes, glancing to Nok. They shrug, a pleased smirk on their face. They raise their gun again, but this time I’m prepared. I roll to the side, darting quickly around them—they’re slow, I remind myself, I can use that to my advantage—, and I finally aim the gun, pulling the trigger. A stream of water launches towards Nok, hitting its mark, leaving a splash of water right in the center of their chestplate. I stare in shock for a moment, as does my opponent, before they grumble, continuing towards me. I bound away, a laugh escaping me as I do so. Okay, this is fun. I dart around the arena, spraying the Grineer with water before quickly leaping away. Then, I notice a shape that’s smaller, quicker, than the others. Executioner Garesh, a former deserter with a seething hatred for the Tenno. I try to employ the tactics that have been working thus far, but he moves faster than I can shoot. Water splashes off of my Warframe as he lands shot after shot. I stumble backwards, finally falling into the shallow water beneath my feet. 
“Try not to do that, hm?” The Gauss—I still don’t really know who they are—sprints over, blocking Garesh’s escape route and hosing him down until he too tumbles to the ground. I jump to my feet, shooting back an indignant response.
“Yea, yea. Fuck off.” They laugh, and in a flash, they’re gone, already running to the other end of the arena. I smirk, propelling myself further into the center of the fray, where Executioners and Tenno alike dart and leap around, dodging streams of water. Kela’s voice shouts almost incoherently over the speakers every so often, though none of us really pay attention. I’m not keeping score, I don’t know if any of us are. Who cares who’s winning or losing? This is just fun. But, eventually all good things must come to an end, and that’s true of this strange ‘fight’ as well. The whistles sound, and a disgruntled voice echoes through the air.
“Bah! So you won this one. Best out of…how many have….” Kela trails off for a moment, before her enthusiasm is renewed, sending a shout through the arena that causes even her own Executioners to wince slightly.
“LET’S DO IT AGAIN, MEATSACKS!” An amused snort escapes me, and I hear a chuckle from one of my squadmates. 
“You all up for another round?” Three voices—including my own—respond enthusiastically.
“Hell yea, this is awesome.”
“Eh, sure. I don’t have anythin’ else going on.”
“Yep. Gotta show ‘em who’s boss somehow.” The joking tone from the Volt apparently reaches the ears of one of the Grineer, because before we can react, water splashes across their helmet. They laugh.
“Probably deserved that. I’m not wrong though!” A few slightly amused grumbles echo from the other group, though they busy themselves getting ready for the next round. We do the same, and for a moment, I just think about what’s happening. We’re…actually hanging out with the Executioners, a feat I’d never thought possible. I mean, not all of the Grineer want to kill us—the Steel Meridian and Kahl’s group prove that—, but the Executioners…well, there’s a reason they have that title. Kela hates us—well, I don’t actually think she likes most beings, but whatever—, and those who she chooses to be her subordinates generally share the sentiment. Maybe this gas leak isn’t a bad thing. I mean, sure, we’ll all go back to how it was once it’s fixed. But…maybe this shows that there could be a future where the Grineer and the Tenno get along. Probably not, a more cynical part of myself refutes. This is just one bright light in the middle of a blood-stained war that’s been going on for years. It would be stupid to think that a simple game can just…erase the tension and distrust and hatred from both sides. Yet, as the whistle blows to signal the start of the next round, as I bound towards the nearest Executioner, I find my mind wandering. If Kahl and the Meridian can work with us…A splash of water across my shoulder cuts off my thought, and I turn, quickly carrying out my revenge. Maybe we don’t need to think that far. For now, let’s just enjoy the moment.
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kiwigoalie · 1 year
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valaglarios · 1 year
thrax is also a very refreshing change of pace from the wf villains i usually get attached to because his character is, for once, Actually That Deep
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avggendelmain · 5 months
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Kela De Thaym
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avg-grendelmain · 1 year
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“I can tell you understand what an honor this will be, to have your tiny necks snapped by the Kela De Thaym!”
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aether-link · 2 months
The fact that Kela de Thaym says “Hoses” and “Squirts” when welcoming you at times in Dog Days sends me.
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set-wingedwarrior · 2 months
Kela De Thaym and Tyl Regor are wlw x mlm solidarity
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amplexadversary · 5 months
Fuck it, it's G Gundam day, I'm going to post some of my G Gundam inspired Fashion Warframes.
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I took a mixture of inspiration from the gundam and the pilot for most of these guys (most notable with my very Allenby-colored Ember).
Additional comments under the cut:
-Nezah as God Gundam was chosen for the Halo, and also for the ribbons being reminiscent of Domon's Hachimaki.
I keep his sparring melee weapon (kogake prime) visible as an analogue to the bracers on the gundam. He wears the heart-shaped Community of Tenno sigil on his chest to represent his crest.
He's usually accompanied by the Kubrow seen in the background of the first photo in the set (shown with my Master Gundam Titania); the Kubrow is named Domon primarily based on his intelligence, but he does help to really sell the reference since other players can see the name of your pet.
-I picked Titania Prime as Master Gundam because of the shape of her head, and gave her Nezah's noble animation set to mimic Master's one-foot martial arts pose. Despite this I can't seem to get a picture of her that I'm satisfied with.
-Atlus Prime as Gundam Maxter, because, well, duh, boxer.
He wears the Saturn Six armor set colored to look like his removable shoulder armor and chestplate, and I used a tan colored Kela De Thaym sigil peeking out from under it to represent Maxter's "bare chest" mode.
I gave him the Akbolto Prime as his sidearm because they're my favorite of the twin pistol weapons and they look stupidly cool.
-Chroma Prime as Dragon Gundam is admittedly a questionable choice, given that he's both taller and has a better ass than God Gundam, but come on, he's the Dragon Warframe.
He wields staff weapons as both his melee and his primary to mimic his fighting style
I gave him the Suda Syandana (fancy warframe term for cape) because when it's lit up it resembles his ponytail. As a result I usually stick a Helios Sentinel in his companion slot because it automatically scans things, which is the criteria to light the thing up.
I placed an inverted Hyena Sigil on his chest behind the lotus armor because from certain angles it looks like a Club, as in the suit of cards, and thus represents his shuffle crest.
-There are so many elements of Schwarz Bruder's trace suit that simply cannot be imitated in Warframe (hes very asymmetrical), but when I got Ash Prime for the first time and saw that tassel, I knew who he needed to be themed after.
So he's Red Gold and Black, with electrified Kronen Prime tonfas to look like his gundam's arm blades, and the Spira throwing knives as a sidearm.
He has the Second Dream Scar sigil and the hexagonal-patterned Cephalon Suda's sigil on his left side to resemble the injury he sustains late in the show, as well as his DG cell infection.
These are oooooooooold pictures of him, and I have since updated his look with both the regular and prisma Edo leg guards to create the asymmetrical look on his shins. Unfortunately, I haven't found anything that looks good on his massive shoulders.
-Another questionable choice, Ember as Allenby/Nobel Gundam. I know Valkyr is the obvious choice here. But I don't have Valkyr and I felt it's a little bit too on-the-nose, hence my choice.
The Xoris throwing weapon was very easy to color as the Nobel Hula Hoop, so naturally I had to include it.
-Finally, Nidus as the Devil Gundam. Another super-obvious choice, the infectious biomechanical monstrosity as the infectious biomechanical monstrosity (well, moreso than other... entities in Warframe *cough*spoilers).
He of course has the hexagonal Cephalon Suda sigil because it looks like the DG cells from the anime, and the Devil Gundam is the source of those cells.
This guy was a pain in the ass to color because his sections don't line up completely with what I want to do with him. He has the Saturn Six Breastplate made to look like his cockpit door, and the Frakta shoulder armor because it looked the most like his big bulky second set of arms.
He goes into missions accompanied by my Helminth Charger, named Kyoji, because I am a complete monster.
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kingofcaptura · 1 year
Atlas/ Prime Poetry
Eight foot giant in all of the ground in the making Careening back and forth like a globe for taking The tectonic rubble that rub against the surface They're the antidote that'll rebuild the interface Put that faith in our planet Earth's soil as it is So peculiar blooms sprout at the crit hit stasis As if these fresh meat bags tryna make sense They ain't making sense with their smell of scents Those flowers growing out of their poor essence My boulders will wreck those bodies in suspense Their arms will switch bones to different sockets Let em jab their face and throw them like rockets Just like the Acceltra they despise at their feet The day they cross my eyes is the day we'll meet And we'll see who shakes up the very continent Where their feet take refuge I leave no sentiment
I'm the man who moves the rock solid mountains My chest flexes like a gorilla behind the curtains The tallest titan here that wears no boxing glove Ready to brawl round after round at what I love I like to call this move the Landslide my brethren Every blow is fierce, I see the fear in a Reverend Made me wonder if I'm that dangerous in leveling Maybe I am cuz my boxing stance is shivering Like I'm supposed to quiver against these loons And their Kela De Thaym eyes lookin ass buffoons I knock the shit out of them I'm a real champion Nobody can face my jabs except the butt stallion Powerful left hook then a right hook up the ass I see their body flying, getting back up for a pass With overextended on me I take a dunk on them That's how I boost my little knuckle self esteem
Im a brawler that can shatter all kinds of thugs But that's just a taste of my muscular dirt buds These arms are my baby, they're rocky studs Word has it all enemies love spilling their guts They refer themselves as corrupted bombards Wait till they see my Tectonic wall Bulwark One summon will end their entry fee to a ballpark Im telling you no heavy gunner wants this smoke I'll turn them to literal shit and watch them choke This Petrify gaze brings out the medusa in me If every frozen pill ignites the duration I'll be free
Did you think this titan was alone in his battle? I take measurements for every dimensional rattle When my blind rage is heavy I quickly summon As I slam the ground and prance my hands on I awaken my Rumblers, my boulders, my sons Together we break the forefront of all the guns We take liberty in clearing tile sets for the loot To make sure they empty their pocket and lose More than just the treasure as I breathe alas That my iconic self made it here I am Atlas.
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