wanderingjedi77 · 2 years
Bo Katan x Fem!Reader (First Kiss)
Summary: Your first kiss with Bo has been a long time coming.
You had been with the Nite Owls for six long months. They had been gracious enough to let you stay with them on their ship, traveling the galaxy well, also attempting to teach you how to be Mandalorian before they returned to Kelevala, the seat of House Kryze.
The unexpected break was welcome, and you spent your first few days exploring the castle and the surrounding area, admiring the endless ocean, and near constant rain. Bo had warned you not to go very far without her, so you had stayed close, not wanting to displease your Princess.
Today, you found yourself doing what you did best. Researching, studying. Trying to find your way in this new culture in Bo's library.
You hummed as you peered through the books Bo had in her library, running you're hand across holo-pads and old hard backed books until you settled on one about Mandalorian culture and lounged in one of the comfy chairs across from a table strewn with papers and holopads, evidence of you're recent studies when Bo walked in.
She watched you for a few moments before moving around the chair; touching your shoulder lightly to get your attention before she leaned against the table, placing her helmet down.
"Hello, Princess." You greeted softly and peered up at her with a smile. Bo tilted her head, and looked amused.
"How is it I always know where to find you?" Bo teased. You sighed and leaned back, folding the book shut and placing it in your lap. You and Bo had gotten to know each other somewhat over dinners and walks, but you were still getting used to her teasing.
"Maybe it's because you like knowing where I am?" You fire back, and Bo laughs.
"I don't spy on you sweet girl." Bo corrects. "But you do seem to be a person of habit."
You're heart fluttered at the nickname, and you tapped her on the leg. "I am not."
"You are." Bo laughs again, "And stubborn too." She meets your gaze, and you look away shyly.
"What do you need of me, Bo?" You ask softly, and meet her gaze again as Bo slips off the table and takes your hands to pull you up. You let her and catch yourself with one hand on her armor as she wraps an arm around your waist to steady you.
"I have a gift for you." Bo removes her arm and pulls something out of her pocket. Is it a holo chip? You give her a confused look, and Bo hurries to explain.
"You said you couldn't find pictures of your family. I went digging." Bo smiles at you, "It's all on here. To remember them by."
You swallow hard and look at her in shock. "I.. you..." You feel your heart sing, and wonder how she had managed that. "I can't believe -"
Bo pressed it into your hand. "I'd do anything for you." She tells you softly.
"Thank you!" You move forward in response and hug Bo tightly, and she laughs. "I can't believe you did this for me." You kiss her cheek as you pull away, and Bo looks at you with a nervous smile.
"Sorry -" You apologise quickly and blush as Bo moves a strand of hair behind your hair.
"Don't apologise." Bo replies quietly. She meets your gaze as her hand cups your cheek, and you shut your eyes; relaxing. "I don't mind if you kiss me." She removes her hand from your cheek with a gentle swipe of her thumb and smiles at you, her eyes sweeping down from your eyes to your lips.
"So why don't you kiss me?" You ask her, and there's a steady silence. Bo looks thoughtful, her lips curled into a frown as she meets your eyes again.
"Because all I'm good at is war." Bo tells you, and she looks back down at her hands. You reached out and take them in you're own, step closer to her.
"You're not good at war, you're good at protecting people. You're good at saying what's on your mind and knowing when I'm hurting. You're good at being there for your people. you're good at loving me when I need it most." You tell her and feel a little out of breath. "I care about you, Bo. I want to be there for you just as much."
Bo looks at you, and gives you a sad smile. "You think far too much of me sweet girl."
You smile, and tilt your head up to look at her. "I always will Princess." You tell her, pleased. Bo wraps an arm around you, suddenly serious.
"I haven't kissed anyone in a long time-"
"Then allow me to refresh your memory." You tease, and Bo smirks; before she leans down to kiss you. It starts of slow, soft. Like she's testing a new fighter. You wrap your arms around her lower back, an pull her closer at the delightful flutter in your stomach.
Bo was kissing you, she was kissing you-
Bo deepened the kiss and lifted you, moving you around and up so you were sitting on the table. It was desperate almost, like she was realising how much she had been missing with you. You sighed into her kiss and then tapped her shoulder with your hand.
Bo pulled away, flushed and smiling at you. You had never seen her so happy. "Did I get carried away?" She reaches up and puts a hand on your back, drawing slow circles with her thumb.
"I just needed a moment to breath." You reply, and smile back at her. "That was probably the best kiss I've ever had."
Bo laughs, delighted. "Good." She hesitates. "Do you maybe want to take this somewhere else?" She asks gently.
You smirk. "Like?"
"Somewhere where we won't be disturbed." Bo suggests, and tilts her head at the open space your in. You trail your hands down her sides at look up at her.
"Mhmm I don't know." You tease her. "What's in it for me?"
Bo gives you an appraising look. "Well, come with me and find out, sweet girl."
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mandogab · 2 years
Atin in The Mandalorian [s3]?
I will write this for you.
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nimata-beroya · 2 years
Trailers footage unseen in the show yet… and my predictions for Chapter 20
I rewatched the 3 first episodes of this season and checked which scenes in the trailers we haven't seen yet, and it seems that my guess that there's nothing else from chapter 21 on is true. After tomorrow, we're going in blind, babes!
Here it is, what we haven't seen yet. I think it's pretty safe to say everything is going to happen tomorrow. Most scenes are Mandos fighting pirates in Nevarro. Definitely is going to be an action-packed episode. And short too, from what I heard 😣
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Din is going to dogfight with the pirate king while the others fight on the surface. At first, I thought this scene was during the first episode, but then I realized you can see sky and land, but no space, so it has to be during the siege of Nevarro.
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But there's going to a scene or something where the covert is located, I think it's before Mandos go to Nevarro, but it could after. I don't know. These are without much context so I'm not sure where to place them.
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This scene with Din in the droid bar, initially I thought it was Din in some planet, looking for intel or work, or something, but now, I have 2 theories. It's either that the pirates turned the school in Nevarro back to a cantina, or it's the cantina inside the pirate ship. As seen above, Din is shooting at that ship, so what if he boards it (either furtively or with a ruse) and stumbles into the cantina? It's crazy, I know! But sometimes my craziest ideas are correct 😆
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Since the episode is call The Foundling and most likely it's partially about Grogu, I'm sure we're seeing Order 66 flashback again 😭😭 and probably Grogu will push the button. When during all the fighting? I don't know.
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And since it's about foundlings, I guess it'll be also about Din, but what if after the fight in Nevarro, some kid becomes an orphan and the covert adopts them? Maybe they show us what happens after they take them home. I mean, we know according to Din's childhood flashbacks the initial procedure, but we've never seen what goes on when they're home.
Also, it'd be the perfect occasion for Din to recite the vow adoption to Grogu. I don't think he's done it yet, not because he doesn't consider the baby his son or something, we know he does! But because of his prior apostate status. Now that it's resolved and he's redeemed, he has no excuse anymore. I have all my fingers and toes crossed for this. I'll lose it if it happens!
And last but not least, I think we'll have a tiny jump to Coruscant and Captain Teva here, maybe he heard something about Pershing, or was reporting the bombardment of Kelevala, or another incident somewhere else in the Outer Rim. Or just maybe, it's to show us, to confirm us what happened to Gideon.
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So what do you think? What are your predictions for tomorrow?
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wanderingjedi77 · 2 years
Redemption (Bo Katan x Fem!Reader)
Summary: You go to the mines of Mandalore to redeem yourself of your transgressions, to help you on the path of the creed. Bo comes to your rescue. Requested by Anon who I hope likes it. I did a little extra for you.
The mines of Mandalore.
The stories you had read said that one could be redeemed in the living waters, and that it would make you worthy of the creed. You weren't sure exactly if it was true, but you weren't here for yourself. You were here because you wanted to redeem yourself, to be worthy of taking the creed. You wanted to show your girlfriend, Bo-Katan of House Kryze, that you were worthy of her.
Coming here alone? That might not have been your brightest idea.
You had a managed to avoid too many encounters, and fought your way through the ruins of Sundari until you found the road that led you to the mines. It was cold, dark and damp. But you were glad you leave the ghosts of Sundari behind, the bodies of a city ruined, a home forgotten.
You let out a slow breath, and eyed the waters.You hoped that the droid had managed to keep your secret at least, and you could come back to Bo proud.
On Kelevala though, unbeknown to you, Bo-Katan was losing her mind. She had sought you out to see if you wanted to have a night to yourselves, and had found you missing. You hadn't said anything about leaving, and you usually wouldn't go anywhere without at least letting her know. She looked all over the palace and had no idea where you were.
When she sought out her iron heart or Ka'rta droid, the one the managed your affairs, she was met with indifference.
"Tell me where she is!" Bo demanded angrily.
"I am afraid that Lady y/n is gone."
"Where! Tell me or I'll melt you down and use you as repair parts for my ship!" Bo yelled at them. The Ka'rta paused, as if it was going through a million reasons why they shouldn't tell her. But the Iron heart did not want to become spare parts.
"Lady y/n has gone to Mandalore.' The droid answers, not wanting to lie any further. Bo lets go of them and growls,
"What do you mean she's gone to Mandalore?" Bo shouts at her droid.
"She left a few hours ago Princess. She asked me not to tell you and that she would come back as a daughter of Mandalore. She wanted to do this for you."
Bo feels a flash of anger go through her, "I'm going after y/n." She puts on her helmet and marches to her ship. "Stay here and guard the castle." Bo straps herself in and takes off, trying to stop herself from shaking. If she didn't get to y/n soon, she wouldn't have the love of her life left, her girlfriend.
She wouldn't be able to tell you how much she loved you, instead of showing you.
Bo gripped the controls tighter and prayed you were okay-
By the time she arrived on Mandalore and found you, you were already at the mines of Mandalore, and she ran towards you as fast as she could, knowing the way better then most, not wanting you to risk your life, to do something so dangerous.
She was terrified.
Bo doesn't have any time to call your name as you walk towards the water, doesn't have time to warn you that the ledge is destroyed before you the dark abyss takes you-
You scream as you sink like a rock; echoing off the mines walls. You mouth fills with water and you try to swim to the surface, but the water is cold and deep; and you keep going down. You try to push against the darkness again, and something grabs you around the middle and starts propelling you up until it stops suddenly, as if frightened by something and then shoots you out of the water.
You, and the mysterious rescuer land on the ground with a heavy thud and you start to choke up water, and curl up; breathing hard. You don't register at first that it's Bo who helps you sit and pulls you against her until your wrapping your arms around her and breathing in her familiar scent.
"You're okay y/n." Bo says, and she rubs circles into your back as you calm down.
"Bo..." You gasp out and cough, before you relax enough to look at her. Your cold; force why is it so cold here?and start to shiver. Bo reaches into a bag nearby and pulls out a robe; her robe, you realise, that she wears when she leaves on missions to colder places and wraps it around you tightly. You meet her gaze and see her give you a hard look.
She's angry.
"What the hell were you thinking coming here by yourself?" Bo says furiously.
"I was trying to atone for my transgressions." You reply, eyes prickling with tears. "So I could become a Mandalorian."
Bo looks startled. "You...what?"
"It's silly, but I wanted to make sure I was the right woman for you." You tremble a bit, thinking about some of the history books Bo had lying around her castle that talked about the creed.
"Don't tell me you believe in that." Bo asks, she rubs your arms with her hands, trying to warm you up.
"I believe in you." You explain. "You deserve someone who isn't weighed down by their past."
Bo pauses. "You're so silly y/n." She shakes her head. "I don't care if your a Mandalorian or not, I just want you to be mine." Bo tilts her head as you reach up and runs your fingers through her hair, damp and tossed.
"Oh." You reply, quietly. You smile at her and she sighs and smiles back.
"Please promise me you won't do anything like that again?" Bo says, and you nod. "A verbal answer y/n."
"Yes Bo. I promise you. I won't come here alone again, or try to become a Mandalorian without you there." You answer, and Bo kisses you; putting her hand on the back of your neck to draw you in further. She leaned her forehead against your when you parted, and you tilted your head, curious. She had a funny look in her eyes, like she couldn't believe what she was looking at.
"What is it?"
"I saw...I don't know what I saw down there." Bo shakes her head. "I think it was the mythosaur."
You laugh. "Okay?" You giggle. "You don't believe in that stuff anyway."
Bo gives you a look and you pause in your teasing,
"What? I wasn't awake Bo." You answer.
"I know it's just...it bothered me." Bo shakes her head, thoughtful. "I don't know what it means.." When she looks at you next she stands up and pulls you with her. You look up at Bo with a small smile.
"Maybe it's a good sign?" You offer, and Bo hesitates, just for a fraction of a second. You see a flicker a worried expression across her face, like she needs to tell you something-
"I love you." Bo tells you and you feel your heart skip. She's never told you that before, her actions yes, but this was new. You opened your mouth and looked stunned for a moment before speaking.
"I said I love you-" Bo makes a funny sound, surprised when you kiss her desperately. She grins at you when you part,
"I love you too Bo." You tell her, and as she draws you in her arms again, the mines seem a little less dark, and a little less lonely.
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wanderingjedi77 · 1 year
The Reckoning Chapter Two
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Summary: A union between two rebels brings Lucy to her new life on Krownest, where different challenges await.
A week had gone by far too quickly for Lucy's comfort, though, she admitted; she was enjoying her time on Kelevala. She wandered on her own mostly, talking with different clans and training with Ahsoka when she could. Sometimes Sabine joined her, introducing her to different people she knew, such as Fenn Rau.
Everyone treated her with stiff politeness, and she had been told there hadn't been a Mandalorian Jedi since Tarre Vizsla. But they appreciated her curiosity even if they didn't understand her being a Jedi.
By the time her wedding to Sabine came, Lucy was nervous; but more understanding. Although she thought to herself, she still didn't appreciate Leia springing this on her in the first place.
"I know you're still mad at me." Leia said softly. She straightened out the blue cape over Lucy's dress. They didn't have a clan or clan colors. But House Organa's would do even if Lucy had never been a part of it.
"You should have asked me first." Lucy looks away and is surprised to see how beautiful she looks in the mirror. Her hair is tied up in a complicated braid-bun at the top of her head.
"I'm sorry." Leia says softly. "I should have."
Lucy sighs. "Well, it's too late now." She looks at Leia. "I have to go through with this." She squeezes Leia's arm as a knock sounds at the door.
"Come in."
The door opens and Alrich Wren bows his head as he steps through.
"Good morning, Princess, Lady Skywalker. I'm here to escort my future daughter in law down the aisle." Alrich looks at them with a kind smile.
"Thank you, that's very kind of you." Leia says, "But I was going to -"
"I'm afraid that Mandalorian custom dictates that in the event a marriage partner has no parents, then a parent of their future spouse must walk them down the aisle." Alrich steps forward, speaking politely.
Leia looks at Lucy and pulls her in for a hug. "I'm sorry I've done this to you, but it's really for the best. I hope you can forgive me one day."
Lucy kisses her on the cheek as she steps back and nods. "I'll see you inside."
Leia smiles and steps away, nodding at Alrich. "Thank you."
"Of course Princess." He says and looks at Lucy. "I'm afraid Ursa passed the task onto me. She is Countess, but is having trouble accepting this arrangement."
"It's okay if she hates me, you know. She doesn't know me." Lucy replies. "I appreciate you taking the role in her place."
Alrich smiled. "It really is no trouble. Don't mind Ursa. She's just upset that she had no say in this. Don't take her annomosity for anger."
Lucy nodded, feeling nervous. "Thank you."
Alrich nodded and held out his arm, and Lucy placed her fingers on in, before wrapping an arm around it and putting her hand hand on the opposite side.
"Are you ready?"
"You'll be okay." Alrich says. "Sabine is a wonderful woman." They walk out of the room towards the main hall. "She's just been through a lot."
Lucy swallowed nervously. "Right."
"But she seems quite taken with you." Alrich says with a smile. "It reminds me of how I first looked at Ursa when we met. How I acted."
They paused at the open doors, and Lucy saw Sabine standing at the end near Bo in her armor. Mandalorians and Rebels stood on either side and looked at them as they approached and started walking. Ursa was standing next to Tristain, and Leia next to Ahsoka, R2 and some other members of the Rebellion who could make it.
Lucy tried to keep her eyes forward and clutched Alrich's arm tighter. She net Sabine's gaze, who gave her a sort if grim smile, but her eyes were alight. She looked over Lucy and smiled softly. As if pleased by what she saw.
"I pass Lucy onto you." Alrich said, and stepped back with a bow as they reached Sabine and Bo.
Lucy stood next to Sabine and dropped her gaze. Her hair was slicked back, and it looked nice. Attractive. Lucy blushed.
Bo waited until Alrich was standing next to Ursa before she began. She took a breath, and gave them a serious look.
"Today, we witness the union of Lucy Skywalker and Sabine Wren of Clan Wren. It is an unusual union, but one that will be written in song for generations."
Bo paused and looked at Sabine. "Do you accept Lucy as your wife and will stand next to her? Will you care for her? Will raise warriors with her?"
"I will."
"And do you Lucy, accept Sabine as your wife and will stand next to her? Will you care for her? Will you raise warriors with her?"
"I...I will." Lucy answered.
"Then you may now say the vow." Bo nodded.
Sabine turned to Lucy and held out a pauldron, "Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde."
"Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde." Lucy answered, struggling a bit to get the pronunciation right. She had only been learning a week, but she hoped it didn't sound too bad.
We are one when together, we are one when parted, we will share all, we will raise warriors.
Lucy held her breath as Sabine attached the pauldron with Clan Wren's symbol to her cape and reached down to bring her hands in hers. She brought Lucy's knuckles up and kissed them.
"Welcome to Clan Wren, Lucy Skywalker."
Bo started clapping and the rest of the room joined in. She smiled at them, and Sabine took Lucy's arm; leading her away.
"Want to escape?"
"Are you suggesting we elope?" Lucy whispered back.
"Can't elope if we're already married." Sabine smirked. Lucy sighed.
"Alright. Where are we going?"
"Krownest. It'll just be us." Sabine said softly. "Besides a few members. It'll be a lot calmer than what we will deal with normally."
She stopped as Tristain came up to them, and smiled at him. They were almost out of the room.
"Welcome to the family." Tristain said. He smiled at Lucy. "Good luck putting up with my older sister...ow!"
Sabine sighed. "I'll pinch you again, little brother."
"Don't be mean." Tristain bowed to Lucy. "I'll see you back at Krownest. Mother and I have a mission to Mandalore in a few days."
"I'll see you soon Tristain. Good luck." Sabine said softly. He smiled and left and Sabine turned to Lucy.
"Let's go! Before we get intercepted again."
By the time they had said the rest of their goodbyes, mostly to Leia and R2 until Lucy returned to the Rebellion in a few days' time, and Ahsoka and Bo; it was late. The few Mandalorians who stayed greeted Lucy cordially and had assured her she would get used to the cold in time.
Lucy liked Sabine's home despite this, after being given a brief tour, and Sabine pointing out what paintings were hers and what were her father's, she had led Lucy back to hers, no; their room.
It was cozy, Lucy thought. A large bed, desk littered with paint supplies. A fireplace. She stepped into the room and admired it, and looked around with a small smile as Sabine pressed sleeping clothes in her arms.
"I'm a little taller, but you can change in the fresher; have a shower if you want. I'm just going to get ready for bed." Sabine explained, and Lucy took in a sharp breath.
"Okay, thank you." Lucy said. "I'll just..." She quickly walked to the fresher, and got ready for bed. By the time she came out again, feeling more relaxed, Sabine was lounging on the bed, flipping through a holo-pad.
Lucy felt nervous, it wasn't like she had never shared a bed with another woman to go to sleep, but she still didn't really know Sabine. She carefully made her way over and Sabine glanced up, graciously putting her work down and lifting the covers so Lucy could climb in next to her.
"A little." Lucy answered, and she glanced at Sabine, laying next to her. "You're planet is cold." She complained. "Is it covered in snow all the time?"
"Unfortunately." Sabine looked at her. "You'll get used to it." She moved on her side and sounded amused. "If not I'm sure we can come up with a solution."
Lucy made a noise of disagreement, and Sabine laughed. "I'm going to freeze to death."
"Please don't steal all the blankets." Sabine said, and Lucy looked at her.
"I'm not a blanket thief." Lucy replied.
"You say that now..." Sabine smiled at Lucy and looked amused. "I can put my arm around you if you want. Help you stay warm."
Lucy blushes. "Well... okay." She swallows hard. "Since we're married now and all."
Sabine throws her arm around Lucy's waist and pulls her close, Lucy's head resting on her shoulder. "Is this okay?"
"Yes." Lucy manages to get out. She can hear Sabine breath, her heartbeat echoing through the force. "Sabine?"
"Yeah?" Sabine shifted so she could look down at her.
"Thank you. For being so good about everything." Lucy said shyly.
"I'd be a poor riduur if I wasn't." Sabine grinned. "But you're welcome." She shifts back down, and Lucy stops her long enough to kiss Sabine, brief and soft.
"What was that for?" Sabine chokes out when they part. She's blushing, Lucy notices. It's almost the same color as their bed sheets.
"A goodnight kiss." Lucy offers. "Since we're married." She hopes she hasn't upset her. "Should I not have?"
"You're so cute, Lucy." Sabine replies and Lucy blushes.
"Well I've never been married before." Lucy protests, feeling hot. She frowns a little, and Sabine tries not to laugh.
"And you think I have?"
"Well no." Lucy admits. "But you have more experience then me I bet." She settles back into Sabine's embrace. Sabine follows suit, and wraps Lucy a little more tightly in her arms.
"A little. But war doesn't leave room for much." Sabine replies. Lucy smiled a little.
"I can't imagine it does." Lucy said softly.
Sabine kissed the top of Lucy's head. "We'll figure it out." She sighed softly. "Goodnight Lucy."
"Night Sabine." Lucy replied, and fell asleep.
As the light shone through the painted windows of Sabine's room the next morning, Lucy stirred. It was strange to have such a good sleep without the nightmares of those she had lost plaguing her mind. She yawned and then woke up with a start, only to realise where she was and that the bed was partially empty. She sat up, letting the covers pool around her waist, and frowned when the door opened. Sabine grinned at her, dressed in her armor, and held out a tray.
Lucy smiled a little as Sabine put the tray over her lap. "You're spoiling me."
Sabine winked. "You're lucky I can cook." She sat down next to her and took a piece of fruit off her plate. "Wife tax." She told Lucy at her startled look.
"Wife tax? That's not a thing."
"It is now." Sabine replied and took another piece. Lucy fought back a laugh and started to eat, not realizing how hungry she was.
Sabine watched her for a few moments, before Lucy paused and looked at her, brow furrowed.
"Are you okay?" Lucy asked, cleaning her hands on a napkin.
"Can I ask you what it was like growing up?" Sabine asked softly. "You don't have to tell me. I'm just...curious."
Lucy shrugged. "I grew up on Tatooine with my Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen. And Uncle Ben, but I didn't see him much." She added, "We were farmers."
"Did you go to school?"
"No. I've never been. Have you?" Lucy asked.
"I had a private tutor when I was younger. Then I...I was trained at the Imperial Academy on Mandalore." Sabine looked away, ashamed.
"That doesn't make you a bad person." Lucy set the tray to the side, put a hand on Sabine's shoulder. "You got an education."
"Yes. But at what cost?" Sabine replied. She looked at Lucy. "What do you like to read?" Sabine said, changing the subject.
"I don't read books. I'm don't really know how."
"You...what?" Sabine said. She briefly thought of Ezra. She wasn't ignorant. She knew that there were plenty of people who couldn't. But she felt bad.
"I just kind of go with things." Lucy admitted. "Leia teaches me what she can, but the letters get mixed up in my head. It's hard." She explained.
Sabine paused, and then reached over to pull a sketch pad and a pencil from her side table.
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Lucy tapped her fingers against the page when Sabine is done, impressed by how easily and fast she wrote it.
"What's that?"
"You're name silly. You're married name." Sabine smiles softly. "Lucy Skywalker Wren." Sabine taps each word with her pencil as she goes along.
Lucy looks at Sabine but stays silent. The words drew a bit into focus, and she felt Sabine take her hand.
"Here, let me -" Sabine places the pencil in her hand and covers it with her own. She carefully outlines each letter, saying how to pronounce each letter in Aurabesh.
Lucy draws a sharp breath but focuses. Drawing out her name in awkward, child like letters. She looks at Sabine when she's done, and gives her a kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you."
"We'll keep working at it." Sabine offers, and she draws Lucy back against her, Sabibe wrapping her arms around her. "I'm afraid we only get three days to relax."
Lucy made a noise of protest. "Damn Empire." She sighed. "I should probably get up and get ready."
"You could." Sabine answers. "But you're supposed to be relaxing."
Lucy made a noise of protest.
"Don't argue with me." Sabine tickled her sides, and Lucy laughed. "See, I know how to subdue a Jedi."
Lucy laughed again.
"Okay okay...you win. I'll stay."
Sabine kissed her on the top of the head.
"Sounds perfect."
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wanderingjedi77 · 1 year
Bo Katan x Fem!Reader (Rescue)
Summary: When the Empire destroys Kelevala, Bo has only one thing on her mind. Saving you.
The Empire had bombed her home.
Bo watched with anger etched upon her face as the TIE bombers ravaged her castle, which quickly turned to panic. She had told you to stay. The mission had been too dangerous, and she couldn't put you at risk. Not you. She loved you too much. Bo thought. And she quickly reached out to your comm. channel.
She blamed herself, you should have come with them, why didn't she let you come with them? Bo's heart beat faster in her chest when you didn't answer.
"Y/n?" Bo whispered before she started to steer the ship down, gaining speed despite the alerts blaring across her ships systems. She wanted to believe that this was a bad dream, that her castle hadn't been bombed, destroyed. That you hadn't been in there waiting for her return like you always did.
She didn't want to believe that she would never see the look on your face when you asked her to marry you or see your smile when you had children. When you watched them with Bo.
More alarms blared in the background-
"Bo, what are you doing?" Din's voice came over the comm. "We have to go!"
"I have to get y/n."
"There's no way she survived Bo. Please don't do this. Come back to the covert with me."
"I have to find her Din. I told her to stay." Bo tells him. "Leave Din! Get out if here!" She yelled at him as she skidded to a stop at what was left of the landing platform. Bo quickly puts on her helmet and leaves the ship, running into what's left of her castle, climbing over rubble and calling out your name, terrified, wanting you to be alive, wanting to kiss you and hold you in her arms again-
You blink. What had happened?
You swallow hard, but your mouth is dry. You could hear your name...? It sounded like Bo. You try to move, but you can't. You just want to get up when you wrecked by a coughing fit that makes your chest burn as you try to get it under control.
"Bo." You call out, hoping you're loud enough that she can hear you. "Bo, please..."
You cough again weakly, dust trying to settle in your lungs when Bo finds you. You're not buried under any rubble, thank the force; but you were bleeding and bruised from being thrown. You had stayed behind because Bo asked you too, even though you had begged her to take you with her, you had wanted so badly to go.
You hadn't been in the main hall long when you heard the whine of TIE fighters when the TIE bombers started blowing up your home. You had tried to run, tried to get to safety when a direct hit threw you across the room, and knocked you out.
"Y/N?!" Bo yells out when she reaches you. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea -"
"Help me up, Bo." You interrupt her softly, and you grip her arm tightly, in tears. You wanted to leave. Worried they might come back. "I'm so glad you're here." You swallow hard. You didn't think you would see her again, but she was safe; she was here -
"I'm so happy you're alive," Bo whispers back, and she leans down to kiss you before stopping you up in her arms. She cradles you against her chest as she makes her way back to her ship, careful not to disturb you.
You don't say anything, content to just be in her arms. By the time you make it back to her ship, you're tired and sore and think you might have broken a couple of ribs. Bo leaves you in the medical room as a medical droid comes to your aide and starts patching you up.
By the time Bo is done and the coordinates are punched in, the medical droid has left you, and you're staring at the wall. You look at Bo as she appears in the doorway and swallow nervously.
"Princess." You greet her.
"They destroyed our home."
You watch as she comes over and kneels down next to your bed. "They didn't destroy me Bo." You tell her. "I'm still here."
Bo smiles sadly. "I know you are my sweet girl."
You reach out and brush away a few tears on Bo's cheeks and push her hair back. She leans into your touch and swallows hard before standing up and laying down next to you.
"Do you need a cuddle?" You ask Bo softly. She wraps her arms around you in response, and you sigh into her hair.
"God's Bo, I thought I was going to die." You tell her softly, and you grip her tighter. "The alarms didn't go off and they were right on top of the castle..."
"It's okay." Bo leans back to look at you. "We're going to find out who did this. But I need you to rest y/n. Can you be good and do that for me."
"Yes, Bo." You respond softly. "But I don't want you to go."
"I'm not leaving you." Bo swallows hard. "I'll be right here when you wake up." You look at her, and she kisses you, on the forehead, on the cheek, on the lips.
"I love you, Bo."
"I love you more." Bo replies. "I love you always."
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wanderingjedi77 · 2 years
Bo Katan x Fem!Reader (Scars)
Summary: Getting injured was not part of the plan.
It had been a few months since you had seen Bo, and when she had come home from her latest mission; she had suggested a little rendezvous away from the castle, just you and her and some climbing equipment. Bo wanted to show you and incredible view on one of the cliff faces, well at the same time keeping up with your training on how to be a Mandalorian.
You leaned back to look at the ocean behind you as Bo waited for you at the top of the cliff. The ropes holding you in place swayed slightly, but you weren't too worried. This wasn't the first time Bo-Katan had taken you rock climbing.
"Pay attention and keep your footing, the next time we do this your free climbing." Bo-Katan called down to you. You looked up and saluted her with a smile, and she huffed, annoyed.
"I'll be fine. You worry too much Bo." You call back, and put your hands and feet back on the rocks, making your way slowly up the cliff.
"I worry because I don't need to carry you back to base again." Bo shakes her head, and you laugh.
"Look, I know what I'm doing!"
"You need to be careful, you're getting overconfident." Bo says. You look at her, and she motions her hand to her ear. Listen.
"I'm okay." You yell up at her, and move up a little faster when you lose footing. The rope yanks on you hard, and then starts to move away from where it's being held on the cliff face-
"Bo!" You scream as the rope comes loose and you slam into the side of the cliff, your ankle slipping between a gap before the rope pulls you back out and down. You yell as your ankle twists, and then feel a sharp intense pain up your leg.
"I'm coming to get you." Bo says suddenly, and you look up to realise she's above you, scaling the cliff with her bare hands. She reaches for the rope, still loose but not coming out of the wall as you feared. By the time she gets to you your trying to keep yourself from crying from the pain, and she wraps an arm around your waist to pull you against her.
"You could have died y/n." Bo scolds you, and you sob. "I thought I was going to lose you." You can hear the agony in her voice as she pulls you both up, and by the time you reach the top of the cliff your sniffling, trying to wipe your eyes of the tears that threaten to fall.
"I'm sorry-" You tell her as she unhooks you and lays you on your back. "Bo-"
Bo shakes her head, and looks at you with concern. "Just relax." She tells you, and pauses. "Can you stand?"
You shake your head no desperately. "No. I think it's broken." You tell her, trying to reach for your leg. Bo waves your hands away and pins your arms down to your side with a shake of her head.
"Can you please stay still y/n?" Bo snaps at you. You can hear the worry in her voice and see it on her face, even though her tone is angry, so you listen and stay still as Bo let's you go, and looks down at your leg laying at an awkward angle.
"I think it might be too." Bo replies, and she winches as you whimper in pain and a few tears escape from your eyes. You don't want to cry, you hate crying, but it hurts so bad-
"I won't be able to set it until we get home." Bo tells you, and she looks up; reaching over to wipe away your tears. "I know it hurts, but you're being so brave for me, my love."
"Thanks, Bo." You sniff and leaned into her touch. Bo gives you a gentle look, and kisses your cheek as she pulls her hand away.
"I'll have to carry you okay?" Bo explains, and you nod your consent before she picks you up in your arms; your head resting against the armor on her chest. "It's at least an hour back to home."
"I'll make it." You tell her, and she smiles grimly down at you. "I'll be good, I promise."
"I know you will my sweet girl." Bo replies lowly, and she starts to walk back to your palace home on the shores of Kelevala. It feels like more then an hour to you, as much as Bo wants to keep you steady, the rocky and grassy hills around you don't make that easy, and you try to keep quiet as ever jostle sends pain up your broken leg. Bo tenses the closer you get to home, and you can tell that the journey is taking it's toll on her, no matter how strong she is.
By the time she whisks you away inside, to your room she's breathing a little harder, and she let's out a sigh of relief when she lays you down in bed. You reach out and brush your fingers against her wrist as she pulls away, and she pauses; tilting her head down at you.
"I'm alright." Bo says to you, and she turns her focus to removing your boots and helping you change into your pyjamas, sleep shorts and a top so she can get better access to your leg. Your ankle is swollen and purple, and you bite your lip as her hand moves across it. Bo steps back and moves around the room, gathering bacta, a splint and wrapping. It doesn't take her long to set your ankle, and she steps back after she makes sure it elevated with a pillow, nodding to herself.
"You'll feel better in a few weeks." Bo tells you, and she sits down next to you on the bed. You watch her carefully, trying to see if she is still upset with you; but she reaches out and laces her fingers in with yours. "I'm sorry I got mad, I was scared."
"It's okay. Thank you for apologising. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you." You apologise. Bo brings your hand up and kisses the back of it with a tired smile.
"It's alright sweet girl, we can work on teaching you to become a better listener later." Bo tells you, and then yawns.
"Will you stay Bo?" You ask her and she looks thoughtful.
"Do you want me to stay?"
"Please." You answer, and Bo nods at you. She excuses herself and steps into the fresher to change, coming back out soon in a set of sleeping pants and tunic. She crawls under the covers with you, and wraps her arm around you to pull you're head against her chest.
"I missed this." You tell Bo, and she kisses you on the head.
"I'm sorry I've been away so much." She tells you. "I don't mean to be...but-"
"Mandalore comes first, I know Princess." You reply, and glance up at her.
"You come first." Bo corrects you, and she holds you a little tighter in her arms. "You always come first my love." She squeezes you, and you snuggle closer.
"Do you promise?" You ask sleepily.
"With all my heart and soul." Bo replies, "I swear to you, you are mine and I am yours. Always."
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wanderingjedi77 · 2 years
Updated Masterlist
Last Updated: Aug 19th, 2023
Bo-Katan xFemReader
First Meeting
First Kiss
The Proposal
This is the Way
Part One | Part Two
Bo-Katan x Reader
Fractured Time
Bo-Katan Headcanons
Getting Sick
The Armorer
The Armorer x Fem!Reader
Ahsoka Tano
Ahsoka Tano x Fem!Reader
The Armorer x Fem!Reader x Bo Katan
House Of Three
Part One
Part Two
Always (Sequel to House of Three)
Wonder (Sequel to Always)
The Armorer x Bo Katan
The Foundling
Part One | Two | Three | Four | Five
Mon Mothma
Mon Mothma x Fem!Reader
Hera Syndulla x Fem!Reader
Part One | Part Two
How They Hug You (Bo/The Armorer/Paz/Din/Ahsoka)
How They Hug You (Luke/Leia/Boba/Obi-Wan/Mon Mothma)
Lucy Skywalker Series (A Fem!Luke AU) on A03
Little Bird
Lucy Skywalker wasn't a Jedi Knight, not yet. But a Rebellion meeting might change if Ahsoka gives her a chance.
Lucy Skywalker x Sabine Wren
The Reckoning
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Summary: AU. Lucy Skywalker walks the halls of Kelevala, knowing her twin sister Leia is desperate for a proper army. She didn't expect to be part of the deal.
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wanderingjedi77 · 2 years
Bo-Katan/Reader (Mando'ad)
Summary: The evening sun is falling on their face, and she thinks just maybe she is falling a little bit in love with them.
Y/N's clan had been loyal to House Kryze since the Mandalorian Wars of old, but you would say you were loyal from the moment Bo-Katan looked at you the first time you met on Kelevala.
Bo-Katan had always been in her sisters shadow, even then; and you wondered if she had ever been happy. The years during the clone wars; and after led you both on paths you didn't expect, and after the fall of Mandalore, the night of a thousand tears, you had broken away from your remaining clan, not wanting to bear the weight of being the heir, not wanting to remember as you travelled from planet to planet, trying to drink the pain away some nights, trying to escape the nightmares that followed.
You were alone, until you found Bo again. Or rather, she found you.
You had been staying at a smuggling den, out of work but still on good terms with the owner when three Mandalorians in blue armour show up to trade. You hadn't paid much attention to them until Jax, the owner; had beckoned you over quickly.
"This is Y/N. They know more about this kind of weaponry and metal then I do." He says as you approach, and you nod at them politely, though your smile is stiff. Why did it have to be Mandalorians? You thought. Why couldn't everyone leave you alone?
"Are you Mandalorian?" The man asks, and you hesitate. They are obviously, but should you tell them the truth?
"Axe..." The red haired woman warns. "She's probably just a trader."
"I am Mandalorian. I was born on Dxun." You answer quietly, and you look up as they move closer. Nite Owls, you realise quickly, and standing in the middle of the frey is Bo.
You breath catches, and Bo-Katan tilts her head at you like she remembers who you are.
"Where's your armour?" The man, you think you heard Bo call him Axe; asks you. You ignore him with a scowl.
"Go away." You tell him, and cross your arms. "Before I make you." You walk outside onto an attaching balcony, they follow of course, curious and a little insulted at your dismissal.
Before he can answer, Bo steps forward; and waves them away. She will deal with you herself it seems.
"Leave us." Bo commands, and the two other Mandalorians back out of the balcony. You look at Bo as she takes one, two steps closer; and then raises a hand to your face, looking closely at the scar there. Bo remembers when you first fought her in the fighting circle, and how she had knocked you so hard against the ground you had hit your cheek off a rock. You had both been younger then, and more impulsive, you would have followed her to the ends of the galaxy. She traces her thumb over it and you all but melt into her touch, shutting your eyes. When was the last time someone had shown you kindness like this?
"Y/N?" Bo asks, and you open your eyes to find her looking at you softly. "Is it really you?"
"Hello Mand'alor." You greet, and you wish you had it in you to kneel or bow, but instead you choose to kiss the palm of her hand against your cheek instead.
Bo takes in a slow breath, and pushes you against the stone railing of the balcony so hard you gasp. "Where have you been?" She demands, "I thought you were dead."
"I've been around." You offer, and hiss as Bo pushes her armored body against you, effectively trapping you between the railing and her body. Your not wearing your beskar, you know it's against the creed, but it's stored safely in your ship.
"Not good enough." Bo snaps at you, though there isn't much anger in her voice. "Where is your armour?"
"In my ship."
"You should be wearing it." Bo orders. "Why aren't you wearing it Y/N?"
"Because I'm tired." You whisper. "I lost everyone."
"You didn't lose me." Bo replies firmly. She watches as the sun starts to set behind them, and casts a glow across your face. "How could you say that?" She thought of all the times you two had snuck away, of all the times you had fought together, you were close then, before you disappeared.
"Where were you?" You ask, intent on changing the subject.
"Fighting for Mandalore."
"Mandalore is gone." You argue.
"Not as long as we live." Bo argues back, and you lower your head against her chest. "Not as long as there are Mandalorians." She places her hand on the back of your neck, and kisses the top of your head. She was never this affectionate before. When you were both in Death Watch, when you thought you had a future. Thought Mandalorians could rule the galaxy once more.
"I'm sorry." You whisper against her chest plate, and she doesn't say anything.
"I could order you to come with me. You have to follow my orders." Bo replies, her tone demanding, "Being sorry won't make up for lost time, or for what happened, but your actions might."
You pull away with a shaky breath, and Bo looks at you, eyes alight. "You always liked ordering me around."
"You were a better listener then." Bo looks at you, and you give her a small smile. "But if you don't want me to..." There's a challenge behind those words. Asking you to question her. Daring you to go against your Mand'alor.
"I'll come, but only if I get to stay with you." You reply, it's a compromise, even if you feel like it might not be the right decision, and Bo puts her hand on your cheek again, looking you in the eyes.
"You won't be able to get away that easily again." Bo-Katan answers. The evening sun is falling on their face, and she thinks just maybe she is falling a little bit in love with them.
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wanderingjedi77 · 1 year
The Reckoning
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Summary: AU. Lucy Skywalker walks the halls of Kelevala, knowing her twin sister Leia is desperate for a proper army. She didn't expect to be part of the deal.
"Please tell me again why I'm here and not flying with Rogue Squadron." Lucy huffed as she follows Leia off the ship. She isn't irritated really, the amount of water on this planet is incredible, but she wished Leia would have let her wear her Jedi Robes or flight suit instead of whatever this is...
"Ahsoka wanted us to be here. And I need to get more support for the Rebellion. What better way than a Mandalorian Army." Leia explains. "And you look nice. So stop figiting." She scolds her as they walk through the palace doors.
"I don't know why you're making me wear House Organa colors though. I am not an Organa Leia." Lucy argues softly. She follows her sister deeper into the halls crowded with Mandalorians trying to get a good seat at a very long table.
"You're still my sister, even if you grew up on Tatooine." Leia replies. She turns to her. "I need you to trust me."
"I trust you, Leia. But keep me out of politics." Lucy says. Her gaze flicks beyond Leia to see Ahsoka walking towards them with a red-haired woman she doesn't know and pauses.
"I'm glad you two could make it." Ahsoka says, sweeping Leia in for a hug before turning to Lucy. She allows herself to be wrapped in Ahsoka's warmth, both in the force and out, before she steps away.
"Master." Lucy greets politely, and Ahsoka winks at her.
"This is Lucy Skywalker. My sort of Padawan." Ahsoka tells the woman. "Leia, Lucy; this is my wife Bo. She's the leader of Mandalore."
Lucy tilts her head in a bow, and Leia does the same. "It's nice to meet you, Mand'alor."
Bo nods back. "And you, Princess." She looks at Leia before her gaze flicks back to Lucy. "Master Jedi." She looks at Ahsoka. "We'll need to begin soon." Bo nods again at the twins, and Ahsoka tosses a smile over her shoulder, and Bo sweeps her away.
"Come on. You can sit next to some old friends of mine." Leia swept into the crowd, taking Lucy's hand until they approached a group of Mandalorians in yellow armor, and one in brightly painted armor.
Leia, let's go of Lucy's hand to hug the other woman. She pulls back and looks at Lucy, who stands there awkwardly. She forgot sometimes that Leia knew more people then Lucy could dream of knowing.
"This is my sister Lucy." Leia introduced her. "Lucy, this is Sabine Wren. We've been working together for years." She stepped back and Lucy and Sabine shook hands, though she didn't miss the appraising look Sabine swept over Lucy.
"Her mother Countess Ursa, father Alrich and brother Tristain." Leia added, and Ursa looked down at Lucy's hip as Sabine let go of her hand.
"A Jedi?"
"I'm just a Padawan Countess." Lucy felt nervous. She tilted her head in a bow, not wanting to offend her.
Ursa nodded firmly, "I see." She looks at her. "We had no idea Princess Leia had a sister until recently. I can see why they hid you."
"Mother." Sabine scolded her. She sighed and looked at Lucy. "Sit next to me?"
"I, yes, okay?" Lucy manages to get out. She sits, and Sabine follows. Leia winks at Lucy as she moves away, closer to Bo and Ahsoka; and Lucy swallows hard. She didn't know why she was so nervous. But she didn't know anyone here besides Ahsoka and Leia.
What if the Empire came for her?
Sabine nudges her shoulder with her own drawing her attention. "Don't look so glum. No one here will hurt you or out you to the Empire."
"Sorry. I'm just nervous." Lucy admits. She looks at Sabine, who puts a hand on the back of her chair. "Mandalorians and Jedi have a turbulent history."
"Yeah, considering you only ever beat us once." Sabine replies.
"Sabine." Ursa hisses from beside her.
"It's true, Mother." Sabine looks at her. "I'm not going to sugar coat anything for her."
"It's okay, countess. I appreciate her honesty, " Lucy says softly, and before she can say anything else, their attention is drawn by Bo calling for attention. There's a hush in the room, and Lucy can feel tension hanging in the air.
"I would like to first welcome Princess Leia and her sister Lucy to our meeting, as well as other delegates of the Rebellion." Bo started. "They have come to us for help, and in return, we ask for theirs."
"This is the way." An voice calls out and is quickly echoed in the hall. Bo turns to Leia and nods.
"The floor is yours, Princess."
"I come to you Mand'alor with a proposal that will benefit both parties." Leia begins. "And one that I ask be put into place as soon as possible."
"And what is your proposal Princess?" Bo asks.
"That my sister, Lucy Skywalker, marry Sabine Wren of Clan Wren solidifying our alliance and allowing Mandalorian forces to formally help the Rebellion."
"What?" Lucy manages to get out at the Sabine Wren.
"My daughter will not-"
"This is not up for debate." Leia snaps. She looks at Ursa, who scowls.
"Leia!" Lucy feels hot, angry. She senses Sabine's grip on her chair tightened behind her.
"Enough." Leia looks at Bo again. "Is this acceptable Mand'alor?"
Bo looks at Leia and stretches. "And how would this benefit me and my people? Marrying your sister to Sabine?"
"When the Rebellion wins, I will make Mandalore an independent system with the trade benefits of belonging to a New Republic." Leia answers stoically.
Bo looks at Ahsoka, who frowns at her. She doesn't look too happy. But if this works, then they might be able to defeat the Empire sooner. "Normally, I wouldn't consider marrying a Jedi into House Wren, even if she is my wife's padawan." Bo looks at Lucy and Sabine. "But circumstances change. I accept this proposal. You will be married in a weeks time."
Lucy swallows hard and moves to stand up, but Sabine moves her hand to her shoulder, and she forces her back down in her seat.
"You have to wait. No matter how upset you are." Sabine hisses in her ear. Lucy shivers but doesn't move away; and Sabine keeps her arm there until the meeting the dismissed.
The minute she removes her arm, Lucy stands, bows in the direction of Bo, and leaves the hall as fast as she can. She loops around the palace to the grassy hills and keeps walking until she finds one far away enough that her heart beat slows before she sits down.
What is Leia thinking? Lucy looks out over the water. How could she do this to me? She sighs and turns her head as she hears footsteps, only to see its Sabine; helmet tucked under her arm.
"You had no idea?" Sabine asks as she approaches.
"No." Lucy says angrily. "Of course not."
Sabine shakes her head. "This is ridiculous."
"Its insanity is what it is." Lucy replies. "Are arranged marriages normal?"
"Not all the time." Sabine admits. "You're lucky Bo didn't see you try to get up. Never do that again." She tells her firmly.
Lucy swallows. "Okay? I'm sorry. I'm just upset."
"I know. So am I." Sabine looks away, sighs. "I don't know how we can get around this."
Lucy sighs. "I really don't think we have much choice in the matter." She tells Sabine, and the other woman looks defeated.
"Well, that's just great." Sabine replies sarcastically. "Look, I'm sorry. I know you don't want to be a part of this either. I just didn't think I'd ever get married."
"You're telling me. Jedi are supposed to be celibate." Lucy looks uncomfortable. "Or we were." She pauses. "There's something you should know through."
Sabine straightens up. "What's wrong?"
"Um... I only have one hand." Lucy admits shyly. She's not looking at Sabine anymore. "My right hand was cut off by Vader."
Sabine feels her stomach twist with guilt. "Well...I'm not bothered by that. Who's telling you that's an issue?" Sabine asks, suddenly angry.
"No one." Lucy looks at her. "But you need to know before you find out, um..." She shakes her head. "Forget I said anything."
Sabine watches Lucy for a moment and tries to relax. This wasn't her fault. She was thrown for a loop the same as Sabine was.
"This is probably terrifying for you." Sabine sits down next to Lucy and looks at her. Their legs are touching, and Sabine tries to ignore the way her stomach flipped when Lucy met her gaze. "We're going to have to figure this out somehow. I'll have a higher station than your family, so you'll have to come to Krownest after the ceremony with me to live there."
Lucy nods. "And learn how to be Mandalorian?"
Sabine nods grimly. "And learn Mando'a." She adds, "You'll do okay. But don't expect everyone to love you right away."
"No. I don't expect that from anyone." Lucy admits, and Sabine winches. "I mean, you don't have to-"
"I get it. It's alright." Sabine tells her softly. "I don't expect you to love me either." She bites her lip. "Let's try to be friends at least?"
Lucy smiles, grateful. "I'd like that, Sabine."
"So would I." Sabine gives her a small smile back. "Just promise me you won't throw me off a cliff for fun or something?" She teases her.
"Me? Never." Lucy laughs. "What kind of Jedi do you think I am."
"Hopefully, the fun kind." Sabine teases Lucy's lips quirk into a smile as Sabine looks away.
Have you known many Jedi?"
Sabine glances at her. "My brother Ezra, and Kanan." She smiles sadly. "Ahsoka. And now you I guess."
Lucy looks at her. "I hope I can live up to your expectations."
"You don't have to worry about me." Sabine tells her. She stands and holds out her hands. "For what it's worth, if we end up hating each other I can get the marriage annulled when I'm countess."
Lucy lets Sabine pull her to her feet, and squeezes her hands before letting go. "I might have to hold you to that Sabine."
Sabine smirks. "One hundred credits?"
Lucy laughs. "Now it sounds like your trying to bribe me."
Sabine winks at her. "Is that too low?"
Lucy rolls her eyes and grins. "For a Jedi? Absolutely."
Sabine laughs, and Lucy finds herself delighted by the sound. Before she can respond, a lasat comes walking up to them. Zeb, Lucy thinks his name is. But she's not sure. Does he work for the Rebellion? A pilot? She's sure she's heard of Zeb at least.
"Hey you two, everyone's worried. Why you run off like that?"
"She has to marry me. That's reason enough." Sabine says and the man sighs.
"You can't be too mad if you're making jokes." He turns to Lucy. "I'm Zeb. I've been keeping Sabine out of trouble since she first joined the Rebellion."
"More like dragging me into it." Sabine mutters.
Zeb holds out his hand to Lucy, and she suddenly feels very small as they shake hands. "I know you both don't want this. But just put on a happy face for the politicians."
"I'll try." Lucy answers, and Zeb nods as he lets go of her hand.
"Come on. Let's go back. I'll make sure people keep to themselves." Zeb tells them. "And I'll introduce you to my husband too." He walks ahead, and Lucy looks at Sabine.
"After you, my lady." Sabine teases, and Lucy lets out a sharp sigh.
"You know, the Empire might be the least of your worries if you keep that up, Countess."
"Hurry up, you two." Zeb calls, and Lucy and Sabine exchange one final look before following. The situation wasn't ideal, but for now they had to play along.
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