#kelly vivanco
suenosyfantasmas · 1 month
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"Es durante la noche que resulta hermoso creer en la luz".
Edmond Rostand.
Arte: Kelly Vivanco. Estados Unidos. Sus obras de arte están pintadas con acrílico o al óleo sobre lienzo o paneles.
"Kelly trabaja en distintos estilos y se inspira en la naturaleza y el mundo imaginario, además de fotos, literatura infantil y sus sueños.... "
Fuente: elpoderdelasideas.com
Sueños y fantasmas. El arte de soñar.
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Kelly Vivanco
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kellyvivanco · 2 years
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Some new small works now available https://nahcotta.com/collections/kelly-vivanco
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mermaidenmystic · 2 months
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Wash Over You by Kelly Vivanco
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artdepo · 7 months
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Kelly Vivanco
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aliteraryprincess · 1 year
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April 2023 Wrap Up
Butters insisted that he must be in the this month's wrap up pic! 😆 April went by way too quickly. Time's just flying by!
Books Read: 15
Look at all these books! I mean, sure, a lot of them are rereads or picture books, but that's fine! My favorite of the month was Little Thieves, which is just a new favorite in general. My least favorite was The Ingenue, but it was still an enjoyable read. Starred titles are audiobooks and ones marked with ® are rereads.
The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins - 5 stars ®
"The Lifted Veil" by George Eliot - 3 stars
The Ingenue by Rachel Kapelke-Dale - 3 stars
Snow White by the Brothers Grimm, retold by Paul Heins, illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman - 5 stars ®
Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Brave retold by Marinna Mayer, illustrated by Kinuko Y. Craft - 4 stars
The Goose Girl by the Brothers Grimm, retold by Anthea Bell, illustrated by Sabine Bruntjen - 3 stars
Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf - 4.5 stars ®
Little Thieves by Margaret Owen - 5 stars
The Thing Around Your Neck by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - 4 stars
Many Furs by the Brothers Grimm, retold and illustrated by Jacquelyn Ilya Sage - 3 stars
Snow White & Rose Red by the Brothers Grimm, retold by Kallie George, illustrated by Kelly Vivanco - 4 stars
The Secrets of Hartwood Hall by Katie Lumsden - 5 stars
The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories by Angela Carter - 4.5 stars ®
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys - 4.5 stars ®
Arcadia by Tom Stoppard - 5 stars ®
On Tumblr:
It's just all polls. I'm having way too much fun with them.
March Wrap Up
Fairy Tale Retelling Authors Poll
Elizabeth Gaskell Book Poll
Jane Austen Book Poll
Charles Dickens Book Poll
Hyperspecific Poll
Shakespeare Tragedy Poll
Shakespeare Comedy Poll
Shakespeare History Poll
On the Blog:
There's one thing here! Yay! But it's still not the Fairy Tale Friday post for Snow & Rose...oops...
Review: The Ingenue by Rachel Kapelke-Dale
On YouTube:
But hey, there's a Fairy Tale Friday post here at least!
April TBR
The George Eliot Project: Adam Bede
March Wrap Up - 7 books!
The George Eliot Project: "The Lifted Veil"
Currently Reading 4/18/23
The Quarter Year Crisis Book Tag 2023
Fairy Tale Friday: The Seventh Bride by T. Kingfisher
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rfsnyder · 8 months
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Kelly Vivanco
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femmes-et-art · 1 year
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Kelly Vivanco
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aspiringpolymath · 1 year
Mid Year Reading Check In
I compiled this at the end of June, so it's not up to the minute accurate, but a good indication of how my reading year has gone so far. I tweaked the questions a bit to suit my reading style. If anyone sees this and wants to answer them PLEASE tag me so I can see what you are reading!
Mid Year Book Check In Questions:
Did you set a reading challenge; if so, how’s it going? (AKA How many books have you read?)
Best book(s) you’ve read so far?
Best sequel or book in a series you've read so far?
New release you haven't read yet, but want to?
Most anticipated release for the second half of the year?
Biggest disappointment?
Biggest surprise?
Favorite new author? (Debut or new to you)
Newest favorite character (for whatever reason)?
Book that made you cry or saddest book you’ve read?
Book that made you happy?
Favorite review you've written this year? (Can be glowing or a takedown)
Favorite cover for a book you've read this year?
What books are your priority to read by the end of the year?
According to GR, I’ve read 239 books (tho I prefer ‘title’ since some are pretty short. I read a mix of novels, novellas, shorts and manga/comics.) My GR goal is 365, so I’m ahead of schedule!
Manga - Restart After . . . duology by Cocomi
Graphic novel - Mamo by Sass Milledge (ff ya)
Non LGBTQ+ romance book - The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna (still casually queer)
Short book - Bisclavret by K.L. Noone
Standalone mm romance book (there are not a lot of these, lol) - We Could Be So Good by Cat Sebastian (I didn’t want it to be over, so I really took my time.)
3. Three way tie between The Missing Page by Cat Sebastian, Malibu by Emmy Sanders, and Out of the Wild Night by Marina Vivancos. Oh, and Muscle Cub by Slade James!
4. Loads, but I still haven’t read The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen by KJ Charles and I really need to get on that.
5. I’m looking forward to the next volume of Our Not-So-Lonely Planet Travel Guide by Mone Sorai. Oh, and Gentle Chaos by Tyler Gaga (ghosthoney on IG and TikTok)
6. I was most recently disappointed by How To Say I Do by Tal Bauer - not hugely, just wasn’t what I was hoping for.
7. I was really pleasantly surprised by Show Me How to Trust by Ray Celar. I didn’t have high hopes after book 2, but this one really took the time it needed to with the characters. Not a perfect book, but really lovely.
8. I’ve read a couple of short things by her in the past, but this year Crystal Lacy has become a new go-to author.
9. Sal from The Demon’s Mate by Delaney Rain, and maybe Collin from Off-Ice Behavior by Hannah Henry.
10. Some I’ve already mentioned made me cry, but I Felt a Funeral, in My Brain by Will Walton made me cry no fewer than five times. It’s a weird prose poem YA book about grief and generational addiction, I thought it was so well done. A book that made me cry mostly happy tears was Keep Me by HJ Welch.
11. The audiobook of Heartbreak Boys by Simon James Green made me legitimately lol.
12. Well, the one that has gotten the most likes on GR is my 1 star of The Right Wrong Number by Katie Warren, but I did like my pithy review for So These Rude Grumpy Arrogant Jerks Fall In Love and It’s Gross by TJ Land. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5353619286
13. The Roger Crenshaw books by Taylor Titmouse have amazing covers, and illustrations inside, too.
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Also, Haunt, Heart, Havoc by Freydís Moon has a super striking cover.
14. I’d like to get back to In Memoriam by Alice Winn. I started it, but there were holds and I knew it was going to get very sad. Oh, and this probably should have been listed above, but I also want to get to Something Wild and Wonderful by Anita Kelly soon.
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leloupdebout · 7 months
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kate-paloma · 1 year
“Non angosciarti e non cercare nemmeno di sfuggire ai momenti tristi, ne conoscerai tanti altri come questi, ti sentirai ancora come oggi, con il cuore gonfio di amarezza, con la stessa voglia di piangere, pervasa da una pena lieve e sola tanto più fastidiosa perchè una ragione non c’è.
Dovrai imparare a convivere con queste giornate.
Imparerai nella solitudine e in questi istanti a prenderti cura di te, teneramente, premurosamente.
Non sarà facile, ma a poco a poco comprenderai il tuo animo fragile e delicato e al contemplo risoluto e caparbio e ti accorgerai di quante cure abbia bisogno.
Ti incontrerai con te stesso, imparerai a volerti bene in modo dolce e gentile e accettarti con indulgenza anche in queste giornate sconsolate.”
- Khalil Gibran
Illustrazione Kelly Vivanco
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supersonicart · 2 years
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Kelly Vivanco’s “The Resilient Edges.”
Opening May 14th, 2022 at Distinction Gallery in Escondido, California is artist Kelly Vivanco’s solo exhibition, “The Resilient Edges.”
Vivanco draws from the real and imagined world to populate her works with a host of playful and curious characters. She takes inspiration from vintage photographs, children's literature and the oddness of her dreams.
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geekynerfherder · 2 years
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Distinction Gallery presents 'Resilient Edges', a solo art exhibition by Kelly Vivanco.
The exhibition is on view at Distinction Gallery, 317 E Grand Ave., Escondido, CA 92025 and at the Distinction Gallery website from Saturday May 14 until June 4 2022.
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mermaidenmystic · 3 months
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Mermaid's Sleep by Kelly Vivanco
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yurekbali · 4 years
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“Hepimiz aynı ormanda çalışıyoruz, hepimizin yalnızlığı birimiz için. (...) Yalnızlık birimizi hepimize bıraktı, birimiz hepimizi yalnız bıraktık...” - Haydar Ergülen, Birimiz Hepimizi Yalnız Bıraktık! (Nar / Bütün Şiirleri-1) - Görsel: Kelly Vivanco
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whatjanesaw · 3 years
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Kelly Vivanco https://www.kellyvivanco.com
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