#keloid-prone problems
beyondthisdarkhouse · 2 years
So is there, like, a limit to what *kind* of stitches you can take out with a seam ripper? When I try to mend something, usually one of two things happens--either I try to yank a big snarl through the fabric, tear it, and have a new place to fix, which I usually do by just sewing the edges of the hole *to* the snarl since it's already there; OR if I'm being especially painstaking I will manage to catch the huge snarls *before* pulling them through, and then I pass the next few stitches through the snarl to hold it together and down and keep all the loops from unraveling. In either case, while I can usually manage to keep the outside of the garment looking reasonably clean the inside doesn't so much have seams as it has keloids--basically a big running knot of stitches looped back on each other, that I just keep doubling back on and stabbing until the needle won't go through it anymore because that's the only way I know to secure it.
Am I just stuck with them? Or if I ever learned to sew properly, would I be able to unpick those mends and redo them? (Or, more likely, get an actual seamstress to redo them?)
(If it matters--most of the garments I've tried to mend by actually sewing are jersey knit; woven fabrics I usually just use those iron-on patches on the inside.)
Oh boy JERSEY. It's a lovely spoilt brat devil of a fabric. I love it so but it's very prone to problems. I myself have absolutely done the overlapping row-on-row of raddled fabric bunched into a seam. I'm going to go backwards, starting with the assumption that holes will happen, before talking about unpicking methods that might prevent the formation of holes to begin with.
Because I mean, sometimes it is all such a pain in the ass that I just sew a new seam further into the fabric and cut the old seam off with scissors, if that won't mess up the thing I'm repairing. Alas, it often will mess it up, and then getting fancy is required.
The simplest answer is to get a stretchy fusible interfacing that will work like an iron-on patch. Your search terms here are "knit fusible interfacing" and "weft fusible interfacing"; you can buy it off the bolt at fabric stores. I use it when my t-shirts get random little holes in the fabric and I want to prevent them from getting any larger--I just cut a little circle of interfacing and iron it onto the back of the fabric. You could cut pieces big enough to cover your keloid areas, iron them down, and then sew through the interfacing with more confidence.
It is possible to darn knit garments, using thread to catch the loops that have been dropped and create a bridge of new stitches that hold it all together. People absolutely do darn T-shirts and fine fabrics like jersey; I personally only do it for knitted items that are extremely precious to me and have large yarn and a big gauge, because I find it a pain in the ass. There's traditional darning where you catch the loops at the perimeter of the hole, then create a woven web of threads over the gap, and Swiss darning, where you duplicate the knitted structure.
A lot of the problems with knit fabric originate with the needles used to sew them. Ordinary sharp needles have the unfortunate habit of piercing and breaking the threads of the fabric they're sewing, and those broken threads can begin to unravel and create holes. If the thing you're unpicking was originally sewn with sharp needles, you might be SOL and have to accept the holes as inevitable. Avoiding this problem requires ball point needles, whose tips have been carefully blunted so they merely push threads aside as they move through fabric. This is way more likely to be a problem with sewing machines, since they punch down with more force than handsewists generally use to push the needle through the fabric, but, you might benefit by doing your hand-mending with ballpoints.
So, with unpicking, one major secret is serger or overlock stitches. These are made by machines that use three or four threads all at once to completely encase the seam in thread. They're used a lot in modern sewing because they're quick, easy, and make garments machine-washable. Hoowever, if you want to unpick the seam, you might find yourself thinking, "Where do I start?"
There is a secret to it. Here's a tutorial on the process, and here's another. Once you know which threads to focus on, the whole process gets much easier.
Which finally brings us around to unpicking seams, full stop.
The biggest problem with unpicking seams in knit fabrics is the extreme likelihood that you will not just catch the thread of the seam, but the thread of the fabric itself. In that case, your best bet is actually to turn the item out to its "good" or "right" side, pull the seam gently apart until the stitches are visible, and carefully pick them out from there. Here's a tutorial. This works with seams made by serger, sewing machine, or by hand. You just have to be wary of cutting the fabric itself when you're coming in to cut the stitch.
Whew! I don't know about you, but now I don't feel like sewing again for a week. (Lies. I will sew again after lunch.) This is as much as I think is useful. If you have more specific questions, I think I'd need to see photographs of the thing to give any more helpful answers.
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molsons112000 · 11 days
See, this is what black people don't understand asian and black people have larger pores, but the reason asians can handle colder climates better because their skin is naturally oilier. That is why eskimos can handle cold weather and they have a diet high in fat, and they produce a lot of oil, and that oil protects their skin protects their internal organs. So their blood has high levels of oil....
Yes, Asian skin tends to be oilier than other skin types due to a number of factors, including:
Climate: The warm climate in many Asian countries can contribute to oilier skin.
Sebaceous glands: Asian skin has more oil glands, which produce oil (sebum) that keeps the skin smooth and supple.
Humidity: Humidity can cause oil glands to overproduce oil.
Skin type adaptation: Asian skin has adapted to the climate and pigment composition of the skin.
Oily skin can lead to a number of skin concerns, including:
Acne: Trapped oils and sebum in the pores can lead to acne breakouts. Acne on Asian skin can appear as keloids, which are hardened bumps and reddening.
Enlarged pores: Oily skin can enlarge pores, which can make it easier for acne to develop.
Skin discoloration: Asian skin is prone to discoloration.
Sensitive skin: Asian skin is more sensitive because the stratum corneum is thin.
Some skincare tips for Asian skin include:
Washing with a cleanser that contains salicylic acid
Using a cleansing brush or microdermabrasion tool to exfoliate
Using a moisturizer with SPF
Trying a spot-fading treatment
The Jakarta Post
Six facts you should know about Asian skin - The Jakarta Post
Aug 12, 2016 — Asian skin is oilier. Asian skin is oilier due to both outer and inner factors. Firstly, there are more oil glands (sebaceous glands) that produce o...
Oily skin. Due to Asian countries having a generally warmer climate, Asian skin, and darker skin tones naturally tend to produce more oil.
Why is Asian skin different from other Skin types? | London Clinic
But a new study on Inuit in Greenland suggests that Arctic peoples evolved certain genetic adaptations that allow them to consume much higher amounts of fat than most other people around the world, according a team of researchers reporting Thursday in the journal Science.Sep 17, 2015
The Secret To The Inuit High-Fat Diet May Be Good Genes - NPR
Yes, traditional Inuit diets are high in fat:
Around 50% of calories come from fat, 30–35% from protein, and 15–20% from carbohydrates
The diet is carnivorous, with hunted animals like caribou, seals, walrus, polar bears, whales, and fish
Fatty acids
The fats are mostly monounsaturated and rich in omega-3 fatty acids
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
Eskimo diets are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, with a ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids of 0.84
Some say that the high fat content of the Inuit diet provides energy and prevents protein poisoning, which was a problem in late winter. Others say that the diet doesn't pose the same health risks as a typical Western high-fat diet. However, a study found that Eskimos suffer from atherosclerosis.
How the Inuit adapted to Ice Age living and a high-fat diet | UCL News
Sep 18, 2015 — How the Inuit adapted to Ice Age living and a high-fat diet | UCL News - UCL – University College London.
And so you have to understand this. They have a different dietary composition, and the metabolisms are designed to handle those types of food, a diet high in fat.... And that means their blood has a different composition.Even with having the same blood type, it still doesn't have the same composition...
See. They have higher levels of fatty acids in their blood and remember when you digest food blood goes into the digestive track to help break it down and Eskimos have a certain composition to their blood that is different than other people. So through this blood type or blood composition, which is different They can have higher levels of fat!!!
Back Where It All Began – How the Greenland Eskimos Put Omega ...
Jul 16, 2020 — The Greenland Eskimos' fatty acid profile was very rich in EPA and ... BLOG: Get the Facts On Omega-6, Trans Fats, Palmitic Acid and More.
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Study of Yup'ik Eskimos suggests high consumption of omega-3 ...
Mar 24, 2011 — The fats the researchers were interested in measuring were those found in salmon, sardines and other fatty fish: docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, ...
Berkeley News
What the Inuit can tell us about omega-3 fats and 'paleo' diets
Sep 17, 2015 — Their traditional diet is held up as an example of how omega-3 fats can counterbalance the bad health effects of a high-fat diet, but a new ...
Carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in the Alaskan Arctic ...
by SA Feldman · 1975 · Cited by 26 — Furthermore the long-term safety of high-fat diets is widely supported by studies of Alaskan Arctic Eskimos in which fat accounts for about 50% of total
What is the body fat of the Eskimo?
Percentages of body fat (average 13.4% in males, 22.6% in females) are at least as high as encountered in many series of college students, despite very low skinfold readings; the possibility is suggested that body fat has a different regional distribution in the Eskimo.
On the body composition of the Eskimo - SpringerLink
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
Carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in the Alaskan Arctic ...
by SA Feldman · 1975 · Cited by 26 — Unusually high levels of free fatty acids without ketonemia in the North Slope sample were noted as well.
So the eskimo diet is good, they have to understand this in the military.When you're stationaling people in colder environments, it is good To place them on this type of diet, but again, it is not good for black people... They will have hard time. Because you know they have heavier levels of pigmentation in their blood unlike eskimos they have lower levels of pigmentation in comparison to black people and so they can adapt and have hired levels of fatty acids in their blood to take in the higher levels of fat... But what happens to black people is they can handle that with their high levels of pigmentation, and they get coronary artery disease, where eskimos don't have any problem with coronary artery disease...
In 1975, Dyerberg et al. surveyed Greenland Eskimos,1 found low rates of reported cardiovascular disease (CVD), and attributed the low rates to this population's regular consumption of marine mammals containing omega-3 fatty acids; this report led to the assumption that Alaska Eskimos were protected from CVD.Oct 2, 2009
Cardiovascular Disease Prevalence and its Relation to ...
The idea that Eskimos have a low likelihood of coronary artery disease (CAD) is a misconception that has been disproven:
Early studies
In the 1970s, Dyerberg et al. surveyed Greenland Eskimos and found low rates of reported CVD. They attributed this to the Eskimos' diet of marine mammals, which contain omega-3 fatty acids. However, these studies did not investigate the prevalence of CAD in the population.
Later studies
More recent studies have found that Eskimos have CAD at similar rates to non-Eskimo populations. For example, Alaska Natives have a higher prevalence of risk factors for CAD than non-native Alaskans.
Lifestyle changes
Alaska Eskimos have experienced rapid lifestyle changes over the past century, and coronary artery disease is increasing among them.
Cardiovascular Disease Prevalence and its Relation to ...
Oct 2, 2009 — Alaska Eskimos, like many other populations, have undergone rapid changes in lifestyle during the past century. In 1975, Dyerberg et al. surveyed Gre...
So black people can't eat Eat like eskimo's.They need to put on heavier clothes.They need to put on heavier oils on their skin but they can't do it through dietary like eskimos that's secreted like asians that's secret though get coordinary artery disease and die!!!! Because of their high levels of pigmentation they can accommodate high levels of fat!!! And if you look at africa on that, and those places like when I went to ghana, they ate a lot of chicken!!! Remember, all those animals in Africa are very lean. They're very muscular and very lean, don't have a lot of body fat because of the weather, and so their diet are made up of very lean food when it comes to fat!!!! And the problem here is they don't understand that, and whether it's jamaica in the caribbean or in africa, their diets are based on very lean meats, very low levels of fat!!! So black people have to be very, very careful with the amount of fat they take in their diets, naturally have to be in lower levels of fat!!!! So they have to put on heavier oils in that when they're in colder weather that protect themselves, they can't do it through dietary intake, they'll kill themselves. So externally, they can put heavier levels of oil on their skin to protect them from them weather, and also they have to wear heavier clothes.. So they can put on heavier oils to protect themselves, and they have to wear heavier clothes.They can't do what eskimos do so in the military, you can't change their diet to an eskimo diet, black people will just die!!!!! So they naturally have to be on a lean diet... They need to take in lower amounts of fat.Their systems are not set up to take in high amounts of fat, go back in africa.They don't take in high amounts of fat and they use some fat in cooking Certain foods for flavor but they're not eating those high levels of fat... They're just using it for flavor but they're getting all the greens in that they use it in collar greens, higher levels of fat.But the collar greens have high levels of fiber which tackle the height levels of fat...
Yes, Black adults are at a higher risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) and heart disease than white adults:
Risk factors
Black adults are more likely to have risk factors for CAD, such as hypertension and obesity. Black adults are 40% more likely to have high blood pressure than white adults, and 1.3 times more likely to be obese.
Black adults are more than twice as likely to die from cardiovascular disease (CVD) than white adults. Black women are more likely than white women to have a heart attack.
Heart disease develops at a younger age in Black men and women than in white adults.
Social determinants of health
Differences in social determinants of health, such as education and neighborhood-level poverty, can explain the higher risk of CAD in Black adults.
Lifestyle behaviors
Differences in lifestyle behaviors, such as dietary quality, can explain the higher risk of CAD in Black adults.
Cleveland Clinic
Heart Disease Risk: How Race and Ethnicity Play a Role
Coronary artery disease and heart attack. Black women are more likely than white women to have a heart attack. Black adults are more likely than white adults to...
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
Facial skin pores: a multiethnic study - PMC
by F Flament · 2015 · Cited by 113 — To summarize, pore sizes vary much more with ethnicity than with age. With regard to women
And this is why they can have fats with collard greens where they can't have it in their meat. They have to eat meat like Buffalo and other meat. That is lean like chicken. Cork is not natural to them.Pigs are not indigenous to africa...
The soluble fiber in collard greens can help absorb cholesterol before it makes its way into your bloodstream, lowering your cholesterol levels. The insoluble fiber in collard greens feeds the good bacteria in your gut, which can help you digest foods more efficiently.Sep 19, 2022
Health Benefits of Collard Greens - WebMD
Yes, collard greens contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, which provide a variety of health benefits:
Soluble fiber
This type of fiber can help lower cholesterol levels by binding to cholesterol in the digestive system and causing it to be excreted. Soluble fiber can also help improve blood glucose control, which may reduce the risk of diabetes.
Collard greens are also a good source of vitamin K, which helps your body absorb calcium and strengthen bones. This can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
A cup of cooked collard greens contains about 5.5 grams of fiber, which is about 20% of the daily value. Diets high in fiber have been linked to a lower risk of colorectal cancer, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.
Health Benefits of Collard Greens - WebMD
Sep 19, 2022 — The soluble fiber in collard greens can help absorb cholesterol before it makes its way into your bloodstream, lowering your cholesterol levels. The...
And you gotta understand pigs crossed over into northern africa, and they use them in collard greens and other things, but they use them in a way that doesn't raise their cholesterol level!!! They're actually not indigenous to northern africa...
Pigs are not native to the Americas, they originated in southeast Asia and from there expanded their range through Eurasia and North Africa1. Humans are responsible for introducing pigs everywhere else.
Feral Swine Bomb | USDA Climate Hubs
Pigs are native to Eurasia and parts of North Africa. They were first domesticated in the Near East around 8500 BC. Humans have since introduced pigs to other parts of the world, including:
The Americas
Pigs were introduced to the Hawaiian Islands by Polynesian settlers 800–1000 years ago, and to the mainland by European settlers in the 16th century.
Feral pigs are not native to Australia, but domestic pigs were kept by early European settlers, and some ran wild by the 1880s.
Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines
Pigs have evolved into many different species on these islands, including wild boar, bearded pigs, and warty pigs.
Pigs are one of the most populous mammals in the world and can live in almost any environment. They are highly adaptable and can survive in new environments due to their long lifespans, varied diet, and early sexual maturity.
Natural History Museum
Understanding the origins of European domestic pigs
Aug 13, 2019 — Pigs at the Museum ... Its extensive collection of skeletons is invaluable for studies such as this. Richard explains, 'We have hundreds of pig skel...
So you will see that pigs crossed over into northern africa.They didn't make it down further than that and they were used very limited in their dietary habits,
Yes, Northern Africa is very close to Europe, with the shortest distance between the two continents being 14.4 kilometers. The Strait of Gibraltar, a 13-kilometer-wide waterway, separates the two continents.
Here are some other things to know about the relationship between North Africa and Europe:
A Spanish exclave on the North African coastline, Ceuta is surrounded by Morocco and is only 18 miles from the Spanish mainland.
Genetic history
North Africans have a distinct native genetic component that sets them apart from sub-Saharan Africans, but aligns them more closely with Europeans and Middle Easterners.
Pantelleria and the Pelagie Islands
Pantelleria and Linosa are considered part of Europe, while Lampedusa and Lampione are considered part of Africa.
Spanish Canary Islands
The inhabitants of the Spanish Canary Islands have mixed Spanish and North African Berber ancestry.
The people of Malta have primarily Southern Italian/Sicilian ancestry, but also have some North African and Middle Eastern ancestry.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
North Africa - Wikipedia
The inhabitants of the Spanish Canary Islands are of mixed Spanish and North African Berber ancestry, and the people of Malta are of primarily Southern Italian/
You will see that a lot of the pigs that were eaten in northern africa, we're eaten by europeans like the romans, they were big in northern africa and so did the germans come into northern africa later in many others, but they were europeans, and they brought with them pigs... But for indigenous blacks, pigs weren't very big part of their diet!!! And now we can go back into the mummies and break down their bone samples, and we can cross reference bone samples to dietary habits! And now we can go back in bone samples of people in cemeteries and all that and look at their dietary habits and look at what disease is and other ailments, and what resistance they had through those habits to certain things, like weather pollution and disease, physical skeletal.Ailments and others! So we can look at the pros and cons by doing bone samples, and those bowling samples will give us certain nutrients, then we can cross reference that to animals and plants and water!!!!! We can also determine how much sunday got on an average basis as well.It's like calmWe can also determine how much sun got on an average basis as well...
North Africa
However, these areas are not generally considered part of North Africa, but rather Southern Europe, due to their proximity to mainland Europe and their .
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
Best Practices for Conducting Observational Research to ...
by RL Bailey · 2019 · Cited by 27 — The purpose of this paper is to describe the best practices and considerations for designing, conducting
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
Relationship between Bone Density, Eating Habit, and ...
by HS Lim · 2018 · Cited by 23 — The purpose of this study was to examine the BMD of college students and to determine the difference in BMD according to eating habits. The ...
Missing: biopsies ‎| Show results with: biopsies
Identification of a dietary pattern prospectively associated with ...
by EH van den Hooven · 2015 · Cited by 35 — Objectives: We derived dietary patterns that were hypothesized to be related to bone health on the basis of their protein, calcium, and potassium contents and ...
Missing: biopsies ‎determine ‎habits
Dietary Patterns, Body Composition, and Bone Health in ...
by BL Ilesanmi-Oyelere · 2020 · Cited by 12 — The aim of this study was to explore the associations between dietary patterns, bone mineral density (BMD) and T-scores, and body composition in New Zealand ...
Missing: biopsies ‎| Show results with: biopsies
Johns Hopkins Medicine
Bone Biopsy
A bone biopsy is a procedure in which bone samples are removed (with a special biopsy needle or during surgery) to find out if cancer or
Minimally invasive bone biopsies of fully wrapped mummies ...
by C Wurst · 2020 · Cited by 6 — Here we provide guidelines to obtain bone samples of fully wrapped mummies in a minimally invasive way,
So you will see here.Who has low levels of pigment?And you will see darker skin people blacks have high levels of pigmentation in their blood, and they can't have a high fat diet!!!!
What race has the most pigment?
The most lightly pigmented (European, Chinese and Mexican) skin types have approximately half as much epidermal melanin as the most darkly pigmented (African and Indian) skin types.
Ethnic variation in melanin content and composition in photoexposed ...
I haven't read this and I don't know what they mean Pseudoscience!!!
Melanin theory
Melanin theory is a set of pseudoscientific claims made by some proponents of Afrocentrism, which holds that black people, including ancient
Penn State University
Deciphering the genetic link between skin tone and ancestral ...
Oct 25, 2023 — For this reason, both Native Americans and East Asians appear to have less melanin than people with African ancestry, but
What ethnicity has the most melanin?
African and Indian skin had the highest total amount of melanin in the epidermis (t-test; P < 0.001), with no significant differ- ence between them. Amongst the remaining lighter groups, there was no significant difference in total epidermal melanin content.
Ethnic Variation in Melanin Content and Composition in Photoexposed ...
And here you will see, and this is why native americans are able to deal with cold weather and can have higher levels of dietary fat than black people, even when they're at the higher spectrum, and also they tend to be very active... But again, they don't have as high levels as black people. And so black people have a very difficult time with a high fat diet, you can't give them the eskimo diet that will just kill them!!!!
Do Native Americans have more melanin?
“In places with lower UV rays, people with less melanin make better use of whatever exposure they have.” For this reason, both Native Americans and East Asians appear to have less melanin than people with African ancestry, but they are less likely than Europeans to develop melanoma, according to Ang.Oct 25, 2023
Deciphering the genetic link between skin tone and ancestral origins
Yes, this is why black people naturally didn't swim a lot.Because colder water is not good for them, and so they need to swim in warmer waters.... Some might point is, i'm watching jimmy kimmel and the black girl, very beautiful, great dress like the roaring twenties and very glimmering... But they can't go into cold baths the same way that others do they have to be in their shorter periods of time... If not, they'll have serious issues.Their skin is more sensitive...
See, you will see here that black people have to be very careful with cold, so taking cold plunges or doing any.Type of cold therapy.They are more sensitive to it.And they have to do it for shorter periods of time, because it does affect them quicker... So if they're doing any form of cold therapy, they have to do it less than other people and less often....
Yes, people with darker skin, which generally has higher levels of melanin, are more likely to be sensitive to cold than people with lighter skin. This is supported by evidence of ethnic differences in cold responses.
Here's some more information about melanin and temperature:
Melanin production and temperature
Melanin production increases in warm and humid climates. In contrast, low temperatures can reduce melanin production.
Melanin and heat
Heat exposure can increase the number of melanin granules in the skin.
Melanin and dopamine
The same skin cells that produce melanin also produce dopamine, which can increase skin's sensitivity to heat.
Melanin and genetics
The amount of melanin in a person's body is influenced by genetics and how much sun exposure their ancestors had.
Golger's rule states that "melanin production tends to increase in warm and humid parts of the species range." Also, high humidity combined with high temperatur...
So you can't keep on saying we're the same. We are not the same, how we react to environmental conditions are totally different. How we go about our dietary habits are totally different. Our bodies are made up for certain types of dietary habits.And we can do satellite, but again, you don't want to do a massive style drift.... So that's why I tell you, if you go into certain cultures, try to find things that are in their dishes that are more similar to your dietary habits.....
So this is why giving blood, you have to be very careful, because blood is medicine, and just because they have the same blood.Type doesn't mean they have the same composition... So you got to understand the rest of it, and so there's a difference, and they need to start labeling blood more correctly for its makeup, high melanin Mid grade low grade.... So they have to high estrogen, which women's blood will be low. Testosterone men's blood, higher testosterone, lower estrogen. So they need to start labeling blood based on its components.Just because it's type a doesn't mean it's the right type a for you!!!! So yes, sometimes giving blood from a darker skin person might be very good for a white person.That's number one or vice versaversa... 👍 Like, maybe they have cholesterol issues and you're in surgery, and if they're having cholesterol issues and you need to give them blood, it might be better. To give a black person, a white person's blood, because it'll have less of these dense components... So it's less likely to cause issues with blockage. But sometimes it might be better.They give a white person a black person's blood.If you need these heavier components to stop bleeding...
So, here you go, black people have high levels of platelets and say, you have something like a stroke, and you don't want bleeding in the brain, giving them somebody's blood that has these heavier components, heavier platelets, heavier levels of Melanin and other components might be very good. To stop the bleeding in the brain...
The lowest mean platelet counts were in whites (260 × 103/μL; 95% confidence interval [CI], 256–264), and the highest were in non-Hispanic blacks (281 × 103/μL [95% CI, 276–286]).
Platelet Counts Differ by Sex, Ethnicity, and Age in the United ...
Yes, non-Hispanic Black people have higher mean platelet counts than white people:
Platelet counts: In one study, the mean platelet count for non-Hispanic Black people was 281 × 103/μL, while the mean platelet count for white people was 260 × 103/μL.
Platelet counts by sex: In another study, Black women had significantly higher platelet counts than white women, but there were no differences between Black and white men.
Platelet counts by age: Platelet counts decrease with age, regardless of ethnicity.
Other differences in platelets between Black and white people include:
Platelet reactivity
African Americans have lower platelet reactivity to aspirin and ticagrelor than European Americans.
Platelet calcium homeostasis
Platelets from African Americans have an increased calcium turnover rate, with more calcium in the dense tubules than in white people.
Abnormal platelet count is an independent predictor of mortality in ...
Non-Hispanic Whites had significantly lower median platelet counts
So yes, blood can be medicine and us from different races.And so on can support each other, but doctors have to understand and blood banks have to understand how to properly depending on the procedure or the situation.With the injury to give them the right blood, not only the type that's right, but also the right other components that help them deal with the issue their experiencing!!!!!
So depending like wounds, you might people that get wounded in military action, you might need to give them blood from a black person instead of a white person, because of the higher levels of platelets to help them stop bleeding or minimize the bleeding!!!!
List of blood donation agencies in the United States
A-H · Innovative Transfusion Medicine · LifeSouth Community Blood Centers · OneBlood · SunCoast Blood Centers · Winter Haven Hospital Community Blood Center.
So there's a reason why god created multiple skin colors and multiple ethnicities, and he planned this all out, but you just don't understand it, and you're finally starting to understand it a little bit, but he creates everything with perfection!!!! And the reason we're having trouble is, we don't understand god's plan!!!!! And the further we drift from god's plan, the worse off we're going to be!!!! The closer we stay the god's plan, the better off mankind will be!!!!!!
And by the way, Haiti need leaner, meat and eating cats and dogs, they tend to have leaner, meet, and it is better for them.... But I think there are other ways to get lean meat.... Just rebuttled to trump's comment.... But if there's no other alternative and they need food, then I can see that and it's the sacrifice they make, even the weirdos, he said, for these people.... That's why you pray before you eat and thank you god for the blessing....
Started this with Jimmy Fallon And ending this while I watched Seth!!!!
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universe-of-astra · 8 months
Say Bye to Murky Spots: The Direct
Hyperpigmentation is a suggestipeopleve of locations without regard to in arrears to an overproduction ofhaireyescating, trifle, andself-esteemconfidenceicant|imakingcrucialthy|findng|bearing|force|thrust|weitreatmentght|burden|brunt|repercussions|results|consequences} in one's above. and confidence to colloq chiefly drill can easily support simply by simply promoting stall gross, reducing swelling, and providing basic nutrients to the fell. When it comes to hyperpigmentation, it is chief to choose end this specific reference to. Literary behold beoducts|items|goods} that accommodate ingredients these kinds of as vitamin C, kojic acid, niacinamide, and licorice extract. A usage also in behalf of hyperpigmentation might fell twice diurnal with a merciful be applied to target hyperpigmentation undeviatingly needles to epidermis, stirring collagen production and promoting brisk ingredients. Although microneedling may end up being wimayeveryone. Individuals with pelt problems or these prone to keloid scathat with a dermatologist before undergoing microneedling. Standard Remedies for the benefit of Hyperpigmentation: Carry out They will Accepted remedies own lengthy became management miscellaneous healthiness concerns, ifordarkve affirmation supporting the effectiveness typifying logical remedies in favour of hyperpigmentation, some individuals unmistakable customary prescription which is day in day out recommended in the service of hyperpigmentation is lemon pith. Lemon strength contains citric acid, which provides mannered locations may cheer In any event, it is distinguished to bread-and-butter letter that lemon juice may be irritating to the specially if second-hand in high concentrations or up about sensitive pores and epidermis. Additional everyday remedies which tend to be {often|frequently|regularly|much|many times|usually|habitually|commonly|ordinarily|again and again|over and over again|time after time|repeatedly|time and again|in many carightpigmentation embrace tea as a service to their own balsamic and antioxidant properties, which may relieve develop epidermis suggesting Diet in Hyperpigmentation Checking and {Treatment|Often|Treatment of|Behaviour|Conduct|Action|Hmaevena critical role in maintaining skin color and preventing diversified hide concerns, Unerring foods can easily improve help complexion and limit the risk signifying developing unlit spots and patches. Foods wealthy in antioxidants, such because berries, verdant from, screen coming via oxidative importance and sore, equally regarding which may furnish a balanced diet that includes a assortment characteristic of nutrient-dense foods. Makeup Tips in favour of Covering Hyperpigmentation Although treating hyperpigmentation is indispensable long-term results, now certainly there tend to be also distance to over. conceal up unsuitableext to using the bang on techniques and items accomplish a much a lot far additional actually complexion and chastisement is opener. Using a shade corrector in a colour in which counteracts the undertones indicating your murky spots may serve fresh color corrector can relieve colsamedailye recourse to a high-coverage concealer in which matches your fleece wan the Moral Products in ftreatmentalsooper products on hyperpigmentation may colloq mind-blowing, given the wide-ranging limit options present in the market. Notwithstanding specific factors can easily require an au fait decision and show preference for products which are the majority of expected to sermon your specific concerns. Firstly, it is urgent to name concerns you may possibly have. may ease restricted down your alternatives and confirm in which the items you judge regarding your skin's requirements. Secondly, look on items that have in it ingredients best-better-celebrated for their own brightening and lightening properties. Ingredients these kinds of as vitamin C, niacinamide, kojic acid, and licorice obtain have got been shown to become successful in reducing hyperpigmentation. Lastly, cogitate on, concerns, and desired outcomes. source Hyperpigmentation is a frequent skin influence on that may acquire a pithy striking in one's above and poise. Determination the good reception in support of hyperpigmentation is position the identical also in behalf of everyone. Insight the causes and types apart from hyperpigmentation is primary in determining the many effective therapy nearly equal. In reckoning to searching for proficient assist, creating lifestyle modifications this kind of since wearing sunscreen circadian, maintaining a shape diet, and establishing a in conformance skincare better ward and behave hyperpigmentation. There are usually a number of action choices at one's disposal, including superficial treatments, chemical peels, laser treatments, and microneedling. Logical remedies may possibly also purvey some rewards, even though regulated documentation supporting their particular effectiveness is limited. Near combining separate treatments and addressing hyperpigmentation coming via multiple angles, optimal results can easily become achieved. It is important to discuss with a dermatologist or skincare excellent to verify the many fitting behaviour layout pro your certain wants. Recall, looking for master alleviate is pivotal in effectively addressing hyperpigmentation and achieving a much a lot far additional even with. level complexion.
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sanjayrithik · 1 year
Best Skin Hospital In Karur | Sanjay Rithik Hospital
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As special as you are, your skin needs a routine. In order to assist you develop your ideal skin care routine, skin care specialists are researching the newest products, treatments, and advice. You can find solutions to all of your problems, whether you have sensitive skin, dry skin, or acne-prone skin.
The skin, the biggest organ in the body, serves as the body’s main defense against dangerous germs and the elements. Skin care clinic provides Skin Treatment, Hair Treatment, Cosmetic Procedures, Lasers , Dermato Surgeries,Anti Aging like more services. Now I am going to explain the services given by skin care specialists.
Skin treatment includes Pigmentation, Acne, Eczema, urticaria, psoriasis, fungal infection, keloids, melasma, Freckles.With the guidance of the best Skin Doctor In Karur you can get the most advanced treatment.
Dermatologists are experts in identifying your hair problems and treating hair loss. A dermatologist can determine whether FPHR or another factor is to blame for your hair loss.These are the following Hair treatment services you can get from the best Skin Doctor In Karur. Alopecia areata , Hair Transplant,Mesotherapy, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy.
Cosmetic procedures are used to change a person’s appearance and remodel physical features of the body. These are the following types of cosmetic procedures. Vampire Facelift, Skin Biopsy, Dermaroller Treatment, Microdermabrasion, NonSurgical Facelift, Non-Surgical Full Body Contouring,Medifacials,Chemical Peel and more.you can enhance your beauty with the help of the best Skin Doctor in Karur.
The top layer of skin, is destroyed by the laser beam and also it heats the layer beneath the skin, which prompts the synthesis of collagen over time and improves skin tone and texture.There are several skin disorders that can be treated using lasers include Scar Reduction,Hair removal.Tattoo Removal.you can get the the variety of laser treatments like Laser Toning,Carbon Peel,Photofacial from the best Skin Doctor In Karur.
DermatoSurgery treats the condition like Earlobe Repair, Mole Removal,Wart Removal, Milia Removal, Vitiligo Surgery.
To get younger, these are the Anti aging services available.Hifu,Skin Tightening,Anti Wrinkle Injection,Dermal Filler,Thread Lift.
Skin care specialists are using the most recent products and the above treatments to design your skin care.To get a skin care routine you can reach the best Skin Doctor in Karur.
Sanjay Rithik Hospital is more than just a skin and laser centre. It is a place where you can feel confident and comfortable in your own skin. We are committed to providing you with the best service and satisfaction at affordable prices. Sanjay Rithik Hospital is the Best Skin and Laser Centre In Karur that you can trust. So don’t wait any longer and book your appointment today or visit us at our hospital located at 77A, Sengunthapuram Main Road, Karur 639002. Click here to know the exact location of Sanjay Rithik Hospital.
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bulldagger-bait · 1 year
Long rant about my feelings and health or whatever
My feeding tube is causing me SO MUCH THROAT PAIN OH MY GOD
And there's nothing i can do to soothe it. Its sore because there's hard plastic where it shouldn't be.
This tube is so much more of a pain than my other one. Its just flat out a worse tube. Its a thicker french which is fine so far, but the material is firmer. Its not bouncy silicone. It doesnt give. The connection point also sucks like its cheaper plastic and its just nasty.
Like my first tube was fit at a private hospital, and this one in a public. Like is the quality in funding that intense that private health patients get better feeding tubes?
Ive also been on a NJ for 4 months. I should have a more permanent one. Like nasal tubes are just not long term options. I guess when i see my gastro in 3 months from now i can point out that, "hey, ive been on a nasal tube for 7 months. Weaning isnt working. Ive tried and the amount of food i can eat is not enough to sustain me and if you take me off this tube i will start starving. We can do that, i'll starve until im dangerously thin again and then we can talk about placing another tube, or we can accept that i cant eat enough with intervention to sustain my body and i need a more permanent solution."
Like the guidelines say that if someone is going to require a feeding tube for more than 3 months, a PEG or PEG-J should be placed.
Its also getting to the point where im having difficulty swallowing. Again. Like im starting to choke. Food hits the back of my throat and gets stuck and i cant swallow completely. And i dont think the tube is helping, i think its making it worse.
Like its getting to a point where im struggling to take my medication. Im pretty sure im going to have to start crushing some of my pills. (I cant crush all of them bc some of them are longer release and thats frustrating. And crushing pills every day is very quickly going to become something im going to struggle with as an ADL but i cant keep choking on my meds, and the last thing i want is another damn pill ulceration as well)
Pretty sure my NJ tube is also now an NG because i had to pull it out a little bit after they placed it because i wasnt able to access it at the length it was. But despite it probably being NG i cant tolerate high volumes of feed. I feel full on 50ml an hour and if i push it above 85ml i start feeling nausea.
I also cant throw up because if i do throw up the tube comes with it. So not only do i already eat like a mouse in order to avoid nausea but i also eat way less than i physically can because if i do i will vomit and i cant risk the tube.
Its just so frustrating.
I have global dysmotolity since its affecting my oesophagus and stomach. I have HSD and POTS as well so this isnt an unusual presentation of gastroparesis. I just. I need a more permanent solution than irritating nasal tubes that keep getting yanked on and cause constant discomfort.
And i know a PEG-J will have its own host of problems. I know ill likely have some serious problems with a stoma because im prone to keloiding and hypertrophic scars. God knows id likely get granulation tissue. I just think this whole feeding tube thing is more permanent than the initial short term that was suspected.
And 3 years of avoiding nausea and living with this has made me so avoidant of food. Ive developed a really fun, cool, awesome eating disorder. Sometimes that even feels like a cop out because its OSFED and doesnt look like what most ED's ive been exposed to should look like. Like years of starvation have completely fried my brains ability to regulate my hunger. Like i barely have any hunger signals during the day and im a champ at ignoring them anyway because i want to avoid nausea and pain, only then to be prone to waking up in the middle of the night to binge (read: eat a normal amount which feels like murder on my stomach). Ive gotten so used to nausea that nausea and feeling full feel the same. Like. How fucked up is that.
Im on antipsychotics that are supposed to help with nausea and they do to a certain extent but im just fed up with being on so many meds. Like i easily spend $150 on meds and thats WITH most of my meds being $7. Like its just so frustrating.
And seasonal depression is kicking my ass so bad that im worried im gonna need another stint in the psych ward at this point, but once again theres no time in my life. And theres so much to do at home and i just have no energy to do any of it. I dont even have energy to look after myself. And the house is a wreck and i know i have to get it in order but it just feels impossible. And adequate nutrition is helping with the fatigue but i still feel so unmotivated down to my bones.
Im pinching my gf's ADHD medicine just to be able to function enough to get shit done and i still cant even take care of myself, its just so frustrating. Disability and mental health have woven themselves into such a tight downward spiral that i just feel trapped. I feel trapped in my body. I feel trapped in my house. I feel trapped in my head. I just dont know what to do. I feel so out of control and useless.
I need to see my psychologist again because im spiraling. Like even my partner said that in the last two weeks ive been in a serious nose dive. But i cant get my stupid NDIS stuff sorted. Like i have all the funding i need to see her i just cant get it implemented because i dont have a support coordinator yet and its just driving me mad. I had one and then she quit and that was a month ago and im still waiting to even have an intake appointment. And its one of those things where i dont know the first place to get started doing it myself, but i also feel like even if i understood what to do just just wouldnt be able to do it.
And money is such a worry because im supposed to save up at least a 1.5k, if not more for this trip overseas which im really looking forward too. Like i get to see family i havent seen in a decade, im stoked. But im worried about how im going to feed over there, and how im even going to afford the trip. Then theres the fact that i want to save up enough money for christmas gifts and an engagement ring and on top of all that i had plans for two health related things that i wont get to until next year.
I need another ulnar nerve transposition done, but its going to be 2.5k to afford it, which is a lot of money. I could talk to my dad about affording it but hes already given me so much money this year and i dont want to ask for more. Then theres the fact that im trying to save up to get tested for autism because im fairly sure i have it and thats another grand. And it would be worth it because if i do have it i could get so many more supports than i have now. It would also just make me feel like im not failing at life anymore. Because right now i feel like i dont have a reason to be struggling this much because nothings wrong with me. Nevermind that i have so much shit going on i dont know what to do with it.
Ive just been stressed about money for so long at this point. Ive been stressed for a year about it, like. Its driving me mad. I make half of minimum wage on DSP, which is frankly appalling because im disabled and therefore all of my shit is more expensive. And then theres the energy bill which is going to be insane because theres a cost of living crisis and everyone is getting price shocked.
Im just so stressed and all of the stress just rolls one thing onto the next onto the next like this damn post started with me ranting about my feeding tube and here we are.
I just dont know what to do to make things easier. I know tidying the house would dramatically improve my mood, but i cant do it by myself. I feel completely swamped and overwhelmed. I just need support. I just need someone to sit with me while i try to get through everything. But by the time everyone comes home ive already spent all day stewing in my stress and im exhausted and have no energy to do anything.
Im also frustrated by the fact that ive been needing help with showering lately. Like i used to be able to do that by myself and now i cant. It used to be that id be a little lazy about doing it too based on how much it would wipe me out, and now its like it doesnt matter how much i want to do it, i just physically cant.
I dont know how im going to manage overseas without totally grossing out my family. The last thing i want to do is ask my mum to help me bathe. And theyre not going to have a shower chair that i can use over there so im going to have to sit on the ground because its getting to the point where standing is so completely exhausting. I dont even want to let my partner see how much it wipes me out. I dont want anyone to see how much im struggling, i just want to be able to do things.
Im sick of feeling like im useless.
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chicago-geniza · 3 years
today the doctor took note of my skin / wound healing & asked if i'd ever been assessed for EDS & since it was a telehealth appointment i literally looked into the camera like i was on the office lmfao
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palmett-hoes · 4 years
Ahhhhh I'm so sorry if this is a rlly annoying question!! You can ignore me if you want, that's okay. I wanted to ask, how hard was it to take care of your industrial piercing? (I've only had 1 piercing so far and it was a complete pain in the ass to clean and my hair kept getting caught in it :( very painful)
aaah i'm the wrong person to ask about this i have like,, insanely good luck with my piercings they've basically always healed perfectly and rarely get infected and i do NOT take very good care of them
with my industrial i slept on it and didn't clean it everyday and when i did i kept using rubbing alcohol (which you're NOT supposed to do. you should use either salt water or saline solution or just warm water with nonscented soap. alcohol kills the good bacteria along with the bad bacteria and is actually more likely to cause an infection in the long-term bc of this. for the same reason you don't want to OVER-wash a piercing while it's healing. one of my aunts did that when she had a belly button piercing and she told me it oozed for like a year, probably because she cleaned it obsessively like 3 times a day)
honestly cartilage piercings are super dicey and experiences vary really wildly. i was touching and playing with mine basically from the day i got it done and it's never given me any problems but i also know ppl who basically nudged theirs a little too roughly and developed a bump. one of my aunts (different aunt) says her cartilage piercing ached sometimes for like 20 years after she got it done (but she also got a lot of piercings done non-professionally so,,,, don't listen too much to that one)
honestly it comes down a lot to how your body reacts to piercings, but also the circumstances of your piercing. i don't know what piercing you have, but if you had a lot of problems with healing and infections that may be a problem for other piercings you may get. of course, it's also possible that you didn't get a very good piercing or you just didn't take care of it right, i don't know the circumstances
so,,, step 1. first try thinking on how your healing process generally goes, both for the piercing you have and general cuts, scrapes, and bug bites. do you get infections often? how is your general health? are you sick often? these are things that could indicate that you're just infection-prone and it's probably going to be a problem you have to deal with. i'm not telling you whether or not to get more piercings if you are, that's something you need to weigh the cost/benefit analysis of for yourself.
also try to note how you tend to scar. if you tend to get keloids or hypertrophics you're way more likely to get them on any cartilage piercings because they're already a more serious "injury" than plain skin piercings like a lobe or an eyebrow
another thing to look out for is how your body deals with different metals. i've known a lot of ppl who had metal allergies that restricted the kinds of jewelry they can wear. cheap metals can cause them to break out in rashes, and yes get infections more often during healing. generally your piercer should only be using surgical grade steel and/or titanium but it's still something to keep an eye on. think about if you often wear cheap or costume jewelry and how you react, especially if you wear if consistently for a long time. this can apply to things like bracelets and necklaces though cheap metal in your piercing is probably a better indicator bc it does go through your skin in a way i really hope your bracelets don't
then step 2 is make sure, MAKE SURE, that you're going to a good piercer. someone who is a trained professional in a sterile environment using the proper equipment and sanitizing correctly
NEVER go to claire's or piercing pagoda ESPECIALLY for a cartilage piercing
most of my lobe piercings i got done with a sewing needle in my aunt (20 year cartilage pain)'s dining room and even though lobes are an "easy" piercing they took ten times as long and were ten times as painful to do than my industrial, eyebrow, and septum that were done by piercing professionals in a parlor with surgical-grade equipment. my proper-done ones healed a lot easier too, and some of my lobes are crooked which make it kinda hard to put jewelry in and out
a good place to start is with the Association of Professional Piercers, who are a health and safety nonprofit dedicated to sharing free information about piercings to make sure everything is safe. parlours and individual piercers can become members by ensuring they meet certain quality standards set by the APP, and they have a directory on their website that will let you look up any members in your area (though just because a piercer isn't in the APP doesn't mean they're not a safe and reliable piercer, it's a voluntary membership)
they also have a lot of information on their website about important safety information, procedures you should be able to see your piercer doing, and information about aftercare
so that's kind of a lot of info
tl;dr : click the APP link and do whatever they say, and know your body and how you react to things
hope that helps!!!
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falgunikurian · 4 years
10 complications of plastic surgery
The patients might be scheduled for a type of special mandatory preoperative assessment or study to have their general
factors prior checked to surgery by the surgeons and an anesthesiologist. On the whole, the complications of  
plastic surgery
are rare. According to a 2018 review of over 25,000 cases, surgical complications occurred in <1% of the outpatient surgeries. Older adults, smokers and people who are obese are more prone to different types of complications.  Management is mandatory to minimize risk topics by careful patient selection by taking a detailed open clinical examination and history. Immunocompromised patients, chronic smokers and patients with pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases are associated with higher risk management .
1. HematomaHematoma is a pocket of blood that resembles a painful, large type of a bruise. While it occurs in 1% of all breast augmentation procedures, it is also the most common complication topics associated with human facial surgery, affecting averagely
1% of total patients
. It is more common in males than in females. Nearly all open clinical surgeries are associated with the risk of Hematoma. Treatment sometimes is associated with additional operations by a surgeon to drain the blood if the collection of blood is growing rapidly or is large. On assessment or study this may call for another procedure in the operating room and sometimes additional anesthesia for better management .
2. SeromaSeroma is a condition which occurs when the sterile body fluid or serum pools beneath the surface of the human skin, resulting in swelling and the occasional pain. While this can occur after any surgery, it’s the most common complication associated with a tummy tuck. This occurs in about
of all patients. Seromas are often drained with a needle, because they can become infected. Although there’s a chance of recurrence, this effectively removes them for the time-being. You may have to undergo anesthesia for the procedure and  management.
3. Blood lossSome blood loss is associated with any open surgery. Uncontrolled blood loss - however- can lead to a drop in blood pressure of the patients with potentially deadly outcomes on the operating table. Blood loss can happen both while on the operating table under anesthesia, and internally, during post-surgery  management.
4. InfectionInfection remains one of the more common complication topics associated with plastic surgery, although postoperative care includes steps to reduce its open risks. On assessment it  reported that
1.1 to 2.5 %
of patients who undergo breast augmentation are affected by infections. After surgery, it is not uncommon for skin infection ‘cellulitis’ to occur. The infections in some cases can be severe and internal, requiring intravenous (IV) antibiotics management.
5. Complications in AnesthesiaThe use of clinical medication to make patients unconscious is known as anesthesia, and is administered by an anesthesiologist. Anesthesia allows patients to undergo the surgery without feeling the open procedure. An anesthesiologist determines how much you must be administered. Sometimes, general anesthesia results in complications. These include stroke, lung infections, heart attacks and death. Waking up in the middle of surgery, or anesthesia awareness, is very rare but also possible. Plastic surgeries are quite frequently associated by common man with cosmetic surgery topics. Difficulties in airway management may occur in the immediate postoperative period or during the induction of anesthesia by the anesthesiologist. More common anesthesia risks include:
Vomiting and Nausea
Waking up disoriented and confused
6. ScarringSurgery typically is associated with some amount of scarring. Scars can be particularly troubling since cosmetics surgery seeks to improve the way you look. Assessment reveals that hypertrophic scarring is an abnormally thick and raised red scar. It occurs in 1.0 to 3.7% of tummy tucks, along with hard, smooth keloid scars.  
Effective Home Remedies For Vitiligo
7. Organ damage The surgical procedure of liposuction can be traumatic to the internal organs of the patient. Visceral punctures or perioperative perforations could occur when the surgical probe comes into contact with internal organs. Reparation of these injuries by a surgeon’s practice might require additional clinical surgery using anesthesia. Assessment reveals that the perforations might also be fatal in nature. Discuss risk topics with your doctor.
8. Pulmonary embolism and Deep Vein ThrombosisThe condition where blood clots form in deep veins, usually in the leg, is known as Deep Vein Thrombosis or DVT. When these clots travel to the lungs after breaking off, it is known as Pulmonary Embolism or PE. Pulmonary Embolism is the most feared perioperative complication in a plastic surgery. Perioperative airway complications also occur following pharyngeal flap palatoplasty Although these surgical complications are extremely uncommon, the clots can be fatal - affecting about
0.09 percent of all patients
undergoing plastic surgery by surgeons’ practice. Abdominoplasty procedures have a slightly higher rate of PE and DVT, affecting just under 1% of patients. For people having multiple clinical procedures, the risk of clots is 5 times higher than it is for people having only one anesthesia procedure. Discuss risk topics with your doctor and make informed choices.
9. Nerve damageThe potential for nerve damage is present in any type of surgical procedure. Tingling and numbness are common after plastic surgery and can be signs of nerve damage. While the nerve damage is most often temporary, it can be permanent in some rare cases. Assessment technique reveals that
15% of female
patients experience permanent changes in nipple sensation post breast-augmentation surgery while most women experience a change in sensitivity. It is advisable to discuss risk topics with your doctor.
10. Dissatisfaction with General AppearanceWhile clinical assessments techniques suggest that most women are satisfied with breast augmentation surgery and most people are satisfied with their postoperative outcomes, disappointment with the surgical results is a real possibility. People who undergo breast surgery may experience asymmetry or contouring problems, while those undergoing facial surgeries could simply not like the goal that the clinical procedure accomplished by the surgeon’s practice.
ConclusionYou can mitigate the risk of unwanted surgical side effects by fully vetting your plastic surgeon’s practice and their credentials. Study the clinical facility where your surgery will take place. The general incidence of malpractice is higher when the procedures are performed in spas and salons by untrained practice. The analyzing and highlighting of adverse surgical events will definitely help in making cosmetic procedures less risky, assist in introducing new clinical safety techniques, and force the industry and surgeons to introduce game-changing risk-free trends for the future. Book an appointment with a surgeon for the best plastic surgery practice or options without errors in a
best plastic surgery hospital
.#best plastic Surgery hospital
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skycript1 · 5 years
Acne Scar Treatment Options To Receive That Flawless, Youthful Appear
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You could have endured from a delicate situation to some serious circumstance of acne as being a teen, and even now as an Grownup. In addition to remaining a explanation for insecurity, a extreme case of acne could cause your skin to establish scars on the confront which may not verify to become interesting to look at.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcUnoFCxmswAdult men and ladies alike would want to possess a flawless, scar absolutely free complexion, In particular around the encounter but what is it possible to do should you suffered acne through your teenage several years and there are just Unpleasant places and scars that You can not eradicate?There is usually a solution to this fairly popular pores and skin condition. The crucial element is usually to know how you can manage the skin better and to maintain an open brain about the options that you have to get rid of acne scars to attain a flawless and glowing search.'Acne: Trigger and Outcome'Acne is basically a standard pores and skin problem whereby the surface area on the pores and skin which can be the face, back, neck or arms breaks out. This is because of The reality that the pores and skin follicles are blocked, triggering bacteria and Filth for being trapped around the floor from the skin. Acne could be the ensuing skin affliction, which is available in the form of blackheads, whiteheads, or pimples.Acne will disappear in time, but you will discover marks and long term obvious scars that should result from obtaining acne, Consequently earning the pores and skin search 'spotty'.There are two different types of scars which will final result from possessing acne: KeloidsKeloid is largely elevated tissue over the superficial layer from the pores and skin which can be the impact of the wound that healed. An acne scar that's keloidal will look like an uneven, thickened layer of your pores and skin. This happens on the skin of people who find themselves prone to wound scars. Deep ScarsAlternatively, the opposite type of scar which will arise from possessing acne is often a deep seated layer of pores and skin that could seem like a 'hollow' location.These scars are Unattractive and may cause anyone to own a lack of self self confidence and really feel insecure.'Acne Scar Treatment options'Rather then the scar getting a reason for shame, most people who find themselves affected with acne decide to have their pores and skin taken care of by a dermatologist. This may lessen the impact of deep seated or lifted acne scars to possess a quite flawless complexion, especially if the area affected will be the face.The true secret to protecting against scars from building is early remedy of acne. Having a balanced Life style as well as a strict pores and skin routine is likewise advised.Here are several methods on how you can obtain rid of acne scars:1. Chemical PeelA lightweight chemical peel can be a insignificant beauty operation that can take out or 'peel off' the superficial pores and skin layer. If the acne scars usually are not deeply embedded, then a chemical peel will almost certainly take away acne scars.two. Laser ProcedureA laser procedure can also get rid of unsightly facial scars due to acne. This option most often makes the desired long term outcomes.3. Collagen InjectionListed here, collagen is used to fill out the impacted part of the skin where the scar tissue is located. This treatment, nevertheless, would not develop long term success and repeat process is essential after about a few months or so.It's important to consult a dermatologist to decide which of the options offered is finest fitted to the diploma of acne scar that you've got.Also, it pays to treat acne the earliest time doable to stop scarring. Read the full article
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cosmeticnews · 5 years
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How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars : According To Dermatologists Whenever your hair follicles get plunged with oil and dead cells, Acne is formed. It only is the cause of blackheads, whiteheads or pimples in the face. This skin condition is common in teenagers however anyone can get affected. When acne is inflamed, it forms an acne scar. The pores swell leading to the follicle wall collapsing. If the lesion formed is shallow, the skin heals quickly. However, a deep break in the on the follicle wall leads to the spillage of infected material hence causing dipper injuries. Just like any other injury, the skin tries to repair the affected area using collagen fibers. However, the final product is not as smooth and flawless as it initially were. See also: [su_note note_color="#faf5c9"] 11 Best Acne Treatment  Reviews That Actually Work 10 Best Eye Cream Reviews (For Every Eye Concern) 15 Best Concealer  Reviews | For All Skin Type [/su_note] [amazon bestseller="acne treatmeant"] There are two types of acne scars: Hypertrophic scars This type of scar forms when the body produces too much collagen as a result of trying to heal an acne scar. The result is a vast mass of tissue lying on the surface of the skin. Atrophic Scars These scars arise as a result of losing tissue. The two most common scars that fall under this group are Icepick scars and Boxcar scars. Treating acne scars is not easy. You are required to get professional help if you want to see noticeable results. Even so, most people go for over the counter drugs. However, they are of no much use apart from improving the skin discoloration. When you seek professional help, you can get specific procedures to enhance the look and texture of your skin depends on the scaring you have. If you have multiple types of scaring, you would require numerous treatment options to get the best results. Below is a compilation of the different acne categories with their treatment options. Ice Pick Scars It is characterized by a deep narrow scar all the way into the dermis. It looks like a sharp object pierced the skin. The scar makes a small deep hole in the skin. The ice pick scar develops its way to the top of the skin leaving behind a long deep scar. Treatment [su_note note_color="#e3fac9"] Some ways you can treat an Ice pick scar are; Punch excision – the health practitioner, cuts out the scar and joins back the skin together to heal. Punch grafting - when the ice pick scar is deeper, punch grafting is done. Similar to excision, the damaged tissue is first removed. A graft piece is then put in place of the scar tissue. Grafting improves the skin’s texture. The two processes both leave small scars. However, it does an excellent job to make the skin surface as flat and as possible. [/su_note] Boxcar Scars These are scars on the face that are round or oval and with sides that are steep and vertical. Since they are more extensive than the ice pick scars, the skin has an uneven look. The boxcar scar comes about as a result of an inflammation breakout that destroys collagen leaving a depressed area. Treatment [su_note note_color="#e3fac9"] The process involves creating a collagen layer underneath the skin. Depending on the level of damage, you may require to get a series of consecutive treatments. One method of treatment is the use of dermal fillers. Once injected into the area with the scar, they help to raise the depressed part of the skin leveling it with the surrounding skin. The procedure is faster and more straightforward compared to all the other acne treatments. The only disadvantage is that the dermal fillers are not permanent and new ones can only last for two years. Another method of treatment is skin resurfacing using a laser. To create new collagen beneath the surface, you need a retinoid to help boost the cell turnover and further help the collagen. The lasers used in scar treatment are all different. Your medical practitioner can advise you on the right one for your skin treatment. Lasers help to stimulate the formation of collagen hence improving the tone and skin texture. [/su_note] Rolling Scars One form of a depressed scar, it has smooth edges and appears like waves on the skin. The rolling scars come into place once fibrous tissue bands start forming in between the surface and the subcutaneous layer. The fibrous bands pull on the epidermis into the lower part of the skin leading the rugged appearance on the skin. Treatment [su_note note_color="#e3fac9"] Subscision – this is the best treatment for rolling scars. It is a simple surgery where a scalpel is used to cut out the fibrous base of the injury that holds the skin down from below. The process is done under anesthesia. Immediately the bands are cut, the skin relaxes and becomes smoother. Micro-needling – this is treatment through the injection of fat and following it up with micro needling platelet-rich plasma. The purpose of micro needling is to create a small wound like pricks on the skin. It leads the body’s natural healing process to kick in which then boosts the production of collagen [/su_note] Keloid and Hypertrophic Scars Hypertrophic scars grow on top of the skin. They mostly affect men and are found on the torso. It is a common occurrence after experiencing a deep wound or trauma. Keloids, on the other hand, are more severe. The only difference between them and Hypertrophic is that Keloids grows slightly more significant than the initial injury. Some people are more prone to contracting keloids. Unlike the ice pick and boxcar scars, the hypertrophic scar develops due to an overproduction of collagen. Keloids, on the other hand, continue developing collagen even after the skin has healed. Treatment [su_note note_color="#e3fac9"] There are several ways to treat hypertrophic and keloid scars. Depending on your preferences, you can choose to use steroid creams (cortisone), freeze the scar in fluid therapy (cryotherapy), use silicon gels, use tapes, take injections to shink and flatten the scar and use pulsed dye laser treatment. It is essential to be careful whichever way you chose the treat your scars. You do not want to do it wrong and end up making things worse. [/su_note] Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation When a pimple heals and leaves a discoloration mark on your cheeks, it is not an acne scar. It is post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. An area affected by post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation appears to have a color range of pink to red, purple, black or brown depending on your skin type. It occurs when a wound or rash on the skin causes on inflammation. While the skin heals, a lot of melanin is produced thus darkening the area. Treatment [su_note note_color="#e3fac9"] Most of the time, the discoloration faded on its own. However, whenever it does not disappear, you can get some over the counter drugs to speed up the process. Get drugs containing alpha-hydroxyl acids, and you will be in a position to fade moderate discoloration. In case you have a severe case of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation you can get a prescription of a topical retinoid or azelaic acid from your doctor. You can also use creams that contain hydroquinone. [/su_note] Understanding the Treatment and Procedures Before getting an acne scar you first start with acne. The difference is that acne can eventually disappear if treated appropriately. However, dealing with an acne scar is a different problem. Since acne scars come about with damaged tissue, if you have a pimple you should avoid picking them. It will lead to skin damage and late on scarring. If you notice scaring on your skin, the first thing to do is get the acne problem under control. Visit a dermatologist and follow any given instructions. Do not bother with over the counter drugs. Get a prescription from an acne treatment professional. Topical Retinoids Used to deal with acne at the same time getting rid of dark marks and any acne blemish that is left. These dark sports are referred to as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. The post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is not a scar. Given time, it may as well disappear on its own. The tropical retinoids help speed up the process and clear out even the toughest of marks. The retinoids only deal with black marks on the skin. For pitted scars or depressed scars, you require more than just cream. Laser Treatments There are two types of laser treatments; ablative and non-ablative. Ablative removes the outer layer of the skin and resurfaces the skin. Non-ablative lasers perform subtle changes to the dermis without damaging the skin's surface. Since the process is quick, they are referred to as lunchtime laser. Referencing to the one hour for lunch. Carbon dioxide and erbium-YAG lasers are the most preferred ablative lasers used to treat acne scars. It is mainly due to the ability of the lasers to burn skin tissue in a controlled manner and to a specific depth. The resulting skin is much smoother, with no noticeable atrophic. Also, the scarring is softened. Within two weeks the skin fully heals. Sometimes you may find that the red color does not dissipate for some time. Even so, that should not worry you. Within a few weeks or months, the redness will slowly fade. On the other hand, non-ablative lasers make the skin tight while stimulating new collagen formation. These lasers are most beneficial to people with mild acne scarring and pigmentation problems, instead of deep pitted scars. Just like everything else, some effects come with using laser treatments. Hypopigmentation, the loss of skin color, is one such side effect of laser treatment. This can be a big concern for most people with darker skin tones. Before using laser treatment, always consult a dermatologist and they will be in a position to advise you on whether you fit for the laser treatment. Punch Excision, Punch Elevation and Punch Grafting It is one best way to treat ice pick and other depressed scars. A small punch tool that looks like a cookie cutter is used to cut out the scar from the skin. After cutting out the scar, the surface is closed up. A small scar resulting from the treatment may be left, but it is generally less obvious than the original one. The new scar can slowly diminish with time. You can as well employ the use of resurfacing techniques such as microdermabrasion or laser treatment to fade it quickly. After removing a scar, you can fill the void using a skin graft. The skin graft is mostly taken from the skin behind the ear. Also, punch grafts also have their scars. But they are less noticeable than pitted scars and can be resurfaced more easily. Deep boxcar scars have bases that are comprised of normal-looking skin. You can use the punch elevation technique to get rid of the deep boxcar scars. During punch elevation, only the bottom part of the scar is cut out. The dermatologist then elevates the bottom to the skin's surface, where it is attached with sutures or skin glue such as Dermabond. Unlike with skin grafting, the skin after punch elevation has the same tone and texture as the surrounding tissue. Subcutaneous Incision A subcutaneous incision is also known as subcision. It is used to treat rolling acne scars. It is as well helpful in some depressed acne scars. Subcision is a simple process that is performed under local anesthesia. A needle or small scalpel is used where it is inserted to run parallel to the skin's surface. The practitioner cuts the bands of tissue that tether the skin to deeper structures. The skin loosens to these bands have been released, smoothing the skin surface's appearance. Read Next: Best Body Wash For Acne Microdermabrasion You should not confuse this with dermabrasion. Microdermabrasion is a skin care procedure performed by a dermatologist or even a professional spa attendant. During the process, a machine is used to discharge ultra-fine aluminum oxide crystals through a tube and onto the skin. The crystals are simultaneously vacuumed away. A patient using this treatment is required to get a series of treatments. Only the surface skin cells are removed. Microdermabrasion works best on hyperpigmentation. This treatment won't work for pitted or depressed scarring. Dermabrasion Dermabrasion is a procedure performed under local anesthesia by a dermatologist. A rapidly rotating wire brush scraps off the upper skin layers. After some time, the scars soften up, and the pitted scars are smaller in depth. Dermabrasion is used in the treatment of depressed boxcar scarring. You should not have the procedure if you have Ice pick scars. Mainly because, the process may make ice pick scars worse because while narrow at the skin's surface, they often widen near the base. It was once rated gold standard in acne scar treatment. However, dermabrasion is used less often. Many practitioners prefer the use of laser resurfacing techniques. Dermabrasion may cause skin color changes. Using Dermal Fillers Dermal fillers are used in the treatment of depressed acne scars. Merely, the procedure starts by injecting a filler substance in the acne scar. This filler elevates the base of the scar, making it more even with the skin's surface. However, you should note that the fillers do not offer a permanent solution. It necessitates a continuous treatment one that requires the repetition of the process after several months. The substances used as dermal fillers include human and bovine collagen, fat transferred from the patient's own body and hyaluronic acid. Contact your dermatologist to get more information on the different fillers and get to know which works for you. Taking Appropriate Steroid Treatments If you have hypertrophic and keloid scars you may consider steroid treatments. The process of use is simple. One, you may inject the steroids directly into your scar tissue. It will lead to shrinking and flattening of the scar tissue. Once the scar tissue softens the overall appearance will be significantly improved You can then apply. Corticosteroid creams over the scar for several hours at a time. It may also be used to treat hypertrophic scars. Micro-needling It is a somewhat newer treatment where you use a needle to pierce on the surface of the scars. By puncturing the scar, the skin is stimulated to produce collagen and heals Evidence suggests that micro needling can help reduce the depth of acne scars. However, this treatment can take up to 9 months to report any changes as indicated by the American Academy of Dermatology. Even so, the procedure is safe and can work for any skin tone. Chemical peels If you are looking for a way to get rid of deep scars you should consider getting a chemical peel. A chemical peel is a strong acid that is used to aid in the shedding off of the top skin to catch some deeper scars. You can quickly get some of these chemical peels as they are mild enough to be used at home. The market is filled with many different types of chemical peels. You definitely cannot test them all. Choosing one may be confusing. Therefore, before using one, talk to your dermatologist and find the one best suited for your skin. It is best used for all kinds of acne scars. Even so, it is often used for deeper scars. Using Salicylic acid in your Skincare Salicylic acid is a compound found in a lot of beauty products. You may probably have used salicylic acid without knowledge of the benefits it has. You can use salicylic acid in the treatment of acne. Salicylic acid helps in clearing skin pores, reduces swelling and redness, and exfoliates the skin when applied on the surface of the skin. Getting products with salicylic acid into your skin care regimen will provide you with an added notch to fighting acne. The results may take weeks to show. However, it is worth the difference. Do not use it first without a talk with your dermatologist especially if you have sensitive skin. Changing your Diet Bad eating habits can lead to adverse skin reactions. The secret to fighting acne lies within what you know about your body and what foods it does or doesn't react. Sticking to natural products is a good start, but again, not everyone is the same, and different people will respond to different things. It brings us back to because your diet can play a role in you getting acne breakouts. Eating poor food with lots of fats and processed carbohydrates can lead to metabolic and hormonal changes that may trigger an increase in the oil glands which cause acne. Your diet may not necessarily be the cause of acne, but it can as well be the needed catalyst to stimulate the hormones that can cause acne. Changing your diet will not eliminate acne. However, you gain the power hand in controlling the breakouts. With that, you can fight the acne better. Your skin is an organ. And just like any other organ in your body, you have to feed it correctly. If not it will start to show signs of breakdown. Many people believe that the best way to fight acne is by using treatments applied directly to the skin. Changing your diet can help to fight acne at its source. To assist in the fight against acne, you need to choose foods that are wholesome and natural. Avoid processed foods entirely. They contain numerous chemical additives new to your body. It makes them very difficult to digest. Eating Fruits, vegetables and whole grains provide you with essential vitamins and fiber to help you digest your food properly. Foods rich in fiber are especially helpful since they help to filter the fat from the foods you eat. By consuming even fewer impurities, your skin has a better chance of being healthier and softer. [su_note note_color="#faf5c9"]Even with all the option listed above, you should understand that you cannot erase some scars. However, the right combination of treatments can lead to a significant improvement. Always speak to your dermatologist before trying out any treatment so that they can help you identify the best treatment plan for you.[/su_note] References: [su_note note_color="#F3F7D6"] Dermal fillers: https://www.asds.net/skin-experts/soft-tissue-fillers-for-scars, Seen 04/13/2019 Salicylic acid: https://www.livestrong.com/article/salicylic-acid-for-scar-removal/, Seen 04/13/2019 [/su_note] Bài viết đã xuất hiện lần đầu tiên tại https://www.cosmeticnews.com/how-to-get-rid-of-acne-scars/?feed_id=1268&_unique_id=5e50cdbf5ce06 #cosmeticnews #janebrody #haircare #makeup #skincare #skinconcern #beautydevices
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scriptmedic · 7 years
hi aunt scripty, thanks for everything you do for us! i wanted to know, if a person had their ear cut halfway off with a sharp kitchen knife, would it damage their hearing or is it possible for the hearing equipment in there not to be damaged, depending on how far the ear was cut? how bad would the scarring be if the ear could be reattached to the side of the head? would the person lose A TON of blood if they didn't get immediate care? thank you!!
Hey there nonny! 
I’m going to answer this question set out of order, and I hope that’s okay! 
Blood loss: there will be some, yes, and it will look horrible, but it shouldn’t be life-threatening. Ears don’t get all that much blood flow into the cartilage (which is why cartilage piercings take so long to heal). A towel with pressure applied will stop the bleeding. 
Scarring: You mentioned it was cut “halfway off,” as opposed to “half of the ear was cut off.” I’m therefore assuming this means a laceration to the ear -- a cut, deep enough to go all the way through, not a complete avulsion of the ear (ie, that the flap is still attached.) 
That said, this will require sutures and a mold to hold the ear in place, plus bandaging around the head to keep the wound from moving and to protect the ear. Healing won’t be perfect and it’s likely to scar, particularly if the character is prone to keloid scarring. They may have to follow up several times for revision / to ensure the wound is healing well. 
Hearing: This won’t affect the character as much as, say, a tympanic rupture would, and if the ear heals completely it shouldn’t affect them at all. But, if I was wrong in my last assumption, and you meant that half of the ear itself is cut off, they’d have some hearing loss that might not show up in tests. 
The reason for that is this: the shape of the ear is important. It basically amplifies the sound, focusing the reverberations into the ear canal. 
The reason this might show up in the real world, but not in standard hearing tests, is because standard hearing tests involve clapping on a pair of headphones. This may attenuate the actual hearing problems they might have. 
They’ll by no means be totally deaf, you understand, but may have some problems hearing. I suspect, but cannot prove, that the further away the source of the sound will be, the worse their hearing will be on the affected side. 
Hope this was helpful! 
xoxo, Aunt Scripty
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Belly Button Infection and Discharge: Causes, Treatment and More
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Dermatologist explains what you need to know about bumps, discharge and redness in the navel.
How common is it for people to have an infected navel?
Infection of the belly button is called omphalitis. It is mostly a problem in the newborn time of life. Infection of the navel (called the umbilicus) is uncommon in adults. There are other problems that can cause redness, discharge and swelling of your belly button that you need to know about.
What are common skin rashes you get in your belly button?
Skin rashes such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, intertrigo, and eczema can all cause redness of the navel.
Psoriasis, seborrhea and eczema are not infections, though the belly button skin will be red, may itch and can develop scale and a foul smell that looks a lot like an infection. Psoriasis and seborrhea happen in predisposed people. With psoriasis, the skin often also shows red and scaly lesions on the elbows, knees, back, legs, and scalp. Sometimes, the redness is in skin folds, too (called inverse psoriasis). Seborrhea is a similar rash with scaly, red skin on the scalp, ears and central face.
Eczema can happen in the navel. Eczema is a general term for a number of types of eczematous rashes. These include atopic dermatitis (a genetic form of eczema) and allergic or irritation rashes, to something that touched the belly button skin, such as an allergic reaction to metal jewelry. Irritant dermatitis is another common cause of eczema. Irritant dermatitis of the navel is most commonly due to soaps and body cleansers. When they are not washed off, they can cause redness and irritation. Use gentle and hypoallergenic body cleansers to help prevent irritation of the folded navel skin, and always rinse off body soap and cleaner entirely before towel-drying your skin.
Intertrigo is an inflammation and redness that is common in skin folds, including the navel. The rash occurs because of skin fold friction, sweat and bacteria, and fungal and yeast microorganisms which all interplay to cause skin redness. People most at risk for intertrigo are those who are overweight, very sweaty, have diabetes, or who have poor hygiene.
Treatment of intertrigo involves showering more often and keeping the skin dry. Wearing loose clothing and using antifungal powders help, too. Never use corn-starch-based powders in skin folds as the corn starch provides food for skin microbes, and this may lead to intertrigo.
What causes your belly button to become infected?
The navel is an ideal location for skin infection. It is folded, sweaty, often not bathed well, and builds up dead cells and microorganisms. In fact, it is common to have foul-smelling, macerated white dead skin (belly button cheese!), dirt and lint trapped in the folds. When the resident microbes (microbiome) of the navel skin flourish out of control on this feast, they can go from friendly to infecting. Over-proliferation of these microbes can result in the germs entering deeper layers of skin. Tenderness, yellow, green or bloody foul-smelling discharge, swelling, pain, and a scab or ulcer can develop in the belly button.
A variety of bacteria and yeast naturally colonize the skin and folds of the navel. When they have an opportunity to proliferate or invade deeper into the skin, they can cause infection including impetigo. If deeper skin infection occurs, it can lead to cellulitis – a deep and spreading bacterial infection of the skin usually caused by staph or strep bacteria. Treatment of navel cellulitis will require oral or IV antibiotics.
What does it mean when your belly button smells?
Dead skin cells, sweat and the action of bacteria and yeast which break this material down will cause a putrid, bad smell. There can even be pus and moist discharge. This is why it is important to clean your belly button well during your shower. The smelly moist discharge may indicate an infection, or it may indicate that you need better hygeine practices for your navel.
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What is the best way to clean your belly button?
Use hypoallergenic and gentle soap or body cleanser. Great options include my Naturally Best Bar Soap or Natural Hypoallergenic Shower Gel. Avoid products with fragrance or harsh ingredients.
Use a fine wash cloth to cleanse your navel. Gently massage the cleanser onto wet, navel skin. Rinse well and dry with a towel. If your navel has a lot of folds, you may need to dry with a blow drier on a cool to warm setting to get skin totally dry. Showering and bathing regularly helps prevent this problem.
Why might your belly button have a a lot of discharge?
Aside from a belly button skin infection, it is rare and concerning for adults to have a significant discharge from the navel. Usually, it is due to foreign material, such as lint or hair. It can also be due to post-laparoscopic surgical tracts or cysts from embryological abnormalities that may connect to deeper abdominal structures. Significant belly button discharge can indicate an infection, cyst or bigger problem with your health. Belly button discharge should be evaluated by your doctor.
Why might someone develop cellulitis in their navel and what are the symptoms?
Cellulitis is a deep skin infection. The navel is naturally colonized by bacteria. It is also an ideal environment for bacterial growth because it is folded and warm. Overgrowth of bacteria can lead to inflammation that creates breaks in skin barrier that allow bacteria to invade, grow and proliferate until infection of deeper skin happens.
Why might someone develop candidiasis in their navel and what are the symptoms?
Candida yeast thrives in warm, moist skin folds such as the navel. Candida skin infection is evidenced by an increase in belly button moistness, redness, and often, little pustules along the edge of the red skin (called satellite pustules). Keep the area clean and dry, and use a fine wash cloth to gently help exfoliate the dead skin. This will discourage the yeast to thrive. You can use antifungal creams and powders, but don’t use cornstarch because it is a carbohydrate, and yeast can use it for fuel.
Why might someone develop an infected sebaceous cyst in their navel and what are the symptoms?
Any part of skin with pores can develop a sebaceous cyst, including the belly button. A sebaceous cyst is actually a hair follicle that becomes blocked or closed, and then the lining cells proliferate into a cyst. We call sebaceous cysts epidermal inclusion cysts or follicular inclusion cysts. Sebaceous cysts in the navel can become rubbed or squished by waistbands of clothing. This can lead to inflammation and subsequent infection. Infected sebaceous cysts may rupture and drain. If infected, a sebaceous cyst may require treatment with antibiotics to heal the infection. These cysts can be surgically removed once the infection is healed.
There are also unusual cysts that can form in the belly button.
There are other types of cysts that can form in the navel. Some may be connected to deeper abdominal structures, and thus, not just a superficial skin problem. One such important belly button cyst is the urachal cyst. This occurs during embrologic development when a baby is forming in the mother’s womb. During this time, fetal urine exits through a small tube in the umbilical cord called the urachus. Typically, at birth, this closes off. Occasionally it doesn’t close properly and a cyst can form. This can get infected and lead to bloody or cloudy fluid from the navel.
Why might someone develop growths and swelling of the belly button and what are some of the symptoms?
Keloids can form in the navel. These are excessively large scars from surgery or piercing. They are becoming more common. Skin on the midline portion of the body is prone to keloids. These excessively large scars can be quite tender.
Other benign skin lesions such as moles, seborrheic keratosis, warts, and cutaneous horns can be seen in the navel. These typically have no symptoms.
What are cancers and other tumors that can happen in the belly button?
The navel/umbilicus has an interesting location on the body. It can develop skin cancers like other parts of the skin. More unusually, however, other tumors specifically migrate to the navel. When this happens, the first sign of the tumor may actually be a bump in the navel. These tumors can be both cancerous and non-cancerous. Tumors in the belly button can include:
Endometriosis (benign tissue from overgrowth of the uterus):
Metastatic Crohn’s disease: and
Metastatic cancers from distant sites, such as the Sister Mary Joseph nodule.
What is the Sister Mary Joseph nodule of the umbilicus?
The Sister Mary Joseph nodule is a metastatic cancer sign that every medical student learns about in medical school and every doctor sees at least a few times during their career. Sister Mary Joseph, a surgical nurse for Dr. William Mayo, first described it in the mid 20th century, and it was named after her in 1960. It is a umbilical metastasis of an intra-abdominal cancer.
It is often the only indication of an early cancer and not to be missed. Cancers such as stomach, colon, pancreas, gallbladder, small intestine, ovary, uterus, cervix, urinary, and even breast and lung can present with a tumor in the navel. It is not known why early tumors tend to migrate to the navel, but it is connected when a baby is in the womb to abdominal organs and lymphatic drainage.
Can hernias happen in the navel?
Yes, umbilical hernias are another cause of a swelling or bump near the navel. They happen when abdominal tissue, including potentially intestines, bulge out through the opening of muscles near the navel. If the tissue becomes trapped, it can get strangulated, and this is a surgical emergency. Coughing, weight lifting and anything that increases abdominal pressure can cause this to happen.
At what point should you see a doctor for a belly button infection?
Discharge, tenderness, swelling or a growth should all be evaluated by your doctor.
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Cohen, DC, A Man with an Umbilical Ulcer, Medscape J Med., 2008; 10(1): 11
Gallagher, PG, Omphalitis, Medscape, Dec 26, 2017 https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/975422-overview
Sarma DP, Teruya B, ‘Lint ball’ omphalitis, a rare cause of umbilical discharge in an adult woman; a case report. Cases J, 2009; 2: 7785 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2740229/
Yadav G, Mohan R, Clinical Profile of Umbilical Discharge in Adults; A Multicentric Study in North India, The Internet Journal of Surgery, 2010 Volume 27 Number 1 http://ispub.com/IJS/27/1/6283
About The Author
Cynthia Bailey, MD Dr. Bailey Skin Care Dermatologist (888) 467-0177
425 South Main St
Sebastopol, CA
95472 US
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medibuddy · 6 years
Skin Burn: Causes, Prevention, Complications and Treatment
Burn is the damage to the skin or tissues caused by sun, hot liquids, fire, electricity or chemicals. Burns are the most common injuries that can happen anytime if you are not careful. Skin Burns can be both minor problems and life-threatening problems. For example, small-scale household mishaps lead to small burns, which can be easily treated at home. However, sometimes burns can be severe, for which a person might have to be hospitalized. Based on the damage happened to the skin cells, burns are classified into 3 categories.
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Categories of skin burn
1st degree burn: This minor burn which affects only the uppermost outer layer of the skin (epidermis). These are the mildest injuries and do not cause blistering. The characteristics of 1st Degree burns are soreness, redness, pain and itching. They scab and peel in a week.
2nd-degree burn: This type of burn affects both the outer layer (epidermis) and the second layer of skin (dermis). 2nd-degree burns cause swelling and red, white or splotchy skin. Blisters may develop and causes severe pain. Deep second-degree burns might cause scarring. These burns take around two weeks to heal.
3rd-degree burn: This 3rd-degree burn reaches to the third (fat) layer of the skin. So, that means, the entire thickness of the skin is injured. Burned areas might be any colour i.e., black, brown or white. The skin may look leathery. The person does not feel any pain as the nerves are damaged. Healing takes quite some time as the tissues are extensively damaged. Third-degree burns can lead to life-threatening and permanent scarring.
Book online consultation with the best Skin Specialist
Causes for Skin Burn
A burn may be caused by the following reasons.
Fire: If the burn is caused by fire, then it is called as "flame burn". Direct contact of fire can injure the skin and also the tissues underneath it.
Spilling of hot water or liquid: If the burn is caused by hot liquid, then you will get a "scald". The degree of the scald increases with the density of the liquid and how long it was heated.
Hot objects: If you burn yourself when you touch a hot object like a hot cooking utensil, then you get a ‘contact burn’.
Chemicals: If you come in contact with hot gases, it can cause ‘chemical burns’.
Electric current: If you are electrocuted, you get ‘electrical burns’. These burns are dangerous because they extensively damage layers of underlying tissues.
Direct sunlight: You may get ‘sunburn’ if you have been exposed to the sun’s UV rays for long. This happens if you don’t take the necessary precautions before stepping outdoors. To know more about how you can protect your skin from the harmful effects of UV rays.
Radiations from X-rays also cause skin burns.
Risk Factors for Skin Burns
Major risk factors are:
Small children are more prone to burns.
Consumption of alcohol and other illegal drugs.
Too much exposure to the sun.
Careless handling of flammable substances.
Families with low socioeconomic status.
Careless smoking
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Complications for Skin Burns
While Comparing with first- degree and second-degree burns, third-degree burns carry the most of the risks for complications, such as bacterial infections, blood loss, and shock. Complications of deep or widespread burns are
Bacterial infection, which may lead to a bloodstream infection (sepsis) and Tetanus
Fluid loss, including low blood volume (hypovolemia)
Dangerously low body temperature (hypothermia)
Breathing problems due to smoke
Ridged areas or scars caused by an overgrowth of scar tissues (keloids)
Bone and joint problems
Prevention of Skin burns
To prevent all degrees of burns you need to
Keep children out of the kitchen while cooking.
Carefully handle electrical appliances.
Test smoke detectors once a month.
Keep hot liquids and flammable substances out of the reach of children.
Unplug electrical appliances when not in use.
Keep a fire extinguisher.
Install smoke alarms and check them regularly.
Never cook with wearing loose fitting clothes.
Keep water heater temperature under 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
Never leave candles unattended.
Measure bath water temperature before use.
In addition to all the above, be careful to burn risks outside the home, especially when you are in the places with open flames, chemicals or superheated materials.
Book online teleconsultation with Dermatologist
Skin Burn Treatment
Most minor burns can be treated at home. Generally, it will take a couple of weeks to heal the burns. Skin burns can be treated based on the degree of severity.
First-degree burn treatment: Generally these are small-scale injuries, so you don’t need to visit a doctor unless your eyes, throat, ears, or face is affected. Apply cool compresses to reduce the swelling and ease the discomfort. You can also use an over-the-counter burn ointment.
Second-degree burn treatment: Dip the affected skin into cool water as soon as possible. If there is a rupture, clean it gently using a saline solution. If blisters develop, contact your doctor because the liquid in the blisters can cause infection and you might need medication. You may also have to take painkillers to deal with the pain.
Third-degree burn treatment: People with this kind of burns should go to a hospital immediately. The main aim is to prevent the affected site from getting infected through a procedure called debridement. Then, doctors will inject antibiotics intravenously and the person will be given electrolytes to boost healing. It will take a longer time to recover from third-degree burns.
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vsplusonline · 5 years
From acne to dark spots, the most important skincare steps for Black skin
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/from-acne-to-dark-spots-the-most-important-skincare-steps-for-black-skin/
From acne to dark spots, the most important skincare steps for Black skin
Diagnosing and treating Black skin is different than it is with other shades of skin.
“Dark and light skin can each have their own unique set of problems,” said board-certified dermatologist Dr. Carlos A. Charles. “They will also respond differently to certain medications and therapeutics.”
That’s, in part, why he founded Derma di Colore, a New York-based clinic that specializes in darker skin tones.
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In addition to providing care for patients of all skin types, Derma di Colore also conducts national clinical research studies with the goal of “finding answers to the toughest questions for dermatologic issues that commonly affect pigmented skin types,” according to its website.
“If you have darker skin, you want to make sure you’re seeing a dermatologist that seems equipped in treating darker skin,” he said.
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“Most dermatologists are [capable] … but it’s good to see someone who you feel comfortable with and has the knowledge.”
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Dr. Tiffany Mayo agrees, saying Black skincare requires a different set of skills. She’s a board-certified dermatologist and professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham who specializes in ethnic skin clinical treatment.
“Pigmented skin is very sensitive to developing discolouration to both topical products and laser treatments,” she said. “Seek advice from a professional experienced in skin of color prior to treating any conditions.”
Common Black skin conditions
The key difference between Black skin and other skin is melanin, which is thought to be the culprit behind a few different skin conditions.
“Physiologically speaking, dark skin and light skin have the same amount of melanocytes, which are the pigment cells, but with dark skin, these pigment cells are much more capable of producing melanin,” said Charles.
“The way the melanocytes work — they make much more of these things called melanosomes, which are little packets that make colour — and those packets are distributed into the skin much more efficiently in dark skin.”
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It’s thought that when there’s inflammation in Black skin, caused by conditions like acne or eczema, the melanocytes are “revved up,” he said.
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This is believed to cause the production of more melanin, which can lead to a skin condition called hyperpigmentation.
“That’s one mechanistic, physiologic difference,” he said.
This is “by and large” the biggest issue seen in darker skin, said Charles.
Hyperpigmentation, or dark spots on the skin, is caused by inflammation.
“Whether it’s acne or eczema or trauma from injury, all these things can lead to dark spots that won’t go away,” he said.
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The trauma doesn’t have to be severe, either. Something as simple as a pimple can leave behind pesky dark spots.
“This can be challenging to treat because many lasers and other devices that target pigment are not safe in skin of colour,” Mayo said.
“Preferred treatments include topical products that decrease pigment, products that increase the turnover of pigmented cells and chemical peels. Sunscreen is also important to prevent dyspigmentation.”
A keloid is a lesion that can grow on the skin as a result of injury to the skin.
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It’s essentially a “large, raised scar,” said Charles. They’re more common in darker skin, and they can grow as a result of anything from a simple pimple to a c-section scar.
“It’s cosmetically disfiguring and it’s bothersome,” he said. “They can be really itchy and uncomfortable, and sometimes, they can even cause a little bit of pain.”
It’s also thought that darker skin may not be “as good” at holding moisture, said Charles.
“That’s really critical for eczema-prone skin, because one of the things we do when people have eczema is try to maintain as much moisture in the skin as we can.”
Eczema appears as a red hue on lighter skin, but on darker skin, it can be more difficult to diagnose.
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“Sometimes the eczema is more like raised little hair follicles … and the inflammation itself and the activity of the eczema can take on a different hue, like a purplish hue,” said Charles.
“Someone who’s not experienced in looking at these things in darker skin may not think that it’s there or that it’s that severe, and that may not be true. It’s just that it looks different, but there’s still the same discomfort and the same level of severity.”
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It will vary by condition, but Charles approaches treatment in a slightly different way when it’s for Black skin.
“A lot of times, my patients will come in complaining of dark spots. When I see them, I see that they have acne and hyperpigmentation, but they’re not really focusing on the acne,” he said.
“One thing that’s really important is kind of treating both of these things in tandem. So I’ll be a little bit more aggressive at getting down the inflammation of the acne, because that inflammation is going to lead me to the hyperpigmentation.”
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Black people should avoid trying treatments on their own.
“Skin of colour responds differently than other skin types to aggressive treatment,” said Mayo.
“I recommend seeking advice from a board-certified dermatologist instead of trying over-the-counter products or treatments that may worsen the problem.”
Tips for everyday
When it comes to caring for Black skin on a regular basis, moisture is key.
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“Moisturizing is super important for all skin types, but more essential in darker skin, especially in the wintertime,” said Charles.
He also recommends avoiding super hot water during bathing, and only bathing for a short period of time.
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“Then use a heavy, fragrant-free moisturizer while you’re still moist after bathing,” he said.
Sunscreen is less important for darker skin than it is for lighter skin, but it’s still recommended.
“Sun-related skin cancer cells … may not be as prevalent in darker skin, but they can still happen,” Charles said. “Sunscreen is so important, and daily sunscreen helps to minimize some of that hyperpigmentation, too.”
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Mayo suggests a daily skincare regimen that includes a “gentle cleanser, a vitamin C serum, a physical blocker sunscreen and a retinoid (if tolerated).”
“Vitamin C is a great antioxidant that prevents and improves photo-damage and dyspigmentation, [while] sunscreens are important in skin of color to prevent dyspigmentation,” she said.
“Physical blockers are preferred but often do not blend on skin of colour so patients often have to try several before they are able to find one that fits their skin type … [and] retinoids are helpful for acne, dyspigmentation, and photo-aging.”
© 2020 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.
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jessymeshak-blog · 5 years
Japanese Skincare Secrets
Those who have age spots, broken Collagen Refresh Lemonade Review capillaries, and the aforementioned conditions may be good candidates for IPL. Howver, if a person may need to seek additional medical opinion if he/she is prone to keloids or hyperpigmentation, dark-skinned or dark-tanned, or someone who is extremely sensitive to heat easily burns or is on photosensitizing medications. Insulin-dependent persons and those with blood disorders ie, problems with clotting cannot be treated because they have poor wound-healing response.
Although rare, IPL has a few risks people need to be aware of before deciding to start treatment. An effect known as striping may occur if the operator has poor technique or is inexperienced with how to overlap each shot. Striping occurs from uneveness in treatment overlaps, resulting in alternating patches of light and dark skin tone much like zebra stripes.
If a treatment is too aggressive, it is possible to get blistering from too much heat. Blisters may result in scarring if not careful to properly protect the injured skin. Pigmentation problems may also occur in forms of hyper- skin darkening or hypopigmentation lack of color. It may take anywhere from 3-12 months to completely return to baseline skin tone if pigmentation problems happen.
Always research for a respectable skincare practice before committing to treatments. IPL machines are VERY user-dependent, and if the user is not that proficient at using the machines your risks of skin injury increases. Honestly discuss all health and medication history during the consultation, including your current skincare regimen. Some topical creams or lotions may need to be held a few days or discontinued prior to treatment because they may make the skin photosensitive. Like many procedures in aesthetics, multiple IPL treatments are required to get the best results, so discuss the best package option that would get the most bang for your buck.
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jamesclarke99 · 3 years
NeoGraft Hair Transplants: Do They Regrow Hair?
Do you have concerns with thinning hair and receding hairline? Well, NeoGraft Hair Transplants is a great way to resolve your hair problems and worries!
NeoGraft Hair Transplants is one of the most revolutionized and effective hair restoration techniques nowadays. It uses the most advanced technology that leaves no linear scars.
Furthermore, NeoGraft is very well renowned because of having an almost hundred success rate!  
If you want to know more, stay tuned and read more about the unique facts of NeoGraft hair transplants!
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A NeoGraft hair transplants utilizes the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method. This method extracts hair follicles from areas of your head where hair is thicker and transfers them to places where hair has weakened and thinned.
Moreover, NeoGraft hair transplant is the very first FDA-permitted robotic medical device for hair repair. This high-grade machine-driven device works as the surgeon’s hand, making the harvesting of hair follicles more precise and accurate. The good news about this procedure is that it only involves lesser time. The healing process, which only takes a week of recovery, is faster and more discreet than other traditional hair transplant processes. Once the transplant process is complete, your natural hair growth will take place.
NeoGraft Hair Transplant is a minimally invasive method. One of the good things about this procedure is that there is no need for operations. Instead, it only requires a high-graded handheld harvesting tool for the hair follicle to be extracted, making it more safe and convenient for the patients who will undertake this procedure.
It minimized hair follicle damage. Another benefit that the NeoGraft system can offer is that the procedure can effectively reduce trauma and damage to hair follicles than conventional hair surgeries.
It has fewer complications. Because the technique is minimally invasive, the chances of surgical complication are meager because there are no incisions, stitches, or staples involved in the whole process. Moreover, because it uses automated machines, human error that cause nerves or blood vessel problems will be avoided.
NeoGraft hair transplant is a rapid procedure and has a brief recovery period. Suppose you are very busy and want to have a miraculous technique for your hair with a very quick approach. Well, NeoGraft is just for you! Compared to a conventional hair transplant, which may take several days for a large number of sessions, a NeoGraft transplant usually only takes about four to ten hours. Furthermore, people recover faster after a NeoGraft hair transplant than after a traditional hair transplant, mainly because the procedure itself is less invasive. Most people can go back to their routine within a few days of their procedure.
NeoGraft Hair Transplant has natural-looking results. NeoGraft uses hair follicles in batches of one to four units to create a natural-looking hairline compared to traditional hair transplant methods. These newly implanted hair follicles work with the natural hair growth cycle, and results continue to improve each week, with full realization at 9-12 months post-procedure.
Are you an ideal candidate for a NeoGraft hair transplant?
To be a good candidate for a NeoGraft transplant, you should be good overall health and capable of enduring topical anesthesia. In addition, you should not be experiencing any heart conditions, bleeding conditions, and inflammatory diseases; moreover, if you are prone to keloid or hypertrophic scarring, you should avoid this hair transplant procedure.
A NeoGraft transplant can is for any gender but primarily used for males with typical male pattern baldness. To have this procedure, the scalp in your thinned hair should still be capable of growing new hair.
What can you expect from the procedure?
Here’s what you can expect during a NeoGraft procedure: First, your surgeon will shave either your entire head or the segment of the scalp from which hair follicles will be donated. The next step is that they will apply a local anesthetic to your scalp. They may also offer you a mild sedative to help you relax during the procedure. Then, they will then extract your hair follicles with a particular device that uses pneumatic pressure. Your surgeon will then implant the hair follicles to the balding parts of your scalp using a specialized tool.
Aftercare Treatment
After your permanent hair restoration procedure, your doctor may advise you to wear bandages over your scalp for a few days. He may also recommend taking an anti-inflammatory drug or antibiotic to minimize inflammation and reduce the risk of infection.
Moreover, it is very imperative that after the treatment, you should avoid the following activities:
Strenuous exercise or workouts. As much as possible, avoid activities that can cause excessive sweating. This may lead to a longer recovery time.
Drinking alcohol. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it can dehydrate you,  prolong your recovery time, and increase your risk of discomfort. Moreover, it can raise your blood pressure to an unsafe level and reduce the supply of blood and crucial nutrients to your head.
Apply chemicals to your hair. For several weeks after the transplantation, your hair follicles are in an incredibly fragile state. So as much as possible, avoid applying any harsh chemicals that can slow down the recovery process.
Eating unhealthy foods like junk foods and fast foods. At this time, you are advised to eat nutritious food to be able for healthy blood to flow and adequate hydration during your recovery period. In addition, your hair needs lots of nutrients to grow thick, healthy, soft, sleek, strong, and beautiful.
Every man and woman may experience thinning or loss of hair. And it may lower self-esteem and self-confidence. So it can be very distressing and devastating if you are one of those experiencing this kind of problem.
But don’t worry, pal! Here at Imago Medical Spa, we use the most recent NeoGraft Hair Restoration System, making the hair transplant process more successful! We want you to experience the most effective and comprehensive hair restoration technique!
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