#kenren taisho
New Art for The Saiyuki Kagekiden-Gaiden Blu-Ray.
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navy-s-forest · 7 months
nataku tashi&chibi son goku
Comic【Impure Bing】
WHY did Nataku taishi have access to the supreme leader's bedroom?
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cosmicgardencreative · 8 months
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DTIYS of an illustration by Kazuya Minekura. Needed a subject that I wanted to experiment with workflow and brushes. Plus, meditating over old fandom is so therapeutic.
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TL;DR: Life is short. Just go ahead and write your story and draw your art. If you want to do something with your art, know that it won't be easy but it's possible as long as you keep learning, make good connections, and don't stop.
(Reflection of current art journey under read more)
This is of one of my favorite illustrations by Kazuya Minekura. If there's one big, major influence in my art journey, it's the creator of Gensomaden Saiyuki. I was maybe in 5th grade when I discovered the manga, which coincided with me seeing the anime on cable. A retelling of a Chinese folktale with a Japanese perspective: this was so appealing to me from harmonizing different cultures into one story, to beautiful men getting mixed with supernatural horror. This may as well have been my queer awakening then.
There was so much to be introspective about while drawing this… like how 6th grade me couldn't comprehend why people treated gay/queer as different from straight, my love for Asian folklore and mythology, and this burning desire to draw anything and everything. It only seemed appropriate that I'd gravitate towards Minekura as an art idol. And despite people's criticism for it, this is a foundation that I have no regrets in.
I remembered how much I wanted to emulate Minekura when I was younger. It's such a striking style! Unfortunately, my art journey has seen a lot of stop-and-go to the point I couldn't comprehend the progress made. There have been times where I just resented my art because I felt directionless with my creativity. Thanks to Ismaire and some art friends, though, I'm actually happy lately to see how much my "art style" evolved to where it is today.
While I was finishing up the rendering, I couldn't help wondering how Ms. Minekura had been doing since I last read Saiyuki Reload Vol. 4. Was she even still around? What about her other works, like Wild Adapter? I knew that she had a blog, but whenever I took a look at it in the past, the updates were sporadic then that it may as well have been a dead blog.
Then, after one more bout of curiosity, I came across her twitter/X profile.
It was both relieving and energizing to see so many works that I didn't know she had drawn then! I was so happy to see she seems to be thriving with her works, but I was surprised to see that she was still contending with many health problems. I had to pause in my scrolling through her profile at one point. How she could sound so positive and cheerful while she's dealing with Cushing's syndrome now? Last I heard anything major, she was about to undergo surgery for a tumor on her jaw -- and I only found out about that update through an online fan news years back o-o;;
I can't assume too much about Minekura's personal life, but with what she was willing to share with her fans online, I have a more nuanced respect for her as an adult creator.
It's so reassuring to see a creator like Minekura continue growing her creativity. I only hope to aspire to her level of good attitude despite IRL hurdles, while having the means to share such a prolific world for everyone else to enjoy.
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stevie-cartoony · 5 months
🌸Saiyuki Gaiden - past lives🌸
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theauthorityvol1 · 6 months
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they don't look like they're dressed to go to the same event
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theflyingcarroteen · 3 years
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Kenren's Suggestive words & flirting 101 🤭😹
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nanashinohime · 4 years
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Here are some of the tapestry displayed at Saiyuki Collab Cafe in Sega Cafe Ikebukuro
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randomwastelander · 6 years
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random doodle from a week ago.
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maty-yami · 7 years
I got tagged in this by @the-pug-addict Thank you so much! <3 X)
Rules: tell me your favorite characters from fictional works (movies, books, tv, video games, etc.) and tag 10 people!
This was really hard for me to do because my motto is: "Few but good" ( For me, obviously. Hahahaha! ) I don't know if in english is the same but in Italian we often say this (And very sorry for my bad english m(__)m )
Let's go! XD
1 - Ardyn - FFXV (He needs no introduction and/or motivation,he is Ardyn! <3 ) 2 - Capitan Harlock by Leiji Mastumoto (Manga/Anime/Movie) My eternal love from my childhood X3 3 - Cho Hakkai/Tenpou Gensui - Saiyuki/Saiyuki Gaiden  by Kazuya Minekura (My love n.1  in my favorite Manga) 4 - Sha Gojyo/Kenren Taisho - Saiyuki/Saiyuki Gaiden by Kazuya Minekura (my love n.2  in my favorite Manga) 5 - Laguna Loire - FFVIII (OMG! I love him! XD)   6 - Arumat P. Thanatos - Star Ocean 4 TLH  ( I played that game  for more than 500 hours just for him! hahahaha! Sorry, I'm mad XD ) 7 - Vampire Hunter D (Beautifull story and Character <3 ) 8 - Auron - FFX (Auron is Auron XP ) 9 - Alvin - Tales of Xillia/tales of Xillia 2 (Because yes; I played this two games just for him! Hahahaha! ) 10 - Raiden - Metal gear solid 2 and MGR  (I love his story <3 )
Now for the tags : @breath0ftheglacian, @jlavisant, @doriardyn, @rinai-romara, @immortalaccursed, @his-shining-tears, @enviousking, @rikkunikay, @hojolove, @zune-ishi
Sorry for the tags; I don't write too much because my english is very bad but I follow you and I hope is well :)
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lene85 · 7 years
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I've taken all I can take And I cannot wait We're wastin too much time Bein strong, holdin on Can't let it bring us down
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zalia · 7 years
Tagged by the delightful @crownleys
Name: Zalia
Nickname: Zal. Z
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Height: 5'6 I think? IDK
Orientation: *squiggly hand gesture*
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Favourite fruit: Pomegranates
Favourite season: Early summer
Favourite book series: Lord of the Rings, Imperial Radch, Song of the Lioness
Favourite flower:  I am not really good with flowers? 
Favourite scent: almond
Favourite colour: Purple
Favourite animals: Otters! And dogs.
Coffee, tea or cocoa: Hot chocolate all the way! 
Average sleep hours: 6-7is when I’m working anyway. If I’m not working I will usually crash for 9
Cat or dog person: Doggos!
Favourite fictional characters: Janine de Luca, Simon Lauchlan, Agent Washington, Kenren Taisho, Youji Kudou, 
Number of blankets you sleep with: One duvet
Dream trip: I do want to go to Australia and New Zealand sometime. I always would love to travel around Europe. 
Blog created: 2010 I think? Maybe 2011?
Number of followers: 544
Tagging @secretlystephaniebrown @straydog733
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saiyuki-chainsmokers · 3 months
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navy-s-forest · 10 months
After making eye contact with the person whose face I knew in my dream, he showed me their baby monkey - felt strangely angry
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nanashinohime · 4 years
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Here are more pictures inside Saiyuki Collab Cafe at Sega Cafe Ikebukuro
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saiyuki-chainsmokers · 2 months
💚Hakkai x Gojyo fanfictions recommendations!❤️
Just Say Yes by EzraTheBlue
Gojyo has a question. Or two.
First and Third by EzraTheBlue
Hakkai is celebrating, but Gojyo's not sure why.
Belling the Kappa by EzraTheBlue
Hakkai wants things sometimes. At present, to put limiters on Gojyo and not to tell him that he needs them.
Simple Joys by opalmatrix
Gojyo's learning that the right company makes even the mundane joyful.
Careful by Kispexi2
Sanzo gives Gojyo some unexpected advice leading to some interesting consequences.
Bodies in Motion by AbsoluteNegation
Sometimes you have to stop seeing to start perceiving.
Unconditional by summerbutterfly
Hakkai is self-conscious about his looks, but to Gojyo, he'll always be hot
Nine-Tenths by theskywasblue
Hakkai is possessive
Hold On by andmydog
Hakkai uses sex to remind Gojyo he's not to run off again - set after the defeat of Kami-sama.
How Fortunate the Man with None by Rroselavy
Coming to terms with abandonment is not Gojyo's strong suit.
Vulnerability by stirlingrequiem
Hakkai wishes he could have absolute faith in Gojyo this time, just like he always has before. Gojyo has always been his rock, someone he can depend on without fail, but when the time comes for him to repay everything Gojyo’s done for him, will he have the strength for it?
Ante Up by Tru
It’s become another bet between them, and Hakkai has raised the stakes thinking Gojyo won’t call.
Tease by Marks
The new youkai mark licks across the back of Gojyo’s throat the same way Hakkai wants to. Is he jealous of the thing that might make Gojyo lose his mind? Well, maybe.
The Doctor by EzraTheBlue
Prompt fill: Gojyo - "I know you love me and all but stop threatening the doctor"
Flowers and Poetry by EzraTheBlue
Hakkai complains that Gojyo isn't putting enough effort into being romantic. Gojyo takes it to heart.
Impulse by devera
An enemy spell goes right, eventually.
Terminal Diagnosis (NOT a death fic) by Despina
Booze, poker, and women just can't hold Gojyo's interest like they used to and his old way of life seems to be dying. He knows why, but before he can accept it, he needs to work through a few issues.
Written on the Skin by emungere, louise_lux
Gojyo gets Hakkai's vines tattooed on him. Hakkai notices.
Killing Ourselves to Live by Rose Argent (roseargent)
Gojyo and Hakkai are drawn into trouble far bigger than they expected. When everything goes wrong, at least one thing goes surprisingly right.
Appreciation by Anna_Fiona
Hakkai and Gojyo spend an evening together and Hakkai realizes his lover has earned some well deserved appreciation.
Dwelling in This Place by kansouame
Gojyo and Hakkai do a little breaking and entering.
Twisting Desire by Despina
Youkai!Hakkai/Gojyo: semi-noncon, vine!sex, heat of the moment, adrenaline, post-fight - Gojyo had harbored fantasies, but he wasn't sure if he was ready for this.
Hearts Afire by Despina
Hakkai struggles emotionally with what Gojyo means to him in light of their previous tryst. Gojyo has had enough of Hakkai’s angst. Follow up to Twisting Desire.
Penultimate by RoAnshi
A serious injury received while fighting youkai reminds Gojyo of another painful incident from his past. Warnings for depictions of child abuse and canon based incest implications. Nongraphic 58.
Over The Moon by EzraTheBlue
Gojyo had a lot of dreams. Most of them died when his daughter was born.
He thought.
Type H by Kirathaune
Gojyo suddenly develops a "type" - could it be for ...brunettes with green eyes?
Demons Dreaming by Briarwolf (Tru)
Gojyo has never really been the type to have pleasant dreams, but he comes to find that maybe it's just that the good ones don't come while he's asleep.
Down from the Red Hills by opalmatrix
When a limiter-less Hakkai chases some fleeing youkai into the hills and doesn't return, Gojyo goes after him. The journey back is much longer than he ever expected.
Pose by Ukoku2012
Walking back in, Gojyo was greeted with a sight that would have made a classical painter weep and scramble for their supplies: Hakkai half stretched out on his front, arms draped across the pillow with his head nestled between them. The lines of his back practically begged the eye to follow them down to where his ass was slipping out from the covers that were tangled around his legs. "Oh, we are not getting out of bed today," Gojyo growled, almost sprinting across the room.
Then Hakkai opened his one visible eye and Gojyo staggered from the disorienting wave of deja vu.
Flash in the Pan by theskywasblue
Gojyo hates washing dishes
Accidental Innocence by Crescentium
Hakkai and Gojyo have lived together for quite some time without actually living together, as it were. It does not mean they have not thought about it. There are accidents, and then there are accidents, and Gojyo might say "Bullshit."
Akin to Admiration or, Hakkai is a Jealous Bastard by tropicsbear
Shān had never been turned down by a man before. Ever. She wasn’t about to let this one get away.
Fire at Midnight by opalmatrix
Their adventuring days were over and that was just fine with Gojyo. Or so he thought.
Fanning the Spark by opalmatrix
A day of play in the fresh snow turns into something serious — and eventually, something else entirely.
Until Something by jedishampoo
After their bout with the Seiten Taisei, Hakkai and Gojyo move into a new kind of relationship.
Keeping Up Appearances by AbsoluteNegation
Two years after the end of the Journey, Gojyo and Hakkai might just be the two people they know least actively involved in getting the two of them together.
Care and Keeping of Your Kappa by EzraTheBlue
What if Gojyo is reverted to a more feral nature under the influence of the Minus Wave? Hakkai must draw on whatever resources he has to maintain his favorite kappa's health and well-being in order to keep him sane until a solution is found. Minor spoilers for recent chapters.
found a place to rest my head by Nakimochiku
"Do you ever feel like something's missing?"
"Something? Like what?"
(Or, the Happy Ending AU where Gojyo and Hakkai get jobs, get married, and adopt children)
There Needs No Ghost by Daegaer
Sanzo has a job for Gojyo and Hakkai. Unfortunately Hakkai has left Gojyo to his own devices, and has gone ghost hunting for some peace and quiet.
A Question of Trust by Sharpeslass
It's Gojyo's birthday, but he's not the only one in for some surprises.
Lauds by Nakimochiku
Hakkai's god is of the body, so he worships him with his body.
Wherever I Find Myself by louise_lux
"This place is a dump," Gojyo said, looking around.
He wasn't wrong. The unmistakable smell of mould curled through the rooms. The floorboards creaked and groaned under every step. The kitchen had been ransacked. Every pot and pan and plate—some of them still containing dried crusts of what had once presumably been food—had been pulled from the tables and cupboards and onto the floor. Clothes were flung about the bedroom; they lay collapsed on the rotting rugs like dead bodies, all covered in dust.
The owner, Mr Chan, stood next to Hakkai. He had a sooty black mole on his bald head. It wasn't a youkai mark. "The last people left in a hurry. I couldn't find any one to rent during the—bad time." He darted his gaze away from Hakkai and fixed it on the mess on the floor.
"It'll take a lot of cleaning," Hakkai said. "I like it."
Proving It by aeternum_vale
As the journey draws near the end, Hakkai and Gojyo finally feel they are different people willing to say what they need to.
The Sinews of the Heart by theskywasblue
Hakkai always assumed he would be the one to go mad.
The World Through a Monocle by Nadare
When one discussion between a pair of friends crosses a line, would you embrace that new change or disregard it? Vague spoilers for Saiyuki Gaiden.
1001 by macavitykitsune
A death sends Hakkai down the path of déja vu and a thousand deaths, but the ending might not be the same.
Negative Movement by Sylvia
Gojyo's been feeling kinda off for a couple days or so. Turns out it's not the flu.
A Momentary Lapse of Reason by Rroselavy
Hakkai does a bad, bad thing. Can Gojyo forgive him?
The Best Medicine by theskywasblue
Hakkai helps Gojyo trade pain for pleasure.
Jealous of Your Cigarette by TJ_Dragonblade
Gojyo's smoking inspires Hakkai
Simple Pleasures by theskywasblue
Sha Gojyo is a simple man.
The Bottom Line by opalmatrix
Gojyo needs some new jeans. Hakkai's going to make sure they get their money's worth.
Proof by emungere
Gojyo/Hakkai, knifeplay or whipping – Hakkai begging reluctant Gojyo to tie him down and hurt him.
One of Those Things by scribblemoose
Playing Doctor by TJ_Dragonblade
Healer Hakkai and Gojyo with a minor wound...
You Can Bend, or You Can Break by Viridian5
Waking up after his youkai fight with Seiten Taisei after Goku’s nearly fatal shooting, Hakkai asks Gojyo for some information and makes some conclusions.
Bound by ehvul_butterfly (summerbutterfly)
Gojyo/Hakkai: bondage - Perhaps it was a bit extreme, but he was tired of Gojyo whoring around without even noticing him.
Need by Sylvia
Sha Gojyo isn't what anyone needs, really. Or is he?
Distant Relations by Sylvia
"Well, well," the water-imp said, a distinct hint of condescension in his tone. "What a surprise."
Rest in Pieces, or What a rescue Ent(r)ails by AbsoluteNegation
One take on what might have happened in the immediate aftermath of Hakkai's daring rescue of Gojyo in the Burial arc. A bit of romance, a touch of humour, and a lot of blood.
Tenacious by Lady_Ganesh
Things don't always go easily on the journey back home.
Other Nights Than This by theskywasblue
Gojyo wonders about the past.
Reflections by Kirathaune
A much-needed haircut gives Gojyo an opportunity to discover something about himself... and Hakkai, too. Minor spoilers for Blast Volume 3.
Déjà Vu by AluraGayle
Even with his limiters in place, Hakkai still battles for control. Sometimes, he can slip.
Home from the Sea, Home from the Hill by emungere
Hakkai is weird.
This, Gojyo feels, is something that people tend to forget. Even Sanzo seems to take Hakkai at face value more often than not, and Hakkai's face always shows the same value. Gojyo knows better.
The Lesson by Lady_Ganesh
Gojyo and Hakkai spend some time in the classroom.
Take the Chill Out by theskywasblue
Gojyo still remembers long winters when he shivered relentlessly, wore every piece of clothing he owned, and smoked to stay warm - felt like that was the only thing there was to do - but these days his joints ache in the deep winter; he’d rather be warm than look like a tough guy.
💚Hakkai x Gojyo❤️x🖤Tenpou x Kenren💜
As it is in heaven by chibi_zoe
The actions of Earth are merely a reflection of the actions in Heaven.
Red Wine Celebration by GloriousGoblinQueen
Kenren gets Tenpou something special for his birthday. A little over 500 years later, something similar occurs.
🖤Tenpou x Kenren💜
Beauty by Lady_Ganesh
The Field Marshal watches his General.
Echoes of a Red Chamber Dream by summerbutterfly
Away from the pressures of Heaven, Tenpou dreams.
The Courtship of Tenpou Gensui by MistressRenet
Kenren knows exactly what he wants. Tenpou resists, for a while.
on your knees, general by antikytheras
Kenren accidentally proposes.
No Me Without You by opalmatrix
When Kenren is seriously injured, Tenpou comes face to face with his feelings about "that person."
The Nature of the Rose by opalmatrix
Sometimes, explanations are helpful. This is not one of those times.
Just like this, forever by ItsAiryBro
Kenren has needs, and Tenpou loves to satisfy them
The Pencil Is Mightier by HelenaHandbasket
"Oftentimes, one can gain the upper hand by simply encouraging the opponent's body to continue in the direction it is naturally inclined to go."
I'm 10 years late, guys, but I'm ready to be a part of this fandom!
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navy-s-forest · 7 months
[Chakra loss] and [Vision correction] mutual aid Society
“It's okay. People care about it at first, and then they get used to it”
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